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Dr Judy Mikovits #AnimalInjectionsBreachHumanCells #CancerCauseDiscovered Dr Brian Hooker ##RussiaStockingBioweapons #PlantsandHerbsCure

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
February 24, 2022 3:13 pm

Dr Judy Mikovits #AnimalInjectionsBreachHumanCells #CancerCauseDiscovered Dr Brian Hooker ##RussiaStockingBioweapons #PlantsandHerbsCure

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Grig Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry and by the prayer and support of Pastor Grig Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community. Before this community was drinking a dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness but now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Grig Young and Chosen Generation Ministry and all the supporters and we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and a needy community those who are really having a problem of the waters. God bless you and keep us in your prayer and this pastor is Pastor Jackie has been doing the ministry here in this village and really this village is a really in a big need of a church building. Keep us in prayer.

God bless you. And this is this borewell we have put and we are so thankful for all of you. Hey this is Pastor Greg for only 400 dollars just 400 American dollars we can drill and buy the equipment to put in these life-changing wells. Would you consider making a donation today forward slash Pastor Greg forward slash Pastor Greg only 400 dollars changes thousands of lives for generations you can be a part of that today forward slash Pastor Greg please consider making your best donation today. We thank and praise God that God has enabled us to put the board well here in this community with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and chosen generation ministry and this community is so grateful because now they are getting pure and fresh water in their home and they are doing well and their health is doing good. Therefore we would like to request all our supporters and Pastor Greg Young and their chosen generation ministry that there are many villages in Punjab those who are really having big problem of getting pure and fresh water in their villages in their communities and God if God is putting in your heart to donate anything to do or to put the borewells in a needful and poor villages then you can directly contact Pastor Greg Young or a chosen generation ministry and we pray and we bless all the people those who have been doing and supporting this borewell through Pastor Greg Young and chosen generation ministry and this pastor is doing the ministry in this community and please keep us in your prayer and we are praying for all those who have been supporting to put this borewell through Pastor Greg Young and chosen generation ministry God bless you and God be with you all and always keep us in your prayer we are also praying for you thank you thank you and you can have obtained mercy and now chosen generation where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses and now here's your host Pastor Greg and welcome to the program great to have you with me thanks so much for tuning in I know you have a choice and where you can listen each and every day and I thank you for keeping it tuned here to chosen generation radio I've got a great program lined up for you today bottom of our number two Tracy Fenton joins us on the program look forward to having Tracy with us we'll be talking about freedom at work a new paradigm a new way to look at your job a new way to be successful on the job we'll talk to Tracy about that also coming up top of the next hour Todd Bensman is going to be with us we're going to talk about the security issues at the border here in Texas Todd's been down there and we'll talk about the the terrorist potential issues relative to that as well many many many many Afghanis were brought into the country flown into the country by this administration unvetted and now have been released and now a a new IG report states that they are in fact they know circulating somewhere in our country individuals some of them that are that are now identified to be known terrorists have been identified as being released and floating around in our nation so we'll talk about that at the top of the next hour but we're devoting this entire hour really to dealing with the issue of the vaccine mandates the impacts of that on your body what can you do and and the disinformation that is out there and one of the premier warriors in fighting this fight someone who has been at the forefront of bringing this to everyone's attention really from the very beginning and and and her research was lauded as being responsible for identifying issues related to vaccines in total and the damage that that the way in which the vaccine was put together and and let's be very clear this is not about getting anti-vax this is about identifying a problem with how vaccines were being produced and identifying that there needed to be some changes made and suddenly she became a villain for it and I want to welcome uh the person who is directly uh and and with a badge of honor responsible for my program being pulled from youtube I want to welcome dr judy magovitz dr judy great to have you good to be back good to be back you were you were strike number one strike number two strike number three strike number four and then you're out of there yeah it's all my fault uh you know there's there's that there's that line and a few good men that jack nicholson made favorite uh famous you want the truth you can't handle the truth uh that's that's that's really that's what's going on in uh in social media they you know they they can't handle those of us that are delivering the truth about what's really going on and we I guess we didn't really get to this but I I it's easy for you to transition into this your research indicated going back to 1934 that there were problems with how the vaccines were being manufactured how they were being created and that those issues were showing up in an increase in a variety of illnesses from alzheimer's to uh cancers to uh parkinson's disease I mean a number of the dementia possibly even aids that's another one can can you can you speak to that and and uh and and what you you know what what you were hoping they would do differently so that uh so the vaccines would no longer be contaminated yeah sure I'm not quite as old as 1934 yeah of course but but yes yeah after after we made our discoveries about mouse viruses um infecting humans and and being strongly associated with diseases like autism myopic encephalitis um that's inflammation in the brain and the spinal cord multiple sclerosis prostate cancer leukemia lymphoma and we had isolated from people with those diseases um of course you see lots of opportunistic infections you see these people are sick they have they have acquired immune deficiency or dysfunction they have AIDS um and so they're very similar immunological defects a crash a totally dysfunctional immune system and yet they didn't have HIV um they had mouse viruses and this was the discovery we published in um in october october 8th of 2009 and i'd been working on this particular family of diseases the neural immune diseases only since 2006 my previous um 25 years 26 years had been in um HIV AIDS the other human retrovirus human t-cell leukemia or lymphoma virus so you start to see that these families of viruses human retroviruses which prior to 1980 when my mentor Frank Rossetti had isolated the first disease causing human retrovirus that one that caused a very aggressive t-cell leukemia largely in Brazil and Japan you see because viruses are endemic that is they're in regions of the world um where you know they just live in the animal kingdom well we were using what our research showed after i was jailed in 2011 as this discovery became bigger a bigger and bigger problem to governments worldwide um meaning um we found lots of disease associations we found the blood supply had been contaminated for more than 30 years with the mouse viruses and and monkey viruses and pig viruses and um cow viruses because we use all of these animals animal cells animal blood animal cell cell lines continuously growing as manufacturing plants of vaccines so um ken tech and lively my co-author um it was researching this after after i was released from jail in 2011 for refusing to recant the work you know this is you know a biblical a spiritual war being refusing to recant and say i'd made a mistake we went all the way back kent went all the way back to 1934 in los angeles and the first cases of autism in our country were happening to doctors and nurses in la hospital how interesting and those were the people that they were testing polio vaccines on and polio is a virus that that there are many strains of enterovirus the family of viruses that is polio but only the polio virus at the time had adapted to infect the brain to cause encephalitis in the brain and so they had been making testing vaccines and in mice passing the polio virus through mouse brains in order to weaken it they call it attenuated and that of course is gain of function that of course is gain of function because you're teaching the virus to calm down theoretically but when you're calming it down it was recognized back by the doctors doing the work and the researchers we highlight a scientist named brody who actually killed himself um theoretically um as as um as people are finding out what's happening that they were actually generating more dangerous more virulent viruses and recognize that a mouse virus that did nothing to the mouse except regulated brain function we now appreciate all animals species all the way back to lizards and even plants have viruses retroviruses and other viruses that regulate their immune responses that actually teach their bodies given by god what is self and what is not what is your viral what is good bacteria what is good virus the impact of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil impact all the way to the cell and god's warning that once you eat of it you will now have released death into the world which it did and that death is many as has uh birthed itself shown itself manifested itself all the way to the cellular level so actually your research highlights a a very strong biblical biblical scriptural truth go ahead judy i just think it's interesting yeah that that is correct our our research highlights manifest a very strong biblical truth you don't change at the cellular level every every tissue organ system made by god planted by god has has this protection around it of of literally viruses that are yours that are expressed explicitly to talk to the bacteria the good commensal we called it decades ago when i started my research so it's a dance between all of nature to show you self and non-self metabolize plants as food and an animal as food but right there in in genesis you know it was good genesis 131 made the entire universe and it was good and we were born with a system to recognize what is other virus from other animals and plants and beings and what is human and that's that's continually continuously expressed at all times so we recognize you can't pass a monkey virus a polio virus another virus through an animal brain through you can't inject it they call it transfecting it inoculating another animal you're likely to to acquire to put in that needle the animal virus that is actually protecting the animal um and and causing illness in in humans right so all the way back in 1934 this is chapter five of our first book flag so all the way back in 1934 um we saw a big cover-up is hospital workers health care workers their families the doctors you know they were shedding oh you know the injection shed the kids said the kids began to get autism as their parents were actually thinking they were doing the right thing and and it says in libidicus don't ingest and don't inject we don't know how that scene was pronounced biblically wow all right we're going to take a good break we get back more dr judy it's breaking down for us this issue of how these vaccines were created and how they were incubated in animals and the incubation in the animals breached barriers and really uh has given us now in our bodies these illnesses that are animal related because we weren't supposed to inject animal virus into our bodies that that was not god's plan and and again there's been this mutation in this increase in this acceleration of these immune deficiency illnesses we're back to talk about how we hi this is master greg host of the children generation radio show if you follow my program you know i'm a miracle survivor of a catastrophic car accident where i saved my daughter's life spent six weeks on life support died four times and broke bones in my head neck back ribs arms pelvis and both legs that was in 2017 in 2004 i was given three to six months to live as my pituitary gland and adrenal gland shut down in both instances god and his natural cures saved and preserved my life recently i was introduced to a product that has taken my healing to a whole nother level if you want to know more go to and sign up for an account it's free to sign up that's and sign up for your free account and when you get done email me at pg at that's pg at and i'll tell you how to get well are you getting up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night still tired stop it doesn't have to be that way that's why mike lindell started my pillow and after his success helping people sleep better with the pillow mike decided to go all in he found giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress stopper and since stores won't carry his product he's passing that savings on to you use the code pastorgreg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children call today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236 nowhere else are you going to be able to sleep well and know that you have fed starving kids use the code pastorgreg call my pillow today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236 for the best night's sleep in the whole wide world do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless open borders spending on crazy the prospect of more mandates lockdowns inflation and the list goes on there's something you can do buy from companies that believe what you and i believe we need to stick together now more than ever and there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012 patriot mobile patriot mobile is america's only christian conservative wireless provider they offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers patriot mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multi-line accounts they are 100 u.s based providing exceptional customer service most importantly patriot mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom constitutional rights sanctity of life first responders and veterans use the code chosen for free activation call 972 patriot 972 patriot call today use the code chosen patriot forward slash chosen this is adam mundall with state air and we are sponsors of chosen generation and pastor greg sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and i want to encourage you to join me in sponsoring chosen generation and pastor greg call him today at 830-446-3624 once again that's 830-446-3624 i know your business will be blessed as ours is and i challenge you to this blessing thank you hi this is pastor greg host of the chosen generation radio show reminding you that we have a two-hour program monday through friday with great interviews on topics that impact you our goal is to return our country to a biblically based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over 150 years you are a part of that vision so please join us at chosen generation chosen generation and sign up for our emails today now back to chosen generation with your host pastor greg pastor greg and don't forget you can get more chosen generation at www.chosen generation and welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses i want you to take a couple quick um actions for me if you would be so kind uh the first one is if if you uh are watching us online in particular you just saw pastor samuel that's my lead pastor in india standing with a group of people at a well that we put into a community and the lives of those people and and uh as about 2 000 others around that community have now been changed for generations because of this fresh water well would you please consider making a donation today at forward slash pastor greg forward slash pastor greg or you can go to the website at chosen generation or that's the india website it goes into the faith harvest church account and we will make sure that those funds are used to put a well in india we will film it and we will post it we do that with every well that we put in we film it we pray i pray over the site that the lord will use that site to change and touch lives not just physically but spiritually mentally and emotionally as well and i pray that you would join us in that and then the second thing up at the top of the screen if you're watching again you'll see cgr i encourage you to go there and get signed up this is high quality product that will help build your immune system and i'm taking these products i started taking this stuff when i went to trinity health freedom expo uh which is where i got to meet dr judy in person for the first time by the way and uh and it was an eva products and she may even have some insight about that but but we're not going to talk about that particularly other than i just want you to get get signed up do your own research on the products cleveland clinic is where they run the majority of their tests they're clinically proven to work and i have health care professionals that i'm referring to this site that are buying literally thousands of dollars of product a month to share with their patients because of the results that they get by using these products dr judy we were talking in the break about cancer and i'll be 60 in april and i was thinking you know when i was a kid cancer was something i mean if if someone if you happened to know someone and generally you didn't generally it was somebody you knew who knew somebody who knew somebody or was related to somebody that had cancer i mean it was several stages removed from everyone and it was so rare and they didn't have cancer centers they didn't have md anderson's in cities and they didn't have any of that you went to your regular doctor and he sent you to the hospital and they hoped that you didn't you know well they knew you were going to die they just basically they they tried to make you comfortable until you did i mean that was it that was the treatment right that's and that's how our first book plague opens up that's how my life opens up i'm 63 i'll be 64 in april and um and we you know my grandfather got cancer cancer when i was about 10 years old and you know it was unheard of and so i started my journey thinking of god food is medicine that you know the very first book i ever saw was vitamin c and cancer linus pauling and i just and i have it and it's actually autographed i have two copies i don't know where i found the autograph copy but that was the book and i'm like you can cure cancer with food and and so then i hear 20 years you know a decade a decade later after i graduated college june 10 1980 i started at the national cancer institute which had just been turned at fort detrick from bio warfare into the cancer institute wow and all the cancer institute cared about was isolating viruses that cause cancer and that's what i just mentioned before the break up my mentor discovered the first human cancer-causing retrovirus that was endemic in japan so something about disruption in their food supply and now in today's paper or the the thing i just got on my phone when i popped up it says new highly virulent variant of hiv has suddenly popped up the discovery of hiv variant shows the virus to evolve to be more serious and contagious no it's not involving they're being manufactured right there at fort detrick where for four decades since you know 1975 my my mentor first dr frank rissetti and you can see all of this in ending plague frank rissetti writes for the first time in our book ending plague a scholar's obligation in an age of corruption well what we realize um you know at the end of this book what we realize when when we were both taken out of science um that is um silenced our careers ruined we realized the viruses we were producing manufacturing there at fort netrick for biowarfare were being used to cause cancer in our people in our very people my gosh well and and folks that's why i'm encouraging you to sign up at because these are foods that's that's what they've created they have liquefied food and and liquefied nutrients so that they're more effective in getting into your body because a liquid is more effective and has a greater impact than a pill and that's what they've done at aniva and if you go to and get signed up you'll also be benefiting our india ministry and our radio ministry with every with every purchase they're going to give a percentage of that purchase to the ministry as a donation so we encourage you to do that get signed up today but get healthy now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom there's no better way to do so than by joining the association of mature american citizens amac amac is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in america well over two million people have joined and now carry the amac membership card amac was built by regular folks to feel the same way you do you're not alone amac believes in and stands up for the values that made america so great we're fighting the good fight against reckless government spending and the ever expanding scope of federal government we believe in the sanctity of our constitution so if you're 50 or over and hold to traditional american values you no longer have to feel alone call the association for mature american citizens amac and get great discounts and support your values call today eight five five six nine six seven nine three oh eight five five six nine six seven nine three oh use the code pastor greg get your first year absolutely free do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless open borders spending on crazy the prospect of more mandates lockdowns inflation and the list goes on there's something you can do buy from companies that believe what you and i believe we need to stick together now more than ever and there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012 patriot mobile patriot mobile is america's only christian conservative wireless provider they offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers patriot mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multi-line accounts they are 100 u.s based providing exceptional customer service most importantly patriot mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom constitutional rights sanctity of life first responders and veterans use the code chosen for free activation call 972 patriot 972 patriot call today use the code chosen patriot forward slash chosen greetings student generation army i'm so grateful to be connected with you my listeners you are some of the most engaged responsive loving and caring people i know i need to bring to your attention an urgent need for our ministries in india while there has become a focus on the wiggers in china our ministries in jammu kashmir and punjab are being terrorized by those same wiggers the taliban and the mounting ccp army at the border of india between these threats and the lockdowns we find ourselves in need of additional financial support i'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families our orphans our widows our bible students and our community outreaches 15 will feed a pastor's family for a month 20 funds our sewing school instructor and 150 a week funds our base operations the orphans the bible school students even the sewing school and our senior indigenous pastor samuel so please go to forward slash pastor greg that's forward slash pastor greg or you can call me at 209-380-8654 209-380-8654 to make your donation over the phone please call us contact me today and make your best donation thank you and god bless you hi this is pastor greg host of the chosen generation radio show reminding you that we have a two-hour program monday through friday with great interviews on topics that impact you our goal is to return our country to a biblically based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers and what made our nation the greatest in the world for over 150 years you are a part of that vision so please join us at chosen generation radio dot com chosen generation radio dot com and sign up for our emails today did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer visit to support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation now back to chosen generation with pastor greg and welcome back to children generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses and my special guest is dr brian hooker children's health and i got a chance to meet up with dr brian face to face at the trinity health freedom expo as well and that was fun i got a chance to uh get he and dr judy to be able to say hello to one another uh in in the break so that was that was really really neat and i'm so glad that we were able to do that dr brian welcome to the program it's so good to have you well it is so good to be here and it's it was also so good to uh be able to chat with one of my heroes dr judy mike of it and um uh great always great to be on your show there's um uh there there's not a whole lot to talk about today huh no no no no no it's kind of kind of kind of boring uh you know there's just uh yeah not not not too much uh not too much going on at all you know the uh uh you know uh dr fauci is out there telling us the truth and the the cdc is you know giving us all the statistics that we need and and and and everything is uh rosie everything is it's only it's only you know if that were true i would probably go home and take a nap but i haven't had time to do that neither have you no no we have not no brother we have not uh this well i mean you recorded the cdc lying and now uh finally we're seeing some press coverage that ends you know outing them for holding back and and lying about the statistics relative to vaccine injuries um talk to me about how how that i don't know how that makes you feel i what you know what what are your thoughts when when you when you finally see i mean you tried to make people aware and you had undeniable evidence and they of course tried to vilify you as they as they do when people speak the truth these days now you're being vindicated well it is it was really interesting you know to see one of the headlines and this was actually in the new york times regarding the cdc withholding data um regarding vaccine adverse events for the covet 19 vaccine and you know in some ways i felt vindicated uh in some ways i also felt frustrated like you know what you're about seven years too late you should have done you should have done this much earlier um and and it's weird the you know the level of justification and the level of well you know cdc doesn't want the anti-vaxxers to get this information and again if you are um uh if you're a vaccine hesitant then or you're or you're opposed to vaccines or you're concerned about vaccine safety then you get marginalized and thrown under the bus and it's okay to lie in this particular case because we're protecting you from those evil anti-vaxxers and and you know it just it it smacks of this level of hubris of you know we trust the government we we have your best interests at heart where or or but we're going to go we're going to turn around and be extremely untrustworthy but that doesn't make a difference well and dr judy just spent the last half hour and we're doing a series with her she'll be back by the way folks on the 10th of march and again on the 24th of march we're having her every other week to touch to educate us on this on the seriousness and the severity and why it is that we have so much uh you know issues like leukemia and lymphoma and uh and and cancer and uh parkinson's disease and alzheimer's disease and dementia and so on and so on and so on and so on and and of course they lauded her and and dr frank rosette and their discovery initially until the attorneys got a hold of it and realized the potential uh exposure liability exposure of all these pharmaceutical companies and i i you know i wear with pride the badge dr judy is my is my badge uh for my banning for life from youtube for exposing all of this exactly exactly you know and and you have you tell the truth you get banned um i've been shadow banned from facebook and it's it's kind of um interesting you know i've got about 5 000 friends on facebook which is a really friendly place for me but you know i post something like that and i'll get like a like i'll get one like over a period of you know 12 days so you know um that that you know this is we're we're being censored at every turn and i've seen the platform working for children's health defense gets censored and i've seen bobby kennedy jr get get deplatformed off of instagram and twitter and um you know they're trying to silence us but but you know people people like you pastor greg you just don't quit and um and i'm so grateful for that you you we can't give up believe me and and there is a spiritual component to this as well and i'm going to just touch on this briefly because i i want to i want to get into a couple other things with you dr brian but there's a spiritual aspect that this is evil okay and and this is uncorking and releasing absolute evil into the world and they're doing it by by by mutating animal and human cells you know i think about what what's that what's the name of that of that movie uh that was i want to say dr javago but i don't think that's not the one i'm thinking of oh the island of dr moro that's the one yes the island yes the island of dr moro you know folks you gotta understand i mean it's like when they came up with you know rocket man and and they came up in the 1950s with uh you know the the the space traveler superhero guy um you know those those things were all predicated on writers and and creators that had friends that were involved in programs whose goal was to put us in space put us on the moon uh you know create a a uh uh a habitation on mars things of those nature and and so right you know you have to understand that you know that that that island of dr moro was predicated on things that had been studied and things that the writers understood about things that were being experimented upon and what they believed could be a possible mutated issue because of what was going on in laboratories that nobody was talking about and here we are absolutely and here we are yeah um and by the way we're modifying the human race it's been done it's been done in china you know already there are you know there are there's at least one report of twins who are gene altered who are gene altered at the embryo stage and you know this is it's very very scary i'm glad you i'm glad you brought that up and i and i and i want to move on because you've got other questions but but yes it is you know it's it's art imitating life and and and we are actually already there well and and and let's let me let you folks know that that dr brian's area of expertise is is in the molecular structure and and in the study of virology that that is that is the that that's where he hangs his hat that's what he does tell folks a little bit about that background if you would just give us about a 60-second commercial about about you and and and your qualifications in this arena sure well um i i used to work for a department of energy uh national laboratory this is back um after i got my phd in 1990 and one of the things that i did did was i was uh genetically modifying plants not to make gmo foods but actually to make human human blood products we were we were looking at uh the whole uh issue of of individuals um receiving contaminated blood and contaminated blood products and trying to address that using genetically modified plants so i was thick into that industry and i was thick into that business and saw you know um uh just the uh intricacies and and it was very you know it it actually caused me to grow closer to god because i saw how fearfully and wonderfully we're made and how fearfully and wonderfully creation is made uh in in making you know these these types of hybrid plants um i'm i'm out of that research i'm actually kind of glad that i'm out of that i'm out of that research because there are so many things that flirt with ethical issues that really really make me uncomfortable but i did have a solid you know 10 years of experience where all we did was genetically modified plants and of course it does speak to the the fact that you know plants and and healthy food and natural foods and so on are a huge significant and important part of building the immune system and a healthier body and combating a lot of these things that have been put into our body and that get into our body through one of the largest organs of our body which is our skin every single day and what you have on the inside is what helps you to defend yourself against what's coming at you from the outside gosh is there not a spiritual correlation to that dr brian absolutely absolutely it is it's what what's within it's what on the what's on the inside and you know we don't uh we we wash the whole cup we wash the insides of the cup um not just the outside of the cup uh as jesus said and so um anyhow no i i really appreciate that all right we're gonna take a quick break we'll be back after this remember that he who is in you is greater than he who's in the world he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world back right after this this is adam mundall with state air and we are sponsors of chosen generation and pastor greg sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and i want to encourage you to join me in sponsoring chosen generation and pastor greg call him today at 8 30 4 4 6 3 6 2 4 once again that's 8 30 4 4 6 3 6 2 4 4 i know your business will be blessed as ours is and i challenge you to this blessing thank you chosen generation and sign up for our emails today do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless open borders spending on crazy the prospect of more mandates lockdowns inflation and the list goes on there's something you can do buy from companies that believe what you and i believe we need to stick together now more than ever and there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012 patriot mobile patriot mobile is america's only christian conservative wireless provider they offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers patriot mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multi-line accounts they are 100 u.s based providing exceptional customer service most importantly patriot mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom constitutional rights sanctity of life first responders and veterans use the code chosen for free activation call 972 patriot 972 patriot call today use the code chosen patriot forward slash chosen are you getting up in the morning feeling like you and your bed had a bad night still tired stop it doesn't have to be that way that's why mike lindell started my pillow and after his success helping people sleep better with the pillow mike decided to go all in he found giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress stopper and since stores won't carry his product he's passing that savings on to you use the code pastor greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children call today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236 nowhere else are you gonna be able to sleep well and know that you have fed starving kids use the code pastor greg call my pillow today 800-662-9236 800-662-9236 for the best night's sleep in the whole wide world visit my hi this is pastor greg host of the children generation radio show if you follow my program you know i'm a miracle survivor of a catastrophic car accident where i saved my daughter's life spent six weeks on life support died four times and broke bones in my head neck back ribs arms pelvis and both legs that was in 2017 in 2004 i was given three to six months to live as my pituitary gland and adrenal gland shut down in both instances god and his natural cures saved and preserved my life recently i was introduced to a product that has taken my healing to a whole nother level if you want to know more go to and sign up for an account it's free to sign up that's and sign up for your free account and when you get done email me at pg at pastor greg that's pg at pastor greg and i'll tell you how to get well look i am for marriage between a man and a woman i am for life from conception i am for following the bible and i believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles i am in support of our military and believe that america should play a role in world security i believe our constitution was intended for a moral people and that the bible contains the only true moral code i believe we are all born sinners and that god in his grace and mercy sent his son jesus christ to die for our sins and that if we will confess our sins he is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness i believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer but that it is found in how that transformation is lived out jesus is to be the lord of our lives and we should follow biblical precepts this is not legalism or works but a life lived out in love and honor towards the one who died for my sins faith without works is dead and is no faith at all i believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that god will ultimately bring us into perfect action through jesus christ spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress i believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall but we repent and get up and move closer to jesus i believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness that god will heal our land i believe that as a christian i must occupy till he comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts as a part of the mandated christianity that to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me it means that i must risk scorn to stand for truth and that i can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world god is my everything and jesus is the love of my life that does not make me weak but strong not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous therefore if you are my friend while we may not fully agree know that i share what i share because i care if you strongly disagree with these beliefs they are not debatable for me and you can if you choose unfriend me i do not say this in anger but in love i wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that jesus christ is the only way to salvation and that god not man gets to decide what is truth life and the way god bless you you can support chosen generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting www dot chosen generation radio dot com and now back to chosen generation with pastor greg and welcome back to chosen generation radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glass is my special guest dr brian hooker children's defense dot org so this is in the uh it's a desirae news when will we see a new covid 19 variant and according to a dr james taylor i'm an optimist i think things are going to continue to get better and i think our immune system as a society is going to get stronger and stronger and this virus is going to get weaker and weaker as we see new variants form will get shorter in duration and shorter in intensity but he goes on to suggest that there's going to be a more variance after omicron and if they're more transmissible they will dominate in addition they may cause different patterns of illness in other words they may turn out to be more lethal or more long have more long long have more long-term consequences this is uh david nabora a special envoy on covid 19 for the who uh the uh little title excerpt said uh a new covid 19 variant could arrive in the next three to four months according to a florida doctor excuse me what's happening scientists are watching covid 19 trends to determine when a new coronavirus variant may arrive the next new covid 19 variant may arrive in the next three to four months dr james taylor a medical doctor told wink news a local news station in southwestern florida and if you type in marber or marburg m-a-r-b-u-r-k variant uh or uh is it moberg or marburg i think it's marburg marburg marburg virus yes yes and and so that's that's the next big thing they're they're going to start pushing is the marburg variant it's it's so interesting if i can jump in here it's so interesting to see that you know as as covid is winding down and and you know we're seeing the virus mutate in a way that you would expect viruses to mutate they do become more transmissible but they do become also less lethal and uh and uh they do less damage less uh what we would call virulence but they do become more transmissible but it's it's odd um that the you know the the the individuals that are out there are predicting the next pandemic and they're you know i i believe there are people in the government that seem almost giddy at the at the uh at the prospect of having a new variant of a new pandemic to fight because of all of the civil liberties all the freedoms that we gave up we gave up and more freedoms that could be uh relinquished in the name of a pandemic emergency so it's it's it's odd that you know they're predicting okay well this pandemic is winding down omicron is you know is is working its way through society and but now just wait we've got more we've got another pandemic marburg that's waiting in the wings and um and it's odd because we haven't had we haven't really had a pandemic since the spanish flu and but yet now they're predicting another pandemic on the heels of covet 19. yeah well and and and now there's also some information on dr zalenko news that russia is uh has stockpiled this as a potential bioweapon and i'm sure of course having seen how well china's bioweapon and i do believe that it was the wuhan virus or the ccp virus and it was released intentionally and it was used as a bioweapon a warfare weapon uh directly against the united states that is that is dr uh dr brian i i believe that completely and i have tracked it and i have reported on it and i have had experts come on and talk about it and people who are direct witnesses to what was going on in wuhan and how the ccp uh armed used humans and and and then sent those humans out into the rest of the world knowing that they were infected and we're supposed to uh take the take the story that this somehow mutated and it somehow mutated and went through 200 years worth of evolution you know within a period of less than 10 years and so you know i i believe you're spot on with your uh with your analysis um it's just you know in their early emails in email traffic uh between anthony fauci and this these were received by a foyer and his experts and they told them the same thing that look this thing has changed too much and it wouldn't have changed this to this extent if it would if it had changed naturally so the origin you know it all points to wuhan and and so i bring that up and in looking at dr zalenko's news about you know the potential marburg virus and he's got a a treatment already up to build your immune system and that's great i i get that uh but you know he's saying that russia has has stockpiled this potentially as a bioweapon and you're looking at what has happening right now uh russia has committed a blitzkrieg against the ukraine that is by the way real ladies and gentlemen they are bombing the ukraine they are attacking the ukraine by land by air and by sea as the rest of the world stands by and watches watches uh what appears to be the rise of another hitler well and we're we're seeing it in real time and the fact that they have they they they're there's a bioweapons facility called vector uh that's in nova siberia uh siberia and you know they've been working on bioweapons for eons i used to work on a program uh where you know our tax dollars would go to uh russia in order to give russian scientists who used to work on bioweapons peaceful things to do but we knew at the same time they still were working on bioweapons and you know so there are large programs there are large programs held by superpowers you know held by rogue states and and so you know we have to be concerned about this type of stockpile and we should also be concerned about the fact that we are currently right now spending hundreds of millions of dollars buying oil from russia right now we talked about this yesterday rick manning and claire lopez spoke about this on our program yesterday outing the fact that the united states government under under joe biden is buying hundreds of millions of dollars in oil from russia therefore we are actually funding the war in ukraine and potentially the bioweapons war that they're going to bring against us and against our citizens and we're funding that it's i mean this is a very very sick situation dr brian i thank you for being with me today i know we we touched on uh you know some of these areas but these are all it's all part of the same program and it is a satanic program to destroy god's chosen nation which is the united states of america founded on christian principles for such a time as this and you and i ladies and gentlemen have been called to take action in such a time as this dr brian we'll get you back on again soon i'm really looking forward to having you children's health read more at children's health dr brian hooker and what i really want to get across is is be careful about
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