April 29, 2024 5:47 am
Should the NFL go to an 18-game schedule? | The Tmberwolves sweep the Suns, but might have lost a key piece in the process | A Phoenix fizzle for the Suns.
Amy Lawrence Show
Amy Lawrence
Amy Lawrence Show
Amy Lawrence
Amy Lawrence Show
Amy Lawrence
Amy Lawrence Show
Amy Lawrence
Amy Lawrence Show
Amy Lawrence
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Price and coverage match limited by state law. Here's why April chose to vaccinate her child. I think actually meeting someone who was not vaccinated and now has a lifelong struggle with a childhood disease really cemented for me that it's super important that we as parents continue to vaccinate our children.
Talk to your pediatrician or visit YVaccines.com brought to you by Merck. I got quite a reaction from my fourth and fifth graders when I shared this little piece of intel with them on Sunday morning. I said this is the last weekend of April and a bunch of them got this look of surprise. Some of them got excited because that means only a month and a half left of school.
Others of them kind of blanched a little bit. It's going too fast. 2025 is not here yet. 2024 is blowing by in a blur. That's usually what happens in the spring though at least for us here on After Hours because of how busy it is going from one big event to the next big event to the next big event which is why I usually take a vacation in early May because I need a break.
I do these first four plus months. Actually you could even go back to Christmas night and doing the end of the NFL season into the playoffs which are all consuming. This year Vegas Super Bowl isn't done until mid February and if Roger Goodell has his way after we heard from him over the weekend in Detroit at the draft very soon the league will expand to 18 regular season games and get this the Super Bowl will be President's Day weekend. So that means the third weekend in February in most cases which means the NFL is just taking another week off the calendar.
I tell you the league has urban sprawl. Once they get a taste of how something can be a success for the the league as a whole but also for the individual teams the NFL doesn't let go. It's a money grab but it's also a real estate grab and by that I mean playing games on Christmas now, playing games every day of the week and that goes back to 2020.
I very rarely say I told you so maybe because I'm not always right or even remotely close to being right all the time not always right or even remotely close to being right all the time but I told you so then. When the NFL played on every single day of the week during the COVID season in 2020 it was never going back. It only took a few years for the league to figure out how to schedule games on every single day of the week. That's now happening on a regular basis and so you've got the league who already expanded to 17 games with mixed reviews inside the NFL but now as we knew the plan was always to go to 18 games so 17 had a couple of years.
The players got more adjusted, the fans got more adjusted not to mention the whole idea of a super-sized wild card weekend right. I still say it's a little bit too much seems like we end up with some crappy games but it doesn't matter because the NFL makes all kinds of money with the huge ratings on the various networks and we now know there are streaming platforms for the NFL and its playoff games and its regular season games and so with the way that the NFL can make money with some of these newer outlets like Amazon, like Peacock, it'll continue that way. So soon 18 games that all count and then beyond that playoff games on streaming every day of the week for football in general and that season is going to take us, before you know it, that season will take us through February. Isn't that just like the NFL? Just continue to inch and creep later and later in the year then hold league meetings once a month maybe every six weeks just to pretend like you aren't making the NFL stick around even when it's the off-season. The combine, the pro days, the draft run-up, then the draft which has become a behemoth, a brilliant move to dot the landscape with all the various and mostly northern climb cities, not all of them, but have you noticed it's almost like the answer to the Super Bowl, not going to the northern cities, right? Let's give them the draft instead and Detroit certainly showed up for that. Now Detroit's a little bit different because it's a dome.
Same thing as some of the other cities where it's a dome. Minnesota had a Super Bowl a few years ago. It was only minus 17 degrees without the wind chills on the Friday before the Super Bowl and it snowed the entire time I was there.
It was only minus 17 snow the entire time I was there. I loved it, not everyone does, but the NFL has got this marketing plan and has got these huge events that never let us go. We are in the grip of the NFL and that dumps us right into March Madness and then on into hoops and hockey playoffs, the Masters, baseball, gosh we had the Shohei Ohtani drama which I suppose is working its way toward a resolution though we haven't heard the last of it. It's been one heck of a spring even with the Masters not being an event that a lot of people paid attention to. The Daytona 500, it's been crazy.
All that to say vacation's on the horizon. No, there was a lot more to say besides that but I think I originally started out by talking about how busy the spring has been and then I took my little NFL scenic route because I just sometimes it blows me away. 18 regular season games and a Super Bowl in the third weekend in February, late February. Do you guys remember when the Super Bowl was mid-January?
I mean I know that was a long time ago but still it just keeps inching forward. It's like erosion, just keeps taking away the rest of the calendar. The NFL is creating erosion with the rest of the sports calendar. It's after hours with Amy Lawrence here on the Infinity Sports Network. I think I'm going with the Infinity Sports Network. It's like the Ohio State University, the U. I'm going with that.
It sounds better than on Infinity Sports Network which can be awkward. I mean to be honest the whole thing can be awkward but we're here and it's the same show and we're coming out of a weekend that at least in my neighborhood saw some real spring-like temperatures. Oh and yellow season has arrived.
Princess Leia is officially yellow for the next month. Lots of allergies and yet I can't help it. The allergist told me to not open the doors and windows of the house to air it out but it's too nice. It's too nice to keep all the doors and windows closed. So yes I'm defying the instructions of the allergist. In fact even on Sunday evening just to have a nice breeze blowing into the bedroom we were packing and just to have the nice breeze blowing in. Oh it's terrific.
Of course then I that's what that's what I sound like. Where's the Claritin? I didn't have allergies until last year and now it's part of being old. Yay. So so the spring weather and the sunshine and the flowers and the sports and the packing it was a good weekend. I hope you got what you needed out of your weekend. Oh gosh I also had two students who couldn't of course appear at the same time for a makeup class.
We had to do it twice. Man I do enjoy teaching. This group of students has had its challenges. As my older niece said to me on the phone Sunday, on to Amy. I know you really want them to hear everything and I know you want to be a good professor and you want to share your information. It's not on you if they don't show up for class. She's like they're college students. Good point.
That's a good point. It's after hours with Amy Lawrence. Maybe I'm a pushover professor. Is that my nickname? The pushover professor? You're a good professor. A great one I'd say if anything.
Looking out for the kids. I don't want to be a pushover. Pushover?
No I wouldn't say you're a pushover. I did finally close the door in the proverbial face of the one student who blew me off not once but twice and then expected to be able to make up that class after blowing me off twice. So you put an end to that.
I did. He reached out to me right before the last class so four days go by without any indication that he even remembered that we had a call set up not once but twice and when he reached out I decided not doing this over text so he texted me and gave me an excuse that I do not in any way believe but also even if even if it was right even if it was true the fact that he never bothered to let me know immediately was disturbing so after ruminating over his excuse while I was driving I got into my hotel room and wrote a professional email and included the director of the department so that she would know exactly what was going on and I just explained to him that it was time to move on that the the chance to make up that class had passed. I think that's more than fair. Yeah and unfortunately there's no way for this grad student to earn an A and I feel like I make it really easy for them to do just to do the work and show up and you get an A.
Engage. Yeah that's it that's it that's all you got to do but anyway people have asked me what happened right well that's what happened I decided not to be a pushover professor in that particular instance. Well then that's officially case closed on that you're not a pushover professor.
Right well okay I'll give them one or two chances but after that that's generous after also am I a pushover professor if I baked for the students which I did this weekend not only did I make island cookies which Jay loves so of course I had to bring Jay some samples and usually I give Jay the ugly cookies meaning the ones that come out more lumpy than attractive he doesn't care he just shoves the whole thing in his mouth judge yeah I mean it barely gets the bag open the whole thing goes in his mouth or I could have brought you oatmeal caramel chewy bars but I only had one pan of those so I made those as well I know you also like those I like everything but since this is the last time I will see you until mid-may wow are you gonna miss me of course of course you are but don't you worry I'll be sending you photos from Hawaii that would be nice yeah so anyway I bake for my students hopefully that means they'll pass the word not only is the class fun is she a good and fair professor but she bakes for us in the last class I think you're gonna have students taking the class over again even though they already have the credit for just for the baked goods at the end I hope so so yeah the second class experience is almost over have my final class on Monday night I'll be doing the show from Syracuse University on Monday night into Tuesday morning and then that's it I don't know if you'll miss me if you don't that's okay if you do great I will be back at some point at some point just kidding I'll be back after the honeymoon is over but I want to prepare you because you'll have a different voice and a different host over the course of the next two weeks starting on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning so it's after hours with Amy Lawrence on our Facebook page also on Twitter a law radio and then our phone number is the exact same eight five five two one two four two two seven that's eight five five two one two four CBS we're gonna start with the last game of the night in the NBA also the first series to wrap up wrap up and it's an unlikely team that advances not because of the Timberwolves as as a team in 2024 so this is the new Timberwolves essentially is what I'm saying but because of the franchise history here there's a whole lot of firsts and seconds and thirds but mostly a lot of a lot of firsts for this team that for years has scuffled to make any type of headway in the west Devin Booker threw traffic down the lane runs up the shot it's blocked Anthony Edwards swats it away Timberwolves control the loose ball Conley will lob it up into the front court McKeel's got it the horn sounds the ball game is over the series is over for the first time in franchise history the Timberwolves have swept a postseason series they win it four games to none over the Suns for just the second time in franchise history they're moving on to the second round and it is just the third time in franchise history they've won a postseason series how about that Alan Horton on the Minnesota Timberwolves radio network first time the wolves have ever swept second time they've ever won a playoff series in the first round no I shouldn't say that second time they've ever why am I you wait to play it again I swear I had this memorized and now I'm not regurgitating it correctly first time ever in a sweet there we go got that one the Timberwolves have swept a postseason series they win it four games to none over the Suns for just the second time in franchise history they're moving on to the second there you go and it is just the third time in franchise history they've won a postseason series all right he says it better than me but that's a little odd though isn't it now that I think about it does that must include the play in because if you're only in the second round for the second time how could it be the third time you win a playoff series you know what I'm saying yeah I got you I follow you that must include a play in because I don't think those should count as series though that's just me I love Alan Alan and I actually went to school together so I know him well and I think he's terrific as the Timberwolves play-by-play announcer either way it's history and in large part it's history because of what we saw from Anthony Edwards not just over the rest of the regular season after Carl Anthony Towns got hurt but also over the course of this playoff run we've seen him elevate his game to another level and this was the tightest game of the series against the Suns but ultimately too many turnovers down the stretch not enough help for Devin Booker and too much ant did you guys see the monster dunk in the fourth quarter it was awesome and for ant let's hope they didn't have any injuries on that particular dunk remember he's had dislocated finger he also hit his head on the rim I hit my head I think on the rim that was on a block his athleticism has been off the charts okay so looking at the Timberwolves playoff history admittedly there was a huge gap from 03 to 04 they did not make the playoffs again until 17-18 that's how long it took them now in 03-04 they made it all the way to the conference finals against the Los Angeles Lakers so of course there was an advancing to the second round that year and now you've got the advancing to the second round this year so that's the second time they've ever advanced to the second round so it should be easy to remember second and second third time they've ever won a playoff series one two oh well that makes sense okay because they won two of them in 03-04 now I get it right so the third playoff series they've ever won that includes two in the same year now I understand I was looking at all the play-ins I was like what did it because that shouldn't count as a series no it shouldn't count as a series it absolutely should not it just it's it's a gimmicky tournament anyway anyway but in 03-04 I feel so smart now we did our research and we figured it out that was sick thank you Al so in 03-04 they beat the Nuggets and then they also beat the Kings to get to the conference finals two playoff series win there so how about that second time they've ever advanced to the to the second round which is what Al was saying but it's the first time in 20 years they've had a playoff series win oh we knew they were a starved franchise and this is the underscore so congratulations to the Timberwolves and maybe a sweep doesn't matter except it does give you a little extra time off we know Kat is still working his way back in to mid-season form but man 40 points from Anthony Edwards to go along with nine rebounds and six assists I told y'all yesterday or day before yesterday whatever the last time we played that I want to kill everything in front of me so once I knew we we had a chance to sweep them and you know I mean why we want to go back to Minnesota I mean we know the recipe they came out and competed they played hard tonight it was very tough but I mean big shout out to my teammates man they came out and competed at a high level throughout the whole 48 minutes and they trusted me at the end man so big shout out to those guys the NBA on TNT I was gonna kill everything in front of me all right that's one way to put it Jaden McDaniels he has 18 points and yeah kind of cool first ever sweep for the franchise that feels great man I mean we've been here two three times our third time now and just to advance I mean it's it's just one more step I mean to see the series ain't not over I mean the season not over yet I mean we could celebrate a little bit but we still got a good team next round big smile on Ant's face we have an ant that works here as well I don't know that he smiles very often so there won't ever seen it there won't be any confusing Anthony Edwards in our Anthony yeah he's he's he's he's he's Anthony yeah he's I don't know that he's grumpy that would be unfair he just he's not a ready smile I wouldn't say happy either though it's probably true of course we only know him through work so but or maybe you do know him outside of work but I only know him through work and so I think he loves baseball I think we have similar interests and he loves his vacations where he goes to right where he goes to baseball stadiums around the country so we know he has a life and a pulse and a heart outside of work but since we only get him at work and he really doesn't like this place yeah we get a grumpy ant get the best of them hey by the way a pretty scary moment and potentially the loss of a significant figure for the timber wolves even as they sweep the suns plus you'll hear from Devin Booker and Kevin Durant I don't know does he smile either not today we're just getting started NBA NHL also had a sweep it was I don't want to say easy but made to look easy and so two teams advancing in hoops and hockey out of the first round plus the NFL draft sets records in Detroit the eagles also set some records via the draft and kind of funny I not I noticed this and jotted it down for you because it was a point of contention and also a point of humor in spring training baseball has finally caved and is going to be changing the uniforms back all right we'll talk more about all of these different headlines and you'll hear from those who made a difference over the weekend or those who wish they made more of a difference over the weekend on twitter a law radio Jeffrey's wishing me happy vacation also says great show I mean thank you does that mean we can go home now that's very kind of you Jeff if it was a great show already maybe he's just assuming assuming it'll be a great show he knows he knows that we do our research around here and if we don't know the answer we figure it out thank you Jeff thanks Jeff thanks Jeff it's after hours with Amy Lawrence on the infinity sports network you are listening to the after hours podcast sun's trail by six with 153 left hooker up into the front court drifts left rejects the okogi screen wants to take Conley off the dribble in the lane he'll run it up with the right hand count it for 247 for Devin Booker tying his playoff career high he's done that four times here's Conley aggressively pushing the pace he got knocked out of bounds right into his head coach Chris Finch Finch went down pretty hard there along the sideline surrounded by timberwell's teammates but Chris Finch is still down he got hit hard by Mike Conley and Mike tries to grab his coach as he falls to the floor over in front of the in front of the court side seats there and Chris Finch tumbles oh and he's grabbing his right knee right away oh he's in a lot of pain too this is after hours with Amy Lawrence man so tough to see the look on the face of Chris Finch and then also the pain that he was in he got hit just the wrong way in a collision with Mike Conley on the sidelines that takes out his own coach and as it turns out he has a ruptured patellar tendon in his right knee ouch maybe they can put him in a cast or in some type of a contraption that allows him to be out there but this changes things for him in his playoffs moving forward not sure if he can travel or how quickly he can travel with an injury like that thankfully he had assistance right away but the team has already confirmed he ruptured his patellar tendon just minding his own business coaching a playoff series it's tough work it's after hours with Amy Lawrence Alan Horton is the voice of the Minnesota Timberwolves so it does come with a cost and maybe tempers the fact that they get their first ever playoff series sweep as a franchise and right now it's Micah Norie addressing the team as the assistant coach I think it's the next step and I think that what it does is I understand it's just one series win you don't want to over blow it but it's the next step then the next step in the progression for all of our guys I mean you're here for two years in a row this year no playing game you're in solid as a three seed against a team that beat you three times in the regular season and come out and to win four straight is a tribute to the guys and obviously to Finch and the staff they made timely big shots and timely I say loose ball plays you know every time there's you know we're trying to uh you know get some traction or or make a run uh it seemed like they had a big three or they they'd get a loose ball that kept a possession alive for them so you know like I said credit them they played a hell of a series speaking of those timely threes and just in general uh the shots that the wolves needed as an answer it was mostly Anthony Edwards 31 of his 40 in the second half he hit seven triples the dunk that I told you about happened with about two and a half minutes to go and so even as Carl Anthony Towns has been the centerpiece of this franchise since he got on board still to see the way that Edwards has elevated his game is huge and not only are his own teammates paying attention not only are his own teammates excited about how he has raised the level of play of everyone else around him but even his opponents and so Carl Anthony Towns Kevin Durant what doesn't matter which team which uniform you're wearing both raving about Anthony Edwards I couldn't be happier I couldn't be happier one about getting the win finally getting the monkey off my back about getting through the first round damn someone burning oh okay say less say less I was just making sure we safe in here um um but playing with my man playing with my man on my right man is just it makes more special to be able to do it with someone that I got so much admiration for so much respectful and um future so bright for him I I gotta put my sunglasses on in a way because it's so bright so impressed with aunt um my favorite player to watch just grown so much since he came into the league at 22 just his love for the game just shines bright and that's something that's probably that's one of the reasons why I like him the most because he just loves basketball he's grateful to be in this position he's taking advantage of every opportunity he's gotten 40.9 rebound six assists and the Timberwolves move on history for them to be sure first time in 20 years they've advanced out of the opening round it's after hours with Amy Lawrence now for Devin Booker what they're calling the big three in the desert this is a this is a wah wah wah huge disappointment he has 49 points but the three of them together weren't ever really in sync or on the same page and obviously unable to slow down Anthony Edwards for the most of the series so Booker has 49 and still believes that the team has more than enough to be a contender for a championship roster wise you know everybody talks about the firepower but you know you look around the league it comes down to to the details I don't I don't want to keep saying that but it's a it's a super important thing you can't just go out there and think you're going to win off talent you know the game is is more complicated than that we could be better in all areas it's hard to pinpoint just one thing right now I mean you reflect back on the season I think that uh like I've been saying we just were inconsistent with our play and in the style of play that we wanted the continuity is important all the great teams in the league thus far has been together for two three years Minnesota's Denver's Boston's the Lakers OKC's like a lot of teams have been together for a few years so I'm looking forward to building we put this team together with the mindset that we have a three to five year window you know that every year we're going to have a chance to we have a team that has the firepower to compete for it Frank Vogel the last voice that you hear there before that KD and Booker and you look at the roster as well as the coaching staff and they do have a ton of championship experience Vogel himself won a title with the Lakers in 2020 KD obviously is a couple rings and NBA Finals MVPs this is a team that does have the pedigree and could have the pieces in place give the Timberwolves all the credit they were clutch when they had to be but I'm pretty surprised at how flat the Suns fell it was a a Phoenix fizzle if you will it it's pretty astounding that they couldn't come up with even one win but you remember what happened last year and how in those in that the last game that was on their court how badly they performed and how embarrassed they were it resulted in the ouster of Monty Williams and I know you can easily now look back and say oh well what has Monty done since he's gone to Detroit that's not all on Monty Williams but at the same time it was such a bad look and a bad ending when they were blown out by the nuggets right at the end and here they are going to get it when they were blown out by the nuggets right at the end and here they are getting swept by the Timberwolves and Frank Vogel says this isn't a one-year project well that's true but a lot of pro sports is what have you done for me lately a lot of pro sports coaches have been fired for less not even one game with all of that with the big three I am using my air quotations wait until you hear KD's response to a reporter who questions his motivation after all these years on twitter alawradio coming up we'll get the Sixers and Knicks in Philadelphia and another playoff career high not just for this team and this individual but for the franchise as a whole and Joelle MB griping about too many Knicks fans in his arena heading through our first hour it's after hours with Amy Lawrence we're going to win this series you are listening to the after hours podcast bounce pass right side to mic six to shoot got to go and gets it back turns fires deep three on the way and he drains it calm cool and collected Anthony Edwards up to 29 points and one on one against Bradley Beal beats a baseline rises and hammers what a finish by Anthony Edwards big time dunk by ants 27 points in the second half I was just ultra aggressive man um the first half you know I got all my teammates involved um and um that was pretty much the game plan get everybody involved and then the second half it's time to win it's time to win at that point this is after hours with Amy Lawrence so Anthony Edwards star of the show for the Minnesota Timberwolves in this first round sweep of the sun so one NBA series is in the books one NHL series is also in the books and we'll get to that coming up as well as the Knicks and the Sixers and Joelle Embiid's Big Beef in Philadelphia it's after hours with Amy Lawrence on Twitter A-LOL radio also on our Facebook page and then you can find us on the phones find us you can call us I suppose if you need to find us you can use the number some type of technology to track us down or I'll just give you the address that's fine too 855-212-4227 Jay would love to meet you at the door with some cookies no those are mine those are mine uh so Kevin Durant is in the tail end late stages of his career that's not a big surprise it is a surprise how easily the Suns were shoved out of the playoffs but I've said before I'm impressed with how well he's come back from all the injuries this year really durable 27 points per game nearly seven rebounds to go along with five assists he was great as always and along with Devin Booker they're a lot of fun to watch the whole big three thing with Bradley Beal I'm glad Bradley sort of played in games that mattered this year and I feel like the Suns didn't capitalize on their opportunities but they're all saying hey it's your number one of this little project but KD is 35 and it's hard sometimes to know because he's relatively chill away from the court sometimes I mean you poke the bear well then that's a different story but on the court he's still KD Jay and I were wondering whether or not he'd be upset about this playoff loss but you don't really get that sense so maybe that's where the question came from about his motivation level at the age that he is with everything he's already accomplished for me individually I live and breathe bro like I have nothing else but like you know at this point in my life I got a lot going on outside of basketball but what I mean mainly focus on this ball bro so like yeah I got motivation I love to play I'm gonna come back next year you know ready to hoop you know so yeah I don't think you should question that well he got a rise out of him there he got a rise out of him there I would say that counts as poking the bear you can tell when KD is annoyed you really can when you've gotten or gotten him rankled come on bro or if you don't get to it in a postgame press conference then just try one of his seven burner accounts and he'll be happy to clap back grow up it's after hours here on CBS Sports Radio let's talk to paul who's in north carolina paul welcome to after hours hey amy good evening and I hope you have a great vacation coming up thank you I want to make a bold prediction and then if you could give me a second to explain um you did a marvelous job earlier in the show explaining about how the NFL is completely taking over the calendar I think Roger Goodell when he made that announcement of an 18th game he announced his retirement and what I mean about that is his contract expires in 2027 he has now laid the groundwork for not just an 18th game but he also included that it was going to be he's going to take away a preseason game for a regular season game which every NFL fan is going to love that now what he's done is he stretched the calendar to where he can't if he's going to extend the calendar schedule more than 18 games he can't do it on the front side because a lot of kids are still on summer vacation and he's extended on the back side past presidency which he alluded to you are now interfering with March Madness and as you said earlier sometimes those first round playoff games are not good in the football and if four people were watching March Madness and that came out Roger Goodell doesn't want that hit so he can extend schedule as much and dominate as much as he's done and in 2027 he can drop the keys and say I'm out and he will go down as probably the best commissioner of all sports whether it's deserving or not maybe can be debated but in terms of what he's taken in sport when he when he got office to what it is now is an incomparable success and I think that with this newest expansion that he announced and people are now going to be hungry and talking about in the next couple of years like when that happens that that's going to be his legacy of how much he's growing the game so I think everything that you alluded to earlier when he announced that I also think he told us in this contract that's done in 27 he's probably going to walk out as commissioner. Interesting now see I would say I'd have to check the revenue the annual revenue for the NFL if it's over 25 billion then maybe I would say you're on to something but it's his stated goal to increase the NFL revenue to an annual 25 billion with a B and there's no way he's leaving until that's done that was his goal he said it out loud he said the NFL is going there and I don't believe he'll leave until the league reaches that number now with all of the new streaming rights and the new rights deals that have come up and been renegotiated there's a very distinct possibility that they've already reached that or will by the time he gets to the end of this contract at the same thing at the same time though I would say these owners love him because he runs interference for them and and he makes them money but he does his job extremely well and it really seems like no matter what is thrown at him very little sticks. I completely agree like the beginning of his career kind of had some bad decisions and people were questioning him as a commissioner but in the last several years everything has been nothing but great news and I think he's just going to continue to grow his legacy. Yeah I would agree with that I mean there certainly have been controversies the Ray Rice situation the domestic violence policy obviously deflate gay and and the suspension of Tom Brady some of the legal battles certainly navigating though through the COVID year and then the NFL continuing to have all of these incredible gains in viewership and social media numbers and revenue of course Paul thank you so much that's all part of his legacy and as much as those other things may have proved to be a black mark on the NFL at the time what the owners care most about is the growth of their revenue it's After Hours with Amy Lawrence. 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