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Salvation Army
WORDS OF LIFE (formerly WONDERFUL WORDS OF LIFE) podcast is a worldwide program of hope from The Salvation Army. It’s a 15-minute show with inspiring conversations, great music from Salvation Army artists, and a weekly Bible study. The show is available on your favorite podcast store and is airing on more than 200 radio stations around the world.


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Words of Life
Words of Life
Salvation Army
January 06, 2025
Happy New Year From all of us at Words of Life we pray that God uses to reveal Himself to you in new and powerful ways Thank you for listening and may God bless you In this episode we take a look back at some of our favorite episodes from Click the title of each series name to hear the full episode Praying through the pain - an Easter series about prayer in the midst of trials Discipled - this series was a round table discussion with a men's discipleship group as we learned how this group formed and what [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
December 26, 2024
In Jesus interaction with the Samaritan woman we are supposed to hear him speaking words of life to us and learning more about who he is In this message Pastor J D shows how we are all like the Samaritan woman searching for something that will satisfy and always coming up thirsty [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
September 09, 2024
Thank you so much for listening to Words of Life We have some exciting news to share Beginning this September we re joining Salem Media Group s Christian podcast network LifeAudio LifeAudio is home to top charting Christian podcasts and they re proud to bring entertaining life-changing and family-friendly podcasts for the engaged evangelical Christian audience This partnership in ministry will allow Words of Life to be in front of even more potential listeners as we continue to create the show you know and love You will not need to resubscribe or do anything different as this change will be [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
September 08, 2024
We have an exciting announcement this week Words of Life and our other Soundcast shows are partnering Salem Media Group's LifeAudio podcast network To hear about what this partnership means for this ministry and to hear about Salem Media's and Life Audio's mission and purpose we are joined by Kathleen Bensi and Tommy Lynch https www lifeaudio com https salemmedia com Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio com contact-us [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
May 24, 2023
Heartbeat is a -minute show about real life brought to you by The Salvation Army If you're enjoying Words of Life- check out this short devotional featuring topics from finances and prayer to dating and mental health https podcasts apple com us podcast heartbeat id https salvationarmysoundcast org heartbeat [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
May 21, 2023
This episode is with pastor author and founder of raisedtostay sharing how God has given her a voice to people to stay grounded in their faith and their relationship with God To learn more about Natalie visit https natalierunion com [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
February 19, 2023
Sam shares a painful story of losing a loved one But how he has allowed God to use this trial to help him grow into a stronger loving man of God Series HOPE https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
January 29, 2023
Today we launch a -week series of testimonies Ashley Escobar will be joined by many of our friends from very different backgrounds to share what God has done in their lives Today we start with Meagan Hofer Not long ago she struggled with postpartum depression and she shares her story of recovery- hoping to speak to someone out there experiencing the same Series HOPE https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
January 22, 2023
As we conclude this short highlight reel of the most listened to episodes of we share one of our team's favorite series CRAFTED This episode is a mix of several artists we spoke to throughout this series Listen to more CRAFTED episodes here https podcasts apple com us podcast baker-majors-david-and-susie-erickson id i [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
December 04, 2022
We are starting our -week Christmas series today This series is unique because each of these messages were written by a different Salvation Army Officer from around our Territory and we've asked our friend Bethany Farrell to be the voice of Christmas for Words of Life This week's episode was written by Major Rick Raymer and explores when waiting for something is worth it https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
November 27, 2022
We had the opportunity to speak with a Christian mental health psychotherapist and counselor Kendall Louden on the YouthDownSouth podcast a while back Knowing that the holidays can be extremely difficult for those dealing with a mental health crisis we wanted to push back our Christmas series a week to share this interview on Words of Life If you are struggling right now and need to speak with someone immediately please call or text Kendall also offered her email for anyone in need and she will do her best to point you in the right direction kendall thelanierpractice com [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
November 20, 2022
In this final episode of our series on leadership- we end kind of where we started When it comes to leadership opportunities what is our intent https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
September 25, 2022
In this episode we hear from Jessy Fagerstrom She shares her story of battling depression anxiety and suicidal ideation Like Beth she talks about how she found hope in the word and continues to look for those flecks of gold in everyday life To learn more about the show and find other shows produced by The Salvation Army visit https salvationarmysoundcast org If you are struggling with depression and need to speak with someone immediately call Or to learn more visit https lifeline org [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
August 07, 2022
The mother of the Savior of the world Mary of Nazareth needs little introduction In today's episode Lt Colonel Helen Starrett shares the humanity and ordinariness of this young girl God chose to change the world Series Destiny https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
July 10, 2022
The story Helen Starrett shares with us today is the story of Esther This story is an example of the favor of God Esther finds herself in a difficult position but allows God to use her to do the incredible Series Women in the Bible https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
July 03, 2022
Last week we launched a new -week series studying women's stories in the Bible ordinary women God used to do the extraordinary This week we study the story of Bathsheba This story is action-packed with life lessons we can use today Series Women in the Bible https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
June 24, 2022
Beginning June th we are launching a new -week series studying women in the Bible God used to change the world We are joined by Lt Colonel Helen Starrett In each of these stories we will see how God used ordinary women to do the extraordinary https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
June 19, 2022
In our final episode of our series Discipled by Algorithms we learn about Jason Thacker's next book Following Jesus in a Digital Age This topic is basically what we've discussed throughout this series To learn more about Jason's work purchase his books and listen to his podcast click the link below Series Discipled by Algorithms https jasonthacker com https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 17, 2022
Charla was dying and she knew it While she was lying on her hospital room bed her surgeon and a group of young interns poured into the room For the next several minutes the doctor ignored Charla as he described her terminal condition to the interns Finally he turned to her and asked ldquo And how are you rdquo Charla weakly smiled and warmly told the group about her hope and peace in Jesus Some two thousand years ago Jesus rsquo battered naked body hung in humiliation on a cross before a crowd of onlookers Would He lash out at [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
June 05, 2022
As we continue our series Discipled by Algorithms with our guest- author professor podcaster Christ-follower Jason Thacker today we discuss a very powerful question that's at the heart of most of Jason's work What does it mean to be created in the image of God Having a strong grasp on how you view this is key for the church to for one not be frightened by technology but also understanding the limits of it It reminds us that we aren't dependent upon technology we're dependent on God Series Discipled by Algorithms https jasonthacker com https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
May 29, 2022
As we continue our series studying technology and the church- in this episode Jason Thacker and Bernie Dake discuss how we've arrived at this place in time where we are conditioned be attached to our devices Again- as we continue to state technology isn't bad- but let's make sure we are using the technology around us in healthy God-honoring ways Series Discipled by Algorithms https jasonthacker com https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
May 01, 2022
In this special episode of Words of Life- Bernie Dake and Salvation Army Officer Lt Colonel Allen Satterlee sat down with the General of The Salvation Army General Brian Peddle He joined us to discuss some of The Salvation Army's current challenges opportunities and successes To learn more about The Salvation Army's work world-wide visit https salvationarmy org [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
April 03, 2022
In this episode Major Ruth shares some hard truths about being a follower of Christ Just because we are believers does not guarantee that we will be free of bad days Series God's Long-Term Plan https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
March 27, 2022
As we dive into this new Easter series with Major Ruth Prieto New she begins by discussing the intermission we are currently living in between Jesus' ascension and second coming She then asks how should we be interacting with the world around us in this time Series God's Long-Term Plan https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
March 25, 2022
Hi for The Salvation Army this is Bernie Dake Easter is always such a powerful reminder of the victory of Jesus Christ Specifically within The Salvation Army we certainly call ourselves Easter People Join us on Words of Life beginning March th as we launch a -week Easter series with Major Ruth New She joins us to discuss God's long-term plan The life and sacrifice of His Son was not a backup plan But had been the plan since the garden of Eden Series God's Long-Term Plan https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
March 14, 2022
When Jen was young her well-intentioned Sunday school teacher instructed the class in evangelism training which included memorizing a series of verses and a formula for sharing the gospel She and a friend nervously tried this out on another friend fearful they rsquo d forget an important verse or step Jen doesn rsquo t ldquo remember if the evening ended in conversion but guesses it did not rdquo The approach seemed to be more about the formula than the person Now years later Jen and her husband are modeling for their own children a love for God and sharing their [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
January 09, 2022
We launch a new series today studying the doctrines of The Salvation Army with Colonel Dan Starrett Doctrine We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God and that they only constitute the Divine rule of Christian faith and practice [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
January 07, 2022
Beginning January th we are launching a new -week series- studying the doctrines of The Salvation Army Lt Colonel Dan Starrett joins us to study the doctrines in light of our culture today and asking how they impact our everyday lives To learn more visit https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
December 03, 2021
It's that time of year again A time when our lives are going in so many directions at once Join us on Words of Life for our Christmas Series with Commissioner Phil Needham as he helps us recover what the Christmas season is really about- asking the question How do I now live my life in light of the reality that Jesus is now here among us Series CHRISTMAS BREAKTHROUGH https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife Christmas Breakthrough on Amazon Christmas Breakthrough from Christian Books [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
October 15, 2021
Hi for The Salvation Army this is Cheryl Gilliam Join us on Words of Life beginning October th as we begin a -week series with Salvation Army Officer Major Mike Harris He'll be joining us to discuss our Christian thought-life From topics like self-talk and choices to apologetics Mike will be sharing why our thoughts are so important and shape our worldview Series PATHWAYS https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
October 03, 2021
In our final episode of Crafted we are joined by Bethany Farrel She is the Creative Arts Director for The Salvation Army USA Southern Territory Rather than focus on one artform in this conversation she shares the importance to live a creative life and allow God to move your heart in seasons using art to express our joys pain and love for our Heavenly Father https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
September 12, 2021
In this episode we are joined by published author Major Stephen Kelly He shares with us how important it is to always have a creative outlet For Stephen writing is one of his passions He also shares the summary of two of his books and how they came to be He uses fictional stories to share Biblical truths in a unique way Click here to purchase his books https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
July 25, 2021
Continuing the topic from last week in this episode we ask the same question- but how do we do this from leading worship and the arts In this round-table discussion Bernie Dake is joined by Josh Powell transMission and Ronnie Murchison Series SENT http www ussmusicandarts org transmission https music apple com us artist ronnie-murchison https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
June 21, 2021
Beginning June th Words of Life is launching a series on Missions Throughout this series we'll be speaking with Salvation Army officers and missionaries about how the Salvation Army goes about missions some of the pitfalls and blessings of short term missions preaching mission-mindedness and more https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
April 07, 2021
As believers and non-believers we all have questions about God creation the Bible and so much more Join us on Words of Life as Captain Ken Argot tackles many of the questions our listeners have sent in over the past few months From questions like Does God even exist to Why does He allow suffering For conversations on these questions and more join us for our series Skeptics Welcome starting April th Series SKEPTICS WELCOME https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
March 05, 2021
Join us this Sunday as we launch our -week Easter series with Major Luis Melendez Throughout this series Major Melendez will discuss the places and people to whom Jesus Went and examining how His actions should be reflected in our own lives https salvationarmysoundcast org wordsoflife [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
February 12, 2021
Someone asked Why can I remember the lyrics from a song from but I can't remember why I came into this room It's true Short term memory is pretty fragile But those things we learn by repetition stick with us a long time Today on A New Beginning Pastor Greg Laurie invites us to put that robust long-term memory of ours to work not with the words of lyrics but with the words of life We'll consider the vital part Scripture plays in the life of the healthy believer View and subscribe to Pastor Greg's weekly notes --- Learn more [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
January 18, 2021
As caregivers do we listen to words of life This episode is from our radio broadcast We interview Dan Steiner President of Preborn Preborn org take calls and have musical trivia that I offer from the keyboard www hopeforthecaregiver com [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
January 17, 2021
In March of we were joined by Sharon Cash She is a counselor who has been working with The Salvation Army in Memphis TN In this interview she shared a lesson she learned from one of her first clients on the power of UNforgiveness Series The Highlight Reel [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
January 01, 2021
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions CoreChristianity com Show Notes What do you say to people who claim that Christian doctrines like the trinity and the miracles in the bible are merely myths and fairytales I believe and trust in Jesus but when I start to spell out the things Christians believe it does honestly sound strange sometimes Curious to hear your thoughts What's the difference in bible translations The one I use is a Roman Catholic bible which contains additional books not found in other Bibles but even so isn't the word of God going to [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
January 01, 2021
Beginning Sunday January rd we are launching a -week series looking back at some of the most memorable interviews we've had from the past few years Throughout this series we will be discussing everything from parenting and marriage to mental health [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
November 29, 2020
Merry Christmas I know with everything going on in our world this year this Christmas Season comes with several emotions for many of us But as we begin this Christmas series with Lt Colonel Eddie Hobgood he shares with us that Christmas is a time to remember EMMANUEL God is still with us [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
November 22, 2020
Before we begin our Christmas series with Colonel Hobgood we wanted to pause thank our listeners and station partners share where we've been and where we're going as a ministry Bernie and Cheryl are joined by Colonel Hobgood and Words of Life Producer Chris Benjamin as they discuss the history of this show and share some stories about the global reach of this program To learn more visit https salvationarmysoundcast org [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
November 08, 2020
What does The Church at large look like as we leave our buildings and start doing ministry differently What lessons are we learning from this time that we pray we don't forget [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
October 11, 2020
As we begin this series on The Post-COVID Church we start out by learning about each of the members of this panel discussion and what their churches looked like before COVID [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
September 27, 2020
In this episode both James and Willis simply share their own experiences and what they've learned along the way It's our prayer that simple beautiful conversations like this could become more frequent [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
September 20, 2020
Today we begin a three-part discussion on unity with Lieutenant James Harvin and Commissioner Willis Howell In this first episode we start by studying Jesus' prayer for unity and the church's role in welcoming and celebrating diversity [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
August 02, 2020
As we continue to follow along with Susie Erickson's book Barefoot Cinderellas this week she has a conversation about shame How the enemy can use shame to keep us from living out the person God created us to be Today Susie is joined by friend of the show Captain Heather Dolby Series Barefoot Cinderellas [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
July 05, 2020
As we begin this new series Commissioner Barbara Howell joins Major Susie Erickson to discuss Susie's calling to write this book In this series we follow along with each chapter of Susie's book as she is joined by another Barefoot Cinderella who shares their own testimony as it relates to each chapter [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
June 07, 2020
This week Mike starts off with the parable of the talents in Matthew One powerful takeaway from this story is a lesson on investing How are we taking what God has blessed us with and increasing that blessing Series THE HUSTLE [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
May 24, 2020
One way to avoid unnecessary debt in the first place is simply working with a budget What little things eat away at your finances little by little Living within your means is the first solution to debt management [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
April 16, 2020
Beginning on April th we begin an -week series on finance We will share Biblical principles and offer practical advice when it comes to our finances Visit https salvationarmysoundcast org wonderful-words-of-life to learn more [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
April 03, 2020
In this episode we are joined by Caleb Louden from The Salvation Army's Atlanta Temple He shares some encouraging scriptures starting with Isaiah chapter [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
March 27, 2020
During this time The Salvation Army would like to share additional messages of encouragement with you from some of our shows' hosts In this message Major Cheryl Gilliam Wonderful Words of Life speaks to the realities of navigating our new normal during this bizarre season and shares a powerful scripture on which to cling [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
February 26, 2020
This is a special live recording of Wonderful Words of Life In this episode we continue the discussion of counting the cost of ministry with Rob and Heather Dolby We are also joined by special guest Rashad Poole He shares his testimony- from being homeless and addicted to recovered and even on his way to becoming an ordained minister in The Salvation Army The band Transmission joins us live and even plays a new song from their upcoming album Watch the live video https salvationarmysoundcast org wonderful-words-of-life [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
February 09, 2020
In this episode Bernie and Jimmy discuss practical ways in which we can impact those struggling with homelessness and food insecurity Ultimately when it comes to making the best decisions when it comes to helping those in need if we're following the direction of the Holy Spirit how can we go wrong Series The Least of These [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
January 03, 2020
How are we as the church caring for the marginalized people in our society What can we learn by watching the way in which Jesus treated the isolated and vulnerable Join us on Wonderful Words of Life for our series The Least of These as we ask God to open our eyes and see the people who need us most Series The Least of These [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
December 15, 2019
The groups' conversations now shift and focus on Mary and Joseph As an exercise they discuss how Mary would be treated today if Jesus was born into our current culture How would she be treated by the church and the rest of the world SERIES At The Table [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
December 11, 2019
We at Wonderful Words of Life want to take a moment to introduce you to a new monthly podcast also produced by The Salvation Army Soundcast The Holiness Podcast is an in-depth Bible study with Salvation Army Officer Lt Colonel Vern Jewett In this Bible study Colonel Jewett discusses the gift of holiness God offers to His people To subscribe to the show download the study guides and learn more visit https salvationarmysoundcast org holiness [... more]
Words of Life
Salvation Army
November 29, 2019
We are so excited to share our special -week Christmas Serie At The Table During the Holidays and especially Christmas most of us seem to focus on family more than other times of the year And as a new year approaches we tend to have reflective and meaningful conversations around a Christmas dinner In this series we've eavesdropped on two of these gatherings as they reflect on share heartaches and answered prayers and discuss what it means to them that GOD BECAME MAN SERIES At The Table [... more]
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