The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : Marriage Act


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Marriage Act
Outlaw Lawyer
Josh Whitaker & Joe Hamer
December 17, 2022
On this week's edition of The Outlaw Lawyer Josh Whitaker and Joe Hamer tackle the following Petition to Partition Flavored Tobacco and The Respect for Marriage Act Joining the managing partners at Whitaker amp Hamer from their Morehead City office is Attorney Cassandra Nicholas If you are facing a legal situation and need help call Whitaker and Hamer Law Firm - - leave your contact info and briefly what the call is about and an Attorney with Whitaker amp Hamer will be in touch Law Lawyer Legal Case Lawsuit Trial Judgement Attorney See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Chosen Generation
Pastor Greg Young
December 14, 2022
This is a bill in search of a problem that does not exist The implications to Christians in this bill are very seriously damaging Also discussed the rights of the people and the limited power of the government and the reason that the Declaration of Independence is so important and was originally included in both legislative and judicial deliberation In recent years and through radical case law this has been unwound [... more]
The Todd Starnes Show
Todd Starnes
December 13, 2022
President Biden has invited drag queens to celebrate his signing of the Respect for Marriage Act Rep Ralph Norman Troy Miller and Dr Mary McDonald join the conversation See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Chosen Generation
Pastor Greg Young
December 05, 2022
Rick Manning discusses budget and the continuing resolution versus an omnibus bill that we do not want that funds the rogue IRS agents Also discussed the Respect for Marriage Act which disrespects marriage and makes kids the target for a grown ups perversion plans The destruction of innocence and the conscience Why do these representatives do it ESG Environmental Social and Governance policies are driving the representatives to vote with their future in mind and ignore the ramifications to the reat of the nation and especially their constituents Jeff Zink shares about the election in Arizona and the found fraudulent [... more]
Chosen Generation
Pastor Greg Young
December 02, 2022
Don Jans and Michele Swinick discuss the GOP Precinct meeting Michele attended where the newly elected Chair did not know she was chair but then when told and Michele asked for a hand count of the ballots temporarily took off with the ballots that had elected her Chair You just cannot make it up folks Gordon Chaps Klingenschmitt discusses HR the Disrespect for Marriage Act the repeal of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Defense of Marriage Act and the threat of the IRS to go after the status of religious organizations [... more]
Chosen Generation
Pastor Greg Young
November 30, 2022
David Shestokas with Pastor Greg discuss the chilling impact of the Respect for Marriage Act and its impact on Pastors working outside the church The repealing of the Religious Freedom Restoration Freedom Act and DOMA which opens the door to force businesses like Hobby Lobby and Little Sisters of the Poor to provide Abortion services and sex change operations to employees against their religious convictions Michele Swinick and Rick Manning discuss the Maricopa County election and the breakdown of the rule of law Rick discusses the release by Elon Musk at Twitter of documents that incriminate the federal government and [... more]
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
November 29, 2022
The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for [... more]
Chosen Generation
Pastor Greg Young
November 29, 2022
Mike Sharman Share Healthcare discusses the difference in Medical Healthcare Sharing Companies CMS letter to validate their credentials Obtaining health care freedom Healthcare savings accounts at Lime Bank unique to Share Healthcare Matt Long and Pastor Greg discuss the latest case in Britain where a Judge decided that the Bible is outdated and irrelevant to today's culture In the US the Respect for Marriage Act will wipe out traditional marriage It outlaws the use of religious freedom Abolishes DOMA [... more]
The Todd Starnes Show
Todd Starnes
November 29, 2022
The Respect for Marriage Act as it is written will open up every priest preacher and Christian in the nation to lawsuits from LGBT activists Hogan Gidley Rep Jim Jordan and Mark Meckler join the conversation See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
November 21, 2022
The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
November 19, 2022
Guest Cal Beisner President The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation This past week the U S Senate passed a bill with every Democrat and Republicans voting in favor that is deceptively called The Respect for Marriage Act In fact the bill now sure to be passed by the Democrat-majority U S House before the Republican majority kicks in next year and then signed by Democrat president Joe Biden will overturn the Defense of Marriage Act DOMA and codify homosexual marriage into federal law But aren't homosexuals already able to marry one another Yes but this bill would federalize [... more]
The Todd Starnes Show
Todd Starnes
November 16, 2022
A number of Republican senators plan to support the Respect for Marriage Act - a law that could endanger religious liberty Kevin Kiley Liz Harrington Andy Biggs and Pastor Paul Chappell join the conversation See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
The Todd Starnes Show
Todd Starnes
September 14, 2022
The FBI is now targeting all Trump supporters but they won't be intimidating me Lee Greenwood Dick Morris Greg Baylor and Dr Emir Caner join the conversation See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Chosen Generation
Pastor Greg Young
August 05, 2022
Sheriff Bob Song standing up to ATF Gun Grabbers in Klickitat County Washington Speaking out for Sheriffs to join Constitutional Sheriffs and Sheriff Mac in defending the constitutional rights of Americans Stop red flag laws when a process already exists Defend the Bill of Rights against government overreach Gordon Klingenschmitt PrayinJesusName org discusses HR the Protect marriage Act which would destroy marriage and open a possible move by Utah to reintroduce polygamy as normal LGBTQ has grown to between to among ages to CSE is driven by Alfred Kinsey a pervert and pedophile who lived in the 's perverting and [... more]
Focus on the Family
Jim Daly
July 28, 2022
Co-founders of Grace Marriage Brad Rhoads and his wife Marilyn offer insight to couples as they describe how they've learned to love and serve each other well Our guests discuss the importance of modeling a good marriage to our culture and the work of their ministry which assists local churches in strengthening marriages Part of Receive the book Lies That Will Destroy Your Marriage for your donation of any amount https donate focusonthefamily com don-daily-broadcast-product- - - refcd treatment one-time-gift Get more episode resources https www focusonthefamily com episodes broadcast loving-the-story-of-your-marriage-part- -of- featured-resource-cta If you've listened to any of our [... more]
Focus on the Family
Jim Daly
July 27, 2022
Co-founders of Grace Marriage Brad Rhoads and his wife Marilyn offer insight to couples as they describe how they've learned to love and serve each other well Our guests discuss the importance of modeling a good marriage to our culture and the work of their ministry which assists local churches in strengthening marriages Part of Receive the book Lies That Will Destroy Your Marriage for your donation of any amount https donate focusonthefamily com don-daily-broadcast-product- - - refcd treatment one-time-gift Get more episode resources https www focusonthefamily com episodes broadcast loving-the-story-of-your-marriage-part- -of- featured-resource-cta If you've listened to any of our [... more]
Chosen Generation
Pastor Greg Young
July 22, 2022
Pastor Greg discusses the Respect Marriage Act an act disguised to groom our children by pedophiles HR must be defeated in the Senate Response to this act has been tepid at best Victor Avila NADA contains incentives to lure more illegals Illegals are victims of liberal open border policies Cartels target innocent Americans in towns where CBP and DPS reside Human Trafficking does not end when they get here [... more]
Chosen Generation
Pastor Greg Young
July 21, 2022
George Carneal Jr discusses the LGBTQ agenda and its effect on children and the sexual perversion Homosexuality is about sex addiction and victimization of young men Drugs and rape and suicide are major problems in the LGBTQ lifestyle Pastor Greg models good citizenship by calling both Senators to express opposition to the Protect Marriage Act which forces sodomite teachings into our schools and victimizes children [... more]
Chosen Generation
Pastor Greg Young
July 21, 2022
Rick Manning Democrats call our agenda social issues but they have no problem pushing their agenda on us The Protect Marriage Act does not protect marriage it destroys lives and families AB in California is destroying labor markets and truckers are pushing back at the Ports in Oakland Brett Oubre Motivational Speaker and successful owner of five car dealerships in Louisiana Overcoming issues on Self Esteem gives people the ability to achieve their dreams and goals [... more]
Moody Church Hour
Pastor Philip Miller
August 01, 2021
The Supreme Court says the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional nbsp There rsquo s no doubt nbsp marriage is under attack nbsp Some say nbsp ldquo Why marry rdquo nbsp Living together is the new norm nbsp In this message Pastor nbsp Lutzer nbsp explains nbsp why the institution of marriage is so important and why we have to honor the commitments we rsquo ve made as the vow says ldquo for better or for worse rdquo nbsp Click here to listen Duration [... more]
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
October 12, 2020
The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for [... more]
Family Policy Matters
NC Family Policy
August 23, 2014
In Part of a two-part series NC Family president John Rustin talks with Tami Fitzgerald executive director of the North Carolina Values Coalition about the escalating legal battle over marriage including four federal lawsuits that are challenging North Carolina's marriage laws and a recent ruling by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in a similar challenge to Virginia's marriage laws [... more]
Family Policy Matters
NC Family Policy
April 05, 2014
In Part of a two-part series NC Family president John Rustin continues a discussion with Peter Sprigg senior fellow for policy studies at Family Research Council in Washington D C about a recent policy paper he wrote for FRC entitled Marriage on Trial State Laws Defining Marriage as the Union of One Man and One Woman Are Constitutionally Valid [... more]
Family Policy Matters
NC Family Policy
March 29, 2014
In Part of a two-part series NC Family president John Rustin talks with Peter Sprigg senior fellow for policy studies at Family Research Council in Washington D C about a recent policy paper he wrote for FRC entitled Marriage on Trial State Laws Defining Marriage as the Union of One Man and One Woman Are Constitutionally Valid [... more]
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