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Search Results : Credit score


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Credit score
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 11, 2024
Is it the best of times or the worst of times Well it all depends on if you're trying to buy or sell a house It really is a matter of perspective Home values remain sky-high and are likely to continue rising in the foreseeable future How you view that depends on which side of the transaction you're on Navigating the Current Housing Market Tips for First-Time Home BuyersIt may be the worst of times if you're a first-time home buyer Home values have never been higher thanks to the continued high cost of building materials inflation and low inventory [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
June 27, 2024
What's harder to get rid of than termites and hurts more than a toothache A certain group of people will tell you it's a timeshare It seemed like a good idea at the time but now it's just another budget buster Today we're diving deeper into this topic Unfortunately none of the options are particularly great but let's explore them Why Are Timeshares Hard to Sell First it's important to understand why timeshares are so difficult to sell Ideally you'd sell your timeshare and recoup your investment However this rarely happens If anyone has managed it please let us know [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
June 03, 2024
Americans have an average of four credit cards each But do you really need that many And is it wise to keep accounts open that you don rsquo t use On today's Faith amp Finance Live host Rob West will explain that cancelling credit card accounts you don rsquo t use is a good idea if you do it properly nbsp Then he rsquo ll answer your questions on different financial topics nbsp See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
June 03, 2024
Americans have an average of four credit cards Do you really need that many And how many is enough Too often we hang on to credit cards we no longer use providing an unnecessary invitation to identity thieves to run up charges in our names Canceling them is a good idea if done correctly The Risks of Holding Unused Credit CardsMany of us hang on to credit cards we no longer use but this can invite identity thieves to run up charges in your name Canceling unused cards is a good idea but it needs to be done correctly Let's [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
May 02, 2024
Okay before we get into the specific money wasters there's a general principle you should be aware of if you're buying things that provide only a temporary sense of satisfaction you're probably wasting money It doesn't matter what it is if it's unnecessary and you grow bored with it it was a waste of money Check your closets for examples I'm not saying you should take a vow of poverty The Lord wants us to enjoy the resources He's given us but that must be tempered by the principle that we're merely stewards and must use His resources wisely Of [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 23, 2024
What does Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls do They are Buckner International's largest humanitarian aid project Their mission is to follow Jesus' example by serving vulnerable children families and seniors One way they do that is through partnerships like Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls where they come alongside believers in churches businesses and families throughout the U S to provide new shoes for children worldwide Why are shoes important for health education and opportunity especially in underdeveloped countries Children can't go to school without shoes in many countries where they work so Buckner promotes education by providing that gift Additionally [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 18, 2024
Must-Have Financial SkillsThe first skill is an attitude The Bible says God owns everything as in Psalm The earth is the Lord's and everything in it the world and all who live in it Understand that nothing belongs to you even you You are a manager of God's resources which should change your perspective on money and material things The number two financial skill you'll need is planning A dream without a plan is just a wish they say And wishes won't buy you a house The fundamental planning tool we recommend is a budget otherwise known as a spending [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 28, 2024
BOOMER INFLUENCE ON HOUSING MARKET The current landscape of the housing market is significantly influenced by baby boomers particularly in terms of home ownership patterns and inventory distribution A substantial portion of large homes defined as those with three bedrooms or more is owned by baby boomers who are aged between to years old In contrast younger generations including millennials ages to and Gen Zers ages to possess a smaller share of large homes leading to a disparity in housing options Boomers' ownership status with many owning homes outright and having little financial incentive to sell contributes to the limited [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 19, 2024
FINANCIAL ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENTUNDERSTANDING THE HEART'S ROLE IN FINANCIAL ATTITUDES Financial attitudes reflect one's spiritual health as wrong attitudes towards money and possessions stem from the heart mirroring a broader spiritual condition Jesus identified the root of evil thoughts including greed and envy as originating from the heart Mark - highlighting the spiritual battle within THE BATTLE AGAINST SINThe struggle with sinful attitudes like envy pride and greed is common even among devout believers like the Apostle Paul who shared his own struggles in Romans - Overcoming these attitudes requires divine intervention as Paul acknowledges deliverance through Jesus Christ CULTIVATING RIGHT [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 15, 2024
Jerry Bowyer is our resident economist and frequent contributor here FaithFi IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AI A THREAT TO MANKIND SIMILAR TO SCENARIOS IN SCIENCE FICTION Humanity cannot surpass God's creation and AI being a product of human invention cannot exceed the intelligence and capabilities God endowed in humans AI is constrained by the boundaries of human creativity AI cannot surpass human intelligence as this would imply humans have the capability to create something superior to God's own creation which is not possible given our finite nature The portrayal of AI as a potential threat or a deity in itself capable [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 06, 2024
IMPACT OF COVID ON HOUSING MARKET AND RENT VS BUY DEBATEThere's no question that we're still feeling the impact of the COVID pandemic The COVID pandemic significantly disrupted the housing market increasing home prices and rental rates making it challenging for first-time home buyers Also during that time rental rates also skyrocketed In the age-old debate rent vs buy things have shifted CURRENT HOUSING MARKET CONDITIONS Skyhigh mortgage payments On average new mortgage payments are now higher than apartment rents the largest gap in years according to CBRE Low first-time home buyer activity Only of buyers were first-timers in the [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 24, 2024
Sharon Epps is the president of Kingdom Advisors our parent organization Kingdom Advisors is a group dedicated to training financial professionals to guide and advise you according to biblical principles WHAT ARE THE BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES RELATED TO CASH FLOW AND LIVING EXPENSES Sharon emphasizes the importance of spending less than we earn drawing from Philippians which teaches contentment in all situations Contentment is key in managing finances as it helps us be satisfied with what we have and avoid unnecessary spending To improve financial health it's vital to spend less than what we earn Contentment with our current situation is [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 16, 2024
INFLATION FELL There's something you need to understand about the inflation numbers you hear in the news such as Inflation fell to last month on an annualized basis Some folks think that means prices went down but it really only means that the rate of price increases has gone down INFLATION'S PERMANENT PRICE INCREASES A decrease in inflation rate means slower price increase not price reduction Even if inflation drops to zero the high prices from past inflation remain WAGE GROWTH NOT KEEPING UP WITH INFLATION A significant portion of workers report their wages haven't kept up with inflation leading [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 08, 2024
The usual honey-do jobs are anything but sweet Get the oil changed Empty the dishwasher and take the dog to the vet are a few that come to mind But if you think about it these are jobs we do because we love our family and we want things to go smoothly around the house God doesn't require good works for salvation however they're a necessary joyful part of living for Christ Scripture emphasizes the interconnection of faith and works underscoring that like a body without spirit is dead so is faith without works SCRIPTURE INSIGHTS James Faith apart from [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
January 03, 2024
Having bad credit is expensive With inflation and high interest rates it rsquo s more important than ever to keep your credit score as high as possible and you won rsquo t believe how much money that can save you On today's Faith amp Finance Live host Rob West will talk about the added expense of having bad credit Then he rsquo ll answer your financial questions on various topics nbsp See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 03, 2024
Having bad credit is expensive With inflation and high interest rates it rsquo s more important than ever to keep your credit score as high as possible and you won rsquo t believe how much money that can save you On today's Faith amp Finance Live host Rob West will talk about the added expense of having bad credit Then he rsquo ll answer your financial questions on various topics nbsp See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 03, 2024
GOD'S WORD ON PAYING DEBTS Proverbs emphasizes the importance of paying back debts on time Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to do it DEFINING GOOD CREDIT SCORES FICO scores range from to with a good score between and A very good score is between and and excellent is to Higher credit scores result in better interest rate offers from lenders IMPACT OF CREDIT SCORE ON LOANS AND INTEREST RATES A higher credit score can significantly reduce interest rates on mortgages personal loans and credit cards Example Raising a [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 25, 2023
The following is an encore presentation from April is just hours away and it's one of our favorite months of the year That's because April is Financial Literacy Month This event began some two decades ago to raise awareness about the critical need for financial literacy It's just as important as learning to read and write We'll talk about that on Faith and Finance It's not quite April yet but we want to give you a head start on gaining financial literacy It's important because if you don't know how to set up a budget handle credit cards responsibly or [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 20, 2023
Brian Holtz is the Chief Operating Officer at Compass Finances God's Way He's also the author of a brand new book Financial Discipleship for Families Intentionally Raising Faithful Children WHY A BOOK ABOUT MONEY FOR PARENTING Jesus used money in parables to teach spiritual lessons making it relatable and insightful for teaching children Managing money according to God's principles impacts our relationship with Him ACTIVE VS REACTIVE PARENTINGActive parenting involves setting goals and preparing children for future financial decisions Reactive parenting addresses issues only as they arise often in a negative context WHY A BOOK ABOUT MONEY FOR PARENTING Jesus [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
November 15, 2023
You've been sitting on the sidelines waiting to buy a home until the market improves And normally November through February are the slowest months of the year for home sales So will it be a buyer's market again this winter On today's Faith amp Finance Live host Rob West will welcome Dale Vermillion to give us his take on the housing market and what we can expect in the coming months Then Rob will answer your financial questions See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 24, 2023
We want to give a shout out to Ken Boa and Russ Crosson for their book Leverage Using Temporal Wealth for Eternal Gain It's a blueprint for how we can take the Bible's financial principles and put them into practice for God's Kingdom In other words taking something that's temporary and making it eternal Again leveraging our finances to advance the Kingdom is extremely important but we must also acknowledge that God gives us many gifts including time talent and experience We need to look for ways to use them for the Kingdom as well if we're to be truly [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 12, 2023
Churches Need to Teach About MoneyWhen Stewardship Sunday comes around some folks find excuses to skip church It's a fact that money isn't a popular sermon topic Well maybe that's because people have the wrong attitude about money We'll talk about that today on Faith and Finance Church leaders who teach God's Word every week understand their responsibility to guide their flocks wisely Sometimes they have to teach on tough topics such as sin spiritual discipline and maybe even Leviticus One of the most awkward sermon subjects though is money Whenever a church leader mentions stewardship or generosity or tithing [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 11, 2023
Objectives for Successful Investing th century humorist Will Rogers once said I'm not so much interested in the return on my money as I am in the return of my money It's a funny line but also something every investor should keep in mind What are the objectives you should consider when risking your money We'll give you three of them today on Faith and Finance Here are Objectives for Successful Investing UNDERSTANDING INVESTING OBJECTIVES Rob West clarifies the difference between an objective and a goal emphasizing the significance of objectives in the investment journey There are three main objectives [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 08, 2023
The past few years haven't been easy for small businesses in the U S The pandemic threw the supply chain the workforce and the economy into chaos forcing many small companies to close their doors and sending workers home by the millions But small business owners are nothing if not resourceful and many of you have pivoted into the new realities with determination and creativity Of course as Christians in business we are called to a higher standard Colossians says Whatever you do work heartily as for the Lord and not for men knowing that from the Lord you will [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 15, 2023
The financial group Thrivent actually does an annual Boomerang Kids Survey The latest one just conducted in May found that of parents have an adult child currently living with them The three most common reasons given for this were Increasing rent and home prices Needing additional financial support after completing high school or college And job loss No doubt the disruptions caused by COVID have also contributed to the boomerang kid boom even though employers were desperate for workers in the later stages of the pandemic and employment remains relatively strong Now an adult child living at home in and [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
August 09, 2023
The New Testament contains several passages that clearly show the radical generosity of the st century church So how does their example compare with church giving today On today's MoneyWise Live host Rob West will revisit the concept of tithes and offerings and how it applies to believers today Then he rsquo ll answer some calls and financial questions nbsp See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 03, 2023
BACK-TO-SCHOOL TAX HOLIDAYSNow obviously you want to make the most of your back-to-school money and that starts with knowing everything you can about sales tax holidays in your state Deadlines really matter and it seems like every state has set up different tax holiday periods In many cases these are set up as weekend events but not always Some may start on Friday and end on Saturday so you've got to know exactly when your tax holiday starts and stops In states with a sales tax this could mean saving anywhere from - right off the bat Okay so now [... more]
Dana Loesch Show
Dana Loesch
June 29, 2023
Todd Herman filling in for Dana today Our energy infrastructure is getting destroyed by Biden and the Chinese Justice Clarence Thomas and Kantiji Brown are fighting Biden says affirmative action has been misunderstood Social credit scores are being used as weapons Harvard thinks inserting racism is solving racism And Biden talks about his vast meetings with Xi Jinping during his time as VP Please visit our great sponsors Black Rifle Coffeehttps blackriflecoffee com danaChange the lives of Veterans and their families with the Boot Campaign with every purchase of the Ready-to-Drink Coffee Hartford Gold CALL - - or text DANA [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
April 11, 2023
Americans have an average of four credit cards each But do you really need that many And is it wise to keep accounts open that you don't use On today's Faith amp Finance Live host Rob West will explain that cancelling credit card accounts you don't use is a good idea if you do it properly Then he'll answer your questions on different financial topics See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
December 15, 2022
It rsquo s easy to get rid of a credit card Just cancel it But is that the best way And what if there rsquo s a balance On today's MoneyWise Live host Rob West will explain the easiest way to get rid of a credit card may not be the best way to handle an account when you rsquo re done using it Then he rsquo ll answer your questions on various financial topics nbsp See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
November 29, 2022
Did you know there rsquo s one number that can save you a lot of money And you might be surprised it rsquo s not how much is in your paycheck or bank account Instead we rsquo re talking about your credit score On today's MoneyWise Live host Rob West will explain how a good credit score can be as good as money in the bank Then he rsquo ll answer your questions on various financial topics nbsp See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
November 22, 2022
Raising children and managing money are always a challenge but that rsquo s even more true when you rsquo re a single parent On the next MoneyWise Live host Rob West will share some advice for single parents to help them stay on budget and save for emergencies Then he rsquo ll answer some questions on various financial topics nbsp See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
February 03, 2022
Did you know that improving your credit score by just a few points could save you hundreds of dollars a year On today's MoneyWise Live host Rob West will talk with Neile Simon of Christian Credit Counselors about how you can improve your credit score and save money Then he'll answer your calls and questions on various financial topics See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
January 12, 2022
We've all heard the story of the boy who cried wolf After the second or third time with no wolf to be seen people stopped believing him On today's MoneyWise Live host Rob West will talk with economist Jerry Bowyer about the financial alarmists who are crying wolf about our economy being on the brink of collapse Then Rob will answer your financial questions from a biblical perspective See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
January 06, 2022
Our work should glorify God That makes choosing the right career field especially important So if you're deciding on a career path or looking to make a change join us for today's MoneyWise Live and host Rob West will share a list of the best careers for Then he'll answer your calls and questions on various financial topics See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Family Policy Matters
NC Family Policy
January 04, 2022
This week on Family Policy Matters NC Family President John L Rustin sits down with North Carolina State Treasurer Dale Folwell to discuss our state's economic landscape as we look forward to Treasurer Folwell addresses healthcare the employment crisis and North Carolina's budget surplus [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
January 03, 2022
It's New Year's Eve and you know what that means you only have a few hours left to decide on your resolutions and it's easy to come up with a list of things you're determined to do Sticking to those resolutions is the hard part On today's MoneyWise Live Rob West will share one financial resolution that you'll never regret keeping Then he'll answer some calls and questions on various financial topics See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
December 27, 2021
Some decidedly ungodly elements have taken over the sphere of corporate engagement with investing So how should Christians respond On today's MoneyWise Live Rob West will talk with Robert Netzly about investing that glorifies God Then he'll answer some calls and questions on various financial topics See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
November 22, 2021
Record low interest rates have brought on a flurry of home refinancing and with it the very big temptation to increase the size of your loan and take cash out against your home's equity But is it wise to borrow like that On today's MoneyWise Live Rob West will give a brief refresher course on wise biblical borrowing Then he'll answer your calls and questions on various financial topics See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
November 08, 2021
The Bible leaves no room for doubt that God owns the earth and all that is in it Yet it's often a challenge for Christians to put their understanding of that principle into practice On today's MoneyWise Live Rob West will talk with Dan Schilling about how to practice the principle of God's total ownership in your life Then Rob will answer your calls and questions on various financial topics See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Understanding The Times
Jan Markell
November 05, 2021
Jan Markell spends the hour with Pastor Brandon Holthaus The crisis of a virus has set the stage for the end game a one-world system Now efforts are being introduced such as one's social credit score to where people can't buy or sell without a proper score The rush to globalize by has now been pushed up to How does the Christian cope with the new normal [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
November 03, 2021
Did you know that two thirds of smartphone users have at least one budgeting app They've discovered how easy it is to keep tabs on their money from anywhere On today's MoneyWise Live host Rob West will talk with Chad Clark about how to make your life easier by choosing the right budgeting app Then Rob will take your calls on various financial questions from a biblical perspective See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
October 15, 2021
Today many investors want their assets to do more than provide for their financial futures they want them to reflect their faith values as well On today's MoneyWise Live host Rob West will talk with Stella Tai of Praxis Mutual Funds about looking beyond the bottom line to ways we can steward the non-financial impact of our investments Then Rob will answer your calls and questions on various financial topics See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
October 12, 2021
Since the COVID Delta variant has prolonged the pandemic businesses are facing new mandates and struggling to stay open And that's leading to continued unemployment woes for retail and service industry employees On today's MoneyWise Live Rob West will share steps you can use to weather a financial crisis brought on by unemployment or other factors Then he'll answer your calls and questions on a variety of financial topics See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
October 07, 2021
For more than years having a good credit score was the only way to get a credit card Now there's a movement to put credit cards in the hands of folks who have no credit score at all On today's MoneyWise Live host Rob West will talk about a government initiative to make credit available more broadly Then Rob will answer various financial questions from a biblical perspective See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
August 19, 2021
The Parable of the Persistent Widow is a lesson about the power of prayer but does it also teach us how to deal with unrighteous judges in our lives Well we don't actually deal with judges all too often but there are unfair business practices that we as consumers encounter regularly So on the next MoneyWise Live host Rob West will apply this Bible lesson to those types of problems Then he'll answer your calls and questions on various financial topics That's MoneyWise Live where biblical wisdom meets today's finances weekdays at pm Eastern pm Central on Moody Radio See [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
August 18, 2021
Folks are always asking How much will I need to retire And of course the answer is it depends on your needs lifestyle and one more important factor On the next MoneyWise Live host Rob West will talk about that other important piece of the retirement puzzle Then he'll answer your calls and financial questions from a biblical perspective That's MoneyWise Live where biblical wisdom meets today's finances weekdays at pm Eastern pm Central on Moody Radio See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
August 06, 2021
I Bonds may not be the most attractive choice among fixed income securities but you may be surprised to find they have a feature that will make them more appealing in the near future On the next MoneyWise Live host Rob West will talk about I Bonds and how their built-in inflation protection is becoming increasingly important in today rsquo s economy Then he rsquo ll answer your calls and questions on various financial topics That rsquo s MoneyWise Live mdash where biblical wisdom meets today rsquo s finances weekdays at pm Eastern pm Central on Moody Radio [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
July 13, 2021
Do you know the number one reason why it rsquo s good to have a high credit score Here rsquo s a hint mdash it rsquo s not about bragging rights or feeling superior although some folks might view it that way On the next MoneyWise Live host Rob West will explain the number one reason you want to have a good credit score is that it saves you money Then he rsquo ll take your questions on the financial matters you rsquo d like to discuss That rsquo s MoneyWise Live mdash where biblical wisdom meets today rsquo s [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
July 07, 2021
If you rsquo re familiar with the treasure principle you rsquo re aware that when your money is flowing toward God rsquo s Kingdom then your heart will follow On the next MoneyWise Live host Rob West welcomes author Ron Blue to explain this timeless principle and how giving breaks the power of money Then Rob will address your questions on the financial topics you rsquo d like to discuss That rsquo s on MoneyWise Live where biblical wisdom meets today rsquo s finances mdash weekdays at pm Eastern pm Central on Moody Radio [... more]
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
June 23, 2021
Open calls questions and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio Questions include--- - Should Mark - - be in the Bible--- - Matt discusses textual variants -- - Matt discusses secularism as its own religion -- - Can a Christian be possessed--- - What will happen to the individual in socialism--- - Matt talks about the social credit score as used in China [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
June 03, 2021
As the economy continues to recover employers in many sectors are scrambling to find workers and to hang onto the ones they have So does that mean that it rsquo s time to ask for a raise On the next MoneyWise Live host Rob West explains that how you ask your employer for a raise can really improve your chances of getting one Then he rsquo ll answer your financial questions from a biblical perspective That rsquo s on the next MoneyWise Live where biblical wisdom meets today rsquo s finances weekdays at pm Eastern pm Central on Moody Radio [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
May 17, 2021
Financial institutions are increasingly participating in ungodly practices and Christians need to be aware of the options they have to do business elsewhere On the next MoneyWise Live host Rob West will talk with investing expert Robert Netzly NETS-lee about an alternative to the big banks that pose a challenge to biblical values Then Rob will take your calls and questions on the financial matters you rsquo d like to discuss That rsquo s MoneyWise Live mdash where biblical wisdom meets today rsquo s financial decisions weekdays at pm Eastern pm Central on Moody Radio [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
May 04, 2021
Have you ever heard of a wealth killer nbsp It rsquo s a habit people have or a mistake they make when managing their finances that leads to their inability to accumulate even a comfortable amount of wealth On the next MoneyWise Live host Rob West shares some of the biggest wealth killers that may be keeping you from storing up some surplus savings Then he rsquo ll answer your calls and questions on various financial topics That rsquo s the next MoneyWise Live mdash where biblical wisdom meets today rsquo s finances weekdays at pm Eastern pm Central on [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
April 16, 2021
Plenty of companies claim they can boost your credit score for a price nbsp Some of them are scams while others are legitimate nbsp But either way you just don rsquo t need them On the next MoneyWise Live host Rob West explains that there rsquo s nothing anyone can do to improve your credit score that you can rsquo t already do yourself Then he rsquo ll take your calls and questions on any financial topic nbsp Find out how to boost your credit score on the next MoneyWise Live at pm Eastern pm Central on Moody Radio [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
February 25, 2021
You may be looking to buy peace of mind with a home warranty to cover appliance and system repairs nbsp But nbsp are those policies worth the investment and nbsp do they nbsp really deliver on their nbsp promises nbsp On the next nbsp MoneyWise nbsp Live hosts Rob West and Steve Moore nbsp have the ldquo low down rdquo on those warranty offers nbsp Then they rsquo ll take your calls and questions on any financial topic nbsp It's the trouble with home warranties nbsp on the next nbsp MoneyWise nbsp Live at pm Eastern pm Central on Moody [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
February 23, 2021
Most indicators point to continued economic recovery from the COVID crises this year nbsp nbsp Still there are nbsp things you can do nbsp to ensure that nbsp your own finances will be better in nbsp than nbsp they were nbsp last year nbsp On the next nbsp MoneyWise nbsp Live hosts Rob West and Steve Moore nbsp share some steps to strengthen your financial condition and prepare you for whatever lies ahead nbsp Then nbsp Rob and Steve nbsp answer your calls and questions on various financial topics nbsp Financial tweaks for nbsp on the next nbsp MoneyWise nbsp [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
February 18, 2021
Credit cards can be handy tools when used for items that fit within your budget and when you pay off their balance every month But at times you may need to cancel a card So how do you do that while minimizing the impact on your credit score On the next MoneyWise Live hosts Rob West and Steve Moore have the answer to that question Then they rsquo ll take some calls and questions on several different financial topics Join us to hear how to cancel a credit card on the next MoneyWise Live at pm Eastern pm Central on [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
January 29, 2021
In Proverbs Solomon writes ldquo A good name is more desirable than great riches hellip rdquo And in today rsquo s financial world having a ldquo good name rdquo means having a good credit score On the next MoneyWise Live hosts Rob West and Steve Moore share some ways you can improve your credit and after some time your financial horizons Then they rsquo ll answer your financial questions from a biblical perspective How to build your credit on the next MoneyWise Live at pm Eastern pm Central on Moody Radio [... more]
Rob West and Steve Moore
January 28, 2021
As COVID related shutdowns drag on many Americans continue to struggle with lost income But the good news is there are still plenty of ways to make money on the side On the next MoneyWise Live hosts Rob West and Steve Moore share some ways you can earn extra cash in your ldquo down time rdquo Then they rsquo ll take your calls and questions on any financial topic Money making ideas on the next MoneyWise Live at pm Eastern pm Central on Moody Radio nbsp [... more]
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