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Alexander Mattison, Vikings Running Back

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb
The Truth Network Radio
September 25, 2022 5:27 pm

Alexander Mattison, Vikings Running Back

Zach Gelb Show / Zach Gelb

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September 25, 2022 5:27 pm

Zach Gelb hosts Eye on Football on CBS Sports Radio every NFL regular season Sunday. Vikings running back Alexander Mattison joined Zach after the Vikings 28-24 win over the Lions.

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Hey guys, Mike Valenny for Cash the Ticket Podcast. If you like sports betting or if you just like sports, it's the podcast for you. We try to cover all the big games and maybe some of the games you didn't even know were important. Give you some angles, pick some winners, have a good time, and hopefully help you meander through college and pro football season. So join us a couple times a week to get all your information you need to bet the games that you watch.

It's Cash the Ticket on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. We'll go out to Minnesota right now. The Vikings come from behind and they take down the Lions 28 to 24. And now joining us is Alexander Madison, had seven carries for 28 yards and a touchdown.

Also had a reception for 16 yards as well. Alexander, appreciate the time. What a victory that was. Congratulations. Thank you, thank you.

I really appreciate it. Would you take me through your feelings for KJ Osborne? I've got a chance to know him a little bit. I think he's a very underrated player, starting to come into his own. When you see him get that touchdown, how'd you process it? Oh man, it was one of those things, a beautiful feeling. The stadium goes crazy and I'm selling a fake on that play and I look up and it's KJ. And it's one of those things that time and time again he shows up, like you said, underrated player.

He has that clutch in his veins and he's one of those guys that's always going to show up. And it was a beautiful thing at the end of the day. It didn't go your way on Monday night as a football team. You guys got off to a slow start today. What does it say about that team that even though you dug yourself into a hole early and then also late, you were still able to find the way to win the game?

Resilient. You know, we trust the process and we understand the way that we prepare and the way that we trust one another that we're never out of the game. So we're able to show that today and we're able to establish a little bit of our identity out there on the field, moving some guys around in the run game and marrying up with pass game and our defense holding their own. And just a beautiful picture overall, we were able to show who the Vikings are. And, you know, there's a lot of stuff that we got to clean up, but it was a great, hard-fought win. And it was one of those victories that you just grow together. You know, trusting in your brothers to the last whistle. And that's what we did out there today.

Alexander Madison here with us. Vikings win 28 to 24. You had a touchdown in that fourth quarter. Extra point was good.

You cut it down to a three-point game. Take me through that touchdown, Ronan, as you were bulldozing through the Lions' defense. Oh, man, it was just one of those things. You kind of read the defense before the play happens and you understand where it's going to hit at. And that's where it hit. You know, I trusted my offensive line up front.

They did an amazing job. And from there, you know, it was just my will against another man's will. And, you know, I pride myself on not losing that too many times. So it was a great play where we are able to just move as an offense and catch the momentum back.

How does your mentality change? We all know how special of a running back Dalvin Cook is. Unfortunately, he's had to deal with some injuries. But when he leaves the game with that shoulder injury, does your mentality change at all? Not at all.

You know, you just turn it on a little bit. You don't understand that now you're going out there and you're out there. And unfortunately, but fortunately, I've been in the position times before where I had to come in. And I think that helped me prepare for moments like this where I understand I have him to lean on on the sideline.

But just knowing that I'm going to have to go in and step up. Any conversations with Dalvin Cook after the game? How's he doing? He's doing great. Yeah, he's ready to go.

He's already looking forward to the next one. And yeah, we're on grind mode mentality and we're going to get back to work and we're going to be good. Before we let you run, Alexander Madison, your new head football coach, Kevin O'Connell, what has he shown you so far through the first three games of the season and the entire offseason? He's someone that we can trust in and believe in. And he trusts and believes in us. And we do the same. And he's an amazing person, amazing coach, and someone that we can really lean on to not only get us through a football game, get us through hard times in life. He's one of those people that's there for us on and off the field.

So as long as we continue to build that trust and believe in him and him believing in us, as you see today, at the end of the day, that came down to us believing in one another, every man on that field. Alexander Madison, always appreciate the time. Thanks so much and congratulations. Thank you.

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We're still being charged for water that we can't use. Listen and subscribe to Beyond Black History Month on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts from. Looking for stories about the black community and you don't want to wait until, oh, I don't know, February? Then check out Beyond Black History Month, the podcast that tells inclusive stories year round. Like how today's labor movement is connected to the civil rights movement and why black neighborhoods keep getting hit with water crisis after water crisis. We're still being charged for water that we can't use. Listen and subscribe to Beyond Black History Month on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts from. To bet the games that you watch, it's cash to ticket on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts.
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