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I don't know. I've had bad experiences with Karens in lines before. All right.
There you go. So, you know, well, anyhow, I had a bank manager. Her name was Karen. And I asked her about that.
Why do they, why? And she said, because it's dingbat feminists that are behind that. Okay. And so there you go.
And up to then I thought it was Archie Bunker, myself, was the only ones that used that term. But this woman, maybe she'd been listening. Anyhow, there you go.
We're back. We're going to be talking about, I'll tell you who's not a dingbat and who is not a feminist. It's Pam Bundy.
She is a real lady, a real lady and a pretty one, too. It's that. But no, she handles, she handles that weasel, Pencil Nick, Adam Schiff. This guy is just unbelievable. He's worried. He wants, he needs to get him a pardon from Trump.
Trump's are not Trump. Biden's pardon over 50. What's the 15? How many 1500? He's pardoned already more than that.
No, Pastor Ernie. Yesterday he pardoned 2500 more. Wow. On top of the 1500 he pardoned 2500.
Okay. I know Hillary wanted a pardon and Liz Cheney wanted a pardon. I know what's his name?
Came right out on Fox News. The, the, uh, oh, who was the J six or the guy, you know, thinking about, uh, the black fellow who is a real anti, anti Christ. Uh, oh, what is his name? Hammond.
One of my senior moments right now. The Congressman, you know, I'm talking about, uh, uh, more lock more lock. No, no, he's a senator. I'm talking about the one from South Carolina.
Uh, oh boy. You know who I'm talking about? Anyhow, uh, these he's a real Thompson. Pardon? Benny Thompson.
Any Thompson. Yeah, that guy is, he, he is really anti Christian. I mean, big time. So Joanne in New York pleasures 500. Thank you, Joanne. God bless these ladies tonight. They're really showing up here tonight.
And so already 8 8 8 2 8 1 1 1 1 0 or 8 8 8 6 7 7 9 6 7 3. And let's hear what how Pam Bondi, how she handled those losers. Thank you, Mr Chair.
Before I begin, I just want to remind us all for the record that the 34 convictions that indictments convictions of former president, incoming President Trump or by a jury of his peers. Thank you, Miss Bondi for being here today. And I too would like to welcome your family and friends who are here. Appreciate the opportunity to meet yesterday to learn about your priorities and discuss a number of issues that are important to me. But I got to tell you, as I reflected on our conversation yesterday, as I've observed the hearing today, I continue to have significant reservations on your ability to function as a truly independent attorney general for your friend. It's important to him, your friend, President elect Trump. So I hope you can address some of these concerns through your responses to my questions here.
The first issue area is something that we didn't get a chance to touch on yesterday. So I actually want to follow up on some of Senator Durbin's questions from earlier about the 2020 election. I want to be clear. On the day after the 2020 presidential general election, you traveled to Philadelphia to appear alongside President Trump's then attorney, Rudy Giuliani. And together, you falsely asserted that President Trump had, quote, won Pennsylvania in that election.
Now, I want to be clear. At that moment, there were still at least a million ballots left to be counted in Pennsylvania. Of course, President Biden went on to win the state by more than 80000 votes. But in the following days, even after the results were clear, you continued to double down on the big lie, promoting falsehoods about election fraud and cheating without offering any actual evidence. Now, I remember it clearly because I served as California secretary of state at the time, and I invited anybody associated with the Trump campaign who was making these claims to come forward with evidence of irregularities in the election or massive voter fraud.
Four years later, I still have seen none. So I ask you today, do you have any evidence of election fraud or regularities in the 2020 election? So, first, Senator. Yes or no? It's a yes or no question. First, Senator. Do you have evidence?
Yes or no? First, Senator. First, Senator, I'm so sorry about the fires to you and Senator Schiff and what you're going through in your states. I have to say that.
I appreciate that. All of our hearts go out to everyone in California for what you're facing right now. I'm glad you asked the question about Pennsylvania. It's a yes or no question. Do you have evidence? Yes or no?
Senator, I was hoping you'd ask the question. Do you have evidence? Yes or no?
I traveled to Pennsylvania. Do you have evidence? Yes or no? I traveled, Senator, to Pennsylvania. Okay, you're not answering my question.
If you have no evidence to offer, let me ask you this. Will you now retract your previous statements that Trump won Pennsylvania in the 2020 election? Yes or no? Oh, Senator, I traveled to Pennsylvania and let me tell you what I saw firsthand. Yes or no? I didn't talk about California because I was not in California. Yes or no?
I talked about Pennsylvania because I was there. Mr. Chair, I'm going to move on because she's clearly not answering my questions. And I want to note, colleagues, for everybody, for everybody, members of the committee and everybody watching, that the other, the attorney who stood beside, Mr. Giuliani, was making very similar statements, and he has since been disbarred from multiple jurisdictions for making these false claims about the 2020 election in court. And like Mr. Giuliani, as you've noted today, you've taken an oath to uphold the Constitution just as an attorney, and now you're asking us to consider you to serve as the chief law enforcement officer in our country? So it's imperative, Ms. Bondi, that you subscribe to facts and evidence and not politically convenient conspiracy theories. Your job will be, I'm speaking, your job will be to protect voters and election workers, not to undermine and dox them.
Now, I know that earlier you agreed that Joe Biden is in fact president, but many of the president-elect's inner circle continue to spread the big lie about the 2020 election. Then we'll move on to a different topic. Senator, you were speaking, may I speak? You cut me off when I was speaking. I have a question you can speak and I hope you answered, Ms. Bondi. Now, when we met yesterday, when we met yesterday, you did not seem to be familiar with the citizenship clause of the United States of America, which was deeply disappointing. I guess you didn't want to hear my answer about Pennsylvania.
After I gave an opportunity to study overnight. So can you tell me in this committee what the citizenship clause of the 14th amendment says? Senator, I'm here to answer your questions.
I'm not here to do your homework and study for you. If I am confirmed. You're the one asking for a confirmation. Hey, you cut me off.
Can I please finish? What does the 14th amendment say? Senator, Senator, the 14th amendment we all know addresses birthright citizenship. I've been a state prosecutor. I've been a state AG. I look forward to even given your remarks today working with you and the people of California if I am confirmed as the 87th attorney general of the United States of America. I didn't take your homework assignment.
I'm sorry. I was preparing for today. So on the 14th amendment. Now, you've testified repeatedly to this committee that you will uphold the laws of this country and defend the Constitution of the United States. Do you believe birthright citizenship is the law of the land and will you defend it regardless of a child born in the United States, regardless of their parents' immigration status? Senator, I will study birthright citizenship. I would love to meet with you regarding birthright citizenship. Can I answer the question? You serve as the Attorney General of the United States and you still need to study the 14th amendment of the Constitution?
That is not helping me have more confidence in your ability to do this job. One other immigration related question. I'll steer clear of the Constitution and the law.
I have one regarding that I'd like to talk about. Senator Hirono asked you earlier, but I don't think you answered her question. Can you please tell us, do you agree with the statement that immigrants are, quote, poisoning the blood of our country, yes or no? I did not say that. I did not say that you said that. I'm asking if you agree with it, yes or no?
I did not say that. Do you agree with it, yes or no? Senator, my great grandparents are immigrants. Do you agree with it, yes or no?
They came here from Sicily through Ellis Island when they were teenagers. Do you agree with it, yes or no? Senator, let me answer the question.
Yes or no? My great grandparents came here, immigrated to this country from Sicily, recently went and found each of their birth certificates. We are a nation made up of immigrants.
Do I believe immigrants are poisoning our country? No, Senator. Thank you very much. Mr.
Chair, I can't wait for the second round. Same, Senator. Thank you. It's an interesting thing. First of all, when they keep saying yes or no, yes or no, that happened to me when the ACLU, they were charging me with all kinds of bogus charges.
This goes back for a while. As I was on the witness stand, they pulled that stuff with me because I asked them, why in the world would you even ask me a question like that, and they got very frustrated with me. So they told the judge, your honor, would you please make him answer yes or no? So the judge said, will you answer yes or no? I said, OK. So every question they asked me, I'd say yes and no, yes and no, yes and no. They said, why are you doing that?
Because you told me to, right? See, these people, again, they're not real smart. Adam Schiff, when he was in Congress, was known to be the best liar. They would actually brag that he was their best liar since Bill Clinton. And here, this other, if you'd watch this, that Senator from Hawaii, Senator Crazy, she never gave Pam one opportunity to answer one question.
She asked her a question and would talk over her. She is said to be, and I didn't, you know, she is said to be the dumbest U.S. Senator.
And that's what even those in the media say. And I can understand, listening to that woman, how, I mean, we have people like that in the Senate. That's amazing.
That really is amazing, OK? But, boy, I'd like a crack at those people, especially that other Senator, that was Padillo. You know, I wish they would question me that way, you know? They would get what guys were in the Bible says about hypocrisy.
You talk about hypocrisy, oh my gosh. Anyhow, there you go. Did I mention Joanne New York gave 500 points to 500?
Did I do that already? Yeah, OK. Thank you.
All right, the phone lines are open at 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. What did you take away from that, Barkley? Well, I love the way that she said that she's not going to do his homework for him. And I would have to agree with what you explained. You know, they asked this question, or asked their questions, and it's really set up as a got you question.
That's the format for it. They want to lock, you know, whoever they're interviewing, if you would. They want to try to lock them in with the got you question. So I think she stood her ground. I'm glad the way that she handled not only that senator, but Adam Schiff. I think she's really standing her ground.
Absolutely. And you know when they said, did you say, do you believe that the 2020 election, that there was what they called, how did they frame that? That it was rigged. It was a rigged election.
Yeah. And anyone and everyone, I'll say from coast to coast, anyone and everyone that says that there was no election fraud in that election is a liar and not a bit of truth in them. We witnessed, from coast to coast, people witnessed them inverted. We watched as Trump was way ahead. We watched him flip the numbers right in front of us on television like it's in your face here. And then we're going to deny that we ever did this. And so, you know, and that's what they did.
What do you think, John? Pastor Ernie, yes, I saw it in Pennsylvania. There was less, there was about 2 percent of the votes still outstanding. Trump was way ahead in Pennsylvania. It got late early in the morning and I said, or late in the morning, and I said, well, I'm going to go to bed and I'm sure he won because there was only such a small amount of votes left. So all of a sudden these mail-in ballots show up and it's like 300,000 mail-in ballots show up and it turns in favor of Biden by 80,000 votes. Yeah. And he won.
Well, all in all, there came to be 12 million bogus votes, 12 million. Yeah, I would believe that. I would believe that for sure. Yes, maybe even more. Yeah. So, yeah, how do you, with 2 percent of the vote left, all of a sudden you turn, you're behind by like 100,000 and you win by 80,000. Yeah.
Well, I mean, again. That happened in Wisconsin. That happened in Arizona.
That happened in Atlanta. Yeah, people that were deceased, they were still, as some of the people that had voted in some of these places, you had more votes than you actually had people in that county. Yes, that's true. It's so much true. And so the fact that they keep bringing this, this is what so many of these senators keep questioning, Pam Bondi and some of the others on, is this election.
Do you believe that Trump won this? And this is really showing because once this new Department of Justice gets in, they have the ability to go after and disclose the truth and they are really afraid of the truth of that coming out because it's going to allow their house of cards to basically fall. It is. There's so much of my advice to Adam Schiff is to stay away from little boys, Adam. The pedophilia within that Democratic Party is just unbelievable what has taken place out there today. And so they, yeah, they're right now there's huge amounts of hush when they're being paid for this Diddy thing, this P Diddy thing, and the same thing happened, the very same thing happened with Epstein, but now they're all tied together. And I think this may be why a part of the reason, you know, with a big elite pedophilia is rampant amongst the very, very wealthy elite and within the Democratic Communist Party. And so I think this may be one of the reasons why you have all of these very, very wealthy Democrats all of a sudden switching over to Trump. Anyhow, do you think that there should be like funding for TDS out there, there's Trump derangement syndrome, they're talking about making that, you know, an actual mental illness type thing. And we see it's rampant, it's rampant, you know, you know, amongst the Democrats. And so, anyhow.
Well, I think it's ironic. So many of them thought for sure Trump was going to lose and Harris was going to win. And they went, I saw him screaming and crying and carrying on, mostly women, I don't remember seeing any men, but they were like real serious, thinking that all their rights are going to be taken away.
And I heard that there was a surge in them going out buying guns, a notable surge buying guns because they thought that Trump was going to, I don't know, put them all in jail. So yeah, it's real serious. I mean, when you live in delusions like that, Pastor Ernie, at some point you can't function in reality.
Right. Well, you know, you were talking about that, you had the group of those women were screamers, they were actually going out in the country and they would stand up, a bunch of them would get together, and they would scream. They would just go out in the woods to scream, okay? Now that, by doing that, okay, that was supposed to some way keep Trump from getting elected.
But, I mean, there's some issues there, isn't there? Pastor Ernie, I did see that it was videoed and they were there, I mean, blood curdling demonic screams were coming out of them. And they felt that that was a way of relieving tension and getting this hatred out in the hall. I mean, they were screaming. Yeah. They were doing some very, very, I can't even mention what they were doing, you know, with pictures of Donald Trump by trying to put curses on him.
And so they had his pictures and they were smearing some, you know, and I don't even really want to talk about it here in the air, but it's not good what they were doing. And so, Bonnie in Oklahoma pledges $10. Thank you, Bonnie.
888-281-1110, that's the credit card line, that's 888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673, that's 888-677-9673. It's, you know, it's just amazing. And how they, you know, Pam, she was trying to say what, you know, when they kept saying, do you believe that there was election fraud? She was trying to tell them what she saw, but they wouldn't let her. You know, that whole idea, you know, asking a question and talking over them, okay? And you know what, I hate to say it, but the Republicans do it too. I mean, they'll, you know, this yes or no, this should be, none of those, look, I would tell them when they've done that to me, I say, look, I don't tell you how to ask the question, so don't tell me how to answer it, okay? And that's, you know, well, that's what I've told them. And I mean, I have to, I've taken a stand and the good Lord has delivered me from the hands of the enemy time and time again when I've been on that stand in the courtroom because I have no compromise period, okay?
I'll go to jail before I compromise. And so, there you go. But anyhow, and see, you're right, they're paranoid, they're really afraid because once this gets going, this investigation starts, it's going to go to a lot of them. Not only that, did you see here this new, what Trump has started now, another department where you have, he's got John Voight, he's got Mel Gibson, and oh, Rambo, what's his name? Sylvester Stallone, these three guys now are heading up an organization to keep movies being made in America, back in California and America because they've been moving them out of the country because they cost so much to make here. And you know, in Hollywood it costs so much to make a movie that they've had to move them out.
People are going to all these other countries, so these guys, and these are all, these are the ones that the woke movie can't touch and the communist Hollywood, they're too big for Hollywood to take down, and they're all outspoken Republicans. Isn't that something? So, go ahead. Judy in PA pledges $30. Thank you, Judy. 888-281-1110. Can we get a match for Joanne's $500 from New York? Can we get a match? Can we get it for that?
888-281-1110 or 888-677-9673. We only have about, well, we've got 34 minutes left in tonight's program. We really have to hear from you folks. John, tell them why they really need to support this program. Well, Pastor Ernie, I think there's a lot of things that we're covering tonight that the media really doesn't pick up on. I may mention a little, but I thought the information there, what Trump was saying about Greenland, about Canada, about Mexico, about Panama Canal, we went kind of into depth. I don't know where else they're going to hear that. I'm sure there's some other places, but we give information out like that. We give information. It's vital information to know, Pastor Ernie. And you've been doing that as long as I remember.
Yeah. It'll be 51 years by the end of this year. Anyhow, here, you know, when Schiff and Padilla, and especially at Padilla, when he said to Pam Bondi, he was convicted of how many crimes? 40-something?
What was it? Two called crimes that the Trump was supposedly convicted of by a jury of his peers. Are you kidding me?
In New York City? Right, right Pastor Ernie. The corrupt, look, the prosecutor there, Alvin Bragg, this guy is so corrupt. I mean so corrupt. You know, he's responsible. He should be charged with the death of that woman that was set on fire on the train because of his policies.
That woman died. Alvin Bragg, Alvin, rather, Alvin Bragg, you know, because he keeps turning these killers and that loose, so many of them, they turn over and over. By the way, did you know that here, five under Biden, 580 known terrorists, the ones that they caught. No, these were on the terrorist list. Biden brought into this country to terrorize this country.
580. And they would just, and they would turn them loose. Put them back out there on the streets to terrorize us. Yeah, and add to that, Pastor Ernie, all the convicted murderers, convicted murderers that were allowed in and the rapists and all types of other violent crimes. It was like, I don't know, I forget the number now.
I don't want to exaggerate. It was like 1,400, just shy of 1,400 known convicted murderers, known convicted, and 40% of those had killed more than one person, John. Yeah, that was 14,000, Pastor Ernie. Yeah, yeah, that's what I meant. 14,000, that's what I meant.
And it was a little bit more. It was like 15,000 or 16,000 convicted rapists. Sex offenders, yeah, who had raped multiple people. And so, anyhow, yeah, and Biden brought them in. Biden brought them in, the Democrats. Now, but what happened to 340,000 children that are missing, John? This is why, and I say it'll come out.
It hasn't come out yet, but it's come out here on this radio program. The reason Kamala didn't want anything to do with that border czar, she knew what happened when they appointed it. That when all of this stuff, the pedophilia, all the child sex trafficking, when it all comes out, she knows it would come back to her. And that's why she had nothing to do. That's why, you know, when they were asking her if she'd been to the border, she said, well, I've never been to Europe either, okay?
In other words, she wanted to make it clear that she really has nothing to do with being a border czar. And because now, they're going to go after Marocas on this. This guy, he is guilty as sin. He is really guilty. And again, I want to say, folks, listen, because right now you got those out there. I get letters from some of the communists saying, well, you shouldn't be out for vengeance. You shouldn't be out for vengeance. This is not vengeance.
This is justice. If you don't do, if we don't go after these people for the crimes they committed, is that not just saying, look, go ahead, don't worry about it. You know, you saw what happened there, especially in New York or in California.
Pam Bondi, she was telling them, look, you ought to be, she was telling both Schiff and this Padilla fellow, you ought to be worried about the crime in your state. Look at your state. Did you guys know that California leads the entire nation in people leaving the state and the fewer people moving into the state? In both categories, California leads. Did you know that?
Well, Pastor Ernie, yes and no. You're right what you said, but the illegal aliens are pouring in. So the citizens of America, you're right, but the population is increasing with all the illegal aliens that are pouring in.
I don't even think it's a guess. I think the view of the New World Order and the World Economic Forum they're all working with is to turn California into like Mexico. You have a very, very rich elite there and 90% of the people will be like in poverty. That's what they're turning California into. All right, there's something more, something very sinister, too. Patricia in New Jersey pledges 100 and Carol in San Diego pledges 100. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You know, let's go back, if I go back, all the way back to, let's say to Karen in Ohio, to Joni in New York, to Bonnie in Oklahoma, to Judy in PA, to Patricia in New Jersey, to Carol in San Diego. Wow, the ladies are turning out tonight. God bless those Christian ladies.
God bless them, you know. Boy, if you take a look at what the, what the opposition has in, you know, I know I mentioned this several times before, but during Carter's funeral, Hillary, the look on Hillary's face is, you know, eight feet away from her, set the man that she said, if he gets into office, I'm going to hang. I'm going to hang if she gets here. And here Trump was sitting. Now, you notice what happened, Bill Clinton went on The View and said that Joe Biden should pardon Hillary, should pardon before he leaves office, he should pardon Hillary. Now, I kind of think that pardon went along with when he gave her the Medal of Freedom. What do you guys think?
Then nobody announced it, but I got a feeling that somewhere along the line, she got one of those pre-partons. What do you think, Jon? I hope not. I hope not.
What a sign of guilt, though. Why in the world would you give someone a pardon that's not under investigation? Well, no, she's not that we know of. And Fauci, the two of them were Clinton and Fauci, they were speculating he was going to give them a, what do you call it, get out a jail-free card or something? So imagine her getting a, what about Lynne Cheney also? Well, Cheney, believe it or not, is right now under investigation by the FBI. So I don't know what that, you know, why would they do that?
There's got to be something going on there, okay? Because, yeah, I mean, it came out that she is, she got caught, I guess, trying to bribe or influence. She was tampering with a witness. Yeah, what she was doing was a felony. What she was doing. And also, all the records of that committee there, all of them were purged.
All of them. So that's a big deal, purging records like that. That's all felony. So she faces some serious charges, Best Ernie. Well, then Betty Thompson, too, he's been begging, he wanted, he was begging for a pardon, too. So that's an admission of guilt, isn't it? You know, Biden could make a lot of money on, you know, being bribed for pardons.
Oh, you bet he is. Listen, the Biden crime cartel doesn't do anything for free. We've told you time and time again, if you think he simply gave $85 billion worth of equipment to the Taliban, if you don't think that a whole lot of money, even if it was just 1% of the deal went back to him, you know, that's almost a billion dollars. I mean, that's a lot of money, okay? So you can bet that the Biden crime cartel's got megabucks in offshore. Watch what happens once he's out of office.
See how many mansions he buys, huh? Remember that? I remember they bought off Bernie, not your cousin, Bernie Sanders. I haven't teased you about him being your cousin in a long time, come to think of it. Yeah, I'll never forget, when I was pastoring the church out there in Cortland and the marquee out there to have my name on it, Pastor Ernie Sanders, and I don't know for sure, but I think it was one of the kids that worked at the Dairy Queen went and put a B in front of my name. And it upset one of the ladies in the church so much that she was crying. And I said, don't cry.
I said, which is taken down? Well, I was teasing you about Bernie being your cousin, and he was converting you to be a communist. So I had to tell the people, I was just kidding, this is not true. Because I was letting it go and you weren't saying anything like it was, you know, true.
So I had to tell everyone we were kidding. But yeah, Bernie, oh my, that whole Democrat Party, Pastor Ernie, it's rotten from one end to the other, and Republicans have its problems also. That's what, you know, when I was preaching this week, when I started out, the title of the message was Don't Trust and Always Verify.
And it started by saying, throughout history we have had example after example where one side will call for peace while they prepare for war. And I'm very, very leery of all of the peaceful gestures being offered by Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, now Senator Frederman, all of these, you know. But I said here, even more concerning is when the RINO Republicans start kissing up, because they're treacherous, because they are on the inside, and they know just when to put the knife in the back, okay? And those are the ones we really have to watch the worst, the RINO Republicans. Yeah, and let me tell you what happened in Texas during the week here by the RINO Republicans. In Texas, they had a terrible RINO that tried to put the Republican Attorney General, the Speaker of the House, the Republican Speaker of the House, tried to put him in jail.
It was all bogus. So he was removed. And they just elected another RINO.
Now here's what happened. The RINO is here in Texas. There was a number of them, so you couldn't get enough votes to have a Republican Speaker of the House. So they got this real RINO to run for Speaker of the House, and the Democrats voted for him, and he's the Speaker of the House.
I'm watching him on the news saying, oh, we're going to work with the Democrats, and we're going to work together for the better of Texas. And the guy, he's a Republican saying that, so it's caused quite an uproar in Texas because we're voting all these conservatives in, but there's still so many RINOs compared with the Democrats that they can come together and control Speaker of the House. Well, that's exactly what happened here in Ohio.
But Ohio, I mean, we pushed back and pushed back hard. It's what they called the RINO Blue 22, where you had 22 Democrats that ran, they switched over, ran as Republicans, and the people didn't vet them. They just saw the R behind their name, and the letters went out to all the Democrats, listen, vote for him in the primary, vote as a Republican in the primary because these people are actually, you're going to be voting for a Democrat, okay? And that's what happened, and that's where we got them in the House.
Now, since then, I believe there's been about four or five of them that we were able to get them, they were primaried out, okay? But you still have that, we still have those RINOs, and they always vote with the Democrats. They always vote with the Democrats. So, anyhow, and the reason is they know that they can't get elected by running in states like ours. By the way, here in Ohio, our Governor, we have a new Senator now, John Husted, he was replaced, took the place, Vance's place, as a U.S. Senator here in Ohio. So, now for the first time in a very long time, we have two Republican Senators here, and Husted's conservative, he's pro-life, very pro-life, so we pray to the good Lord for that. So, all right, we have- Pastor Ernie, today, Romsawami, you know, that guy, Romsawami, I don't know if I'm pronouncing his name right, but he's working with Trump, and who else, and Musk, to try and shrink the government.
Yeah, that's what Doge does. He's going to run for Governor of Ohio. That would be great.
I hope it happens. Romsawami? Yeah. You said Romsawami's going to run for Governor of Ohio? I heard that before, yeah.
He just announced it today. Well, all righty. Yeah, that would be good.
That would really, really be good. All right, Carol is, no, let's go to anonymous in Michigan pledges 50, Nancy in Illinois pledges 35, another Nancy in Illinois pledges 50, Mark in Cleveland pledges 100. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. All right, we only have, we don't have that much time, we've got 17 minutes left tonight to call in folks. Help us stay on your program, help us stay on your program tonight. Give us a call there. But so yeah, that's.
Go ahead. Yeah, I was gonna ask you what do you think I know we just got a couple days before the inauguration and what we're hearing is that they're going to move it inside of the Capitol. What do you think about that and the weather. Well, actually, I think that's a good, good move. It would be much better, you know, I'm concerned about the security remember. Remember what we've seen. Let's not be stupid, you know, don't think that the secret the Secret Service we're doing their best job trying to protect Trump they weren't we saw what happened. And you still have you still have Ray and those at the end and Trump himself said he he thinks that the FBI might might have been in on his attempted assassinations. And so, you know, they're still here, they're still in office right now.
And here, but being moved inside. Now I know that even on the inside. One of the things ways that they can take you out nowadays, very easily is they have those little, little bitty drones that are about four inches long. And but they can carry a very high powerful explosive load, and they have their where they can identify your face and go right for you. They're very small.
It's about the size of a bird flying and was like a sparrow. What do you think john. Well, yeah, Pastor Ernie that the Russian Ukrainian war has really taken drones to a new level. And then I ran has gotten involved in the drones Turkey has gotten involved in the drones. But the Iranian or the Ukrainians have really taken it.
And that's to a new level. And that's why the Russians can't make any very little headway in the Ukraine, because Ukraine, I pastor any it's an enormous they're talking like a million drones in the Ukraine, where they'll, they'll, they'll be able to individually pick off, like Russian infantry. And they're using those small ones, they're using those small ones that are hard to detect to aren't they? Yeah, and then they've got them powerful, they're blowing the tanks up the vehicles up that they're going miles inland into Russia blowing up factories and oil refineries. So yet drones are really dangerous now they're there.
The whole face of warfare is being changed by drones. Yeah, I was just in a store Where was it? Oh, I'm trying to think of where I was just at where they were selling drones. You can pick them up fairly cheap right now. You know, they're so I mean, they're, anybody can get one now. Oh, yeah, yeah. And they can, you can buy them relatively cheap and they'll they'll take extra excellent pictures.
You know, you fly them over your house and they'll take wonderful pictures of the house and the surroundings flame at the beach. All right 888-281-1110 we or 888-677-9673 give us a call while big john is telling you how you can avoid that burning lake of fire and how you can make it to paradise how you can be there with the Lord tell him john Pastor Ernie how much time you have about seven minutes. I just want to spend a minute or two for the president's protection on an order on inauguration. You know a father we've come we're before you in the name of your son the Lord Jesus Christ and through this election time we prayed for the president and there were times Lord like that assassination tent attempt that was divine protection that bullet had to be perfectly lined up to not take that hit him in the skull like that.
And he got through one test after another with those legal cases and everything they tried to do to him. Now Lord, I believe that all that happened is because you want him in office. You have some sort of a calling for him for so we're asking now that on inauguration day.
Any attempts to harm him to kill him will be thwarted Lord any anything inside job bombs drones, whatever it is will be thwarted and will not be successful because you want him in office. So that we can come before you. Thank you Lord that we can request this and have assurance that you're going to respond Lord and he will be at noon.
Monday at noon well 1201 to be exact. He will be the president of the United States. We thank you Lord that you spared us and we didn't get Harris Lord, which would really be the end of us. So thank you Lord that you put him in office and that we were spared with Kamala Harris in Jesus name. Amen. Amen.
Amen. Yeah, you have five minutes left John. Okay, Pastor Ernie. Well Pastor Ernie mentioned how to have assurance of eternal life and folks as you if you look at the Bible, there is no doubt. There is a literal heaven and there is a literal hell and that when people pass on there's only two places to go either to heaven with Jesus Christ in his presence. And then him is the fullness of love for eternity or into another place called actually it's called hell but in reality, it's called the lake of fire where all those that go in their sin their sin is not dealt with go into the lake of fire for eternity.
So we want to share with you the how to have absolute assurance of eternal life with Jesus Christ in heaven and he gives us the tells us how in Luke 24 47. He told his disciples when he was sending it to heaven just before he ascended into heaven. He said and he wanted them to preach repentance of sin and excuse me repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem. So the remission of sins means the penalty is paid for there is no penalty and the penalty is paid for by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross when he shed his blood. He was innocent of any sin.
He never committed one sin one crime nothing. He was completely holy and God so arranged it so that your sin the penalty for your sin the Bible says the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So he died on the cross paying the penalty for your sin that's called remit remission of sin and the wonderful thing about this is he was righteous. So God transfers his righteousness to you and that means it's like you never sinned it's the God's love is unfathomable folks his son the only begotten son of God sinless took your sin the penalty for your sin so you could have eternal life. If you don't come to Christ what's left is your penalty for your sin, which is eternity in the lake of fire and not only that God wants you to live with because the gospel says the pure gospel says Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures. He was buried and he rose bodily arose the third day according to the scriptures. So the second part of the gospel is his resurrection and in that when we trust in Christ the power of the resurrection comes in us and that's what gives us joy. That's what breaks the bondage of sin the bondage of drugs bondage of alcohol and bondage of sexual immorality all of that can be broken not so not only the penalty paid for but the power is released in us.
One minute. So I want to leave one thing with you is what the people say in heaven how they got there that's in Revelation 5-9 and they said and that you died and shed your blood for the remission of sin for every person a nation a language and tribe on earth. The gospel of Jesus Christ is available to every single listener no matter what your past was it's available with repentance and confession of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Thank you Pastor honey. All right, all I can say is amen to all of that you you're right on and I want to thank you guys for being here with us tonight. And we're at that time where we come to every night at this time where we say thanks for being here. Thank you all for your support this week. God bless you ladies so much and until tomorrow. We want to say good night.
Good night. God bless y'all. God bless and always always always always keep keep fighting the fight the fight the fight the fight the fight the fight the fight the fight the fight the fight the fight.
Thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance. What's Right, What's Left, hosted by Pastor Ernie Sanders. To learn more about our ministry, please visit us online at Please tune in next time for another edition of What's Right, What's Left.
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