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THU HR 1 050522

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
May 6, 2022 12:05 am

THU HR 1 050522

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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May 6, 2022 12:05 am

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned, my radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio. We change our life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right, What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news medias don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left. I'm Radio Pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed this is the voice of the Christian Resistance. On this fifth day, is it the fifth day of May? Yes.

Cinco de Mayo. Alrighty, there you go. Now, he could disappear a hamburger in a heartbeat none other than courageous Craig. Good evening everybody. There you go. Now, in here where I can keep an eye on him.

Yeah boy, I have none other than radical Randy. Be blessed, no stress everybody. There and his partner in crime, little Lisa. Good evening everyone. Alrighty, there you go. She's been waiting all week to say that that things mean so much to her. She stutters and splutters and flutters about.

She's the studio marm. And now we have a special guest tonight like we do the first Thursday of every month, Dr. Peter Glidden. Be blessed, no stress. I'm going to adopt that. I love it. Okay. Alrighty, there you go. And so, boy, do we have a lot to talk about tonight.

We're really going to go after it. And so, we're going to start right from God's Word, the Bible, in a very controversial passage of Scripture. It's not really controversial because actually it means exactly what it says.

It means exactly what it says. And we're starting in Romans 13. And so, let us go there. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers for there is no power but of God. Now, hear that passage. Some of the New Age versions have changed that let every soul be subject to government. But there is no government but of God. Now, is that true?

That is very true. Okay. Well, now, wait a minute. We have to see here because what we call government isn't always government. Okay. Now, God gives us, remember when God gave us the divine institution of human government, right?

And that was called, that was legitimate government. Okay. That was the five points of that.

We talk about those five points always, right? To whom it was given, Genesis chapter 9, verses what? Well, verses 10 through 15.

Okay. That was to whom it was given. Then the second point was the intent, verses 1 through 4. Man was to govern for God. Again, the third point, the most important, was the entire purpose. The purpose of divine human government was to preserve the image of God, that being man, right? That's the entire purpose. He gives you three times from Genesis 1 to 9 to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.

Okay. So now, then the fourth point was what? Well, the means by which man was to govern for God. God's laws, God's statutes, God's ordinance, God's commands, God's promises, God's testimonies, God's judgments, God's precepts, etc. Now, and then the fifth point was all nations and people that were in compliance for the first four would be at peace and not at war with God, right?

So now, we're talking about what is really government. See, there's an idea out there, the mindset amongst the opposition is acknowledgement, that if you acknowledge the truth, it's only what you acknowledge it to be. You have your truth, I have my truth, there's no absolute truth. That's not what God's word in the Bible says.

God's word in the Bible says it's filled with absolute truth, right? And isn't it true that no matter how wicked a government is, it's better than no government? Uh, you know, I don't know.

I don't know that we take a look. Do you think maybe the Germans would have been better off without Hitler's Nazi jump? I'm not saying that, you know, but I'm just saying that suppose that everybody was free to do whatever they wanted to do all the time. You mean like today in America? Like today in America. Yeah.

I mean, like burn, loot and murder. Right, right, right. And I'm just saying it's isn't that better? Now they're threatening, they're threatening that the Supreme Court, they're telling, we're coming to your house, we're coming to your houses.

Okay. So we don't really have a legitimate government in this country. Our government is not legitimate.

It's illegitimate. Sure, they usurp their authority. Well, the entire purpose of divine government is to preserve the image of life.

The entire purpose of Joe Biden in the the deathocratic communist collective is to destroy human life. Yes, yes. So it's not what I would call government.

It's what I would call tyranny. Yes. Yes.

Well, I'm glad you guys went along with it. No. And Peter, you just jump in everywhere you anywhere you want. Now it says here, pastor, preach, preach, preach. But there is no power but of God, the powers that be or are ordained of God. Now, what does that mean? Ordained of God, that God gives them the power to to be, if you will, set aside by God, right?

Yes. Okay, so now, if they're set aside by God, now, here's as we go on, whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordnance of God. And they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

Now, two words there. Ordinance is what? It's God's laws. In other words, those that are in denial of God's word. Would you say abortions denial of God's word? Yes, it is. Would you say sodomies denial of God's word? Yes, it is.

Okay, so would you say this trans things, transgenders and denial of God's word? Absolutely. Yes. Okay. Now, out there in Oregon, the governor has decided that she's going to put Tampax machines in all of the boys' bathrooms, the men's bathrooms in Oregon.

Okay, Tampax machines. Now, that's Kate Brown, the governor. Now, let me ask you, does that sound like a legitimate government? No. Okay.

I wonder how many they go to sell. Maybe. Well, it's not so. They're in there.

Do you pay for the taxpayers? Okay. Do you think, Peter, that you think those boys might be a little confused?

What do you think they're going to be doing with those Tampax? Okay. It's shining shoes. Yeah. Yeah. And so here, he goes on to say, goes on to say, and that word damnation is a stronger term than condemnation. Okay. For rulers are not a terror to good works. Okay. So when it says not a terror to good works, then mean not an opposition to good works.

Now, the good works are defined by God's laws, God's statues, God's ordinance, God's commands, God's promises, God's testimonies, God's judgments, God's precepts, et cetera. And so here, do you think what we have in this country is an opposition to all of God's laws? Yes.

I can't think of one that it's not an opposition to. Okay. So he goes on to say, well, they'll then not be afraid of the power.

Okay. What is the power? The power is God.

God's authority. There's no thought. No. Right. Will you not be afraid of that?

Okay. You say, now he's referring to legitimate government. Now, do that which is good, and now shall have praise of the same, for he is now, look at that word, minister, minister. What is the new age? The new age perversions have changed that word to another word, it's servant.

Why do you think they've done that? Because first off, a servant takes orders, commands, if you will, and does the will of his master. Our rulers do what they want to do. So they don't fit into the... Well, it's kind of like this, okay? All ministers are servants, but not all servants are ministers.

That's right. And you see, and so here, I mean, you have actually Satan himself, and demons. God has command. Sometimes God will often, even lying spirits he will use, okay?

They have to, they're all subject to God's will. Now here, he goes, he is a minister of God to thee for good. Again, there you go back to, in other words, legitimate government is a ministers for God to do good.

We said, God's laws, God's statutes, God's ornaments, this is what's good now. But if thou do that which is evil... So what is evil? Evil is an opposition to all those... To whatever God's who. Right.

Okay, so let's take it, let's just take it again for a minute here. The number one, again, the entire purpose of divine human government is to preserve the image of God. You've got a pedophile in the White House that, he actually today, he admitted it to killing children. He used the word children. He said, the people are not qualified to decide if you should keep a child or kill it. That's what the pedophile said. Okay, in other words, that's why, that's why it's got to be, it can't be going back to the states where the people will vote.

Okay, see, I got news for people, especially you out there in Maryland and New York and California. God has already made that decision. You see, God has said this, that when you kill a child, you transgress God's dominion and you're going to pay an awful price, an awful price. Now what's happened, see, they don't know this. See, that's the reality that we're dealing with. And so here he goes on to say, But did you see the new thing that they had with this Karen Jean-Pierre to become White House press secretary, the first black woman and LGBTQ person in that role? That's lewd, gross, belligerent, crass, crass, and queer.

Exactly. Okay, every one of those are in total opposition to God. That woman is an abomination to God. See, God has proclaimed her an abomination. Yes. Okay, so when God has proclaimed that, then the arguments settled.

There's no more discussion. You can rat and you can rave and you can do whatever you want, but at the end of the day, whose decision is going to stand? God's decision is going to stand, right?

Yes. Okay, and so here you see, God says this, it's appointed to all men once to die and then the judgment. And that's exactly the way it goes.

It doesn't matter whether that's what you want or not, okay? And so here's a rule of thumb. Any time you've found yourself in opposition to God's word, any time you find yourself in an argument with God, you will lose each and every time.

Yeah. Okay, and so here he goes, but if thou do that which is evil, be afraid, for he beareth not the sword in vain, for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore, you must needs be subject not only for wrath, but also for conscious sake. So it means exactly what it says.

Now, here's the reason you've got all these new age perversions of this. And that is because here, this demands that pastors, pastors, ministers, and Christians are to stand for God and against tyranny. It demands this.

It demands that they are to stand up against a wicked, evil government. But in order to do that, it takes some courage, right? Yes.

Absolutely. Well, there's where the problem lies. There's an extreme, an extreme dearth of courage in the pulpits in this country here today.

Our country is nothing like it used to be. The lack of courage isn't just in the pulpits, pastor. It's across the board. It's in politics. It's in law enforcement.

It's in medicine. It's everywhere, all the time. It's lack of courage, and it's unbelievable. Lack of courage goes with lack of integrity, huh? Yes.

100 percent, hand in glove. If we go over to to Proverbs chapter 29 and read verse 2, when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. We go back one more chapter, over to chapter 28, and we read verse 2. For the transgressions of a land are many, and are their princes thereof.

By a man of understanding and knowledge, the state shall be prolonged. But let's go back to verse 1. The wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous are as bold as lions. And so here, this is the problem we have today in America, and I praise the good Lord for all of those that have the courage. And I'm not talking about just pastors.

I'm talking about all those that are professing Christians to stand up, to stand their ground, right? Yes. And so, he says this, wherefore you must needs be subject not only for wrath, but also for conscience.

What do you think he meant by that? Not only for wrath, but also for conscience. So, we need to obey God, not just because we're afraid that he'll punish us if we don't, but we're to obey him because we love him, right? Yes. It's like when you were growing up and you had parents, right? And now and then you wanted to, you wanted to please mom and dad now and then, right? Yes. And so you did things not because you had to, but because you wanted to see them happy, you had to, but because you wanted to see them happy, huh? Yes. What did you do to make your parents happy, Lisa? Well, I tried to help them in any way I could, and I enjoyed doing it. Oh, okay.

It wasn't getting a bus ticket and leaving town then? No. All right. You just wondered. No.

Okay. Now it goes, for this cause pay you tribute also, for they are God's ministers attending continually upon this very thing. Now listen to this, because this means exactly what it says, exactly what it says. Render therefore to all their dues, tribute to whom tribute is due, custom to whom custom is due, fear to whom fear is due, honor to whom honor is due, right? So the scripture tells you that you have to do it to us too.

If you, if you render these things to whom is not due, what is that? That's an opposition to God's word. And if you, if you go ahead and you give praise and honor the wicked, well, then God's word, the Bible says, what?

Let me take, let me take you over and look at that. If we go over to Proverbs chapter 24, and he says this, these things belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons and judgment. He that saith unto the wicked, thou art righteous, him shall the people curse, and nations shall abhor him. But to them that rebuke him shall be delight, and good blessing shall call upon him.

Every man shall kiss the lips of he that giveth the right answer. Now, so what does that mean when you vote for a wicked politician? When, when you go out and you cast your vote for that wicked politician, what are you telling that wicked politician?

I approve of your wickedness and keep on keeping on with whatever you've been doing. That's what you're saying to them. You're encouraging them. Yes. Well, so that means that God's word says, let him be accursed. It does that. Yes, it does. That's not a good thing, is it?

No, it's not. All right, there you go. Now, I want to go over here for a minute to, well, turn to 1 Peter chapter 2 and read me verse 13. 1 Peter 2 and read me verse 13. It's in the New Testament.

Oh, it's my, okay. Submit yourselves to every, every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whether it be the king as supreme or unto governance as to them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of them that do well. Okay, so there's three words in there that, that take precedence over the entire purpose, okay? And that is for the Lord's sake, right?

That's right. Yes. Now, let me ask you this. When you do things for the Lord's sake, are these things good things? Do you do good things for the Lord's sake or evil things?

No, always good, always good. Yes. Okay, so now, what is it that our government is doing for the Lord's sake? Nothing, nothing, nothing. I can't think of a thing, can you? No, nothing.

It's in total violation. So now, from Genesis to Revelation, God's Word, the Bible says, He gives us three missions, right? Yes. The first mission that the Lord gives us is what? The Great Commission. The first time Evangelium was actually mentioned is in Genesis 3, 15. It's called an Evangelium, and it's the first and it's the first mention.

It's the, what? It's the seed of the woman, right? That's right.

Now, yes. Now, the second thing is from Genesis to Revelation. The second mission is resistance to tyranny is obedience to God, okay? So, when we look at Jacob, did Jacob resist tyranny?

Yes, yes, he did. Okay, she refused to give her, turn her baby over, right? Right, that's right. Okay, what about Shiphrah and Pua? Yes.

They resist. What about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? Yes. Jeremiah? Yes. Daniel? Yes. Ezekiel? Yes.

Were you getting the drift, okay? Yes. Resistance to tyranny. What do we have in our country today? When they're pushing, when we have this, that wicked pedophile in the White House pushing and pushing and pushing for more killing of the children. This is tyranny.

It's absolute tyranny, okay? And so, do you think God's watching all of this? Yes. Okay, so do you think that if you, you sit back like the prescient preachers are doing and just say, well, you know, I just want to be, I don't want to really get involved in anything.

I just want to be peaceful and just go about doing other things. Do you think God's watching him? Yes, he is. When he says, be you a doer of the word, not just a hearer, only deceiving your own self. So what do you think he means when he says deceiving yourself by not being a doer of the word? When you're lying to yourself about what you're doing. Yes.

You're making excuses to be a coward. Right. So when he talks about placing up your crowns in heaven, when he says, instead of wood, hay and stubble, that's the things that make yourself look busy.

Gold, silver and precious stones. In other words, he says that because through the fire, they get worth more. But the wood, hay and stubble, they're gone, right? That's right. Okay, so that's basically what I'm telling tonight is God's word of the Bible is real. It means exactly what it says. And God is watching this and you're not going to get over on him. And again, the Bible says the righteous are as bold as lions. If you're not, if you're not, if you're wimpy, if you're prissy, then what?

You're not righteous, right? That's right. And so we're going to come up to a break and we'll be back right after this with this quick commercial break. On the day that he was inaugurated, the Washington Post had an article on impeaching him. I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear. Donald J. Trump is now president of the United States. They had an absolute legitimate meltdown. If you try to change a system that big, the system fights back. The story behind the biggest election takeover in history.

We're only now being able to finally confirm exactly how this worked. Mark Zuckerberg and his wife are donating more money to local governments ahead of the election. $100 million on top of a $300 million gift. The most money any individual has ever spent to win a presidential campaign in the history of our country.

I actually became infuriated that someone had allowed Zuckerberg to tip the scale. The election was bought way before Election Day. They stole it fair and square.

They changed the voting rolls in the middle of the game. A nation divided. This was the greatest billionaire assault on election integrity we've ever seen. A billionaire-funded fight against the president. Do you believe that they used the COVID emergency as an excuse to pull this partisan voter turnout operation? Am I allowed to give you a one word answer?

Yes. It was really a partial takeover of the election system. I don't think we have to blame China or voting machines.

I think we can look straight in the eye of Mark Zuckerberg. And that's why Joe Biden won. That's what this was. A corrupt, democratic voter turnout operation. You had them putting their own personnel in to actually run the election in places. You had an entire Democratic Party petrified that Joe Biden was going to be outspent, outboxed by Trump. Rigged.

It was a rigged election. People have to find out what happened. All right, we're going to be we're going to be playing a part of that here.

I think maybe tomorrow night we might be playing a part of that tomorrow night. Now, also here, Peter, did you notice something here that came out when the timing of these, the Supreme Court, when they brought this out, what do you call that, when they leaked the leak at the Supreme Court on the Roe v. Wade thing? Do you think the timings that had been suspicious were right at the same time you had what is it, 2,000 mules? Yeah, that's interesting, isn't it? Yeah, they've broken all of the all across the country have broken theaters, 2,000 mules, and you couldn't even get a ticket.

They were sold out on the first day. Isn't that something that that timing? Yeah, it's more than a coincidence, don't you think?

It's more than a coincidence, don't you think? Yeah, and not just, yeah, not just that, but what's happened here, up here in our, in Ohio, we've been, we had it, we just had our primary Tuesday, and what they were doing, they were running, and we warned them, didn't we warn them about this? They're running Democrats as Republicans, and out in my county, you actually had, they actually put flyers out telling Democrats to go vote, to go to get Republican ballots, and vote as a Republican, because they were running Democrats. That's to keep any of the conservatives from being elected, and that's what they did. They ran, the Democrats ran, and they got, and they got the, and this was being put out by the RINO Republicans, who basically are pretty much Democrats, and that happened out in Geauga County. It's an interesting distinction to make.

I don't know if it was always like this, but it's like it now. I think it's one of life's greatest ironies that the Democrats and people who identify themselves as liberals, they're all about, you know, we need a democracy and it needs to be fair, but that's not really what they want. They're all about cooking the books. They're all about having it their way. Come hell or high water, it has to be their way. Their way is the only way, because they know what's best, and the Republicans, the modern day Republicans are the opposite. Modern day Republicans, modern day conservatives are actually about integrity, and about fairness, and about a free market, and let's give everybody a vote. Republicans are for that, conservatives are for that, but the Democrats are not.

The Democrats want to lord it over everybody else, because in their pea-sized brains, they actually believe that they know what's best for everybody, and everybody has to dance to their tune. It's one of life's greatest ironies, I think. Okay, if you went out someplace and you sat at a table and the place was a little crowded, and you've been here like even, you know, and people come over and say, do you mind, you've got, you're a table that says 10, do you mind if we sit here with you? And so you say, no, go ahead. So they sit down, but you don't know these people, you never met them before, but then they introduce you, you get talking, and they tell you that they're registered Democrats. So what is the first thing when you hear that, what is your opinion right then when you hear that they're registered Democrats?

What comes to your mind? It comes to my mind that they're liberal, and that they want things their way. Okay, so what I would say, okay, so then let me ask you this, that are you sodomites? Are you, because Democrats, and I've done this when people have told me, you know, are you pro, are you for killing babies? Are you for pedophilia?

And if they say, well, I'm offended, say why? That's exactly the party, what your party stands for, it's what its platform is. Your platform is one of sin. What you folks have done is you've taken God's Word, the Bible, and done exactly the opposite of everything that God commanded you to do.

You've transgressed it. And so I'll ask him, tell me, and I've done this before, I've asked them on time and time, give me one difference between the so-called Democratic, the DNC platform, and the Communist Party platform. Give me one difference, one. And they can't do it. They've never given me one. You know why?

Because there is none. They're one of the same. So if you tell me you're a Democrat out there today, and it wasn't always that way, you know, everything's changed, you know, you could have been a Democrat and still been a decent person. Nowadays, if you hold to the party line, you're in favor of killing children, you're in favor of sodomy, you're in favor of pedophilia, you're in favor of bestiality, you're in favor of drag queens, you're in favor of everything that God's Word, the Bible, calls an abomination.

If you are today, if you say you're a Democrat. And so now what do you do about something like that? The Bible says, it gives you repent or what? Perish. Repent or perish, right?

So when you'll hear people say, Pastor, when you're a very mean man, the priestly preachers, no. You're supposed to pray for them. Okay, do we pray for the wicked? We sure do. How are you to pray for the wicked?

Who can tell me? That they might repent. That is how you pray for them. Pray that they repent or they'll perish.

Or they'll perish, that's right. And if they refuse to repent, how do you pray for them? God removed them. Right, remove them, that's exactly right. That the Lord would remove them. Why do you pray that God removes them? Because they'll continue to do wicked and harm people.

They harm the innocent, don't they? That's exactly right. All right, and so here, now these people, they don't know what a woman is, right? That's right. And they want to put tampon machines in boys' bathrooms. Yes.

They want to have these men who are feeling like they're having a woman's day, being able to have access to women's showers and, okay. Now, Peter, it's an interesting thing. Remember just a couple months ago how these people were saying that if we don't allow them to inject a kill shot into our bodies, by the way, we were just talking to some people in here, several people just left here, were telling me one man, his brother got the kill shot and died right afterwards, okay.

But what did you expect from a kill shot? Right, well, again, we've seen it time and time and time again, but there's like six different levels of that still kind of, and so it all doesn't work the same way, okay. That's right.

Some works right away with blood clots, others it takes anywhere from three to seven years. That's right. But they're kill shots. And so, Peter, for these people that are, remember the language of illusion now. Now Biden has acknowledged, Biden has acknowledged that it's a child. And here now you have like in Maryland where they passed legislation. Now I'm hearing that it didn't pass, then I'm hearing that it did pass, okay.

The legislation out there in Maryland, maybe somebody from Maryland give us a call, but the same thing in New York, okay, and California is really moving where they want to set 28 days after a child's born, 28 days after a child's born, okay, they want to be able to kill that child. Now let me ask you a couple questions here. First of all, does God's word the Bible call that murder? Yes. Yes. Our Bill of Rights, what is the first thing the Bill of Rights guarantees? Right to life. Yes.

Right to life. Now let me ask you this. We'll ask Peter. Hey Peter, as a 28-day-old child, is that an American citizen? 100% if it was born in the U.S. So then doesn't it have constitutional rights that if you take its life, isn't that murder?

100%. So we're living in a totally corrupt, totally illegitimate, bastardized government. Our government is totally illegitimate, isn't it?

Yes, it is. Well, you know, and this is the tip of the iceberg, really, because, you know, this nonsense has been going on for decades now. The entire concept of abortion is, in point of fact, murder, and when it comes to abortion, it's not about a woman's right to choose, it's about when does life begin? And that's what the conversation should be, when does life begin? But it's never politicized like that, it's never talked about like that. It's always, well, it's a woman's right to choose. Well, no, it's not. If a woman chose to split her baby's throat, you know, five minutes after it was born, in most states in the United States, that would in fact be murder.

So the question here regarding abortion is when does life begin? And this is a very important point to, for the listening audience to understand, and very few people do understand this, because very few people have the perspective on it that myself and my colleagues do. And perspective is everything when it comes to this particular subject. Your medical doctor, your MD, may be the nicest person that you've ever met. Your medical doctor may be a religious person in their private life. But when they go to work, they're atheistic, because they are brought up in a system of medicine, which is atheistic. And atheism argues that if it can't be, well, the scientific method that medical doctors are trained in is referred to as reductionism. And reductionism argues that if it can't be measured, it does not exist. So therefore, because nobody's ever measured the soul or the spirit, nor seen it with an MRI or a CT or an ultrasound, doesn't exist from a scientific point of view.

And if it doesn't exist, well, it doesn't exist. And so when medical doctors go to work, they work like atheists, and they have to dance to that tune. Otherwise, they're going to lose their license, they're going to lose their support from their colleagues.

But this is baked into the cake. It's an atheistic point of view that they are brought up inside of. And this is the reason that things like abortion can even be considered in the first place. It's because of the philosophy that the medical doctor is trained in. And that's a very important distinction.

It's a very, very important distinction. So let me ask you this, because for a time, I had a doctor for a short time, and he was an MD. But when you would go to see him, he would not recommend any drugs. He recommended vitamins, you know, you take vitamins, you take natural herbs and that. This is what he was saying.

Well, he's the exception that proves the rule. It's not like that anymore, Pastor. It's a big bad voodoo daddy now. I mean, chemotherapy is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Yeah, I know. Medical treatments themselves are in fact the leading cause of death in the United States. The medical treatment, it's the leading cause of death, for goodness sakes. And this is supposed to be the best system of medicine that the world has to offer.

It's not. Even the killing of the children. They are calling the killing of the children a medical operation, right?

A hundred percent. And this is the strange lens that they view the world through, which is juxtaposed against the holistic worldview of what my colleagues and I are trained inside of. And holism argues, you know what, the spirit does exist. The body is informed, inhabited by spiritual intelligence, which is running the show.

Our bodies are so smart that they grew themselves all by themselves from a tiny cell into us, and they're managing millions of biochemical processes unconsciously. Well, who's running that show? Well, I'll tell you who's running that show.

God's running that show. The indwelling spirit inside the human body is running that show. And my colleagues and I, and quite frankly, any type of doctor who espouses a holistic method, an Ayurvedic practitioner, some chiropractors, homeopathic physicians, acupuncturists, naturopathic physicians, were all brought up inside of the holistic method, which argues the human body knows how to fix itself, the human body wants to fix itself, the human body is trying to fix itself all of the time.

And that's what, you know, what we are trained in is the development and the delivery of treatment that support the body's ability to fix itself. Now, I'm a board member of a professional naturopathic medical organization. We had a meeting a couple of days ago, and I was in the meeting with seven of my colleagues, and these are some of the most respected and experienced naturopathic physicians on planet Earth. And I have one colleague who works in Hawaii on the Big Island over the last two and a half years, she's treated 975 COVID patients.

975. You know how many died? None. You know how many were hospitalized?

None. And it's the same with all of my colleagues' treatment of COVID. It's a fantastic system of medicine for the prevention and the treatment of viral illness. We've known this for hundreds of years, but we're not invited to the table because we don't have a free medical market, and that's a giant flippin' problem.

Well, you know, Peter, Randy, right here in the studio, he went to the hospital twice with COVID. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Well, look, here's the deal, right? Most people don't even know how to pronounce naturopathy, let alone know what it is, and my profession is only licensed and regulated in 22 states. Does that mean that the laws of science change when you cross the state line?

No. It's all about politics, and as bad as you know that the abortion thing is, the whole medical thing is a thousand times worse. And I'm telling you, Pastor, all that myself and my colleagues do, all that we, well, not all, but 90 percent of what we do is clean up the mess that atheistic medical interventions have created in people. It's an unbelievable travesty, you know, by pharmakeia are all nations deceived. How many people die? I understood that over 250,000 die every year in this country, 250,000 from prescription drugs.

And then if you add the other, the illegal drugs in there, the street drugs in there, that's twice as much. Can you imagine what would happen? I mean, can you imagine the headline? If one patient from one naturopathic physician died from, you know, a vitamin that we gave them, it would be headlines. Oh, those naturopaths, all those quacks. We need to pillory them in the town square.

We need to remove their license. Oh, it's quack quack medicine. They're killing people. But when medical doctors do it, especially the pharmaceutical industry, when they do it, everybody turns the other cheek.

It's a blind eye and we give them a pass. Vextra kills tens of thousands of people. Vioxx kills hundreds of thousands. Chemotherapy kills people all the time. And we are so socialized to believe that the medical doctors are the greatest things on planet Earth, that when they fail us, we do a 5K run, uh, you know, raise $10,000 and give it to the profession under whose tutelage and care we got sick in the first place.

And then whose treatments ultimately failed our loved ones. It's unbelievable what's going on here. And from my perspective, it's a thousand times worse than you think it is. I had a medical doctor that listens to this radio program tell me, well, you do know, because we had to, you know, I was speaking out against the kill shots. I mean, from day one, in fact, we've been speaking out against the kill shots and big pharma. And she said, well, you do know, uh, there is a whole lot of false information coming out. And I said, you bet I know that is coming from your side.

Okay, right. That's where it's coming from out there. And here's what's happened. The AMA has lost a tremendous amount of credibility. You know, it used to be at a time people, like you said, they, you know, they, they think they thought that they were, you know, divine institution almost.

But now they have, you know, when they came out and said they, they really didn't know if, if what a, what a male and a female were, therefore, they were not going to put them on the birth certificates. You know, that is insulting the intelligence of, well, of most people, you would think, right? You got to wonder how far they're going to take it.

You got to wonder how far it's going to go before there's global pushback. See, but the see what the problem here is people understand that, that there are these discrepancies and people understand that they've been misled and people understand that, you know, something is rotten in Denmark, that something just doesn't smell right. People understand that, but everybody's over barrel because when people get sick, they're scared and rightly so, and they've got to do something. But the only medicine that they have access to is the type of medicine that's been deceiving them.

And so it's easy for people to get re-enrolled in that methodology because it's the only show in town. It's the only thing that's available to them. The only thing their insurance pays for the only thing that they know. And so they get out of the frying pan for a couple of months and then they're right back into the frying pan when push comes to shove and they come up against a medical condition. And that's a problem, pastor, and that's why the work that I do is important because mostly it's about education.

Mostly it's about education because where did I read my people are destroyed by lack of knowledge. I mean, if people knew that there were things that they could do at home to get on the other side of a bone and joint condition, to get on the other side of a heart condition, to get on the other side of a stomach condition, most people would try it. But they just don't know that these things exist. And honestly, you know, it sounds like a broken record, but honest to God, it's true. The pharmaceutical industry does not want people to know what myself and my colleagues know. They don't because it goes completely against their business model. And it's it's bad, man.

It's really bad. Well, and the reason they've got they've got the fake news media, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and Fox News, by the way, Fox News now has turned against two thousand mules. The new episode is coming out. They've turned against that. They're going along with the others. Fox News has supposed you need to know that you can't trust them. You can't trust Fox News anymore.

So you can watch it. But just understand that they're not who they who they say they are. They're going along now.

Right. In fact, this Saturday, that film is going to be out. It's going to be shown, I think, what, today at 8 p.m. this Saturday.

And so, you know, if you listen, you can go up on the Internet. And when it came out in the theaters, all over 200 theaters, I think, or was it two thousand? I'm not sure.

But I'm not sure. But all across the country, tickets, they were sold out within minutes. They were all sold out. And they ran them for two days. And we tried to we tried to go in and see one.

But every every theater was sold out already. So, you know what we're doing? We're ordering that. And we'll be showing that.

Yeah, we'll be showing that film. I mean, you got to stand up and be counted. I mean, it's time, folks.

Stand up and be counted here. And when it comes to medicine, when it comes to health care, my message is simple. Your medical doctor may be the nicest person you've ever met, but they're not trained in health care. They're trained in disease management. And there's a giant difference between health care and disease management. Sometimes disease management is exactly what the doctor ordered. You got a broken leg, you got a bullet in your arm. You have surgery that's absolutely necessary.

Then get the to the emergency room because that's what they're good at. But if you're interested in learning what to do to make your body healthy, I mean, with with science based, clinically verified therapeutics that were developed and delivered by licensed physicians who do this for a living, then you need to beat feet to my website like immediately. You need to bookmark my website. You need to go to it regularly and bring yourself up to speed with what you can do to make your body healthy.

The website rise up into health dot com rise up into health dot com and his health food tastes good. I know the last time we were on, I told you I was going to get I have your plan at home. However, I had two graduations, college graduations restored in that interim period. So for the next three weekends, I'm going to eat some cake and maybe even have a libation. But I plan in the first weekend in June to start it. And and then I'll report back. But I tasted it. And believe you me, it tastes better.

You and Pastor Sanders were holding out on me. Man, that stuff is like better than Kool Aid stuff. It's it's you know, you think you're eating candy.

You really, really do. It's like it's delicious. The tangerine you're talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. That stuff is. Yeah. And that is that is good.

I I actually got to tell you this. Wendy Wilson, who is on this radio program, she's in herbal medicine. She's a her biologist.

And but she has something very similar to what you have with the tangerine. And what what you do if you take one of great big glasses and you mix the two of them together. Oh, wow. It comes out. And I'm going to tell you, you take one of those and you're full for the rest of the day.

You can be full for the rest of the day. And so you guys have you guys got some good things going there. Now, Peter, when you say people don't know, no, believe me, your books, we can't keep your books.

We get your books in. And every time we have you on here, boom, they're gone. In fact, we're we still have some. Everybody is sick. And I know why. But we're we're out of the attempt to cure. We still have some of the attempt to cure. But we have a lot less than everyone's sick.

And I know why. Yeah, well, we have just. But when we have some, we're getting close to single digits. Right.

Well, we are. So so people are getting that book. That's easy. And and they're telling people about what's in there. And a lot of times right now, I'm seeing how people are saying when you talk about what do you do for this?

What do you do for that? And they'll come right out and say, well, you know, if you go to page so and so and attempt to cure, the answer is right there. Well, that makes my heart feel good.

That really that you just made my day because that's exactly why I wrote it. People think that, you know, we've been socialized to think that medicine is complicated and that you need a Ph.D., need to have a super intelligent IQ to understand it. That's a lie.

That's not true. If you know how to pass a driver's license test, you can figure out you can learn what to do to make your body healthy. And, you know, I've dedicated the last 10 years of my life and moving forward the rest of my life, God willing, and the creek don't rise, to help and educate people about the simple steps they can take. And when I say simple steps, I'm saying simple steps. This is not complicated stuff, but you just don't know it. And like the fellow said, you don't know what you don't know. Right.

Absolutely. You can get that Eiffel Health. You can get the supplements that you're talking about in your book by calling 888-618-1796. That's 888-618-1796. It's, you know, Eiffel Health.

And what Randy said is true. That stuff does taste very, very good. It's, you know, easy to take. And are you feeling better? Okay. All right.

We're going to break. Be back right after this with more Don't Go Away. Mail your donations to What's Right, What's Left Ministries, 14781 Sperry Road, Newberry, Ohio, 44065. If you missed part of tonight's program, you can check out the podcast at Once again, thank you for listening and supporting What's Right, What's Left Ministries, the voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next.
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