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FRI HR 1 111221

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
November 13, 2021 12:17 am

FRI HR 1 111221

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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November 13, 2021 12:17 am

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

The following program is sponsored by What's Right What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right What's Left, is coming up right now.

Coming to you live from Independence Ohio. We changed our life to the center in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news medias don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right What's Left on this 12th day of November 2021.

And tonight as always we have my esteemed colleagues and honorable co-host John McKernan and John Holman. Are you there fellas? Yes Pastor Ernie I'm here but there's a problem with the show. I think I'm gonna have to call back in.

It's breaking up real bad. Already huh? Okay are you there Holman? I am Pastor Ernie.

Good evening to all the listeners and the Lord's blessings upon all. All right John when you call back in we'll go to pray again because we got a powerful program tonight and you know what happens the opposition's always out to try to take us down so go ahead and call back in when you get back in. I mean I can hear you fine can you hear me fine? Okay he must be calling in already.

Let me know as soon as he calls in. Are you there? Yeah I'm back Pastor Ernie. Okay can you hear me well?

Well I could hear you and then it would break and it would break for like five ten seconds and come back and break and come back. Sounds okay now. Okay why don't you lead us in a prayer against the prince of the power of the airwaves tonight and ask them before you do that folks out there all of you out there listening to us tonight we all would like to get through this program so whatever wherever you're at listen believe me if you just trust me on this one God says there's power in prayer God says it okay so if God says that you can believe it you can trust it and the more of you to join in with us the more to join in the more power we'll have because every time we go on the air the enemy does not want us to bring our message across and so John would you would you lead the people in that prayer? Yes father we're before you in the name of Jesus and Lord we are asking for a good show tonight we're asking for all truth to come forward Lord we ask that the people would be edified and we're asking Lord that there you would overrule any attempt at interference and that the show would be clear and everybody could hear and we we minister now under the blood of the everlasting covenant that you made with us on the cross in Jesus name I ask amen. All right thanks Jim. Okay so we're going to be tonight in James chapter one James chapter one and we're going to be reading from verses one through eight as verses one through eight in James chapter one and so have you fellas found it yet? Yep I'm right there. Okay why don't you start out and you start in with verse one and have the other John pick it up in verse two. James chapter eight no one James chapter one all right there's no eight no one okay verses one through eight yep Jim a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad greeting my brethren count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience but let patience have her perfect work that ye may be perfect and entire wanting nothing and if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and abraighteth not and it shall be and it shall be given him but let him ask in faith nothing wavering for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed but let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways all right let's go back to verse one James the servant of God and of the Lord Jesus now here this was this was not James the Apostle but it was a James that had a lot of authority in the church in Jerusalem that was the brother this was the brother of our Lord and this epistle was one of the earliest ones that were written it was written around ad 50 and so here when we take a look at this it says my brother counted all joy when you fall into diverse temptations now temptations is used here in three different ways and this it's three different words in the Greek for these temptations three different meanings here this one here when it says brother encountered all joy when you fall into diverse temptations what do you think he means that temptations is I would take a test or any of like testing that's exactly what it is it means testing okay but now if we go we jump ahead a little bit and we go over to here when it says blessed is the man in a dirt temptations freeze for he has tried and I'm talking about verse 12 but then it goes on to say he says let no man say he is tempted of God so that means enticed so the one means testing and the one word of temptation means testing the other word temptation means enticed and so does God ever tempt anybody no no so God would never tempt us to sin would he no well no man is drawn away of his own lust pastor the absolutely that's exactly what it says in fact so he says knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience but let patience have her perfect work that you may be perfect an entire wanting nothing here when we take a look at that what is that are we supposed to be are we supposed to act like we're happy when these things happen to us I mean we're Christians and so we have to be happy and joyful or is he telling us that we have to pretend to be happy or is he he's just saying but let patience have her have a perfect work that you may be perfect than wanting nothing and knowing knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience so we know that we know the trying of the the faith worketh patience but it's not telling us to pretend to be something we're not is it well it says we're to count joy so as you grow this is just my perception of this as you grow and your faith and your tried and your patience is can take decades for prayers to be answered and that's how you become more sanctified and made right and your faith is made perfect so you develop a history with the Lord and you see the outcome of it is that you have to wait many times and I in particular I've looked for answers and scriptures that didn't come for decades so you know that's trying your faith and your patience develop out of that so how do we know where our faith and patience is at how do we judge it I mean unless we unless can we judge our character unless we fall into those temptations unless we're tested is our character judged well the the testing really past the earning like that is for us see where we're at god perfectly knows where we are but when things come into our life we can kind of get a judge now of how we react to it okay so am I making myself clear and I also wanted to add that word perfect in verse four um it's complete that's what the perfect means it's complete yeah okay so it's completed uh another word for that is mature it's called mature or full another another word they use that the greek that word is full so here now uh I don't want you about guys to be offended but by this next verse if any of you lack wisdom only kidding fellas only kid I had to put something in there it wouldn't be right if I didn't get you with something right but if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god they give it to all men liberally now wait a minute here and uprighteth not and it should be given him so uh so it is does god grant every thoughtless or selfish request that we have to ask what does it mean to ask in faith he says here it should be given but let him ask in faith and nothing wavering okay so so what does that mean so what does that mean when he says uh and it shall be given to him is god gonna give us this wisdom and and things that uh are are thoughtful or thoughtless or selfish requests or desires no okay so you know these are some of these verses here that uh people that are not biblically literate don't really they don't understand so they take and try to take some of these verses and um and say okay here I asked wisdom I didn't get it you know or that you know or that uh somewhere in the in there you have to understand what god is telling you it's got to be within god's will right god is not going to grant you things that are not within his will is he yeah well later on it says that if you ask what makes wars between you right yeah because you ask not right so you have to ask for things that god says you should ask for to get wisdom that god wants you to have all righty so then he goes on but let him ask in faith nothing wavering nothing wavering uh for he that waver is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed okay so here so let me ask you this if a person wavers is that person completely convinced that god's way is the best way does he treat god's word like um like the absolute authority or does he treat it like advice for many human well galatians addresses that too i believe pastor ernie it says they get blown about by every wave of doctrine that are not not stable in their doctrine okay so he says he's blown around for he that way was like a wave of the sea driven with wind and tossed so uh for let not the man think that he shall receive anything of the lord for a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways okay uh what do you think that means a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways well a double-minded man personally is one minute uh you appear to have faith and the next minute is doubt um that's what in a single-minded is you're you're like you're moving in faith and you're not being brought off it you're not being knocked to and fro so that that's what the double-minded means one minute you're thinking one thing and the next minute you're thinking just the opposite okay so we've seen people uh that i i know some double-minded people they're very very unsettled they're very unsettled uh in their faith in other words it's it's like you wonder what's missing why can't why can't they see uh the light here can't they understand what is it they don't understand in other words it's like well okay uh you know i i kind of believe what what what the bible says there but you know i uh i i think also you know you know the way i feel about this or that uh that can be right too it can be right too so if you feel if you have your beliefs if you will about certain things that are different they're in opposition to the word of god can you possibly uh have have the right thoughts to be right too no because the bible says that god's word is truth and the bible says you have to receive the love of the truth and so when you put those two together and if you don't have those no then you can't okay i'm going to be preaching on this this message lord's lord's will unless the lord changes it and tell me who said this i will get my vengeance on the one that rules from above i will get my vengeance on the one that rules from above who made that famous statement it was carl marx carl marx and okay so are you fella fellas familiar with well this so-called religion out there and i just uh i just had a one of those little mind spots there but it is the socialist gospel if you will the socialist gospel pardon yeah yeah that's uh having like a form of christianity but denying the power they're up it's it's secular you know it's it fits into the uh thought of the times rather than the absolute of absolutes the bible absolutely it's it's trying to take calming the teachings of marks the teachings of marx and and mingling the teachings of carl marx with with the teachings of carl marx with with the teachings of christ and uh this is um what would they have done this is what is what is so prevalent today in the apostate church the world and the national council of churches and if you understand some of where this comes from this is what i'm going to be teaching on because the the reason it is so prevalent with with these heights with these these these college kids this is where woke come from this is the woke movement people that have come up uh and where compromise they they can try to justify compromise and yet try to convince themselves uh that they won't that they're not going to be uh you know have to face the consequences and stand before god and so we're going to take a look at what is what is on the mind the mindset of these these college kids and these woke there's this whole woke generation and take a look at what's really behind all of this so people see if you understand the enemy that you're up against boy does it make it a lot easier to uh to fight against that enemy absolutely that's very that's that's half the battle so if you want to you gotta know you gotta know you're at war i mean uh for example not only biden but whoever is actually the president and their whole the all the democrats uh we have to realize today that they are at war with us they literally hate us literally um i and i they hate us with a loathing like the the nazis did the jews and it took the nazis a while to fix society so they could pull off the uh the final solution but they hate everything about america pastor and they they hate our history they hate the the christianity and and the back and you know our foundation they hate capitalism they hate the freedoms we have and unless we realize that we don't uh we're not able to kind of figure out well why is biden making these uh executive orders why is he doing this why isn't he why is he allowing the border to be open why is he destabilizing the currency you know why is he weakening us uh giving away in afghanistan and and humiliating us in front of the world and if you realize they are on an agenda to destroy america because they hate us and they want to re redo it in the image of carl marx and communism pestering so if we don't realize they are at war at us it's like a fifth column operating inside of america uh we can't beat them we have to realize we're in a war and stand like we are at war well yeah that was an interesting thing what you just said because yesterday they started out and on the fake news media the fake news media out there pms nbc and nbc and that and even fox news said uh as as biden you know it made me sick to see him there at the grave of the unknown soldier knowing how how he really feels about our servicemen and to hear the things he was saying but uh because you know what's how they really feel and so here uh he said and they said well this is the first time in over 20 years that we have uh we that we have had that we've celebrated veterans day while we were not at war this is the first time in over 20 years when we were not at war okay and so they made this point but in fact we the people of the united states of america are at war with the federal government in this country we are at war with the federal government it has become totally rogue and anti-christ it has become totally anti-christ do you think i mean do you think that that this reality is is setting in on the minds of a lot of people you know i'm i'm often amazed at at some people they know things are not good okay and it's all around them but they're not they're not paying attention okay to what is really happening and so what do you think you think well pastor ernie what's happening is yes there is uh i i guess maybe in knowing what's going on america americans are stronger now than they were a year ago and like that but we cannot in any way think that this is just political that the it's democrats versus republicans now there are there are establishment republicans but this is democrats wanting to destroy the very structure of america that's what we have to grasp in huge numbers again an interesting pastor ernie with biden of the federal courts just um put a um the word lock is in my mind stay on his uh his empirical decree about businesses over 100 employees they must all the employees must be vaccinated with the death shot so biden came out and actually said he told all the businesses to ignore the federal ruling that that's that's pure anarchy now pure anarchy and he is working or who's ever whoever the puppeteer is with him um is is using him to completely destabilize america he he literally came out and said that he told the businesses to ignore what the court said so he's worked they're working him to be a a dictator pastor ernie well since he is is promoting and trying to enforce all of obama's policies all the things that obama cannot get through it's pretty obvious who the puppet master is when obama himself had come out and said that that his his wish would be when they asked him if he was would like to run for another term he said he'd rather poke be set in his basement and pull the strings you know of the puppet out there and that's exactly what's happening well i'm going to challenge you could someone be pulling uh obama's strings his name is george soros yes yes pastor ernie and do you know who said that do you know do you remember when uh andrew young the former ambassador and uh jesse jackson when they were at the deathocratic communist convention here uh when obama was running the second time or uh obviously when was it no when he was uh i'm trying to think i'm trying to remember exactly when it was but jesse jackson was one of the commentators with with andrew young and the mics were hot and jackson didn't know it and uh when jackson was talking to young and he said to him about having when he invited obama to come and speak to the rainbow coalition and obama said to him i'm sorry but i don't have time that's right that's when obama was president so it's it would have been when uh hillary uh no see i'm trying to think of it might have been when hillary was was you know running her campaign so anyhow against trump but anyhow so he told young he said i invited obama to come to speak to the rainbow and he said he didn't have time and i said to him you don't have time for me jesse jackson and he said to me i don't need you okay i've got george soros and so that's when jackson made that famous statement that he would like to castrate obama but he didn't use those those words he used stronger stronger language on a hot mic and so but basically what obama was saying there was uh yeah that uh his is the power behind him now this would be you know as far as all of the people are out there right now today you know when when directly from the bible from the things that we find in the word of god um to me obama would be the best candidate i'm not saying he is the anti-christ but i'm saying he would have the qualifications that i can see um because it goes right along if you go with daniel chapter 11 um the the the anti-christ is the sodomite and also if you go with uh the fact that uh the anti-christ comes a part of the sea which is a gentile and the false prophet is a jew and the false prophet empowers the anti-christ and and obama has admitted that he gets his power and support from george soros so what do you guys think well tester ernie i think uh as far as the new world order goes that soros is low on the totem pole that he's just a spokesman for them but in their circles uh it goes way beyond george soros so you know they formulate these policies and right now they're hot on destroying the united states and soros works directly with obama probably i mean obama's the one but soros is there and so the new world order are the masters of this and soros is their spokesman to obama right okay i know that okay um let me tell you what we're going to do i'm going to play this piece here when we come back uh did you fellows know that right now what they want to do is they want to have parents right now we're we're warning you because this is the next thing that the deathocratic communist party was coming up with they want parents to be licensed they want parents to be licensed by the state to raise their own children to be parents this is um they want to put use the same uh qualifications that you get when you adopt a child or a foster child and have the state grant you the right to be parents you talk about more infringements and of course for for the deathocrats out there they they would think to them and since government is god they wouldn't know any better but anyhow this this little girl she's eight years old and she is standing up against the setting as anti-christ system she let me see let me see here i had i i hadn't actually have an article on her if i can find it but uh go ahead and play the clip and i'll and i'll read some of the article my name is fiona lechos and i am in second grade at discovery kaylor mentry i am back to talk to you again today and for anyone who thinks i didn't write my speech last time is wrong i wanted to be here then just like i do now sorry if i am supposed to be scared when i see people yelling at these meetings so i am back today and tomorrow is my birthday i am going to get suspended if i don't wear a mask for three more days just because i get suspended for not wearing a mask isn't going to change my mind you can keep suspending me i still have the right not to wear a mask it is not fair that i'm getting punished because you guys the school board are not following the law that is not fair it just isn't right i'm still going to stand up for what i believe in and nothing's gonna change my mind i've been getting suspended a lot because i'm wearing a mask do you know how dirty masks are because you touch the mask you put it on your face you breathe all those germs in because you have lots of bacterias on your hand oh and okay yeah i hope you all go to jail for doing this to me and my family is proud of me and my uncle murphy that is in heaven is really proud of me and i want to say burke sucks but instead of your world suck all right i i don't think she she probably doesn't understand what what that word sucks means but anyhow fiona lechelle who just turned eight years old told that palm beach county school board and by the way folks uh i i almost kind of feel that that girl that little girl is smarter than most of those people these got more more honest than any of those on that school board on the palm beach county school board and in no uncertain terms she told them how she felt about their their rules uh she is on a mission to take back not only her rights but every american child's constitution right for the tyrant school board and that's exactly what it is her mother bailey lechelle told the free press fiona hasn't taken the suspension laying down either she's not she has now spoke at a school board meetings twice directly confronting those who are ruining her education and so here and here's some more good news on that front you guys the loudon county parents show up at school board meeting with more than enough signatures to remove the board chair and this has been happening around the country now people are starting to wake up john and john for 49 years i beg people you know if you love here if you love your kids get them out of the public schools and you know to me this is so good to see this because john you know we turn on how long we've been asking people to get the kids out of the public schools and now the loudon county parents came prepared on tuesday night and the and the school board meeting with more than enough signatures needed for the removal of the board chair that's right so there you go all right yeah they're any uh they're not giving up power easily they are vicious against the parents and that what you said about the parents being licensed that's exactly what these communist school board members that's how they're dealing with the parents like we're going to teach your kids what we want we're going to teach uh your kids um homosexuality and all sexual perversion in at eight years old or you know all those younger grades and you should you you keep your mouth shut we're going to teach them what we want so this is if this battle is lost past the early it's um the kids well you know what really they shouldn't be in the public schools anyways uh because this is just the fruit of how evil it is what's being taught in these libraries in the classroom but so how we get it back how you ever get this back well you know what the lord says he'll bring the victory with him we are to get out and fight with with every fight you know and resist into blood in other words to death so we are to fight it with every ounce of energy we have that we can muster and so we can take it back america can take it back okay you know you cannot defeat those who refuse to be defeated to be defeated and we can only refuse to be defeated through our faith in god because we know that god okay cannot lose kenny oh no he he he wins faster and he all the time he said he'll bring the victory with him a senior contributor at the federalist uh at the federalist stella mara or abito has published a warning to parents that if left lists are not stopped and if they're not stepped right away in their agenda and moms and dads will soon need a license to raise their own children i know they've been wanting to do this for a while we talked about this about 10 years ago they were talking about they tried to to start something like this licensing the parents might still sound fringy but it's an old old social engineering dream that dies hard and they are busily building the road to get there unless there is aggressive sustained pushback you can count on the idea of invading the mainstream she explained well right now if there's ever been right now they're doubling down the obama regime is moving fast forward fast forward now listen i'm going to to tell you about something here but you tell me what you what you gleaned from this now think about this for a minute think about it okay uh the government has just spent 113 million of dollars taxpayer on oral tropics now this is this is um the government's uh it's a vaccine if you will against smallpox it's a good so if they've just spent that much 113 million dollars to get this and this vaccine against smallpox what does that tell you they're up to john well pastor ernie in addition to what you just said um bill gates and i posted this on my blog uh just last week came out and said that the nations of the world have to really unite about a bacteria outbreak with a with a disease like smallpox pastor earning and that we have to have it coordinated with all the medical institutions in each country working together the airports the airports working together you know to to stop uh airplane traffic uh the hospitals all working together and all and he just just came out and he used the word smallpox now from what i understand pester ernie uh the vast amount of americans have not been vaccinated for smallpox or and i was when i was younger but it doesn't uh it's lost its uh effect so virtually our not only us but other countries we're wide open to a smallpox epidemic i'm trying to think of how smallpox was spread if i know there's like a puss that runs from a test earning i know that that's from the that's from the vaccine that you get they normally would get you that and they kind of would like a you'd have a little thing that would swell up on your arm if i remember right yeah yeah but uh like when people had smallpox i believe they had to burn all the uh clothes and the bedding and all of that and it's uh no i think that's anthrax wasn't it or was it both no no no it's smallpox and it leaves big the people would have big ugly like skin and faces from if they lived through it and what happened was they found a vaccine for it was there's something called cowpox that's very similar to smallpox and the people used to milk cows by hand and these cows would get it sores on them and they were they were it was called cowpox but the people that milked the cows never got smallpox and they put two and two together and that's how they would the vaccine came out they would take like the uh like i'm going to say the word puss from the cowpox and they'd have put a cut on a person's hand or arm and then rub that puss in there and you get sick but it'll be a mild sickness and then you were immune to cowpox a smallpox well let me let me tell you about this real quick and then i want to jump back to where we're at the uh scotsdale school board was caught the scotsdale school board was caught building dossiers on the parents there in other words those parents that in other words to give this information uh to the justice of the uh the doj department of judas the department of justice is nothing but a branch of the deathocratic communist uh in front it's no it's no longer an independent organization it is is not okay and the guy that runs up there he is just he is just he is he he he's just a puppet for the death for the communists but anyhow here they got caught building desk dossiers on all the parents so that they can have them you know bring in the gestapo uh to come against them anyhow here's i guess yeah well i i mean this is so outrageous i hope everybody's listening sees the danger you know the red flag in this how dangerous this is how dare parents be upset about these communist school boards uh what what they're exposing their children to that we've got the federal government now involved in identifying who's leading this parents going to a public meeting objecting to the agenda and now you're an enemy of the state pastor this is right out of the soviet union yeah it is this is right before our eyes this isn't like well this might happen uh five years from now or 10 years from now they're trying to wrap this up where if if you even look wrong at their agenda you're going to be guilty of a crime and go to the gulags okay john do you know about the doctrine of the lesser magistrate yes i preached my first message on that probably almost a half a century ago john and so how would that apply the doctrine of the lesser magistrate what advice would you be giving right now these fbi agents these federal marshals these fbi agents when it comes to the doctrine of the lesser magistrate when they're sent out to go spy on american people what advice would you have for them right from god's word the bible to put the fear of god into them that they would understand what they're doing that's burning that's a really good question um i i i my opinion is that the and i and i i discussed this with you i mean a while back about this there's a certain element of mentality that they want in the fbi now and they want the new world order types and the uh the patriots america first people are the enemy so they literally look at us as the enemy and that's who they're hiring as uh fbi agents some old timers might be okay but the new ones are gone past ernie and with the lesser magistrates if i understand this correctly isn't that where um it's not really the church as a political entity that rises up but it's when the government its leadership within the government that would rise up uh to come against tyranny and the church could then follow the believers could then follow the lesser magistrate so maybe it would be like the governor of florida against the federal government okay in the military we were taught in the military that if we were given orders okay you know by by our superiors uh to to do something that was totally uh to say arrest someone who was who was doing the right thing uh we were we were told no we were to to instead arrest the one who gave us the the orders to violate okay the army manual and so we knew different right in other words if we look in the bible if we go to schiffra and pila they worked for the government okay um and they worked for the government but they obeyed god and not the government okay and god blessed them didn't he yes um they had to do okay daniel under daniel actually was a sheriff he was actually a sheriff okay he was one of the um three sheriffs under nebi kenezer and then under the next king too and here uh he obeyed god and not the decree of the government didn't he yeah absolutely in the fiery furnace and in the lions then okay so also abraham lincoln spoke on that in our military so if if you could if you could tie up uh some of these generals at the pentagrams and make them listen to you okay if you were to be able to get silly milly and say listen you pay close attention you better understand something okay uh one of these days you're going to die and when that happens it's pointed to all men once and then the judgment you can believe anything you want silly milly you can believe anything you want but what is going to happen is exactly what god's word the bible said is going to happen since time began that's exactly what has happened okay and so now people out there that are up there uh the pastors and and people i know they've been going after talk show hosts and that who are out in the front does god's bible give a special warning about touching touching up my anointed oh yes absolutely so does it tell them that bad things are going to happen to them if they do well you know i think you're going to yeah there's consequences for attacking uh god's anointed god's servants and i've personally seen that happen multiple times over the years uh and something that you know may be playing out here in tonsylvania right now attacking god's servant um mostriano senator mostriano and uh tony josepe uh oh give a give a a commercial for give a plug for lamp lighter while you're what made me think of that right now can you do that or well i want to tell the people that lamp letters is a movement politically uh but it's it's being led by uh christians here and unfortunately the pastors are not participating to my knowledge but we have all christians so let me get the information here real quick about uh lamps of liberty which is growing rapidly and uh we're are kind of got a backlog of memberships uh let me get uh here my goodness my my i'll tell you what while you're doing that i'll give that in a minute but anyway i want to say about uh corman who is the leader of the destruction of the presidential audit in tonsylvania uh came against uh god's servants here uh came against uh god's servants here senator mostriano and uh his former chief of staff uh tony uh just just josepe and yesterday he want to announce i guess formally announce his um candidacy for the pennsylvania governor and he didn't show up it's rumored that he has covered so we don't of course we don't want anything better what was that all about are you guys still there i'm here festering already go ahead go ahead and finish what you were saying because i got a little bit of a clip to play for you guys and now this this clip that i'm going to play uh the guy that is on on this clip okay is a member of the fda fax panel he's on the fda fax panel and here's what he says he's it's going to be hard to hear because i don't have really good audio but he says we are killing more people than we're saving with the shots okay this is what he says right on on us uh so you ready for this i'm hoping you can you can hear it ready one times more often following these vaccines compared to any other vaccine you know 20 people died who got the drug 14 died without the pussy people few people notice that if the net all cause mortality from the vaccine is negative vaccines boosters and mandates are all nonsensical this is the case today only the various numbers are statistically significant the other numbers are troubling even if the vaccines had a hundred percent protection it still means we killed two people to save one life four experts did analyses using completely different non-us data sources and all of them came up with approximately the same number of excess vaccine-related deaths about 411 deaths per million doses that translates into 150 000 people have died now the real numbers confirm that we kill more than we say in the most optimistic scenario it means that 50 percent of the vaccinated people died and zero percent of unvaccinated people died unless you can explain that to the american public all right there you go now you're not going to hear that on nbc abc or cbs are you no also let me give that this information here real quick lamps of so and then if you don't have access to internet you can write lamps of you can write lamps of liberty post office box 1041 hopwood hopwod pennsylvania 17445 email as lamps of liberty at and we have a telephone number 814-408-4576 okay give that number again 814-408-4576 and the movement is growing and we're slowly processing people that want to join the lamps of liberty so go ahead and we'll continue to we'll continue to promote them john you can tell them that you know we can you know have them back on anyhow tomorrow november 13th folks from 10 a.m and i'm talking about northeast ohio from 10 a.m to uh noon from 10 a.m to noon there's going to be an anti-vax anti-mask mandate protest there's an anti-vax anti-mask mandate protest at the progressive insurance headquarters their headquarters here at 6300 wilson mills road and mayfield village that's 6300 wilson mills vote and mayfield village again uh that's here and that's in coyote county this is their national headquarters there's going to be a protest out there people are fed up i'm talking to a number of people that work for that company there's a lot of them they're big employees around here and there's a whole lot of people some of them already quit i told them that you shouldn't quit let them fire you but they will not take the vax and that means that they're going to be laid off people have to fight the resistance they have to fight the uh this tyranny they have to stand up so they're going to be out there tomorrow letting them know uh that they're not going to give in they're not going to take it 6300 and the people that have progressive insurance should really cancel their policies if they continue with this they should cancel their policies so uh pastor ernie we've had uh hang tight we're up against the break we'll be right back right after this one more thank you for listening to what's right what's left the voice of the christian resistance to support this ministry head to w r w l dot org that's w r w l dot org mail your donations to what's right what's left ministries 14 781 speary road newbury ohio 44065 if you missed part of tonight's program you can check out the podcast at the word the word once again thank you for listening and supporting what's right what's left ministries the voice of the christian resistance stay tuned the second hour is coming up next
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