The following program is sponsored by What's Right, What's Left Ministries, and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right, What's Left, is coming up right now.
This is what's right, what's left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.
A lot of the other news medias don't pick up the news items like he does. And bringing to light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out.
I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth. Thank you. This is What's Right, What's Left, with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right, What's Left on this Wednesday, which is a windy Wednesday, December 1st, December 1st, the last month of the year. And tonight we have the might and the night, none other than the mighty Andrew on the board. Good evening, Pastor and everyone else. Good evening, Pastor and everyone else. And you know what?
I could have said the mighty and the 90, but I'm glad I didn't. There's crickets there. All right.
I could just get a picture of Andrew's face right now. So, anyhow, we have the medicine mom and the all natural nature lady, Wendy Wilson. Good evening, Pastor. Hello, Wendy.
Good evening. I got to be careful. I might have got Andy mad at me. You know, these things come to me out of no place.
But anyhow, there you go. We got a lot to talk about tonight, don't we? Do you know what the title of the message was, Wendy? No, I sure don't.
No, I sure don't. Well, I'll tell you. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. And here we're talking about the bottom line in this message this week was not to let the world steal your joy.
Not to let the world steal your joy. And so here we're going to pick up where we left off. We were talking about as we left off about those that how over in First Timothy Chapter 7, you know, it talks about how keeping the faith, keeping a strong faith. I meant Second Timothy Chapter 1 is what I was talking about and verse 7.
Let me just read that to you real quick. And that's where we start out. So that's where we left off. God has not given us a spirit of fear. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
We looked at those three things that he was referring to there that the Lord had given us. And tonight we're going to pick it up in Matthew 25. And in Matthew 25, because the opposition, you know, they somehow out there think that they can't see God, therefore God can't see them. When it comes to all the wickedness out there today, and all through scripture what refers to those on the right as being the righteous, we see it in Ecclesiastes 10.2 where the Bible says those on the right, a wise man will turn to the right but a fool will turn to the left. And obviously today if you believe in God, if you believe in country, if you believe in things that are good, clean, honest, decent, and all of those things, then they call you a right-winger.
But if you believe in everything that God's word the Bible calls sin, then they call you a left-winger, those on the left. And here it's an obvious thing because even the apostate church, the apostate church that calls itself the religious left, the religious left, they have access to God's word the Bible. They know what the Bible says. They know this.
And yet they, well, let's read it. We're starting with verse 41 in Matthew chapter 25. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, depart from me, you cursed and everlasting fire.
Prepare for the devil and his angels. For I was a hungred and you gave me no meat. I was thirsty and you gave me no drink.
I was a stranger and you took me not in, naked and you clothed me not, sick and in prison and you visited me not. Then shall they also answer him saying, Lord, when shall we be a hungred or a thirst or a stranger or a naked or sick or in prison? And did not minister unto thee. Then shall he answer them saying, verily I say unto you, inasmuch as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not unto me.
And these things should go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life. And so Wendy, what do you think if I would say, Hey, Wendy, who would, would you say the least of these, the least of our brother and who would they be? Um, children, um, unborn, I guess. The most innocent would be, you'd be absolutely right. The most innocent. Now here I was listening today on C-SPAN and I was listening to those, well, from NARAL, the head of the new NARAL.
Her name is Minnie Temeraja, Minnie Temeraja. And this woman, I have no doubt in my mind that, you know, we look at, at, at Herod that had all of the children killed in the days of when our Lord was a babe over there here in Matthew. And we see to us, Herod is, would be a villain like Hitler, but to these people, Herod would be the one that they would look at as the hero for killing all the babies. They're, they're evil.
I mean, they're extremely evil people, but somehow today there, there are very few people out there that have a clear enough mind to understand and call evil, evil, like our Lord and the apostles did. They understood that and they called it what it was, okay? Today there's too much fear of offending the offering plate.
Who knows? You might have people out there in a congregation that might be pro-death, pro-abortion. Well, we don't want to call it that. We'll call it pro-choice because, you know, if we use this language of illusion, it'll, you know, might soften and make, make these horrendous sins more palatable, okay? So, but these people are evil to the core. They are evil to the core, uh, extremely wicked women. And here, she made the statement today that being pro-life, being pro-life is like being a white supremacist, same as being white supremacy.
So all of these, these black pro-lifers that we know are also white supremacists, huh? Then I, and I heard this Judy Chu, Judy Chu, a very evil, evil congresswoman. These women are wicked to the core.
This, this woman is wicked. The Bible refers to them as unclean, okay? And then there's some places in scripture that it actually refers to a Wendyism, uh, well, like, well, for an example, in Jeremiah, you have where it refers to them as kind of whorish women. And then, well, let me just take you over there to Jeremiah chapter two and, or chapter, yeah, Jeremiah chapter two. And here he's talking about these women, how canst thou say I am not polluted? Okay, that means unclean.
I have not gone after Balaam. See the way in the valley? Know what thou has done. Thou art a swift dromedary traversing her ways. He's referring to her as, uh, a dromedary in heat, looking, the one that's looking to go out there and mate. As a wild ass used to do wilderness that snuffeth up the wind at her pleasure in her occasion, who can turn her away? All they that seek her will not weary themselves in her month. They shall find her.
In other words, it's referring to these very whorish, loose women. Now, uh, I want to jump down to verse twenty-nine. Wherefore will you plead with me? You all have transgressed against me, sayeth the Lord. In other words, God is telling them to repent. But then he goes to verse thirty-four. Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents.
I have found no fault, or I have not found it by secret search, but upon all of these. In other words, it was their very words, the things that they did and said, that condemned them for being, for murdering their children, those that offered up their children to Malik. And today, that's exactly what we have. They don't call it about Malik today, they call it a convenience, but a lot of these women, these very whorish women, actually are breeders. They actually get pregnant and sell their babies at full term for money. They sell them to be experimented on, and they take these young children, these beasts, these animals, and in fact, some of that was being done at the University of Pennsylvania. But it's government funded, and they take these live babies, and when they, in order to remove their parts, and they can't be contaminated with any chemicals, so they don't, while they're alive, they remove their parts. And we're going to put one of these articles in one of the future newsletters, okay, to let people see exactly how wicked this is.
And somebody needs to talk about it. The fact is, most people out there simply don't have the courage, it needs to be brought to light. And so, because of that, these babies are, now that they're experimented on alive, their organs are removed, and now you have, do you know who happens to be one of the heroes, almost a God figure now, to the extremely wicked people on the left, and the extremely wicked, and that's Mr. Fauci. He has, by torturing those puppies and killing the little children, by torturing the puppies and killing the little children, his stock has been raised up high within the Democratic Congress.
Again, these are people in Hollywood and in the far left media, these people are people that are extremely wicked, extremely wicked. And now, because of today being that court hearing the case, I want to take you over to Leviticus chapter 20, and verses 1 through 5 talks about how God feels about those who sacrificed their children. And the Lord's begging to Moses, saying again, Now shall say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, of the strangers of sojourn in the land, that giveth any of his seed unto Moloch, he shall surely be put to death, and the people of the land shall stone him with stones, and I will set my face against that man, and I will cut him off from among the people, because he hath given his seed unto Moloch. That means he sacrificed his child. To defile my sanctuary and to profane my holy name. Every time an abortion is committed, God's holy name is profaned. Every time those people that commit when they kill a child, they profane God's holy name. Now, how do you think God feels about that, Wendy?
Oh, well, I don't think saying he defended covered it. You'd be right. And if the people of the land do in any way hide their eyes, do you hear that, you neo-evangelicals out there that are professing Christians that do nothing, that never do anything, that never take a stand? You know what? Just about all of, you know, Wendy, I'm so glad to be a part of the UBF, Unregistered Baptist Fellowship Pastors. These are bold Baptist preachers. And you know, when I, we used to be on that Shake the Nation tour, every one of those men that would be on those pastors had all been arrested several times for preaching the Gospel and for rescuing babies, for preaching the Gospel, for doing what God's Word and the Bible demands that we do, for resisting the wicked, for going out and having courage to boldly, not these prissy entertainment preachers that get up and they've got a lot of talk, but they, no action, where they don't do, they don't have any courage. But those fellows were like the black robe regiment and I praise the good Lord that I was a part of that. And they actually believe the Word of God. And like Daniel and Jeremiah and Ezekiel and Paul and Peter and James and John, but none, none, even close to our Lord Jesus Himself, all of them were arrested and tried and persecuted. And I praise the good Lord for those few pastors of integrity, men of honor, bold men that we have today that can say, yeah, you know what, I've been arrested and jailed for doing the Lord's work.
God bless them. Amen. Yeah.
All right. So here we go and he says this. And if the people of the land do in any ways hide their eyes from that man which he giveth his seed unto Moloch and kill him not, then I will set my face against that man and against his family and I will cut him off and all that go a whoring after him to commit whoredom with Moloch from among the people. And so these people that are involved in the child killing industry, those on the left, the Bible refers to those that have all gone a whoring. And do you know who goes whoring?
Whores go whoring. Okay? Yeah.
See, that's what an education will do for you, Wendy. There you go. Now, I'm right on it, right? Okay. Now, here you go. Here's verse 6.
Now, listen to this because this will strike a chord with you. And the soul that turneth after such familiar spirits and after wizards to go a whoring after them. Wendy, what is a pharmacia?
Where is it? That's witchcraft or wizardry. It's called wizardry, too.
You're right. And where do we get these vaccines? Witchcraft.
Pharmacia. The witchcraft. And here, and I will set my face against that soul and cut him off from among his people. Therefore, sanctify yourselves, therefore be holy. For I am the Lord your God. And always keep my statutes and do them. I am the Lord who would sanctify you.
Is killing children, is that keeping the Lord's statutes? No. Not at all, is it? All right. I want to. Mighty Andrew, are you there? Hey, Andy.
Yeah, Pastor. Hey, can we, let's play that clip right now, that little, was it a four-minute clip? All righty, let me get it up. All righty. We're going to play a little clip here and I'll have you give some brilliant, brilliant commentary, as you always do.
And then we're going to get to your subject. Go ahead. Go ahead, Andy.
Andy, go ahead. Researchers in Britain are calling on the government to halt their use of coronavirus vaccines immediately after discovering potentially toxic side effects. Here's one, America's Pearson Sharp. More and more evidence from around the world is pouring in that raises doubts about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus. Now, a new report from doctors in England calls for a complete cessation of using COVID vaccines on humans. That's according to the UK-based Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Group, which submitted its findings to Britain's Department of Health, claiming there is, quote, more than enough evidence to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. Doctors say after examining official public health records, they looked at a number of reported side effects from the vaccine, including bleeding and clotting, unexpected immune system reactions, unusual pain reactions, neurological responses, loss of sight, hearing, speech or smell, or adverse reactions affecting pregnancy, including miscarriage. Researchers explained that the products in the vaccine are toxic to humans and called for an immediate halt to the vaccination program to conduct a full investigation into these harmful effects. According to the VAERS website, a U.S. government site which tracks adverse reactions to vaccines, nearly 6,000 people have died as a result of taking this vaccine. Some 20,000 more have been hospitalized. Nearly 2,000 others have come down with Bell's Palsy, a paralysis of the facial muscles, and 44,000 people have checked themselves in to urgent care. That's not to mention the 5,900 life-threatening reactions people have had directly from receiving the vaccine, including 2,200 people who suffered heart attacks as a result of getting the injection.
And this is all government data. According to VAERS, over 650 women have suffered miscarriages as a result of the vaccine, and some 4,500 people are now disabled, some permanently. These numbers are greater than all the other side effects of all the other vaccines in the entire world combined. This is not normal. But then again, this isn't a normal vaccine.
It's experimental. In Israel, the government mandated that young people get vaccinated to attend in-person exams at school, only to see a massive spike in cases of severe heart inflammation, known as myocarditis. Reported cases of the potentially fatal heart condition were 25 times higher than normal, with authorities in Germany stepping up and announcing young people should avoid the vaccine because it's just too dangerous. If the rates in Israel are any indicator, the U.S. can expect over 150,000 young Americans to come down with similar symptoms. Even the CDC says it's investigating after the link between the vaccine and heart inflammation appears much worse than previously thought. In fact, the agency is holding an emergency meeting to discuss this very issue. To be clear, this is an experimental drug, and it's now being administered without proper testing or safety protocols, something that's never been done before for any other disease. And we're witnessing the consequences of that first hand. Why do we need an experimental mandatory vaccine for a disease, by the way, which you have a 99.997% chance of surviving?
Many time will tell the long-term consequences of rushing this vaccine to market, although for some, it's already too late. For One America News, I'm Pearson Sharpe. Alrighty, we are back, and you know, Wendy, it's an interesting thing. Justice Thompson today has been a reliable constitutional conservative on the Supreme Court for 30 years now, and I remember how they tried to destroy him, okay, through their lies and deception. But he has been known for his silence on the bench. Now, he has been 100% fed up, he has said before Justice Scalia's death, before he died, Thomas went 10 years without asking a single question during proceedings. This week, Thomas broke his usual silence to ask a question that has the pro-deathers, the Antichrist pro-boards, activists, livid.
Here's his question he asked, Wendy. Does a mother have a right to ingest drugs and harm a pre-viable baby? Can the state bring child neglect charges against the mother, he asked. Now, that Supreme Court is currently reviewing the Mississippi law that would ban nearly all baby kills after 15 weeks. The attorney representing Jackson's Women's Health Organization, and I listen to her attempting to overturn the law, had this to say, that is not what the case is about. It's about a woman's right to make choices about her body. What's the problem? Hold on, we're up against a fast break. When we come back from this break, I'm going to ask you, what's the problem with that, about a woman having a choice over her body?
Be right back after this. In sailing ships, they crossed the oceans wide to the land our God bestowed. To plant the seed of Christian liberty so that all the world would know.
Their blessings in the wilderness increased with prosperity and health. But the ancient powers that ruled the earth grew lustfully jealous of her wealth and sent the British armies to make war with his sons of liberty. Placed their faith in God and by his grace, fought and won the victory and proclaimed themselves, we the people of the United States of America shall be faithful and establish rights as Americans. We shall not bow down to tyranny. The United States of America, our God reigns and proclaims liberty.
The United States of America. The mysteries of conspiracy unfolds in our nation's history. As the ancient banking powers that rule this earth tries to steal our sovereignty. And now this new world order marches in to make war within our land. And once again, Americans, it's time to rise up and take a stand and declare ourselves, we the people of the United States of America shall be faithful and store our rights as Americans. We shall not bow down to tyranny. The people of the United States of America, our God reigns and proclaims liberty.
The United States of America, we the people of the United States of America. Alrighty, we're back and now we will hear from Miss Wendy. So Miss Wendy, what is the problem with the thing about it's about the right for a woman to have control over her own body? What does that have to do with an unborn child? Are you there, Wendy?
Yes, I'm here. I had put down the phone for a moment. Yes, well, actually, a woman's body is in her own. God owns that body.
How do you know? The Bible says so. In fact, it tells you that Corinthians, you are not your own, huh?
Yeah, right. So basically, she's not making a choice just for her own body. She's making a choice for a future person's body and that's a problem, too.
What do you mean by a future person? Well, I mean, if you don't disrupt the baby continuing through the course of nine, ten months and then being born, then you have this beautiful child that's going to grow up and if you interrupt that, then that child won't exist. Okay, so, well, actually, God says that that child does exist. Let me take you over here to Jeremiah chapter 1 and verse 5.
Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee and before thou comest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Now, could God know someone and ordain them and make them a prophet, someone that didn't exist? Oh, yeah, God could do anything. Anything is possible. Okay, so here, in other words, he's making a point, too, that we existed in the mind of God before we, in fact, he tells you in Ephesians 1 that before he created the earth, we existed in the mind of God. We existed there now.
So let me ask you this. Do the things that exist in the mind of God, are they real? Are they as real as things that you can feel or touch or see? I believe they are. You'd be right, they are. Okay. God speaks things into existence, doesn't he?
Yes, he does. Okay, so here, that child, so when they tell you this, okay, that it's my body, they're lying and that's what they do. And the Bible says that those that hate God love death.
They love death. And so here, if it's their body, now, if it's their body, the child, then they've got four arms, four legs, four eyes and four ears, don't they? Yeah.
Okay. But, in my opinion, they don't have four of any of those. In fact, they've only got half a brain because it doesn't take very much intelligence to know that God's Word, the Bible, has said that he has kept dominion of man for himself. So when you destroy the image of God, by the way, the whole purpose, the whole purpose, the entire whole purpose of divine human government, according to the Noahic Covenant, was to preserve the image of God, that being man.
And by the time you hit Chapter 9 in Genesis, God had commanded the people three times to be fruitful and fill the earth, multiply. And so this left, these Democrats, they were in complete and total rebellion against God. And so there you go. And folks, see folks out there listening, I mean, you need to be bold and tell them that. And like these people I talked about today, unless they repent, this Judy Chu and this mini Tamaraja, unless they repent, God's Word, God has said, unless they repent, Wendy, they're going to do what?
They're going to burn in hell, aren't they? Okay. That's not a pleasant thing, is it? No. Okay. So there you go.
Anyhow, that's what needs to be said. So now, tell us what's on Wendy's mind. Before we do that, before we do that, I've got to tell the folks out there, you know, how I introduced her as Mom Nature, okay? Wendy has this catalog that I've got right here, but she only would give me one. And if you get that catalog, look through there to see if you can find my picture in there, folks. But anyhow, the number on that catalog is 866-229-3663.
That's her phone number, apothecary herbs, 866-229-3663. And I have been using her herbs for years, okay? And in fact, I just ordered some more today, didn't I? Yes, I sure did. And so, folks, I encourage you to do this because now there's a lot of things too. There's questions in that that you call me on all the time.
And I'm giving you, I have sent you out some flyers and things. But Wendy can answer, she's not going to give medical advice, but she can answer your questions that you have, especially about when it comes to ways that one might want to get detoxed. And for years, Wendy has helped people get detoxed. And so, we're seeing the fear now. By the way, Wendy, you know those stats that we just heard there from Nation One, American One News?
Yeah. The stats by the VAERS, do you know what percentage of the VAERS actually reports of the actual pandemic, the amount of people that are sick? By the way, just recently, they said like 600 women miscarried now. Just recently, it's over 25,000 have miscarried here with that.
So, they're only, go ahead. Typically, with your regular childhood vaccines, only 1% were getting reported. So, I would imagine it's that or less.
Well, by VAERS own admissions, by their admission, it's between 1 and 10%. And so, all of those numbers, I would say, multiply those by at least 10%. All of those numbers, how many people that are really sick and really dying. So, anyhow, folks, If you go up on the Internet to, you can get one of Wendy's catalogs and you're going to need them because we got a very, very interesting, a very dark and cold winter coming this way. And so, I would advise you to do that and get prepared because, Wendy, I have gotten your pandemic kit, but that also, what's the other kit, not the pneumonia kit, but the one for, let me see. We have a couple of kits.
I know. We have heart attack packs, snake bite kit, we have prostate kit, we have the cataract macular degeneration kit, we got lots of kits. The blood cleansing kit, the organ. Yeah, we have the master organ cleansing, the deep tissue cleanses. Yeah, we have a bunch of stuff.
All right, very good. And so, but the one I was looking for was the one, well, you got those three amigos, but the, I'm trying to, it's like the emergency, it's like an emergency kit. I'm trying to think of the name for it, like not a pandemic, but, Anne, I can't. The power kit? No, it was the one where you have a catastrophe kit.
Well, we have those two, yeah. We have the lung congestion kit, we have a bunch of stuff, so people can go up on the website, or give us a call for the catalog. Okay, it was the pandemic kit. The pandemic kit is what I was trying to think about.
So, you got the pandemic kit, and you've got the pneumonia kit, and so, folks, I'm just going to read real quick your pandemic kit, just some of the stuff that's in there, okay? Here it says herbs have power to assist the body to neutralize infectious pathogens. The kit offers a broad spectrum plus more targeted herb formulas.
You will have eight powerful immune system formulas that can be used as various combinations. Add our Gentian root, page 18, to the kit for a natural inhibitor to Ebola type infections. The kit also contains reverse vaccine product. One standard kit serves two people for one week.
Shelf life is ten years. Kit contains all in one tonic, 16 ounce. Pneumonia kit, one ounce. Astragulus root.
American ginseng echinacea deluxe, blood cleansing skin, poultice. Boy, I mean, you got everything in that kit there, but anyhow, folks, I just thought you really need to get prepared. Things could get nasty. So, anyhow, and that phone number, by the way, again, is 866-229-3663.
866-229-3663. And there you go. So, you know, I was acquired by some folks who, I guess that's their job, you know, from Salem, wanted to know if I was getting paid for any of these things that I live out, like yours, or we have, for example, Dr. Peter on here with us tomorrow, and Peter Glidden will be here, and if we get paid for putting new people on it and promoting your products, no. Here's how we get paid. We get paid knowing that we're helping people, but you don't send us money for the products, do you?
No. So, just so you folks know, we don't get paid for bringing these things, just like every now and then I give a commercial or a spot for people out there, too, that need, you know, that have a very good service, you know, that provide a very good service. I just did that with Staggerwalt here just recently because they give exceptional service, but Wendy's products are exceptional, and so is Wendy.
Wendy's exceptional. Oh, thank you. We were talking before the air time, and we were talking about, you know, your COVID deaths, and then we were comparing it to abortion deaths, and there's far more abortion deaths than there are COVID deaths, but that's not considered a pandemic.
No. God considers it as a horrific, horrific transgression of his laws, okay? And believe me, believe me, that blood of the innocent, for all you folks out there listening that have never done anything to try to stop it, you say, well, I would personally, I would have no part in abortion, but you know what? There's sins called what? Sins of omission?
What did we just read? We just read that the Lord has said those that turned their head and looked the other way and didn't put those to death, okay, they were killing the babies, then they, too, God was going to, that their wages would be death, too. And so, you folks out there, the sins of omission, if you fail to stand up like Abraham Lincoln said, when men remain silent, when they should speak out, makes cowards of men and destroys the nations. And let me tell you, everybody, everybody needs to speak out against this horrific, horrific genocide of our children. There you go.
I've had pastors when I've asked them about, you know, the abortion issue, I've had one that said, well, it is the law of the land, so there's nothing we can do about it. Okay. Here's what you do when one of those pastors tells you that, go to the store and find yourself the largest pair of pink bloomers you can find and then send that, send those bloomers with a little note to that princely little fellow.
You know, when I was a little girl, my mom would make the ballerina outfits for our recitals and the little pink tutus with all the sequins. I may have one of those. I probably could give him. All right. Yeah.
That would be a good idea. Yeah. And, you know, some years ago, quite a few years ago, we had some, in the abortion battle, there were those that didn't have the courage to speak out, and those that did come out and said that it's legal, and as long as it's legal, we're not going to stand against it. These are cowards.
These are men that obey a corrupted government rather than God, and they're trying to hide, and they do it by totally misrepresenting Romans 13, twisting and spinning and perverting them. And so I have threatened, some of these were being vocal, and I have threatened to send out a pair of pink bloomers to particular preachers, and I didn't mention their names, and all of a sudden, that verbiage stopped, and all you heard were crickets. All of a sudden, it was quiet. They quit speaking up, because I was going to send them and then announce on the air who got the pink bloomers. There you go. That's right.
And it worked. Nowadays, though, I don't know if I do that. Nowadays, you know, you've got a lot of strange things out there. You might have them all coming out wanting the pink bloomers, because, you know, who knows? One day they might be boys, and the next day they're girls out there, okay? I think that's the thing that's going on in the Democratic Congress.
They're not sure what they are, right? Sure, yeah. Anyhow, you're absolutely right on that. So what else is going on in Wendy's world? Oh, yes. First, before we get into that, I did want to thank you for having me on your show. You have such wonderful listeners, and I've heard from many of them, and it's such a pleasure and an honor to talk with them every day, to call up, and we have great, great conversations, so we praise the Lord for that.
You know what, Wendy? I've got to say this real quick. I want to praise the good Lord, because I get such, you know, their letters are so encouraging. I mean, they really are, because I've got the nutcases that are always trying to waste my time with nutcase stuff, okay?
Doing everything they can, because they're angry because we're doing the Lord's work, okay? But these, all of these letters I get from our listeners out there and those that support us, and those letters are very, very encouraging, and I just want to thank them. And every now and then, they'll leave a phone number in a letter, and I'll pick one of those letters out, and I'll just give them a call personally to thank them. Yeah, I've gotten several people thanking us for what we're doing, and it's just really encouraging and rewarding.
It's very nice, so I appreciate that. Okay, so we're going to talk about some smallpox, I thought, for just a little bit, because a lot of people are speculating that the world we live in, that, you know, it may release some smallpox viruses, so people are concerned, even though, you know, modern medicine is saying smallpox vaccine has eradicated the disease since 1977 from the United States population. So this is a routine use to use a smallpox vaccine on one-year-old children in the United States, but they discontinued using it in 1972.
So that means, Pastor, that people 50 years and younger were never given this vaccine. Now recently, some natural remedies for the smallpox have come to light on numerous outlets, articles also on this, and you know, these remedies can be kind of hard to find. So like the Native American Indians, they were forced to discover some natural remedies for smallpox based on what our army did to them, and it said that it was the pitcher plant that saved them. Now these plants are indigenous to the United States, and they're typically, though, not used for medicinal purposes, they're more of an ornamental type of plant. So the growers are not growing them in large quantities for medicinal purposes, so they can be hard to come by, but I will try to find some good specimens.
I've got a couple of leads. So the pitcher plant seems to eradicate or inhibit smallpox, according to some research. Now here's what science never told us about smallpox.
Now this is the National Library of Medicine Institute of Health. They reported on smallpox in August 2017 that there was some question regarding the origins of the smallpox vaccine. Now do you remember who invented the smallpox vaccine? Nope, I don't.
You don't remember? That was Edward Jenner back in the 1700s. Okay. So in this report by the National Library of Medicine Institute of Health, they did this investigative article, and it wound up in the Lancet Journal of Infectious Disease. The title was revisiting Jenner's mysteries, the role of the bureaucracy of lymph tissue and the evolutionary path of the ancient smallpox vaccine.
Long title. But what they were looking at was Edward Jenner's 1700 creation of the smallpox vaccine had viral strains in it of cowpox. Okay. Remember Jenner thought, well, cowpox is a cousin of smallpox, but it's less virulent. Cows seem to have a resistance to it. So maybe if we make a serum out of cowpox, it'll help the human immune system resist smallpox.
That was his thinking. So what he did is he took some pus from a lesion from a cow that had cowpox supposedly to make his serum or smallpox inoculation. Now the researchers were stating, though, that Jenner may have mixed in some horsepox virus, because during the 1700s, during Jenner's time, it was widely accepted to use lymphatic tissue from cows and horses. And it often could be a various strain in the smallpox family. So let's look at this report a little closer from the Lancet, and also published in the Scientific Communications Journal.
Findings on Jenner's vaccine. They said it describes the disease. If you do get smallpox, people tend to get those lesions on their abdomen and body, 30% mortality. And then they mention another type of smallpox pastor. I never heard of this one. Hemorrhagic flat-type smallpox. You ever hear of that? Oh yeah, the old hemorrhagic flat-type smallpox, yeah. You know, when he invented that back then, back in the 1700s, I was just a kid, and that's why I couldn't remember it there.
Well, now here's the thing. The symptoms of smallpox are fever, discomfort, headache, severe fatigue, back pain that's severe, and vomiting. The hemorrhagic type has the same symptoms, but they're more severe, has a shorter incubation period, and also the sores tend to bleed or hemorrhage. Now Jenner saw the cowpox virus was a cousin to the smallpox, and it would give cows that mild reaction. So he thought, let's use the cow version of the pox.
It's a milder form. We'll put it in a vaccine. And what he decided to do is take his serum and inject it into a boy, and either the boy would overcome the disease to create antibodies or he would die. So this was a very risky hypothesis, and it was a 12-year-old young boy that they used. So Jenner figured since cowpox and smallpox were cousins, it would provide immunity towards the smallpox disease.
So this research was considered one of the medicine's milestones, and the smallpox vaccine was then born. But there's something even more interesting if we have time to cover that that's included. Oh yeah, absolutely. But we're coming up to a break. We might have to wait until we get on the other side of the break because we've got about a minute before break.
But go ahead, keep talking. Okay, this is going to be a cliffhanger. Because what they found, okay, so in this report, the National Library of Medicine Institute of Health, in this investigative report, they went back to the serum of smallpox because FDA makes you kind of save some lot from your products. So you have to always keep some in case they have to go back to it and check. So they went back to Jenner's serum and they looked at it. And to their surprise, no cowpox was in it. That is, that is kind of puzzling, isn't it? Isn't it? That is just, it was a head scratcher. Yes it was. Yeah.
I've got an article here and this is the Smallpox Biowar Globalist Prepare Perfect Scheme to Cover Up Vaccine Deaths and Cancel Midterm Elections by Unleashing a New Deadly Epidemic, the Smallpox Biowar. So when we get back from the break, I'll read this to you and you can tell me what you. Yeah, I'll wrap up my part, yep. All right, hang tight. We'll be back right after this. With a whole lot more, don't go away. All right. All right.
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