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REShow: Kurt Warner - Hour 2

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen
The Truth Network Radio
October 26, 2022 3:14 pm

REShow: Kurt Warner - Hour 2

The Rich Eisen Show / Rich Eisen

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October 26, 2022 3:14 pm

Rich weighs in on the latest news on free agent slugger Aaron Judge and pleads for his Yankees to re-sign the likely AL MVP. 

Rich reveals his latest NFL Power Rankings with the Seattle Seahawks crashing the party that remains unchanged at the top where the Buffalo Bills, Philadelphia Eagles, Kansas City Chiefs, and Dallas Cowboys roost.

Pro Football Hall of Famer Kurt Warner/NFL Network analyst Kurt Warner tells Rich why Bill Belichick should go with Mac Jones over Bailey Zappe as the Patriots’ starting QB, how the Giants and Jets are thriving with less-than-stellar play from QBs Daniel Jones and Zach Wilson, his reaction to Matt Ryan’s Colts benching, and if Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady can turn around the Packers’ and Buccaneers’ struggling offenses. 

Rich and the guys react to Matt Ryan’s comments to the media about his benching and ponder what the former NFL MVP QB’s future looks like.

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That didn't happen so that's another hypothetical question. Live from the Rich Eisen Show studio in Los Angeles. New England fans heel turned on this kid. The Rich Eisen Show.

When Zappi comes in and leads two touchdown drives. Earlier on the show, Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow still to come. Pro football hall of famer, Kurt Borner. Legendary film producer, Jerry Bruckheimer. And now it's Rich Eisen. Hour number two of the Rich Eisen Show is on the air during hour number one when we're talking to none other than one Joe Burrow on the show and if you missed it there's our YouTube page. There's also the Roku channel Rich Eisen Show collection where you can not only watch us once again on demand there's also channel 210 where the show re-airs over and over again once we're done live on channel 210 between noon and three every single day but there's also a video on demand you know we break things up in clips you can just go there and just check us all there's really there's our twitter handle at Rich Eisen Show as well we're unavoidable there's the podcast version of this show all three hours you can listen to whenever you want as well we'd appreciate it subscribe right there and then a follow if you will on our at Rich Eisen Show twitter handle there's also Facebook there's also our Instagram at Rich Eisen Show there's also our ability to give it to you on our YouTube page Rich Eisen Show for all that. Kurt Warner is going to join us but while Joe Burrow is on the air Matt Ryan met with the media in Indianapolis and the soundbite and or soundbites will play that for you after we chat with Kurt Warner this hour and I will ask her what he what Matt Ryan must really be thinking going on in his head uh the terrific world famous hall of fame if you will television and film producer Jerry Bruckheimer and co-owner of the Seattle Kraken making his way to the studio right now I mean his his uh filmography Armageddon Remember the Titans, The Pirates of the Caribbean, Beverly Hills Cop, um Crimson Tide how about that one we're gonna ask him about that I mean we we can't ask him about everything uh the Rock Con Air um obviously the Top Gun movies Pearl Harbor I mean good lord over national treasure did I mention national treasure Bad Boys I mean and then also um I get to thank him personally because he's the man who helped put CSI Miami on the air and I'm still getting dollars and cents from that thing as we all know mostly cents mostly cents mostly cents hashtag suck it Caruso is uh one of my favorites he's got a new show called CBS uh on CBS called Fire Country and uh he's making a remake of Beverly Hills Cop baby amazing Aqua should we put a banana in his car's tailpipe a little aggressive is it okay we're not gonna fall for that right he won't fall for that what am I thinking uh and he's also making a new tv show for Disney Plus out of national treasure I mean is Nick Cage in that I don't know I I don't these are questions we can ask I bet you there's the google for that because it's coming out in December that thing must be in the must be in the can so um 844204 Rich is the number to dial here on the program World Series starts on Friday night uh this just in it's the Astros and the Phillies and um Jeff Passan who we adore um he's one of my favorite guys uh to talk baseball with first team all-hair yeah right um from ESPN he let it be known he's been following Aaron Judge around uh he says he from the home run chase to the postseason exit I followed Aaron Judge for a long profile at ESPN Plus he linked it and then he put this he screen grabbed this grouping of paragraphs talking about I'll just read it to you he authored one of the most remarkable regular seasons in the history of a century and a half old game against the backdrop of rejecting the Yankees seven-year 213.5 million dollar contract extension offered during spring training you know just think about it just do that math in a sport where the Yankees print money printing money and I know they're already on the hook for John Carlos Stanton's monster contract and that's why and Garrett Cole's monster 30.5 a year you gotta be kidding me yeah paying now now that's gonna have to be 40.5 otherwise don't even don't even come at him say the price has gone up right and seven years in seven years better go to the number 10 and I don't want to hear about Albert Pujols and what happened to him at the end of his contract so what I mean Judge is older than you think I know he's 30 yeah but back to reading again um even then talk about the contract during spring training that he rejected even then Judge revealed a glimpse of the self-assuredness that will have to carry him through this winter because he's a free agent ready on that April day when he rejected the offer Yankees general manager Brian Cashman went public with details of the offer peeving Judge very fancy word for saying Judge was pissed yeah right Rizzo Anthony Rizzo with whom he has grown close in a short time inquired about it soon thereafter Judge's response still sticks with him today quote you don't think I'm worth more end quote he's out and then he went and hit 62 home runs now I'm gonna hang my hat on this I'll hang my hat on this that there's no greater stage there's no greater um organization to hold up for money okay and honestly there there isn't one and and let him go let him go on a free agent tour to Boston let him go to San Francisco where everybody assumes he's dying to play because that's his childhood um that's his childhood team so on and so forth kids from California I didn't talk about it on the show because there was so much other things going on I didn't sometimes I forget I need to write things down and remember to talk about it I believe when he hit a home run in in the playoffs he went back to the dugout lifted his jersey and kissed the Yankee symbol if I'm not mistaken I saw that you know like bye-bye this is my last home run for you guys thanks for everything it was the kiss of death you're trying you're trying you're trying to stir it up and I don't blame you I don't blame you I'm sure Red Sox fans are loving what the Yankees just did laid a complete egg in the ALCS as if their season wasn't a complete and total disaster and you're not sitting back as a Red Sox fan wondering about your future and whether the team is built properly and whether your generationally brilliant player in Rafael Devers might kiss you goodbye and if whether Xander Bogarts and and and and you have a particular uh unique perch uh here in Los Angeles California where somebody who'd left them I guess and didn't want to take their money resides and is generationally brilliant for fans here that said not great that said um this is the backdrop for me for the World Series is I want it to be over because the angst aren't in it and I just want to get to it now let's get to it now let's start now you remember when they were going to arbitration you remember that because of the way that the off season uh didn't happen because of the lockout that arbitration cases were happening during the season you remember that that came on the air and the Yankees and and and judge were slated to go to arbitration I'm like can we um can we just uh come to terms without having to go before an arbitrary an arbiter and and explain why he doesn't deserve as much as he wants and they did they did avoid arbitration thank goodness getting a one year 19 million this year right you got to double it and you got to give him and you got to give him the 10 years and I don't want to hear anything else out of it because other than that this team is filled with people who cannot put the ball in play who are completely susceptible to the strikeout including judge well judge had a judge was dynamite this year in a way that we did not say that he was he he got out of his game in the playoffs he did yeah okay he he he did morph into the rest of the team whereas he was the outstanding outstanding outlier of a team that was striking out everywhere and he had to save their bacon in August otherwise they would have lost the division too it's kind of crazy how awesome and obviously you know dynamite his season was he hit 311 but he did strike out 175 times well gotta sign him and also led the league in walks end of story end of story you've got all these young fans who are all rise wearing 99s okay end of story george m steinbrenner the third please come out on halloween night okay start clanking around the ghost of steinbrenner past go visit your son how and hit him over the head with the chains and tell him cut the crap how dig into the pocket that paid for a billion dollars of a portion of ac milan and give it to judge so let's get jeff passing on the show tomorrow best we can or friday to help preview that's my that's my world series preview let's do it do you have a pick wow give me a couple of days give me a couple of days it's it's it's tough to not choose the astros but i need to i need to analyze things a little bit more you analyze things a bit more okay i am rooting for bryce harper and i know you're i know you're already you're rooting for the retention of the yankee general manager and manager and the reports are they're gonna keep them let's run it back let's run it back say we did let's run it back i mean okay who do we get not a great year for either of our teams kurt warner is going to join us here on the rich eisen show talking about what's going on in tampa and what's going on in green bay and why the cults did what they did and what matt ryan must be thinking nobody grinds more tape than my pro football hall of fame friend and he's going to join us shortly he just came back from new england as a matter of fact where he called the bears big win over the patriots on westwood one radio and uh so uh that's coming up it's a wednesday you know what it is time for my power rankings oh maybe go for it i know you guys love it i can't couldn't wait here we go hit it hit it hit it again the combination of he-man and private pile from full metal jacket is maybe my crowning achievement and i hope jerry brockheimer's uh here already um just to see how our production value i mean he might turn around and leave no he might say he might say he's the list does res consulting have room for another client oh we can only come on come on tj let's talk our game up here we may have to start charging if jerry's coming yeah i mean eventually we have to like turn a profit yeah okay so uh the power rankings top five uh normally i count 10 up to one this week however is a unique week what with the bills and the eagles both being on a buy and the chiefs and the cowboys and the giants having all won those were my top five in last week's power rankings so there's no change atop my power rankings zero change i know you thought the chiefs might leapfrog the eagles because the eagles were off and the chiefs just won and the cowboys you know had a little bit of struggle with dak before they beat the uh the lions and the giants needed to defend the last inch of turf in jacksonville and you think there might be a change but there was another team that was on a bye week too so i'm keeping everything one through five no change none it's like before this is what i said to tj yesterday do you think if the eagles and chiefs played right now yes who would win i'll take the eagles because they're they're above me in my power rankings the eagles are not beating the chief okay just be honest sounds good sounds good okay they they've they've only that's all we hear about is how the eagles have the secondary in bradbury and my my guy sleigh okay you think okay let's let's lock those guys up let's get the rest of the defense trying to rush the passer while figuring out how to stop kelsey and then you run it right down the gut and make sure mahomes gets antsy standing on the sideline they have the ability and they have their own quarterback okay and if they played them right now at frank clark out for two games i'll take the eagles and maybe you would too all right if it's in philadelphia as well whole question that's the way i'm talking about it and i can't put the giants over the cowboys because the cowboys already beaten and i'm not putting the cowboys the giants underneath anything what they've already done because they just won this week and they are in my mind still the best five teams in the nfl great segment man well here's the bottom part of it no here's the bottom part of it at least i'm admitting what's going on right here i appreciate your time all right number number 10 i got a new team on the list i'm putting them on there i'm putting them on there i'm putting the seattle seahawks on this list i'm not mad at that even okay yes you did it best team in the league why wouldn't they be why wouldn't they be you you probably wanted to put if you had to do your top 10 in your top five you probably would have put the chargers sitting there at number 10 last week because they won they won a football game they actually just won a football game they beat up the denver broncos and they won the top 10 but they're four and two they got to put them on there because they just won a game and they're four and two no no no no no the seahawks have a team that will sneak up on you and beat you and you better start watching for them but you still think the niners are winning the division right now yes i do and the niners have already beaten them but they're three and four out of the four and three team on the niners in your top 10 they are not in my top 10 now they have dropped out of the top 10 but they're still going to win the division but they're still going to win the division uh yeah i do think so uh-huh these are all these are all possible things that you're you're you're viewing these things as such black and white and by the way stop heckling me i'm getting through my list oh yeah don't that make you mad holy cow that's awful it's a little bit how would you like interrupt your list if i went to her gig and started barking at her halfway through that's not part of being going to a show this is part of this our fans would think differently number nine on the list okay number nine on the list moving up a spot i'm taking the five and two new york jets the five and two new york jets up a spot i cannot wait to see this game this weekend james robinson had practice today damn he's at practice today they showed a video of them that's why they went ahead and they were aggressive and they're like we're not going to wait for the trade deadline just to wait out the jaguars and see if we can squeeze out this guy for a better deal for us fork up the six say it could be a five go get the guy who's got a thousand yards rushing and tell the team we're being aggressive just like you are on the field thanks for that five and two start says the front office here's some help love it number nine on my list number eight on my list are the tennessee titans they are leading the afc south derek henry is coming downhill for you the diminisher is running in a way that we did not see in the first two weeks of the season gosh i love mike rabel you're defending uh coach of the year and i just love the way that he's got this team believing um the offense concerns me outside of derek henry but the defense is balling out and tennessee is going to houston this week by the way that's where vrabel used to coach everybody thinks rables on the belicheck coaching tree he's on the belicheck playing true um but he's and and i guess he's on the belicheck coaching tree through bill o'brien i guess i don't i don't know but through us bottom line bottom line he's going back to where he once belonged in houston this week that game against kansas and buckle up that game by the way on the horizon at kansas city week nine on sunday night tennessee at kansas city is going to be a fun one for your mind so i keep that in your head uh number uh seven on my list is a guy we just uh hung up with joe burrows cincinnati bangles i think they're winning this division i think they are winning this division they have won four or five the arrow is pointing up and man the arrow is pointing at cleveland on monday night look out below and number six on the list is a team that didn't play last week so they stay too like before the minnesota vikings are currently six on my power rankings i can't wait to see apparently kurt cousins is sitting down with michael irvin on game day morning because michael picked him pre-season is his mvp right now you can't say that cousins is out of that race right you can't say that you know you can't say he's out of the race you can't say he's really in it either but yeah there you go but they're home against arizona we'll see how that goes that's going to be a weird so my top six of my power ranking stays like before like the rent and godfather part two chief her cousin's 40 to 1 mvp right now anybody biting just serve do you want to i don't i don't condone that sort of thing joe burrows sees don't know what i'd rather jump and by the way for anybody that's wondering if i do uh dabble in that sort of thing i'm just giving out my phone number for golf lessons you like that all right let's take a break here kurt warner is going to join us next right here on the rich eisen show 844-204 rich is the number for you to dial when we come back matt ryan and more with kurt warner 2000 2008 2022 when it comes to the economy those are some scary years dot com crash housing crash and the roller coaster we're kind of going through right now one thing is certain it's a dangerous time to not know your numbers but over 31 000 businesses have the confidence and clarity they need because they rely on net suite by oracle the number one cloud financial system net suite gives you visibility and control of your financials inventory hr planning and budgeting so you can manage risk get reliable forecasts and improve margins everything you need all in one place so how do you prepare for uncertain times the answer is simple net suite it's why 93 of customers say 93 of customers say they improve their visibility and control when they upgraded to net suite so what are you waiting for right now net suite is offering a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program head to net suite dot 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england you are what did you make that one was that was that the wildest bella check coached game you've ever seen and you've been in super poles against him what was that do you think that was uh it was crazy uh but what you got the feel when you were in the stadium uh and again not following it all week long you got the feel that that was what everybody was talking about all week long was should we go back to mac bailey's been playing really really well and i think most of the fans there seem to be leaning toward books but stay with bailey things are going well and then obviously mac comes in after his time off and uh it wasn't stellar um but it was interesting because it wasn't stellar obviously bailey comes in and does what he does in those two drives and then it wasn't stellar after that not a whole lot was happening after that i got a couple big plays on those two drives that led to touchdowns uh but it didn't look very impressive offensively after that either until um you know it you and i both know that sometimes the backup quarterback can be the most popular person and um it just seemed that way and not that bailey hadn't been playing well but it just seemed that way when mac went back in there that they were just kind of waiting for a mistake more than they believed he was the right guy for the job so i'm interested to see you know how the rest of that game um dictates what they decide to do moving forward um you know mac made a bad decision without a doubt and uh that interception but you know stuff happens and um i still think he's probably the best guy for the job at this point in time interesting enough the twitterverse trying to sleuth thinking that that interception i don't know if you saw that this morning kurt if you were been on your phone that it did it hit did it hit the uh the the wire of the of the you know camera that hovers over the over the field you know like that uh that would be unfortunate for him but what do you think new england could should do moving forward on that front um i mean again i'm a big mac mac jones fan and i liked what he did last year um and i thought you know he grew and and got better and got him to the playoffs and and i want to see what he can be you know you drafted him and i thought he did really really well as a rookie and by a lot of standards maybe the best rookie quarterback a year ago so i want to see him grow and you know we can we can look at the first few games of the year and say well we didn't see that growth well i think there was a lot of stuff happening and there's a lot of stuff happening in new england with what they're doing offensively and the moves that they made with apatricia and um you know taking over and a defensive guy and i think they're still working through things i mean that their offense to me um is very simplistic um which at times can be good and at times can be can be tough and especially for you know young talented quarterbacks and a quarterback like that that plays more with his mind than he's going to you know with his arm you know he's not going to beat you over and over again by making these unbelievable throws uh so you need to give him more opportunities to make plays by deciphering what's going on and so uh i think there's still some issues going on offensively here and i want to see what mac jones can be before i'm going to jump to bailey zappi even though we've seen a lot of really good things from bailey kurt warner pro football hall of famer here on the rich eisen show and so next up for the patriots mac jones or bailey zappi are the jets who have won four in a row and their last three they've won without zack wilson throwing a single touchdown pass and daniel jones in new york for the six and one giants taking on the nfc west leading seahawks in week number eight he's the reigning offensive player of the week in the nfc so let's take it one by one here uh and what you're seeing out of daniel jones for the starters here and the uh the the emergence one would say or is this a smoke and mirrors situation what do you got for me kurt warner what you're seeing here what do you think well i i think both of these teams are playing very similar type football they're winning the same way they're winning with defense they're winning with run game and then you know getting enough from their their quarterback now of course the giant situation they're getting a lot more from their quarterback than the jets are and i love what brian day ball's done to utilize the skill set of daniel jr jones but he finally looks comfortable playing the game and you know it's not necessarily conventional he's not dropping back into the middle of the pocket and uh having to make 30 throws from in there no they're moving around they're they're running some pure progression stuff to kind of get his eyes in the right spot they run a lot of play action and opportunity to get him out in space so by day balls playing uh you know scheming up some really really good things to the quarterback and they're getting a lot of really good play from their quarterback and it's timely play and i think that's the bottom line is i don't know if daniel jones can be that guy that you can ask to throw it for you and win games consistently but he's shown that he can be that guy that in timely moment if you don't ask him to do too much that he can make plays for you and he's been doing that uh for this football team you know that i haven't thrown the ball out in fourth quarter and so a lot of this is about fourth quarter comebacks but they're not turning the ball over in the fourth quarter and their defense is getting is opportunistic in making plays and setting up their offense and then they're running the football and they're running it with daniel jones which has been a big part of their success so i like what uh the giants are doing you know i think like most teams if it comes down to a game where okay your quarterback has to sit back there and win the game or you throw in the football i'm not sure that's where daniel jones is in his career i'm not sure he's ever going to be that guy but the way they're asking him to play he's playing some really solid football what do you think is zack wilson because it i had robert sala on last friday and um he was talking about we're not nearly anywhere near where the type of football that we can play and i asked him if the passing game you could throw that in to that bucket and uh he said that he actually sees some good things out of it um and i don't know if that was being pollyanna or not but um it's been three straight uh i i it does appear to be a struggle on that front what are you seeing at zack wilson kurt yeah it seems to be a big time struggle uh you still see moments of zack being special and making special throws here and there but there's no consistency uh i struggle sometimes with their concepts and what they're asking them to do um but i i don't think zack wilson is is seeing the field yet i don't think he's getting through his progressions i think it comes down more to i'm gonna drop back and i'm gonna find the guy that i you know want to throw it to and if he's not there then we're just going to kind of make it up from there and um you know and so again they're winning in other ways uh getting just enough from their quarterback uh but but a long way to go in that regard and developing their pass offense and then really zack wilson taking that next step to be able to work through some things and not just be an ultra talented quarterback back there in the pocket what do you mean asking him to do don't get the concepts of what they're asking him to do what do you mean by that kurt what are you talking about well i i simply mean you know that as a quarterback you always want to have an idea of okay i know who my primary guy is but then i know based on what the defense does where i'm working through that or you know as i mentioned with daniel jones they're doing a lot of what we call pure progression type offense stuff so it's not about daniel jones necessarily seeing the coverage and knowing who he needs to read it's about hey every time we call this play this receiver is going to be number one and then this receiver is going to be number two and this receiver is going to be number three so all you have to do is work through your progression because it never changes regardless of um you know the coverage that you see and so that's what i want to see i want to see that ian having some comfort with either a what he's seeing to be able to kind of change his read or get to the right guy or b if they're going to run more this pure progression get through his progression and work from number one on to two and three on a consistent basis and be able to to get the ball and move through uh you know that progression part of things from inside the pocket in a timely fashion and right now i'm i'm not seeing that i'm seeing more i'm looking at my first guy if that guy's open he can make plays and we've seen that in a number of games when that guy's not open you know there's a lot more hesitation in the pocket and it looks like he's unsure of himself once he gets to that point kurt warner here on the rich eisen show i got three more quarterbacks to hit you on before i let you go on your wednesday matt ryan what do you think he's thinking about right now what do you think oh i mean i think he's overly you know disappointed um and you know and i'm sure it's probably twofold uh i think there are probably times that matt looks back at the film and goes you know i wish i would have played better uh but i think the biggest thing and i've been here in my career you know that rich numerous times is that you know sometimes you get benched because you're not playing well and they need more they need better at that position because everybody else is playing at a winning standard and then there's other times where nobody's playing very well and the first person that they point at is the quarterback position and that kind of becomes the first move that is made and i think that was more of the situation that we've got right here is um you know matt wasn't necessarily playing great football but when you looked at what he thought he was getting when he signed up for this is that to me matt ryan never been a guy that throw the ball 40 times carry a team with your right arm that's not who rep matt ryan is and so going to indy i thought it was a perfect fit run the football good offensive line be a complementary piece off of play action i thought he was going to be an upgrade from what they've had over the last few years and then you get there and the run games struggle and the offensive line has been awful and you know he's a fitting duck back there and they don't have necessarily the speed to get down the field which allows defenses like we talked on our show last week about bmro play downhill attacking the line of scrimmage and shrinking the windows that you have and so put all that together and it's a recipe for what we've seen um you know from this offense and and frankly from matt ryan and even though he's done some good things um it's just it's hard football to play with a guy like matt ryan when you look at his skill set so i i unfortunately think it's it's unfair and life is often unfair uh in this business but i think it's unfair uh to matt because a i don't think he was playing so bad that it was benchable and b he signed up to be a part of something and i know it doesn't always work out like that but he didn't they the cult haven't lived up to their part of the bargain and what he was signing up for as well so a lot of issues there i feel for matt um because i don't know if this is simply just oh you know plug in a new guy and he's going to make this situation better athletic quarterback can they hide some things for the short term yes they could possibly hide some things but the issues here start up front and that's where you know that's what's happened here is matt ryan's got beat up and been forced uh to have to rush a lot of things and when you rush things through the quarterback it doesn't look nearly as good so um so i think it's an unfortunate situation and i think everybody would tell you that is that you know that the cults would probably tell you we didn't live up to our part of the bargain but you know we also you know needed to do that for matt to be the guy that we think he can be and now we've got to make a move because we have to play a little bit differently than we did before well i just asked you what matt ryan think is thinking you know and wondering about that we don't have to wonder that about aaron rogers kurt warner because he's telling pat mccaffee exactly what's on his mind and he said that 20 of the snaps there's a mistake being made on the field that they can't overcome that's one out of every five snaps what are you seeing out of the packers offense well um yeah so i'm actually going to be doing a little piece on nfl plus the qb insider that i do so if anybody subscribes check that out on thursday um but uh yeah on aaron rogers and you know i think there's a there's a variety of issues there and you know the hardest thing when you watch film is you're not sure exactly how things play out but you definitely see uh aaron rogers hesitating or aaron rogers throwing the ball a certain place and the receiver's not you know going the same place that the ball's going you know you one example they ran you know a slant route and it was alan lark so it was his guy running a slant route and if he goes to run the plant route alan's arch slows down a little bit in the window between two defenders and aaron throws it out in front of him and it turns into a you know dive forward and an incompletion you know there's another one where robert tony the guy that he's played with obviously they've had success is running an out route and aaron sees that there's an offender sitting outside of him um and onion comes out of it and he's running the out route and aaron trying to put it on his back shoulder and onion comes out and he's coming out a little too fast and it's an incompletion when aaron's trying to protect him from that throw but the receiver didn't see what he's seeing so when we talk about you know the details and you talk about uh how we're a little bit off on every play you see a lot of those things aaron seeing one thing and the receivers doing something else now there have been plenty of times in my career where we've never talked about a receiver slowing down or we've never talked about a receiver adjusting a certain way and there'll be times in games where i'll throw it to the adjustment kind of like and i hope he sees what i see because i'm going to throw it here because i know this is where the hole's at and then i throw it and he doesn't go there and i can't be mad at him because i know he's doing exactly what we told him to do i was just hoping that he saw the game like i saw the game or he saw the opening like i saw the opening and that can be a frustrating thing when you're a quarterback and you can see it and other guys don't see it um but at the end of the day you always have to come back to well okay let's draw it up on paper and let's tell these guys what to do and then everything else needs to fall on me to read the defense and get the ball where it needs to be although it does lead to frustration because you know not every play is perfect in some plays you have to hit tight windows and you have to put it on the back shoulder and you just want those guys to be able to do that you know to the level that that aaron can do that um and right now they're not you know that they're young and they're not seeing it the same way and it's causing a lot of problems and and i think it's leading to education for aaron rogers and he's not playing his best football so a lot of a lot of issues to go around but uh again in that nfl plus piece you get a chance to kind of see what i'm talking about and and you know how it's very noticeable when you when you watch them play i look forward to seeing that and then the last one for you thursday night uh week eight kickoff brady's not been three and four to start a week eight since 2002 that's how long it's been here comes lamar jackson and the ravens the i i can't believe kurt that brady lost to a team uh with an interim head coach that just traded away their best player and is starting pj walker against him but he did by 18 i might add what are you seeing from that offense before i let you go sir man did you get this plug from nfl plus because i'm i'm doing something on brady yeah why not good you agree yeah you're just locked in and tied in um but i tell you what i'm seeing is that and i think we've all talked about everything that seems to be going on with brady off the field that you know he's not himself um and he just is an actor himself and there's a lot of issues going on he's an old guy he's got a lot of stuff going on right right rich um and so what you're seeing on the field is that it is so unbrady-like you know the piece that i'm looking at you know in nfl plus is really focusing on things that brady's not seeing that he's always seen you know there's a safety sitting in the middle of the field from from the snap from the the go and he drops back and he tries to throw something right down the middle of the field and you know he hits the safety in the in the hand and you're just going i don't understand it i can't make sense of it because you know players don't just forget how to play but it really seems like you know his ability to focus and do the things that really have separated tom brady over the years are getting clouded and he's not seeing or you know he's making mistakes that that you just you scratch your head and go i just don't know how he didn't see that i just don't know how we missed the guy that he almost hit in between the numbers that was standing in the same place from the time the ball was snapped until the time he hit him in the numbers like it's just it's uncharacteristic of tom brady and the only thing that i can make sense of is that for the first time he hasn't been able to compartmentalize football and he hasn't been able to separate all the other stuff going on from him being able to show up for three hours on sunday and play his game and that's what he's always been great at is being able to push out all the noise and just focus on playing the game and right now it just looks like it's a mess and it's clouded and he's not seeing things and he's just trying to drop back and make a throw uh but there's a lot of bad decisions and a lot of bad throws that i'm seeing right now wow kurt you gave us a lot of food for thought there so just to wrap it all up the sports talk radio question from mac jones and bailey zappi to the two new york quarterbacks that are one playing well and daniel jones and another one who is trying to get on the on the you know on track with zack wilson and matt ryan and aaron rogers and tom brady which one do you think is the most fixable the one most improvable for the next 10 plus weeks in the season which one if you had to choose one of them um you know last week i think i would have said tom brady um you know just because of the pieces i think i actually did say it on our show the more i watch them and the more i see the issues he's having i don't know if it's going to be tampa um i i'm going to say aaron rogers um you know of those guys that that we talked about i mean again daniel's playing well and um you know so not really counting him but i just think you know when you watch the little things that they're off on i do believe that that's something that they can they can work through and aaron smart enough and good enough that uh i think they can they can clean up some of those i don't think it's going to be great by any means but i do believe it can get better um you know just based on i think at times how close i think they are and again the young guys just have to see something sometimes you know we you know we can run a play 50 times in practice and in training camp and then all of a sudden you run it once in a game and you get a completely different look than you had you know at any other time when you've run it and and you've got to go oh shoot we've never seen that before i think he's going to do this he does okay but it gives us the ability to go back into that room and go okay robert here's what i saw here i need you to see this defender sitting outside now the next time we go and run this we've got another rep against another look that now we can be more on the same page than we were before and i think that's what uh the packers are going through to some degree right now is they're they're seeing things they've never seen before aaron's waiting for them to make the adjustments that he wants and assuming they've got the right guys in the room i do believe some of those things can be cleaned up and they can they can get better all right so nfl plus for your your opinions and film breakdown on the 12s brady and rogers that is on thursday i will see you on sunday for game day morning and then monday uh you and kevin harland in the booth in cleveland for westwood once coverage of the week eight finale between the browns and our first hour guest joe burrow and the bengals i look forward to all of that kurt you're the best thanks brother all right buddy take care that's pro football hall of famer and pro football hall of fame human kurt warner right here on the rich isin show let's take a break when we come back we'll hear from matt ryan i've been promising you those sound bites the promise will be kept when we come back jerry bruckheimer the legendary tv and film producer is in our green room right now ready for a studio appearance in hour three don't 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that i just said hey you told me the offensive line would be here you told me i had two years left in my contract and i wasn't going to be here for all two years you told me all that and now what totally put him on blast or did the exact opposite and said every all the right things i actually wished that he would put them on blast because they totally deserve to be put on blast but it was zack keifer who was on this program yesterday who covers the team for the athletic um he he tweeted out this um quote talking about sam ellinger matt ryan quote i love sam he's been awesome since the day i got here my job shifts now and now i got to do everything i can to help him he's going to do great for us come on man this is what he had to say when he was asked about being benched i mean individually personally disappointed you know as as a player as a competitor you work out there i want to go and so um it's part of dealing with this thing you've got to produce and you've got to go out there and play frustrated that we weren't able to do that in the first several years but um you know move forward you know life in this league is week to week and the production has to be there so obviously disappointed personally but um here for the team i mean who's winning a ping pong back i was about to say does that sound like a ping pong table back there they're three three and one we were in miami the bench quarterbacks there and then some of the what are they at least it's not beer pong i guess wow so look man here here's the other thing and the reality of it and i'm he he clearly is trying to say all the right things you could see that he's hurt definitely definitely but here's the thing too i mike florio our guest the other day uh on pro football talk laying it all out there that the team's on the hook for sure for 12 million dollars of his salary next season if he gets hurt and by the way behind this line he appears to be unable to protect himself and unable to be protected it's it's a significant possibility that he gets hurt and if he gets hurt then his roster bonus for next year is guaranteed it's okay as is another portion of his salary it would be another on top of the 12 he's owed 17 plus million dollars and i'm sure jim ursay is sitting there saying that ain't happening so essentially rich he is never this year next year he's never playing for this team when we'd said when i when we had zack keifer on yesterday i'm like has he taken his last snap for the colts and he's like yes he has that's part of the reason he has taken his last snap for the colts unless what ellinger gets hurt and nick voles gets hurt and there's nobody left and it's just like who can we go to and matt's like i'm right here they they they might even sign somebody else and say he's ir yeah i i he's never going to see the field that is correct the money talks as you know wow and then who takes him like what is his career now but also he could be traded right they could trade them before the day if someone was in a position you name the team right now you tell me which team right now not as a starter but if you're a team who might be in contention did you hear how much money i was talking about that starter money like if he if he's on your roster next year what is it 20 something million 30 something million dollars that's some serious money jerry brock commerce coming up here on the program how much would the colts be on the hook for though if here's the deal tj again any name the team right now name the team that's quarterback needy right now that would say we'll take matt ryan off your hands indianapolis with a grade two shoulder separation and an inability to uh protect himself behind the line your line indianapolis and who's willing to do that right now in the middle of the season because their season needs to be saved name me that team right now as of right now barring any significant catastrophic injury in a spot of a team that has playoff hopes or is already on their way to a playoff spot this weekend name me that team the team doesn't exist exist yeah team does not exist honestly i'd take them on the patriot would you really seriously would you really well you would get chris a guy maybe not you bring him in as a starter but as a teacher right to kind of help are you kidding me really seriously he's better than mac jones and bailey zappi i would disagree with you oh come on on the spot i would dis you need to brother i don't understand the just the the total abandonment of mac jones by new england patriot fans i am mystified by it i'm not i'm not abandoning you would be if you bring in matt ryan you would be no i just said he's better than them i know but you can't just say that this is not just a piece of paper fantasy league you'd have to you'd have to figure out what happens in your locker room and put him on the field i'm not saying it's going to happen i'm just saying he's a better quarterback than they are i would beg to differ right now hour three coming up hey gents let's talk halloween for a second what is your favorite halloween memory one time i saw a nightmare before christmas performed live at the hollywood bowl walking with your kids it felt so magical and after they've got their candy and they walk away so pure the dad inside the house is handing you a beer my dad when i get home he would have me like empty out all the candy to make sure that it's safe and it wasn't until i was about 35 that i realized what's he was just eating my candy rude what's your favorite halloween costume one year i was matthew mcconaughey's character from days to confused one year i was like i would like to be roadkill the hallow costume was a plastic smock and then a really scratchy plastic mask i mean you was styling if you had one of those aquaman the plastic mask cutting into your eyes and then you get that little hole in the mouth to breathe through all night long what's your favorite halloween candy what's your fave candy candy oh that rhymes anything reese's snickers bars it's all the food groups you got nuts you got caramel yes candy corn me too wait really i'm one of the small percent of people who actually really enjoys candy corn it's a bad rap thank you so much everyone happy halloween halloween happy halloween from the cumulus podcast network make sure to subscribe and follow us at slash cumulus podcast candy corn is terrible it's atrocious it shouldn't be allowed it's not a candy ooh happy halloween
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