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Dr. Brown Answers Your Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
August 19, 2016 5:00 pm

Dr. Brown Answers Your Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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August 19, 2016 5:00 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 08/19/16.

Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
Grace To You
John MacArthur
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers

The questions we've got answers. Let's do it today stage for the line of fire with your host activist all the international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH your Jim is Dr. Michael Brown.

I will my heart and mind are wide open ready to go. Ready to dive in and explore your questions.

Our phone lines are open as well as have got a stack of fascinating email questions you got questions, we've gone off answers 866-348-7884 that some to call ask me any question under the song you want to ask and try to stomach. By the way, if you want to ask questions. Outside of my area of expertise will stop me day and night dislike if I start asking you areas of advanced expertise. I have also view but it might help you. That's the goal.

So in other tons of areas where I have no knowledge whatsoever. Talk to me about the difference in Chinese dialects.

Sorry I can't help you, my profound apologies, but talk about issues and submit it dialects I can help you there Bible issues theology issue so 8663 freight 7884 before I do that something in the news that I want to report on. I have a video out in article I put out three words Donald Trump could learn to say that would help immensely. I was wrong. I had written probably a year ago and my first open letter to candidate Donald Trump, then Republican potential nominee and I suggested that he could learn a lot from the wisdom of Proverbs humbling himself as Proverbs call for what yesterday had in a new article counseling him to read a chapter from prior skews me.

Proverbs each day and to ask himself okay.

Based on the characteristics or am I acting like a wise man or a fool, and again talking about better way to say things and approach things etc. so all that being said all that being said, I was pleased to see that he made a statement last night while speaking in Charlotte North Carolina. I don't mean that he got this for me but I know the Gabi people have been speaking to him and that in private.

Every person I know it's met with them to persons talk about his humility, etc. so I want you to hear this but he's reading from a Teleprompter.

Kelly and Conway spokesperson with his campaign said these were his words you want to say them. I tend to believe that not want you to hear it. An attorney was Dennis. Let's listen to the clip from last night Charlotte, North Carolina, sometimes in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues you don't choose the right words or you say the wrong thing I have done that may have caused personal pain. Too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues, but one thing I can promise you this I will always tell you the truth I so here is what gets my attention. It was obviously scripted the riches on the Teleprompter for him to say he regretted these things, but before he got to that point when he said when he said you know I've said things etc. they there cheering them on Trump Trump Trump he could've said near you.

Haven't heard anything yet he could've deviated from the script is that you have entered anything north of a politically correct what was coming. And yet he didn't do that.

Did the opposite is he listening with this is true active humility.

I want to hope so right back for plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown, David Hume, atheist. Yes, when did you become an atheist around age 12.

Believing in God makes no sense to me the dumbest thing is it's for people I can't accept the fact that they're going to die and rot in the ground like I want to do in the end, gives them some relief from from that thought because it's not my sister wrote you an atheist, yes I am yes yes yes or like that is from the atheist illusion movie Ray comfort very powerful tool for believer and nonbeliever.

We got such amazing responses to it. Last week we have offered it again.

All this week but go to my website.

Seeing is believing. When you get there you will see this almost giving away offer over 40 hours of teaching for less than $0.50 an hour or entire school cultural engagement from a few years ago fire school of ministry can download that and asked her to right quick reminder if you live in Brooklyn gobbling. I'll be there with you for a special special listener's rally for all of our friends at WMC on the New York area Brooklyn September 8. I'll be giving a talk chosen people headquarters there on Isaiah 53 the rabbis and the Messiah and then march that she's in part September 10.

Two days later in Manhattan at the believe is the ethical cultural center. I'll be doing a talk on the presidential candidates. Their position on Israel, and how it lines up with the Bible. Each of these nights. I'm also to be doing live Q&A with you the audience and you'll be able to stand with us and helping us with this broadcast blankets, greater New York and reaches so many people.

I hope to see you face-to-face.

Put on your calendar. Brooklyn September 8 Manhattan September 10 Manhattan particular got a lot of room at the center there that's been booked for the night so bring your friends.

Come along it's can be a special time, 866-34-TRUTH.

I will start in Silver Spring, Maryland Larry, welcome to light a fire. Dr. Brown and Raquel were great.

I tried defining you go ahead. My question is I have a thing to say about Donald Trump. Somehow he heard James Robertson like today I get up early, retired, and I listening to Jeremy table talk and she was pro-choice but now he changes Troy to put a light and at the top. I wanted you to hear me say that yet well in plain sight. Larry James Robison, I just got off the phone with James. Moments ago at a he has.

He has been speaking directly into the ear of Donald Trump for some months now has met with him face-to-face speaks with his son Eric on a regular basis and is pushing him every way. You know how godly way to hear the truth and to honor God and to do the right thing and was praying hard for him and believes that he is not shutting out godly counsel.

Of course Donald Trump used to be pro-choice and had positions that we would strongly differ with. I do believe he's gotten somewhat more conservative in recent years. I think that's genuine.

Does he fully grasp pro-life issues. I don't think so. Do I believe that he would appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court certainly had a much much but better chance that he would then Hillary Clinton would really just reverse himself. We change one selected with the we don't know that's the wildcard, but he continues to keep his ears open to what godly leaders are saying he's not shutting them out. That's the big thing and I was given permission by James to share this on the air.

James was talking with Tony Perkins who lost his house in a flood in Louisiana among many that suffered devastating loss.

Oddly enough, you don't hear much about on the radio.

Do we as an interesting we don't hear hear much about it on the radio on TV, went when Katrina happened under George W. Bush was blessed day and night of their residence in Louisiana urging Pres. Obama quit playing golf and get over here and help us were suffering terribly well here about 20 Perkins is is among many who are quite that they suffered devastating losses and it turns out that Donald Trump paid a visit down to the area felt was the right thing to do and didn't even want all the camera crews with them because it wanted to be familiar media event.

That event event to tell people I will help.

So those kind of things I think is done before. I think he's helped a lot of people behind the scenes and then have all these objectionable things in his character totally objectionable that cause me and many others to to warn about him so I I've said for some time. I hope I get to eat my words. That's my hope. I've wondered about Donald Trump. Many time on this broadcast and in writing and on video. I hope I get to eat my words.

We shall see. We shall see. Right now, the jury is out all right. Thank you for the call 86634 Hollywood, Florida.

Isaac welcome back to want to fire doing well. Thanks so when I came to faith last year in December. Thank you. One of the main things that I struggle with the cognitive how and considering you know manually but corrupt conservative conservative. And I can� About their Shabbat services and I see how earnestly and how hard they pray and I read stories in a comment about Rybak event how he died. Thanks Schumann is let out another authority true not but if it is then communally about the Bontempo event. It should. I cannot possibly believe that those people who spend all their time studying or and praying and giving their lives to God are just going up forever burned or are law. Can you help me China compare terms with sure will of course I've agonized over these very questions, but not just within Judaism and other religions as well. When you get to see very sincere devotees and that's all they've known then to be candid with you there. Some people that are nonbelievers there atheists that seem to be some of the nicest people ever meet and and up my own dad was an extraordinary man came to hear me preach was reading the New Testament was wondering what he was going could feel something, and then died suddenly of a heart attack so I never gets a never got to pray and be sure that he had and embrace the faith or understood or anything.

He died suddenly, and in 1977 at the age of 63.

So the first thing is it's not for you to make that decision. What we have to do is trust that God will do the right thing. That was I fully trust. Genesis 18 the God of all the earth will do right and on the day we stand before him. Then everything will make sense. That's the first thing right so I'm not the judge of the boss himself.

I'm not the judge of the Sabbagh rabbi where you are. I'm not goddess and I'm 100% sure that God's verdict will be just that's the first thing the second thing is I know that that that the punishment of hell is real and dreadful, but the exact nature of it, how it unfolds. God knows, in other words, is going to be a Dante's Inferno thing of people tormented with flames and screaming 20 billion years from now. Is it some other form of eternal punishment and forfeiting of life. God knows, but he is the judge of that is as well and will do what's right, I will simply warn people to turn to God and to escape the coming judgment because I know will be severe. But here's here's the other thing Isaac that's really really important is that you hear the myths and you hear the stories and you see the outside of what's happening in people's lives, but yet there's a whole lot of corruption in sin when I immerse myself for young people with Lubavitcher in 1975 which struck me at one of the same time was the depth of this sincerity and the depth of their lostness. When I spent a couple hours with a dear friend of Sabbagh rabbi when I was in Australia in in June in a heart-to-heart time just the two of us talking alone that some of the time with him as well. What I'm also fully aware of is that he fall short every day, and since and that in the presence of a holy God. Think of Isaiah the prophet. Okay. And I say the six chapter Isaiah the prophet, he stands before God. You could well argue that he's a prophet and prophetic ministry. At this point he stands before God and what is he say I'm a man of unclean lips always me because he sees the holiness of God and any cabal rabbi will tell you that in God's presence, they they are. They are sinners, that they are dependent on his mercy every day. So ultimately the question is will they receive God's mercy expressed to Messiah rejected. I believe if they are truly sincere, though, be led to issue if at end and the fact is, many of come talk to the people at Rickabaugh that enough followers of the shoe and and other considered groups that are followers of Yeshua and other religious Jews from other groups so I can continue to pray that if there sincere, they will come because there's nothing stopping them from coming. In other words, if they truly believe there's nothing stopping them from coming. They have access to the gospel.

Some of them even heard it clearly from like me. What's stopping them from coming and can they go from this world into the presence of God within the judge in the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I am going to write back to us, but just very quickly. Isaac just want to finish up. I would still listening. Number one, it's really important again to remember this is a new one that the reader from from the last of: give number one number two okay this it's important to remember the depth of human sinfulness.

I was reading all these amazing stories about one particular rabbi, and he was this, he was that the then I was ready with his critics rose and a lot of it was just about personal stuff in his life was okay regardless of what is being exaggerated the saintliness of the critics exaggerating their taxes existing human beings flesh and blood is even being Anna and young people are traditional Jews beat their breasts and they confessed all matter of sins corporately, but they recognize a guilty rig would guilty the same sense and I've talked ultra-Orthodox agility with the outlook is amazing and out and he's been a hypocrite, but an outlook is amazing and talked about in dealing with lustful thoughts, but everyone else like everybody else zero.

Like other men, at least so let's remember human sinfulness in God's sight were all lost and when God really comes with a manifestation of his Holiness's in times of revival in a preacher's pastor is Ron, her face repenting of sin because we were in the light of God's beauty and holiness and perfection were lost slits. Let's not get overly caught up with human goodness that's from a human perspective, there was one question that was asked off air regarding just one particular area that that some people can struggle with this and God calls us to purity and calls us to self-control certain areas. If we fall short. We get cleansing from the Lord. We keep going and we asked for strength and we we we develop habits that help us grow in holiness, but we don't get caught up little fall under condemnation, 866-34-TRUTH of let's go to Daniel in New Jersey.

Welcome to light a fire.

I got my welcome my question it like up on to the second person� What the Bible but just like me to say that. So I got that's that's our way of explaining what's in the Bible, the second person not in the Bible right that there are many phrases that use that a lot in the Bible the freight for example the phrase vicarious atonement is not in the Bible but did Jesus die for our sins did Jesus take her place. Yes, that's vicarious atonement that's determined that we give to. So my question is does the Bible describe deity to the father.

Yes, to the sun. Yes to the Holy Spirit. Yes and does the Bible say there's only one God, yes.

So how do we explain it all now the question is a revelation about anything and a lot this early quality in the Latin order on we can call on the first and the last week: the office and the Omega, we can call him the good shepherd the great Shepherd we call him the resurrection and the life we could call him the bread of life: the son of God, mighty God we could. There's a lot of things that glorious things of about in the Scripture says we can we can absently call and that the written offspring of Jesse of the son of David, the son of God are many things that that we can call and yes that are all all based on on Scripture.

So what what you want. I'm not on the following problem is not on sale and I would like all that work which is better than the person would not you sent out. Not the right thing when we can point to the state will is if we are saying the second person in the Trinity that this father-son spirit and that's the way they're spoken of and that's the order Jesus gave us in Matthew 28, baptizing them in verse 19 in the name of the father son and Holy Spirit seven comes first father who come second son who comes third spirit of the Lord God yes the three distinct persons. Yes is the first person the father second person son, Jesus, third person Holy Spirit doesn't have a tear. You know the father on tops in the middle spirit on the bottom three and one right.

But that's simply an explosion. If you don't if you don't like that. If you don't want to say it like that fine this is biblical terminology. This is just a theological expression as church leaders sought to find ways to define and express what they believe, but if you just want to use biblical language exactly go format that's awesome. All right 866-34-TRUTH, Mike, and Amanda Flynn, New Jersey. Thanks for calling the line of fire. Hi Dr. Brown, and thank you for your outreach to Donald Trump.

Unfortunately, I mean when when whenever a person has to just express regret is processing work. I'm sorry I apologize okay with doing all of the Teleprompter okay and unfortunately which with Mr. Trump given his is egotistic and bombastic personality that that that this statement comes across as is like some concrete conversion experience. Okay this is a person who would choose the president of perpetrating a lie by being born in a different place. He also came on Howard Stern saying that one should go uncorrected.

Yet he was touting himself as being the sum, like person who knew beforehand that the rep almost immediately after a minute or millions of people want politicians demonstrating and in the streets. Okay, you get his voice what what what was silent so I have this guy.

I don't like II don't I don't differ with you for your skepticism and I understand you would've rather hurt things more strongly to me what what I want to do my general policy with anyone that I deal with is if they take a step in the right direction. I encourage it.

Rather than say while S not enough. Now I fully understand that it's going to take more convincing and and what's makes many different than any other politician who says certain things that will in no certain ways because they know people want to hear it so that could be exactly what were dealing with here but but my my goal is to say, hey, I've I've been urging you that nothings listen to me but but other people post them.

They been urging him the same thing to take certain steps and for the first time he's now done in public. What he's always said in private prison private apparently is very humble and and and welcoming of this kind of advice so if if you're praying for someone and now they take a step in the right direction.

You don't don't get premature and foolish write all this is that it's a new you know some I'm writing an article now as he turned to movie phenomena on the asked questions and then say hey you know Scripture says bring forth fruits worthy of repentance. So if this is a genuine step in the right direction that he is listening to counsel and is humbling himself, then that's positive so you know now I want to look at it sir as if as if there was a a little Flickr little Flickr of the flame and you want to, but wanted gently and then hope that it would really get established burning bright. So we should be praying for that all the candidates for God's work in their lives. If we see something positive.

If Hillary Clinton began to say you look, I have some questions about how strongly supported Planned Parenthood. You better believe I get my attention because I be political suicide for her but anyway thank you Mike for questions absently fare this site. I forgot to tell you my new video on the Bible supports segregation in the head of have you heard of MX instead of Mr. and Mrs. check asked Dr. it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 66343 here again is Dr. Michael Brown walking to the line of fire. You got questions, we've got answers, 8663 or truth is the number to call.

Let's go back to the phones we go to Shirley in Colchester, Connecticut. Welcome to the line of fire. Hi Dr. Brown thank you for taking my call yet program very much. Thank you a question for you in the book gay awareness yes but I landed in Shawnee, of which I will great book, page 41 he says that some of Jesus's disciples were gay and practice, sexuality, and some point and I'm pretty sure is not referring to the apostle but where is the in the word of God. The disciples practice homosexuality, all is if he said disciples there. He's just talking generically about followers of Jesus over time. So first Corinthians 611 would be the text where Paul listed first within six, nine and 10.

He lists an assortment of sinful behaviors including adultery, my medication, and homosexual practice and insist such were some of you that's that's what I understand to mean he was not alleging that any of the. The first disciples that you suspect had practiced homosexuality rather later on as a hit among his followers were those say that homosexuality, like many other sins so that's that's how I understand the quote. There so first Corinthians 611 talking to disciples, which could be hundreds of followers that yeah I mean what many roads when he wrote to the Corinthians that scholars estimate that there may have been 75 or less believers in Corinth at that time. So was it was a small assembly, but among them were former adulterers and former fornicators right and for homosexuals and etc. so that's that's what's being referred to their that's what I thought I had a friend was reading the book is really stumbling on this tonight, but I can't get clarification you have anything that I'm glad you did in and let me just say this. One of the things I like best about the book was the amazing testimonies interest first of of people who have really come to faith that were practicing gays, lesbians for years that have experienced deep deep encounters with the Lord and wonderful life transformation and land that has a real heart to reach them with the goodness of the book gay awareness especially good for young people who are struggling in this area, but thanks so much for calling it an clarification of your very welcome. I negligent right and I think about it, 86634 that we go to Dallas Texas will walk into the line of fire.

Hey Dr. Brown, are you sure doing well. Thanks out. My question for you. I write you a little bit of the Hebrew really trying to learn it, but I area day work, I literally gained a name yet you and I know that it little bit different than I would normally spell it name, but there typically conjunction with messianic property and I just wanted to get your take on that one. I'm being what I think I'm being in Excel. While we all do a back oh yeah will will this and it isn't it's it's from the same roots in this building very similar ways, but one is a proper name and the other is is is a noun so you're saying the word yes you which Fry comes from the same root.

Yes, Shaw has to do is salvation, deliverance so issue occurs many times in the Bible Isaiah. The Psalms all different places and it means assisted salvation, deliverance. It's not only so much personal salvation the way we might think of it is in or you saved brother, but national deliverance salvation. They can be applied to an individual being saved from death or calamity.

That's issue and then brochure.

This is it's again as you said spelled in a very similar way, but different vowels and that it does not have the final final hey so there similar visit for the same root, so the reason that were not doing backflips is because the word is this issue ought salvation and it's for the same root that our Savior's name comes from but it's not as if all of these are prophecies about Jesus the prophecies of the coming salvation steroids. There will. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks for joining us on the line 586-648-7884 sold will in Dallas back to you the what happens is when people are just learning Hebrew and you see it and it's so close and you think, wow, that's amazing. It's Christ Jesus is everywhere will know it's the word issue.

The name Yeshua, which is the name for once we get Jesus in English that occurs 27 times in the Old Testament. That's a real interest occurs referring to five different people. It seems and most prominently the high priest of Yehoshua Savior Hudson Zach, who was the high priest in the days of Ezra Nehemiah serving along with Roosevelt, the governor and Yehoshua is sometimes called Yeshua, so that's the short form for Yehoshua and he is a messianic prototype as a as a priest who is seen in the vision as it is a priestly king, so he's a messianic prototype in that respect with that name, but otherwise it's just like if you went to Latin America and you met all these people named Jesus to those the solids Jesus that now that's just people with that name. So in this case it's it's a similar word. The same as "do you think that I don't mean it from an apologetic vampire like I would go argue that, but from a personal perspective, I mean don't you think that the Holy Spirit is trying to give it at least a hey hey look up here they can like Isaiah 40 like that. It oriented that I'll give you have the light of the nation that my Yeshua may be to the end of the earth and then in Isaiah 6211. A quick moniker that they to the daughter of Zion, behold, thy Yeshua, I know it's talking about Mount but that it did to hold his reward is with him and his recompense before right so the first thing is, again, is if he was your language you're distinguishing that you distinguishing the two you're not seeing Jesus is everywhere. Yes, salvation is being announced and we have to look at that passage, but is just like your name will it's like all that that semi-God's will, God's will. That's what Lono if people know you they don't think that when they see if your name is Frank. They don't think all your being very frank that's what they call you Frank or because I talked to had a microphone they call me Mike.

You know English speaker when they hear my name thinks it'll microphone they think my name Mike so you just have to understand it when when you read Hebrew and you see two separate things is the standard issue and there's a name Yeshua there spelled differently and there's there's noun versus versus versus a proper name here there. The referent to to who's coming if it salvation is coming and and his reward is with him. Okay then. Then, what with this. This would have to mean your Savior is coming. That's how the NLT tries to render it look your Savior is coming see he brings his reward with him as he comes, but there the the year that the Hebrew yeah that's that's a different word is that it's not issue there that's that's a different word and that means deliver or Savior and his reward is with him that the reward of your deliverer, Savior, so it's wonderfully close. It's reminding you that's what the oil sector stand in first century, then you should always was very common as well is a common name for Jewish people, and it comes from the reefer salvation. So yeah, I would on a spiritual level.

Feel free to do backflips and rejoice in that but in terms of trying to prove that to anyone that's that's not going going to do it if if he was their first language and that you just like I went through the same thing when I first started and there is okay and I was sort salvation, or in this case the word Savior or deliverer, so all connected.

And yes, of course, pointing to Yeshua and that's why he bears that name. He is our Savior.

He is our deliver. But the reason were not to string backflips is because there were two separate words. I thank you. Appreciate the call. Keep keep digging into the text 866-34-TRUTH let's go to Delafield, Wisconsin John walking to the line of fire around her. Yeah, I have a question I watched your debate with James White Bruce Bennett regarding Calvinism and I am in total agreement with you like and trust company to court all all whole world getting old world, but I figured you'd be the guide talks about Roman 1120 flextime is all Israel will be saved and so I want. I'm not sure if I'm I'm think age if you're not in terms of how you would define the word all in Romans 1120, as well as how you define bird Israel right well very, very simply, they simply, there are great Calvinists, exegetes, Calvinists, theologians, that you believe will be a national training that the Jewish people turn nationally at the end of the age, many reform exegetes believe that all Israel. There refers to the accumulation of the remnant through every generation so that you get a remnant of Jewish believers in every generation, and the culmination of that is all Israel at the end of the age. I don't see the texts he saying that at all for quite a few reasons. John Calvin understood all Israel in terms of of all believers to entrance hello he did believe in some promises to Israel for their salvation. But if you look at some of the Puritans, John Owen and some Charles Spurgeon's will is that they did believe you Martin Lloyd Jones that there would be a great event of the training of Jewish people to Lord Samuel Rutherford long for. He said that he would put off seeing Jesus face-to-face if you could be here to wait until he saw the elder brother and the Jewish people embracing Jesus the Messiah. So many of them believe that there would be a turning into me. It has to be referring to a national turning all that, necessarily, meaning every last Jew on the planet, but a national turning one we have similar promises already in the Old Testament, for example in in the book of Jeremiah. God says there at at that time speak of a time of final restoration at that time I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people, and in Romans 1125 speaks of of hardening in part on the on the people of Israel, so it's not over all of them there's a remnant the police in every generation, and it's not for all time will be returning at the end of the age. So, just as there was a national rejection that spoken of earlier in Romans 11 chapter will be a national turning did the Jewish people as a nation reject Jesus the Messiah. Yes, we Jewish people as a nation embracing at the end of the age.

Yes, that's also what I see four prefigured in Zechariah 12, among other texts are part of the mayor, you know. Ironically, one of your non-Calvin at the same token I don't want to go to whatever college on ADX cream and have a dual covenant theology and so I've been doing research into you know what you would call replacement theology, etc. but I don't want to go overboard and commitment your automatically saved, even without Jesus to fit on John to send this on the believe that John Haiti believes that Jews are automatically saved simply because there Jews and I have I have no problem but I when I'm studying text. I'm really not concerned who agrees or doesn't the Calvinists agreed. Arminians agree that dispensationalism agreed or possible and is a gunshot. Exegetes text you know and whatever. If I live in a camper, not that concerned now for sure there are people involved with with with goofy with with John Haiti's Christmas in my fridge organization that you believe in dual covenant theology, which teaches that Jews who obey the Torah and walk in the light that they have can be saved outside of Jesus. I asked John Haiti face-to-face in the presence of several witnesses do you believe in dual covenant theology and he said no. I said you believe is the Jesus to be safe. He said yes that was the but that's contradicted here and there. I can't tell you what he told me face-to-face, but the dispensationalism view is is problematic to me in that it separates Israel from the church. It's positive in that it recognizes there are promises that yet remain for the people of Israel. So parcel argument in Romans nine through 11 is that his hearts broken because people are lost and it certainly does not mean that at the end of the age all Jews throughout all history are automatically saved them and it would violate the whole Bible in life you and and personal responsibility are and why why the weeping why the morning. Why the pain if it was going get in. Eventually, you know. Hey fine, but I do believe that there is a national turning at the end of the age that spoken about your book would address to confirm theology or understanding.

Romans nine through 11 that I would be about yeah not all hands are stained with blood. My poker hands are stained with blood addressing anti-Semitism in church history also has three chapters directly addressing replacement theology in the Bible and then one chapter in particular goes through all the relevant verses in Romans nine through 11 so our hands are stained with blood, and you'll find some some quotes there that I reference from some Presbyterians, some Calvinists in the past also embrace the future salvation Christmas that's not something that Calvinism is going to be fine.

It's gonna be within that people feel that our hands are stained with blood. Most translated book that I've written this will be the one you will read and thank you for the kind words are error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks for joining us on the line of 866 rate you've got questions, got answers to Washington DC. John, welcome to the line of fire brought back all three thing earlier and I wanted to get clarification on what you're talking about the date that there were no coequal action everything there is a coequal, by the use that word. I� One you are not here yet that is not right right yeah II said you don't have the father on the top and the sun on the middle and in the Holy Spirit on the bottom so those will be sick first, second, third, were not were not saying and that that the Holy Spirit is is the third wrong or is the lowly one, or something like that so yeah I didn't actually say the words coequal. I just wanted to clarify that because I was trying to avoid using standard theological language but but back to go ahead right go what I want to find out about what you are there different authority of the entity because even write down your father in a bill in the context of the area you know picture of God out of that workout. One lap one dilemma. Yes, your insured, let limit. Let me comment on that continent. John just like the hard for your son has been connection, but I did get your question all right number one number one we know that there is one God and one Donald one stress that right so if father son and Spirit are all God would promote one of the same God and therefore there is not higher, lower, bigger, better, right in and saying that it's also clear that the sun is submitted to the father and that the role of the spirit is to glorify the son and son in turn glorifies the father so we see verses like first Corinthians the 15th chapter which are very very interesting which speak of the sun submitting to the father at the end when death is been put under his feet. The sun submitting to the father so that God will be all in all and all this just to read it from the ESV here and it says this for God has put all things in subjection under his feet when it's is all things are put in subjection, it is plain that he is accepted who put all things in subjection under him when all things are subjected to him, then the son himself will also be subjected to him, put all things in subjection under him, that God may be all in all.

We know that Jesus said the father is greater than him that simply mean because Jesus was speaking as God and man that he was speaking as the son incarnate that he had lowered himself as of Philippians the second chapter or was he saying that because he's the son. The father is always greater and John. That's where there is debate. There is debate about the eternal submission of the sun.

Is there truly father-son relationship within the Trinity.

If it was eternal if the sun comes forth from the father. That is, the son always in submission to the father and then the role of the spirit. Where does that fit in these are questions that are hotly debated in facts or you actually have major camps dividing over this was the sun eternally submitted to the father. Was that simply for the purpose of revelation and salvation because were talking about one God and these are very fair questions to ask and are being actively debated as of this moment by major theologians. It's after 2000 years and feel free to dive in as deep as you like and think them through.

From my perspective, here's what I want to emphasize. I want to emphasize that we know there's one God is one God only, and that the father son and Spirit our God, I want to emphasize that the sun comes into this world as the sun to save the world, sent by the father and therefore subordinate to the father and that when all is done he will submit again to the father so that God may be all in all. Henson Revelation chapter 22.

As Prof. Murray Harris, the Trinity pointed out to me years back when I was visiting prof. There can Evangelical Divinity school in Deerfield, Illinois. Prof. Harris is the author of the book Jesus as God. He pointed out to me. In Revelation 22 something I've shared many times since that when you get to the end of the book the throne of God and the Lamb is its one throne. And since his servants will see his face, his servants will see his face, one God. So whether the sun was eternally submitted to the father or not, will let others debate right now. I would simply emphasizes eternal deity and the eternal oneness of God who is father son and Spirit and is there more we can learn more we can understand. That's with the creeds would say the Nicene Creed, the Athanasian Creed I just never been one to use the creedal language may be as a Jewish believer doesn't come as naturally for me. So with all respect to the thinking behind the creeds coequal coal eternal but eternally begotten, isn't that a bit of a mystery, coequal coal, eternal, and yet eternally begotten speaking of the sun is at a bit of a mystery to me. It is so that's why leave it as Mistry II got a run, but thank you for for asking and this this kind of thing we could talk about for hours.

For many, many different angles.

It ought to answer an email question from Augustine. How is it the apostle Paul never referred to himself as pastor Paul or suggest or encourage others to do so. Did you believe that pastor was a function on the position while he referred to himself as apostle, he referred to himself in other ways. So in that respect. Yes, you can function pastorally, but there are people who are pastors there just like their people who are evangelists dislike the people who are prophets are apostles or at the least were prophets were apostles and difficulties I believe still to this day depends on how you define those terms but should be put the title in front of someone only if it's culturally helpful. We had some African believers in our home congregation. They were talking to one of my colleagues named Scott who was the lead pastor that would never referred himself as Pastor Scott did like people do it.

He said just call me Scott is that I cannot. I must call you Pastor Scott. To them it was dishonoring him in the position in which he walked. If they didn't put pastor in front of it.

If it's useful in honoring great if it helps identify calling great if it just becomes a clerical title do without it. And I'm very happy to do without the titles and simply use them descriptively. All right friends.

Time is running short. Download the atheist delusion, and when you do that only 50% of profits be sent back to us at the line of fire, but you can also download $150 value for $20 is for cultural engagement. Ask Dr. comes running out do it. My bottom line today. The mysteries of God are infinite that he's revealed himself to us all embrace the questions we've got answers. Let's do it today. It's time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Our ready to go. Ready to dive in together. You've got questions, we've got answers. This is Michael Brown your voice of moral sanity and spiritual clarity in the midst of a society in chaos in the church.

All too often in compromise euros some years back, a colleague was asking me what's what your radio show about why you on the year which your purpose is to want him here to be a voice of moral sanity and spiritual clarity in the midst of a society in chaos in the church in compromise segment. I like that. That says a lot and I began to use that on the air and I thought some some listeners they give us a wedding in a society in chaos retirement with me to Churchill to offer in compromise but but honestly, I think. I think people who have those questions are fewer and further or farther between that more and more recognize the chaos of our society that more and more recognize how much compromise is in the church and thankfully there are so many crying out to God. So many saying enough is enough.

So many taking a stand for what's right, I came across a quote that I had not seen before. Friend wrote an article and that's when I found this quote and I was I was frankly surprised that I got moved to write about this last night. You can read my article by going to ask Dr. and clicking on latest article and go to phones in a moment. 866-34-TRUTH 784 any question you want to ask in any area of expertise.

I have those is appropriate for appropriate for Christian radio open, go for it. Let's do it 866-34-TRUTH but Harvard law professor Mark tuition.

It wrote this May 6, 2016 only found the quote last night even though it was a bit of an uproar when it came out. He said the culture wars are over.

They lost meaning people like you and me conservative followers of Jesus, they lost. We one. He said referred to us as the losers in the culture wars to the wars over and we one and I challenged him and said actually review history is quite shortsighted and the culture wars are anything but over and I pointed to the growth of the gospel around the world, God moving amazingly all around the world and saying what's to stop awakening from happening in America, the New York Post reported this in 2015. Over the past years, Christians grew from less than 10% of Africa's population to reach nearly 500 million today when every four Christians in the world presently is African. The pew research Center estimates that will grow to 40% by 2030 and an egg appointed times in American history when it looked like the church was sunk so low was beyond recovery. And yet, amazingly enough, amazingly enough of what ends up happening is is is awakening a sense of how you know this won't happen and then not explicitly be quite implicitly.

He compares conservative Christians to not season slaveowners so II taken to task. Respectfully, for this and leaving with a quote from GK Chesterton at least five times the faith has to all appearances gone to the dogs in each of these five cases, it was the dog that died all year.

I'm not pessimistic why would I be pessimistic, things are shaking around us. That's why were here. Darkness is dark time for the life yet there is great need out there.

It would it would be like you have warehouses filled with with non-non-disposable food and now there is a great need.

There's a famine and in you've got food to feed everyone in the community are sorry for your work good write back your calls for the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown, check this out spots to my new video does.

The Bible supports segregation watch up ago asked Dr. Brown a escapee or you see it right there on the homepage and delete his videos does the Bible supports segregation.

Here's a response.

You're wrong.

Dr. Brown. Check your spirit you are speaking antiwhite propaganda grooming your fellow white Christians as cook colds and cowards. Thanks to this mainstream Jewish social justice warrior dogma diversity is a weakness in the primary natural cause of civil strife. I'll believe you're on not segregating when Israel is a symbol of open borders desegregation policies you try to sneak down the throat of white women discussed it thoroughly telling me I'm setting things up for the destruction of the white race. I guess this person serious.

You gotta be kidding while while while 8663 freight 7884 let us go to the phones Sean in Jacksonville Florida. Thanks for calling the line of fire. Dr. Brown actually calling because I have." When they happened to be a part of the identifier will be the children of Israel and I know you've got an overlap of the week. One of the talk about growl comic writer. The way that they perceived all equipment Christianity not want to get your thought on it. They look at Paul like you just put a Gentile, and after leaving a baby go away. But however whatever you're looking at Scripture.

When you talk money that the person they kinda make Paul be the final authority over everything, even for people back our idea of being a part of the Israel and H. pylori hey Paul is not authority. We look at Peter look again we look at Christ, that we actually deal with it on attributable pointed out like reject him, but they don't give a method fairly authority in regard to how the structure should be yes it's either talking about the Black Hebrew Israelites. This is referring in here. Dear my my comparable number but it nine away like you feel about the camp talking a lot of it restarts no anthropology, archaeology all migration patterns neonate may go about it in that regard and it is not like a hate white people would not like that yeah yeah there are quite a few different expressions among them some may actually be believers. On some level, but really confused.

Others others are our rank unbelievers and heretics and again God God knows each individual. The ones I've dealt with so far are way off base and an pretty radical and in some of them even denying salvation to the whites so here's here's the deal number one second Peter three, Peter refers to Paul's writings in the context of being Scripture syllabuses that people misunderstand of Paul's letters as they do the other Scriptures so it's a very overt statement that Paul's writings are included with the Scriptures that's that's the first thing the second thing is the disciples of the first apostles embraced the writings of Paul as well so we get to the end of the first century into the early second century, these people who had been disciples of John or others among the very first they embraced the writings of Paul as well. Over or the disciples of the disciples of the disciples. But here's here's the other point to make is is that if Paul wrote these things to the Gentiles, and he was right in writing into the Gentiles. Then there were spiritual truths for everyone. What I mean when right here. They came to agree with that. I do fighting in bright light, their truck and go get bigger everything is not a final authority whenever you have a dialogue white what part of the laws only work like that. I do like wait a minute policy to get out but you can't you can't write that will not be a Jew right right will begin the first thing is not Jesus mean, so we we understand that there are quite the season. As far as their origins and look it to me. It's immaterial. If Jesus was with was the black if he was white.

If he was Asian. If he was Native American terms of his ethnicity or skin color is always in a lease for the people of Israel if of all the Israelites were black. If all these rights were read. It's it's immaterial to me in and out of that regard know that's that's a nonissue. In fact, have encouraged Christians white Christians to picture Jesus being black or the biblical characters being black because that's the same experience that a black person can have when you have a Caucasian Jesus you know and biases of those I've challenged people like not not because I believe he was black but because I want to challenge us that were we transcend those things we think about that, the son of God, but historically ever every way that we can see their claims are are for false claims and everywhere that that I can look at it from the Hebrew Scriptures through the history of the Jewish people writer. To this day. There claims are false. But let's just say of the argument is being raised that Paul is writing to Gentiles. So what about Jewish believers writes about somebody like me or my messianic Jewish friends to whoever the real Jews are there usually was God knows what was willing to pay that now. Right unless that larger question. How we relate to the writings of Paul. The thing is that the Gentile believers were never under the Sinai covenant correct right so I went. Paul is explaining the changes what's happened those are changes that happen first with Israel and now for everybody else. For example, Galatians 3 yes is talking to Gentiles, but he says that the law was. It was a like a tutor a pedagogue that would lead Israel to the Messiah. And now that Israel has reached the Messiah. You don't need that. The pedagogue anymore. It's like scaffolding for building once the buildings up. You don't need the scaffolding so that's the point.

His his arguments to the Gentiles. Talk about God's dealings with Israel. So that's what he bases it on because the Gentiles were never part of the Sinai covenant, the new covenant was made with Israel and Judah. And now is extend right to the people as a whole. I would also go to the teachings of the Gospels. I would go to the fact that Yeshua does not abolish but fulfills so by his fulfilling. We don't need blood sacrifices anymore. For example, by his refilling. He takes moral commandments to a higher level.

So what we see John 117. The law was given by Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus the Messiah.

So there is law in his teaching in the teaching and character of Jesus.

There was grace in the Sinai covenant, but there's a clear contrast that was made or how about this from the words of Jesus in Luke chapter 16 verse 16. The law and the prophets were until John. Since then, the good news of the kingdom is preach everyone forces his way into it, but it is easier for heaven and earth pass away than for 1000 law to become void. So has not become void. We don't have blood sacrifices anymore. We don't have a functioning priesthood in Jerusalem while the Nuggets fulfill the Messiah, but noticed you have that contrast of the law and the prophets until John.

Now the good news of the kingdom is being preached also Hebrews, which we know is written to Jewish believers and their front.

Your friend should embrace it.

Hebrews talks about the new and better covenant. Hebrews talks about the change that is calm because there was no milky ascetic priest or priest from the line of Judah under the Sinai covenant, but now that the Messiah is a great high priest.

There has been a change in the law right so I would use those texts and I would I would argue from the Gospels. I would argue from these other texts as well like Hebrews, I would point out that second Peter three recognizes Paul's writing is Scripture and I would say that either. What Paul wrote to the Gentiles was true, or it was not even though he was, not addressing Jewish believers there primarily their maven. Some of the congregations he was primarily addressing Gentiles. However, what he says is based on God's dealings with Israel and therefore applicable to Jewish believers as well� Really appreciate you taking time out all you you better believe it's as important issue even the question of Paul and the lawn these the these are all important issues. So thank you sir for raising the question and may the light of the spirit penetrate the hearts and minds of your friends and let me say this in Exodus go back to the phones. Your primary identity must be found in Jesus not in being Jewish or Gentile, not in being American or Hispanic, not in being black or white, not even being man or woman we are. That's the next identity right, but the first identity we have is being in Messiah. That's my primary identity in him a child of God, the child of the father now who am I I am a male.

That's very fundamental to my identity. I am a Jew that is very fundamental identity but in Jesus. There is no that male or female gender, Gentile slave or free, meaning we have equal status. We have equal standing. There's no caste system is the classes are all equally sons and daughters of God.

All branches of the five all members of the body of Christ right back file line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH dear again is Dr. Michael Brown why. Well, I just haven't seen enough evidence. I grew up in a Christian family and just over the few years that during high school, and as I grew up, I just realized that there was a lot of evidence to support that belief system. You could be given evidence reasonable evidence would listen to you. I would use someone who has no faith, no belief in a higher power or creator. If you shown evidence you change your mind because your absolute, that is the voice of Ray comfort interviewing different atheists on his atheist illusion movie get in the moment.

If you haven't downloaded it yet, but for many who don't know this my wife Nancy been married since 1976 wonderfully happily married to this day my wife Nancy was an atheist. When we met, she became an atheist. By the time she was eight.

Thought it would be wonderful if there is a God saying there isn't a movement we met at 19 in 1974 she was hard-core atheist and surely help sensitize me to atheist position. I mean over the years as a believer. Of course, God brought her faith and brought us together and 74, not that long after after we met in specific merits and 76 but she is really helping understand why atheists often feel the way they do.

And although I haven't been fully able. I'm such a believer that I haven't been fully able to fully see the world through the eyes of atheists.

I've really been much more sympathetic struggles atheist may have or to indignation they may have with Christian hypocrisy or superficial answers, and therefore look for real substance. Again, with atheists in this atheist illusion movie seem to really have helped a lot of people including atheists. If you believe literally, strengthen you and give you wisdom and insight into issues to raise and how to respond so you can get the download by going Esther to Brown doddle.

It's only $20 is it one hour DVD when you will ask is when our download when you do, downloaded 50% of all the proceeds are donated back for ministry, but we've got this outrageous special offer for offering an entire summer school classes over 40 hours of teaching is $20.

Yet school of cultural engagement audio download silk check that out on the website Esther to Brown double review appreciate the radio broadcaster will help us as we would help us while you are blessed yourself, let us go to Winston-Salem, North Carolina Kim, welcome to the line of fire. Dr. Brown, acts 271 Garcia's Eurovision dreams to man one will prophesy question is any examples in the Bible where God revealed his spiritual moment in a dream point average and if you have a woman. She has been given a revelation from God in a dream or no vision. This is common on God, yes.

Certainly Kim, one of the great emphases. One of the points you in this passage is that it's for men and women. That's the first thing right so so what is it say acts chapter ask the second chapter that according from Joel.

The second chapter in the last days, it shall be, God declares Allport my Spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams of your question would would then be our dreams and visions only for man is his prophecy also for women. This is your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams of seeing visions, dreaming dreams is that only from man. It is that what you're saying or are you you wondering about how this applies to women in general, including prophecy only forming a dream or vision to entering their visions prophesy bumping up the Holy Spirit. The Bible nor never read a scripture where he revealed his ship to a woman in a dream point of his yet sure think thrice you're just reading this very literally your sons and your daughters shall prophesy next verse even on male servants and female servants and those disappointments were, they shall prophesy, but it only says your young men shall see visions in your old man shall dream dreams while just off the top of my head as I answer that, let's think of pilots wife right. She she comes to pilot telling them not to give Jesus every crucifixion. She she suffered much because of a dream that she had so there is an example of a woman receiving revelation from God in in a dream that told her who Jesus was, because of which, because of which she she then turns around and tells her husband Pontius Pilate know don't count give this innocent man over here so that would be an example of woman receiving a dream and in that context, I just take young man, an old man generically for people because he said sons and daughters and then male and female servants.

So it's been quite inclusive cam to saying that the Southpoint of the spirit is for men and women alike and rinses young man, old man.

I will think the emphasis is on men with the emphasis is on young and old so I have no problem with God speaking giving visions and dreams to women of justice. He gives women's dress as he gives dreams and visions to men just like I have no problem with the Holy Spirit giving a prophetic insight or prophetic revelation to to a woman just as to a man must remember. For whatever it's worth, that Jesus first appeared to women after he rose from the dead and they were the first to believe the men believed after the women suggested Ziegfeld and Adam fell at the resurrection. First, women believe than the men believed so anyway appreciate the question very much and the whole thing is the Holy Spirit is the one who speaks and acts. We know you have prophetesses prophetesses in the Old Testament like holder. We know that the the daughters of Philip were prophetesses in the book of acts. So God does raise up men and women and ports on the spirit and speaks and acts through us. I believe on a totally separate levels are that governmental headship is primarily male.

Yes, you did have a Deborah in the Old Testament. You have women insert unique leadership roles. Perhaps in the New Testament there is some debate about how should understand certain tax but I do believe that governmental authority is is primarily male, just like the mantis is called to be the head of the house and really protect and nurture the wife as strong as the wife is my wife Nancy is the strongest woman I know it.

She looks to me to be the buck stops person if the spiritual pressure spiritual attack financial pressures.

She expects me to be her protector and expect her to be my protector but I leaned on her for wisdom, day and night. That's a separate subject I can thank you for the call very much and I don't remember anybody ever asked me that specific question before in that specific way. So thank you for raising it up. If you haven't checked out my latest videos latest articles go to Astor to a.s. K. G. R.

Brown.Oregon and check out latest articles, latest videos if you have not yet listened to my debate was about 20 minutes with pastor Roger Jimenez you call it a debate was to say, we aired our differences quite openly. I felt his position was despicable.

He thought mine was despicable. The pastor who celebrated the massacre in Orlando. The, the slaughter of gays and lesbians.

There says that all gays are pedophiles. In the case cannot be saved.

Of course I reject that wholeheartedly and you can get that on my latest video as well. It's the light a fire with your host activist, author, international speaker, and Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 664 through here again is Dr. Michael Brown welcome welcome to the line of fire, 866-3423 I'm writing an article on it now emailed me about it during the break has Donald Trump turned a new leaf. If you force them to read your article to read your article. Time to listen to Proverbs, and the wisdom of Proverbs and be careful with his words because as soon as the article, that a few hours later, is making a speech in Charlotte, North Carolina effect Dennis grab click number one again if if you still have it and he said something that's got a lot of media attention. I want to give the benefit that here's my position. If we been praying for someone, pray for God's work and allies pray for them to humble themselves praying for them to learn to apologize, etc. and in they take a step in that direction. Is he just being a politician is just being coached. God knows but I want to believe are the best on the throne might trust in our believe supporting him to say I would leave for the best. If someone takes a step in the right direction that I and others have an urgent to take the but what was listen to Skype him like a major on this.

It's Friday so you've got questions. We got answers 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 784 call me with any question you have of any kind in any area of expertise I have. If it's appropriate for Christian radio drawn but before we get your calls and your questions, listen to this clip and notice that when he begins to say he said things Donald Trump begins to say he said things that he regrets, he hasn't gotten that far yet, but he said things that are always right.

The crowds were edge at said Trump Trump Trump.

That's our man were glad that your politically incorrect and it is definitely still is but he's saying this to set up an apology and he stays with it.

So just tested.

Check this out. Sometimes in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues you don't choose the right words or you say the wrong thing I have done that may have caused personal pain.

Too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues, but one thing I can promise you this I will always tell you the truth. Yes or you can you can judge that for yourself. It would got my attention was that when the when he said sometimes the heated debate speak in a multitude of issues you don't choose the right words or say the wrong thing or you say the wrong thing I have done that.

He got cheers for the and and when he says, believe it or not I regret it.

That's when they start chatting Trump Trump Trump. It's almost like, say, come on, you work were with you being non-PC where we are with you, for all this, etc. it's almost as if there cheering them on to keep saying the wrong things and then he he says he says and I do regret it doesn't seem that those words run the Teleprompter so I -20 Donald Trump. No at at MI, hoping I'll be able to drive to their fruit for bonsai, hoping I'll be able to eat my words. All the warnings all concerns are raised. I'm hoping I'll be able to eat my words this to me is the first sign that he could really be listening to Gabi people close to him and I talked to James Robinson right before the show about this very issue and he's hopeful in the same way that I am reminded again of how clear and to the point and direct.

He's been with Donald Trump. Up to now.

So again God knows God knows but if you praying for someone and they seem to take a step in the right direction.

Okay your cautious RI could be maybe yes maybe no less untrue little encourage client shall see. Always be the first of many deep changes. I have D 866-34-TRUTH you got questions from got answers for plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown go again with some questions, 866-348-7884 remember anything you're wondering about biblically theological, culturally, morally, the language issues in dispute your church you heard on TV ready.

You've read your trouble by your wondering about what in the world. This means that give me a call will do our best to sort it out.

Don't matter I don't I don't care if it doesn't matter to me how controversial the issue is will handle it constructively sources appropriate for Christian radio 866-348-7884 here's a question from Maria and she and her husband are over in Sweden hi Dr. Brown one year ago.

Things started unfolding in the church we were members and at this time. At the time the theology that came up and preaching prayer groups, etc. something my husband I can except we felt was heretical.

We pray that the truth about what unfolding so it did until in August we had a church we can together as members. In one part of it was talk about theology which came up under those two hours were teachings. We definitely supports. After that we met up with the leaders and talk because the gap between our take on theology and this was to use important theological questions. We left the church.

The been more members leaving. Since then, and it has divided the church the promise that we didn't understand with this was more came from but last autumn.

We got hold of your book about hyper grace, so that everything was crystal clear. Our church had apparently a lot of hyper grace theology want to thank you for writing that book and for dealing with the subject.

It was a huge help for us to understand first Maria, let me say that I'm so blessed that the book hyper grace was of help to you. I am truly blessed that it did help clarify the issues and strengthen you in understanding biblical grace versus hyper grace I've mentioned this before, but let me say it again. This book has been very rapidly translated when it came out I was on a trip overseas, I had spoken in Holland, and while being there. I was handed a copy of the book as last year I was handed a copy of the book in Dutch. I went from there to Italy same trip and I was handed a copy of the book in Italian if it come out earlier in Italian already got home and there was a copy of the book on my desk and infinite finish editing even though it was translated into finish what I was just in Korea live end of last month beginning this month. I was sitting with Korean leaders and other international leaders is from the Philippines and they said to me how important the book was and then the pastor of a believe, the largest church in Indonesia. The largest churches in all of Asia tester Nico Dr. Nico. He spit I was told he wanted to meet me specifically talking about hyper grace and the meeting consisted of him saying thank you for the hyper grace book it. Then he distributed apparently to thousands of of his leaders there, God willing next year ago over to Germany in conjunction with the release of hyper grace in German and on and on it goes. All that to say it's an issue that spread around the world and there are sincere believers who preach and teach it, but it is truth mixed with error and the error can be very dangerous. That's what we deal with in my books. Hyper grace and the grace controversy so Maria continues we suppose you know about the past and translation. Does that have to do with the hyper grace mid movement. Have you written anything about that Bible don't know if you mentioned in the hyper grace book note, the passion translation is not a hyper grace work pastor Dr. Brian Simmons who did the translation loves grace loves the grace of God, no one would ever accuse him of being a legalist.

The passion translation is is a brilliant and beautiful translation/paraphrase it in the same spirit as is the message of Eugene Peterson and it's rich in content and beautifully done. Brian was a Bible translator with Wycliffe. I believe working with people that did not have a Bible in the language in Latin America when the Lord called them back to the states of the pastor for years and then retired from that to devote himself full-time translation. He does rely on the Aramaic version that the sheet or the Aramaic version of the New Testament more than I would sometimes saying that he thinks the Aramaic represents the original better than the Greek and and here there, scholars agree, but overall it's a carefully done work and it's beautiful. I would not use it as my primary translation there deftly verses that I would say I would see this differently.

I don't agree with this don't agree with that but overall it's in a momentous work a lot of hard work behind it with a lot of beautiful renderings in it and as far as being part of the hyper grace movement know you got some translations like the mirror Bible.

For example, let's hyper grace and I mentioned that in my hyper grace book in these translations with some serious errors in many just remove wrath and certain place just gone. It was there gonna take away no more no more.

And in fact it just do this for a second, let me take a second and do this and let me grab for item plan on this but but I think it's appropriate that I do it. Let me show you what happens with some translations were literally literally wrath disappears. These are paraphrases and things like that. What the motivation is of the translator. God knows God knows but I can I can just tell you that these translations butcher some verses in the Bible because they have some problem with the concept of God's wrath and God's judgment, and in my chapter is God always in a good mood in my hyper grace book. The word wrath occurs. About 40+ times as I quote Scripture after Scripture from the New Testament say okay how does this apply Revelation 1915 B. Jesus is described as the one quote treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.

That's the NIV complete Jewish Bible is he treads the winepress, which flows the wind of the furious rage of Adonai, God of heaven's armies, NASB he will release the fierce wrath of God. The Susan NLT he will release the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty, like juice flowing from a winepress he treads the winepress of the fear thrash skews me fierce wrath of God the Almighty. That's NASB King James version he treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. That's Jesus at his return. That's Jesus at his return. What do we do with that. But let's look at look at this McBurney expanded paraphrase of Paul's prison letters. Let's check out some of his renderings.

Ephesians 430 and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption is the ESV not grieve the Holy Spirit of God will there some hyper grace teaches you have a problem with that concept and say we can't grieve God because he sees us perfect all the time. She can't grieve God really is, what is paraphrase. The Holy Spirit is now living in you to remind yourself of his wonderful presence in your life in accordance with his leading edge yourself of any remaining bitterness, rage and anger. While the full work of the spirit to heal and refreshment abuse that you would be kind and compassionate to one another sees continuing into the next verse. There hang on what happened to.

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit just disappeared one away.

Why because it was contrary to the translator's theology that's dangerous is that Ephesians 5, five and six ESV fee may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure who is covetous that is an idolater, has no inheritance of the kingdom of Christ and God, nor deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience ready for the many paraphrase God's kingdom is one of love and those who indulge in the immoral and impure things of this world have not yet crossed over into God's kingdom. The let anyone deceive you with empty words, for your salvation is not empty of power but powerful enough to free you from all the things that the Stephen trap. Those still walking along the darkened paths rule. What happened pulses because of these things the wrath of God comes in the sons of disobedience. What happened to disappeared removed it removed it. Colossians 3, five and six put to death therefore what is earthly in you sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness which is idolatry account of these the wrath of God is coming. As McBurney change.

Don't seek the things that belong to your old earthly nature things around us arouse lust and greed and entice you to pursue evil desires for another. Christ carried the punishment for is a loving action passions River that Jesus love not only us but the entire world so much that he took the wrath of God's punishment for always a loving and self gratifying actions that we can be free from want want. This is called the grace paraphrase and it's got some beautiful things in it turned out McBurney's paraphrase of Paul's prison letters. Yikes the grace paraphrase that twist the word that removes Scripture the turns upside down.

That's downright dangerous.

While so the war that the wrath of God is coming is changed to Jesus took God's wrath froze a loving self gratifying action so we can be frequent yes were supposed to be free from his unloving self gratifying actions as he refers to them the sins but wrath is coming because people not repented of them who gives anyone the right to tamper with the word of God like this. So those are some of the examples in my book hyper grace I I deal with the mirror Bible as well, with the wrath of God is revealed in Romans 117 becomes the righteousness of God that is endorsing the heavens as a set contrast controversy reference the blindfolds are on righteous wrath disappears again incredible terrible line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Looking back to the line of fire, eight 664-8784 is the number to call this question from Mark hi Dr. Mike reading your book can be gay and Christian in chapter 4 in the six paragraph you mentioned that chapter 4, six, paragraph this page, you mentioned that there are no references to homosexuality and the prophets, as in Malachi to be considered the following Hosea 9, nine and 10 nine most commentators agree that the sin of give you was that was equal to that of Sodom, Calvin, etc. love to hear your thoughts marking a pastor over in Sydney Australia. So Hosea 99 says this is get to it.

They have deeply correctives corrected themselves in the days of give you he will remember their iniquity. He will punish their sins and then 10 nine from the days of Gibby you have sinned all Israel there, they have continued shall not the war against the unjust overtake them in give you is that a reference to what happened there in the 19th chapter of Judges where there are men who want to rape a Levite that is spending the night there. Instead they end up abusing his concubine who sends out raping her until the killer and and that's the harder than he chops her body up sensitive to the 12 tribes of businesses. What you gonna do about this heart it's been committed.

So first thing I appreciate your grace and appoint great point Fairpoint what I meant is there's nothing explicit there is no reference explicitly to homosexual practice in those books and of course there there isn't, but is it implied here with reference to give you yes and no. I say yes and no because on the one hand the man there wanted to violate the visiting Levite on the other hand, they instead violated a woman. So if it was principally homosexuality as opposed to sexual perversion. In general, and and sexual desire out of control.

In general if it was just homosexuality, they wouldn't have abused the woman, they wouldn't have sex with the woman and gang raped her until she was killed right so that's why I stupid? Next week is the outrage was not so much that the men wanted to rape the leave of course it's not rich.

Of course that's that's the outrage and sought. Of course, of course, of course, but this is what actually happened, actually happened is they gang rape the woman killed.

So that's why I would say it's it's not even an implicit reference. Although it's included in the sin of Gibby and then Dan asked this a fellow believer in God. Can you please explain what Jesus is called the son of God understand and believe in a trying job can you please explain as best as you can as to why the father's co-father.

Jesus called son. As I understand it, that he was called the Son of Man a synagogue before he was birthed by Mary my dilemma. I'm in STA 70 events believer were currently dealing with the rise of anti-trinitarianism within our church, not Unitarianism per se, but as we believe in a messenger from God. Elegy why the states very clearly in my mind at least, that there are three persons of the Godhead.

These anti-Trinitarian's are stating that although Jesus is the son of God is not God that he is beginning silverback and for eternity past that it is though it is as though he is eternal.

But he's not. They say write a few things that I know your Seventh-day Adventist but what you got a look at the first and last beginning in his was the Bible say that you wish that you wish that even was.

Not as much as respect, Ellen White, not what she said was the Bible say and if she sits in a differently than the Bible. Your legions has to be to follow the Scriptures so I need to emphasize that in conscience now, the question about the deity of Jesus there text that plainly speak of it in undeniable ways.

For example, in John chapter 20 verse 28. He is explicitly by Thomas, referred to as my Lord and my God it's an explicit text only fair way to read it is that Thomas is referring to him as God. In Hebrews 18, quoting from Psalm 45 of the son he says your throne all God is forever and ever. That is 100%. The most legitimate way to rethink the Greek text in Hebrews 1 in the Hebrew text in Psalm 45 so Hebrews 18 of the Sonny's is your throne all God is forever and ever. Then you have other verses. For example, like Titus the second chapter and was spoken of their an explicit reference to the deity of Jesus. You can't refer to him as God, if he's created at some point and he's not God. We are to 13 waiting for our blessed hope of the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. It's it's one of our great God and Savior, Jesus the Messiah and that that's also what Peter writes in second Peter 11, to those who have obtained the faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ. If he is called God is not created is called God, he is not created.

That's why Revelation both the father's call the Alpha and the Omega, and he is called the alpha and omega if you said it is a beginning at any point. It's not as though he were eternal.

If he is a beginning in any point, then he is anything but eternal okay you can go back 100 billion years, but eternity is a billion trillion trillion billion billion trillion. The endless, endless, endless, and was before that.

Okay so if he has a beginning and end point. He's not nearly eternal is not eternal is created being cannot be called God cannot be called deity Connecticut Almighty God. Isaiah 96 right so having said that, why is he called the son of God, he proceeds forth from the father and he comes to this earth. Luke 135. Gabriel tells Miriam Mary what is he say the Holy Spirit will come upon you the power of the most high will will will overshadow you and then what is it say therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the son of God, so he is not conceived by human father God is his father.

Hence, the son of God, and he comes forth God is revealed to us his father son and Spirit. He comes forth from the father and brings glory to the father. The spirit is sent forth by the sun and brings glory to the son, but check this out. Revelation 22. There is one throne for God and the Lamb. I talked about this in the first hour and his servant.

Seek his face one face, for God will answer one eternal God that we know his father son and Holy Spirit and one last question from Don real life situation and lease the family comes out tells family member should not only homosexual beginning marital partner. Now that knows what Scripture says doesn't feel in our hearts the right thing to go. Her husband suggest you must go to the marriage questions is the ankle because she's to be submissive to the husband a stand on biblical principles and not be submissive as she stays home she has to ask this question. Will I be violating my conscience. If I'm there. Will I be violating my conscience before God. If I'm there.

Will I be giving my affirmation by attending will I be attesting to my celebration of this event. If I go, if so all she has to say your husband I'm so sorry I can't do it and that it biblical submission does not require someone to violate their own conscience.

If God is convicting her highest level of submission is to God. So if it would violate her conscience it would violate mine violate her conscience assist her husband with all respect, you know, I will address that I cannot do it, and I will recalculate it myself. I cannot visit the website aspect around that are the bunch of new videos and articles. There my bottom line. Let's do the will of God, come hell come hot water.

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