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Cultural Apologetics and Lee Strobel's Case for Christ Movie

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
February 22, 2017 4:20 pm

Cultural Apologetics and Lee Strobel's Case for Christ Movie

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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February 22, 2017 4:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 02/22/17.

Beacon Baptist
Gregory N. Barkman
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown

Listen, I really believe we can change the heart and mind of a culture. I believe it can happen for the line of fire with your host activist all the international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown was the director of the coalition of conscience and resident of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown you were hearing a lot of talk days Christian leaders rightly so, that rather than looking to the government to change the culture. It's up to the church with the help of the Holy Spirit to change the culture rather than looking for the Supreme Court to rule a certain way over we want them to rule righteously and justly. It's up to us to change hearts and minds and then Supreme Court will follow the heart of the nation.

This is Michael Brown want to talk to about that today.

Perhaps we could call this cultural apologetics 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 7884 lot of interesting things to talk with you about today, including a wild clip from MSNBC that you've got to hear and then, though, the latest in how should we say it controversy over intragenerational gay relationships more relevant news on that that ties in with the larger subject of cultural apologetics by which may we mean by which I mean changing the hearts and minds of people in our society around us. Obviously first and foremost to the gospel soon coming to faith and being change, but I think we all know that part. I'm talking about changing perceptions changing what people believe about what's right and wrong and helping them to have a more healthy mindset about what is right and wrong will give an example of this in a moment, but if you have been involved in pro-life work reviewed and involved in profamily work or maybe just as a parent helping your kids if you have seen positive changes of heart and mind someone that once thought something was wrong. Something that they they once thought was ugly. Now they recognize that their perceptions were wrong about perhaps they thought something was right and wonderful in apps and in fact it was ugly and wrong. Have you actually seen people change their perspectives on not only talk about through being born again becoming a follower of Jesus and therefore their worldview changes radically.

I'm talking about someone who perhaps remain secular did not have a faith conversion with their perception change or sings you were able to do with your own kids to get them to change their way of thinking in a positive way. Give me a call.

I want to hear what you did and how you did it what's succeeded. 866-34-TRUTH let me tell you this fascinating story when my family first moved to Maryland Nancy and I and our daughters moved to Maryland in 1987 we were building a house and it was delayed in being built so we stayed at the home of a woman in the congregation who had this big house.

We could stay different parts of the house and she she was an older woman. She had a PhD in biology, I believe, and she was a passionate pro-life warrior, by which I mean she was involved in helping give hope to women who can abort their children healthy to expose the evil of abortion.

She and a number of women were involved in a pro-life event in another state if I'm correct, it was in Buffalo, New York, lived in Maryland at that time and she shared the amazing story with us. She was there with other men and women who were in front of an abortion clinic speaking the truth in love, worshiping the Lord, praying, reaching out to the women and others within that were coming to abort their babies and they all got arrested for the protests. This was something that they knew was going to happen as they crossed the police line to sit in front of the clinic and pray and worship the Lord and the witness they all got arrested and the women were put on one bus, the man and another guy here. What happens next for cleansing by Expo light a fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown friends hearts can be changed minds can be changed. Culture can be changed. Happens all the time things swing in different directions over the course of generations things that were unimaginable in one generation are then celebrated in another generation and then over the course of time, as those things fail.

Things turned back in the other direction may be over the course of hundreds of years.

It may be over the course of decades, but things do change. I do believe with all my heart before the Lord, that we are in the midst of and will see a great increase of a gospel based moral and cultural revolution that will rock the nation. If you have seen lives change through your homework pro-life work. Profamily work may be interaction with others on social media and in you have through your words to your deeds been able to expose lies and exalt truth and it's actually change people's minds and perceptions share with us, 8663 freight 7884 so here's this friend of ours. A woman at that time, I would say in her 60s. She is involved in Operation Rescue pro-life event somewhere in the late 1980s. She and her friends are there other women have come in from other states to be involved with this and because the law said that you could not go right up to the clinic and pray there and sit there they would go past the police line hundreds of people and sit and pray and worship around the abortion clinic and it was a way to draw attention to what was happening was a way to awaken the church. It was a way to awaken repentance among the believers and it was very effective for what it did, and it had the stamp of leaders like James Dobson and others so she was involved in this. I remember being involved in one with her in and other friends of ours were home congregation, probably in the early 90s, some around there and it was a very intense event and other friends of mine involved in pro-life work day and night. In any case, she and the other women are arrested there. They all peacefully brought on the bus.

We offer you handcuffed that situation and there there there on the bus all these women, godly women praying women and somehow a woman who was there who was a pro-abortion protester. She was part of the counter protest.

She was accidentally arrested along with them and now she's on the bus with them and she's literally trembling with fear thinks all know all know if these women are so full of hate.

These women are so full of anger.

These women are so ugly in their character.

They are going to hurt me what is going to happen to me and she meant she was literally shaking with fear and trying to tell someone you get the attention please someone I want a good guy want the good ones here among the good guys should be arrested while they began to minister and as she saw who they were and as they began to minister the love of God to her and she saw them for who they really were with tears. She was born again that day on the bus with these other women and it wasn't some emotional panic thing.

This was a genuine conversion from what I understand what's what's the point. The point is that when she really got to know the people.

Her perceptions changed and her viewpoint change and these things happen all the time and we need to engage in cultural apologetics, by which I mean showing the world around us that God's ways are better showing the world around us that God's ways are ways of life. I gave a talk at a local college or secular college to last year year before that and in the talk it. We talked about sexuality and God's ways being ways of life. So during my talk. I explained that, for example, if a man and woman grow up in our sexually pure than they get married and they have a wonderful relationship including a wonderful physical and sexual relationship, and they are sexually active for 30 or 40 or 50 years as a married couple.

They will never contract a sexually transmitted disease ever in a less they violate the bonds of marriage that you think of this. It's not the sexual act is the sexual act outside of marriage that could get them infected knives and cover faulty blood transfusion would put that aside, but you will never get a sexually transmitted disease.

If you and your spouse are faithful to each other and have been sexually pure before that which you have been sleeping around all these different people that out. Have you ever wondered why that is.

In other words, the same sexual act committed outside of marriage could infect someone with a sexually transmitted disease and how how is that how does that work has at work it's it's not like you're married and not shooting heroin. But then if you shoot heroin you get addicted to heroin it yet, but if you if you don't shoot it, you won't get addicted. If you do shoot it, stay with it. You will get addicted.

What's the point when not comparing apples with apples or was a one person doesn't present doesn't do right, but if you marry sexually active and with each other only you ever get a sexually transmitted disease which do the same things with someone else, you can go get when you come from, why is it only outside the bounds of marriage is it's an interesting question has several different answers. But rather than answer it. Just understand the point and I would just go through all of the different aspects of marriage and sexuality. We got intended and insular. When you do it God's way. You have ways of life and blessing.

And when you violate that it it goes the way of death.

Here all give you give you another example. Okay here's here's another example.

Let's say that you are married couple. You have your own kids. You raise your own kids right neurobiological kids, the amount of abuse, parental abuse of children. Sexual abuse is absolutely minimal right of father grows up, changes his daughters diapers mother changes the voice diapers though they change the kids diapers they get up to them in the middle of the night.

They do, they watch the kids grow. There's not a sexual attraction to your own children and and it is natural that there is no sexual attraction because their own children.

You've raise them right. Let's say you have several divorces now and now you have woman now 35 years old girl with a guy who's say 38 years old and her daughter. Let's say is is 16 Seattle when she was 19.

She 16 years old and now the stepfather comes and you're going to have a higher amount of sexual abuse because he's coming into some pretty 15-year-old girl as opposed to some child is raised, where you can conceive of having a sexual thought to your own children.

In other words, when you keep marriage and family intact. We got intended.

It produces life at any produces blessing in ways that nothing else can.

Before you some your stories. I just want to remind you, I want to encourage you that way by shining as lights in dark places can dispel false stereotypes. We can reveal the truth. We can expose darkness and we can change hearts and minds reset little by little, with the pro-life movement I believe will see it with the profamily movement before I go to your calls JJ grab clip number three. This is on MSNBC's morning Joe, cohost Mika Brzezinski is interacting with morning Joe and I guess they had about what Pres. Trump has or hasn't done so for you. You've got a this is absolutely remarkable list well and I think that the dangerous and over edges. Here are that he's trying to undermine the media trying to make up his own facts and it could be that while unemployment tends to think the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think and that is the that is your job, although well without was a Freudian slip what she meant to say which event woe listened this exact words. It could be that while unemployment in the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control what people think. That is our job. What it is the job of the secular media to control what we think as the viewing public as the listening public to control what people think.

Are you kidding me extraordinary.

I wonder how many of them actually believe that 866-34-TRUTH will come back with some encouraging stories for you right here in the light a fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire down by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown looked to Anderson were Don Levin, Don lemon, George Tecate of Star Wars fame and Malian office just to mention for one will have in common role out and proud gay and they were all sexually molested as children who their connection course there's a connection write more about this of written about, of course, is a connection of course, wrong things lead to wrong results just like there's a disproportionate number of child abusers who themselves were abused as a disproportionate number of gay men who themselves were molested as boys set them on the wrong path and it messed up something in their own sexual wiring. My point being that this is not God's plan are God's best. That's my point. 866-348-7884. Let's go to Daniel in Charlotte North Carolina.

Thanks for calling on fire Brown are doing well thank you Daniel yes so what what your experience been in terms of changing people's hearts and minds okay well I'm involved in outright important clinic.

Charlotte life would be a lot of all but but wonder what in particular not monitor what you want to clinic worker would work me up front that the report. If you responsible for the yearly apartment 20,000 baby die, but it there and we doubt the workers there, but they haven't earned a year I was pretty mad about, but I believe the conviction of a holy. As we pray for them almost daily work required on the report. The Lord well for leave. Our prayers were heard of the Lord are the blood and Canada. The wedding the work, but with the date and begin to being again and then be visited are all in fellowship at the little work done all auditor live� Incredibly, Daniel. You folks have been so faithful for so long and on the front lines in an often overlooked and underappreciated. What you doing you suffered scorn. I'm sure you suffered verbal abuse and and worse over the years and you reply with with the love of God, what would you say has been most effective the top things, along with prayer. I was in prayer first that have changed the hearts of women has been seeing a picture of an aborted baby has it been hearing from another mother who had an abortion.

What if you seen this being that the most effective tools for, or way means will all play everyone about effective thing you're pregnant out there in front of it working but just being there. Change of heart on comfortable working by the client are here in Charlotte and they encounter Christian out the brain or told not bond the finder of we like the picture of a reputable court and obeyed the victim of abortion Dr. Linda Choi of both violent dude came heart that you think my that the very practical and octave proclamation of the word of God with their ductwork.

I wouldn't I would later know you folks at Bally have a mobile unit that jumped up there. That's important. All the food together got you, but I would say, a Christian president is the most important thing if you don't don't word I can promise you baby for stupid things because they are and Daniel from your experience, what is the principal reason that so few relatively speaking, get involved with this is it.

Indifference is it fear of apathy. What would you encounter will puncture them indifference and apathy that all unscripted out.

About the issue of why they want the stand for life.

Maybe don't know how or a lot of fear involved my mother. They got divorced but it looked but I think David is the right thing. They in 20 seconds or less that you have a point, like it cargo to the door was the perfect thing to think the perfect thing the government is all that is a lot of fear not know the need again. My response, the district president came heart just being there you were like were like in in the world.

Your life all in your life and the light shone by very nature doesn't have to try to come out to the horse clinic delighted shine that Daniel Lewis does a terrific words and I appreciate you sharing them with our listeners. You let let's think of this. Any behavior that you are about to engage in that you have mixed feelings about if you see somebody that you know if if you see somebody that has some moral influence in your life if you see someone that's on the other side of the issue can be harder for you to carry that out made let's let's say someone is trying to change their lifestyle when it comes to food in there. They're going to grocery store and they're debating okay. I'm going to get some ice cream.

I get to get some doughnuts and you know whatever their weaknesses were and they they wanted to me and and they know I just wrote this book on breaking the stronghold of food and they were they were talk to me last week about how how they got the book and they probably see me in there they're gonna walk away from the ice cream in the doughnuts you know or if if you you run into your your trainer so you work out within the Gemini retirement living a healthy lifestyle. Your your about to go and get a pack of cigarettes you probably walk out without it. So, how much more Christian presence just being there, worshiping, praying, smiling, loving shining, as you say just that is getting a lot of people turn around before the view) and three cities of life and the ministries you network with on average, say, each of the last few years how how many babies are you able to account for that is what you actually know were saved through people ministering in front of the abortion mills are here in Charlotte. We've been last year 439 Bob Wyatt a little life officially got darted with pain just over 3500 block block in the Charlotte area so that getting out there that's still in there that's that's massive obviously we care about every life that is not saved but that is a massive difference and in their ministries that work with the moms of though provided baby shower for a new mom and dad still help if someone wants to give the child up for adoption so that these are is a long-term pro-life people hate Daniel. Keep up the great work are our folks in the city have the great privilege of working with all of you for years now, and we believe the heart of the nation will be changed to people like you. Thanks so much like the right friends don't throw the towel.

Think, think about it. America can be changed if the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 66343. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown, what would you do with your kids don't just tell them to do this don't do that certain things reduce pursuing your younger and mommy says no means no.

But at as they get older you do your best to explain why mommy says no why daddy says no. Why you have rules about this in are you childproof your home you if you don't leave open electrical sockets.

Ricky could potentially stick something in. Get part of their finger in or something like that you have these little plastic blockers that you put in. If there's not a plug-in. There you want to explain that to your children as they get older and it's not as childproof you want to understand can get a shock can get hurt. You conduct don't put the bag over your I don't put the plastic bag over at the mommy I like you will suffocate. You can't breathe.

You could die.

These are don't don't want to Johnny, don't run into the street to get the ball but mommy, but their cars in the street you have to stop and look both ways of the wife could get hit so we we do this all the time and we can demonstrate to the culture that is solid marriage and a solid family are better long term for society long-term for kids. We can demonstrate these things are examples can shine make a difference. 866-34-TRUTH.

Let's go to Allie in Kansas City, Missouri.

Walking to the line of fire. Hello yellow go ahead. I work for an organization called or contact and we work specifically to train and equip the church to care for the Potter do a lot of work with children typically in foster care are taking and having to directly contact and I recommend her. I wanted the biggest thing I see is we use our social media a lot to share with others what I look like on a day-to-day actually carved out and talking. You are not or can't circulate on folding laundry for them, for they can spend their And when I realize that more than anything opening. I divided Christ even Potter-America act and say okay need and not culture adopted by Allie and her or Callie can go cover foster family. I could eat at anything really incredible to watch people start a dialogue with the Lord.

Okay this is what.

Undefiled religion is conserved or laid out what is my role, Allie Cyr was our listeners in start choose the sex of fatherlessness on this current generation sure while on actually wrote last night about children in the and he put America we have 400,000 right now. One of those children out with never being adopted on will either become a drug addict, a LV traffic. The first 48 hours LV home rank LV and JL LB NL often connects the left side and I actually think I've working with children on literally saving her life. Having a mentor and a child right drastic and entertaining our 51% single mother homes more common now cannot scrub the father in the home stored others when you know that each identity and protection and faith in who the Lord every talk talk working at a date on even know where to begin my caloric. It had all been shot and held out because they can't get pregnant 18 or may have no idea hi Karen, never modeled for them to spiral downward very quickly. If you could just stay with us another minute you little break here to fold some more laundry if he could stay with us through the grace I really want to share more with our listeners look at how many times you've heard any of this. This is devastating is devastating and is something we can do difference once again you see the breakdown of God's family, order has horrific cost side the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks so much for joining us on the line of fire, were talking about cultural apologetics today were talking about how we can change the hearts and minds of the cultures around us yeah Howard you're right. Just this.

We think of folks that listen to this broadcaster listen to other similar broadcasts have their own views of change how their mindset is been changed to the realize the difference between right and wrong and good and bad with brand-new perspectives how God's ways are best. I'm speaking with Allie in Kansas City, Missouri Allie before we go any further.

Is there a website that links to the work that you, your husband involved in. Now we are on at the orphan Dr. Connor at work I present the orphan Justice led and revamp. I'm not sure right now. I'm also good cultured international house of prayer and I were connected with art. So Allie, you mentioned 400,000 kids in the system was a need to be in the system so when, how did it work you and your situation all different things in different eat at a casket called in any embedded child and now in the embolic and they often become more drug which means the parents rights have been terminated on and are now waiting to get out and what a lot of people don't know that we have 4000 head who share custody between their parents, lobbied.

I like to do if we have 100,000 head in the United States, ready to be adopted today. I just meeting her family and free to adopted well there and keep you at the very unknown group of really unreached people are hungry children you act anything to foster care to look at are in and somehow without letting a guilt trip on other believers.

With so many of us so many believers in the country it's it's unimaginable that there hundred thousand kids in that situation should be any you know right okay so and again a lot of times it's just ignorance people try so hard work so hard to adopted child after dog from out of the country and with so much red tape, and so on and so forth. Right. So when you mention kids coming-of-age. What's the age then with a will cycle out of the system or eight years old. I do try may turn out And are below 10% of whites also there in some some orphanage or something like that. They may be shuttled back and forth in different foster homes as is folks to try to help in that regard.

Listen, kid, 17, 18, that is just out. They don't have a family they don't have commitment, many of them have been like in education, they may not have various aspects of social experience and you're saying that many of them within 48 hours are sucked up into human trafficking.

So we know that the Potter unit protect your parent knows when you're a real like I got where it Allie. I don't check out how. You will be looking for, any meaning for credit click and ultimately dare let go and that is a prime target for traffic or in-kind nobody cannot get estate.

I think here if not Broken and adjust the number tarmac in Excel and traffic are expected to be targeting children are also very vulnerable because they are very broken and Qiagen are looking for connection a relationship and family and other easily approached I had traffic earned a cleaning friend or I boyfriend Heidi for and again you don't get cocky, and very quickly and cut her off and pick out in her teenage years looked like any residential unit applicator to go after any hope Eli. I really Excel worldwide on 7% of the body of Christ adopted a child. We have Bureau working. Worldwide globally at how either 93. The church, though you say okay what about the 93 and actually what my husband and I passed an organization we work with it.

What about those who are called to the top 10 but they still are called to love the Potter life to make your thing. What about the kids that you ate out.

I would love to see the church right that we would like to see people say you know I want to be a forever family took a leader never got one that a lot of people are overwhelmed by cop can eat your horror stories about people adopting and going really crazy because the kids are broke, and I will obediently be provide kind of support for the family and select right now and after clearinghouse Martha Cook indicated I'm over here cleaning her house and her backyard were Neil prepping for her and I allowed her to spend more time with the two children take a huge structure legal in the church of the implement a lot of all the credit in the idea of I could never take a child or I don't fit in anywhere becomes something very very doable for yourself or your church or small group and on a really beautiful thing about I you know we are all called earth solid overwhelming burden stay green.

It is likely that situation there really are very practically entered like folding laundry for mentorship. So Allie, let me ask this as you have been involved with this scene in terms of kids lives actually changing or Christian parents who got involved share a testimony to intrinsic change you seen the kid with the whole family.

One little girl down the road from electric residential ability called offered and how did 49 children who are waiting in a Catholic parish in American Fork and in about five years ago before going into that facility on multiple time to leak any kind and loving on them, building relationships, there is one little girl in particular caught her Amanda and Sheila.

Gary heavily medicated had been very, very, very, actually and paperclip you with just a very warped could barely hold a conversation with her because of her, and the drug she was on my Kindle if it really hard to handle, like you didn't really know what to do with her allotted time and organizations are increasingly continued to go in there and just love her dear friend and after a little while when it University I look like I said from really felt led to mentor her so I went clean my friend and mentor little girl and she started out to the park, a screen behind her really build a relationship, but she did probably the first people at all ever in her light control had been living in ethically 4 inches about nine and fell on slowly but surely another family came into the picture and the really rationalize and utilizing children of yellowcake very hard to bring them into their home at foster parent and really work on biting them and getting them to help you crave to where another family could adopt them. They brought her into their home and they began to really work was terrible and we also write on children prayer meeting parent really bind my children. Basically there's an adult. Eric everybody on P on and how she would get up on the microphone and she would board I want you, dad, and you gave me a family I want matter other than to protect property, she would pray (your thinking on my coffee really is getting inside of her. Now she's the fatherless crying out to you when you see all over the Bible and in fact she on. Actually, we were told about. You will need to recognize from you.

Actually got all her mad. She looks totally different.

I did that she wanted with the family of a peek her in forever and forever, Karen, Peter, and her feeling and she actually get On an international house of prayer global prayer room went streamlined and she prayed boldly on a microphone for the Fatherland and she is here and now she cotton coming for the Lord you get in my life and letting your thought I think there are some people that play different roles in her life. You know there were people back home, praying, and mentoring. The consistency of people coming into the red end of the year that the only people that are supporting a family with her and and and she is now a completely person and she probably would've been wanted out eating healthy sin because you authority and all on and had lived there her whole life by the Lord moved and on a completely different little woman now and you know when you give the stats about kids that will become drug addicts kids that will get into crime kids that will be sold at human trafficking. If we if we followed one of them individually. The heart wrenching to be heartbreaking. We would want to stop everything you're doing and find that kid on the street and rescue them with that for the most part is just another stat or a body that turns up the interviews somewhere someone killed in a gang shooting in an almost forgotten suite we cannot forget these kids and then we hear the positive testimonies like that in and that's really God's intent for them. Allie, thank you so much for calling and I want to share this with as many as I can to encourage them. We can make a difference.

Keep up the great work. Thanks so much. I friends have whole have whole you can be an agent bringing the error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown, the voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution of your exam is Dr. Michael Brown. If you are yeah met with my thoughts exactly. Looking at DVD right now if if you're listening on podcast if you're listening live online supposed to local radio station, then your hearing the same feed I'm hearing during the breaks.

So if you're listening to local station.

Your hearing the ads from the local station there could be an ad for David Jeremiah's next program. It could be for local car dealership that sponsors the station there to be anything right. But if you're listening online. If you get in the podcast and you're getting the same fee that I'm getting. You may hear the word for the day from John MacArthur Chuck Swindoll ministry select out of Ravi Zacharias excerpt in this case there is an ad for a new documentary drunk in the spirit, produced by Todd Friel of Richard radio and TV taught. I've had some candid and Christian interaction off there was nothing on each other's shows of his welcome on any topic you like to come out but is being promoted via brother David Wheaton Christian worldview radio programs according to the claims, the rough historic reformation is the fastest-growing form of Christianity the world with an estimated 369 million people under its influence. This, according to the new DVD documentary film truck in the spirit that will discuss this with soft but vicious prophecies healings visits to heaven, and many other extra biblical or ecstatic experiences led by subsequent profits revision Christian dominion over society of historic reformation is only capture the hearts of young people influencing evangelical Christians through its most powerful hook is the popular Jesus culture worship. That notice is no better than if the illuminati are taken over the world to be totally candid with you. This is with all respects it to David Wheaton on the broadcast and Todd Friel and then the broadcast is brothers in the Lord and men of interacting with even in some cases bid on their shows are exempt from the broadleaved different ones here of one same team fighting against the same devil wanted to see the same Jesus exalted, but this is just mythical mythical Yaris. Are there some abuses in the worldwide Pentecostal charismatic that moved you better believe it was some abuses in the worldwide non-charismatic Pentecostal better believe it.

Other errors and also you better believe it with a massive harvest of new souls around the world unprecedented numbers coming into the kingdom of God in countries like Africa is a lot of immaturity like a disciple to give her better believe it is some of the leaders corrupt, you better believe it. Is there a need for the church to stand together and help deepen the work of the gospel and the preaching of the word Christian maturity to better believe it, but this is likely a one of these conspiratorial things you got more evidence that Barack Obama is is a secret gay Muslim that this is accurate as if this is also it's all coordinated fairness, secret tools, it's nonsense nonsense nonsense to travel the world and the Pentecostal charismatic.

I've been in this for 45 years, I've preached some of the key mega churches around the world and in America, and this is this just bold guests with a B old GUS bogus.

I could say more.

I could say much more, but enough said that this is the Christian version of fake news while all I'm sure you'll have some sensationalistic things on the DVD at see it well. First, a lot of it is taken out of context.

Second, a lot of it is blown out of proportion and third year there are abuses, but to tell you what. Tell you what, and abuse in a Pentecostal charismatic church might be someone claiming to be speaking for the Lord and they're not claiming the Holy Spirit's on the Lynyrd act acting in the flesh being abuse because they Pentecostal movement and abuse in a non-Pentecostal charismatic we would be denying that that God is healing the sick today when they hear genuine Testament like where friendly court yesterday and on fire that that they end up they end up denying with the Holy Spirit is doing right abuse might be as you got people falling asleep during the sermon and Evan witness to a lost person. The last five years, yet abuses all side to get errors on all side you have issues on all saw Jeff scandals on all sides.

Because of the massively rapid growth of the worldwide Pentecostal charismatic movement in the last 50 years, with the last hundred years, with the greatest harvest of souls in the history of the church in countries like China and countries like Iran and India incontinence like Africa incontinence like South America, massive glorious harvest of souls because you had so much happened in such a short Peter, you have more abuses. So rather than attack.

The thing is demonic or or make these ridiculous proclamations that are specifically patently false. Better to help better the help that's that was my appeal was all strange fire.

Authentic fire controversy if you ever read my book on that get my book authentic far your father written with love, you find it constructive and refunded thoroughly scriptural as you go, especially the lengthy chapter so the Scripture and therefore charismatic exactly so that looks so you got you got somebody claiming to be speaking in tongues and and they're putting on some fleshly shoulder going on for five minutes without interpretation months plainly out of order but but when Paul wrote to the Corinthians did he tell them stop notice to do it properly.

So I speak in tongues.

When all of you, but do it properly doing the proper context speaking mysteries your spirit to God and you find yourself doing the proper context explicitly said don't forbid to begin tongues, people have whole church doctrines, with a forbid speaking tongue.

For that course. A stitch of Scripture says is not for today and abundant Scripture that says the thickest part of the spirit continued till Jesus returns. So I listen II work side-by-side with noncharismatic friends. I buy preaching fine churches are speaking find conferences or teachers find seminaries with the leaders of noncharismatic, Pentecostal, and I always honor the leadership and in other words, if I was in the school. That was a noncharismatic school and say I was teaching on the book of Jeremiah officials came up about charismatic themes I say will the school believes this notice I'm not there to lay hands on everyone to get a most begin tongues and bring me in there to do that. They brought the other teacher might as well do they brought me into future projects up Southwell do this is what your own views and so on Pentecostal charismatic person, but out of the schools doctoral stem on here and were brothers in the Lord and we love Jesus and I just I would say that and move on and some would have to meet with me privately outside the class because I will not honor the that the school was, therefore, honor my noncharismatic docket Pentecostal brothers and sisters but what when you have stuff that it's this egregious and and this misleading and the evil Jesus culture movement. Look, there is a video clip we played with some Christian leaders, and it is these are Christian leaders is a brothers the city Jesus culture movement is worse than abortion because of abortion. I was one of these kids are being seduced into error.

III know folks that have served in the midst of that for years and they love Jesus and their word preaching people in and they love holiness and they love the lost yet may not agree with every doctor every practice, but these are brothers and sisters in the Lord. There are extremes and are abuses, you better believe I'll be on the front lines of addressing them as an insider, all right. An unexpected but important tension my joy shall be sure to go to a lot of cars out of got so many new articles, videos, waiting for you.

A bottom-line stick around long enough you'll see it will try a brand-new film from apologist Lee Strobel on the case for Christ.

It's time for the lineup with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry getting to the line of fire valve by calling 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH there again is Dr. Michael Brown you when I first came to faith. My first came to faith in 1971.

My dad said it's great that you're off drugs so shooting her and using LSD in speed and the wicked lost teenager that's it's great you're off drugs, but were Jews will believe in Jesus and he brought me to meet the local rabbi that Rabbi and I established a friendship and he would give me books to read articles to read saying that Jesus was the Messiah could be the Jewish Messiah take me to meet other rabbis and interacted over a period of time. These very sincere men challenged me after I could read Hebrew at that point the little I had learned for my bar mitzvah.

I had basically forgotten just a few of the letters in a word or two, so it was challenging her learned men, men who'd been studying Hebrew in the Hebrew Bible and rabbinic literature all their lives they learned it from their father saluted from their fathers and their view all the way back to Moses where my some kid quoting from the King James Bible to tell them what to believe. So so over a period of time I needed to get answers I needed to dig and get answers.

I started studying Hebron College was modern Hebrew.

So Rabbi recommended a textbook. I taught myself biblical Hebrew and I wanted to learn the other surrounding languages of the cultures of the languages involved with the Bible, a Greek Latin. After that, for example, and ended up majoring in Hebrew, they getting a PhD in near Eastern languages and literatures from New York University. This was all part of.

I had to learn I had said I at that point I really got into what I love the studies felt a calling to to be doing this but it started with. I need to be able to provide solid answers. I need to be able to provide solid answers. I know my own life is been changed on the inside. I know emotionally that I have been transformed.

I know experientially that God is real, but I need answers for these rabbis were challenging me that led to all whole aspect of my life and calling to be to be messianic Jewish apologist to share the good news with my own Jewish people to debate rabbis by God's grace we see an extraordinary wonderful glorious fruit. My guest who will be joining us in just a few minutes, Lee Strobel world famous for his books begin with the case for Christ. The case for creator the case for the real Jesus, the case for grace. Other books like that they are in distribution by the multiplied millions along with other resources. There's a movie now coming out Lee Strobel's wife Leslie Strobel. The case for Christ movie at least going to talk to us about that we can make a case to the world for the truth of the gospel and that is part of our ministry to the lost and part of our ministry to the body. So if you got a question in apologetics related question of the speak with you today, 866 340 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and I have not I have not seen any of the movie trailer anything soon as I heard about us. By all means let's get Lee on is the former award-winning legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, best-selling author of more than 20 books that's the case for grace. We had a month to talk about that last year when the 2016 nonfiction book of the year. The evangelical Christian publishers Association and Leslie Strobel.

Lee's wife was the impetus and inspiration behind Lee's conversion as he was an atheist and believer and then from atheism herself in his life was changed after her life was changed so the movie talk about the case price for cleansing and sad. It's the light a fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown, the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH paradigm is Dr. Michael Brown is a real treat back. I had Lee Strobel on talk to me about his book the case for race questions I asked was why does he always sound so joyful. I participate in the project with the spent probably 56 hours or more with them. That joy was there that it enthusiasm about the Lord this about this to share his testimony a lot this just constantly reminded of God's goodness and grace. Now even more exciting news with the case for Christ movie. So we welcome back to the line of fire. Thank you my credit card. What droid phones are one of joyful people I've ever met well at the mercy of God new every morning. Thanks man. He noted many restaurants question when you first wrote your book the case for Christ, and you spoke to different academic and intellectual leaders about tough subjects and then presented the evidence for Jesus being the Savior and the Messiah.

Did you have any idea any any suspicion that you would have millions and millions and millions of your books in circulation, absolutely not in fact know I wrote her back in the 1990s and back then up in the rapport that apologetics books books about evidence for the fate didn't sell. And so when I talk to my publisher I done a couple Christian books before it, and I sat down with them and they said what what you think you should write next like or what your 10 idea and I told him the 10 ideas and one of them was a case for Christ and then we prayed and afterwards with the rorty all think I would do and they were committed up directly through Christ and I said why and he said I could textbook on cell and he said the reason is when you talk about the other books you that there you talked about them.

But when you talk about the case for Christ. You stood up you paced around the room you are passionate that obviously the book that God is put on your heart and and and what we've learned is the best book, the right is the one to God's put in your heart and want you to write regardless of market regardless of sale so I did.

The case for Christ and in never expected it to do what it is done and now to be a motion picture. You know, it just takes it to a whole different audience. So thrilled with it so so before we talk about the picture.

Let's let's glorify the Lord now and and and let people seal the scope of what's happening obviously your household name. Because of these books, but how many of your books or DVDs materials or in circulation right now as far as you know all man. I think it's 15,000,069 that's that's my blog are so so we go from there now to to a movie. Is this one is, backwards Christian movies, low-budget know that will involved in the capital shaky know what's exciting for me in order been built on a movie from the path of faith. Movies that are located. Cohort.

But oh my goodness this morning. We got Academy award-winning actor. We've got global RRR Golden Globe winners with� Tony award winners at the terrific A great script by Brian Byrd's written 17 movies if you know cringe moments. It's the kind of film that you can confidently invite someone to or not a Christian effect with redundant test audiences showing it. We shorted 4000 people and got a standing ovation at the end and the non-Christians love the movie, they were the ones with some of the strongest positive response. So were very encouraged that you don't some people read a book. Some people will go to church but will go to a movie and know the gospel is in this movie. Jesus is the central character in the sense that the one that took me on this journey and opened my eyes to the evidence for the resurrection and I'm I'm praying that people will come to the movie but also take a risk. Invite a friend and I honestly believe the most important moment of that evening is not to be the movement to be the conversation. After the movie where you sit down with your friend and say what what you think. Can you relate any of that where you went spiritually of you ever considered the fact that the enormity evidence for the resurrection and and and I pray the people come to faith and I pray that others will begin this journey that ultimately will find them in the kingdom's so obsolete. Obviously we know that God can use the produce movie shark and use a track written on the back of a crumpled piece of paper. This is people like us yet like us is exactly but we also know that that many times this� It is, for example, if you have a good phone connection and you were cutting in and out a certain point, he would stop listening that they would do if if you're if you're playing with with a band and your attitude is certain point people to walk out so right. We know that if we can do things with excellence as we seek to reach out and what Paul just talks about speaking a clear message that is the state that everyone can understand.

So when it comes to the example were on TV during an interview, you will have a makeup put on you because otherwise every it out. You look like a ghost write lights and I don't Michael, whatever you do do heartily as unto the Lord, and already deserves our excellent rights also will not relying on the star that were simply saying hey we want people to watch this and we don't want to put any stumbling block other than the stumbling block of the crossover leaders. This basically tell your story and explain how the movie unfolds.

Yeah, it really is not a documentary I think some people think out about the evidence for the abatement. It is in Laramie before security evidence for the resurrection and the movie thought it's a love story that my wife and I fell in love. We met were 14 years old got married five years later had a pretty happy marriage me as an atheist or agnostic. And then she comes a faith in Jesus and all of a sudden turbulent the relationship and the movie is about that difficulty was a reason the Bible warns us against becoming unequally yoked with an unbeliever.

And here I found myself married to a Christian and you are the hostilely than so it's it's that kind of story a love story story about a marriage story about a father and a son in their difficult relationship I think propel me down the road toward if you story about big-city journalism and the story of redemption and hope because I go on this journey. What you see in the filament and discovered, much to my dismay that the idea that Jesus rose from the dead is not bludgeoned, not mythology is not make-believe but it really is built on a solid foundation of historical truth since in place. The stroll in the fact I are at the jet black autoplay because it is done to the flop looking character that would've been perfect, but not directly played by Mike Vogel who committed Christian within Poseidon youth and under the dome to them. The help is a great actor Leslie is played by Erica Christiansen from parenthood update Dunaway is in the movies Hollywood legend Academy award winner Robert Forster Academy award nominee, L. Scott Caldwell, a wonderful aft African-American actress who get this she won the Tony award for the best actress on Broadway good. You have to be best actress on throttle some real yeah we got a really good care field is just not a false note in it to be the acting is so honest and so authentic and so heartfelt that even negative things about me coming movies honest. I mean I was a hard drinking, narcissistic, hedonistic you know your babies well at the knee.

In the movie shows that and you know it's uncomfortable to watch. For me, but you know it just glorifies God because he was able take a wretch like me and and and redeem even me and so the films honest them and doesn't blink away from that, but it doesn't it's appropriate for all ages. There's nothing that we get into that inappropriate and so were were thrilled with the quality and went Wednesday.

Ultimately on April 7 is the premier nationwide NW the week before Easter and our hope is that Christians will take a risk. Invite someone to the film get the conversation and invite them to enter services at the church, which are mental 12.

Sense of spiritual synergy here where people will hear the evidence for the resurrection of the story that will be compelling and in the open their eyes to the fact that Christianity really does have a historical substance to it and then come back for Easter because we know that they are batwing, the court should every weekend, but that's one of course the gospel in the resurrection at the forefront in every church in America virtually yeah and in the just one minute before the break that I got a couple more questions. On the other side of the break, but were were any of the folks involved in production or writing or acting with a impacted by being part of the movie, you know, it's a great question and they were we didn't require them to be Christians to be in the film were to participate, but I would use it for outreach. We prayed every day on the set before we began and the nonbelievers participated in that gave me to copy signed my book. One of the makeup people homicide. At one point said I hope you understand how many spiritual conversations are going on behind the while yeah it was really encouraging that that's that's tremendous and obviously the infectious nature of what Jesus is done, you and your wife and the reality of the story thought I got a couple questions. My guess. Lee Strobel, but mark this down April 7.

I am stoked about. I am really excited about this the case for Christ movie. So not only plan to go when it opens that we can but think right now I think I bring with family friend I bring to this hey want to take it or free movie no love this all yeah Garcia I file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I look down April 7 when Robert Forster opens in theaters April 7. So don't just show up with you believing friends invite nonbelieving friends with you tongue treats on you. You bring to the movies you pay for the popcorn. Do the whole bit. Bring him to see this movie telling the story of the enlisted Strobel Lee.

For those that that don't know your story. What were the two were three biggest aha moments for you in your investigative work as a journalist where you began to realize oh my God there is a God, oh my God. Jesus is real. Yeah, moments really don't want to cumulate a lot of science issues.

The points toward the toward the creator and so forth. But really the linchpin to me and I recognize right away. Of course, Paul is the resurrection, because I realized if Jesus claim to be the son of God, and I think implicitly and explicitly did. Then so what Michael Brown could claim to be funny got I could claim to be a son of God. But if you claim to be the son of God died and then three days later rose from the dead to get out of the filament through though you know the resurrection was the key to me and what shocked me.

I thought know this is easy to investigative or historical issues.

If Jesus really did this but to be some footprints in history to show it.

So I looked at the question did Jesus flip yeah I mean that you can't deny that Jesus never actually existed on planet Earth be did he die while yeah we got not only multiple accounts of that the documents makeup the New Testament we got 5 inches sources outside the Bible confirming that he� Even the atheist historian geared rudiments that the indisputable that Jesus died when he was crucified, but then see what he encountered afterwards in a reliable way to have good information that he was and what shocked me when I looked in the vistas that we have nine ancient sources inside and outside the New Testament to confirm and corroborate the conviction of the cycle that they encounter the resurrected Jesus. So, I mean that in fact one of these accounts goes back is been dated back by scholars within months of its execution. So when I looked at for instance Alexander the great and I saw that the first two biographies by hearing Plutarch written 400 years after his life, and are generally considered reliable. But here we have a newsflash from ancient history. Nine ancient sources so much. We know from ancient history know from one or two sources so M plus the empty tomb that even the opponents of Jesus implicitly conceded with empty. We just have a hat. I think a clear and compelling case that Jesus not only made the transcendent and messianic and divine claims about himself, but he backed up that in a sense by returning from the dead. That was the clincher for me. I just couldn't. He couldn't get around it was like the scale shifted in and one sightseeing. The evidence I thought you know what, in the light of having seen the evidence and spent two years investigating it I realized it would take more faith to maintain my atheism to become a Christian mother was the most logical rational thing I could do would be a tech take a step of faith in the same direction that the evidence is flowing and put my trust in Christ because that's logical and rational. Let me ask you this. At what point did you go from the dread of this being true all know it's my whole life is going to have to change with skin amine on that house sale was wrong on that bill with my wife is right, whatever him to be a rep for Chris. At what point to go from red to joy. Good question. I think I tried to approach you know I wanted to get around hope that she was involved in Christianity, I embarked on this investigation. I said I'm a journalist and a good journalist try to be fair and balanced so I said I'm to be like an umpire in a baseball game at McCullough ball ball and strike a strike and I'm to follow this evidence, regardless of where it takes me even if it's to a difficult decision, so I try to keep an open mind and when I remember exactly where I was when I realized the evidence was conclusive and I didn't know what to do and I and I open the Bible to avert that a Christian friend pointed out to me earlier. John 112 as many as received him to them to give the right to become children of God given to those who believe me I realize it's an equation there believe plus receive equal to become just having the knowledge that the evidence points in that direction is not enough.

I had repented my sin. I had to receive a free gift of forgiveness and eternal life with Jesus to purchase for me on the cross when he died as my substitute to paper all of my said when I would receive that free gift of grace, then I would become a child of God and so I I prayed to do that and that's when the joy of Christ really took root in my heart because you know when I got off my knees and and I thought this is unbelievable that someone like me who led a very depraved and immoral and drunken and narcissistic life that even someone like me, you know the Bible says even in the depths of our sin. Christ still died for, and so that that wonder of all of the atonement that wonder of God's love and grace just kind of welled up inside him in, even though I wanted to stay in journalism to be a voice for Christian values in the newsroom. God later call me out of that in took a 60% pay cut to be a pastor and in you know I'm so grateful for that because I said I wanted you the best hours of my day to tell other people this message of hope and redemption and grace and forgiveness and eternal life in God's let me now you the best hours of my day, all these years later to talk about him and to point people toward him and and and that's and I'm an evangelist at heart. I just want the people come the faith and that's the biggest joy in my life that leads how extraordinary and going from the following sacks to encountering God do the test leads to the throne of God. All my there. He is to absolutely change us, and now something that again if we do if we told you in the midst your search for a one day the be a movie made about your story that millions of people watch right but that's that's the God that we serve. He delights in using the most unlikely vessels I tell folks when I was shooting heroin and huffing diesel gas to get high God said I would need someone to debate the rabbis and at answer the tough questions we got our man right. This is a guide to God accountable to make it work yet. In this way, no flesh congruence presents Haley as their place with a trailer for the movie of the website where should folks go yeah trailer or get information, go to the case for Christ I got it right and Lee. I was so excited to get you on.

I didn't even do it yet. So says the shows over. That's for ongoing, the case for Christ it opens April 7. Haley made the stories that come out of this be a shocking and staggering as the stories that have come.

Thus far, except multiplied exponentially.

God bless you Matt. Matt Baker loved Amanda Libby to write. I don't go there during the show I say what got a minute break into the race" to case Christ cancel now since I got a minute for the next segment starts but what else she literally go this couple seconds and show that's right, come back get a lot more talk about it so I don't fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown well well well I've got some questions for you today on the line of fire, and I think when you follow my line of reasoning see that what I'm saying makes sense, this is Michael Brown.

Welcome to the broadcast 866-348-7884 is the number to call. Let me ask you a question. Is there a reason why a child born to alcoholic parents has a much higher percentage of herself or himself becoming an alcoholic is the reason for obviously yes they grow up in a certain environment they are exposed to certain behaviors there other factors at work that contribute to a very high percentage of kids raised by alcoholic parents who themselves become alcoholic.

You can't say it's purely genetic, because that would obviously not be the issue but there are numerous factors and it's not a surprise visit know okay, let's let's ask another question. All right, let's say you have a girl who gets pregnant at the age of 13, keeps your baby so she's a mother Savo time she's 14. I it's not a surprise that her daughter will have a higher chance of becoming pregnant as it is a youngster and pregnant out of wedlock.

Then someone raised in a more normal stable environment that say this 13-year-old raises the kid without the father said the father ends up in jail and that the kid growing up does need to get to know the father. It's not surprising is it, if in fact is that child gets older that that child. The daughter repeat some of the wrong choices. Her mother made, look, we learn by example and we grow up in certain environments and this is what we know.

Maybe you had parents with horrific tempers and you have a hard time dealing with stress, you start to lose it yell and scream doesn't excuse it is more understandable.

It's more understandable because that's the environment in which you grew up. Now of course there are exceptions.

That's his mom was married four times and next month we celebrate 41 years of marriage when my son-in-law Jimmy was getting was wanting to have our daughter Jennifer's hand and what our older daughter. His mother had been married multiple times and I asked him how can I be assured that you're not going to do the same thing in civil I've learned from the mistakes I want to do the opposite of what I learned. Of course everything can be used redemptive look but I'm talking about general patterns. This is no surprise when the children repeat the the wrong choices wrong behaviors of the parents. What about what about the high percentage. The disproportionately high percentage of men who were sexually abused as children who then go on to sexually abuse others as children.

It's a disproportionately high amount. We know that by studies. We know that anecdotally as well and logic would tell you something got in them got start start. It does not excuse their behavior, but it explains their behavior. Why should it be a surprise that a disproportionate number of gay men were abused by other men.

His voice at times of great fluidity in their lives at times of great vulnerability at times when they were extremely impressionable. Why should that surprise us. It shouldn't, but it is constantly denied by gay activists to say no that's not the case at all. And when you hear the stories. It seems as if none of them been abused or I'm quite aware that there are those who identify as gay today were not sexually abused but I am saying is it's perfectly logical that a disproportionate number of gay men were sexually abused as children as boys talk about this, but in a redemptive way today, right here for cleansing by Expo light a fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I and young ears around this. Just be careful with some of the things that are discussed because one should candidly but in a way that's is appropriate as we can be for everyone. If you have a question if you differ with what I'm saying.

Give me a call 866-348-7884 if you identifies LGBT and believe what I'm saying is false work pertains to your lies. Give me a call 866-34-TRUTH okay George Tuck K of Star Trek fame.

I have not been a tricky, but certainly grew up with over the years saw episodes of Star Trek on TV so he played wasn't Zulu was that him that guy and anyways sorry, never claim to be Star Trek expert.

Anyway, beloved figure a few years ago he came out as gay. Sue Sue.

Thank you Howard someone how to set me straight here so anyway he fears go came out as gay and he's been quite outspoken about it. So if you follow the news. It was the show yesterday and outspoken gay conservative meal Miley Annapolis was nicely forced to resign from Breitbart where he was a senior editor of M&A for stunning circumstances that he lost his book deal with Simon & Schuster. He was disinvited from speaking at the conservative political action committee. See pack because of comments he had made, where he seemed to endorse or support pedophilia. And of course he's written numerous articles against it and devoted some of his journalistic career to exposing it speak against it, but his way of dealing with the fact that he was abused by a priest when he was 13, was to make humor of it. In any case in any case, he he apologized for his comments and how they could be misconstrued and would never want to hurt another child abuse victim, etc. well, now this outrage and everyone outrage about others and not just outrage because what he said their outrage because he is conservative and attacks political correctness.

Right he is is not a moral bastion.

He is not a champion of the conservative movement. He is a practicing homosexual for whom we pray get you have a heart for if you get to know him all your heart goes out to be one pray for him. He's fearless. He takes on the PC culture like nobody else in the reliance on campuses when he goes to speak, of course, is provocative and says things I would never say obvious obvious but they outrage against him is amplified because of his conservative stance. So let's let's listen to what Georgia Tech I had to say could number one. I will agree with the time I was 13 and you, what you counselor and as young as he was.

He was an older teenager. I am counselor on damages and he was about 18 or 19.

Yeah, and he was experienced and we and we each had the cabins and he was the counselor in my cabinet. He could tell that you are a gay man, was it evident no hunting, no doubt wasn't that. Are you sure that when I regret that I was not sure it wasn't after restraint. Fleshly frustration here because of the massive cover-up in gay activism and often with the help of major media wasn't sure he was gay then but when he is with an older boy I experience for what 1819.

He's 13 so after that he understood because more fixed in his identity is this is is on Howard Stern and there they're talking about. This is if it's no big deal. This this this was illegal.

This this was an active child abuse, even if it wasn't for the 30 or 40-year-old man in 18 19/30 oh that's child abuse that's breaking the law. That's pederasty in StorageTek eight Howard Stern are they horrified in renouncing this and okay let's let's listen to what he says molested in essentially the same as I was kind of. I thought he was pretty attractive and he wanted to know why you felt this way. Yikes. Yikes.

Said together with me.

Yikes as an article posted on Jack Jake Tapper at Reagan battalion Jake Tapper, and at regular time responsibility Annapolis and George Tuck a comparison so here Jake Tapper who bashed Milo the column you have to hash Milo twitter Sunday night he called tech's comments horrifying didn't citizen out horrifying. I would incentive his conservative friend asked me to regular time. Just listen to the StorageTek you recorded for the first time after being alerted to it by John Cardillo. This is as bad as mothers comes with a typo there. If you rightly outraged about Milos, she should be equally outraged about these comments by George Tackett, of course. Of course you should be just as outraged over them and and in fact I would say in larger context. If I'm correct about what happened here that Tuck's comments are even more reprehensible in that he welcomes this and and so on. And I don't know that he has a history like model of speaking out against child abuse, speaking out against pedophilia. Apparently Milos outed a few guys who were involved with this all the plot thickens the plot thickens and Donna come back to my points and then on to be redemptive. The plot thickens here Bellmawr who is is is taking credit for Milos downfall saying you're welcome all right Bellmawr there's a tape of his video and he's talking about 35-year-old woman schoolteacher was with a 12-year-old boy she ended up having two babies with the school okay this is this is 1998 I and and and I've got some very strong things to say and I want to be as clear as I can as clear as I can. Bellmawr is on this video commenting on this case they got national attention with the school teacher and the student of hers's point, the school and since 12 is 13 right.

During this time, 14 years old is pregnant twice so is caught pregnant again. It is a set

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