The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. If you want to give me a call, all you've got to do is dial 877-207-2276. The last four digits spell CARM on your phone., the website I just want to say thanks to those who helped Ernie out in the newsletter. He's one of the guys who helps us at CARM quite a bit. He was in need of a new monitor, put it up on a wish list, and you guys came through. Thank you very much.
I really appreciate that. All right, I've got to put some more stuff on the CARM wish list. There's not really much else we need except for the heliports, a couple of helicopters, basic stuff.
Other than that, I can't think of anything. Hey, we have, let's see, three open lines. I just found out we only have four total, so we have three open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. Tonight I'll be teaching a Bible study. I'm going through Romans chapter 11, starting at verse, I believe, 28 through the end of the chapter. So if that sounds like you want to sit in and listen and maybe do some learning, that's fine.
I usually teach some theology and Bible studies and stuff like that. So there you go. Hey, pretty quick, pretty easy. Give me a call, three open lines, 877-207-2276. Alan from Virginia. Alan, welcome. You're on the air.
Hey, Matt. How's it going? It's going, man.
It is going. So what do you got, big guy? So I was listening to some of your, I think it was in April, one of your podcasts, where you talked about justification, salvation and stuff like that. Yes.
And I looked at some of your resources on there. I'm a little bit confused on, I think I got the, I think I understand salvation, but I don't quite understand justification and sanctification. Can you help explain the differences? Sure. Salvation is being saved from the righteous judgment of God. We're being saved from it as it's salvation is along with it is something called justification. Justification is the legal state of righteousness according to the law. So if we were to, for example, let's do this. If I were to go to Romans chapter four.
Okay. I'm going to read Romans for the first few verses. We'll go through a little bit so you can see what it is according to scripture. And this is what it says, what then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather, according to the flesh is found for if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God.
For what does the scripture say? Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. So that's Romans four, three. So Abraham believed God and that faith was credited to Abraham as righteousness. That's what it is to be credited as righteousness.
Okay. Verse four, not to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor, but what is due, but to the one who does not work, but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness. So there's that phrase again, credited as righteousness. And that's by faith in both verses three and five. And so it says, Abraham believed God is credited as righteousness in verse three. And the one who believes in God, who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness. So justification is the crediting of righteousness.
Okay. So when a person is an unbeliever, he is guilty before God according to the law. He's lied, he's stolen, he's coveted, et cetera. And so that punishment of the requirements of the law and the justice of God is due to him. But when a person believes, then the righteousness of God is imputed to him, given to him, reckoned to his account. And we get this from Philippians three, nine. And I'll read that to you, Philippians three, nine, which says, and may be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ. The righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith.
So righteousness... If I interrupt you real quick. Go ahead.
Go ahead. So the reason why believing in God, I guess more specifically, Jesus is not... In addition to him sacrificing himself on the cross, the reason that believing in Jesus to be a requirement, in addition to that, is not faith by works, is because you don't believe by your own choice. He basically puts it in you to believe. Is that correct?
Kind of. You do believe by your own choice, but he's the one who grants that you believe. Both are true. He grants that you believe, Philippians one, twenty-nine, but you do the believing.
You actually do it. And you're enabled to do it by the regenerative work of God. First Peter one, three, he causes us to be born again. John one, thirteen, we're born again, not of our own will.
And so he lives in us. And that's John fourteen, twenty-three. And so with all of this, we actually do the believing, but he grants that we believe.
It's both. And when we believe, we believe in Christ, because that's the work of God. John six, twenty-nine. And therefore what we're doing is trusting in what Jesus did. And that's why justification is by faith alone in Christ alone, because it's just what he did. So that means that, so it's the now not yet of you aren't saved, but you will be, if you haven't believed yet. You will be, if you were chosen to be an elect, but you're not air-quote saved yet.
But when you are saved, because, well, you're saved after you believe in how much is put into you by God, which then justifies you to the father, which then also, which then saves you from damnation so you go to heaven. Is that correct? Right. I'm impressed to use the now and the not yet. So let me add a little bit more for those who don't know. The now and the not yet is a theological perspective that deals with what is now, but also what is not yet. So for example, Jesus, his then, you know, back then it was now for him, which when he's on the cross and 1 Peter 2 24 says he bore our sin in his body and the cross, but for us it was not yet. We weren't yet born.
So that's the now and the not yet. He bore our sins, the future sins, the past sins of people, the present sins of people. So we see this as a true ism. There's other ways of exemplifying this in scripture, but that's a basic one and very easy to understand. So what I believe is that Jesus only legally bore the sin of the elect, his blood is certainly sufficient for everybody, but sin is a legal problem because it's breaking the law of God, 1 John 3, 4, and our sins are imputed. That's a legal phrase.
Credited, it's another legal phrase to him. So he died with our sins legally, the legal aspect. So that would then mean that as it says in Colossians 2 14 that he canceled the certificate of debt, the sin debt. He did it at the cross. That's what it says, having nailed to the cross. So that would mean then that he canceled the sin debt for the elect, the ones who would believe, but not for everybody because a sin debt canceled means it doesn't exist anymore, so you can't go to hell for a sin debt that's been canceled.
So he could not have canceled it for everybody, but only for those who would believe. That was 2,000 years ago. All right, so that means then that you could have a person like an atheist who would believe at, say, 50 years old.
Maybe he was born in 1950 or 1970, whatever. At the age of 50, he then believes. Well, functionally, for that first 50 years, he's under the wrath and the judgment of God. But at the appointed time, God opens his heart and his mind to receive the things of God. That's what was to happen to Lydia in Acts 16 14.
So he grants it that he believes, Philippians 1 29, but he also does that believing. And at that point, he's justified. And then comes the tough part, sanctification. Now, I like justification. I don't like sanctification. I like justification because God did everything. I just sit back, receive it by faith. That's easy. I like that. Sanctification I don't like because I have to examine my heart daily, let my cross fall after Christ daily, becoming more like Christ on a daily basis.
And I'm not real good at it. And I like to just rest in what he's done, not participate in what I have to do. So I prefer justification over sanctification. But theologically, sanctification is ultimately included in justification.
And the reason is is because God sees us through Christ and we're counted as being in Christ. So ultimately, we're completely sanctified in the ultimate sense. But this is another now and the not yet, because now I am struggling in my sanctification to the day I die. And that day that's coming, when I'm resurrected, that's not yet for me. I will be completely sanctified before my Lord.
So in my life, there's a now and the not yet occurring as well. So salvation is being saved from the righteous wrath of God. And that's being saved from him, not from the devil, but from God. And justification is a legal declaration of righteousness, which we receive by faith.
And sanctification is the process we go through in life after we're justified to become more like Christ and more holy. Okay? Okay. Do you mind if I ask you another question? I know we're probably up to a break. In about two minutes, two or three minutes.
What do you got? Okay. So how did justification and salvation work with those that lived before Jesus was birthed from Mary? They were justified by faith. And notice what it says in Romans 4-3, Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. So what Abraham was doing was trusting in the true and living God. And that alone was sufficient to justify him. So that he's looking forward. We look backwards to the cross.
Okay. So where does the animal sacrifice is coming into play here? Is that just symbolism of Messiah's coming and sacrifice or does it, or does that actually, did that actually ever forgive sin? No, the blood of animals cannot actually forgive sin. Otherwise then we wouldn't need Jesus. Hebrews 8, 9, 10 for that.
I think it's 10. And so the thing is that the animal sacrifices were a type, a representation of the true sacrifice of Christ. So that's why there was so much blood in the Old Testament.
Because it's the blood of God that it's pointing to. And that's showing that it's not our ability, but God's. And he's the one who saves us.
And this is for everybody out there listening. Don't take so much credit for your unbelieving. God in his mercy granted that you believe. Romans 1, 29. And the work of God is that you believe on Jesus.
John 6, 29. So be grateful that you have faith. But also know you're responsible for your own faith. But it is God who laid that foundation by which and through which you can then believe.
So thank him for the faith that he's allowed you to have in him. Okay, buddy? All right.
Thank you, Matt. Does that help? Yep. All right. There you go, man. Have a good day. You too. God bless.
You too. All right. Hey, we have three open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276.
We are about at a break. But let's get to Ron and we'll go till the music starts. Ron, you're on the air.
Yes, sir. Man, I was listening to a guy on Facebook. He had a thing advertised.
It's called Face to Face. And I thought he was talking about prayer. So I started listening to him. There's the music. I'm sorry. Sorry about that.
There's the music. I know what you're going to talk about. And I'm interested in this because this is a good topic. So hold on, buddy. And we'll get right back with you. Okay, sir. Hey, folks.
We have four open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. Give me a call.
We'll be right back. Thank you. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right. Welcome back, everybody. If you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276. Hey Ron, welcome.
You're back on. Yes, sir. Okay. Let's go. While I was on Facebook and this guy was advertising, I followed about prayers to my face to face.
Well, I'd listen to it. You still there? Yes.
Okay. While I was listening to him and we got into it, the first guy do the introduction claiming went to the course and then they say how he had a vision. We saw lightning and all of a sudden he saw the face of Jesus.
And then the guy teaching the course that he was praying one night, Jesus walked into the room. Is that wrong? Is that unscriptable? Well, yes and no. Okay. So in Acts chapter two, it talks about, um, that the young men will have dreams. They'll dream dreams and see visions. This is, uh, acts two 17 I'll pour out the spirit and the last days pour forth my spirit on all mankind and your sons and your daughters shall prophesied young men shall see visions.
Your old men shall dream dreams. So I happen to know that, um, in the middle East that Jesus is appearing in dreams and visions to Muslims all over the place and that there's conversions. It's happening. Okay. And if you hear it just once or twice, you know, whatever, but it's, it's, the stories are continuing to come out and there are just mass. There was a lot of conversions by the thousands. Al Jazeera has even stated it.
Okay. So can people see Jesus today? The first thing I do is I look for scripture. Does the Bible say we can't see Jesus now? And the Bible doesn't say that. Does it say we can see Jesus now?
It doesn't say that either. So what I look for is, uh, is the idea, well, Jesus can certainly appear because he manifested to Paul the apostle. And so, okay, he did that and we know that he's going to return.
All right. So can he appear to people? I don't see any biblical reason to say that he can't. When I got saved, I had a very, very, very incredible encounter with the Holy Spirit and it was not just, Ooh, I feel guilty.
It was reduced to sobbing massive of just agonizing tears in the presence of incredible deep holiness. And then I'll just tell people, Jesus was next to me. I didn't see him or touch him. I just knew he was there. And so I believe he was, and then he, he stepped into me and I'm saved and I believe he did this because of what I'll be doing for a living. But that's another story.
So I don't see a problem with that. Now when someone says, well, you know, last night I was just praying and Jesus walked into the room at a vision, you know, and we talked. I'm like, get away from me. You know, Jesus walks into the room. You just have a conversation. Jesus, if he walks into a room, you're on your face. The holiness of Christ is before you.
And so that's what I look for. I don't look for, Hey, you know, I was like somebody stupid, a positive confession teachers. You know, I was talking to God last night. You know what he told me? Well, he told me to tell you guys all something today. So here I am. I'm gonna tell you what he told me to tell you. I'm like, are you kidding me?
You know, so it's this kind of idiocy that, uh, you know, we have to be careful of. So biblically can Jesus appear? I don't see why not. Does he appear? I don't know.
But if someone says he does, well then let's hear, let's hear. What was it like for you? Was it a casual conversation? You sat down and said, Hey dude, how's it going?
Well, I'm not buying it. But if the guy says it took four days before I could eat again, you know, I go, okay, now we're talking. You know what I mean? Yes, sir. Yeah. So I wish I had a better answer for you, but that's where I'm at. Yeah.
Look what more questions you don't get. Look on prayer. I agree. I want to say it again.
Fairly. Can you say it again? Cause I'm looking for a whole, you say, you know, good work on prayer. I can read a good book on prayer. Uh, you know, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Um, come on, come on, hold on a sec. I'm going to open up my, uh, I got it right here and uh, my library and uh, yes, yes, yes.
I do have books on prayer. Come on, you slimeball. Oh, man. Uh, talking to my computer. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Get all the books right there.
Books are right now. Um, so, okay. So I would look, definitely look at, um, George Mueller.
Okay. Answers to prayer by George, uh, the narratives of George Mueller. He, he's my hero. He's my hero.
He died about nine, 1898, but you just got to read it. Answers to prayer from George Mueller. And, uh, there's also, uh, Ian bounds on prayer E letter E letter M bound B O U N D S on prayer. Okay. And so, uh, I would, uh, don't, don't get anything from Charles, caps or Kenneth Hagen.
I don't get enough. No, no that. Okay. I know that Joyce Meyer. Yeah.
Stay with them or, you know, so, uh, and then you can look up what's called the Presbyterian divines. All right. Now this may sound a little bit odd. Okay. I'm gonna do it right now. Let's see. Presbyterian divines on prayer.
All right. And, uh, um, a reason I'm asked, I'm looking is because of, there are books that some of these guys wrote, they're like the 15, 16, 1700s. And I thought I was pretty spiritual until I read some of these guys' works and then I realized, Oh man, I've just barely even scratched the surface. So, uh, that's one. Another thing is look, look up books. See if you can find them from, uh, John Owen, for example, on prayer.
See if he has the thing. And, uh, there's some good stuff in there. Okay. But George Mueller and George Mueller, he's, he's easy to read. And of all the stuff I read on prayer, that's the guy that stuck with me the most George Mueller. Okay. There's a prayer and uh, some great stories, great stories. Okay.
You'll love it. All right. Yes sir. Yes sir. Okay. That help? Yeah.
That's like I said, I just want to get people paralyzed if I'm talking about like I'm going through the motion when I pray, you know? Yeah. I trust me.
I know that one very well. They go through the motions and we just continue to go through the motions because we don't want to trust our feelings. We trust God.
Right. And so we pray, we don't feel like praying. And when it feels like God's a thousand miles away, we pray anyway.
And it's all of it. It's an act of faith because sometimes people pray only when they feel like it. Well, no pray at all times.
Even when it's difficult. That's how you should be. Okay. All right. Thank you.
Well, God bless buddy. All right, man. We'll see you. All right. Let's get to, let's see.
That would be gray, I guess from Greensboro. Okay. Great.
Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, how's it going?
How's it going? I got some pleasure talking to you now. And, um, yeah, same to you, sir.
Same to you. I'm really struggling with something. I just want to get your opinion on this.
Um, I know I've been over the past couple of days. I've, I've heard you talk a lot about how God has kind of free testing people, um, to, to be saved. And it's, it's, it's got me wondering about, um, why people would why we would need people to be missionaries.
And it makes me wonder like about the verses about having blood on people's hands. They're already going to be saved. Okay. We've got to break it. So we're going to deal with that because that's a very good question. All right. So hold on. And folks, we'll be right back after these messages. We have a one open line, 877-207-2276.
Be right back. It's Matt slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt slick.
Everybody. Welcome back to the show. We have one open line. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276.
Gray, are you still there? Yes, sir. All right.
So you want to know if God predestines, why should we evangelize basically? Right? Yes, sir. Okay. Well, there's several reasons. One, he told us to, that's one reason. Two, evangelism. And the power of the gospel is the means by which God has ordained that the Electra brought into the world. The pedestrians are brought into salvation.
Three, your evangelism brings glory to God and also as an instrument by the hand of God and through you by which people are saved and you receive a blessing and reward from God for your faithfulness. Okay. How about that?
Those three good reasons for you right there. Okay. I appreciate that.
Thank you, sir. Now here's the thought. Here's the thought. A lot of people will disagree with the idea of predestination, but you have to agree with it because the Bible says so. And I can talk about that if people call me up and say, teach about predestination in the scriptures, I can do it.
But here's a question to ask. If people say, no, God doesn't predestinate, it's up to their person's free will. This is a common thing that I have a question for those who affirm that. Do you pray and ask God to change their hearts? Because if you believe in just their free will, why would you pray and ask God to change their heart? You're asking God to be sovereign in their life of somebody. And that's reform theology and this biblical theology.
Okay. So even the prayers of what we have influenced God in James 5, 17. And here's another issue. I do not know how it works out that God has ordained what service will come to pass for the foundation of the universe. And yet my prayers could influence God. And so when I pray that God would save somebody, that somehow it makes a difference, but yet God's would have ordained it. So I don't know how all that works. It's above my pay grade, but I know this, the more we preach and teach, apparently the more people are predestined.
So there's some connection there. And so what we are supposed to do is preach and teach and let God worry about all the rest of it. Our job is sales, not production. Okay. Yes, sir. Thank you very much. All right, Greg, God bless buddy.
All right. Hey, if you want to call me to open lines, eight, seven, seven, two zero, seven, two, two, seven, six, Tasha, Tasha, welcome. You're on here.
Thanks, Matt. How are you doing? Oh, hanging in there doing okay.
My God's grace. So what do you got? Um, so I have a couple of questions. Um, I've stumbled upon this guy wasn't even looking, um, just typing in a website for a work, um, thing I was doing. And he came up and I thought, well, I'll just check him out. His name's Rod Carpenter. He's heard of him, Ron or Rod? Um, Ron Carpenter, I don't know, uh, anything about him.
Um, I just looked up while we're talking. Uh, so I'm looking to see maybe Charlie knows cause Charlie actually is a friend of mine. He sometimes studied these guys on the side and he'll, he'll fill me in.
You don't think about him, Charlie? No. Okay. So, uh, he had just made a few statements. I don't have the person in front of me, but I'm sure you will note, um, the verse that says that guy made us a little lower than the angels.
No, not us. If he says that about us, that's a problem. Okay. And that's a real problem. It's from Hebrews two nine.
Okay. Um, and it says, uh, we do not see him as Jesus who was, but we do see him Jesus who was made for a little while, Lord of the angels, namely Jesus. Now, in that sense, we've got to be careful here. Gee, this phrase is applied to Christ made for a little while, Lord of the angels being made under the law. Now there is a sense in which we can then say, yeah, we're made lower than the angels to in the human sense. If he wants to say it that way, then I wouldn't have a problem with it.
But if he's hinting at it, go ahead, go ahead. Sorry. He went on to say that, um, the original meaning of angels in that verse was lost in translation, um, because it was too heavy for the scribes to write it down or something.
Um, and that the original word was Elohim, I guess, instead of angel, uh, is that it meant God made, uh, man a little lower than himself. Yeah. Okay. It's good. Could you, uh, could you find that quotes or where that is in a whatever video one and whatever and send it to me and say, Hey, if it's a video, say, Hey, you know, here's the URL and it's about, you know, three hours, because if he's saying that it's a problem.
Okay. And here is one last thing. He was talking about glory and skipping around, but, and I don't, you know, I'm blah, blah, blah. And that the original meaning of the word glory is weight, but you bear weight in the old Testament. So he said Adam was crowned with God's glory. And when he would speak in the earth, it basically had the same effect of God speaking because originally God wanted us to be governed like heaven. And so that, um, basically he's trying to say that we can speak everything, you know, this day and age and have it come true.
Yeah. It sounds like positive confession crap. And, uh, so he doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to this word, glory and stuff like that. He does.
He doesn't know. So, uh, this is a common thing among the positive confession movement and some NAR groups where they exalt man. We're like, God, think of yourself great. You already like God.
It's a idolatrous. And, um, I am dead serious. If you would, if anybody wants to do this, you find the webpage where he says something or a book where he says something, what page and what quote or the video that he says it. So I need the URL to the video, you know, like 13 minutes and 45 seconds. Start there. He says, blah, blah, blah. That's what I need. I can go check context and I can do it.
He's got a huge following. Um, and then I'll show, I know it's kind of hard to answer questions when you don't really have the contract or, you know, right, right. And you know, I don't know who you are and I'm not, you know, accusing you of anything.
So I always have to check the context because someone could misrepresent somebody else, you know, but when you're saying that doesn't sound good, um, so I am definitely, uh, concerned. And the confession is a little bit of a little bit of their own made up stuff. Yes. Yeah.
A little leavened. Charismatic, like holy. My daughter had recently attended a church that was one of her friends and I was trying to explain to her, you know, what the difference was, I guess between how I believe and they believe. And my opinion is that that put too much emphasis on the Holy ghost.
I didn't really know how to break that down to her. Well, the Holy Spirit bears witness of Jesus. John 14, 26, John 15, 26. We're not supposed to focus on the Holy Spirit. The focus was to be Jesus and first Corinthians one nine.
God is faithful for whom you're called into fellowship with the son Christ. Jesus. Jesus has come to me all the way related.
I'll give you rest. Um, Matthew 11, 28. So here's the thing. When people start focusing on the Holy Spirit more than Jesus, that's a problem. The Holy Spirit certainly is God prayed to the Holy Spirit, et cetera. But the focus is Christ.
And so when they get off their eyes off of Christ, they get off, they move usually towards sensationalism, emotion and things like that. And it goes, I didn't know. That's what I told her today. I'm sorry. You broke up. What?
You broke up. You know that they shouldn't be putting so much emphasis on the Holy ghost, but I'll email you. Thanks Matt. Yes, please do. Please do. Because it's one of the things you want to start doing more of as expositions on individuals.
Not, we're not heresy hunters, but if they're teaching some bad stuff, you want to be able to show the things, the quotes, the whole bit, like I did with Joyce Meyer and expose her heresies because she's a heretic. She is. Okay. All right. You there? Okay.
I guess she's gone. All right. Okay. Now let's get to the next longest waiting person.
James from Lexington, Lexington, North Carolina. Welcome. You're on the air. Okay.
Thank you, Matt. Uh, I have a question is, can we lose our salvation once that we are saved? Well, some people believe you can.
I don't think I believe. Okay. You're breaking up.
You're breaking up. So, uh, you gotta try it again. But anyway, I believe once you're saved, you accept Christ Jesus.
Okay. That you are saved and we can't do this hand and no man can fuck us out. And, uh, uh, free will Baptist is bad for us. They believe that you can slide back and lose everything. I don't, I don't understand.
Am I right? Well, that's because that's because they keep their salvation by their goodness. They keep their salvation.
They maintain their place before the infinitely holy God by their faithfulness and their ability to do what's right before God. That's a heresy. But look, when we get back, I'll, we'll, we'll talk about this some more. See if you can get into a place where the reception's a little bit better because you're breaking up quite a bit and we'll be right back. Okay. After these messages, folks, eight seven seven two zero seven two, two seven six. We'll be right back. It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two, two seven six.
Here's Matt slick. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show to open lines.
Eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six. All right, let's get back on with James. You're still there. Yes, sir. Is that better? That seems to be better.
That's good. All right, so let's try again. So do you want to teach on this or you just want to run something by me or what? Well, I don't, I don't understand why that when people can say that they're saved and I've heard this all my life and I was, I was in the free world Baptist for years and anyway, they claimed that the missionary Baptist believes once in grace, always in grace or no eternal security. And I start one to one of those churches and they do not teach that you can live any way that you want to and be saved.
They do not teach that. You have to live by the word of God. That's why he sent it to us.
Is that correct? Well, yeah, we, once we're saved we're regenerated and we follow Christ. It's one of the fruits of the regeneration to follow him. It's the work of the spirit in us, you know, Galatians 5 22 fruit, not fruits.
It's singular there. So yeah, we're not supposed to live sinfully. You know, that's not what we're doing.
And if a Christian decides to do that because he or she believes you can't lose your salvation, God will discipline you. He will. Yes. Yes.
He'll test on us. I believe there's a lot of questions I could ask you. I'll ask you one more. Do we have to ask them to come into our heart? There's nothing in the Bible that says, excuse me, nothing in the Bible says come into our hearts. Nothing says ask Jesus into your hearts. That's just a made up phrase. What we do is we receive Christ and it's kind of the same thing as asking him into your heart. That's a, to me, it's a dangerous gospel message to give. Just ask Jesus into your heart and you'll be okay. Well, what does it mean? Come into my heart?
No. You see, Jesus has God in flesh who died on the cross and bore our sin and his body in the cross and he's the propitiatory sacrifice. So what I would say to somebody if I was preaching this and wanted someone, I don't believe it. I don't have any problem with altar calls. Come forward, receive Christ, raise your hand, receive Christ, get in your knees, receive Christ.
I don't care. But I would say, if you want Jesus as your savior, you've got to understand that you're guilty before God, et cetera. That's the law that he is God in flesh died on the cross, rose from the dead and that it's a sin sacrifice. So he did, he, he bore our sin and he died on the cross with it and he's a trust in what he did. And third, uh, remember, uh, to count the cost, you better know what you're getting into because if you can become a Christian, you can have a live like one. And so those are the things. And that's what I say to people.
I don't say, just ask him into your heart. I just, I never say that because it's just, it's, it's kind of lame, but this doesn't mean that people can't be saved that way. And I'm not just saying if you, if that's how it was approved to you, shown to you, to me, doesn't mean you're saved because God can use that anyway, but it's not the biblical, uh, admonition to do it that way. Okay.
Okay. And they say that you have to, uh, to ask Christ to forgive you of your sins. I believe the Bible says you have to ask him either just so you know that the same, you must ask Jesus to forgive you in order to be saved. It doesn't say that we receive Christ with the understand what he has done and we receive his sacrifice and we trusted his sacrifice by faith.
That's what we're supposed to be doing. What I'm saying is when we hear the word and accept it, do we have to ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins when he had already died the sins of the world? Well, uh, it doesn't say he died for the sins of the world, I don't think, but, but, uh, the thing is we, we, I tell people, ask him to forgive you because he says, ask me anything in my name and I will do it.
John, uh, Luke 16, no, 14, 14. He says this, John 14, 14. So ask him to forgive you of your sins.
He has all authority in heaven and earth, Matthew 28, 18. And so go to Christ. And the reason I urge people to do that is because the cults like Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses, they can't pray straight to Jesus, not officially. And because official doctrines are not to do that. And so, uh, but the true Jesus has prayed to, he's worshiped equally with God. He's called God, the God. So that's a true Christ. So we can do that too as Christians and ask Jesus to forgive us.
So that's good stuff. Okay. Okay. Well, he, he did that when he was crucified. He did what? When he was crucified for our sins. Right. So he's already, we have to hear the word and believe what he says in John three 16.
And it's, you know, it says, for God, so love the world that whosoever believeth in him. Mm hmm. Yeah.
And should not worry for that. So we have to believe. Yes, we do. And we have to, but if we don't believe, then we're most definitely lost. We do have to hear the gospel. That's correct. Uh huh. You hear the gospel and you believe.
That's exactly correct. Yeah. Okay. But, uh, I've just heard all my life and I've been in this for a long time and I just don't understand how people just can't understand. I mean, you can ask, they'll ask you a question and give you a scripture and say, okay, and say, well, what does this mean? And then I'll say, well, what does it say? It says what it says, what it means. So, uh, it's trying to impact me up your life and saying something that they already want. They want me to agree with them because I don't know who you're talking about. Yeah.
I don't know who you're talking about. What the context is. So I can't comment, but we're supposed to receive Christ. John one, 12 we trust and believe in what Christ has done because we are saved by grace of faith. Ephesians two, eight and nine. And it's in one Christ sacrifices. That's the gospel.
First Corinthians 15, one through five. So that's what we do. Okay. All right. Okay. I'm taking my call and uh, and uh, I'm glad to bring on it.
All right. That was James. And now let's get to Nelson from Bakersfield. Hey Nelson, welcome you're on the air.
God bless my rhythm. God bless. So what do you got? Yes. Um, I got a question. Um, I don't know.
I got a little bit of time left. Um, I have a friend, he did time in prison and um, he came and I live in Bakersfield and um, he's been going to a one is church and um, I told him about it. Uh, that, that, that is, you know, what it says basically or it's a false gospel and uh, he knows about it and um, and um, I told him, well, cause I could tell he doesn't want to leave because they help him a lot and he feels very like, what's the word, um, comfortable there because the way they're living on it. So I told them, so help me with this. If I say this right to him, I told him, as long as you know the Trinity, the actual, what the word of God says, uh, that's right.
Because what they believe the one is that's not biblical and he knows it. Is it okay for him to continue there? No. For him?
No. If someone were going there to research it, to work against it, to expose it for the error and allies that it really is, that's one thing. But if he's a firm in the Trinity and the reason he's going there is because they treat him nicely and they help him out, then he's not trusting God. He's trusting the people and he's also participating in a cult.
And so this is not good for him. Now let me ask you, how long has it been since he's been out of prison? About a year.
Okay. So I don't know how long he was on, but usually it takes quite a bit of time for someone who's been incarcerated to get out of that mindset. And I did prison ministry for nine years. Yeah. So prison. Yeah. Well, I've been in prison many, many, many times, you know, preaching, teaching, and things like this that are for years and years.
Okay. Now, so I've learned a lot about what the guys in there, they're regulated, they are regimented. And so they're used to what time you get up, what time do you eat, what time you go to bed, what time you do this, when you can't do that, you got yard time, you got this time, whatever time.
Yeah. So the cults tend to have that kind of a thing in them already. So people who are used to that and, um, uh, what's it called? There's a word for it when they're incarcerated and the prison mentality, they'll fit into that better. And, and even though he might know it's false, it's more comfortable because it's what he's acclimated to. And, uh, that's another psychological reason why he might like it. And so, but plus they're probably really, really helpful. You know, it might help them out, give them money and stuff like that.
And who knows? So it's tough to break free. So he needs to move away from that and needs to go to church. Yeah. I mean, um, I've been, I've been, I've been speaking to him, um, for a few days and, um, and so right now I don't want to, I mean, I told him, told him that he needs to find another church, you know, I said, even once you come and try my church, he says, well, at that time he says, no, because they don't allow them to check out other churches. That's red flag.
I told him about that. The oneness cult doesn't allow him to check out other churches. So he's going to obey the cult. Yeah, exactly.
And so, um, and they're only King James only. That's another problem. And so, um, so I told him about it and so anyways, I told him, look, um, um, so what I'm thinking to myself, I spoke to my pastor and, um, and, uh, I can't force him to come to go to a different church.
You know, I need to, uh, just gently, uh, and I mean, careful, but at the same time, just you don't keep them near me and have Bible studies, personal Bible study with him and expose them to the gospel. Right. He'll come around. If he's truly regenerate, he'll come around. It's going to take a while for him to undo that, uh, that concept and it's an emotional commitment he's got. It's going to take some time. Just be patient with him. Keep praying for him with him and gently guide him, spend time with him.
And he'll gradually come out if he's released regenerate. Okay. Amen. Okay. All right. Well, thank you very much.
And you can also call the other old opportunity. Um, you can also kidnap him and put him in a room with a lot of bright lights. Okay.
And don't give him any sleep and play torturous music like country Western and they'll convert them. That's right. That's right. Then tomorrow, um, I'll call in and I'll talk about, uh, I don't know if you've heard of the party, sort of them.
Hey, they'll sell the board. It doesn't ring a bell. It does not ring a bell. Okay. Um, yeah.
He teaches that a Christian needs to be delivered every three months from, from demonic demons. Okay. That guy can just take that and he can put it in the garbage where it belongs. Someone needs to talk to that guy with a lot of pointing fingers into his face and say, stop it. Stop the heresy.
Okay. I wag my fingers. Stop that heresy.
Stop it. You're causing people to be stumbled by your lies. That is not from the, from God. We're indwelt by God. We're not indwelt by, by demonic forces. Now you've got everybody being fearful for everything you do. Demons are in them. They got to go to you to be delivered. It's just mind control. Oh yeah.
Manipulation with all of this. I know that you have a lot of work, uh, the next few months. So when you get around to it, hopefully you can, you can look up and exposes them.
Send an email, send an email. Uh, because there's a lot of people with the same name. They'll say, Hey, look up so-and-so. We don't know who that is.
So here's his website. Then we know and say, the issue is this. People have to be more specific. We have so much to do.
The specificity really assists us a great deal. Hey, we got to go. Okay. All right. Thank you very much. Oops.
Sorry about that. And, uh, Alberto, we'll talk to you later, buddy. And, uh, Hey folks, we're out of there. Bible study tonight in about two and a half hours. Go just go to a naturally Bible study on CARB and you'll find all the info. Talk to you later, everybody. God bless. Another program powered by the truth network.
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