The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. Friends, I've got some real encouragement for you today.
Are you ready? It's time for The Line of Fire with your host, activist, author, international speaker, and theologian, Dr. Michael Brown, your voice of moral, cultural, and spiritual revolution. Michael Brown is the Director of the Coalition of Conscience and President of Fire School of Ministry. Get into The Line of Fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH.
That's 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Do you remember the account in Acts, the third chapter, where Peter and John are going up to the temple to pray, and there's a man begging by the temple gate. He is lame since birth, and he's begging for alms. That's how he lives. People give him money, and he survives. And he looks at Peter and John, and they look right back at him, and he's expecting to receive money from them. And Peter says, I don't have any silver and gold, but what I have I give you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
Get up and walk. And the man is instantly, miraculously healed. You can't give what you don't have, but you can give what you do have. And God has given me something over the years, imparted something to me, gifted me with something that I can give to you. And I'm going to do that today on The Line of Fire.
Hey friends, thanks for joining us. This is Michael Brown, the number to call. If you want to weigh in on what we're talking about today, or if you just have any other question you want to ask me, talk about something in the Bible or culture, 866-34-Truth, 866-348-7884.
That is the number to call. I want to encourage you in tangible ways today, and I want to talk about something special that God has gifted me with, that I can gift you with. You know, everybody has strengths from the Lord, spiritual gifts from the Lord as we walk with Him. We all have weaknesses, and what we do is we find out how we're really called and how the Lord could best use us to help others, and we give ourselves to that.
I mean, if you are a really gifted teacher, you just love to dig, dig, dig, dig deep in the Word and unpack things and uncover things. You can't wait to share them with other interested believers. You're the wrong person to lead an evangelistic campaign of street preachers, because that's not your strength, and that's not your gifting, and that's not what moves you. Yeah, you should be a witness to the lost, but you're not going to be able to lead that other group and do it with anointing and grace, because it's not your calling. The same way, if you just gotta reach the lost, gotta reach the lost, gotta reach the lost, gotta bring them the gospel, they're dying, they don't know Jesus, and that's who you are. Well, you're not going to be the right person to develop the curriculum for in-depth study of Scriptures in your church Bible school, because you're like, we gotta be reaching the lost. Why are we spending all our time reading the Bible?
We gotta be reaching the lost. So, we each have gifts like that. Some people, I mean, their gift, Paul talks about Romans 12, is showing mercy, and you're just, you are Mr. or Miss Compassion, and you are just kind, and that's your gift. You go up to people who are hurting, you just say, hey, I love you, I'm praying for you, standing with you, and we're going to get through this together, like, thank you, I needed that. Well, you don't put that person in charge of, like, having to discipline wayward people in the church. You know, conversely, if your gift is leading, you don't put that person in a major thing where you just serve, serve, serve, serve, serve. If your gift is serving, you don't just put that person in a leading role, although we all serve, we all give, we all have compassion, but we have special gifts from God, and based on those gifts, we can minister effectively to others.
And many of us function in different ways. You may be a teacher and a preacher. You may be a pastor and have a prophetic side. We have different aspects to who we are, and part of my calling is to teach, to open the Scriptures, you know, writing commentaries on biblical books, digging deep into controversial subjects in Scripture, opening up the languages, doing sound exegesis. That's part of my calling. It's also part of my calling to bring a wake-up call to the church, you know, to preach the message of repentance, to stir sparks of revival. But something struck me, oh, about 15 years ago, we were having a faculty-staff fellowship at Fire School of Ministry.
If you want to take classes, it's exclusively online now,,, worth checking out, trust me. Fabulous faculty, fabulous classes, now entirely online. So, we were having a meeting, and we had one really creative gal on our staff, and she said, okay, I want all of you to take these little blocks, like the Lego blocks, you know, that just stick together, whatever, right? And she gave one to each of us, and the thing was, okay, we're all building something together, right? And she said, I want each of you to pray and think about, in one word, what you bring to Fire School of Ministry, the unique thing that you bring. So, I'm the director, founder, director of the school, got amazing faculty, leadership team, staff, incredible people.
So, I'm thinking, okay, what's, I said, obviously, vision, vision, you know, because I'm the visionary leader, and I thought, no, no, there are others with vision, too. There's something unique that I bring, and we had been through many financial challenges with the school that we had birthed, and our mission's vision, and really low tuition, and we had been through many financial challenges. So, we had many, many seasons where we had no money, and everyone said, staff's like, hey, we're in this together, we're going to believe God together. Or some worked weekends, so that they could, or we could go out and preach and minister, and that would supply needs for ministry, and then we didn't have to get paid by the school, and the staff sacrificed in amazing ways. I mean, they've got great treasure in heaven, and all the people I helped us train and equip out in the field, praise God for that, wonderful, good news. I thought, okay, we have to go through a lot of adversity, and then the calling to tackle the difficult things. I thought, if I had to boil down, the thing that I bring most to organization, it was courage. It was the word courage.
I thought, that's it. That because, you know, you get hit. There's an onslaught. God's not with us. Things are failing. We're not going to be able to make it. Can't pay our bills.
Not going to have new students. This endeavor, this outreach is going to fail. There's too much opposition, demonic pressure. If you've ever been through hellish times, it gets intense.
I mean, the best of us, you want to cave in. You know, Elijah the prophet, after the great calling down a fire at Mount Carmel, 1 Kings 18, what happens? He runs from Jezebel. He's had it. He's fearful. It's that prophetic fallout after a great event and great victory that sometimes you're just vulnerable, and boom. And I knew that's the key thing that I bring is courage. And with that, a spirit of faith. And if you've listened to me over the years, you know as much as we warn about what's happening in the culture and what's happening in the world and the backs of the state of so much of the church, we tell it like it is.
We do not tickle ears here. That's why you're listening. At the same time, you're not going to walk away hopeless. You're not going to walk away in despair. You're not going to walk away and say, let's throw in the towel.
You're going to walk away with a deeper courage and a deeper resolve. And as friends of mine on a regular basis risk their lives for the gospel, and as I've had the privilege of literally risking my life for the gospel, I can speak to you with some level of authority and say, God is with us. And if God is with us, it doesn't matter if the whole world is against us. If God is with us, it doesn't matter if every social media channel blocks us. It doesn't matter if the media blacklists us. It doesn't matter if the political parties ignore us.
It doesn't matter what guns or knives or bombs the opposition has. If God is with us, that's all we need to know. And no matter what we go through, what trial, what test, what opposition, what hardship, what difficulty, no matter what we go through, if we know and are sure that God is with us, that we His children are here to make Him known and He is with us, that's all we need to know. And I want to speak to you with what God has given to me and give it to you and say be strong and of good courage.
Be strong and of good courage. I've often wondered why God told that to Joshua over and over in Joshua 1 after Moses died, and it could be that Joshua now, he's an older man, he's got to be at least 60, at the very least at least 60, but most likely substantially older than that. He's been with Moses the whole time. Everything that's happened, Moses has been the man. He was ready, we can take the land, we can do it, right, read it Numbers 13, 14, we can do it, he and Caleb. But now it's, watch the whole generation die in the wilderness, everybody his age, everybody except him and Caleb, they're all dead in the wilderness.
And now Moses is dead, and now he's got to do it. Maybe in himself he was weak. Maybe in himself he had doubts and questions. One of the great lessons God's taught me is to see my weaknesses as an opportunity for his strength. Rather than thinking, I can do it, I can do it, Mike Brown's strong, no, no, it's like I am so weak in myself and so helpless in myself, so God's strength can be manifest through me, so I'm going to ride his wave. I'm going to be strong in his power, isn't that what Ephesians 6 says? Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. So I want to speak to every pastor, every leader, every parent, every single person, every student, every person in the business world, everyone out on the streets preaching, whoever you are, an American around the world, I want to speak to you and say be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. You've been raised up for this hour.
God put you here in this world, in this hour, it's not an accident, it's not a coincidence, it's the plan of God, it is your time of destiny to do the will of God and make a difference. And as surely as I'm speaking to you, we will see a holy pushback in our society. I've been saying this for over 20 years, I don't know how far it will go, I don't know how extensive the pushback will be, but I guarantee you as surely as I'm sitting here from everything I sense and understand and what I can see in the culture around us, that the pushback is rising, that people are saying enough is enough. I'm not talking about a violent pushback, I'm not talking about taking up arms, weapons, no, I'm talking about people saying enough is enough to the destruction of the culture. Enough is enough to what's happening in the world around us and radical ideologies and radical activist mindsets, that people are saying enough is enough. Those who were reluctant to stand, we've been urging them to stand for years and years, they've been reluctant.
You get your hands dirty, it's messy, people attack you, they don't like you, just rather love people, be nice, not have to get involved in the culture wars and all this. Well, it's come to us, it's come to us to the point that you can't ignore it. You can't ignore it in your home, in your kid's school, in your church setting, you can't ignore it. But it's not time for hatred or anger, it's time for righteous resistance, meaning we're going to do what's right regardless of cost or consequence. We're going to love our neighbor, we're going to bless those who curse us, we're not going to hate our enemy, we're going to overcome evil with good, but we're going to stand for what is right. Let your backbone be strengthened today, let this be you, hearts of compassion, backbones of steel.
Let me say it again, hearts of compassion, backbones of steel. The holy uprising is continuing. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown, your voice of moral, cultural and spiritual revolution.
Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. At the bottom of the hour, I am going to be joined by a street preacher from Tennessee who got a burden to make a difference in the state where he lives, not just preaching the gospel, but working legislatively. So we're going to talk about that. But first, let me go over to an article that I posted yesterday with examples of how the cultural tide is turning. I'm not just speaking words of faith and encouragement into thin air or out of thin air, but rather based on heart conviction plus what I'm seeing in the world around us.
So the article is on our website or and other websites. The cultural tide is turning. And I say this, in the midst of our dangerous, steady descent into cultural madness, there are signs of encouragement as well. The morally based, rationally grounded resistance is rising. More and more people are saying enough is enough. Even the liberal media is giving voice to this descent.
But this is what many of us have been expecting for years. If you have my book Outlasting the Gay Revolution, it's on that very theme. Here's what's happening in society. Here's how we outlast it and see change. Knowing that the cultural radicals would overplay their hand. A pushback has been inevitable as witnessed by these recent examples. It's the breaking point. It's when people say enough is enough.
So how about this? First, consider this op-ed published May 24th in where? USA Today.
So secular publication, certainly left leaning as opposed to right leaning, but secular in any case. It's by Chelsea Mitchell titled I Was the Fastest Girl in Connecticut, but Transgender Athletes made it an unfair fight. She explains that despite being ranked the fastest 55-meter female runner in her state, time after time she has been losing big races.
So think of that. You're the fastest in your state. You've got scholarships ahead. You plan on going to college with athletic scholarships. Maybe you want to go to the Olympics one day.
Who knows? You've been working at it, right? And then you start losing races consistently. Why? She's been racing against biological males. So here's what she says. She says, I've lost four women's state championship titles, two All New England awards, and numerous other spots on the podium to transgender runners. I was bumped to third place in the 55-meter dash in 2019 behind two transgender runners. With every loss, it gets harder and harder to try again.
I mean, it's disheartening. She's doing everything she can as a biological female to do the best she can. And biological males, many of them are not even near the top with the other guys. They're like mediocre towards the bottom, but they can beat the ladies because of biology. This is outrageous as it is unfair and soon enough it'll reach the breaking point as the world's best female athletes lose to mediocre male athletes who identify as female. Will the next Olympic Games, if they're held soon despite the COVID outbreak in Japan, mark that breaking point?
Either way, it's coming. So that's my first example. My first example is to say states now, whole states are passing laws saying biological males cannot compete with biological females. It's a matter of fairness.
It's that simple. If this guy is convinced he's a girl and wants to identify as a girl, that's his choice to make, but he cannot impose that on the other ladies. It does not give him the right to now participate with females in sports. It is simply not fair. And for USA Today to run that editorial, obviously the voices are rising. Okay, example number two, 60 Minutes.
This is just within the last few days. There are now so many young adults regretting their decision to become transgender that the last episode of 60 Minutes devoted time to the subject of detransitioning. In response to this powerful segment, one which goes against the normal trans celebratory mood of the liberal media, Keira Bell tweeted, I stand behind you all. I could see how difficult that was for all of you to speak on. Honest, raw, and powerful.
I can only hope that viewers will pay attention and read between the lines, stop the lies. So Keira Bell's own story, I shared some of it on the air a week or two ago. I had to stop because I was going to break down crying.
The pain of what she went through transitioning to male, recognizing the mistakes she made, transitioning back to female, but with negative lifelong effects on her as a woman. So naturally, trans activists and their allies are upset with 60 Minutes for airing these stories. You can be sure of this. If there were not a lot of young people regretting the tragic, life-altering decisions they made, 60 Minutes would not have offered such a sympathetic treatment.
You can be sure of that, friends. The cultural tide is returning. Things are happening. And then I mentioned this. In February of this year, Newsweek printed the gut-wrenching story of Scott Nugent, herself a female to male, transgender.
So a female who goes by the name Scott now. The op-ed was titled We Need Balance When It Comes to Gender Disforer Kids, I Would Know. Nugent ended the article with this powerful plea.
This is Scott Nugent is not a born-again Christian or fundamentalist or anything. I am currently building a bipartisan army to protect our children, hold the medical industry accountable, and educate our president and the rest of society about the dangers of transgender extremism. We must throw our differences aside for a moment. I promise you, once children are safe, we can resume fighting.
But until children are safe, nothing else matters. So I wrote an article favorably. Nugent reached out to me.
We've interacted numerous times via email, spoke by phone. So we are who we are. Here I am referring to Scott as she, okay, fully understanding that. And Scott Nugent is saying we must expose what's happening to the children. And Newsweek published this. So look at this.
Explain how we've interacted. The diverse coalition is growing. What is tragic, though, is that it took two years for Nugent to find a major secular publication willing to carry her well-documented article. What is positive is that Newsweek did decide to publish it.
These stories must be told and will be told. As a result, the pushback will only intensify. And then next, a retired professor has been removed from an American Psychological Association email discussion group after challenging the idea that there are more than two biological sexes. And he said, well, why is that positive?
Because the thing is just going to continue to get overplayed and the pushback is going to come. As reported by College Fix, John Stadden, an emeritus professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University, was taken off the Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology Division 6 listserv overseen by the APA, American Psychological Association. This group is devoted to, quote, studying the biology of behavior. Their focus is on behavior and its relation to perception, learning, memory, cognition, motivation, and emotion. As Stadden explained, this incident just illustrates the current inability of some scientific communities to tolerate dissent about issues related to sex and race. Psychology and sociology seem to be especially flawed in this respect. And according to Stadden, what likely got him taken off this list was this post, hmm, binary view of sex false, meaning male, female sex.
What is the evidence? Is there a Z chromosome? What? Only two biological sexes? For saying this, he got banned.
All right? So, again, it's a negative example. But the positive to me is when people are getting this extreme and banning you from an email list for saying that there are only two sexes, you know this can only go so far before it has to bounce back. Ben Shapiro has often reminded us that facts don't care about your feelings. Ryan Anderson and others have reminded us that biology is not bigotry. Reality cannot be denied for long.
So, look, here's what happened. Americans want to be fair-minded. It bothers us when discrimination is pointed out to us. We're ashamed of our past treatment of African Americans. We're ashamed of our past treatment of Native Americans.
We're ashamed when people expose things that are ugly in our past or in our present. We don't want to be bigoted. We don't want to be racist. We don't want to be discriminatory.
The vast majority of Americans, that's our heart, right? You do have racists on all sides and bigots and things, but my heart, I care about every individual. If I could help a gay neighbor and they were struggling in a certain area, you know, maybe needed to be driven to the hospital, you know, had it gotten a car accident and didn't have anyone to care for them and got a car accident and they need therapy to learn to walk again. And I had the opportunity to drive that person to the hospital.
Time and opportunity to do it. I was a neighbor. Well, what a privilege to help someone in need, right? I'm not going to say, well, I'm going to help you because you're gay.
I'm going to help. No. What true follower of Jesus would think like that? Help whoever you can help, love whoever you can love, be a blessing in people's lives if you can. At the same time, no, I'm not going to redefine marriage based on that. At the same time, let's say it was a transgender neighbor that got in a car accident and needed someone to take them to the hospital.
Great opportunity for me to show you the love of God. But I'm not now going to affirm the rightness of a male identifying as a female or vice versa. So what happened with many Americans is I believe people wanted to do right. They wanted to be helpful. They have gay friends, neighbors, family members. They thought, well, yeah, I mean, they should be able to marry the one they love and I don't want to be bigoted.
I don't want to be towards them the way, you know, we were to blacks with segregation or others and, you know, she had that that positive attitude of wanting to do right. And he's like, well, I didn't sign up for this. I didn't realize that redefining marriage would now be a direct attack on our religious freedoms. I didn't realize it was not going to come to a 15 year old boy sharing the locker room with my 15 year old daughter.
I didn't sign up for that. And that's what's happening. And that's why we were warning from day one, the consequences, the results of activists on the other side. So let me proclaim again Jesus died for everyone the same. Gay, straight, black, white, Jew, Gentile, whoever, he died for everyone the same, shed the same blood for all of us, offers all of us salvation and new life through the gospel, through the cross. At the same time, as followers of Jesus, we stand up for what is right and best in our society.
So make a difference where you live. In your school, in your place of business, in your church setting, stand up, be strong. If they cut us, we should lead love.
That's who we should be, full of love to the core and also full of courage and full of conviction. We'll be right back. It's The Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get into The Line of Fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks friends for joining us on The Line of Fire. This is Michael Brown, delighted to be with you.
866-34-TRUTH is the number to call. You know, many things in our life in the Lord come down to emphasis. They come down to how much we do a particular thing, how passionately we do a particular thing, how much of our time, energies it takes. And what happened with much of the church in the last four or five years is we got overly politicized. We put so much focus on who was in the White House and getting certain people in the courts and getting certain bills passed that that became the priority rather than seeking God in prayer, personal repentance, sharing the gospel with the lost, making a difference where we live in our communities, that we made something that was secondary primary and that meant that we forgot about the primary. But on the flip side, for many years, the church would all but abandon the political process and put all of its emphasis on saying we have to win the lost, make disciples, which is obviously the priority, but then forgot to say let's make sure this fleshes out into our communities in every area of life.
So I'm joined now by Rich Pankoski. He leads Warriors for Christ Ministries. He's a street preacher with a small army of street preachers that relate and go out preaching the gospel around America on the streets.
And we understand and agree, Rich and I and others, that the greatest priority is ultimately winning the lost. I mean, we love God with all of our heart, love our neighbors ourself, and that means sharing the gospel with those who don't know the Lord. But that's not the only thing we're called to do. We're called to make disciples.
And then as disciples, how do we ourselves live? So something's just taking place in the state of Tennessee. There's a strong Christian governor there.
Met him at a church service a year or something ago and met his pastor that's known for many, many years. So you've got someone that's willing to sign a bill that can be a righteous bill, which is very positive. But Rich, thanks for joining us today. Great to have you on the line of fire.
Appreciate you taking the time to come on. Hey, Dr. Brown, how are you? Doing well. All right, so first, before we talk about political activism and the bill that you were involved with in Tennessee, talk about your burden as a street preacher, because you are not primarily politically oriented. You're primarily out there preaching repentance on the streets, correct?
Correct. And we've traveled the country, and what really got us going was these drag queen story events and the things that we've seen that happened there, the sexualizing of children. This has been the burden that's been on me personally, is seeing this stuff happening, and the church just not pushing back.
And, you know, we just decided and we prayed about it, and the Lord put on my heart, go out and do it, because somebody's got to protect these kids. All right, so it was, just like for me, getting the burden about LGBT activism happened through confrontation of seeing what was happening in society around us. So this is not like the kind of thing that you think, hey, let's start this organization or ministry or dealing with this.
You were confronted with it. What are some of the things, when you talk about sexualizing of children and drag queen story events where these drag queens are reading to toddlers in city libraries, what are some of the things that you encountered? It's not just reading. Reading is actually, it seems to be just the catalyst that brings them in, but we have actually taken video and pictures of the LGBT groups that go there dressing up little boys into what look like hookers, fishnet stockings, those little, what do they call them, Daisy Duke shorts, little crop tops. We see this all over the place. We hear the language of what drag queens are saying to children, the disgusting language, the using, how do I say, using foul words to describe anatomy, talking about sexual things, having little children give dollar bills and shoving them down the pants of men dressed in women's underwear. And we've seen, we've shown video, we shot video, we've taken screenshots and we've, we've actually sent those videos and screenshots to our state legislators and to state legislators across the country where these events are taking place. Yeah.
And there's, there's video, you know, here, drag queens, here's how we shake our hips and do this. And I mean, it's, it's utter madness. You think it's another world and the parents are there bringing their kids and it's this great event. And then some of these involved have been exposed now as sexual predators, correct? That is correct. And we've actually been involved in that, particularly in Houston, Texas. There were two of them down there.
And then what most recently there was one that was just happened in Ohio, Middleton, Ohio, which you'll hear about later on today, where a LGBT supporter put on a prosthetic male appendage and started making sexual emotions in front of children and had a teenager simulate, got it with her hand. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, obviously difficult to have this conversation in a way that's not X-rated, but just think of that. We can't talk about it on public radio because it's too obscene because it's, it's too, the lesson we want to talk about, but this is, this is what kids are being exposed to. Okay.
So you get burdened by this. Obviously you're going to preach all the more, ramp up the repentance preaching, call people to new life in Jesus, but what else did you feel led to do living in Tennessee? Well, living in Tennessee, you know, I, living here, you know, we have, it's a great state for Christians because, you know, we have a police department that will actually let us pray for them on the streets.
We have a police department that as long as, again, when we're preaching, we're not violent, they pretty much leave us alone and thank us for what we do. But we also want to step further and said, you know what, we have a super Republican majority here in Tennessee, most of whom profess to be Christians. We need to go talk to them.
And that's exactly what we've done. We go up to the Capitol building, we meet with them individually, we meet with them privately. I have discussions with the governor and the governor's office. Matter of fact, we just had that street preacher conference and one of our senators actually came and spoke to it at it. You know, we've got, we've gone up to the Capitol building because most of them realize that those buildings are public buildings. We have a right to be in there and to speak.
So we've actually went in the cafeteria and stood there and reviewed Planned Parenthood in the cafeteria. And it makes an impact. And friends, remember that Rich is not doing this as, say, a megachurch pastor who maybe has had all kinds of outreach works, you know, for decades in the community.
And in other words, it's not that you have to earn your way up a certain rung or have a certain number of people. These are citizens who care. These are gospel preachers who say, hey, we're supposed to make a difference here. So you're not you're not going in threatening these people. You're not, this was not an insurrection.
You didn't go in there with guns and knives. You're going in there and saying, hey, look at what's happening in our community. Can we talk about this? So what kind of reactions did you get?
Mostly positive. When we sit down with them and we show them the photos and we show them the videos. And again, these are not clips. We give them the entire video so that nobody can claim that they've been edited, you know, so they added context. We will sit down with them. We will email them. And we have found that most of our lawmakers here in Tennessee will actually look at the videos when they see the screenshots, when they see the screenshots of the actual message that we receive from these LGBT groups here in Tennessee, the vitriol, the hate, the again, especially the children.
They actually, they can't believe this is taking place. And they want to do something about it. So we actually helped and we will be helped write a couple of bills. And I've gone up and I've testified in House Judiciary Committee as well as Senate Judiciary Committee against what the other is trying to push for here.
All right. So what's been the outcome? Well, the outcome here is, praise God for this, is that we have a governor who signed the first bill was the adoption bill, which said that the adoption chief cannot be forced to adopt children out to LGBT couples if they don't want to. We then had that bill that says that boys cannot play sports on the girls' teams.
He signed that and that passed and he signed it. He signed a bill that says that LGBT lessons cannot be taught in public schools here. And if they do teach it, they have to inform the parents within 30 days, given 30 days notice and give an opt out for their children. And if they opt them out, the schools cannot give busy work for those children just because they opt out of that. So basically what we've done here is, and it's something I've preached, you might remember Dr. Brown when they gave that flyer to my seven year old promoting condoms, that there can be no sexualizing of children in the schools in Tennessee.
And that is a result of only three or four of us going up to the going up to our state capitals, taking the time to sit down with our legislators and showing them evidence and helping them draft legislation. And the interest in being a Dr. Brown is that our governor's sister is a lesbian. Hmm. Right. So it's not about, isn't that something, it's not about hating people. It's simply it's, and look, if some guy for whatever reason wants to dress up at a drag queen and go to a drag queen bar, you're not trying to tackle him as he goes into the bar. Uh, if whatever he wants to do, he does, that's, it's his life, it's his right.
You know, if someone gets drunk, if someone gets high, if someone's sleeping with their girlfriend, that's as long as not breaking the law. But when you are going to impose this on children, were you going to have an agenda in schools imposed on children or just sexualizing children that you're not sending your kid to first grade or, or the fifth grade for these purposes. So that's all you're saying that don't sexualize the children and don't push this perverse agenda on little ones.
It's that simple. If I, you know, here's what we say when they always say, Oh, you're pushing a religion as I said, no, actually, uh, it's, you know, you were not parading in the streets, especially in front of children. I wouldn't be here. It's not like I'm going knocking on people's doors and say, Hey, cut that out. I'm doing, I only, we only go on preach public events. Things that happen publicly.
Not, we don't go to private hall again. You just said it best. A grown adult has the right to do whatever they want as long as it's legal.
If they were, if they choose to go and sin, that's on them. But children haven't made that choice on their own yet. And that's when we have to protect. Right.
That's what it comes down to. You know, rich, there is a friend of mine who's been a frontline activist even before me in terms of the culture wars and gay lesbian issues. And he, it's really tough. I've been with him. He's got almost no income for it.
He's hated, he's maligned, he's been given a per, a perverse nickname. You know, and I said to him one day, why don't you stop? I mean, I wanted to hear his response. He said, I'll stop when they stop. It was, I didn't start this. I've told people, look, the water's coming in the boat.
We, we, we gotta pump the water out of the boat. We didn't, we didn't start this in this regard. So you're talking about public events and you're talking about sexualizing of children, things in our schools. And for the most part, things are worse in most of our schools than most parents realize. And either the kids, either the kids aren't communicating about it or they don't have the capacity to share it or it's just so normal in the world where they are. You know, I was just reading something and we got a break.
We'll come back on the other side of the break, but just reading something about an elite school in New York or somewhere. And they were getting into all this pornographic stuff with the students and on and on. And the students are saying, well, we all know about porn. Everybody knows about porn, but why this stuff? I'm thinking that's just the norm. Everybody knows about, in other words, it is so pervasive in this world, so much perversion. Now you bring it in in a formalized way in the schools.
Something happened with Richard's daughter. We talked about that some months back. We'll be right back. Be encouraged. It's The Line of Fire with your host, activist, author, international speaker and theologian, Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice of moral, cultural and spiritual revolution. Get into The Line of Fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH.
Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I'm speaking with a street preacher, Warriors for Christ, Rich Bencosky, about some landmark bills passed in Tennessee. These are not hate bills. These are bills to protect children. It's all that they're about, fairness to children, bills against sexualizing of children and bills that were prompted by public displays that we should all label as perverse.
If you can't label what drag queens are doing for the little children perverse, then I say there's something wrong with your morals and your ethics, period. That's simple. And, Rich, you wanted to mention something that happened in Ohio. And they have to want to go back to what happened with your teenage daughter in school.
But tell us about Ohio. So in Ohio, what they're redoing now is called Drag Me to Brunch. And what they're doing is private business who are sympathetic to the LGBT are having brunches now where they're bringing these children in.
And in Ohio, specifically, one of our street preaching brethren, they were up there and he got it on video. And a young woman came out, maybe 30 years old, and she had put on a fake male appendage. And she started making sexual emotions in front of children. She even had a teenage girl grab it and pretend or simulate with her hand.
And this is children. She went to our street preaching brother, and she had actually tried to get to his 13-year-old daughter. And he said, don't talk to my daughter, she's a kid. And she said, oh, I'm going to get to your daughter. And she started using her hips and making sexual-most gestures in front of his child. So what did he do? There is an investigation by, well, he called the police. The police came over, and of course, the officer on scene, he thought it was a big joke. However, there is an investigation we're in right now, and it looks like there's going to be an arrest because Ohio has a law about doing things that appeal to the period and interest of a child.
Really? Which is one law that we helped pass, by the way, as well. If you remember a couple of years ago, there was a person who brought a kid into a bar and dressed him in drag and started dancing around in dollar bills, you know, down his pants. And we had actually shared it.
We had gotten a video, and we shared it. And two Republican lawmakers, they were so disgusted with what they saw, they actually passed a bill about sexualizing children in bars and whatnot. And again, not doing things that appeal to the period and interest of a child or stimulating sex acts in front of a child. Yeah, I mean, this again is morality, ethics, parenting 101, something that every one of us should agree on. What happened some months back before COVID shut down and things with your daughter wearing a t-shirt to school? I can give the facts, but I can't talk too much because there is an ongoing federal lawsuit with that.
So I could talk about what's already been reported. And my daughter, Brielle, she was in a classroom and her teacher was openly homosexual and he had a pride symbol displayed on his wall. And she had wanted to put a Christian flag or something next to it, you know, after all, equal treatment, right?
They said no. So she asked me if she can wear this t-shirt that says homosexuality is a sin with the verse, 1 Corinthians chapter 6, verse 9 and 10 underneath it. And I asked her, I said, are you sure you want to do that?
Are you aware of the possible repercussions? She said, yes, it just doesn't seem fair that kids can walk around with their rainbow shirts and their pride shirts and you know, it's not fair. So she, she wore the shirt and was asked to leave school. And they said that the word and you'll love this, Dr. Brown, homosexuality was sexually connotative. And matter of fact, you're the one who pointed out that homosexuals always say it's not about sex, but that's exactly what it appears to be in this case. Right. So they said, in other words, no, it's the shirt would have been fine, but because it used the word sex, we can't have that in the school, right?
With a 16 year old in the school. So anyway, you know, we talked and she, she was clearheaded about it, about what the consequences could be. And hey, look, this, these are biblical beliefs. But again, it wasn't provoking a fight. It was saying we're bombarded with one message, one message, one message, which is a direct attack on things I believe in, a mockery of what I believe. That's what she's saying. So, you know, where's something that says what I believe in? It could be, hey, either nothing that sends any controversial message of any kind is allowed on any side, you know, from the teacher to the school to, or hey, it's free speech, right?
As long as laws aren't broken. Here's what happened. Well, here's what happened as a result of that. So the kids, I guess there's like two or three kids who identify as LGBT in the school and they tried starting a gay club as a direct result of her filing a federal lawsuit. Well, because of her shirt, her boldness. And again, she just wore a t-shirt. She didn't even say anything. The other kids pushed back and said, no, we don't want this in our school. And it created a big thing and police had to come out because the kids, and again, it was nonviolent, but the kids just said, no, we've had enough of this.
And stood up against it and, you know, pushed back. Right. So it's the agenda, friends. That is the whole issue. You know, Rich is on the streets preaching because he wants to see people come to know Jesus and you get a lot of flack and a lot of hate being out there, but he and folks are going to do it.
Everyone's going to do things differently, you know, and different callings, different expressions, but bottom line is they want to see people saved. You really, this is not what you want to be dealing with. This is not what you're really focusing on. But when you're raising kids, when they're in school, when you see what's happening, there's a righteous indignation that rises up. So Rich, we've been encouraging folks today with the cultural tide turning and the pushback that's at hand. So, so appreciate you coming on and sharing the good news from Tennessee and let's make Jesus known.
Let's stand up for what's right. I appreciate it. Amen.
Amen. Thank you, Dr. Brown. Appreciate you as well and everything you do. You're very welcome. God bless.
Thank you, Lord. So, so listen, let me say something to those who are watching and listening. Maybe right-wing watch you've tuned in. Hey folks, glad that you're watching.
Maybe the YouTube reviewer that's going to watch this video to see if it's suitable for monetization. Maybe one of our regular gay listeners, you differ with me, but for whatever reason you listen. Or maybe your pastor trying to be very sensitive and gentle and not offend those with gay kids or transgender relatives and things. Maybe you just say, hey, Dr. Brown, this is really wrong. We just, just talk about Jesus. Don't talk about any of this stuff.
Please hear me. This is not hate. This is not discrimination. This is not telling adults what they can and can't do in the privacy of their home or what relations they can and can't have.
The law's not being broken. What they do is between them and God, right? You can be an atheist. You can be a Buddhist. You can be a Christian. You can be a Muslim. You can be a drug user. You can be an alcoholic. You can be an abstainer. You can have multiple partners. You can be celibate.
You can, it's a free country as long as you're not breaking the law, right? But don't sexualize our children. You say, well, we're a gay couple and we're, we've adopted three kids and we're raising them and we love our kids as mothers. We love our kids.
And well, if you have the ability to do that, you're able to adopt children and it's, it's legal where you are and you, you do what you do. I, I, I wish the children had a father. I wish they didn't grow up with that example.
But I don't doubt that you're, you're loving or caring or in your worldview, this is good for them and they're not being deprived or whatever. But don't push that on anybody else's children. No, I don't want an environment where when your kids go to school, if you're, you're two lesbians raising your kids together and your kids go to school, I don't want an environment where the kids get ridiculed and mocked and hate it because they have two mommies and the kids are mean to them. No, I want an environment where kids love them and kids care about them and befriend them as kids.
That's the environment I want. But I do not want an environment either where the school is teaching, Hey, you know, there's families with two mommies. No, I, I don't want that environment because that's not why they're in school. They're in school learning to read and write and learn history and math and whatever other basic things there are in basic science and biology, et cetera. They're not there to be sexualized. They're not there to be taught about condoms in elementary school. They're not there to be given vocabulary cards to understand the meaning of gender queer when they're seven years old. That's not why they're in school. So I don't want that imposed on the children. If, if my tax dollars are funding education, then by all means I'm going to push back all the more. I'm going to have all the more resistance to those things and objection to those things.
It's only natural that I do. And when you've got the obscenity, the perversion of these drag queen reading hours, that's exactly what it is. It's despicable than any parent would bring a little child to that. Well, raise my voice against it. I don't hate the people involved. I want them to repent. I want them to know God.
I want to find freedom and wholeness and a life that makes sense. Yeah. So I, I am judging that lifestyle. According to John seven 24, Jesus saying, don't judge by outward appearance or make righteous judgment. I don't know what's in that person's heart. I don't know what motivates them. I don't know why this man feels the need to dress up as, as a woman in this extreme way as a drag queen and so on and put on these sexual displays in front of kids.
I don't know what's motivating them, but it is sinful and is wrong and they need to repent. And I'll speak out about that, but I'm not, I'm not chasing people down and trying to look at how you're, Oh, you're, you're going to go in a strip club. I'm going to stop you from going to the strip club. Oh, you're a stripper. I'm going to stop you from being a stripper.
Oh, you're going to bar and getting drunk on the stuff. No, people are going to live how they live. I'm going to try to stop you from being an atheist. I'm going to stop you from, well, I don't like you going to that church.
No, people live how they live. Don't, don't confuse the issues. We're talking about sexualizing children and we're saying, do what you need to do to take a stand in your community.
Change can come if we get involved. One of my colleagues, very upset. He and his wife, very upset with a video assignment that was given to them by a teacher girl, what, seven years old.
I think she's supposed to watch this video. The parents happened to put it on to see what it was. It was talking about how they felt watching what mood they're in and leading up to the music video was an just bizarre gay themed. It's just like a stupid gay theme, transgender theme. I mean it was stupidly done and the themes were gay transgender and they were shocked. He's seven years old.
So reached out very graciously, made an appointment to meet with the principal and the teacher. Teacher said, I didn't watch the whole video. I had no idea that that was there at the beginning.
I thought it was just a music video. Apologist will never do that again. Sometimes it's just a matter of awareness and involvement, but friends, be strong and have good courage. In Jesus name, the tide has turned. Another program powered by the truth network.
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