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The Drive with Josh Graham - Wake Forest AD John Currie

The Drive with Josh Graham / Josh Graham
The Truth Network Radio
August 28, 2019 6:44 pm

The Drive with Josh Graham - Wake Forest AD John Currie

The Drive with Josh Graham / Josh Graham

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August 28, 2019 6:44 pm

Host Josh Graham with Desmond Johnson, Aaron Gabriel. The Guys get the Triad ready for Wake Forest vs Utah State Friday night in Winston Salem. Wake Forest Athletic Director John Currie stops by to discuss the opening night contest. Top 10 Deacons. New Shaq and Kobe Beef? Tune into The Drive with Josh Graham, Mon-Fri 3-6pm on Sports Hub Triad!

The Adam Gold Show
Adam Gold
The Drive with Josh Graham
Josh Graham
The Drive with Josh Graham
Josh Graham

I drive in the season usually pushing against the idea of when.

While Wake Forest needs to be Utah State in order to have a winning record. Trying to get the fourth consecutive winning season would be a record Friday night is going to indicate just how special this deacon season is if they win the game. I think are going to win eight or nine games. I really feel like this is one of Dave Clawson's most talented teams I go as far to say they are the most talented this team or 2016 a 18 and Clawson's fourth year three consecutive winning seasons. The last three seasons.

You had John Wofford. It was his final year Greg Dortch his first season a lot of very talented players on that roster, but this seems more accustomed to winning that team was remember most of them when they entered Wake Forest. The team had back to back losing seasons six games. The first two years. It's different now. The expectation is to go to bowl games to win even if that's not the case. Case nationally and even to some regionally.

That is the culture at Wake Forest. So if you win against Utah State 111 games last year.

I think it's eight or nine games for the DX were looking at this game already getting close to selling out last year. None of the game sold out. Even Notre Dame and Clemson.

John Curry is good to be a guest on today show. He comes in very aggressive in trying to sell tickets for football and promote this program. It's had a lot of success and deserves that attention there very close if they sell it out. It's good to be a great atmosphere at BB&T Field, but it also further stresses the importance of the game. It's hard to build momentum in this state for college football. There's only two places here in North Carolina that doesn't need the momentum year after year, probably NC State and Appalachian State.

But then again at statesman good for so long that fans expect every single year for the mountaineers to be strong. We haven't seen what it looks like really when it's the last time we saw Appalachian State how to get down here. We don't know what it looks like the really the momentum has never stopped from Jerry Moore so maybe it's not even Appalachian State techies Carlotta furnished an example they used to pack 45, 50,000 for most of their games in Greenville because there was nothing else to support out there in eastern North Carolina. But there was a culture for football now that things of been bad for them. The last three years. Even as things start to improve and things are optimistic.

They're looking at getting excited about 12 or 13,000 season tickets which is a lot different than where they were with brother McNeil and Lincoln Riley at the home most programs in the state of North Carolina followed those same rules that you just need to build momentum and capitalize when your team is at its best. You got a great home schedule this year. In addition to Utah State on the Friday night you got North Carolina, Duke, NC State. All three of them coming into BB&T Field. Something that hasn't happened in Winston-Salem ever. The last time Wake Forest is hosted.

This receives a football. It was 19, 21 so literally 100 years ago. The last time those preschools came to Winston-Salem to be Utah State just sellout North Carolina just sellout NC State. You might even sellout Florida State and Duke. You probably start the season for no looking at the schedule at right should when that if you beat Utah State North Carolina that games in Winston-Salem. The deacons have more talent that should be three and no Elon for no you're looking at. If you lose at Boston College was to say that hypothetically you got Louisville Florida State NC state in a row NC State and the Florida State games coming up by there's a realistic situation where you have a seven and one Wake Forest football team that is realistic something you can see this year happening, but it doesn't. If you lose the Utah State. Dave Clawson has made that known publicly and within the Wake Forest football program they're not overlooking Utah State in his first year. Utah State gave them the business a few years ago, Wake Forest returned it in kind. It was 29.

The nothing at halftime I believe a few years ago, so this was Dave Clawson yesterday talking about what Utah state presents show times.

I cares of no kind of inflating what a team is guys 111 games. They got a Heisman Trophy candidate back to quarterback.

There are a really good football team so this alive whole. This is probably the toughest opener we've had since I've been here in terms of the quality of the team. A lot of what he says is true. There in terms of this being the most difficult opener. He's had in his time in Winston-Salem. There isn't much competition for that they lost his first game against UL Monroe in 2014 2015. They faced Elon, one that in or out B2 Lane twice and beat Presbyterian so yeah I don't think it's hyperbolic to say that this is the biggest opener. Wake Forest has had the most difficult opponent boutiques of plate coming out of the gate is also right that Utah State has started a grassroots Heisman campaign for quarterback Jordan love, who has these gaudy numbers that he's put up.

I still believe Wake Forest should win the game because I believe Utah State is even the class of the Mountain West conference Boise State owns that conference Air Force I'm hearing a lot about Utah state they're working in a new coach, Matt Wells, he got poached after the Aggies 111 games also. It's easy to point out Jordan loves the quarterback and that's true.

Also, your left tackles coming back, but those are the only two players coming back on offense. So you lose for offense of lineman you're starting running back best wide receiver got seven players back on defense and they have a really good front seven images of the CL Wake Forest is often sublime to get a hold up but wake is just a more complete football team.

They should win the game if they lose. I really feel like momentum might be lost at a place like Wake Forest you need to have momentum moving forward. John Curry I think knows that twice putting all the exit to the basket here and if you win this game manually set up. If you lose, it might be a five or six when season for Wake Forest. I don't see them winning less than five games, but if you win this one. The table was set for a magical year, maybe not like 2006 will grow, but eight or nine wins for the demon deacons. That's not unrealistic. In fact I'd go as far to say that's what's gonna happen.

John folk you get to be a guest on today's show is the voice of the radio voice of the Charlotte Hornets and I have no interest in talking to him about the Charlotte Hornets. It has a lot more to do with the fact Rod Boone wrote a story from the athletic today and John folk it with this time be in the play-by-play voice of the Minnesota links in the WNBA when they won one of their titles prints apparently invited the team to his home, Paisley Park and John folk was one of the people that got to within so I want to know that's like what that was like going to Paisley Park going to princes home so that's the main reason why we want to chat with Mr. Felty. Also, we still got to get to know the guy because he is the new radio voice of the Charlotte Hornets last night was episode four of hard knocks. It was in amazing John Gruden episode.

There are two things that stick out to me from the John Gruden episode last night. It was just a star. This line might be the best line he's ever delivered, but since we can't get sound cleared from HBO I have to do an above average John Gruden impression and trying to deliver this line. They're playing the Green Bay Packers in Winnipeg in the coming onto the field and you know usually when you play in a different country. They have natives like lined up giving high fives kids. You see it in soccer games you have kids that walk out with the players as they listen to the anthem to come out onto the pitch before game while it was kinda like that in Winnipeg is a line of kids high-fiving the raiders as they come onto the field. John Gruden clearly doesn't know how to act around kids because he sees this one kitties at any high fives. Another says quote how's it going nice freckles, nice freckles, nice freckles talk is it okay to put out nice freckles pointed out my freckles.

I would become insecure nice freckles and John Gruden have for would you.

John Gruden, Joan John Gruden was insecure about his work was growing up, got to you visible want to give this young lass of encouragement but but if somebody says nice freckles to you just in passing, you're probably internalizing that as my God, he noticed my freckles like you have a blemish walk past Wednesday.

Nice blemish or nice mole, the US than I do have right where where they are your literature RR my arms my arms you have more faith, no freckles on my face preferable consider blemishes an excellent question on Twitter at sports on triad but is no are freckles blemishes 336-777-1600. The second thing Gruden did. He did this a handful of times yesterday. I think he believes it's a magic trick to count down from 100 to 1 by threes he did it a couple times were just standing there and it's almost like someone doing a magic trick counting down 100 to 1 by threes. Do you think you be able to accomplish this task, and adult got to do it very quickly. That's the point mean rapidfire John Gruden going hundred 9794 91 that's ridiculous right is to go that fast the whole thing yeah no practice like a fun focus.I believe I can do all the way to one half that is it really a magic trick know we did with the traffic you done in 30 to 45 check me from being methodical is going by seven Bojangles are you are an adult baby made like a magic trick going to hundred to one in fact I might test the colors will not continue count from 100 all the way to one very quickly will time you it has to be less than 45 seconds all that's impossible to get it just the way I feel like I could do this right now and 45 seconds. I am writing this right now and I think we are in the written down my notepad achieving nothing like what you write about 45 seconds you're here.

Just when I start our time is up and running your right just when I start hundred 97, 94, 9188 8582 7976 7370 6764 6158 5532 4946 4341 3835 3229 2623 2017 1411 8526. "Thank you for that will be looking down at the obelisk yeah yeah what's on the paper. It's all right. It's just notes. No hundred one on this piece of paper. Okay you look at it like you are like writing it up, arguably North Carolina's most important pro athlete ever made history made news really today your this 609 20 serious talk talk talk. Now back to the drive with Josh Graham.

I really like this story today letting Carolina on the athletic Q&A with the new radio voice of the Charlotte Hornets John folk. He is now kind enough to join us here on the sports as we are the triads home for the Charlotte Hornets and I still feel like were in the getting to know John folkies page here as you've been with the Hornets for a month or so now what can you tell us John about your first run in with snakes since moving here from Minnesota. They were here. It was really encrypted my wife and I and our dog word out of the back porch having coffee in the morning and hanging out noted the dog with over between like our little fence area labor area and my wife just like you know, hollowed out like George still here and we looked at what what you like. It would be doing wrong and we just saw a snake, poking a pet out underneath the gate, the ghost of the neighbors patio and who we are like little you like. But not make it word it would promote were used to you know your classic like gardener snake you don't know though we dog in the end of the house and we went in there it out to figure out what kind of a snake. It was then my wife will be back out there to get rid of it, though not really knowing what to out there and flail the rate get a little bit trying. And I did nothing to make it all go until he figured out that it will happen to the dog and everything that was good. After couple of hours we went back out there gone to crowd source home remedies for snake and got a ton of alliterative phone answers and everything you know is one of those things where everybody got your own remedy go learned a lot and connected a lot of folks that way.

Luckily, you know, we have will say every comment that back out that patio thing that I checked the big weed out there.

Ton of questions about this John folkie follow him on Twitter at JW folkie FMC KE I think every North Carolinian has had an experience like the one that you're describing for me when I was a kid, I remember a black snake came rolling across and I just happen to have a rake or something in my hands and I just hacked at the piece when I was five or six years old so I guess I didn't see many snakes but I was never fearful really of them, but what remedy did you like the most. When you outsourced the trying to get some information, some knowledge of how to prevent snakes from being in your yard or on your patio. What did you come up with a return of figure 1 it out. The mode from your Coleman sprinkle it around and that will determine their own work like that go back out there to take care of it and then put it on the date you know in your yard to scare off and install the other snake. There are none of them I think like your chip would know. Sprinkle those around you, like a good ride.

You know, when you comfortable and on got cold. Everybody got to remedy it out there or if you drink water upside down or go on your on your upper lip and drink water that way like everybody with all their different remedies for how to get rid of him and how to keep him away, but in the end, you know, we've just been lucky that it hasn't come back.

I can convince my wife, pulled her hair out, sprinkle it around the backyard where you got that our fingers every time we come out prior to becoming the new radio voice of the Charlotte Hornets.

You were the play-by-play voice of the WNBA's Minnesota links.

One of the best franchises in that league and apparently according to you in the story when you win when you want one of the titles. The links did prance invited the team, yourself included, to his home to Paisley Park.

What was that like you would incredibly mean that workers were known for you girl parties all the time opening the door to Paisley Park 3004. Sometimes he put on a show downtown for the applet you go back out bait regarded open the doors and in print continue to play until 5 o'clock, 6 o'clock in the morning till you heard about the legendary party and big basketball plate growing up in South Minneapolis below. Big link. What about those franchise during 2015 linker battling the decking five and he was following along you a great play at the end of game in Indiana where my game-winning shot imprints tweeted about it. He was only 2015 until after the team clinch the championship at home for the first time there one on the road they clinched in Minneapolis one, took about you know and invite everybody out. You got no way.

But what I got over to the after party.

I will print really is inviting everybody over like is on the dotted Paisley Park looking find your way out there. It's kind of a way to downtown Minneapolis so to ride with one of the guys that worked with them and landed about their walk. I would say maybe there were 60 people there. At that point and then claim and you're standing right at the gate watching them go to work is incredible. I think I left around 430 4:45 in the morning and it was like when doing down there maybe like 2025 people there at that point but walked offstage and got the okay to go over so the guy came was when out the car, my other buddies were waiting to decide whether there is: new girl or call someone to come pick him up or something that it turned out mother waiting print came back on the little break and got a bike. You came back with another 45 minute I incredibly would you really real, evening overall because you watch and between the players you provided them up on the players out there like wow this is credible and you know the timing of it print out the way in April of the following year.

That was October 2015 and passed away in April 2016 will really really lucky to be a part of the moment like that, you know, before he ended up passing away right John. There are a ton of questions we have been very limited time so limited time, but I have a million questions, just very quickly was yet.

Did you ever offer. I get off her pancakes, you know, I did not.

But if you take a tour Park now it on their the print invited between four pancakes. Now I didn't go with the team. I went separately other than on the bus so maybe there is pancakes for them but I did not get any pancakes. No did you ever see princes studio I have in the when I took the tour in the whole thing. We are in an area where he put on shows and then there studio behind their multiple Park is a pretty big complex and when I took the tour you go through a couple of the studios. I'm not sure if there's more like you definitely in the other two are a couple of the studio. How close did you get the prints right there in the front row couple of feet away. I think her for a while because her eyes watching. It was so loud I feel like I can hear per week. I mean ears ringing all the next day he felt cloudy for a couple days after that from from how loud it was standing right at the front of the watch and go play different instrument is backing Bandler with I mean it would really make a lasting four the voice of the Charlotte Hornets John funky kind enough to be with us here on the triad sports we were talking about with cam Ward signing a one-day contract with the Carolina hurricanes and retiring.

We were thinking about the most essential most important North Carolina professional athletes and we are trying to figure out, and that's good. I think that your just coming in with open eyes to what the Charlotte Hornets are coming from the outside. A little bit talking about Larry Johnson and Alonzo morning and of course Kimball Walker, who some of you to be the last player in franchise history.

When I phrase it. Most important player in franchise history. Who do you go with first. I think from the outside you jump to Larry Johnson, Alonzo morning, a quick right you know those players.

Time in Charlotte was very short when you actually go back and look at it and then you start to think about God like Bill Curry and Buckley poker guys you spent the bulk of their careers. It really helped bring Charlotte from an expansion team through becoming one of the computer for a playoff jump to become a walker as well because you no longer get ready in terms of being an All-Star air during his time here in Charlotte helping to get the team to the playoffs for a couple of years to come. In the face of the franchise and then obviously the all-time leading corporate thing to go along with with what Kimber did on the court and off the court to I think you could make a case for those guys in and I think you know. Again, we jumped to Larry Johnson's in the longer morning that was so popular at that time. Their time in Charlotte would shorter live the other guys so you know I think when you put together Pantheon currently does. Got to be in it, but as far as a longevity. The code think you look to the Campbell Walkers Bill Curry about the John funky on twitter at GW funky new radio voice of the Charlotte Hornets. Read the story by Rob the athletic today Q&A getting to know John funky, a little bit more. Thanks for doing this man that's John funky once again the conversation to be had. When you think about the most important North Carolina professional athletes. If you take away the college coaches and figures that we all get to know and have known for many years. If we just limited to Panthers hurricanes hornets NASCAR. Where do you go with that dry brought to you in part by our friends at Twin Peaks restaurant place to watch games on any day hike baseball and I was I was in there last week and I was captivated by multiple baseball games on the same time Twin Peaks Hanes Mall Blvd. in Winston-Salem at your local sports lodge you got Clint to Georgia Tech tomorrow. You got Wake Forest you trust.

If you can't make it out to the game Friday night and then just this little games on Saturday college football season.

It seemed silly. All it already is. Games of this past week the perfect place to watch it with beautiful Twin Peaks girls and cold beer and delicious food. Twin Peaks eats drinks scenic views will play for you. The recent batch of recent best of batch of Joe Wilde's movie because next on the drive is 620 Drive Josh Graham yesterday show any better. Except that this was a walkoff home run so I don't want to explain all the ins and outs of radio, but we have to be very precise at the end of shows when we finished talking otherwise, there is this thing called a hard network out that if you continue talking into it will go straight to commercial whether or not you finished your sentence or your thought, so I knew how much time I had left the work with it was to outs in the bottom of the ninth � hadn't had a hit or hadn't had a run in 35 or 36 consecutive innings that were down five nothing in the game and you can hear it on my voice. I'm just bummed out because the game has been a bummer for the � we were out at BB&T ballpark and I thought there was no way what happened was going to transpire � it's a race, we are what 50 seconds left and Michelle 50 seconds throughout the bottom of the ninth regulars of the play will it be our first pixelated will this game in before our show.5.

Nothing Salem Red Sox over the web. Salem � he's digging and working to have time for one pitch below going to let us finish this game while were on the air. Let's find out together friend takes it inside, I got a gun really don't give up hope for is John Curry will be against Morrow and three seconds to spare.

Maybe with that home run being hit perfect timing. How was the play-by-play is isolated when I started to describe the home run. This good play-by-play or could it have been better. Morrow for you Joe Joe while coming for public taste that question for me and that's a perfect segue to my favorite sports beef of all time, which has been reignited by Kobe Bryant. He was on a stage last night talking about Shaquille O'Neal and if you got sex words in your mouth better be nice words and they started out being nice words but at the end not so nice by Kobe guy that size generally guys at that size are little to me and they don't want to be tall. They don't want to be this dude was. He did not care.

He was mean was nasty. He was competitive he was addictive me. He was.

I wish he was a gel would have 12 rings, 12 rings did you clean that up. Yes I did, you can come out on the deed. The bleep the F bomb and adds to it.

We were pressed for time to time sleeping as well is a different kind of days and do it 12 ranks he is right in terms of always not right. It's an opinion we know is right. Norming heat will finish what I'm saying he was right in the fact that Jack was probably the most dominant player of my lifetime like I can't think of, even Jordan, but I can't think of any other player that could just teams could not stop what you people were triple teamed up with Scott Orlando Magic shack early Laker shack by Kate. First, there is no pocketing anybody in my lifetime that was his dominance. Let's go to 2019 shack two responded to these comments on twitter by saying you what I had 12 if you pass the ball more, especially in the finals against the Pistons hashtags fat you don't get statues by by not working hard shack set.

I don't blame them.

That's the biggest critique on check that he was out of shape and some seasons Kobe trying to fan these flames that have arisen tweeted out earlier today. There is no beef with shack. I know most media want to see it but it ain't gonna happen. Ain't nothing but love their and we too old to beef anyway. Hashtags repeat don't buy, don't go playing the media for what you said you're the one that said if the guys in St. Louis and one probably been rings the criticism you said that you thought that we work to talk about it. August on a Wednesday Kobe Bryant saying that 112 rings of shack was in shape even even though less than 24 hours later Kobe cleared it up in bed. It wasn't meant all the media trying to create this really that just been nice.

Kobe is been nice and not think about Jack not being in shape 112 if not for him. Kobe been nice ever writes them all for doing our jobs. We want to be talking about this today.

If you did say 12 bleep and ratings. I do like how they turn the phone Dwight Howard up in anything. This is still going on right now.

Number 39 were 39 with the Lakers this year's number SportsCenter where essentially all it's been was worked well here's 39 okay to be 60 or 82 number plate number or any number just give it to me is a 99 work was also made abroad to work. So it's my favorite sports beef ever sports bees that are better than this one in the MBA you had that serious look with Lebron Gus DeShawn Stevenson, which was a lot of fun, but is it as good of a player.

Obviously, Lance Stephenson, Lebron, that was fun for a little bit Stevenson we've learned that his back and so I think soldier boy was involved with that, DeShawn Stevenson, Lebron Pete, go back and look at his side of that vaguely remember something boring that the management was Lebron's right-hand man was Daisy son Stephen man fittingly was eligible which is the physical Lebron soldier boy is exactly DeShawn Stevenson is the Lebron what soldier boy is the Daisy that that checks out, we need to get to the second batch.

The second of three. This is the best of Joel Wiles calls from the second half of the year the audience and begin movie lines for him to work in was play-by-play on � broadcast this year.

Here's how it sounds hear something situation. Third, a reminder, working to be broadcasting broadcast text box to be having our own show this week. This is happening. I didn't know that we had people come by and say hello to Pat Jackson was a good time. We did the show but I'm doing a show and I don't have time to beat everybody just hang out so we have a watch party hang out for Clemson, Georgia Tech 8 o'clock kickoff time and would love to see what kickback Jack's new Garden Road location in Greensboro, which is to be taken back to probably give away some tickets as well to North Carolina Wake Forest in a couple weeks.

What other prizes on hand to sell tomorrow 8 o'clock be at the kickback. Jack's new Garden Road location in Greensboro love to see you are listening to WS yes Winston-Salem you see how to Greensboro PCM Burlington WMF or Highpoint, though signals making up the triads sports up my 920 we are to make it two days, three hours 43 minutes away from opening kickoff Wake Forest football facing Utah State open the year and 15 minutes will give away a pair for this game were now being joined by the director of athletics for weight Doris John Curry and I want to get through a couple of practical things with you in regards to ticket sales because I know this is something you been following and pushing for the last few months since becoming the director of athletics taking over for Ron Wellman. How close are you today to a sellout for this game will "every moment because we still have people that are buying tickets regardless of whether or not it's a sellout we will have more ticket for this opening night than any opening game since 2011. That was an NC State opening game 2011 so will have a great crowd will be 30,000 got a lot of exciting elements that go along with that. What should be a heckuva football game between two really good football team mean to you if you sellout game one another milestone. I believe we've already reset the bar so to speak, and I had wonderful responses from people around the community.

They like seeing the Tucson the grassroots messaging I'm hearing a lot of people who have taken the event taken advantage of our ambassador program to buy tickets to share with people at their church director could school or whatever so those things are exciting. We got a great freshman class at Wake Forest that will be out of the field to open the gate so with a lot of our student athletes from other sports so it will be very special night.

There was some concession news yesterday that there's going to be a permanent Chick-fil-A stand inside the west side of BB&T Field. Is there anything else different. We can expect in and around BBT BB&T Field in terms of the game day experience will see tonight.

For now think that your water. Talk about stuff we do remind our fans that we are clear bag policy, just like every other automating major sporting event. Nowadays we have made the decision that we will now do a metal detecting screening of all patrons at Wake Forest event again that's that's pretty much all ubiquitous now, it major college stadiums. That of course is for the security and safety of our fans so those are a couple developments from a security standpoint, we do encourage people to get get to the gate a little earlier so we can get through that process and get everybody into their seats in time for the pregame festivities and all that this is a conversation that really fascinates me. What people in leadership positions like you director of athletics at Wake Forest. What kind of things they have considered as ways to enhance the game day experience we saw. I think it was at Tennessee where they are looking at check-in's during the week of the game and you might have different seats depending on where you want to be in a given weekend. We've also seen I think apps that see the line. The bathroom lines a concession line so they know the right time to leave their see at a given point in a game you can like maybe order the mascot to be somewhere for a for a small fee are the things like that that you consider that you be willing to share enhancements and and again� Our goal is that the backplane experience in the state of North Carolina. Because were in the wonderful city. What got my colleague to continue to get better. We got great parking around our stadium. We don't have 80,000 people in our state in which mean you don't have to worry about dealing with 80,000 people. When you come to our stadium so it is a great place to get in get out some of the other amenities that we've added in addition to AAA. Obviously we got some cooling fans and cooling zones inside the stadium and then you'll see a renewed emphasis on customer service and welcoming of fans. The Wake Forest outside the stadium pregame beginning at 5 o'clock and 11 o'clock kickoff beginning at 5 o'clock we have the big daddy love Van providing a free concert for fans. There are quite a few. But, maybe, for the first, that'll be a great place to to relax and unwind will be kid games and the Lowe's beer.

Dan found in that area which will be just adjacent to the Deacon statue on the left side of the stadium. It's always exciting then to see the band some more command come to the Deacon walk in the state about an hour and half before the game and of course moment for sale and for Wake Forest with a failed state because the Red Sea are found which is the number one Division II band in America is going to join us after the game and not with the spirit of Obama blocking the halftime show and so it's good to be a real treat for everybody that's attending the game from around our community and it sounds like you're being very proactive in trying to enhance the game experience in talking about some of the things that are to be outside the stadium inside the stadium as well. This summer I think it was Pat Fitzgerald, Northwest Northwestern talking about ticket sales in attendance. Going down across college football and is he cited cell phones and kids being in their phones as being the primary cause of it what what you make of those comments and what you think might result in these figures were seen across the country are well declined and edited many places, yet Wake Forest. We actually have pretty good standard and in terms of the number of students relative to our student population is actually very high number that actually enter the stadium.

You certainly students and young people are like thankfully I keep things going were fortunate we have earlier football team and were playing an excellent football team with quarterback coming from Utah state. He was rated as one of the top two or three quarterbacks in the 2020 NFL draft. One thing that will be another element that is to be really fun to have his. We've added on replays when when the wind there is an official review on the field of a call starting Friday evening. What you see in the stand on the Bob McCreary video board which is a beautiful structure because Darcy that BB&T Field what you see on the video board during that review will be exactly what the report show in the ACC replay booth upstairs is looking at so as he or she is toggling back and forth between different camera angles and rewinding a fast forwarding all that kind of stuff that will be on the Bob McCreary video board in real time, and so we know that sometimes we grimace when there's an official reply can take two or three minutes but but now fans can actually see what the referee is saying or the year replay official which is another way to stay engaged during the break is really neat country with the stairway force director of athletics. For more information or tickets and such.

Go is the place to go is Utah State Friday night at 8 o'clock kickoff time last Thursday a week I guess from tomorrow. It was the ACC network launching and obviously we talked about the forge on the importance of this network relative to funds that get brought into athletics and what it can mean as a fundraising arm in a sense, what have you been most pleased about just early on in the launch of the network will limit mentioned that in about 35 minutes Wake Forest women's soccer team currently ranked 23rd in the country without all on the scene and will host on the ATC network main channel working Santa Clara who is the 15th ranking in the country so great right now for people with salable law after-hours business special come August 5 stadium medical beverage and watch some great women soccer game will be on ESPN channel arch unit ACC channel is one of the neat things about what the channel is now there is a whole for a person that cares about sports and the ACC to come home and football the channel and bone-on-bone ACC channel to see what's on in the sports and the school that I care about the most.

And this is one of the opportunities that tonight for ACC fans everywhere that really spotlights our our university and the community. Dr. Gary punches here to be the sideline reporter on Friday and Dr. pointed actually a graduate of the Wake Forest University school of medicine and so I know he was chewing around town looking at the new downtown white downtown in the innovation Quarter and then get a lot of stuff to get a showcase on the ACC network broadcast of the Wake Forest football game on Friday so the network launches off to good start now to pick up another technology involved and you know versus my mother down in Charlotte. She's a spectrum of subscriber.

I called on Sunday to let her know I was going to be on Mark Packer (show on Monday morning and figured she'd want to watch and call me later that night to tell me that she had learned that because you the Time Warner legacy account.

She had a good or service with charter so cheap. She went through that process and so I'm sure some of our fans are experiencing some of those hiccups, but what you get going is really cool and again from the league in ESPN. We Axley had a ladies teleconference with the ACC and the ESPN officials early this morning we are doing very well in our distribution continue to have great momentum in those areas. I was one of those people like your mom to Time Warner legacy account no idea. I did and then it was just one of those things where you call someone. It was very simple. Within 10 minutes I flipped across to spectrum's main channels and you had the ACC network and it is a neat thing John, where have the network is going to be on the basic packages with in the footprint of the leaks in North Carolina, South Carolina, like many other states as well that seem like something from Commissioner Swofford and also network executives. That was a very important thing to get done yet and I salute Robin Durrant leading the effort. ESPN reckless data Charlotte great friend, Commissioner Swofford deemed ordinary habits have this vision executed strategy and attributes on the network is already far better in terms of the number of households that have ACC network on nationwide.

Our distribution is far better than the Big Ten channel distribution was when it started in 07. We have more subscribers and more viewers in the backhaul network, probably by about two or three times so you got great great growth and as other cable systems feel the pressure were people threatened to drop and go to Hulu or drop and go to YouTube TV or drop and go to DirecTV will see more more more carriers come online. Good luck with the final push John thank you so much for doing this will see you Friday night soccer statement and 35 minutes to let me just say our thoughts and prayers are with the entire family for the losses that they recently suffered so soccer field tonight. All right, thank you so much that Johnson stung Curry on Twitter@John_Curry. This is where I have 609 20 it's time for my weekly top 10 list top 10 deacons in honor of the season opener on Friday. John Kerry trying to put my thinking. This is our way to help do that doing the top 10 last top 10 deacons or church names.

Names that connote church things. Getting a lot of tweets at sports on triad.

It's a lot of fun to play at home right click if you're in your car. Aaron, this is something where you can try and guess in your car if you're somewhere else. You can tweak between and driving now you can guess what's on the list. I mean that's the experience you get when you listen to these types of things you go through each one, and you have some in your head that you think skin to be there is not how you listen to it.

How many do you have written down the five and do you write an order or do you just write them. 55. This time I just got five random five random ones � how many do you have written down at one top 10 deacons and church names hit the blues music all begins searching my number 10 Crystal man okay yeah I was, reviewing press conference yesterday and me when he met up with Chris Paul for a story CP threes phone number is always good to be a 336 area code. He said 336 home nine my number nine. You can insert Churchill Downs backwards like it was time to go to church Hill down here it's just the biggest party in the Preakness stakes from Baltimore, so I should be going to some place this in betting you have sports bucket list items watching the Duke Carolina and both the Smith Center, I would be a fabulous time with that one FairPlay to karmically share plan to do when somebody want not going to like what because that would be awesome if they did not want. There's no way I would ever happen that high school in journalism and play rear cam. Do your asking what you wanted to turn down money or point. My number again or church name Dean Smith well with that.

Doc Rivers and printable person. My number seven deacon or church named Arnold Palmer think about probably pulling the greatest weight with whites all have a six move off that very quickly.

Number six, church names Paul Chris result call Chris these days with Paul Cranston football team this year. I don't know that teams can win the division every year and every year Wisconsin's football and basketball there when it all, but this could be there.

What she got Duke. They almost got them in the chapter gave up in grace and Alan was like to move. Yes, like Bono, I think after that he had plenty of shining moments. One, right at the very just looked out against Kansas the very end of regulation that would be out of the phone call almost on the moon, though that's a shining moment on I still shining, number five, my number five deacon or church name Freestone that like Sean combat 1 mile away on Twitter. Yes, that's a microphone Freestone. My favorite players in the 2000 I love the Steve Holmes Larry Johnson and also human highlight or member's name or is correct, but may not be highlighted instead arrive somewhere else ground joystick pretty good and I later joystick always so excited like three years music disappeared around for my number four deacon or church name Tyler Cameron backwards or Cameron just because you will.

The bachelor really and much like Arnold Palmer deacon, but what is there really enough to be in this list Tyler C.

Tyler C is in my top 10 deacons if he was on the bachelor. This would be happening the great list Tyler C is higher up on the deacon less than Arnold Palmer and Chris Paul work Tyler C. The surgery number three, number three, deacon or church name Jesus Shuttlesworth fried chicken and beer. That's my favorite likely to nobly pick my favorite church name definitely actually know if my third favorite but it's my favorite likely movie guy game in the scene work real and play to get things out at the very end. It's one of those things that I will. I don't care were on that I'm not leaving the room if that seems to finish watching nothing along movie Superman.

Despite long this will not pick Malcolm X a little longer six hours to get the DVDs in my number so deacon or church name Cecil Newton Senior know who you don't know you don't know what it does. I don't know you minister doing playing some of the segment often played Alabama Auburn Alabama we cam Newton was there and the guy shows the music Alabama got fired because he play Dusty Springfield son of a preacher man and then played take the money and run. I'm going take money and run back because preacher man it was funny for Italy spotted August bottom 24 boys and came back and even at home front crush the dreams everything in my list. That day is the reason why their communicators are really honestly believe that that day the story leading up to backgrounder stop bothering James Winston with the college just like I figure people out there make you want my number one well, I was glad I figure I make my was so predictable that Mr. everyone minister was Reggie White oh was his name was what Joan deacon is a famous not as actual name like a moniker or something helmet slap was his move legal hold up 2019 yard 15 with Deacon Jones helmet slap Carly will give myself and Desmond Howard like trouble the past weekend.

Reggie White was actually one of the ones on the outside looking in.

Major minister to things and it was close close to have the minister of defense think baby is called Pope corn elder Cornell. It was Cornell to well it was a reach is like no other true breeze is a saint. So about collection Cabernet.

The list is not junk if we could compensate him and to save that one because it actually is very funny. There's definitely one. I don't know. People actually get it screwing number one would have to be Dorothy Ming Manson, Dorothy Mantooth is saying you didn't didn't don't don't. That's fine on Twitter print rights and Looney Tunes Philip you like that and their people mad that Tim Duncan is not number one on the list.

Hope big thought of all the Chris Paul normal parlor ballroom, and Tyler C Tyler Cameron on the Pharisees of Jesus. Wow today. Not rule Jesus stopped. You have nothing else and Star Wars Star Wars to Galilee far far away make both of you like with them around and like the Nigerian nightmare. Christian according work actually leave your Mobile phone's microphone off next reminder to be out tomorrow take back Jack's Georgia Tech claims by say hello. 8 o'clock were to be hanging out Carolina Dixon calls clumsy Georgia Tech tomorrow. Be there will have a set of North Carolina. Wake Forest tickets to give away. And of course will probably have to kick back Jack's gift card as well so tomorrow be out at the new Garden Road location in Greensboro, which is to be hanging out for the Clemson Georgia Tech game would certainly love to see you in Greensboro very quickly� Get to a call before we take it to the house tomorrow were going to be sharing with Darren Vaught. In addition to that, where to be catching up with former panther.

Now with the ACC network John Beeson Joe while will be a part of tomorrow's show so tomorrow is set to be a lot of fun. Where to take it to the house next. This is where I have 609 20 it's time for my weekly top 10 list top 10 deacons in honor of the season opener on Friday. John Kerry trying to put my think this is our way to help you that by doing the top 10 last top 10 deacons or church names. Names that connote church things. Getting a lot of tweets at sport sub triad.

It's a lot of fun to play at home right, like if you're in your car. Aaron, this is something where you can try and guess in your car if you're somewhere else. You can tweak between and driving now you can guess what's on the list. I mean that's the experience you get when you listen to these types of things you go through each want and you have some in your head that you think skin to be there is not how you listen to it. How many do you have written down five and do you write an order or do you just write him 55.

This time I just got five random five random ones � how many do you have written down at one top 10 deacons in church names hit the blues music begins searching my number. Deacon crystal man okay yeah that was the Connor O'Neill a press conference yesterday and me when he met up with Chris Paul for a story that CP threes phone number is always good to be a 336 area code. He said 336 home nine my number nine deacon in church name Churchill Downs workflow. It was time to go to church Hill down here it's just the biggest party in the Preakness stakes from Baltimore, so I should be going to some distant betting you have sports bucket list items watching you Carolina and both the Smith Center in it, and I would be a fabulous time with that one. They are planning to karmically share the plan if I do when somebody not going to like what would be awesome if they did not write. There's no way I would ever happen that high school in Durham all the time and play with their care. You're asking North Carolina to turn down money or point.

My number deacon or church name Dean Smith Doc Rivers printable my number seven deacon or church name Arnold Palmer think about probably pulling the greatest weight with whites all have a six move off that very quickly. Number six, church names Paul Crist result Paul Chris these days with Paul Cranston football team this year. When the division to pattern every year, every year Wisconsin football and basketball there when it all, but this could be there God do they almost got in the chapter gave up in Grayson alum is like to move like no I think after that he had plenty of shining moments when right is very good to slip out against Kansas the very end of regulation that would be out of the phone call almost on the moon, though that's a shining moment on I still shining, number five, my number five deacon or church name Freestone that John called that 1 mile away on Twitter. Yes, that's microphone Freestone. My favorite players in the 2000 I love the Steve Holmes Larry Johnson and also the human highlight or member's name or is correct, but may not be highlighted instead arrive somewhere else Graham joystick pretty good and I later joystick always so excited like three years. It was around for my number four deacon or church name Tyler Cameron backwards. Cameron just because a bachelor really and much like Arnold Palmer deacon, but what is there really enough to be in this list Tyler C. Tyler C is in my top 10 deacons to be one of the bachelor. This would be happening the great list Tyler C is higher up on the deacon less than Arnold Palmer and Chris Paul worked. Tyler C.

The surgery number three, number three, deacon or church name Jesus Shuttlesworth fried chicken and beer. That's my favorite likely to nobly my favorite church name definitely actually know if my third favorite but it's my favorite likely movie guy game teamwork real and play to get things out at the very end. It's one of those things that I will. I don't care where a man I'm not leaving the room if that seems to finish watching nothing along movie to me. Despite all this movie Malcolm X a little longer six hours to get the DVDs in my number so deacon or church name Cecil Newton Senior know who you I don't know you don't know what he does.

I don't know you minister your playing some of the segment of Alabama Alabama. We cam Newton was there and the guy shows the music Alabama got fired because he plagued us in Springfield.

Son of a preacher man and then play take the money and run.

I'm going take money and run. Yeah, because preacher man it was funny for Italy spotted August bottom 24 boys and came back and even at home right crush their dreams everything in my list.

That day is the reason why their communicators are really honestly believe that that day the story leading up to backgrounder stop bothering James Winston doesn't stop you get with the college just like I figure people out there make you want my number one well, I was glad I figure I make my list so predictable that Mr. everyone minister was Reggie White oh was his name was what Joan deacon is a new famous on his actual name, like a moniker or something helmet slap is move legal hold up 2019 yard 15 with Deacon Jones helmet slap Carly will give myself a Desmond Howard like trouble the past weekend.

Reggie White was actually one of the ones on the outside looking in music minister to things and it was close close to have the minister of defense think the baby is called Pope corn elder Cornell. It was Cornell. Well, it was a reach is like no other breeze is a saint.

So about collection carefully to the list is not.

If we did compensate him and to save that one because it actually is very funny backlog. There's definitely one. I don't know.

People actually get it screwing number one would have to be Dorothy Ming Hansen, Dorothy Mantooth is saying you didn't get it. Those who don't know, that's fine on Twitter print rights in Looney Tunes.

Philip you like that and their people mad that Tim Duncan is not number one on the list. Hope big Chris Paul normal parlor father omitted Tyler C Tyler Cameron on the Sears touchdown Jesus wow name that's good not stand up his role Jesus thought that you have nothing else and Star Wars Star Wars jumped into Galilee, far, far away.

Make both of you like with them around and like the Nigerian nightmare. Christian according work actually leave your Mobile phone's microphone off next reminder to be out tomorrow `backtracks Georgia Tech claims by say hello. 8 o'clock were to be hanging out now Carolina Dixon calls Clemson Georgia Tech tomorrow. Be there will have a set of North Carolina. Wake Forest tickets to give away. And of course will probably have to get back Jack's gift card as well so tomorrow be out at the new Garden Road location in Greensboro, which to be hanging out for the Clemson Georgia Tech game would certainly love to see you in Greensboro very quickly� Get to a call before we take it to the house tomorrow were going to be sharing with Darren Vaught. In addition to that, where to be catching up with former panther. Now with the ACC network John Beeson Joe while will be a part of tomorrow's show so tomorrow is set to be a lot of fun. Where to take it to the house next

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