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Why Biblical Christians Are the Ultimate Target of the Left, Even More than Trump

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton
The Truth Network Radio
September 21, 2024 2:00 am

Why Biblical Christians Are the Ultimate Target of the Left, Even More than Trump

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton

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September 21, 2024 2:00 am

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GUEST: STEVE DEACE, BlazeTV host, Steve Deace Show

Donald Trump has been nearly assassinated twice, legally prosecuted in politically-motivated show trials, had his home raided by the FBI, falsely accused of colluding with Russia, called a “danger to democracy”, and generally vilified all day every day by the Left and the media.

What is it about Donald Trump that the Left hates so much that they equate him to Hitler who actually murdered millions of people?

Could it be that those who seek his defeat and death actually see him simply as the flag-bearer for those behind him that they ultimately must defeat to enact their Marxist and globalist plans?

Steve Deace, BlazeTV host, best-selling author, and executive producer of the Nefarious film, joins us to discuss the election and how Biblical Christians are the ultimate target of the Left.

Late in the program, we will also air a portion of the message at the recent Overcomer Foundation event.

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Why biblical Christians are the ultimate target of the left, even more than Donald Trump. That is a topic we'll discuss today right here on the Christian Worldview Radio Program, where the mission is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. I'm David Wheaton, the host. The Christian Worldview is a listener-supported radio ministry.

Thank you for your notes of encouragement, financial support, and lifting us up in prayer. Our website is Donald Trump has been nearly assassinated twice, legally prosecuted in politically motivated show trials, had his home raided by the FBI, called a danger to democracy, and generally vilified all day every day by the left and the media. What is it about Donald Trump that the left hates so much that they equate him to Hitler, who actually murdered millions of people?

Could it be that those who seek his defeat, and yes, his death, actually see him simply as the flag bearer for those behind him that they ultimately must defeat to enact their Marxist and globalist plans? Steve Dace, Blaze TV host, best-selling author and executive producer of the nefarious film, joins us today to discuss the election and how biblical Christians are the ultimate target of the left. Later in the program, we will also air a portion of the message at the recent Overcomer Foundation event. But first, let's hear from Blaze TV host, Steve Dace. Steve, thank you for coming on the Christian World View radio program today. Let's start out with just getting some of your background, how you became a follower of Christ, and what your life is like now.

Sure. I host a daily show on the Blaze right after Glenn Beck for two hours every day. I've been married to Amy since 1997. We have three kids. Our two oldest daughters are out of the house now.

One of them's married, and they just had their first baby six months ago, Autumn. And then our son, Noah, is heading into his senior year. There's probably two things that set our show apart from others. Number one is the prime directive of our show is biblical worldview. That's the number one rubric plumb line of our program. We filter all the daily events we comment on, get filtered through that. And then the other is, I have a lot more nuts and bolts experience within the political process than a lot of the people that do what I do for a living with a lot of extensive work on and within campaigns. I like your bio on Twitter or X.

It says, child of the king of kings. Tell us more about how you came to saving faith. It really started after our oldest was born, and we brought her home. And I just realized this kid is doomed with me as a dad, given my background of dysfunction that I was raised in. And I went to my wife one day, and I said, hey, you know, we're good, but maybe we should consider joining a church. This might be the one thing Hillary Clinton is right about.

It might take a village to raise this kid. And Amy said, well, I've been thinking the same thing. I just knew better than to say anything to you about it. And because of my political work, I knew who the left wing churches were. I didn't know dink about theology. And I was like, I don't want to go to any of those churches where I'm going to fight political battles at church.

I do that everywhere else. And Amy took to it right away. She had a bit of a church background growing up. And it was something that she connected with right away. We had been going for about a year, and I went to a Promise Keepers event in Kansas City on September 18th, 2003.

And they had a speaker there named Joe White, who was very, very powerful. And at the end, he took an altar call. And I'm like, you know, I think altar calls are really for only bad Pentecostal television.

It's not for me. And the next thing I knew, I was down there on the floor face down in the concrete. You know, I was kind of sobbing. And, you know, my life's not been the same ever since. And Steve Dace with us today here on the Christian Real View Blaze TV host, host of the Steve Dace Show.

We have them linked at our website, There was another assassination attempt on Donald Trump this past Sunday. This is the second one now.

A gunman with a rifle within, I think it was within 500 yards away in the bushes of a golf course he was playing in Florida. How is this happening again? And really, what does it say, Steve, about the country and media that these incredible assassination attempts just get sort of swept aside like, oh, it's not we're in the next news cycle now.

No big deal. Let's move on. How is this the case? This is the number one value of Donald Trump, because he does not fit the profile of the kind of person that the church would traditionally link arms with. And frankly, evangelical voters don't fit the profile of who he used to hang out with before he ran for public office. I mean, he became maybe the most famous man in the world even before running for president.

And it wasn't by hanging around people like us, you know, and so this is such an odd marriage that it has to be providential because it would never come together on its own. And I think that what you're seeing the Lord use Trump for more than anything else, I believe, is for exposing things and bringing them to light. Because this issue with violence is not just a Trump problem. It was about a decade ago that a guy named Floyd Corkins walked into the offices of the Family Research Council there in Washington DC and tried to kill everybody there. One security guard was able to subdue him. He's in prison for the rest of his life. He's the first domestic terrorist conviction in the history of Washington DC. And when the authorities looked for a motive, he had all kinds of Southern Poverty Law Center, Rainbow Jihad propaganda about Chick-fil-A and FRC. And he clearly was motivated by their very own rhetoric. A few years later, he had a shooter go out to a ball field where a group of Republican congressmen were playing a charity softball game.

And it just so happened to be a stroke of luck that Steve Scalise, as a member of leadership, had agreed to play in the game. If for any reason he had backed out of that. Wife didn't want him to go. Something came up in the house. Well, since he was the only member of leadership, he was the only one that came with the security detail.

And if that had not occurred, if he had not showed up at that game, Rand Paul and a lot of other people might have just been dead. This stuff has been going on for a while. Two years ago, a poll came out that showed 47% of Democrats were fine with you either going to jail or having your children taken from you if you would not take the COVID jab. The Democratic president, a month after his CDC director admitted that the COVID genetic toxic serum doesn't actually stop the spread of coronavirus, issued an executive order basically saying you had to take a mark, essentially.

I mean, you can't really buy or sell without a job, right? And you couldn't work for a major corporation in America unless you allowed yourself to be experimented upon with this injection. And then you go to the two instances we've seen with Trump. And really, David, this is the logical conclusion of the demagoguery we have seen over the last few years. If everyone who dares to disagree with me is a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic bigot, if Donald Trump is literally Hitler, if Donald Trump is a literal Nazi and a danger to democracy, President Biden tweeted out right before their June 27th debate, make no mistake, Donald Trump is a danger to our democracy. Since that tweet, they've tried to kill Trump twice. This morning, a guy called on to see a veteran called C-SPAN and said he applauded the attempts to take out Trump because he's that much of a danger.

That's actually the logical conclusion here, right? Like when Hitler blew his brains out in a bunker, who was like, man, that's really disappointing news, you know? And who is like, if he would have survived, would have been like, you know, I'm relieved he didn't die.

No one is the answer, David. So do you believe all these crocodile tears? Well, I'm glad he's alive.

I'm relieved. Listen, if you're relieved and you don't even believe your own rhetoric, which is possible, we're talking about politicians. And so the best case scenario is that the Democratic Party is cynically using this level of demagoguery just as a talking point. And this language is so irresponsible, it is stoking a handful of crazies to go full sir, hands or hand. That's the best case scenario, that they're just incredibly irresponsible with their tongue. The more likely scenario is when you look at this comprehensively across the board, you disagree with me, you shouldn't have free speech.

Don't want to take a toxic genetic serum that doesn't work, shouldn't have a job. When you look at the zero-sum game they play politically across the board, the far more likely scenario is that they actually believe this stuff. Yeah. It's pretty bad, by the way, Steve, when you hear pastors sort of repeating this language as well. I saw Thabiti Anyabwile, I'm sure you probably know who he is, is a pastor out of Washington, DC. He was formerly quite a solid pastor, but he's become very woke and very liberal over the years. In a tweet, he had said something to the fact that we cannot allow Trump to win. How do you plan on actually making sure that he's not allowed to win? I agree.

Why would you not do these things? So either again, this is beyond recklessly irresponsible language that is stoking an element of mental illness that is clearly infesting our culture across the country from, you know, let me mutilate my children to let me dress up and get some make-believe Maybelline and call myself a woman. That's the best case scenario, that they are recklessly stoking this surge of mental illness in the culture.

And that's not a particularly comforting scenario, by the way. It's not. Steve Dace is our guest today, BlazeTV host here on the Christian Real View radio program. You said recently on Twitter, you said polling modeling content in an election year is by far the most profitable content produced by both alternative and corporate media. The masses eat it up, especially when it tells them what they want to hear. So are there any indicators in the year 2024 that you trust, Steve, for forecasting where this country is leaning as we head toward the election?

Very few. And I say this as someone who has analyzed polls professionally for campaigns. I say this as someone who has done professional polling for campaigns.

So it's a process I know an awful lot about. And it was already infested with a lot of people like Dick Morris. If the Clintons are writing him a check, he'll give him the polling data that they want.

If Trump's writing him a check, he'll give him the polling data that he wants. This was already an industry that was rife with grifters. And now it's even worse. You know, I came from the world of sports talk radio.

That's what I did before I got saved. And the reality is, every market wants the same show. And it doesn't matter the culture or the sport. Every market wants you before the game to tell me how the home team's going to win. And then after the game that the refs screwed us. And then in the offseason, when you're months away from a game, that's when you can do like deeply introspective, critical thinking conversations about what the team could do better. But once the season gets started, nobody wants to hear that. Everybody wants to hear we're going to win.

And then if we didn't win, we got screwed, right? Because of the way engagement farming and clickbait works. The most read article we had at the Blaze two weeks ago was when Nate Silver's model crossed over for the first time in favor Trump. And so that's the only model that favors Trump.

Now, it might be right, I don't know. But the point is, all the righties are running the Nate Silver stuff. All the lefties are running all the other models. All the righties were running election betting odds articles in July and August. They've switched over to Kamala since the last debate.

So we're not running any more. Our people don't want to hear about the election betting odds now that they're favoring Kamala. I sat down with a well-known reporter, a name a lot of political people would know, as this Iowa caucus process was getting started. And we just sat down from people on different sides of the aisle and had a very blunt, honest, off the record conversation about what we knew and what we were hearing. And in this conversation, he flat out told me, listen, the polling is the least reliable content in terms of accuracy we do. It's hard to get people to respond.

And it's the most expensive stuff we do, but here's why we keep doing it. It generates more engagement than any other content we do. For example, in the state of Wisconsin, not too far from where you and I live, the state of Wisconsin, the last two years, the RealClearPolitics polling average, not a poll, the polling average has missed Wisconsin by seven points in the last two presidential elections. That's dreadful polling. And so it's hard to get it right, harder to get it right than ever before. People are responding to it less than ever before, but people want the content more than ever before. And they want you to feed the narrative of the content more than ever, because see where this is going? All the incentive is to do gerrymandered polling.

All the incentive is there. It's going to be very rare. Emerson does some pretty good objective polling. Scott Rasmussen, he no longer owns Rasmussen polling.

He sold it many years ago. Scott Rasmussen does some pretty accurate polling. I mean, Emerson's actually pretty accurate because it's very pro-Trump biased and everything else is anti-Trump biased, so it kind of balances out everything else, you know.

But there's very few that I would recommend that people consume. Quinnipiac is a dreadful pollster. Monmouth and New York Times are dreadfully inaccurate pollsters. There's just too much profit incentive there to tell people what they want to hear, brother.

Steve Dace with us today here on the Christian Real View Blaze TV host. Going from polling to actually the election itself, how confident are you that what took place in 2020? And it seems like there are so many discrepancies. Only God literally knows what happened in that election, but it seems way off to me. I don't see how Joe Biden got the most votes in U.S. history. What do you think about this election? Has anything been done to close the gaps and the things, the discrepancies and the fraud that really took place last time around? I mean, can Christians be confident that we're going to get an election that's going to be representative of how people actually vote? By and large, no. By and large, we have done nothing to counter there. I guess we'll call it ballot harvesting scheme.

We'll call it that, I guess. In fact, there's evidence that it's actually better than it even was before. For example, there was a special election in an Ohio congressional district about four or five months ago. And this is maybe the reddest congressional district in all of Ohio.

Trump won that district by 22 points in 2020. And so they don't control any of the election machinery in this district. They're not in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. They're not in Wayne County, Michigan. They're not in Fulton County, Georgia, Maricopa County, Arizona, Clark County, Nevada.

These are our people. We're in control of the election process there. And they only lost that special election by eight points.

And so if they're able to generate that level of ballot harvesting, even in areas where they can't cheat, it's just not possible for them to do it, that's alarming. There's a couple of states that I think will be cleaner than they were in 2020. Georgia, you know, for all of the back and forth that's gone on there between the Secretary of State and Brian Kemp and the Trump people. In between, Georgia's actually done a lot to clean up the chain of custody process for its mail-in voting. I'm way more confident in Georgia than I am in Wisconsin.

I was told by a Trump pollster, Wisconsin has the worst voter file he's ever seen in his career. I'm not confident in Arizona at all. I wouldn't even spend a dime in Michigan. I mean, what Gretchen Whitmer has done there, basically it's a crime to report voter fraud in Michigan. They can just do whatever they want there.

I wouldn't waste any time there. Pennsylvania, though, is the other state I'm optimistic about, more so because of a recent state Supreme Court ruling there that really tightened the screws on how to interpret and count mail-in ballots, okay? That ruling will make it harder for them to do the chicanery that we saw in Pennsylvania before. And it is a state for the last few cycles Republicans have been making some concerted efforts there in voter registrations. About 10 years ago, Pennsylvania Democrats had about a 1 million voter registration advantage. Now it's a little less than 400,000.

But by and large, no. A lot of people have raised a lot of money on stop the steal and release krakens, and nothing was ultimately done. But there's a massive scam pack grifter problem on the right and has been for many, many years. Basically, a lot of the right is like the televangelist on quote-unquote Christian TV, buy our prayer towel and God will heal you.

Apparently can't heal you if you don't. And so there's a lot of that kind of grifty scam packy stuff on the right too that takes advantage of a lot of gullible boomer grandparents. I think they're saving America and it's just lying in somebody's pockets. And then the other issue we have is the Trump campaign has decided it can't trust the Republican parties get out the vote effort, which they're right, they can't. But their antidote is they're going to use a bunch of outside third-party groups.

One of them is a pack that belongs to Elon Musk. Another is Turning Point USA. They're going to have these organizations do their get out the vote organization around the country. They're all untested.

They've never been done before. Now they might be great, hard to be worse than the GOPs. But at least the GOP was a baseline floor of what you knew you would get. Now it's a total wide variance wild card.

And we don't know. They might do great, but they're going up against a well-oiled machine over there. That's for sure. Steve Dace with us today on the Christian Real View from Blaze TV. As you're talking, I'm just thinking this is why for Christians we need to trust in God's sovereignty over who comes in power. We have a hope beyond what takes place in our country. And so we just don't know, but we're going to vote regardless of what may happen. Okay, we'll pause briefly to tell you about some ministry updates and resources. Stay tuned.

Much more coming up. I'm David Wheaton, and you are listening to the Christian Real View radio program. You have a left-wing foundation that realizes it has a problem advancing its political goals because of evangelicals. And so they will think, okay, what we need to do is find some mechanism by which we can change evangelical minds. They will then recruit well-known organizations like the National Association of Evangelicals, the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, and denominational organizations. That was recent guest Megan Basham talking about how evangelical leaders traded the truth for a leftist agenda, which is the subtitle of her best-selling book Shepherds for Sale. For a limited time, you can order Shepherds for Sale for 20% off by visiting, calling toll-free 1-888-646-2233, or by writing to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. Theo is a 15-episode animated cartoon series that features high-quality production and sound biblical teaching. 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trump and steve dace blaze tv host is our guest it seems to me steve as you look at what's going on has gone on in this country 12 of the last 16 years we've had democratic presidents currently this last four years high inflation high prices massive illegal immigration we have basically a proxy war going on with russia in ukraine the moral perversity it's just open trans day of visibility on easter and just all kinds of examples of that within the military everywhere we see it the white house and rainbow colors and so forth we had just a bumbling president who clearly wasn't cognitively able to lead the country kamala harris's did very poorly in the 2020 run for presidency and yet she's been sort of just nominated here without having any direct primary voters it seems to me steve that this election shouldn't even be close people should be able to see how badly things are going in the country and it should be quite obvious that more of the same here would not be a good idea how do you explain that kamala harris is even close to donald trump in this election i think you are watching either a culture under romans one judgment where god has removed his restraining hand against evil in the culture and or there is open spiritual warfare happening in the culture because when you see the level of confusion and gaslighting that we see and and how do you respond to that did i really see what i just saw did i really hear what i just heard you know i mean i thought i watched one thing and i is as i watched it and then i saw this coverage afterwards i told me i didn't see it maybe i'm that's all demonic that's all demonic you know this is why christians don't have to become conspiracy theorists now understand the current definition of conspiracy theorists is not believing the demonic narrative i did a lot of groundbreaking work on covet david let me tell you how i did it i went to the truth the information that governments were just openly putting out there but just trusting you wouldn't look at and see and that the news media wouldn't cover and i highlighted it denmark for example was a country that did some of the best covid data in the world i didn't sneak into the denmark ministry of health i didn't fly in there under the cover of night i went on their website i ran it through google translate david and then i just published it and put it out on my show we serve a god who wants to be known who wrote a book the greatest bestseller ever and then gave it away for free we serve a god who wants to be known so much he puts himself into human form to be emmanuel god with us he is living with us the truth wants to be known ask seek knock it wants to be found so when it seems as if the truth is elusive or clarity is not accomplishable that's darkness that's demonic don't become a gnostic there's a difference between being a critical thinker who doesn't trust narratives from people who are under some form of demonic open or indirect demonic influence to then just there's a secret formula to everything you know that's that's heresy and that's gnosticism god wants the truth to be known we're the truth people the truth is always easy but it's not simple it is easy to know what god's will for your life is open up the bible look up your issue and he'll tell you what's not easy is going out and then doing it from there dave because we have a tendency to want to do what we want to do right knowing who god is knowing what god wants knowing what god demands of us can't be any obvious than an almost totally naked man tortured beyond recognition dying up there on a cross in the middle of the afternoon on your behalf that's a pretty obvious event when things get complicated and there's always an alternative view and did god really say that is occultic gnosticism that's demonic influence and that is rampant in our culture today steve dace with us today here on the christian real view steve you've written about how evangelicals are being pulled to the left and i want to read a statement to you and have you respond to it it's from a pastor in idaho named ben creamer and he says this quote beware of any christian movement that demands the government be an instrument of god's wrath but never a source of god's charity mercy or compassion unquote how would you respond to that statement i think evangelicals christians get easily persuaded by something like that well especially in today's non-discipleship church culture where we are just creating masses of false converts but the reality is the biblical worldview says the exact opposite the biblical worldview says that compassion and charity primarily comes from the family and from the church as instruments of god's mercy and then paul makes it very clear in romans 13 that the role of government the reason why god allows human authority on this planet the primary reason why is to be an avenging angel and or another translation may say to bear the sword of righteousness against the evildoer that is the role of government now why why did god in part those duties that way because the people in the government are sinners too and that's why government is necessary but also limited you want to limit them in terms of their power and capacity to wield it lest they end up becoming and declaring themselves to be gods as chesterton famously said when the government removes the god the government will become the god never forget this right if your audience doesn't remember anything that's been said during this uh conversation with you remember this these are two iron laws of the creation something must always rule something will always be worshipped undeniable those are undeniable metaphysical certitudes of the created order before we knew cuneiform before we had spoken language before any of these things something will always rule something must always be worshipped every single time and what you typically see is you typically see the godless because they're godless they don't understand justice and they will then you go to government and anoint it to be god as the instrument of justice in and of itself which is essentially the way of creating a pagan religion and that's essentially and effectively what we're up against right now steve dace again with us today here on the christian real view of blaze tv you can find out links to him at our website you probably know who we are you probably know who william wolf is he's a believer he worked within the trump administration and he recently posted this this is not a normal election this isn't your classic republican versus democrat this is trump versus the regime and the regime will do anything it takes to stay in power suppose kamala wins and maybe she wins because christians in swing states vote third party in that case everything the millions of third world migrants the lawfare the censorship the bureaucratic destruction of our freedoms the radical lgbt agenda all of it gets dialed up to 11. you can wish all you want for a different candidate or for trump to have different policies but at some point you have to stop wishing and reckon with reality it's not r versus d it's trump versus the destruction of america as we know it in november do you agree steve with this sort of apocalyptic view of what will happen in this country if kamala harris and tim walls win and part two of the question is what is your exhortation for christians listening today as we approach this election i did an event in your state in march it was an awards banquet for conservative state legislators in your state and i do about a dozen speaking engagements around the country every year and i have never been in a more demoralized room than that awards banquet and this was months before any of us had a clue tim walls was going to be on the democratic ticket and again this is minnesota these are republicans they're used to losing this is the one state ronald reagan couldn't win in either one of his races so this is not some red state and that's and that's important because these are people that they've seen things they're pretty calloused you know losing isn't new to them they're used to being in an uphill fight demographically in the state of minnesota and despite that the demoralization of what tim walls and his people did with just a modicum of power and over and over i heard that night they made this california in one night and even if it produces a backlash against him and we win unprecedented margins in the future i don't know that we'll ever undo the damage that they did i don't know the other state will ever be the same i heard this all night long so i think the other side has made it very clear that what they aim to do is to undo our way of life where i would word it differently than william donald trump is frankly just not a rallyable figure for many people and he doesn't really work hard to be there's some clear narcissism there there's some clear king saul tendencies there i'm king and i expect you to acknowledge it politically and i think this is why the system hates him so much i think the system sees him politically i'm not drawing a theological metaphor here but a situational one i think the system worries he's john the baptist a herald a forerunner and that this guy is the first and what will come after him will be the jd vances and ron disantis's who are smarter and more disciplined and more effective and know where the levers of power are jd vance you watch him in his messaging he does all the pugilism trump does but no sloppiness he gives them nothing there's no rhetorical flourishes there that they can focus on to distract the conversation from the issues like trump will often provide and i think that's what they're worried about i think they're worried that if they allow this beachhead of trump to get established that what will come after him are things and people in a movement that is a real threat to what they intend to do to what's left of western civilization the problem we have and i i say this is someone that has worked as hard to mobilize evangelicals as anybody in america has in the last decade and the reality is that there is an element of trump's persona and biography that it's just going to be really hard to get a certain cachet of our people to rally behind yes he's going to get 81 of the vote but we're going to have millions of evangelicals not vote so he's going to get 81 of those who vote but there's millions more we could get to vote and i think what they really need to see and if and i do know william a little bit too i would amend his statement to say this that it's really not about trump versus them but them versus you and they see trump as the proxy for you there's a lot of people that go to particularly i wouldn't say they're woke or even soft woke but there's this certain kind of inviting seeker-friendly mega church in america all right and the kind of church that doesn't want donald trump or very few of his charismatic paula white spiritual council would never be permitted in the pulpit i wouldn't put her in mine either frankly but there's a lot of people in churches like that whose votes we need and because of some aspects of trump's persona and the element that he attracts he turns those people off and i think making this strategically more about donald trump than it already is i think is a bad idea i think if you want to be rallied by donald trump you're there man there's nothing more that could be done you're already all in there's another layer of voter who because of trump's persona struggles or refuses to see the real stakes of what is happening here and i think making it even more about trump to that person won't work it's got to be about you it's got to be that trump is the proxy for you they need to be told listen if this guy who wet the bed during covid and couldn't build a wall and steps on how many rakes you know on an annual basis if they want to do this to that guy what do you think they think about you what do you think they think about you people want elections to be about them we've already got all the votes of people who want this to be about donald trump and see him as their political savior mosaic figure all those people are banked accounted for reporting for duty we got all those people the next layer of person we need is for the person to realize that this is really about you and what these people think of you and want to do to you and your children that's an interesting and i think accurate point that the left hates donald trump but they need to defeat him in order to defeat those who support his anti-globalist views so it's not about standing up for the man trump as much as it is standing up for our constitutionally god-ordained liberties that they plan to just run over if trump is defeated and so thank you steve for coming on the christian real view radio program today all of god's best and grace to you and your family same to you david thank you for having me and god bless all right you can find links to steve at our website we'll pause briefly to tell you about some ministry updates and resources stay tuned a portion of the message at the recent overcomer foundation event is next i'm david wheaton and you are listening to the christian real view radio program this kind of world view about identity has exploded where people come along and say if it's all about you you need to actually work out who you are it's actually immunizing a generation against the gospel because the gospel comes into the picture and says well who are you you're actually a sinner it's a negative answer to the question you need a savior look the cross of jesus christ who did he die for if you're so good if you're so worthy if you have to pursue yourself as a good foundation for how to live that was recent guest martin isles executive ceo of answers and genesis and author of who am i solving the identity puzzle endorsed by ken ham john macarthur and ray comfort who am i is a 208 page hardcover that retails for 19.99 for a limited time you can order it for a donation of any amount to the christian real view go to call one triple eight six four six twenty two thirty three or write to box four zero one excelsior minnesota five five three three one david wheaton here host of the christian real view radio program listeners are often surprised to learn that we as a ministry pay to broadcast on the radio station website or app on which you are listening today that expense is recouped through listeners like you making a donation or becoming a christian worldview partner our aim is to have each broadcast outlet fully supported by the listeners of that outlet if you'd like to help us in our mission to sharpen the biblical worldview of christians and to proclaim the good news of jesus christ go to and click on donate you can also call toll-free one triple eight six four six twenty two thirty three or write to box four zero one excelsior minnesota five five three three one specify how you listen as that helps us decide whether to continue on a given outlet and be sure to select one of our resources as a thank you for your support welcome back to the christian real view i'm david wheaton be sure to visit our website where you can subscribe to our free weekly email and annual print letter order resources for adults and children and support the ministry in the final segment today you are going to hear a portion of the message that took place immediately following the overcomer foundation cup golf event this past monday at hazeltine golf club in chaska minnesota we praise the lord that the event went very well it was a beautiful day and course there was sweet fellowship golfers came from minnesota and also from many states around the country support was raised for the overcomer foundation which directs the christian real view radio program but we also aim to bring our mission of the biblical world view in the gospel so as you listen to the message just keep in mind that it was given outside in the wind so you'll need to listen carefully you can request a transcript of this program if you can't make out some of the message so here's a portion of the message on our mission at this year's overcomer foundation cup there are real problems in our nation that reveal that we are an empire that is not ascending but is declining there's a radical departure from the most important stabilizer in a society and that is marriage and family and the associated issues that go with it like sexuality and gender but i would propose that the problems and division in our country over these issues i mentioned and other issues which i didn't mention are ultimately not political differences but they're actually theological differences and the reason i say that is that theology is upstream of politics theology is upstream of politics in other words it starts theologically goes downstream and we see it visually in the political realm what is society worships is really the the core fundamental issue where the majority of society believes about god and his will and ways or rejects god that's not only going to be manifested in houses of worship like churches and so forth but that's going to permeate every area of life including politics the educational system the business world media entertainment and most obviously marriage and family so the fundamental problem is in our society don't get distracted by the political realm the fundamental problem is and always has been that we want what we want in opposition to what god desires for us i think the first sentence of the bible in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth is one of the most consequential maybe the most consequential assertion in all of history that one sentence instantly demolishes all notions of randomness purposelessness and autonomy the creator lives that sentence declares and we the created are therefore accountable to him and are compelled to find out who he is what he desires of us what he's spoken and how we are to worship him the first sentence of of scripture is like a test will you believe god at his word that he exists he creates and he speaks the evidence for this is overwhelming that god exists creates and speaks in the overcomer course of sermon we talked about four c's to the young adults who came that we know god exists and speaks the first c is an external revelation of creation creation points to a creator no reasonable person looks at this clubhouse or looks at a book or looks at the dna coding in your body and think oh that's just evolved by itself creation reveals a creator the second c goes from external revelation to internal revelation of conscience god put inside us something that knows between what's right and what's wrong everyone knows that murder and stealing is wrong who informed us of that animals don't know that but we as human beings made in god's image know that we have to sear our conscience to not know that certain things are obviously wrong so an external revelation an internal revelation that god exists and speaks number three there's a personal revelation from god that is then the person of jesus christ who claimed to be god over and over again and performed miracles that no one else has ever done giving proof that he was who he claimed to be so there's an external revelation there's an internal revelation about god there's a personal revelation in christ and finally there's a special revelation that god gives to prove that he exists and speaks and that is his communication or the bible his scripture it's a book written by 40 authors over 1500 years across three continents and yet it has one unified message how do you do that about christ being the redeemer of mankind with prophecies that are precisely fulfilled hundreds of years and events so creation conscience christ communication these are the the evidence that god gives us that we know that first sentence of scripture the basis for the christian worldview is accurate but god gives us this test of faith in this first sentence of scripture just like he gave adam and eve in the garden a a test of faith he told them they could eat from every tree in the garden except for one and he told them the the clear consequence for disobeying the creator which would be a spiritual and physical death now mind you this was not overly restrictive at all you could eat from all the trees except for one would they trust god at his word and not eat from the one tree just enjoy eating from the rest and do what he does enjoy eating from the rest and do it not do what they wanted to do well we all know tragically what what happened there when tempted avenue disobeyed that ate the fruit of the tree they weren't supposed to eat from and all manner of chaos resulted from that quote original sin there would be marital conflict there would be pain and in childbirth there would be a cursed earth with thorns and thistles and you who do gardens and farm know exactly what that's about and ultimately death would come upon our world now if you fast forward six thousand years from that time and the rebellion against god's will and ways has continued this explains what's going on in our society again we don't have a political problem we have a theological problem in rebellion against god the new testament prophetically in the book of Romans written by the apostle paul explains this rebellion so so pointedly so directly Romans chapter 1 says for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of man and here's a key phrase who suppress the truth in unrighteousness because that which is known about god is evident within them there's a conscience it's evident we know we know god's ways and we reject it for god made it evident to them now here's the next phrase verse 25 where they exchanged the truth of god for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator and that's really explains everything you need to know there's a suppression of suppression of truth by so many in our society that there's an exchange of the truth for a lie and there's a worshiping of the creature worshiping of ourselves and what we want rather than the creator now this is so evident today in our societies government schools suppress god teaching that somehow nothing became something and exploded by itself into an order of everything how does that work so in the opening chapter of the bible it also says that god says he created man man in his own image in the image of god he created him male and female he created them and a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife and they should become what one flesh and be fruitful and multiply again what we see today in society is the suppression of that perfect design by god in exchanging of truth for a lot it's rampant that you can somehow choose your own gender that god designed you to be that marriage is whatever arrangement you want it to be that image bearers of god in the womb are somehow expendable and somehow a health care source literally at every level that god designed if you look at what's going on today it's a fundamental rejection of what god has clearly designed for our good and our flourishing again we don't have a political problem we have a theological rebellion against god problem and theological problems require theological solutions not just political solutions and that's where the mission of the overcomer foundation comes in to help people overcome life's challenges through embracing a christian worldview i just gave you the first two points of a christian worldview that god created the universe of man establishing the perfect will and ways that's the first pillar of christian worldview the second pillar is man rebels from god's design and that's wreaked corruption and death and alienation from god this is really the bad news about what's going on in our world today but god doesn't leave us without hope and without promise the third point of the christian worldview is that god graciously has provided one way of redemption and reconciliation through his son jesus christ that's the good news i have to read a portion of psalm chapter 2 which was penned thousands of years ago which describes describes that progression from god's creation to man's rebellion to the hope we can have through that third pillar of jesus christ it says this in psalm 2 why are the nations in uproar and why are the people devising a vain thing verse 2 the kings of the earth and the rulers take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the lord and against his anointed saying let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us in other words we don't want to be under the accountability and authority of god we want to go our own way first four here's god's response he who sits in the heavens laughs the lord scoffs at them then he will speak to them in his anger and terrify them in his fury saying but as for me god's speaking here i have installed my king referring to his son upon zion my holy mountain i will truly tell of the decree of the lord he said to me you are my son speaking of christ again today i have begotten you ask of me and i will truly give you the nations as your inheritance and the very ends of the earth as your possession you shall break them with a rod of iron you shall shatter them like earth and where we look at a world we think is spitting out of control but it's not spitting out of control god has everything in control he is ordaining and working everything toward his ultimate desired end for mankind you read revelation you know where things are going and then finally the last two verses of this psalm 2 comes the author the greatest the redemption that god offers for anyone who wants to escape the conflict and chaos going in our world he says now therefore o kings show discernment take warning with judges of the earth worship the lord with reverence and rejoice with trembling verse 12 do homage to the son of jesus christ that he did not become angry and you perish in the way for his wrath may soon be kindled how blessed are all who take refuge in him how blessed are all who take refuge in him that's a promise this is our message of the overcomer foundation to do homage to the sun to take refuge in him and it's not a message that we came up with we didn't do a we didn't do a focus group to come up with this message it's a message we've reclaimed because it comes directly from the god who speaks it's a message for kings and judges and donald trump and kamala harris it's a message for our nation it's also for individuals like you and like me the bible says there's none righteous no not one the bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god the bible says the wages of sin is death we have all i think of my own life for the fact my own life we've all rebelled and broken god's laws all you need to do is compare your own life to the ten commandments sometime have you ever put your name before god or had an idol in your life have you ever used god's name in vain have you ever dishonored your parents ever hated or lusted for someone not your spouse ever lied and recovered i think if we're honest we will all admit that we have also been rebels against the creator god we deserve his judgment but god and this is the greatest transition in all scripture but god after the bad news but god it's the most hope-filled transition in history i read the first half of roman 6 23 for the weight of the sin of death but i didn't read the second half but the free gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord and so since our founding 15 years ago in 2009 this has been our message of the overcomer foundation that you can receive regeneration of your eternal soul when you believe place your faith in the sinless life the substitutionary death the supernatural resurrection of jesus christ that's what it means regeneration he says you must be born again that's regeneration but our message goes beyond regeneration of your eternal soul to transformation of your earthly life as well through embracing a christian worldview now this doesn't mean that your life is going to be free from trials and tribulation because remember what jesus said in this world you will have tribulation guarantee but be a good shearer i have overcome the world and that's the promise that you'll be able to overcome like he did when you know him you're regenerate and you are transformed through the renewing of your mind by the christian worldview and by the way this is not a exclusive message just for certain people this is incredibly inclusive this message is for everyone everyone needs to hear this message if this isn't a message that you hear today come to the overcome our foundation event for golf and so forth if it's something you haven't believed and received get in touch with me or one of us this is what we want to do this is why we exist to tell this message of regeneration and transformation we would love to get together with you and sit down and show you from scripture what the gospel is and what it means to repent to believe in the gospel well we hope you could make out what was being said despite the wind if not get in touch and we can send you a transcript thanks to those who attended or supported the overcomer foundation cup this year or participated in the silent auction we still have a few items available if you go to our website slash auction thank you for joining us today on the christian worldview and for your support of this non-profit radio ministry let's remember that jesus christ and his word are the same yesterday and today and forever so until next time think biblically live accordingly and stand firm the mission of the christian worldview is to sharpen the biblical worldview of christians and to proclaim the good news of jesus christ we hope today's broadcast encouraged you toward that end to hear a replay of today's program order a transcript or find out what must i do to be saved go to or call toll-free 1-888-646-2233 the christian worldview is a listener-supported non-profit radio ministry furnished by the overcomer foundation to make a donation become a christian worldview partner order resources subscribe to our free newsletter or contact us visit call 1-888-646-2233 or write to box 401 excelsior minnesota 55331 that's box 401 excelsior minnesota 55331 thanks for listening to the christian worldview
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