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Election Postlude: Transition from Constitutional Republic to Banana Republic?

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton
The Truth Network Radio
November 9, 2020 9:02 am

Election Postlude: Transition from Constitutional Republic to Banana Republic?

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton

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November 9, 2020 9:02 am

Last week in our election preview program, we framed the choice Americans would make in the ballot box as between one party who rejects God (Democrats) and one party who mostly respects God (Republicans).

Because our nation has been so equally divided going back to 2000 when George W. Bush narrowly defeated Al Gore after a Supreme Court decision, it probably isn’t surprising that vote totals are so close in several states from last Tuesday’s presidential contest between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden that no victor has yet been announced.

Only this time, something more insidious is being alleged by Republicans: widespread fraudulent votes for Democrats through a mail-in ballot system implemented for the first time in this election cycle so voters could cast their ballot remotely due to COVID-19...

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
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Election postlude.

Is there a transition going on from our constitutional republic to a banana republic? That's a topic we'll discuss today right here on the Christian Reel View radio program where the mission is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to share the good news of Jesus Christ. I'm David Wheaton, the host, and our website is Thanks for joining us today for our post-election program. Now last week in our election preview program, which you can hear on our website,, we framed the choice Americans would make at the ballot box this past Tuesday as between one party who rejects God's—the Democrat party, we listed all the various reasons we made that conclusion—and the other party who mostly, it's not the party of God, not the Christian party, but mostly respects God in their policies, the Republican party. Now because our nation has been so equally divided going back to at least the year 2000 when George W. Bush narrowly defeated Al Gore, a member of the hanging chads in Florida and so forth, that went to a Supreme Court decision, it probably isn't surprising that vote totals were so close or are so close in several states from this past Tuesday's presidential contest between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden that no victor has yet been announced. Here we are on Saturday, what is it, five days after the election, no victor has been announced, although it looks like Joe Biden is going to be the winner and it's going to be disputed in court, but we're not there yet, no one's been announced yet. Only this time, in this particular election, in contrast to the year 2000, something far more insidious is being alleged by Republicans and President Trump, that there was widespread fraudulent votes for Democrats through this newly instituted mail-in ballot system that was implemented for the first time in this particular election cycle so voters could cast their ballot remotely.

Why? Because of fear of coronavirus. Now, free and fair elections are literally the most fundamental element of our constitutional republic. If you don't have that, you have a banana republic where the will of the people doesn't matter and who leads them, but only the will of those who hold power. They're the ones that determine who's going to stay in power. That's a very, very bad place if that's where we are in America.

So I hope you'll stay with us this weekend on the Christian Roofies. We discuss not only that, whether there was fraud taking place in the election, but other key takeaways from this particular election, including we're going to get to in the program, there was a slight drop in evangelical support for Trump, which could have made a major difference in the outcome of this election. So first, as you look at this whole election, some people are spinning us as good news for the GOP that they didn't lose many seats in the House as they were supposed to and all these different reasons. But this is a very bad development for our country, in my view.

Two options here. If Biden and Harris won fair and square, and really there wasn't much fraudulent voting and it didn't make a difference, the country just made a huge U-turn in an ungodly direction from the way President Trump was governing this country. You can expect that the murder of the unborn, the preborn and the partially born or the born of babies will accelerate under Biden and Harris. You will expect that moral perversity, because that's what it is, a redefinition of marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, that will be pushed down your throat. Suppression of speech, of free speech, as we're seeing in religion through even aided and abetted by big tech and media, that will increase.

The right to defend yourself with a constitutional right to defend yourself with a firearm, that is going to be attacked from every direction. There is going to be efforts to give amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, therefore in the future giving permanent majority classes to the Democrats. You're going to see what you saw in cities all over this country, no pushback against riots and violence on the street, no law and order.

Let's let them take over police precincts, as we saw here in Minneapolis. There's going to be, kind of counterintuitively, according to what you would see from the media, there's going to be more racial division this Sunday because they push critical race theory, which is at its core a racist worldview. We have whites, we have blacks, we have this, we have that. It's all a one identity group against the other. You're going to see more racial division. You thought, oh, Donald Trump was the great race baiter, it was so racial. Wait till you see how much race, race-ism, is pushed now under this kind of administration.

Of course, you're going to see the Green New Deal, they're going to push hard for that when the destruction of our economy is going to be not very far behind. You're going to see military weakness and foolishness. Donald Trump wasn't getting us involved in wars all over the world, and he was standing up to our greatest superpower enemy in the world, China. Well, you're not going to see that under a Biden administration because Biden, as we know from the dealings he had through his son with China, had very close relations and was on the take.

It's strongly alleged with strong evidence that he was, so he's not going to be very tough on China. There's going to be, if they get the opportunity, there's going to be, well, he will get the opportunity. When appointments come up for the Supreme Court and other federal benches, they're going to be appointing all sorts of people for judges who deconstruct and treat the Constitution as a living document. So that's bad enough development for our country if Biden and Harris won fair and square because all the liberal policies, not just liberal policies, actually, they're more leftist policies because again, Kamala Harris is the most leftist senator in the U.S. Senate. So that's bad enough just because their policies would take root. But if Biden and Harris won by fraud, we have even bigger problems because not only do you get all those policies that I just mentioned, but now you have the fundamental trust in our constitutional republic has been eroded that half the electorate, those who voted for Republican candidates, they can't really trust the election system anymore, that your vote doesn't really matter, and that the few people in power who control how the voting process works, they're the ones in control.

In other words, go back to the title of the program today, you have a transition from a constitutional republic to a banana republic. So the question is, and it's been debated on the media all week back and forth, did Biden and Harris, are they basically are probably going to win if things settle the way they are right now? The vote leads in these last four or five states are in their favor mostly. Trump would have to win court battles that have to be strong evidence of voter fraud for this to be changed.

But let's say they do win. Did they win fraudulently in this new year of mail-in voting that's never been really done to at least this level ever in American history? Well, here's what Newt Gingrich, who was the former Republican, former Speaker of the House, someone of very high political standing, who's highly respected from a standpoint of this isn't some just some Republican operative.

Here's what he said recently in an interview about this election. I've been active in this since 1958. That's 62 years. I am the angriest I have been in that entire six decades. You have a group of corrupt people who have absolute contempt for the American people who believe that we are so spineless, so cowardly, so unwilling to stand up for ourselves, that they can steal the presidency and will wring our hands, bring in a few lawyers and do nothing.

My hope is that President Trump will lead the millions of Americans who understand exactly what's going on. The Philadelphia machine is corrupt. The Atlanta machine is corrupt.

The machine in Detroit is corrupt. And they're trying to steal the presidency. And we should not allow them to do that.

First of all, under federal law, we should lock up the people who are breaking the law. You stop somebody from being an observer. You just broke federal law.

You hide and put up paper so nobody can see what you're doing. You just broke federal law. You bring in ballots that aren't real.

You just broke federal law. I am sick and tired of corrupt left wing Democrats who believe that we are too timid and too easy to intimidate and therefore let us go out and steal it. And that's exactly, no one should have any doubt. You are watching an effort to steal the presidency of the United States. And this is not about Donald Trump. This is about the American people. Do the American people have the right in an honest election with honest legitimate ballots to pick their leader? Or are we now just sheep to be dominated by the high tech businesses, the news media and the various political machines?

And are we supposed to surrender? So I think this is one of the great, this is a crisis in the American system, comparable to Washington on Christmas Eve or comparable to Lincoln at Gettysburg. This is a genuine, deep crisis of our survival.

Wow. I mean, this is Newt Gingrich, the former US speaker of the house saying these existential threat situation here, we're at, you know, code red alert here in America. They're stealing the election. These are not, I mean, he's not beating around the bush here saying, oh, there might've been some votes we need. I mean, stealing the election. This is a crisis like, you know, George Washington crossing the Delaware and Lincoln and Gettysburg.

I mean, this is big stuff. Now we've heard about the allegations here, something like 180,000 votes were found just for Biden, that there was a super high vote level in Wisconsin, higher than is even like statistically possible and from history. And you hear other people saying there's watermarks on the ballots that are going to be able to be shown that there was counterfeit ballots made. This, this morning, an actual news report came out of Michigan, that Michigan County flips back to Trump following a repair of quote voting software glitch that gave the county to Joe Biden.

Now it's been flipped back to Trump and apparently there's many other counties in, in Michigan that use the exact same software. So, and also Kevin McCarthy, the, the, the, the minority leader in the US house, he brought up another point about how favorably the election actually went for Republican house members and how could it go so favorably for them and not for the president? What's very interesting here and shows more of the fraud, not one Republican incumbent lost. We're already won eight seats and we're ahead in 10 more. How would president Trump lose in an atmosphere like that? How is it possible that someone claimed that Joe Biden would win and not one Republican member of Congress lost reelection, but almost 15 Democrats did. And you know, what's interesting happening, we're watching this go before our very eyes. Why is it in these major States that the big cities stop counting to all the rule votes come in till they know how many more they need?

Okay. That's Kevin McCarthy, minority leader in the house. Again, these aren't fringe kind of political operatives, you know, who are just willing to say anything. I mean, these are high level, highly respective people who have been in politics leaders in our political system. So there's many allegations and it's too soon.

And I have no idea. I'm not an investigative reporter to, to know what's true, what's not, whether there was extensive vote fraud enough to, to flip the election. But I'll tell you one thing, it would not surprise me one bit if there is the, the, the mail in ballot system that was instituted during this COVID was ripe for wait, get this, never let a crisis go to waste.

They had weeks and weeks and months to figure out how to be able to use this. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. I just hope the truth comes out more coming up on the Christian real view. Who is George Soros and what does he believe? Are you religious? No. Do you believe in God? No. Soros told the independent newspaper in Great Britain, it is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of God, the creator of everything.

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Browse them all at and then use them daily with the child God has put in your life. That's Back on the Christian Real View radio program as we talk about a post-election topic today. Are we going from a transition from a constitutional republic to a banana republic based on was there widespread voter fraud? Was it extensive enough to flip a presidential election? Voter fraud is nothing new. We've seen it here in Minnesota.

It's been well-documented that couple campaign cycles ago, Al Franken, the run for senator, who has now been removed or resigned, beat Norm Coleman, the Republican, based on some ballots that are quote-unquote found after the election in a small town in northern Minnesota. This has been highly investigated and basically nothing short of verified that that took place. So this voter fraud is nothing new.

It goes on, of course, all over the world. But in America, we like to think of ourselves as being on the up and up and that we have fair and free elections. It's never been done, I don't think, that I know of on a large enough scale voting fraud to change a presidential election. But there's never been a year where they've had this mail-in ballot system.

So I did a little looking on that. We heard a lot about these mail-in ballots and President Trump leaked election and said it's rigged. Do you really know the difference between an absentee ballot and a mail-in ballot?

Because I didn't know the difference. I voted absentee a couple times when I was going to be out of town. You have to go and request your ballot and so forth. So I went in line and looked at what the difference is between an absentee ballot and a mail-in ballot. Very interesting.

I went to CNET. Every U.S. state allows mail-in absentee voting, absentee voting. But typically only under certain circumstances can you get an absentee ballot. For example, in the past, many states only allowed you to get an absentee ballot if you were deployed within the U.S. Armed Forces, were going to be out of town on election day, or were ill. So there was tight parameters to be able to get an absentee ballot because of the room for fraud.

Once you get a ballot out of the custody of the polling place, there's room for fraud. Okay, amid the pandemic, here it is, the coronavirus, however, at least 35 states have changed their mail-in absentee voting policies, allowing all voters to apply for an absentee ballot to cut down on the risk of spreading the virus. So they lowered the qualification. Anyone, for any reason, just for coronavirus, you don't want to go vote in person, you can get an absentee ballot.

They lowered the standards. They were still talking about absentee ballots now. Some states are calling the expanded criteria for absentee voting called no excuse absentee voting, a term that indicates you don't need to explain why you want an absentee ballot as you have in the past, but you'll still need to fill out an application and request one, either online or through mail. Okay, that's absentee ballots. We've had those for a long time. They had tight standards for them.

They were relaxed this year. Now we get to mail-in ballots. What is a mail-in ballot? However, other states have decided to automatically, automatically, here's the key word, not even requested, have decided to automatically send every citizen an absentee ballot or a form to fill out to request one. That's when we start to see the term mail-in voting as opposed to absentee voting used to refer to a wider policy of absentee voting for all. In other words, ballots and millions of them were sent out whether requested or not requested. So there were tons and tons of ballots coming out into, into the states, into people's homes and wherever they live and their mailboxes. Well, here's your ballot.

Now you can just see how ripe that is for fraud. So now listen to the numbers of how many were sent out and how many were voted. 80 million in this particular election, there was 160 million votes.

That is the most in US history in this election. Now you think in coronavirus, wow, how can, how can there be that many votes? Well, there's that many votes because that many mail-in ballots were used to vote. 80 millions, half, half of the total vote, votes in this election were mail-in ballots and a vast majority of those, something like 60 or 75% of mail-in ballots were cast by Democrats while Republicans voted on a election day in person or early in person. So, so 80 million mail-in ballots. Now in-person voting on election day, of course, limits the opportunity for fraud.

While mail-in ballots offers a huge opportunity for fraud. Once a ballot gets out of the control of the, again, of the voting place, first of all, you have weeks and months to organize and how and plan how you're going to take control of these mail-in ballots. You can persuade or pay recipients of, of these ballots to vote a certain way. They may not even have ever voted at all, but now they have a ballot in your hand. You go to them, can I help you vote today? Or can I take your ballot? Can I pay you for your ballot? Or can you just sign this ballot?

You go into an elderly home or whatever. There are tons of votes. When you're sending out tens of millions of mail-in ballots, this isn't just a small percentage. You can have a recipient of that ballot sign the ballot for the, for the, for the fraudulent person to take away, gather together and put a vote in for Biden. You can take the ballots that are sent to registered voters who have now died. You can get those ballots. You can, you can take the ballots that were maybe sent to known Republican areas.

They can take them, steal them somehow. And then finally, when all those ballots get turned in, you can have biased counting of those. Instead of machine counting ballots, we're seeing video people kind of manually looking at ballots.

I mean, there's just a lot of room for fraud with mail-in ballot, not balloting. And that's why President Trump was saying this is ripe for stealing election and so forth. Well, it turns out that we don't know yet all the evidence. We need lots of evidence in this for it to be true, but there's certainly room there in this unique time, this unique election cycle for this to be the case. So again, we don't know yet. Was it enough to flip the election?

Maybe, maybe not. I hope to the truth it needs to be investigated, whatever the case. So Americans know that there is legitimacy still to our election.

That's absolutely the case. Now, speaking of the, the media in all of this, they had a moving away from the, the mail-in voting, mail-in balloting. The media and the big tech companies, and I'm talking referring to companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter, they had their own kind of political leverage, persuasion, using their power to, to censor content in this election that was either against Biden or they'd promote content that was against President Trump. And the discovery of truth, and several people have told me this, where do you go now to get, to get good election or good news, accurate news on certain things? I mean, the discovery of truth has now become extremely difficult. I mean, who can you believe?

What news source can you go to that you're actually going to get the truth? I mean, think about the media pollsters leading up to this election. Almost every single one said that Biden and Harris were ahead by many, many points, that there was going to be a blue wave.

I mean, it wasn't just a few, it was 99% of them, only a couple were even somewhat close. And that didn't happen at all in this election. Even Biden and Harris won, there wasn't any blue wave. Like Kevin McCarthy said, there's no Democrats lost seat in the House.

The Senate is likely, I think, still to be in Republican hands. So there wasn't this blue wave. Donald Trump may have lost, but there was, that was, even that was against what the pollsters were predicting.

So they can absolutely not be trusted at all. The same thing happened in 2016. This is two election cycles in a row where they've completely got it wrong. You wonder if they're getting it wrong on purpose, trying to dissuade people from voting for Trump, knowing it's, or giving to Trump, knowing it's a losing bet. Oh, we're so far behind, it's not going to make a difference.

My vote doesn't matter. And not only was there the polling wrong from these pollsters, but the media itself was, and I don't know the percentage, but I would say something like 95, 98, 99% supporting Joe Biden. I mean, literally every article was slanted against Donald Trump. And so this has a big impact on people. You never read anything good about President Trump.

They always pick out something that's negative about him. And it has a big impact on people. Of course, that's where people are getting their news. How, I mean, I'm sitting here, you know, in the studio, you're sitting wherever you are, how do you know what's going on? Well, you have to rely on going to people who are reporting on it.

And how do you know whether they're telling the truth? And this, there's a, there's a montage here. I'd like to play a little bit of it just to show you of what the media treated Trump like during the last three years. And just imagine, would this ever, ever have been done to someone like President Obama?

Or will this ever be done to possibly our next president, Joe Biden? From this day forward, it's going to be only America first. America first. When he said today, America first, it was not just the racial, I mean the, I shouldn't say racial, the Hitlerian background to it. It was an America first committee. They were infiltrated by the Nazis. Many of them are antisemitic. Part of why they weren't alarmed by Hitler's rise in Germany.

Outside of the Civil War, World War II, and including 9-11, this may be the most cataclysmic event the country's ever seen. He's just disgusting to look at. He's obese.

He's one of the repulsive, physically looking human beings I've ever seen. Absolutely no morals, who's a bully, who acts like a bigot and a racist and is a sexist and a sexual harasser. The case for impeachment has never been stronger, the evidence never so riveting. Are you suggesting that President Trump should face impeachment? Another member of Congress wants him impeached. There's growing talk at least about impeachment.

What is your case for impeachment? The first day of public testimony in the impeachment inquiry opening with a bombshell. We got the bombshell. A bombshell. Bombshell. Bombshell. One bombshell after another.

Bombshell after bombshell. We're bracing for potentially an explosive opening statement. Explosive week. Explosive testimony. Explosive. Truly explosive. The most explosive thing. This is a slow motion explosion. How explosive? Very explosive.

And I think it will. Explosive. Wow. Donald Trump feels the walls closing in. Really kind of the walls closing in on him. Walls closing in on him.

Walls closing in on him. Okay, you're getting the idea. That's the media coverage of this president over his presidency. You have the pollsters. Way wrong. You have the media in the complete pocket of the Democrats.

And then you have big tech slanting searches against Trump and censoring accounts of conservatives. A banana republic. Here we come. David Wheaton here, host of the Christian worldview. For over 15 years, our mission has been to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. We pursue that mission on air through radio programs, in person hosting events, and online through audio, video, and print resources. We are an all volunteer ministry, but have monthly operating expenses. The most significant being the cost of air time on the station, website, or app on which you hear the radio program. We are looking for monthly partners so that each station or website is supported by its own listeners.

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That's 1-888-646-2233 or visit A real chance that if Donald Trump loses the election, he ends up living out the rest of his days in prison. But here's the question, would you like to see President Trump in prison?

Do you want to see the president in prison? Do you think Trump could end up going to jail? He could actually face jail time. Donald Trump could end up in jail. In prison.

If he ends up in jail, so be it. You are pathetic. From a journalism point of view, Donald Trump is a brain eating disease.

How stupid can you be? This president has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did. His ignorance could pose a profound danger to every single person in this country and literally every inhabitant of the planet earth. No, we won't call them fascist comments. Fascist. Fascism. Fascist. Xenophobic. Racist. Demagogic.

Sexist. Autocratic. Donald Trump's a fascist. Someone like a fascist or a tyrant or an autocrat. Fascist. Hitler. Hitler. Adolf Hitler. Hitler. Hitler. Hitler. Hitler. Hitler. He could well be just an empty man, an empty human being with no soul. You, Donald Trump, are a horrible, horrible human being.

Horrible. And those are all actual from the news media over the last four years. That was a montage of the media coverage from Hitler to fascist to existential threat to the world. How do you expect people to actually get the truth of what's going on when the news media, and I'm talking 99% of the news media, actually holds that particular role? You have the pollsters giving phony polls. You have the media giving a totally slanted perspective.

You have the big tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter influencing what people search, what people find, what stories they can get. The fact that the Hunter Biden scandal that seven million people watched when Tucker Carlson interviewed this guy who was involved as his financial CEO of the company dealing with Ukraine and China that never even ever was covered by anyone else, that that was completely suppressed is a perfect example of what the kind of climate we're living in now. I mean, literally, this is like George Orwell's 1984 where there is a, quote, ministry of truth, right? Ministry of truth. Well, it's really a ministry of propaganda.

I'm not saying we're at that point, but this is the direction it's going. So who exactly did America elect? Because there was very, very little vetting of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris heading into the election. They didn't have to campaign.

They kind of stayed in these little small events and weren't asked tough questions. There were two debates and so forth. Well, in Joe Biden, they're electing a career politician who's been in politics for 47 years and a corrupt politician if what they're saying about the reporting on this deal with Ukraine and China is actually true, which sounds like there's plenty of evidence that there is. But not only that, that's who he is, but he's also a man, and I don't say this critically at all, but he really has reached a point in his life just from what he says and forgets and slurs his words and forgets his thoughts, that he's actually battling some sort of cognitive problem. Again, not a criticism.

People can't help that. So I play this soundbite that just gives you an example of some of his speech and cognitive lapses, not in any way to make fun of them, because this is nothing to make fun of. What this is, is you have a 78 year old man who's going through a stage of life where his cognitive abilities are going down and he's going to be put in charge of the most powerful nation in the world. Again, there's a little subtract of a kind of a circus song going behind Biden, all these different gaffes he's making over the election campaign. I couldn't pull that out of it because I would have, I could, because it's not a laughing matter.

I felt my physical as well as my mental fitness. Why should people want to make a change, though? Well, that's up to them to decide.

Why should they? It's for them to decide. Well make your case. I'm not going to. Donald Trump does pose an excellent strength to this.

It's not hypothetical. That makes it far more durable, reliable and powerful. And partnerships build on cohesion, excuse me, coercion.

Because if you could take care, if you were a quartermaster, you can sure as **** take care of running a, you know, department store thing, you know, where, and the second floor of the ladies department or whatever, you know what I mean? The way Trump, the way China will respond is when we gather the rest of the world that in fact, in open trade and making sure that we're in a position that the world, that we deal with WHO the right way, that in fact, that's when things began to change. I, you know, I looked at it anyway.

That's what I think my plan, I know what my plan does. In the eyes of 200 million people have died probably by the time I finish this talk. Unnecessarily.

Now we have over 120 million dead from COVID. I mean, it's again, you could, you could, to be fair, we could pull out all the, the rude things, the, the powerful things that president Trump, and we've criticized him for that. Okay. To be fair and balanced, but this again, not meant to be a critical of Joe Biden from a standpoint, making fun of him at all. It's just, he does this over and over. He did it on the night of the election. I mean, he, he has this slurred, you know, it's just hard to believe.

I sat there watching things. You gotta be kidding me that this man at this stage of his life, I mean, maybe four years ago, eight years ago, 12 years ago, but now, I mean, he's 78 and if he's doing this now, what is going to happen in a couple of years for you? There's no way he'd be able to run out two terms if this, this sort of level of cognitive decline continues. And so it leads you to the next, who exactly did America elect? Well, he has a vice president as well, Kamala Harris. And I would say in the track he's on, I don't see how he makes it through one term cognitively, 82 by the time he gets to the end of his, his term. Now, again, as we mentioned, she is the most leftist senator in the U.S. Senate.

She's more leftist, more rated as more leftist than the Democrat socialist Bernie Sanders. So this is troubling enough to think about the fact that Joe Biden with his, with his leftism, but also his cognitive decline is going to be in the White House, backed up by Kamala Harris, the most leftist senator in the U.S. Senate. That's troubling enough. But actually the more troubling thing than that is that half of the electorate, tens of millions of people thought that they would be best for this country. They voted for them.

They wanted them. So you can just expect during their, if they take power, you can just expect it in advance, just so you know what's coming. It's always good to be prepared so you're not shocked. You can expect that the killing of preborn and born human beings, otherwise known as babies, is going to be expanded and taxpayers are going to be forced to pay for it. You can expect that homosexual and transgender rights will be promoted everywhere. The Equality Act is going to add homosexuality and transgenderism to civil rights, nondiscrimination legislation that will be pushed.

You can expect that there's going to be religious marginalization and persecution for Christians who stand up for their beliefs. You can expect that judges were going to be appointed to federal courts and possibly a Supreme Court, probably to the Supreme Court, is going to be expanded now that there's a conservative majority. They're going to quote unquote pack the court. Now I don't know if they can do that as long as there's a Republican majority in the Senate, but even that is whether that's going to hold or not has not been determined. There's runoffs in Georgia right now of two Senate races.

So we don't know that's going to take place. You can expect that they're going to push to give statehood to the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, two strong Democrat strongholds that will give them four more Democrat senators in the Senate to give them a majority. You can expect that they're going to push the extreme Green New Deal, the environmental policies. You can expect that you're going to lose health care freedom. It's going to be universal health care, government controlled health care. You can expect greater taxation and redistribution of income. You can expect Christian or public schools are going to be teaching critical race theory about how terrible America is and how white people are the fault of the whole place. You can kiss goodbye, by the way, school choice, speaking of education, where Trump was going to try to institute school choice.

So you don't have to be forced to only go to your local public school, but you get funding to be able to choose a school of your choice. You can kiss that goodbye. You can expect that immigration is going to be opened up drastically in this country. You can expect that the Second Amendment will be strongly restricted, whether through gun sales or ammunition restrictions.

And you can expect a weak America second foreign policy. And if you resist any of those things, it's very clear what they do. It's like what they do on Facebook. They censor you. They put a note that independent fact checkers have established that this isn't true.

The hammer will come down on you. They don't believe in freedom of speech and freedom of expression. They believe in their way or the highway.

Now, in the last part of the program, I just want to get to what I think is perhaps maybe even one of the more troubling aspects. And we were talking about this leading up to the election that who helped these two get elected? Who helped Biden and Harris? Well, we know the Democrats and liberals and leftists all wanted them.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa and all those, that whole crowd. White liberals, by the way, helped them to get elected. Single women were a big constituency for Biden and Harris.

We know all that. But an article came out this week in The Washington Times titled, softening of Trump's evangelical base may have proved critical. White evangelicals labored in the vineyards again for President Trump on Tuesday, casting votes in overwhelming numbers for the Republican president who counts them among his staunchest allies and for pro-life, socially conservative Republican candidates in down ballot races as well. But early data from exit polls and turnout reveals a small but potentially fatal slippage from Mr. Trump's 2016 massive support from Christian evangelicals in key states. Surveys of voters by the AP and national election poll found that Mr. Trump thumped his Democratic rival with 76 to 78 percent of white born again Christians.

But this strong mark, 81, 70 percent, 80 percent would mark a slight decline from the totals of 2016, where he dropped about five percentage points, which could have been critical in this result. Who is George Soros and what does he believe? Are you religious? No. Do you believe in God? No. Soros told the independent newspaper in Great Britain, it is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of God, the creator of everything.

But I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out. Soros spends his billions to transform America into godless socialism. Be informed about him and the organizations he funds by ordering this George Soros resource bundle, which includes a 60-minute DVD, 60-page book and 16-page follow-the-money chart and guide for a donation of $50 or more to The Christian Worldview. To order, call 1-888-646-2233 or write to Box 401 Excelsior, Minnesota 55331 or visit That's Be sure to take advantage of two free resources that will keep you informed and sharpen your worldview. The first is The Christian Worldview weekly email, which comes to your inbox each Friday. It contains a preview of the upcoming radio program along with need-to-read articles, featured resources, special events and audio of the previous program. The second is The Christian Worldview Annual Print Letter, which is delivered to your mailbox in November. It contains a year-end letter from host David Wheaton and a listing of our store items, including DVDs, books, children's materials and more. You can sign up for the weekly email and annual print letter by visiting or calling 1-888-646-2233.

Your email and mailing address will never be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time. Call 1-888-646-2233 or visit Okay, final segment of the day here on The Christian Worldview. We give a post-election program today.

Are we in transition from constitutional republic to banana republic? And I was reading an article there at the end of the last segment. To cut off a little bit with the key point, Washington Times, softening of Trump's evangelical base may have proved critical. In other words, surveys of voters by the Associated Press national election poll found that Mr. Trump thumped his democratic rival with 76 to 78 percent of white born-again Christian casting ballots.

That's good news, right? Republicans or evangelicals voted strongly for Trump. But this strong lean would mark a slight decline from the totals in 2016 when an estimated 81 percent of these same voters threw support to Mr. Trump and proved critical to his upset win. With small margins in a few swing states likely to decide the election, some of Mr. Trump's opponents say this small erosion in evangelical support after 2016 could have played a critical role in the result of this election. In other words, just a 3 to 5 percent drop in support for President Trump amongst evangelicals in some of these key states could have. Now, I don't think, again, can't be definitive here, but this is a report from the Washington Times on this. Going on, there's never been, let's see, going down to who were the people behind these fissures being created coming into 2020, a full year, three years into his presidency, Mr. Trump's support within white evangelicals began to show small fissures, if not cracks.

I wonder why. During the impeachment battle in December, Mark Galley, who's now, by the way, converted to Roman Catholicism, he was the outgoing editor of Christianity Today, an evangelical magazine, wrote in an editorial that the president should be removed from office. He cited what he called the president's grossly immoral character.

Of course, the impeachment was a fake story, a ginned up thing that Trump had been colluding with Russia or Ukraine. It was proven false after millions of dollars of investigations, but Mark Galley, an evangelical at the time, said he should be removed from office. In internal polling, Doug Padgett, you probably remember that name, he's the executive director of Vote Common Good, a so-called Christian group opposed to Mr. Trump's reelection.

He was one of the leaders of the Emergent Church here in Minneapolis many years ago, very much on the left and so forth. He has this group called Vote Common Good that tried to persuade evangelicals to vote for Joe Biden. He said if a voter said they saw a voter as unkind on a Christian virtue level, there was 80 percent chance they weren't going to vote for him, said Padgett. It's never been about policy, it's always been about the person.

He said the tractors of the president continually brought up one word, kindness. All I can say to that is to Tim Keller, to John Piper, to Russell Moore, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention, to summit the Gospel Coalition, to some at Nine Marks Ministries like Jonathan Lehman, to some at Southern Baptist Convention, to the National Association of Evangelicals, to Christianity Today and a host of all these social justice evangelicals who tried to convince us that really, you know, there's an equivalency, Christians don't belong to one party, both parties have their policies that Christians can support. I can't wait till you find out about the kindness and the decency and the integrity of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris when the Democrats are in power.

I don't think they'll be honest enough to actually actually compare what the kindness is like of their policies and their persons, by the way, not just their policies, but their personalities as well. And to me, anyone who doesn't have the moral clarity on obvious biblical issues like abortion, that abortion is the killing of a human life, that they don't have obvious moral clarity on issues of trans-indrom that no eight-year-old should not be encouraged to see if they can, quote, change their sex, they absolutely cannot be trusted. Whether it's Christians, whether it's media or politicians, people who don't have moral clarity on obvious issues like that, to me, have no credibility to be telling other Christians how they should vote or trying to make this moral equivalency. So I want to end the program today just on bad news and good news. Bad news, we've gone over that a lot today. Even if there is no fraud, as we mentioned, half the country voted for the policies of the God rejecters as we kind of pitched it last week.

Will it be those who respect God versus those who reject God? And I just coincidentally read a passage in 1 Samuel this week, reading about when the Ark of the Covenant was taken or stolen by the Philistines, and Eli, the high priest's daughter, Phinehas' wife, Eli's son was corrupt and a terrible priest. She was pregnant and about to give birth, and when she heard the news that the Ark of God had been taken and that her father-in-law and her husband had died, she kneeled down and gave birth because her birth pains came upon her. And about the time of her death, she died. She was so stressed because her father-in-law Eli had died upon hearing the Ark had been taken, her husband had died. Someone standing near her said, Don't be afraid, you have given birth to a son.

But she did not answer or pay attention. And she named the boy Ichabod, saying, The glory has departed from Israel because the Ark of God has been taken and because her father-in-law and her husband had died. So she said, The glory has departed from Israel because the Ark of God has been taken. Now, I'm not comparing Israel to America at all, I'm just saying, Let's hope the great glory that this nation has had because of the blessings of God and because of the Christians involved in the founding and formation of this country, let's hope that glory has not departed from this country. Christian Ministries International, Jason Carlson, pastor here in the Twin Cities, sent out an email this week that I thought was really, really well summed up. He said, with bullet points, This week's election has once again revealed how deeply divided America is. The coming days will be an important time for the Church to affirm and profess important truths to our land.

True. God is the author, bullet point two, of history. He determines our times and places and He shakes the nations to accomplish His will.

History is His story. Bullet point three, God's word is clear that our governmental authorities have been established by God for good or for worse. Bullet point four, Christians are admonished by God to submit to and honor our governing authorities.

True. Bullet point five, Christians are called to pray for the leaders of our government. Bullet point six, the Christians should seek to lead a quiet life within the culture. Our goal should be to win the respect of non-believers through our love for one another, our work ethic and living in peace together.

Bullet point, what are we, seven. As Christians, this world is not our home. We are aliens and strangers here. As such, we must remember that our first calling is to live as ambassadors of Jesus Christ in His heavenly kingdom. And the last bullet point, politicians will come and go, but the word of the Lord stands forever. May God's priorities always be our priorities and may we as believers never be ashamed of the gospel of Christ.

It alone is the true hope of this world. What a great way to frame our perspective as we are here this post-election. We do live in a changing and challenging America, but again, reiterating what's said there, there is one person we can always trust in and count on, Jesus Christ and His word.

They're the same yesterday, today and forever. Until next weekend, pray for the country and think biblically and live accordingly. We hope today's broadcast turned your heart toward God, His word and His son. To order a CD copy of today's program or sign up for our free weekly email or to find out how you can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, go to our website, or call us toll free at 1-888-646-2233. The Christian World View is a weekly one hour radio program that is furnished by the Overcomer Foundation and is supported by listeners and sponsors. Request one of our current resources with your donation of any amount. Go to or call us toll free at 1-888-646-2233 or write to us at Box 401 Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. That's Box 401 Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. Thanks for listening to The Christian World View. Until next time, think biblically and live accordingly.
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