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How the “Equality Act” is the Christian Persecution Act

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton
The Truth Network Radio
May 24, 2019 8:00 pm

How the “Equality Act” is the Christian Persecution Act

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton

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May 24, 2019 8:00 pm

On Memorial Day Weekend, when we remember the sacrifices made by members of our military and their families to protect the unique individual liberties we enjoy in the United States, such as freedom of religion and speech, a new law euphemistically named the “Equality Act”, already passed in the Democrat-majority House of Representatives, would greatly suppress those liberties.

The Equality Act adds “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the federal non-discrimination law, which makes it illegal to “discriminate…because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or genetic information” (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)...

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How the Equality Act is actually the Christian Persecution Act. Robert Knight joins us this Memorial Day weekend right here on the Christian Worldview Radio program where the mission is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to share the good news that all people can be reconciled to God through faith in Jesus Christ.

I'm David Wheaton, the host of the program, and our website is Thanks for joining us this weekend for another edition of the Christian Worldview on how the Equality Act is actually the Christian Persecution Act. Now on this Memorial Day weekend when we remember the sacrifices made by members of our military and their families to protect the unique individual liberties we enjoy in the United States, such as freedom of religion and speech, a new law euphemistically named the Equality Act, already passed in the Democrat majority House of Representatives, would greatly suppress those liberties. The Equality Act adds, quote, sexual orientation and gender identity to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which is the federal nondiscrimination law which makes it illegal to, quote, discriminate because of the person's race, color, religion, sex, as in male-female, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. Now Houston Baptist professor Robert Gagnon said this about the Equality Act, quote, it is the most dangerous bill to freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion that has ever been proposed on a national level, unquote.

Well how is that so? Well this weekend on the Christian Worldview, Robert Knight, he's a columnist for the Washington Times, joins us to answer that question and more. He wrote a recent column on the Equality Act and we're also going to discuss how this law is a precursor to a new system in China called the social credit system, a dystopian system we'll talk about as well. Let's get to the first segment of the interview with Robert Knight. Robert, thank you for coming on the program and to talk about this Orwellian named Equality Act. I want to start up by reading a couple paragraphs from your recent column where you talk about the Equality Act.

You titled that column a misnamed legal jackhammer strikes. And you start out the column by saying Democrats in the House are celebrating this past Friday's passage of the Equality Act, a misnamed legal jackhammer that would add quote sexual orientation and quote gender identity to federal civil rights law. It goes far beyond allowing men into women's sports and locker rooms, as bad as that is. It provides the state with the power to persecute anyone who won't celebrate any aspect of the LGBTQ agenda. Far from merely expanding civil rights categories, it turns any recognition of the differences between the sexes or any preference for traditional sexual morality into actionable quote hate, creating fertile grounds for lawsuits.

Last paragraph. It is the most dangerous bill to freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion that has ever been proposed on a national level. That's a quote by Houston Baptist University Professor Robert Gagnon, an expert in biblical sexual morality, quote, it will codify into law that you are a bigot, the moral equivalent of a racist tantamount to being a member of the Ku Klux Klan, who must be shut out of society and wherever possible, harassed and persecuted for your beliefs, unquote. That's quite an opening to your column, Robert, and quite a big statement of what this law intends to do, the Equality Act. Now, I thought this is the Equality Act as its name, not the Punish If You Disagree Act. Why should Christians be concerned about this?

It's the whole ballgame. It criminalizes Christianity in one fell swoop because it affects all federal civil rights laws, not just a single law, but throughout the federal government and those laws that affect private businesses, institutions, schools, you name it. It's a massive increase in federal power to promote the idea that traditional biblical morality is now a form of hate like racism. It equates biblical morality with the kind of hate that the government has tried to eliminate with civil rights laws. You have to understand the nature of civil rights laws. Civil rights are a zero-sum game.

That means it's a hierarchical system where you have to give up certain rights to let others have certain rights. For instance, if you're a business owner and you want to decide whom you conserve or not, you give up part of that right because the society has decided that to redress slavery and Jim Crow, you lose some of your right to say no on the basis of race. People are good with that because race has no moral dimensions whatsoever. You're born black or Hispanic or white or Asian. It has nothing to do with morality, but in recent years, when you add sexual orientation or gender identity to civil rights law, you have just added behavioral categories that do have moral components, right and wrong. It's nothing like skin color.

It's very dangerous. I saw this coming 20 years ago when they started adding sexual orientation. I thought, whoa, whoa, this isn't like place of origin, sex, meaning gender or skin color. This is wholly different and if you add it and turn it into a civil right, you've just said that anybody disagrees loses their rights. So I think Professor Gagnon is absolutely correct. This is the greatest threat ever on a national level to free exercise of religion and speech.

Wow. Robert Knight with us today in the Christian Real of You talking about the Just Past Equality Act that passed in the House. Now it goes over to the Senate. If it passes there, it'll go to the president's desk.

We'll talk about that in a second, what will happen to it. You also write in your column, some weasel GOPers, Republicans, suggest a carve out quote for churches leaving everyone else, tens of millions of Christians and observant Jews at the mercy of a government run by LGBTQ activists who have no patience for resistance of any kind. The bill specifically rules out religion based defenses. So would churches and religious organizations be exempt from this law and if not, in what ways would this law impact them? They've not only not done a carve out for religious faith reasons, they've actually put in the bill a section that says you can't raise any defenses against enforcement of this law by citing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. That's a bill that Bill Clinton signed that said, you know, you can't single out religious based businesses or people or institutions for punishment simply because you disagree with their rights. This bill goes out of its way to say, yeah, tough. If you have Christian faith that says you don't want men in the women's locker room or you don't want to recognize same sex marriage or force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions or do euthanasia, too bad.

The law will force you to do that. This is totalitarian in essence. It's saying we have a new morality and we're going to force it down your throats.

Well, quality, quality. We'll talk about tolerance and fairness, but that's not what we're all about. You know, you've seen the cake shop owner and the florist and the photographers hauled into court and fined. That's the tip of the iceberg. And one thing I see, David, I find fascinating is that people look at this Equality Act and they go, oh, well, gee, you know, it'll be all about men going into women's sports like wrestling and and even weightlifting and dominating them and track and field. And I'm thinking, no, that's not what it's about, because that affects very few people, relatively speaking.

I wouldn't concentrate on that. I would concentrate on the threat it poses directly to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly. All our First Amendment rights are up for grabs if this thing gets into law. OK, so let me ask specifically about churches and religious organizations. Would churches be able to decline to marry two people of the same sex under the way the way the bill is written now?

I don't think so. They say, well, you can go ahead and do that, but we're taking away your tax exemption. That's how they're going to force churches into either going out of business or or complying with, you know, Sodom and Gomorrah's requirements. The other thing is, even if churches somehow, because of the courts, get an exemption that will protect everybody outside of specific church related institutions.

If you're a businessman, a restaurant owner, you run a school, you name it, you won't have any protection whatsoever. You'll be hounded by LGBTQ attorneys, fortified by government prosecutors. I can't overemphasize the threat this poses just to keep our freedom of conscience in this country.

Robert Knight with us today in the Christian Royal View, a columnist for The Washington Times. We're reading his latest column, a misnamed legal jackhammer strikes in the form of this Equality Act. Now, will this law pass? It's already gone through the House. Will it make it past the Senate and to the president's desk? People don't think elections matter and who you vote for and which party you vote for. This law might change your mind.

Tell us about the the legal viability of this law, at least for now. Well, 226 Democrats voted for it and several didn't vote at all. But no Democrat voted against this bill.

This this huge threat to our liberties. Eight Republicans went along with them and 16 more Republicans sat it out. They didn't want to go on record.

I think they're cowards or they're they're on the wrong side and actually favor elevating LGBT rights over those of constitutional rights, such as freedom of religion. I don't think the bill will pass this time around because the Senate is controlled by the Republicans. Mitch McConnell isn't going to bring this bill up. And if and if it did come up, it would be defeated if for some reason it slipped through. The Trump administration has already announced it would issue a veto. But, you know, here we are in 2019.

2020 is a big election. If the Democrats capture the Senate and or the White House, this could become law, in which case we no longer live in a free country. We would live in a country that will know everything about us at all times and will punish us for beliefs that go back thousands of years. Yeah, we're going to get into China's new social credit system and how this Equality Act is really just a forerunner of getting to that.

We're going to get to that in just a few minutes here on The Christian Real View. Robert Knight joins us today, a columnist for The Washington Times. You can sign up for his weekly column by emailing him at Robert, I want to read right from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website. This is a government agency that is the one tasked with enforcing this this law, not the Equality Act law, but the nondiscrimination. It's actually the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title seven is the official name for I'm going to read what it says on the EEOC website. Okay, I'm going to read that after this first break of the day here on The Christian Real View radio program.

We're thankful you joined us this Memorial Day weekend and a heartfelt thank you to members of our military, both present and past, and their families for their incredible sacrifice, winning in retaining the freedoms which we have in this country and the freedoms that as we're talking about this Equality Act today that are very, very much in jeopardy. If laws like this pass, and they're moving that direction, this is the case in other parts of the world. I don't see how this will be avoided at least at some point in the future in America.

This is where the world is going. We'll talk about what Christians are called to do and how to respond. Much more coming up on The Christian Real View after this. Environmental scaremongering is the favorite tactic of the left to gain massive government control.

After all, if you can convince people that we are imperiling our very existence by human caused climate change, there is no tax law or reordering of society that goes too far. Christians need to be fully informed of this nefarious climate change scheme. That is why we are offering two resources by Cal Beisner, founder of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, who brings a truthful biblical worldview to this issue. Climate Change in the Christian is an 80-minute DVD message, and The Cosmic Consequences of Christ Crosswork is a 15-page booklet.

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I'm David Wheaton, the host. Our website is You can go there to subscribe to our free weekly email and annual print letter. Also, you get audio pass programs.

You can order resources. A lot to do there at How ironic it is on this Memorial Day weekend to be talking about the Equality Act, which is really the Christian Persecution Act as they seek to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of things that are in federal law, non-discriminating against those who profess those identities because they take away, they would take away the very freedoms, freedom of religion and freedom of speech from Christians.

Anyone who would dissent from their worldview. How ironic on this weekend when so many of our military members have fought and died for those freedoms that we talk about this weekend. And our guest today is Robert Knight. He's a columnist for the Washington Times. We have his most recent column on this Equality Act linked at our website

Let's get straight back to the interview with Robert Knight. Robert, I want to read right from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website. This is a government agency that is the one tasked with enforcing this law, not the Equality Act law, but the non-discrimination. It's actually the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Title 7 is the official name for it. I'm going to read what it says on the EEOC website. EEOC is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate in employment against a job applicant, an employee, or former employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex, including pregnancy, national origin, age, 40 or older, disability, or genetic information. Now you notice that someone's sexual orientation, so to speak, and their gender identity is not in the current law. It goes on to say, well, Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not explicitly include sexual orientation or gender identity in its list of protected bases. The commission, consistent with Supreme Court case law holding that employment actions motivated by gender stereotyping are unlawful sex discrimination and other court decisions interprets the statute's sex discrimination provision as prohibiting discrimination against employees on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Basically what they're saying is, this is the EEOC, the one responsible for enforcing this law, is saying that no, sexual orientation and gender identity is not in the current law, but we interpret it as being that way right now, that those two things are protected as well.

So, go ahead. The social revolutionaries don't want to wait for the law. They don't care that Congress has never authorized the inclusion of those elements into the 1964 Civil Rights Act. They're saying, well, we don't care.

We interpret it this way anyway, and some judges out there have done so, so it might as well be law to us. I mean, they're out of control. They need to be reined in. I'm sorry the Trump administration has not already corrected that. That sounds like the work of Hai Feldblum. She was a Barack Obama appointee. She's a lesbian professor at Georgetown University and she was appointed by Obama to the EEOC. She's the one who said that civil rights are a zero-sum game. Gays win, Christians lose. I heard her say that myself at a conference in Washington, because she was asked whether college campuses ought to kick Christian clubs off campus if they won't allow gays and lesbians to be officers in the Christian club. And she said, yeah, they have to go, because gay rights should trump Christianity.

That's who Barack Obama put in charge over at the EEOC, but somebody's got to go in and take that out because that doesn't reflect what the law says at all. And this Equality Act would be that and much, much more. I mean, churches will be sued or lose tax-exempt status. School kids will be forced to learn about everything, all kinds of behaviors. Parents who oppose it will be charged with discrimination. Private colleges will lose funding, grants and scholarships. Public accommodations and small businesses will be forced to allow men into women's bathrooms and vice versa.

And if their employee comes to work as a different sex that day, they can't say anything about it, even if it frightens away their customer base. Hospitals, clinics, the armed forces, they'll all be forced to provide transgender drugs, treatments, and even surgeries. Foster agencies, adoption agencies, they're already closing. Catholic Charities has closed its adoption agencies, which are the largest, in several cities, Chicago, Washington, D.C., because they don't want to place kids into homosexual households. They want to place them with a mom and a dad. They think that's best for the kids. So in this free country of ours, the laws that have sexual orientation in the books say, oh, no, you can't do that. That's discrimination.

You can't do your best for a child. You have to follow our radical revolution in sexual morality. Yeah, it's really breathtaking what is taking place in this country and just so ironic, so to speak, that the issues of homosexuality and transgenderism are the issues that are the anvil upon which Christians are being pounded and persecuted. And it's going to be coming more that way.

Of course, we can expect this. We see it in scripture. Read 1 Peter sometime.

You'll see that the Bible says all the time, if you follow Christ, you can just expect that the world is going to hate you for holding to his principles. Now I want to read one more paragraph from your column. Again, Robert Knight with us today in the Christian World View column is for the Washington Times. This column was a misnamed legal jackhammer strikes, and we have it linked at our website,

You say, all the principalities and powers will cooperate in giving this cudgel to Leviathan, that's John Smirack at Ask Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips and other victims of gay Sharia how it feels. That will be the fate of every faithful Christian if this unjust bill becomes law.

Unless we reassert the primacy of natural marriage and natural sexuality, our battle will be a losing one, Mr. Smirack writes. Our churches will end up essentially illegal sooner or later. So my follow up question to that is, you know, this is sort of the apocalyptic scenario here in America where, you know, Christians with holding to just basic biblical morality and sexuality and marriage are now seen as haters and bigots and racists and deserving only of being marginalized to the outer fringes of society, if even there. Why have the leading Democrats and their party become so punitive, willing to punish those who have different convictions than theirs? I mean, why can't they see they're violating the very law, basically the nondiscrimination law toward Christians religious beliefs? In other words, they're discriminating against Christians religion to have their own beliefs on these issues.

Well, I'll give you the short answer, David, it's because the Democratic Party at this point has been overtaken by socialists and even some outright Marxists. And in Marxism, that is communism, the ends justify the means. And what you do is you use the ethos and the rules of your opponents until you can get into power.

And then you dispose of them. An old version of this is one man, one vote, one time. In other words, you talk all about democracy. And but if you ever get in, then you do away with the democracy. This is what the Democrats are doing now. They're saying, you know, we were all about equality and fairness and tolerance of all views.

But as soon as they get power, they start stamping out any view they don't like. This Equality Act is perfect evidence of their totalitarian nature of today's Democratic Party. It's not JFK's. It's not Franklin Roosevelt's.

You know, it's not even Walter Mondale's or Hubert Humphrey's. This is a different party and it is thoroughly Marxist. I don't believe every Democrat out in America is Marxist at all. I think the party apparatus has been taken over by Marxists. In fact, we had a press conference in Washington, D.C. on May 20th in which Trevor Loudon, who is an investigative reporter from New Zealand, has written several books, said that up to a third of the Democrats in Congress are essentially Marxists. That's the Progressive Caucus.

And if you look at what they back, it's no different. If you go to the Communist Party USA website, you see the very same agenda. It's economic redistribution curtailing individual rights. It's pushing the LGBTQ agenda. Exorbitant tax rates greatly expand government to the point where government will dominate everything.

It's amazing how fast this has happened over the last couple of decades. But people, David, I wrote this column for one reason. So people would copy it and give it to their friends. I tried to make it a primer in how dangerous this agenda is. And this Equality Act epitomizes that danger.

I hope people download it and get it out there. Well, we have it linked at our website, The column is by Robert Knight.

A misnamed legal jackhammer strikes is the title of the column. Now, we recently here at the Christian Real View held one of our speaker series events on the topic of socialism, how socialism is impacting the country and the church with Curtis Bowers, the producer of the award winning agenda films. Why are Americans becoming more favorable toward socialism? And maybe you could just define the distinction between socialism, you use the word Marxism, are they one and the same?

Or how are they different? And why are we becoming more tolerant of those ideologies in America? Okay, Robert Knight will answer that question right after this second break of the day here on the Christian Real View radio program as we talk about how the Equality Act is the actually the Christian Persecution Act. And interesting how this is all related to the topic we recently had in the Christian Real View speaker series of socialism, that worldview of Marxism is impacting our country in a major way.

More after this. I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world that have disease from their parents that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically, delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just mark when they're born. That's Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood.

We ought to never become indifferent to the slaughter of the innocents taking place in our country. This is why we are offering a DVD series entitled Life is Best that will equip you to stand for life and against this injustice. In this two DVD set are 13 episodes that address all the facets of abortion from the worldview battle to what you can do. For a limited time, you can order the Life is Best DVD series for a donation of any amount to the Christian Real View.

Normal retail is $49 plus shipping. Go to or call 1-888-646-2233 or write to Box 401, Excelsior Minnesota 55331. The mission of the Christian worldview is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to share the good news that all people can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.

For when Christians have a stronger faith and when unbelievers come to saving faith, lives and families and churches, even communities, are changed for the glory of God. The Christian worldview is a listener supported ministry. You can help us in our mission to impact hearts and minds by making a donation of any amount or becoming a monthly partner.

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Monthly partners can choose to receive resources throughout the year. Call 1-888-646-2233 or go to Thank you for your support. All right, back on the Christian worldview. We have a very full segment ahead, our final segment with Robert Knight.

So let's get straight back to the interview with columnist of the Washington Times, Robert Knight. Why are Americans becoming more favorable toward socialism? And maybe you could just define the distinction between socialism, use the word Marxism.

Are they the one in the same or how are they different? And why are we becoming more tolerant of those ideologies in America? I think it's just a matter of degree. Socialism is just Marxism without guns. Or you could say it's communism eight years before, because the effect is eventually the same. It goes so against human nature. And human nature is that we provide for our own. If we work hard, we expect to keep it. Socialists say no, we own you and the means of production, you being the means of production. So they basically are creating a system of slavery. One of the greatest definitions of slavery is 100% taxation.

In other words, someone else owns the fruits of your labor. That's what socialists say, the state owns you. And there are variants of socialism, there's fascism. And that's where they allow private companies, but the government tells them what to do.

That's what Elizabeth Warren has proposed, that there be a federal charter for corporations that therefore the government bureaucrats would be basically running these corporations. I mean, that's socialism. And people don't like socialism because they know it causes poverty, it causes tyranny. It has destroyed the country of Venezuela. I mean, it's amazing that so many young people in America still think socialism is good.

According to a recent Gallup poll, four in 10 Americans say socialism is great. They're not paying attention to what socialism has done to Venezuela, one of the most prosperous countries at one time, and sitting on top of the largest oil reserves in the world. And yet now there's starvation in Venezuela. Three million people have fled.

The press has been shut down. It's turned into a communist dictatorship. And of course, when those marches came to power, they said they were democratic socialists. In fact, if you go back in history, you'll see that people like Vladimir Lenin talked about socialism, not communism. And a lot of the communists just don't see any difference between socialism and communism. It's just a matter of what methods you use to impose it on people. It seems as though the socialists in our country, the leftist leaders of the Democrat Party now would never say that, well, we don't want to go toward Venezuela or China.

That's crazy talk by you right wing radical conservatives. But they would point out the Scandinavian countries as models for how we should have our government operate with regard to health care, all of the other government redistributive programs. Are those socialist countries?

Are they better countries than we are because they have a better safety net? That's a great misconception that those are socialist countries. In fact, Sweden backed off from socialism. A couple of decades ago, they started realizing that socialism was destroying the country. People weren't working hard anymore, and businesses weren't being formed and prospering.

So they backed off. The reason those countries are prosperous is because they have a large free market. And they do have an outsized social safety net, as they call it. And that has resulted in some very bad social outcomes. They have high suicide rates, very few marriages anymore because you can live together and the state will support you and your child.

So it's kind of a slow motion suicide. They get away with it because they're largely homogenous. They're small countries. They don't have the huge problems and challenges that a country the size of the United States with practically an open border faces. So you might be able to do it for a short time on a smaller scale. But it's disingenuous to point to those countries and say that's all we want for America because it isn't all they want.

If you look at all the proposals from the Democrat candidates, open borders, greatly expanded welfare system, sky high taxes, it would destroy the country. You probably talked about the Green New Deal already and I won't belabor it, but it's craziness writ large. And in answer to your earlier question, David, about why do so many people not see this? Well, Trevor Loudon, who I referenced earlier, just wrote a piece for the Epoch Times, which is a new worldwide newspaper.

It's very good. And it's about Teen Vogue, the magazine for teenage girls. And he went through the leadership of Teen Vogue and they're Marxists and they are all about changing class consciousness and they're pushing the whole idea of socialism plus the LGBTQ agenda on young girls. And so they're buying into it because they buy it for the fashions and that sort of thing. And meanwhile, they're slipping them this toxic mix of socialism and sexual anarchy. And if you just started going around and saying, oh, Teen Vogue is a socialist magazine, people would look at you funny like you're crazy.

But Trevor Loudon, who always documents everything, has chapter and verse, has quotes from the current editors and how radical they are. So kids are getting a steady diet of this, some of them in the public schools, some of them from places like Teen Vogue and certainly out of Hollywood. And it's really no wonder that so many of them are falling victim to the siren song of socialism, not knowing how destructive it really is. Robert Knight with us today in the Christian worldview, talking about the Equality Act and the ramifications of that, what it will be for Christians. I want to just transition quickly but briefly, we won't get into this too much today, Robert, but I wanted to ask you a question or two about this social credit system in China and how the Equality Act is related to it, really just a forerunner of getting to this particular point in society. Now, again, China, communist country with a supposed free market economy, but it's not really a free market, it's totally controlled by the government that has used it to try to make money to keep their communist leaders in power. This is from the New York Post. I'm sure you read this article. It says China's new social credit system is a dystopian nightmare.

It says, imagine calling a friend only instead of hearing a ringtone, you hear a police siren and then a voice intoning, quote, be careful in your dealings with this person, unquote. Would that put a damper on your relationship? It's supposed to. Welcome to life in China's social credit system, SCS, where a low score can ruin your life in more ways than one. Let's say you arrive at the Beijing Airport intending to catch a flight to Canton, twelve hundred miles away to the south. The clerk at the ticket counter turns you away because, you guessed it, your social credit score is too low. Not only are you publicly humiliated in the ticket line, you are then forced to travel by slow train. What should have been a three hour flight becomes a 30 hour stop and go nightmare, all because the government has declared you untrustworthy. Perhaps you defaulted on a loan, made the mistake of criticizing some government policy online, or just spent too much time playing video games on the Internet. All of these actions and many more can cause your score to plummet, forcing citizens onto the most dreaded rung on China's deadbeat caste system, the Laeolai.

It's the name of the lowest kind of perceived person in China. And the punishments are shocking. The government algorithm will go as far as to install an embarrassing ringtone on the phones of Laeolai, shaming them every time they get a call in public. And this article goes on and on. We have it linked at the Christian Real View dot org. And Robert, is it too much of a stretch to say that the Equality Act, what's taking place, we've been discussing so far, is a forerunner to this total dystopian Orwellian situation that is taking place right now in China, where you get a low rating because you're deemed untrustworthy. You're not part of the government program, so to speak, in any way in your life. Is that too much of a stretch?

Oh, I think we're already there in some respects. Look at the founder of Mozilla Firefox, the Internet browser, Brendan Eich. He was fired from his own company by his board eight years after he had made a donation to the marriage proposition campaign in California, Prop 8 in 2008.

Eight years later, they discovered that he had donated to it. And so they said he's unfit to run their company. In other words, he didn't have social credits at that point. But this Equality Act would put this on everybody. It would basically be a huge hammer coming down saying, if you don't think like we do, celebrate what we think, acknowledge and appreciate everything we propose, every sexual activity, every relationship, taking kids and convincing them they're the opposite sex, we're coming after you.

We're going to make sure you're unemployable. And if you do have legal repercussions like that, it's the beginnings of a social credit system like China has. It's a horrifying scenario. It's right out of 1984 and Brave New World.

It's Big Brother telling you not only how to act but what to think. Not surprising, it's coming from the biggest communist country in the world. I think people in America don't realize two things.

One, how good we have it here. This is an amazing country. It's a unique nation blessed by God with untold freedom and prosperity. And that's because of our Christian roots, which helped us develop a system of individual freedom under God. And if we lose it, we won't get it back.

We'll drift toward a Chinese model. People have to know that the stakes here and Christians in particular have read Revelation, the mark of the beast, the social credit system is the mark of the beast. You're either deemed fit or unfit in that totalitarian society. And the Equality Act here is a very big step in that direction. Wow. Robert, thank you for informing us today of this very dangerous act, this law, the Equality Act that is taking place.

It's already passed the House in America, maybe unlikely to go the rest of the way as long as there's a Republican controlled Senate and President Trump is president, but surely to rear its ugly head again in the very near future if political situations on the ground change. So thank you. Keep up the good work, Robert. We appreciate your coming on the Christian Real View today. Oh, thank you, David.

Remember, they never give up and that means we can't either. That's absolutely correct. We'll come back with how Christians should respond. That's next on the Christian Real View. Environmental scaremongering is the favored tactic of the left to gain massive government control.

After all, if you can convince people that we are imperiling our very existence by human caused climate change, there is no tax law or reordering of society that goes too far. Christians need to be fully informed of this nefarious climate change scheme. That is why we are offering two resources by Cal Beisner, founder of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, who brings a truthful biblical worldview to this issue. Climate Change in the Christian is an 80 minute DVD message, and the Cosmic Consequences of Christ Crosswork is a 15 page booklet.

One or both are available for a donation of any amount to the Christian Real View. To order, go to or call 1-888-646-2233 or write to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. Get ready for your summer reading with the lowest prices of the year on My Boy Bend and University of Destruction, both written by David Wheaton and owned by the Christian World View. Readers have been touched by My Boy Bend, a moving story about David's close companionship with a yellow lab that culminates in an encouraging message about God's grace in our most trying times. And if you know a high school or college student, you'll want to read and give them University of Destruction, your game plan for spiritual victory on campus.

Take advantage of this limited time offer with our lowest prices of the year. Both books make excellent gifts, especially when you request them signed and personalized. The My Boy Bend e-book is also available. Order online at, by phone at 1-888-646-2233 or by mail at Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. Final segment of the day here on the Christian World View radio program as we talked about how the Equality Act is actually the Christian Persecution Act. And if you missed any of the interview today with Robert Knight, you can always go to our website, and hear the audio of the program. We also produce short takes every week, which are highlights of the program. And you can get those by going to our website or by signing up for our weekly email. It's free.

Just go to and type your email address in there in the form to fill out to subscribe to the email and you'll get that with the short takes every week. And like Robert said, it'd be great if you could forward his column or this program to others who may not be aware of this law that has passed the House of Representatives and probably going to fail in the Senate. And if it did even pass the Senate, I'm sure President Trump would likely veto it. But, you know, barring something unforeseen in the future, this is going to this law is going to happen in the future. I mean, we're not going to have a Republican president forever. We're not going to have a Republican controlled Senate forever.

I mean, that's just very unlikely. It hasn't been the case in history. So the fact that the Democrat Party is so willing every single basically every single one of them voted for it as soon as the Republicans are in the minority, this will pass.

So even if it doesn't pass now, it is coming. It's very obvious that it is. Robert Knight is correct. We do live in a incredible nation.

We have been totally blessed. And that is because our founders started the nation based on their worldview that God exists and he speaks in his word and that his word the Bible is true and it's best for man to live by. And so they ordered a society around those principles of God's word. Again, they weren't perfect men. No man is perfect. They didn't get everything right. But they, I think, created maybe outside the nation of Israel, the the most God honoring best prosperous nation in the history of mankind.

OK, that's a big statement. And that's true, I think, about America. But we have diverted very, very far away from that original worldview, those original values where now in this country, what is evil? Thinking that you can, you know, that homosexual relationships and activities, that that's that's evil. What scripture calls sin and abomination, degrading passions. Romans one. What's evil is now being called good.

And what's good standing for family, biblical marriage, embracing the gender that you were given by God at birth. What is good is now called evil. That's when something has gone very wrong in society, when evil is called good and good is called evil. So as you have a Memorial Day weekend here with family, I hope you have an enjoyable time, but I hope also you know what's taking place in this country. That's one of the purposes of this program is to be a point of informing us all about some of these movements taking place in America and how this is going to change the country. So it doesn't mean you need to live in fear or hide under your bed or anything like that or be or be a downer all the time.

But just know what's going on. Know there are forces at work in this great nation that wanted to completely remake it. They want to topple the Christian foundation, foundation of this country.

That's ultimately what it's about. They hate God. They hate his word.

They hate those who follow his son. And that needs to be changed. So when you know that, then you're not going to be as surprised or unprepared for what's coming ahead, because barring something unforeseen, persecution is already here in America, but it's going to increase this equality act, as I mentioned, will pass at some point, maybe not during this political term, but at some point in the future when the Republicans are out of power, it is going to pass. Now, there's persecution all over the world, even in our neighbor to the north in Canada. You can't even broadcast something on radio that's negative about homosexuality in Canada. You're you are going to be prosecuted. It's already taking place in Canada for not calling someone by their preferred pronoun. If someone, quote unquote, transitions and now they a man now thinks he is a woman, you can't call him a him anymore or else you'd be prosecuted.

So this kind of thing is just on the way down here in America as well. And this is because the fallen world is inspired by I hate to say this, but it's true. The fallen world is inspired by Satan.

He's the father of this world, and he hates and wants to devour Christians. So as you read a book, like I mentioned this during the interview of First Peter, Peter was writing to believers in the Roman Empire who were being persecuted like crazy and they're being killed for their faith. They were just a very small minority population.

They weren't forcing anyone to do anything. Yet they were still being persecuted as if they were some big threat to the empire. So the three things I think to take away after listening to this interview with Robert Knight and considering this Equality Act and what's on the way is, number one, don't be surprised that unbelievers try to persecute you if you're a follower of Christ. They're actually surprised that you do not go with them, run with them, partake with them.

So you don't be surprised because they are surprised that you don't run with them. First Peter, all these passages be from First Peter, Chapter First Peter. This one's from Chapter four, verse one. Therefore, since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin. It doesn't mean you overcome sin, that you're free from sin, you're perfect. It just means that you are suffering like Christ has and you have given up on the past way of life, as it says in the rest of the passage, so as to live the rest of the time in the flesh, no longer for the loss of men, but for the will of God. For the time already passed is sufficient for you to have carried out the desire of the unbelievers, the Gentiles, having pursued a course of sensuality, lust, drunkenness, crowsing, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries. In all this, they, the unbelieving world, they're surprised that you do not run with them into the same excesses of dissipation, and then they malign you. But they will give an account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. So don't be surprised that unbelievers want to persecute believers.

They're surprised that you don't run with them. Point two, don't fear their persecution, just do what is right. Again, from 1 Peter chapter 3, who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled, but sanctify Christ, set apart Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asked you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence. It goes on to say more about that. You can read 1 Peter 3 on your own today. And finally, the third point in how Christians should respond is don't complain. Don't complain about what's taking place.

This should be expected. But rejoice, it actually says in 1 Peter chapter 4. It says, Beloved, don't be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you which comes upon you for your testing the persecution, as though some strange thing were happening to you. But to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exaltation. If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

How true that is. Thank you for joining us today on the Christian Real View radio program. Again, go to our website to hear the replay of the interview with Robert Knight,

You know, we do live in a changing and challenging world, a wonderful nation, but a changing one. But there is one thing, Christian, we can always count on and trust in, despite if the Equality Act passes or not. Jesus Christ and His word are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Until next weekend, everyone, live biblically and live accordingly. We hope today's broadcast turned your heart toward God, His word and His Son. To order a CD copy of today's program or sign up for our free weekly email or to find out how you can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, go to our website, or call us toll free at 1-888-646-2233. The Christian Real View is a weekly one-hour radio program that is furnished by the Overcomer Foundation and is supported by listeners and sponsors. Request one of our current resources with your donation of any amount. Go to or call us toll free at 1-888-646-2233 or write to us at Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. That's Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. Thanks for listening to The Christian World View. Until next time, think biblically and live accordingly.
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