June 10, 2022 8:56 am
Song of Songs 1:17 The beams of our house are cedar, and our rafters of fir.
Solomon no doubt had Proverbs 24:3 Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: in mind as so much comes together here, Wisdom and Understanding as the wood that he picked both for the Temple and this house are Cedar and Fir, which in Hebrew is Alef-Resh and Bet-Resh - In it's own way the beginning of Wisdom and the beginning of Understanding.
Also in my view connected to Deuteronomy 4:6 Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.
God's People who love each other build an amazing house for the world to see... Simple enough - "Love One Another" The whole word is looking for that wisdom and that understanding.
It's been told me many times, "The best thing you can do for you kids is to love their mother". The real house is not the shingles over my head, it's the blood...
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Hidden Treasures of the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. What an amazing way we get to end chapter one today in the Song of Songs in verse 17. And it's spectacular as you might imagine I would say at the onset of this that it was my sort of I guess theory that the first chapter would be the Aleph chapter and have everything to do with the letter Aleph. And very interesting that the connection between Aleph and Bet and wisdom and understanding.
And I think we're going to see all that. I think it clearly points to that in so many different ways as we get to wisdom and understanding you know it was obviously a big issue for Solomon he wrote about it in so many different ways that we will see that here in this verse and how much love has to do with it. So in verse 17 in English it reads the beams of our house are cedar and our rafters of fir. So you know you can't help but just immediately know that Proverbs 24 3 says through wisdom a house is built and by understanding it's established. And the neat thing about the word house in Hebrew I think it's absolutely spectacular is that it's not just a building that you know you are of the house of whatever your last name is like I'm the house of Dilmore or you know and the kingdom has to do with you know God's house and the house has a great deal to do more with people in my perspective than it does with buildings just like the church. And you know the wisdom of the Aleph and how much that has to do with love is spectacular. And so you know I hope you see the connection that we've just gone through obviously 16 this is a 17 verses but we've gone through 16 verses of these two falling in love and love is so critical to you know what's going on here. So another thing that I would note immediately as again we know that Solomon had much to do with wisdom and he certainly is pointing this verse to that. You know one of the things we talked about one of the fundamentals of the 119 Psalm clearly is Deuteronomy 4 6 and that speaks back to our quest to understand what a statute is and perhaps to see how much that the commandment that Jesus gave us love one another is so foundational to the church itself and so foundational to love so Deuteronomy 4 6 I would remind you to you know it's just one of those verses that just seems to be just one of the basic basics but anyway it says keep therefore and do them for this is your wisdom and he's talking about statutes by the way keep therefore and do them for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations which shall hear all these statutes and say surely this is a great nation is a wise and understanding people. So when you see a nation all fighting with itself and whatever else is going on you're not sitting there going there's a lot of wisdom and understanding here but it gets back to the idea of what we start out with the idea that that a statute is a love song to some extent that's in our hearts and when we see a couple that's basically just dearly dearly dearly in love what are they doing? Well they're building their house of cedar and a fir and again these are the very elements we you know that Solomon ordered by the tons and tons in order to build the temple were cedar and fir and so the idea of you know the foundations or the the beams being of cedar which is the wood that was used to cleanse things and clearly it doesn't rot because insects won't get it and all that kind of thing it's got a spectacular number of qualities but also don't miss that wood has everything to do with righteousness okay that you know the ark was built out of wood and that by the way is the first time you see the word house in the scriptures has to do with the ark in so many different ways and the idea that it was in its own way the church and wood is there wood was in the ark of the covenant and again wood would be used on the cross that Jesus would build his church you know essentially through this idea of wood and of course every sacrifice that was ever burnt was burnt on wood and and wood again is it you know when you look at the word in Hebrew you see it's righteous and and it has to do with it being vertical and you know in so many different ways points to God all that stuff and so you can see that here this house is being built on the right stuff okay when it's getting built by cedars and furs and I also had point out just as a casual observer that the word cedars starts with an aleph it's actually an aleph race and so where you think it's the beginning of wisdom right and the word fur is bet race okay do you think that's accident I don't think so because again you got wisdom and you got the understanding and you can't have a note or I'm sitting there going okay you know bina in Hebrew is definitely understanding and I you know the wisdom of the father has to do with the aleph and so you know many many many people make the connection between aleph being wisdom and bet being understanding and so you know it's pretty spectacular when you see what's coming on here is this idea of how foundational wisdom and love fit together and I just you know think back to my own family the house of Dilmore right and what God did with our family near the end of my parents lives unfortunately there was a huge rift that had happened between my sisters there were four in my you know you know my mother's children would be the family that I'm referring to because you know both my parents had lots of stepchildren that were not part of my family but from my perspective they were part of my family but I didn't grow up with them I grew up with the four of us there were two sisters and I have one little brother which I dearly love all of them and but unfortunately there became this huge rift between my sisters and my father and oh my gosh they weren't talking to each other and it got really really really ugly and my father after the death of my stepmother came to live in our area and you know we kind of took care of him the last couple years of his life one of the joys of all that but in that time you know we prayed a lot and talked a lot and my father had actually written my sisters out of his will and all that and it was really cool to see how God and I'm going to give God all the credit here God touched my father's heart to reconnect his house so that at his death it was beautiful that you know both my sisters were there of course my brother and he and I are always gotten along well you know it's just a neat thing to see that reconciliation and if that doesn't look like wisdom and understanding that your house would be put back together and nobody wants to be remembered as a house divided right I mean it's just a spectacular thing to think that as we love and you've heard it said many times about you know the best thing you can give your children is to love their mother or if you're the wife to love their father you know that there's nothing like this foundation of love and understanding and so kind of fun as we finish up this Aleph what I think is the Aleph section and we'll go on to the next chapter which will be the bet and see more about how this understanding is played out as now you might guess that my supposition or my theory is that the second chapter will be about the bet again going to eight chapters being the eighth chapter will be the hat the miracle chapter and I'm really excited about this journey and thank you so much for joining me in it it encouraged me so much God bless.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-04-06 18:23:30 / 2023-04-06 18:27:00 / 4