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Song of Songs Verse 3 - The Anointing of The Name

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
May 18, 2022 8:42 am

Song of Songs Verse 3 - The Anointing of The Name

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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May 18, 2022 8:42 am

Song of Songs1:3 Because of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee.

Deep is this idea of Statute and this verse reveals so much of that as the word Statute in Hebrew is a Chet and A Quaf. The word savor in Hebrew ends with the Chet and the word Poured Forth ends with the Quaf. The deeper understanding that Christ is Greek for Mesiah and both mean the Anointed one. Here Solomon is introducing the main Character - THE ANOINTED ONE.  Then sharing the connection of name and anointing.

The word Name in Hebrew is Shem - Shin, Mem. This word ointment is Shin,Mem,Nun. The root is name and add the nun or the idea of the lamp of faith. Think about the faith you have in even your dog, by name. Such is to a sense the anointing and your name gives off a smell I assure you good or bad depending on the nose that tastes it.

Yes this verse is a Statute.

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Hidden Treasures of the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's.

Wow, wow, wow! Do we get a chance to do a statue today as we get to the third verse of the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's? And, you know, the whole idea is, you know, as God put me on this was I really, my heart was to learn the idea of statutes better. And as we've talked about a statute in Hebrew is the letter het, followed by the letter kuth.

And when you put those two together, you get the idea of these hukam, which are the statutes that, you know, we went over and over and over in the 119 Psalm that King David kept saying, teach me thy statutes. Well, I think that by studying this particular verse, we are going to learn some because as I've worked through this verse many, many, many times in my life, I see it very much that way. And hopefully, we'll get to all that as we try to unpack what I think is just one of the most spectacular verses in scripture. So the verse reads like this in English, verse three of the song of the first chapter of the Song of Songs, which, again, I will say at the beginning before I say the verse, that the het, the letter het is the eighth letter in the Hebrew alphabet, and there are eight chapters in the Song of Solomon. And so that was kind of my cue that there is going to be some statutes here in the Song of Solomon that I think we can meditate on and that God will teach us.

So I think this is clearly one of them. So this verse reads in English, because of the savor of thy good ointments, thy name is an ointment poured forth. Therefore, do the virgins love thee? Well, this verse was one of the things that unlocked and the reasons that one of the reasons that the Song of Solomon is my favorite book in the Bible is because it's telling us that right here in my opinion, it's telling us that the whole thing is about Jesus loving us. Because when it says thy name is an ointment poured forth, we can see that there is only one person I'm aware of whose name is Mashiach or the anointed one. And so clearly from my perspective right here, Solomon is telling you that Christ is coming. Because the word Messiah in Greek is Christ, okay? And of course, I don't know if Solomon knew any Greek, but he definitely knew the word Mashiach and he knew that that idea of an ointment poured forth is the anointed one, which is what the word Messiah means in Hebrew is the anointed one. So who else's name is an ointment poured forth? And that's just the very beginning basic level of understanding of the verse that, okay, he's telling us right here that the beloved one, the one that loves us, that we need kisses of his mouth is in fact Christ, is in fact the anointed one.

Because he's telling us right here that's who he is. But he also then goes into this unbelievable description of what that means exactly because he starts out by saying because of the savor of thy good ointments. And I love what the Jews teach about this verse is that when you smell an ointment, it's one thing, but to be anointed is another thing. In other words, that there are two levels of this and they teach that the saints or the patriarchs had the idea of the smell of the Torah, but they had never received the Torah.

And so it's really a cool thing that the idea of smelling an ointment is different than touching an ointment, and that's that idea. But when you think about it, it's even more than that because to me, they all had the smell through the Torah and all, but when Jesus came himself, he literally was poured forth. I mean, he literally was poured forth and this anointing came forth. And as we've talked about many, many, many, many times in the 119th Psalm, the idea of this anointing is a critical understanding in Scripture. Like where was Jesus anointed? And by the way, he was anointed many, many times by Mary. He was anointed by this and that. But the big anointing from my perspective is when he came up from his baptism, we see the Holy Spirit descend on him like a dove. And in my opinion, that is the Isaiah 11 anointing that is going to go forth. And that anointing we've talked about many, many times. If you read Isaiah 11, one through three or four, it all goes into that the rod of Jesse, which we're talking about Jesus, is going to have this anointing of wisdom and understanding and counsel and might and knowledge and a fear in the Lord and a delight in the fear of the Lord.

And that's the sevenfold anointing. Well, how cool is it that we get to the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the letter hat, which has to do with uniting with that. And so when we look at this in Hebrew, it says, because of the savor of thy good anointments, thy name is an ointment poured forth. Well, the word ointment in Hebrew is really, really cool, I think, is the root word of shem, shin and amem. Well, name in Hebrew is shem, which is a shin and amem, which gives us the connection, clearly the connection between the idea of anointing and name as we look at the spelling of oil or anointing ointment or this word that's translated ointment is often translated oil, is a shin and then a mem and then a nun.

And we've talked about that that nun is like the light, or it has everything to do with faith. So what he's telling us here is that your anointing is very much connected to your name, which is very much connected to your identity. And so when you think about what that's saying is when people hear your name, they get to know you, they get a smell with it, okay? They either love it or they hate it. You may have people that, the minute you mention their name, you have a sense of how they smell, the smell or this savor one way or the other, and certainly Christ's name is above all names.

And so the savor of this is just unbelievable. And it has everything to do with his identity and why we love that name. But it's really, really cool to think that our anointing is very much connected to our name.

And like so many people when they're baptized, the way they used to do it in the old days is when they would give them their Christian name, however that word work. But when you think about it, your name has so much to do with your identity. And we teach in our boot camps that we do that you can actually ask God what your name, what he calls you because to God you have a smell too. And you can certainly ask God, you know, what is my name? What is my identity from your perspective?

And oh, he'll give you several. You keep asking, there's some amazing joy that from my standpoint to spend time with God on what does he call you? But I'll just point out that because some people call you Christian, however that works, that has a really bad stench in some people's mouth and some people's noses. You know, I'll never forget when after, not long after I became the Christian car guy on truth radio, you know, I saw, I got word of some post that was on Facebook. I forget it was some kind of social media that was posting. It might've been on Twitter and it was talking about how horrible the state of North Carolina was because it was so religious in the Bible belt. It said, we're so religious. We have the Christian car guy and believe me, it was a derogatory comment and I really hurt my feelings. I mean, I was like, really? I mean, they don't even know me.

And, and here they are, you know, judging me just because I have that word Christian in front of my car guy. You know, however that works, you know, there are people that, that, that, that do that. And I, I think it's amazing too. If you really think about how sweet the people that you love's name is in your mouth.

Okay. And it is an anointment. It is a, it is a savor poured forth. Um, at the, you know, this whole idea of a name, even your dog's name or my case, my dog's name, my cat, you know, they all have a special place.

My kids, Oh, now I love those names, but the name above all names is this one that's poured forth. And it's telling us right here in the very beginning of the book that this is about him. And it is a point about is anointing. And then the neat thing, um, if you get past the name is when you get the idea of this, um, pouring forth, the word savor in Hebrew is a race and a vov and a hat.

The word poured forth is almost identical. It is a race and a vov and a cuff. So what's the difference between the two letters? It's the hat and the cuff. And there we can see the, Oh, the connection to the word hook'em because what are the letters that are in the word hook'em? It's a hat and a cuff. And so what are those words or those letters, which are words kind of mean, well, one is our union with Christ. One is, you know, how we reflect him and those kinds of things.

That's the letter hat. And then the cuff has to do with holiness and how close we are to him, both in time and space. And so, as we see that when, you know, the idea of this savor is the union, but then the poured forth is the cuff. And so you get to, it's even in that order, right?

There's the, there's the hat and there's the cuff. And so, you know, there, you get the idea from my standpoint that we're clearly talking about a statute. And when you see this idea of what this verse is saying, to me, it just clearly is a statute, right? And so as you think about what that is, then you go, okay, well, there's the whole second part of the verse. And I know this is a long one, but hey, episode, because I just think this, this verse has so much to consider. So then it goes on to the second part of the verse, which says, therefore do the virgins love thee.

And this has all sorts of ramifications, right? Because when you think about it, there was a virgin that would be Mary. And by the word that, that word virgin is virgin. Okay. And there were 10 virgins in the Bible and Mary was a virgin and all these virgins by all means, love the bridegroom.

Okay. But you know, you can't help but get the idea of that. The reason that they're loving him is because of his anointing because of his name, right?

It's just clearly what that is. And because of that, they sense that this is in fact God. And then when you think about it, who are these virgins? Well, that's me and you.

Okay. I mean, clearly, and it was pretty cool to me to think, wow, I'm a virgin. And because that's where we're being described right here, just like we, like Jesus did in the story of the 10 virgins. Well, that word virgin, I think is significant in Hebrew. And so just to give you another idea of some of the treasures that are in this verse is the letter. I'm excuse me, it's the word virgin in Hebrew. It starts off with an iron. And as we've talked about iron means vision, specifically God's vision.

Okay. And so think about God's vision. This is virgin, right? And the second letter is a lamid, which means like the desires of your heart. And so, you know, so much when we think about that letter, lamid, it has to do with teaching and heart.

And so here's this vision of our hearts of the something we're, you know, we're strongly desiring to learn and whatever. And the third letter you wouldn't be shocked is a mem, which the mem is Jesus. It's Messiah, but it's also the Torah. And so here is this person, this virgin that has this vision and a heart for the Messiah and a vision and a heart for the word of God. And so of course, that's what virgins are. And so, isn't it cool to know that you're a virgin. And then the last letter in the word virgin Alma is it's an iron and then a lamid and then a mem and then a hay. And you might remember I will run in the path of the I commandment and now enlarges my heart, right?

Is the, is the idea of the letter hay is it's expression. It's the expression of this girl who has heart for the savior. I mean, that's what a virgin is. And there's no doubt Mary had that. And the 10 virgins have that. And if you are the bride of Christ, you clearly have that. And no wonder, no wonder you love him because you get that smell of that name that only comes with the name of Christ, the name of Jesus Christ. Amazing stuff. And wow. I mean, I can spend a lot of time on this verse and have, because I think as we meditate on this verse, we are clearly meditating on a statute. Thanks for listening.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-04-16 21:13:05 / 2023-04-16 21:18:54 / 6

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