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Mountain Climbing

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
August 14, 2021 12:19 pm

Mountain Climbing

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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August 14, 2021 12:19 pm

Robby goes from surfing to hiking as he discusses the "mountains" we climb in our pursuit of God.

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This is Stu Epperson from the Truth Talk Podcast, connecting current events, pop culture, and theology, and we're so grateful for you that you've chosen the Truth Podcast Network.

It's about to start in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, and please share it around with all your friends. Thanks for listening, and thanks for choosing the Truth Podcast Network.

This is the Truth Network. No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. Now, see that look in Mr. Pitt's eye?

Like 19th century literature has nothing to do with going to business school or medical school, right? Mr. Hopkins, you may agree with him thinking, yes, we should simply study our Mr. Pritchard and learn our rhyme and meter and go quietly about the business of achieving other ambitions. I have a little secret for you. Huddle up.

Huddle up! We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race, and the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life, but poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show.

I say this calls for action, and now! So today's show, as you might guess, we're going mountain climbing last week. Yes, we were surfing, but today we're mountain climbing, as you may have just heard. And in a way, my father, for those of you who don't know, was a Jeep dealer in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when I was in high school and I first started to drive. And so as a Jeep dealer, he traded for a 1949 CJ2A. And for those Jeep enthusiasts out there, you know exactly the car I'm talking about.

It was the one that looked just like the military Jeep, and we climbed many a mountain in that Jeep. And so we're going to climb some mountains today. If you are really perceptive, you knew that was the Star Gazers with Happy Wanderer right there at the very beginning. Used to sing that song when I was in middle school, which was called Junior High back in those days, by the way.

And then Robin Williams in the Dead Poets Society. He was sharing what we will find out as a precept or a poquitum today. It's so cool on the mountain that we're climbing.

And then Peggy Wood, you might recognize from Sound of Music, would climb every mountain. So today's show, like all the Christian Car Guy shows recently, is brought to you by a Hebrew letter. And today the letter is kuf, which that letter looks like, you know, it sounds a lot like a Q, but it's the hidden sparks of holiness. Like Moses, you know, he got a glimpse of God when he was standing on that holy ground. Well, that's the letter kuf. We're going to get into all that. So there was an old Disney movie, and I hope everybody gets to see it at some point in their life.

It's really cool. It's called The Third Man on the Mountain. And in this movie, there's a man by the name of John Winter. He's actually a captain, Captain John Winter.

He stops and he pauses. They're way up above where most people would ever go in the Swiss Alps. And he says to his young mountain climbing guy, I feel sorry for the people who never get to see this. And what they were looking at was above the clouds in a clear air.

It was magnificent. It was a view of the Alps. Really, I think only God and a few maybe mountain goats ever get to see. Well, in your journey, in my journey through the Bible, in our faith, you know, studying the Bible is like that at times, right?

You climb and you climb, you slip, you crawl, you get lost, you go the wrong way. Then suddenly you pop around a corner, and it literally takes your breath. I mean, that's when it's time to just pause and just behold, right? It's holy. It's amazing. It gives meaning to life. It's the face of God, literally.

So clearly as we climb around on the first six verses of 119 Psalms a day on The Christian Car Guys Show, I'm going to be praying that you get a piece of that view that I got to see this week in the Bible Alps. And yes, this all applies to cars so much. So we're going to sum up how it applies to cars, especially to jeeps, with a little game of Name That Noise. All right.

Get ready to call in at 866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH. If you will be able to name this noise, Sean, tell them what they'll win. All right. If you're able to name that noise, you're going to win a Christian Car Guy t-shirt. How's that sound, Robbie? Oh, yeah.

You'll be styling and profiling. It says Christian Car Guy on the front with a big red Christian Car Guy logo. And on the back, it's the Jesus labor of love. And all you got to do is name this noise. So what is this noise today?

And so a little different noise today than normally. Normally, I've got some problem that you're trying to say, oh, man, that car's doing something wrong. Well, I will give you another large hint today and say, in this case, the car is doing something really right. And it might surprise you what the car is doing, but those who are up on the subject may know exactly what that car is doing.

866-348-7884, we want you to win a t-shirt, 866-34-TRUTH. And like I said, this is going to have everything to do. And when you understand what that Jeep is—actually, I will tell you it's a Jeep, what it's doing—then I think you're going to see where we're going with this. So as we talked about the last couple of weeks, God has certainly put it on my heart to study the 119th Psalm, actually, in so many different ways. And the 119th Psalm, you may know, is the longest chapter in the Bible, and it is based on all the letters, the Hebrew letters of the alphabet. There are eight verses on all 22 letters. And so today, I'm going to climb around on the first six verses.

And as we climb this particular mountain, I'm hoping you get a chance to see where we get to, and then you can call in and share what you've seen along these lines. So you might know that the 119th Psalm starts out with the letter Aleph, which is the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet, which has everything to do with God's name, like Adonai. And he's also the father, and Father Abraham's name starts with an Aleph, so that A has to do with the father, and it has to do with the number one, and a lot of things along those lines. But it starts out with the word Asher.

Like, Jacob's wife named their baby Asher because she was happy. So it's translated blessed, right? Blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord.

And we talked about that last week, that the people that are in the small narrow gate, they're in the way. Those people are happy, and they walk in the law of the Lord. And the second verse, very similar, blessed are those who keep his testimonies. And these are people that are keeping, like John Bunyan had his character Christian kept his testimony close to his bosom. So he knew his story. He knew how God had come from him.

He'd seen it as an eyewitness. Yes, he was witness to all the things in the Bible that he'd read, but he'd also been a witness to what God had done in his own life, and he was happy because he sought after God with a whole heart, right? Blessed are those who keep his testimonies that seek him with a whole heart, and that whole heart is critical to the whole psalm.

It's critical to King David's life because he was the one who sought after God with a whole heart. So along those lines, while we're still talking about those blessed people, they also do know iniquity, and they walk in his way. So see, we've climbed through three levels here.

So we spent a lot—we did a whole show on iniquity here a few weeks ago, maybe a couple months ago. I won't go into a lot of what that is, but the idea is that these people walk in his ways. They have a JWJD bracelet on, and they're walking the way that Jesus walked. Where I wanted to jump up today as we kind of just level up from those first three verses, the next thing—this next verse kind of jumps out at us, and it says, Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently.

And so all of a sudden the language changes, and it's almost like you're out of the foothills, and now you're going to have to start climbing this mountain. And the word that David used that he commanded us to keep those precepts diligently was that it was actually something he was telling you. So they use a lot of different words for commandment. Unfortunately, English just gives us that one word that's translated so many times in the Bible as commandment. But this is the kind of thing where God instructed David directly. And if you look at Deuteronomy 6, which is very much the law that David is referring to here, the thing that you're told to do diligently when you're told, in Deuteronomy 6, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.

That word might is the same word as diligently. And so since David was the guy who sought God with his whole heart, he's saying that you've got to seek God with all your all. And this is going to lead to some things that we're going to get to when we come back. We got Eric is in, looks like Washington. And he's got an idea of what that noise is. I bet he's heard it if he lives out there. We got so much more Christian Car Guys show coming up. You could call us with your guests on the noise 866-348-7884.

You're listening to the Truth Network and I love to go a-wondering along the mountain track. And as I go, I love to sing my namesake on my back.

I didn't want anybody to miss out on that great song from the 50s. I love to go wandering. Anyway, we're going wandering today on mountain climbing on the Christian Car Guys show. And we've had a fun shot at name that noise. So we got Eric is it looks like in Tootville, Washington. I've never heard of that town. But Eric, you're on the Christian Car Guys show. Good morning.

Good morning. Actually, it's Coopville. I like that better.

C-O-U-P-E-V-I-L-L. Yeah, have some do it chickens. Well, that makes sense. Right. Right. So maybe we can hatch out a good thing here for you.

A good one. So anyway, you're up there. Is that pretty close to the mountains yourself there, I would think, in Coopville? Not really.

It's on Whidbey Island. Oh, really? Yeah. How fun. I was born and raised here.

So that is really nice place. So what do you want me to play that noise against? You can try to determine what it is. If you can, if you don't mind. That would be great.

So go ahead, Sean. All right, Eric, can you name that noise? I'm going to guess I didn't have the radio up, but I'm going to guess windshield wipers. I like that. You know, the windshield wipers could have been wiping while that was going on.

And that would be a good thing, especially if you're mountain climbing, because it could be snowing up there or raining. And I've heard windshield wipers sound like that. But what I was going for was a little different. But we're going to give it to you because I don't know for sure that the wipers weren't working right there.

So hey, what the heck, Eric? So have you ever gone have you ever gone four wheel driving in a Jeep? Oh, yeah, not in a Jeep necessarily. But when I was younger, we had trucks and we went up to the mountains in Washington and went fishing when I was a kid as soon as I got my license. So we did a lot of that to get to the lakes. And it's beautiful up there, isn't it? Yeah, and Marble Mountain's really nice. I mean, I haven't been there in a while because I'm older now.

But it is just God's country for sure. It's beautiful up there. So have you ever been like way up in a mountain? And all of a sudden, you actually got above the clouds. And you had this different view because you couldn't see below the clouds.

You could just see what was above the clouds of the top of the mountains across the range. Well, I have a story about that. I used to pack bundles of boughs out when I was a kid. Really?

For Christmas tree wreaths. And if something like that came in, it was a low pressure system and we're likely going to get rangers snowed on. So we saw it as not the greatest thing coming.

Yeah, so I never got to experience it in a good way. Let's put it that way. Yeah, this might not be good if you're fixing to have to come down the mountain in the snow.

That's correct. That's a scary situation. I understand.

That's the challenge of mountain climbing. So well, thank you, Eric. I appreciate you calling in today and sharing. God bless you. Oh, absolutely. Thank you very much for your show. I appreciate you guys. Thank you. All right.

So it's still out there. What do you think that noise is? Let's play it one more time, Sean, for those people who may want to hear it. You call us at 866-348-7884. And that is a good noise, right? That's a good noise. So you call us 866-348-7884.

Okay. When we left our hero, David, he had just gotten out of the foothills and now he's starting to climb this mountain. And for me, it was my first real climb in the 119th Psalm because I really had a problem with the word precepts. It says, Thou has commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently. And I thought that it's an interesting word that put them in Hebrew because it doesn't show up until the Psalms. And so it's a bit of a question, what was David actually referring to since he's talking about a type of command and he's talking about that you're supposed to do it diligently?

And I couldn't find anybody that gave me an answer I really liked, so I kept studying and I found out I could actually back into it. And the way that I did that was I looked into Deuteronomy 6, was there something that God had commanded in this type of command, that word that they use for command here, and he'd commanded to do it with that the diligently word, which is miyot in Hebrew. And you know what it was? The thing that he told them to do diligently was love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your mind and all your diligently, I guess, because that same word that's translated diligent here is the word that's at the end of that, you know, Shammah prayer for the Jews. And so the idea was that that was love. It was the word love as a precept here. And as I thought about love being a precept, I went back and did some more studying on a rabbi's teaching on this psalm, and he talked about Viktor Frankl, and Viktor Frankl was a psychiatrist that got sent to Auschwitz. And what he observed when he was in Auschwitz was that the people that held on to loving God were the people that lived, the people that lost their faith quickly died, they had no reason to live. Even those people who maybe not didn't have faith but loved their families particularly, when they hung on to things that Robin Williams was talking about in the beginning of the show—love, passion, these kind of things—those were the things that made life worth living. And so as David is sharing something that you're supposed to do with your whole heart, think about Jesus's commandment, right? To love one another. I mean, that's a precept. It's different than the other commands, and so when David gives you this one, he's setting up the next climb, actually, by telling you, okay, God told us very specifically, we're supposed to keep these love things, these things that are worth living, with all our heart.

That diligence is with all our all, with everything we got. And so then his next comment just clearly is connected to that, because then his heart just cries out, oh, that my ways—this is verse 5—oh, that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes. And that word statutes has to do with our letter for today, the Hebrew letter kaph, which has to do with something so holy you really don't understand it.

And you might remember King David, you know, went to move the ark and ended up getting his buddy killed because he didn't understand this kind of statute. And so we're going to do some more mountain climbing when we come back. And I'm really shocked that, aren't you, Sean, that somebody hasn't called to name this noise?

866-348-7884? You're listening to the Truth Network and And we are mountain climbing today on the Christian Car Guy Show. You know, we've got this name this noise, which has to do—well, you know, how King David climbed this mountain, I think you're going to see how it all comes together, hopefully. Where do we get this name?

This noise name? So we've got all sorts of callers calling in now, that's wonderful. We've got Dan is in Snomohomish, Washington. Snomohomish must be a big place, because we get a lot of calls from Snomohomish. Dan, you're on the Christian Car Guy Show, good morning.

Good morning, Robbie. My wife and I both have different names, different guesses on this one. My guess is that it's a Jeep fording a river, and my wife's guess is—I think that it's fluid. I'm hearing like water, so I think you're filling up the windshield washer fluid. Well, that's interesting. Those are great answers, and once again, I was not there to see if there was somebody filling up the windshield while it was happening, and I did see some water in what was going on.

So you got it right, there is a Jeep moving there, and there is some water to an extent, but that wasn't actually what I was going after, but I love it. I love it. You guys, is Snomohomish—I mean, because I really do, I get a lot of calls from Snomohomish. Am I saying it right, finally? No, no. Well, say it for me. Snohomish. Oh, there's no—I put too many syllables in it, Snohomish. Okay. Right, there you go. That's wonderful, Dan.

Well, thank you so much. So have you guys been up in a Jeep in the Washington Mountains? Not in a Jeep, but I have been up in the mountains, climbing up to the upper lakes to go fishing, and yes, we've been above the clouds at times. It's a beautiful sight, and I bet you've been there in the Bible too, haven't you, Dan? Absolutely.

Right. When all of a sudden you came—you've been crawling around on this passage for a while, and all of a sudden your head popped through the mountains, you went, Oh, look! Oh, man! It's absolutely gorgeous. Well, thank you both. Dan, what's your wife's name? Dawn. D-A-W-N.

So we're going to have to send out two t-shirts so that you can have his and hers for Dan and Dawn. How wonderful. Thank you, guys. God bless.

Yes. I really appreciate you calling. So we got, let's see, we got Kara Lee is in Port Orchard, Washington. So Kara Lee, you're on the Christian Car Guys show. Do you want to take a guess at that noise? Do you want to hear it again?

No, I don't want to hear it again. Anyway, to me it sounds like the car is idling. I mean, the Jeep is idling. Or maybe it's having gas put into the tank or something like that. Well, I love that answer. That's so beautiful. Because to some extent, the Jeep is idling. And that's critical to what's actually going on in the soundbite and what we'll reveal here.

Like, let go and let God? It's idling, yeah. It's like, wow, the Jeep is taking you where you need to go just without having to step on the gas. So you're right on the money there. So I'm so grateful that you called in with that.

And you'll be looking good in that t-shirt too. So thank you, Kara Lee. Thank you. God bless. So next up we have Rachel is in Oxford, North Carolina. So Rachel, you're on the Christian Car Guys show. Good morning.

What do you think it is? Good morning. Could you play it again? We absolutely can. My call screener's on the phone. So as soon as he gets off, we will play that for you.

And you'll be able to do it. So Oxford is... There we go. There's Sean. Can you play the noise again for her?

There you go, Rachel. Name that noise. Are you with me? I don't hear it. You didn't hear the noise? I don't hear it. Hold on a minute. I don't have my radio up. Okay.

We're going to play it one more time. All right. Yes. Are you hearing it now? Okay.

I'm listening now. All right. What do you think that is? Yeah.

I heard it. While you were talking, I kind of disqualified my thought, but I'm going to give it to you anyway. The thought was that it was being washed. Oh. Well, that's cool. Well, again, I wasn't there to know that they didn't at some point in time wash the Jeep.

They must have, but... So we're going to give you a t-shirt anyway. A t-shirt that says you had the wrong answer?

Well, no. You had a wonderful answer. You called in and you had the courage.

So to me, anybody that has the courage to call, they get a t-shirt. That's just wonderful. Okay. Thank you. Thank you, Rachel. God bless. So I'm going to leave it out there for somebody else if they want to call us at 866-348-7884, because I really do want to send the point home on what's actually going on there as we're climbing this mountain. But when we left our hero, David, you know, we're on the verse five, excuse me, on verse four, where it says, Thou has commanded us to keep Thy precepts diligently.

Okay? So now while we're sitting there with all our heart and with all our soul, we're trying to keep these type of things that are like love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your mind. And then he says, oh, that I could do these things that are so hard I don't understand, because what statutes are are the things that are so holy I don't understand, like what happened to poor David's friend when he touched the ark in the wrong way.

I mean, he just got oxidized, right? And so, wow, David's asking for this to happen. And then the sixth verse is where I came around the corner and all of a sudden I got to look at something that I hadn't seen. And what that next verse said, after he got a point to where he would know how to do the high, hard, the difficult statutes, then he says, Then I won't be ashamed when I had respect for all of your mitzvah.

And that's another word for commandment. But actually, what he's saying there, that word ashamed is the same word that, you know, Adam and Eve were ashamed when they found out they were naked. And so the idea is now I'm not—you know how you get ashamed when you've been revealed to be a poser?

Like, oh, when all of a sudden you come to the conclusion you're not the person that you thought you were? Or God allowed something in your life to expose you? And when you think about this in the New Testament, which is so beautiful, is that Peter, right? He got a chance to see something very beautiful when he told Jesus he would never let him down, but when he was standing there at the fire, he denied Jesus three times, and he found out that he wasn't the person he thought he was. But in pulling off his mask the way that it got pulled off, he got a look at something that was absolutely critical to his walk, because Jesus would restore him. And, you know, everybody—so many people's favorite passage there at the end of the Gospel of John when, you know, Jesus asked Peter, do you love me? Well, feed my sheep.

Well, that is a picture of what this verse is, and I hope you see it with me, because it says, then I'll not be ashamed when I can behold—or respect is what it says in the King James—but it really means to behold, to get a whole look at a commandment, to get a whole look at what it is that you're asking us to do, which in this case he was telling Peter to feed his sheep. Well, I don't know if you're like me, but at some point in time, you know, you were being a poser. I was, you know, faking it until I made it, and all of a sudden, in spite of what I did, God kind of held me over the basket and let me do something that was one of his commandment, one of his good deeds that he asked me to do, to teach, to show somebody, you know, how to feed a sheep. And then all of a sudden you get this look at Jesus like, oh my goodness.

And so as we get to the top of that mountain, that was what actually I was hoping somebody would call in today and share, you know, when did that mask come off you? And all of a sudden—and of course, you know, for me, it happened at my conversion. Like, I didn't realize how holy God was until I read the book of Job for the first time, and I kept on complaining that, like, really?

You're going to let these kids die and all this stuff? And then all of a sudden, when God showed up in the cloud and said, okay, Robbie, you know, if you're so smart, why don't you just make it hail or set the sun one time? And all of a sudden, I got to look at myself for the first time, and that was critical to the fact that I needed Jesus, right? And if I didn't see my need for Jesus, then I didn't need Jesus, right? And so these two are so connected. I hope you're with me. I hope you can see that, and then you can call in and share your story or what you may think that noise is.

866-348-7884, 866-344-TRUTH. We've got so much more Christian Car Guy show coming up. You know, for me, I've heard that song from the point I was a little child.

Well, actually, I think Sound of Music came out when I was eight. But nonetheless, I'd never put it together that what she says is that you've got to put all the love that you can give, right? In order to climb the mountain, it so is connected to this psalm in so many ways, because this wholehearted idea that David had as he got his whole heart back more and more through these precepts, then all of a sudden, he wouldn't be ashamed, right?

When he saw that Jesus would meet his need, and he would be able to see these commandments with these fresh eyes of being on top of the mountain, having climbed it with God and seeing that God was the one that actually put him up there. So it's an amazing thing. I am very excited about all the people that are calling in that we're fixing to hear from them. So I need to mention that there's a show coming up today at one o'clock on the Truth Network. It's called The Cure with Amy Cabo and Boris Kowal.

And it's absolutely wonderful. Today's show, they're going to be doing it on Burnout with Michael Levitt. So you don't want to miss that at one o'clock on the Truth Network. But next up, we got Eric wants to try the noise again, which the noise is kind of critical to what I'm talking about. So Eric, oh, we lost Eric.

And so I'm going to put that one off. And we got, let's see, Jacqueline Ward is in Greensboro. So Jacqueline, you're on the Christian Car Guy show. Good morning. Jacqueline Ward Good morning. How are you? Eric Bischoff I am wonderful.

So you want to try the noise? Jacqueline Ward Oh, yeah, I think it's something idling steady as it go, like driving over a bridge or something. Eric Bischoff You're exactly right. Steady as you go. That's actually they are not touching the gas, but the Jeep is just climbing the mountain. Just absolutely. And which they do if you put it in four low and you just take your foot off the gas.

If in the older Jeeps that had all kinds of torque, you didn't have to do anything. They drove you if you would let them drive. Jacqueline Ward Yeah, and you can hear the ticking sound, you know, the sounds of it. Eric Bischoff Yeah, they're going over rocks. Jacqueline Ward And they get to work in the park. Eric Bischoff Right. It's kind of like a tractor.

Like, a lot of people don't realize that the slower you go, the better you climb. Jacqueline Ward That's really what's happening in my life. Eric Bischoff So it says that you have a God story for us. Jacqueline Ward Oh, my God, so many pieces that he put back in my life that he keep doing me over and over again because of the mistakes I keep making, or had especially in my earlier years. I remember a time when I was introduced to the Holy Spirit after reading in John, that he would never leave us, you know, before he leaves, he would leave us a competition that would, you know, keep us all things.

And that he will not speak of himself, the only what the things that the Father would say. So I started really studying that. And I was very promiscuous back then I was in a relationship and we were dating all the time, wasn't married.

I had well, I was married at that time, but I was divorced. So it was me just constantly going down when I met the Holy Spirit. It was like, it made me see my sinful nature, actually the face of my sinful nature. And the Holy Spirit, I tried to tour with him like I would do men, you know, luring, you know, after I realized that this was really real, I would, if you can envision me kind of bat my eyes and, you know, I know who the Holy Spirit, you know, that's all I know. That's my sinful nature, you know, especially with a man.

So I'm thinking that's what I'm doing. I'm like, I can't get him like I get any other man. But he said to me, I know what one of your issues is, Jephiline, that you think I'm a mirror man. And he was telling me he was so much more than that. And that got my attention.

It was like we were sitting down playing chess with all my little sinful nature's drinking, smoking, and one by one, they started just leaving, you know, that was just falling off. So the relationship began to build. Right. He's right. He's given us our heart back a little piece at a time.

Yes. One thing he did to me before that level of success started really progressing was, he said, if you give me what you're holding behind your back, he said things would be a whole lot better. It's like I kept giving him the things, the surface things, you know, give me that what you got behind your back, you know, I want that too. And so this is what Constantine made me realize that he really, really is real. Oh, it's beautiful.

Oh, you've been on that mountain, haven't you, Jacqueline? Thank you for calling it, for winning today. I'm so grateful. God bless you.

You have a great weekend. You made my day. There's no doubt. There's so many wonderful stories today. So next up, we got Anne Ault. So Anne, you heard all that. That's beautiful, isn't it? Well, she got the answer.

There's no doubt about it. I was thinking it was at a four-wheeled jeep, you know, climbing up a mountain, actually, you know, that it sounded like it was doing the work too, you know. It is.

I mean, maybe I misled. It is climbing. It's actually climbing over rocks and boulders.

But it's just idling. That's the part that really confuses people is they think, I got to step on the gas to go over. Here's this big rock right in front of me. Well, if you know something about those old jeeps, if you touch the gas, you're messing up.

You're fixing to slip. I'm going to get me a jeep one day. But I was going to tell you also, I climbed, you may remember this, but I climbed Mount Fuji in 1968. And it was an amazing experience in Japan, climbing Mount Fuji. And all the way up, the higher you went, the harder it got. And then finally, you were so exhausted by the end. And yet, when you got to the top, sipping green tea, hot green tea in the crevasse of a rock, and all around me, I was part of the sunrise, Robbie. And it's like S-O-N, rise. It was just so incredible. And it was worth it all getting to the top, you know, for those that are climbing their mountains.

Right. So you understood that, you know, you feel sorry for people that have never seen this, right? And you're just like, it was hard. You felt lost at times, I'm sure.

You slipped, I'm sure. And all those things. And when you really dig around and let the Holy Spirit guide you through the Bible, if he could ever take your foot off the gas.

Yeah, let him do it. Oh, that climb every mountain. I played Maria in The Sound of Music a thousand years ago. When I heard that, I thought, oh my Lord, it just transported me. You know, what a gorgeous song. Oh my gosh, what fun. Love the show today. Well, thank you.

Thank you, my friend. I am just like amazed at the stuff that God shows me. And when I got around the corner, I realized, oh wow, that in order for me to see your whole mitzvah, your whole commandment, I've got to drop the, you know, you've got to pull those things away from me, like Jacqueline was talking about, where I'm posing, where I'm acting like I know what I'm doing. Yes.

These are driving to him. Yeah. It's a neat, it's a wonderful adventure. Well, thank you so much for calling in today and God bless. God bless you, Bobby, what fun.

It is, it is. And I want to thank you. Those of you who've been following me, my podcast, I've been doing these hidden secrets of the 119 Psalms. So I spent just verse after verse. I mean, there's a 10, 12 minute segment on each of these verses where I go into great detail about the Hebrew and all that.

If that interests you, I would love for you to check out our podcast. It's called Hidden Secrets of the 119 Psalm there within the Christian Car Guy, as well as all these shows, Christian Car Guy Theater, all those things. And then think about the mitzvah itself to help single moms, widows, and families in crisis. That's the Jesus labor love, car repair labor for single moms, widows, and families in crisis.

You can find all those things at But you know, it's a dream that's going to need all the love you can give, right? To just climb, climb, climb, and know that he's up there. And it's going to be worth all the effort for you in the Bible as you come around the corner. And there he is. Thank you so much for listening today to The Christian Car Guy Show.
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