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What Would You Do If You Witnessed a Miracle? ft. Dr. Dru Hammer

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk
The Truth Network Radio
August 11, 2024 5:00 am

What Would You Do If You Witnessed a Miracle? ft. Dr. Dru Hammer

The Charlie Kirk Show / Charlie Kirk

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August 11, 2024 5:00 am

What would you do if you saw a miracle? But did you know you've already seen one? Charlie talks about the failed assassination of Donald Trump as one of the most widely-seen miracles in history, then talks to a woman who has seen many miracles in her life: Dru Hammer, mother of actor Armie Hammer and a lifelong Christian. Dru discusses the role God has played in her eventful life, surviving through the stresses of divorce, bringing her son back go Christ after a scandal, and a lot more.


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Hey everybody, happy Sunday.

My conversation with Drew Hammer live from Freedom Night in America at Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Become a member today, That is

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Go to Thank you, everybody. Thank you.

Please take a seat. Well, we have a great guest for you tonight, but I just want to open up with one question and a message. What would you do if you saw a miracle? You know, I would get into discussions with atheists on campus. They'd say, if I only saw a miracle, then I would believe in God.

And I always was not convinced by that. I was like, I don't know if you see a miracle. As Woody Allen would say, I don't want to hear God speak.

If he would just sneeze, that would be nice. On July 13th, it was the most televised, most witnessed miracle in the history of humanity. There are many takeaways from this, and it just goes to show how true the Bible is. So you're reading the Old Testament, you're reading Exodus, and God blows quail off course and manna from heaven.

He splits the Red Sea and you have the 10 plagues against Egypt. And you think to yourself, how could these people not believe in God after all of that? They see God work and they see God move. How could they forget God's goodness and God's mercy and God's kindness after they see all of that? How many times have you thought of that when you're reading the Bible? Oh, these Hebrews, God's chosen people forgetful.

I'm not like them. If I saw a miracle, I would never forget. We are not even a month removed from the most witnessed miracle in history. And I want to, of course, appreciate that and thank the Lord for that. But the first thing is how forgetful of a nation are we? We say, Oh, God, just show me your presence. And I'll never forget.

What did God spare us from that day? By two centimeters, by the way. And not just two centimeters, we are talking about a microsecond of a head tilt. Oh, let's go look at how bad Biden is on the border.

Voom. Two centimeters, top of the year, which as a side note, I refuse to believe with the U.S. Secret Service is telling us about this, there is far more to the story. I'm going to say there's far more 130 yards away right there.

What it got. Imagine what this country would have been, because it's bigger than just the tragedy would be of that human being dying, who all of us admire in one way or the other. This country would have been lit on fire in a way that we still would not be healed. And we see there is no, in my opinion, reasonable explanation to that of why he decided to tilt his head at that particular time and how it came so close.

And how forgetful are we? For people that say, if I just saw one miracle and someone in this audience says, Yeah, I don't know if I believe in God yet. I mean, I just think that it was just a happy coincidence. It's like, okay, you know, that's what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the end. You know that a mathematician ran the numbers and he said that it was a one in a 10 and a half billion chance that his head would be tilted at just that moment with the wind and the scope. And by the way, for those of you that have shot firearms before, specifically AR-15s competitively, that is like a little of a it's like a tap in putt in golf.

That's 130 yards straight on. And I just think it's a really important thing because this is why we read the scriptures where God was like, you know, I kept on showing you miracles about my goodness, and you are a forgetful people. And we are a forgetful people. And we need to ask him for his mercy and his forgiveness. And we must repent because I'm even victim of this, where I say, you know, God, where are you going to act?

Where are you going? Wow, we saw it in real time. And it is dangerous to speculate exactly what God was doing that day. Because someone still lost his life.

And we should remember that Corey Capetone, this amazing firefighter, who by the way, we should all wish to die the way he died, protecting his daughter and dying for his daughter, the most beautiful death, somebody could die. But one thing is very clear, is that God gave this country another chance. That is what is clear. And I don't just mean politically, the damage and the heaviness that we would still feel for years on end, the civil discord would, I don't know if this country would recover. I don't know, I don't know if we would have been able to reconcile from that. But it didn't happen that way.

And I just look at this image, can we show the image up on screen? And I just have to editorialize for a second. I just, I mean, and by the way, two weeks after this, you have people in the media that are saying, oh, he's a coward. Unlike the wannabe vice president, you know, Bernie Sanders with a beer belly, who's going around lying about being in a military service, this guy actually got shot. And he reacted like that. And you know who somebody is when they face real opposition. And I just have a couple of the takeaways.

And then we'll bring Drew up. Did you notice something? And it's an incredibly instructive lesson for all of us in times of uncertainty. What was the most unusual element of that afternoon when the shooting happened? How the crowd didn't panic. And the media, by the way, the media has never been more of an enemy of the American people these last couple of weeks.

It's just so disgusting and so nauseating. And not a single person in the media decided to explain it. Where usually when you have these incidents, people die in stampedes to the exit.

There are panics, people are fighting each other. And instead, there was almost this calm that set over them. And it could be the Holy Spirit, or it could be something even more simple, which is, they were looking to their leader at that moment. And he wasn't panicking. So they didn't panic.

And you think about that, when you're in the family situation, or you are in a business situation, or you are in a political situation, and the person in charge is stable and calm, people will remain stable and calm. Where he emerges from that, and he says, fight, fight, fight, which I think is still one of the most iconic things ever. And you know Google is taking down this image. They have literally memory hold this. Welcome to 1984. It's just, if you type in Donald Trump assassination attempt, it's very hard to find this on search engines.

I wonder why. But the lesson I think for all of us is that panic is the unfolding of any decent society. And what you saw there was something so special and so unique and unusual, which is that when people see the person in charge, even if he's shot, even they know that gunshots were just fired, and they're standing still, there could have been a second or third shooter, there could have been, and they were like, you know what, no, but our leader, and they were like, you know what, no, but our leader is not freaking out. And you extrapolate that to the rest of society, is that in a moment of crisis, which our country has multiple crises right now, inflation, border, foreign policy, if the leader is calm with direction, and says to the people that follow him, or she says to them, it's going to be okay, here is the way forward. That is how you keep not just civility, but you keep civilization intact. And I want you to imagine what a lesser person would have done. And I want you to just have this tattooed in your memory. I don't care if he speaks too long for you.

I don't care if you don't like his social media posts. We have become immune in the West, from the post 1400s of our leaders that no longer see combat in the Roman times and the medieval times, they would always go to the front lines, and you would find out who was real and who was not. All of our leaders are totally distanced from actual suffering and actual combat. And you saw in a window who somebody actually is, who somebody who is willing to stand up to death itself, and fight for you. And it was the most televised miracle in the history of the world. And have mercy on us if we forget it, and have mercy on us if we start acting arrogantly, as if God is not sovereign, and not in control, it should bring you comfort, that God loves us enough. And that there's a there is a plan working out and that we have to be obedient. And the final thing I'll say is this, what if and I don't this don't know this for a fact, what if God saved his life, so that he could test his church? What if he saved his life to say, Okay, American church, what are you made of? Are you going to act obediently? Are you going to just turn your back on a miracle? Are you going to fight for liberty, which is my idea, the Lord's idea?

Or you just kind of say, I don't want to do that politics thing. Maybe he gave an opportunity for us to not go into a civil war, but instead say, American church, do you want to keep this civilization going? Or are you going to want to return to Egypt, where you were slaves under Pharaoh? Praise God that Donald Trump is still alive.

And praise God that our best days are still ahead. Join me in welcoming Drew Hammer, who's a dear friend of mine. And you're gonna love this conversation. Get on your feet and welcome Drew Hammer, everybody. Hello, so great to be here. Thank you. Thank you, Drew. And we've become fast friends in the last couple of months. And you have a great book out hammered, but not that type of hammered.

Just so we're clear. Well, you know, it's a play on words with my name. And then I was thinking, well, maybe just somebody will walk by and see hammered and think, well, that could be funny. Maybe someone wrote a book when they're smashed. So it's not about that.

It is about every heart has been hammered. And people will fail us. People were hurt us. But God will never fail us. And that's what this book is about. So Drew, you have this incredible story of how you've brought the Lord in environments that we could never imagine. And you've told me some of these stories where you've traveled the planet. You've been with titans of industry to leaders of state witnessing for Jesus Christ. You've seen healings. You've seen transformations. Tell us about how God has used you. And I'm sure you talk about this in great detail in your book.

I do. Well, it really kind of started out. I was raised in an incredible Pentecostal, amazing family. They were not religious. They loved Jesus.

And I used to tell my dad all the time, you know, you're such a fun sucker because I can't rebel because it just worked. So what happened was I was a senior in high school because you started out by talking about miracles. So this was the miracle that really changed my life forever is I was a senior in high school and my parents always had Bible studies prayer meetings in the house. His business partner was all Robert's son in law. Kenneth Hagen led him to Jesus.

So it's a real rich heritage in the Christian world. And a friend in their Bible study asked my dad to come pray for him. He was a pilot for American Airlines. And he said, Doug, if I have to have this surgery, I can never fly again. So my dad said, Okay, I've never prayed for anyone. And I've never seen a personal miracle through me. But I read the word and what did Jesus say greater things will we do when Jesus went back to heaven because he said, I will send the Holy Spirit and greater things go out and spread the gospel lay hands on the sick and they will recover. So he said, I just took Jesus at his word. So I went up to the hospital room. He said, Ron, I don't even really know how to pray about it.

But let's do this prayed for him. And he said electricity like went went through his body. And he said, Ron, I think you were healed. I felt this heat. He said I do too.

So he said, make sure that you get an x ray the next morning. Before you have the surgery, he was completely healed and flew another 40 years. That's the God we serve. And you're talking about do we believe in miracles?

I'm here. I mean, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't God. So I have to tell one more story that happened that right after that is when you're in Tulsa, Oklahoma, it was the white pages. And even in the Bible belt, I always say Tulsa is the buckle of the Bible belt. Well, you know, you all of a sudden it comes out in the Tulsa paper, you know, businessman sells his banks and goes into a healing ministry because my dad prayed. And there's nothing wrong with taking offerings like angel came up tonight and said it, you know, I always say the gospel is free. Ministry is expensive. But my dad said, he said, God, I'll go wherever you want to go. If you if you call me into a healing ministry, I'll go. But I never want to take up an offering.

I want to be able to pay for every dime myself. The next week, two men came in about two of his banks, and he put it in a foundation. And my dad traveled all over the world. But I was a senior in high school. And I was not happy about it.

Because all of a sudden, it's in the front page of the papers. And I was homecoming queen and all that. And nobody would talk to me because you're weird, right. And so my dad said to me one night, Drew, I need to go pray for this woman that called that is dying of cancer. And your mother needs to stay home with your younger sister, she has homework, will you go with me. And remember, I was very self absorbed, and I was not happy about it.

But I went with them. He's my father, I respected him. We drove out to this old trailer park. And she lived in this old broken down trailer home. And she had one of those old housecoats.

She was gray, her hair had fallen out. And basically, the doctor sent her home to die. And my dad said, Do you know Jesus? Because that's the first miracle. That's eternal life. And then he said, Do you believe Jesus can heal you?

And she said, Yes, that's why I called you. Now, I'm going to tell you this, because why do we limit God, we put God in a box, our minds are finite. God is infinite.

If he has the hairs on our head numbered, why would we ever limit the God of the universe, the creator of the universe, as my dad laid hands on this woman? And it says in my book, I saw her hair grow out in front of my eyes. And the Lord spoke to me and said, Drew, I'm going to take you into a very big world.

Don't ever deny my power. And after I graduated from college, I met a man on an airplane, he walked on the plane, I felt like, wow, you know, I felt like God said, This is the man you're going to marry. And I had no idea who he was.

He ended up being the only grandson of Dr. Armand Hammer. And, you know, I grew up two stepping on the weekends. And, you know, Garth Brooks was the local band, we didn't even know what he played on our baseball team. And I was thrown into this very big world. And I didn't know how to dress. I felt intimidated.

I wasn't a blue blood. You know, I went to Oklahoma State University. And I can't even tell you what I learned in college. I had a lot of fun, but you know, but anyway, so I move out there and I'm like, God, what am I doing here?

I thought I landed in the twilight zone. And I had one incident that changed my entire perspective. And I became very dangerous. After that, I was sitting at a black tie feeling very intimidated.

It was all world leaders. And this man was next to me. And he introduced himself. And he said, my name's James. I said, Oh, hello, I'm Drew hammer.

He goes, Oh, my gosh, Armand is one of my best friends. And he told me all about you. And honestly, I didn't even know even know enough to be intimidated by him. I didn't. I didn't know anything. We really didn't have Google back then.

That's how old I am. So anyway, he said, I just have a question for you. How in the world did you meet Armand's only grandson in Tulsa, Oklahoma? And I go, Jesus.

And he goes, What do you mean? And I gave him my testimony. My parents prayed for the right godly mates. I know you all are doing that with your children, you and Erica, with the right godly mates for their children. And I knew it was the Lord.

He came to Christ before we married. You know, I threw him in the deep end, poor guy. And I looked over and tears were running down his eyes. And I said, Oh, my gosh, did I offend you?

And he said, No, may I tell you a story? My name is James Roosevelt. And my father was President Roosevelt. And back then we campaigned by trains.

And we would go through the country through each town by train. And before we would go out and my dad would give his speeches, he would say, James, we need to pray that God will give us favor if I'm supposed to be the president. And every town and the night he was elected, his father, he said, Now, James, we need to go in the Oval Office.

And we need to thank God for giving us favor. And he sobbing. And he said, Drew, I haven't thought about that. In 50 years, I put God on a shelf. And I said, James, it's time to come back.

And he was probably in his 90s by then. And we held hands at that black tie right there. And I invited, I prayed with him to invite Jesus into his life. And he said, I'll never be the same. And right then the Holy Spirit spoke to me. And he said, Drew, he didn't care if you're a blue blood, if you didn't go to Harvard or Yale or whatever, you know, he doesn't care about your pedigree, what you were wearing, you share Jesus with him.

And that's what you're called to do is bloom where you're planted. So after that, everywhere I went, I became very dangerous, because if you have seen hair grow out of someone's head, there's no turning back there just isn't. And the that was that miracle a turning point in your evangelism and advocacy for Jesus? Yes, because then I went to college and I pledged a sorority I had Bible studies and the sorority because again, how do you you know, become a party animal or go do that when you've seen hair grow out of people's heads. And my dad by then was being called all the time and I would go with him and my mother and we would pray for people and I saw people walk out of wheelchairs.

I mean, I've seen so many blind people receive their sight, deaf people receive their hearing. And when he died, before my dad died, I flew to Tulsa. And I said, Dad, I want to be Elisha to you, Elijah, I want a double portion of your business acumen and your healing ministry.

And you know what, I'm going to say this, you have not because you asked not. I'm just going for it. You know, Charlie, I remember hearing Charlie 10 years ago when you how many years ago did you start?

Okay, someone sent me a link. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, first of all, he packs more into 30 seconds than I could pack into 10 minutes. He talked so fast, I had to rewind it and listen to it again. And I literally said back then, that young man is going to be somebody. And here we are, he is changing our country, not only in politics, but for Jesus, because I just went to his conference in Palm Beach.

And I'm telling you, I was blown away by the speakers and how many people's lives were changed. So it's incredible the realm that God has put you in. And I will say, I would like to self appoint myself as your chaplain when you are President of the United States.

Deal, but I'm not gonna be. I don't know about President, but what I have to say it. Well, and I'll tell you, Drew, I've never seen you speechless before.

Yeah, I mean, here's my here's my cat. I'm 30 years old. I'm too young to be president. That's my canned answer.

So we need to win in November to make sure we still have a country. So I got off a little bit of track. No, I love it. So So Drew, let me get into this. So you were in so many situations. You've told me some of these stories privately. So I don't know if they're in the book.

So I don't wanna probably Yeah, I'm not sure if they're okay to talk ugly, but you could take this and run with it. You've been in situations with some of the highest level aristocracy that people could imagine, and you have been so bold to share the gospel with them. People in the audience might say, Okay, I'm afraid to share Jesus with my aunt, my uncle. Did you find it easier to share the gospel with a random oligarch in Eastern Europe or with somebody that you know intimately, which is easier?

I think actually someone you know intimate intimately, especially when you marry into a Russian Jewish family. And Armin wasn't he wasn't religious, but it was really interesting. Would you want me to tell that story? You did team me up.

I didn't know if it was okay to that's why I like you. Okay, yes, this is in the book. But, um, Armand only had one child. And when I met the family, the son was an alcoholic. He was a drug addict.

He had rooms of pornography. And here I am, you know, from this Norman Rockwell family where we were matching flannel pajamas every year with our names monogrammed on it. And my dad, my mother memorized the whole almost the entire book of Matthew and would read. I mean, just an incredible family. And I marry into this family. And I'm like, they're kind of nuts.

I mean, they don't know how to be a family. So I said to Armand, I'm this 24 year old pipsqueak. And I said to him, I would like to invite you to our home every Sunday, because I'd like to teach you how to be a family. I look back and I'm like, you said that to him? I can't believe it. But he came.

It was the most amazing thing in the world. And I would share Christ with them. Because here's the thing. Everybody needs Jesus. We are all mental, spiritual and physical beings. And if we don't develop the physical, I mean the spiritual, we're dead inside.

Charlie, you have children, you brought them into this world because you love them and you want a relationship with them. God brought us into this earth because he loves us and he desires a personal relationship with him. And that's why I even put a little prayer at the end of each chapter because a lot of people don't even realize that prayer is just conversation with God. I talked to God like I'm talking to you all right now. And I wanted to teach people. So when I would share Christ with Armand, I bought him a Bible, I outlined Isaiah 53, and you know, 60, and all the prophecies of the coming Messiah, I outlined them, I would talk to him about it, but I learned to read him. And when it was time to stop, when he wasn't listening anymore, I kept my mouth shut. But he never really responded to me.

But I'm a little tenacious, I just kept doing it. So then I bought him the book C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity by C.S.

Lewis, which is an incredible book. And I gave him a copy. And his wife had died. And he called me that day. And he said, Drew, you remember, this was years talking to him and zero response. And God's word never returns void. Right?

It doesn't matter if people respond. So he calls me and he says, Drew, you have something that I don't have. And I need that.

And I said, boom, Paul, my kids called him boom, Paul, they couldn't say grandpa. The only thing I have that you don't have is Jesus as my Messiah. He said, Yes, I know that. And I need you to come over. And I want you to call your father and have him come to. We go to his home. We shared the plan of salvation with him. We take his hand, we pray with him, and he began weeping. And I said, Armand, what happened to you? And he said, God gave me a vision. He said, I saw this golden staircase. And Jesus and Francis, his wife, who was a believer, we used to talk about the Lord together, they were at the top of the stairs, and I was halfway up and he died within four months. Jesus kept him alive.

He will chase the he will leave the 99 to chase the one. So don't ever give up on ministering to family, people, friends. And so tell us about your time with Princess Diana. Oh, well, thank you, because I don't want to sound like a name dropper. So thank you for bringing that up. It's in your book.

Okay, well, again, I think it's bloom where you're planted, right? So Armand was very good friends with Lord Mountbatten, and he became friends with Prince Charles after Lord Mountbatten died, and they started the United World Colleges together. I won't go into explaining what all that is. But so they did a lot of events and a fundraisers together, and we got to ride on Armand's coattail, which was really fun. So we would fly to these events to the breakers, to all these different events for polo matches or whatever. And they would kind of put us near each other, because if those kind of deals when it's so expensive to go, it's mostly older people, and we were very young, we both had sons at the same time.

So they would kind of put us together. And the first two times I was with her, it was pleasantries. She was very guarded.

And do you blame her? Because you can imagine how betrayed she was from people. And I would kind of try to talk to her a little bit, but I could tell she was very guarded. And after Francis had died, Armand's wife, we flew to DC, and there was a big event, and there was a little private reception. And she walked up to me. And she said, you know, Hello, Drew. And I was like, wait, Princess Diane knows my name.

I mean, that was a little crazy back then. But this is why. Because God knew that wherever he put me, I was going to share him. And that's what we're here for.

Right? So she says to me, she says, I am so sorry about Francis, I feel so terrible. She was such a lovely woman. And then she leaned in and she goes, Did you get the jewels?

And I looked at her and I go, Are you kidding me? I go your princess die. You have a vault of royal jewels.

She goes, Oh, no, there were no jewels like that. And I said yes. And I actually gave them to our foundation to sell because souls are way more important. And I said, and let me tell you something, Princess Di, she didn't go to heaven with a U haul. I said when she died, the only thing she took with her was her relationship with Jesus. And you have everything in the world. And I said, you're going to leave everything behind.

And the only thing you're going to take with you is a relationship with Jesus. And I took a few moments to explain to her. And we were actually in a room and I couldn't pull her away to pray. But after the whole thing came out about her marriage, the Lord said, Write her a letter. And I was like, you know, you know how you argue with God just for the younger audience, tell the drama around her marriage. Oh, okay. Everyone knows that.

Okay. There was infidelity. Prince Charles always was in love with Camilla, who is his wife right now. They were in a very unhappy marriage. And it was all coming to a head and she was exposing to the world, which was a big no no in the royal family. You're supposed to keep your your problems private. And, you know, I know how that goes.

We'll get to that. But the Lord said, Write her a letter. And I, I argued with God, you know how we argue, like, she's never going to get it.

It's ridiculous. You don't care. And I mean, for seven days, I did not sleep. And when I tell you I didn't sleep, God's like, Are you going to do what I asked you to do?

Or you want to just have insomnia the rest your life. So I got up in the middle of the night, and I'm like, Okay, okay. So I started praying.

I pray in tongues, because I believe the Lord, you know, really is able to speak to me when I get my mind out of the way. And I took a piece of paper. And when I tell you, I really have no idea what I wrote, I can tell you the basics is basically I would never be presumptuous to say, I understand what you're going through, you are on a world stage. But what I do know is there were infidelities in my marriage that I just found out about the same time as well. And I was always a marathon runner.

And I think I was probably an exercise anorexic, because that was something I could control. And she had eating disorders, and she was anorexic, and I said, I would never be presumptuous to say, I get what you're what you're going through. But I will say on a small scale, I understand and Jesus is my safety net. If I didn't have the Lord, I don't think I could get through this. And I pray that you find Jesus and I went through the whole plan of salvation with her, how important it is that she brings Jesus into this. And I told her, I said, this situation is still difficult on us with Jesus.

But without Jesus, it will take us down. And there was a lot more it was pages. And then I had to call Armin's, you know, executive assistant and asked for the address, which was so embarrassing. And then I had to go to the post office and you they because you have to get the overseas stamp. And I'm sure the Postal Service guy was like, this poor, this poor young woman, it's like you're writing a letter to Santa Claus, they just write it to Buckingham Palace.

When I was her private. That's what I would have done. I know.

I know. But Arvin had her private address. So anyway, so I got it to her and I never heard back. I didn't expect to. But that night when she went into the coma with that car accident, I prayed and I said, God, you kept her alive. You kept her alive. And I pray that in that moment, and I'm not presumptuous to say I was the only one that ever shared Christ with her. I pray a lot of people did. But I know it was something I had to do. And I slept like a baby ever since I put that thing in the mailbox. It's amazing.

So Drew, the book is called hammered here. I want to get some questions. What is your not just advice but encouragement for Christians that are not confident in sharing the gospel or sharing their faith or sharing truth where necessary? Well, first of all, this is what we're called to do.

And I think it's such a joy. You all, we live in a hopeless, hopeless world right now, especially what's going on in the political arena. What's going on in churches being, you know, worrying more about popularity contest. And I was just listening to a sermon today about, you know, King Herod. He was a people pleaser.

And you know how he ended up his entire intestines rotted from the inside out and from syphilis. That's not a good ending. So we cannot be people pleasers. I'm certainly not worried about that with you. I'm the opposite of a people pleaser.

Yeah, I'm not worried about him. But I just have to say, you guys, what good is our faith? What good is our Christianity? If we don't go out and share the love of Jesus, and share how he is our hope, and our Savior, it doesn't do anybody good if we keep it to ourselves. This is what we're called to do. So who cares if people don't like us, I'm going to be hated too.

I mean, I've never been on a stage, but I thought, you know what, they're going to hate me too. Oh, well, right? What's more important, leading people to Jesus and them having eternal life with him in heaven, and we're going to worry about what people think about us? Not so much.

I love it. And Drew, it's so important because there might be people here that are losing hope and losing faith. What what can you share about the miracles you've seen? You've mentioned some of it, the healings that what does the word say? What does the Bible say about divine intervention when it comes to things that might seem naturally impossible, naturally impossible, but can be metaphysically possible with the Lord? Well, I would say it start out with reading the Bible.

I did an AI project and it's called and it answers over 1000 questions of what does the Bible say? Then the Lord spoke to me and said, it's great for people to ask questions, but they need to know my word because that's what builds up our faith. If we don't know the Bible, we don't know all the miracles. But when you read the Bible, you're like, wait a minute.

Look, I mean, I've had people say to me, well, you know, God doesn't part the Red Sea anymore. He doesn't. I go, Are you kidding me?

Butler, Pennsylvania, everybody. That's what I keep on saying. He moves bullets. Yes. And I'm like, he parts the Red Sea for me every single day.

I mean, I get parking places in L.A. I mean, he parts the Red Sea, right? But I will say to me, it's all about building up your faith in the word of God. And I'm doing I'm doing a 365 journey where 15 minutes a day I walk people through the Bible. And in one year you will have gone through the entire Bible because there's a lot of Christians. First of all, statistically, one in three Christians vote.

This is a problem. We have got to be Jesus's hands and feet. Charlie is out there all over the country doing this.

And he you know why he's doing it? Because he knows the word of God. And the bottom line is vote your faith.

Vote for people who will stand up for biblical principles. You know, we've got the Kerry Lake Kerry Lake right here in the state of Arizona is a godly woman that comes here and speaks. Steve Garvey talk about miracles. He was watching the news one morning. He's running for Senate in California. And everybody thinks he's crazy because it's such a liberal state. He said, I was watching the news one morning and God said, Run for Senate.

So he's doing it when when we're called, we have to go. So don't believe what you read in the newspapers. Don't believe any, you know, what they're saying, who's ahead in the polls, you know, any of the statistics, we serve a god of miracles in California alone.

12,000 people showed up to be baptized. There is a revival in this country. And if we could get everybody that knows the Lord and loves the Lord to get out and vote their faith for people that stand up for what's right, you know, you are single handedly going out there and changing this country. Well, we're just playing a small part.

But it's it's the Lord. We must do our part, and then allow God to do what only God can do. Yes. And that is the mission for we have 90 days, everybody.

90 days. Let's do some questions, everybody. Let's start lining up. So Drew, can you repeat the websites of the AI project you have and hammered hearts? You mentioned that as well? Yes, I have a foundation and the book sales. I have a brand. It's called Drewville. And it's called Drewville because I'm a flipper of renovated over 40 properties. And my two sons tell everybody they grew up in Whoville because I decorate with hot pinks and lime greens, very Palm Beach style.

So I thought, well, Drewville kind of makes sense. And it's all going to feed into my foundation, hammered heart dot org. And I did that after my divorce. I was divorced 14 years ago, was really heartbroken over it. But God healed my heart. I had an encounter with the Holy Spirit in Israel, and the Lord told me, When you get a divorce, it's an inconvenience. There are millions of women in this country.

They get divorced, and it's catastrophic. So my hammered heart helps within churches and help single women and men to buy him tires or grocery cards or whatever. So anyway, and I have the get hope dot AI where you can get on and ask questions. And again, it's all going to fund into my foundation because I may not change the world, but I can change the world that God has placed me in. Amen. I love that. All right. If you guys have questions, we're due two lines here. Whatever's on your mind.

Yes, sir. We're at war between Satan's marionettes and God's warriors. And there is no in between. There's nothing in the middle. If you're not registered to vote or to vote against Satan's marionettes, you're standing with them.

So there's nothing in the middle. The black robe regiment is a way now to be able to go to the churches and ask the pastors and the priests and the rabbis to step up and ask their congregation to register to vote to put voter registration forms in the lobby and to get a grassroots from the churches to rise up and fight against these Satan marionettes. Does Turning Point have a program to go to these churches now that there's a miracle they could point to and say, you can stand up for God now that he's showing you a miracle? We do.

And that's what we're doing to keep you safe. Faith. We had the dream conference together, too. We had on nearly 2000 pastors.

Did you say Luke? Right. And so it's amazing. I'll tell you, I had a conversation with a pastor recently, and I mentioned the Butler, Pennsylvania, and he said, I don't know if that was a miracle. I mean, it's it's so it just again, it shows how the Bible is true, how broken, how self righteous and prideful we are as human beings. Right.

It's just I'm sorry if you look at that and the head tilt at that very moment at that very precise thing and you think, oh, it's just an act of randomness. By the way, on top of everything else that this man has been through that and you're a pastor and you just discounted, I just I just kind of shrugged my shoulders. But yes, look, here's here's the problem that more and more American pastors are indifferent towards the future of America. And I said this previously with our wonderful pastor gathering. I'm happy to tout all of the virtues of what I think President Trump's administration can do for the country. But if you are a Christian and you vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walls, that is a desecration to the Lord.

And I choose my words very carefully. This is a ticket that currently Tim Walls has the most extreme abortion laws or lack thereof in the country, where eight babies were born alive and then murdered legally. Not not an exaggeration.

It is factual based based on Freedom of Information Act requests. Tim Walls has bragged about how boys now have tampons in their bathrooms and all public schools in Minnesota. The most radical transgender surgeries are done in Minneapolis without parental consent for 11, 12 and 13 year olds. And that's just off the top of my head, right? Not to mention he oversaw the riots. He oversaw what happened in Minneapolis when Kamala Harris was the first vice president in American history who visited an abortion clinic.

She went to Minnesota. And this is the and this is the ticket of what they're presenting. And so I'm not gonna go as far to say if you don't vote for my candidate choosing President Trump, you know, there's I'm not gonna invoke religion there. I think that it's about worldview. But I will say again that if you vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walls, that is a direct desecration to God's plan and his holiness and saying that you think your ways are better than God's ways.

A quick follow up. Yeah, I have an answer to the priest that are on the fence. I tell them that I'm one of God's warriors, because that's what I chose to be. And I the messenger and I just brought you a message. And someday you're gonna see Jesus and he's gonna say to you, I sent you a messenger. And what?

What did you do? Have a good day. God bless you.

Thank you so much. Yes. Anybody questions on this side? You guys can line up there.

Yes. Well, Charlie, your podcast and angel here brought me to dream city. I come here with my son now.

Last few months. He's at the youth building right now. I got the books. Pastor Luke got the book. I bought the pillows. You do listen to the podcast.

Yes. You know my punch line faithfully. My question is for either of you. But Drew, how can I get my foot in the door with my husband to get him to start attending here?

I met with a lot of sarcasm and no interest in conversation. And I pray about it a lot. And I feel like it's keeping me up at night. I'm having that same kind of insomnia and the urgency in these times for him to represent being a man of God to my sons. Do you have any advice on how to gently kind of guide him towards the Lord?

I think right now he's watching your life. I think when he sees a radical change in you and it's all about love, he's going to want to go there because you can't put a noose around him and get him to church. And by the way, our timing is not God's timing. I have a son that I prayed for for 23 years to come back to Jesus. And I wanted it the first day I started praying.

But God's timing is always perfect. And he's going to see the change in your life, in your son's life. And he's going to want to come to church because God is love.

And when you come and you're being filled up every Sunday at this magnificent church, he's going to see it in you. I just want to encourage you. What you're doing is difficult. And it's difficult because I'm going to say this as gently as I can.

Your husband should be leading the home and the marriage, not mocking his bride for going into the house of the Lord. And so I want to encourage you and build you up. And for us men out there, you should look, God forbid that our wives ever have to encounter that. I just want to say you're loved and supported for that. And don't lose hope.

I think the story of Lee Strobel might be very helpful and comforting for you. It's the best book, right? Case for Christ. The movie is also really good.

The book is better. It's about a prayerful wife who found the Lord before her husband. Husband was an atheist, was a reporter for the Chicago Tribune, my hometown. And he basically said to his wife, you believe all that hocus pocus.

I'm going to go prove you wrong. Jesus was not real. And he went on this incredible multi year fact finding journey and ended up coming to the conclusion that Jesus is Lord and rose from the dead. And he's now one of the most popular and impactful evangelists of our time.

His name is Lee Strobel, but it was because of a prayerful wife. And so never underestimate that. I think Drew's wisdom is great. And yeah, we have your back and you're in the right place. God bless you. Thank you. So thrilled you're here. How we doing, my man?

Hi, I just wanted to keep getting older. I was going to talk to you guys about the AI. I just wanted to know what your thoughts were on it, because I know what I think about it. But I wonder, tell me what you think about it. I think it's more of a threat than something we can use. So so I go back and forth.

Do you have a thought on this first, Drew, or first? Yeah, it can be used as a tool. It also, there's a fair amount of speculation. So if you don't know what artificial intelligence is, it's a technology that teaches the machine to on the surface level, think the way that we think. Now, through the actual administration of artificial intelligence, we are learning the limitations of machinery and how God designed us as more than just the computer. So if you go to Silicon Valley, almost every single person in Silicon Valley will tell you, oh, the human brain is just the computer. If that's the case, then we would not be able to look at a statement such as this. And this is Bertrand Russell's favorite famous breakthrough, which is a human being is able to process this following statement. This statement is false.

A computer will not be able to read that you're like, what are you talking about? Well, because is the statement false? Or is it not? Say, if you think about it, this statement is false. Well, is the statement false? Because then it's false.

It's not false. You go in an infinite loop. Therefore, we're able to detach ourselves from a reason loop. And look at that, because we are more than a computer, we have a soul.

That proves the fact that you can look at that from the outside of perspective, a machine will keep on going back and forth, it will self terminate, essentially, because it's an input output. So there's some speculation that a machine will eventually be able to do that, that will reach what's called artificial general intelligence, or otherwise known as singularity. We don't know, there are some really disturbing applications of artificial intelligence that we are all seeing, such as it's making our kids dumber, and they're not thinking. There's also some potential amazing breakthroughs that I think we should celebrate. For example, I think it would be awesome if we were able to diagnose cancer and tumors quicker, and cut out the bureaucracy of the medical industry, and say, you know what, no, we're gonna we're gonna get rid of childhood cancer, and reduce it. And that's not speculation if we actually apply this technology through biblical or righteous means. On the same side, you can use artificial intelligence to say, we want to get rid of all the people. So it comes with a lot of problems.

It comes with a lot of potential threats. I tend to be very optimistic, because I've seen the potential upsides of what artificial intelligence can do. And having dealt in the healthcare, going to the healthcare world, think about what you spend the most amount of time or energy on healthcare, you pay some person to run a bunch of tests, to kind of find a pattern of what you very well might have. The biggest problem in American healthcare is not treatment. It's correct diagnosis.

Would you guys agree? And the data shows that. Misdiagnosis, delayed diagnosis, has caused more harm and damage.

Artificial intelligence could potentially fix that, because it's able to aggregate billions of lines of data and say, no, you have this problem or not that problem. But yes, it also could destroy the world. I have to finish that? I mean, I have to go after that.

Are you kidding me? Well, so just putting it in a personal layman's terms, because I had no idea all that's going on. Seriously, I'm like, Oh, Lord, I gotta, I gotta follow that. I was compelled to do it, because I look at the internet. And I remember when the internet was coming out, people are like, Oh, it's of the devil. You know, it's going to ruin this world.

Yes, it can. Pornography went rampant. But also, I don't know about you, but I listened to amazing men of God, including Tommy Barnett, a lot. I listen all the time on podcasts, and I walk and I listen, so it can be a tool. So when I was compelled to do my AI project, I thought, well, I'm going to So when I was compelled to do my AI project, I thought, well, you know what, what a better way to spread the gospel.

And doesn't it say that the end times will not come until every single person in the world gets the opportunity to invite Jesus into their lives and know Jesus? So I thought, well, AI, what a great way to spread it. And when I shot this, it was the hardest thing I've ever done because it was real spiritual warfare when I was doing it. But the heads of the company came to me and they said, Your timing is impeccable. They opened up the laptop and they said, Ask yourself a question.

And I'm like a holograph. And I said, What does it mean to be born again? And I answered in perfect Mandarin Chinese, and it was my voice and my lips were moving. And I so immediately I'm like, Well, let's get it in China. Let's spread the gospel to China. So I think it could be a tool and where Cinna bounds, grace can abound more.

And that's kind of what I hung on to it. And the final thought I'll say is this is that the best way to allow AI to help humanity not hurt humanity is to decentralize it, not to centralize it. For example, have 5000 AI companies, not just Google and Facebook that control all the AI power.

And so my advice for President Trump is embrace small tech and crush big tech and have a lot of competition. Allow it to do the good stuff and allow competition to root out the bad stuff. Because if we are honest, we live in a broken world. Sin has caused a fair a lot of suffering. We have all lost loved ones to diseases that were not diagnosed, not treated correctly.

I think it potentially could do a lot of good in that way. Thank you so much. Appreciate that. Yes, ma'am. We'll do two more or three more. We'll get to every question. Yes, ma'am. First of all, Drew, thank you for sharing from your heart as a more newer divorced woman. I really appreciate that. And I look forward to looking at your book.

Charlie, this is more geared towards you. I am a mom who was in a house divided. And in 22, I saw the political climate in Wisconsin go to go go completely blue. And I brought my kids to Amfest because it was one of those things where I was like, I need them to see other people fighting for what we need to believe in. So with the statistics of one in three Christians and hunters not voting, you know, our our rights are being are going to be gone. How do we contend, especially in swing states and say, you know, your vote does matter. You do need to show up at the polls. I love the vote, your faith, get out and vote no matter what. But I feel like we're we're at upheaval even within our own party.

And it is sad, because it's my children's future on the line. I thank you for that. And I hope you enjoyed Amfest.

We put on a great show. So thank you for that. And so a couple thoughts. You are asking the question that defines my life work, which is how do I get good people to care? And that that is that is the question of Charlie Kirk and Turning Point's career. How can I get someone who has good values to actually care about what's happening outside of their own sphere of influence? And then it's a more provocative question.

Can you remain good if you don't care about things that are happening outside your sphere of it? That that's an interesting question. But look, the I am hopeful. I'm hopeful because what we're doing at Turning Point action is starting to make a really big difference. Just this last week, because of our ballot chasing and because of our grassroots tenacity, we defeated Stephen Richer in the Maricopa County Recorders race. Right.

And Justin Heap is going to do a great job. So people are starting to wake up and care. I believe that there are unclean spirits that have filled this country. And the one that I confront more than anything else is not nihilism. It's not socialism. It's not environmentalism. It's not transgenderism. It's a different ism and cynicism.

And it is the one that has infected the church more than any other ism. What I do does not matter. I don't care.

I'm not sure it's all about me. And it's how do we get people to care? Well, a country that would willingly sign up and be drafted to go storm the beaches of Normandy had a different worldview than this current generation. And it was one that was rooted in my favorite one of my favorite English words that used to be a bedrock of Western civilization, which is duty. And the word duty is never taught to young people anymore.

Fun, pleasure, happiness. But duty implies that you are doing something above yourself, that there's something above you that matters more than just your own personal life. And so why do only hunters not vote? They don't feel a duty to their country. Why do one in three Christians not care?

They don't even feel a duty to the divine. And just so we are clear, I am not asking you to go through the streets of, you know, of Baghdad. I'm asking you to fill in a mail-in ballot that takes five minutes and put it in the mail. Your excuses fall on deaf ears. The amount of time that you will spend waiting in line to get your iced frappuccino is more than just filling in a ballot. This person, this person, not that person, this person, this person, that's it.

Sign it, put it in, put it in the mail. And the inability to try to get people to do that is that it is willful defiance at this point. And I believe that will be harshly judged.

I really do. So how we fix it, events like this, but I think we should be hopeful. We are seeing more and more people rise up.

We're seeing more and more people want to be engaged. And I think all of us, the call to action for you is you must confront and squash the spirit of cynicism from now to the election. Wherever you come across it, we outnumber them, but we do not outvote them.

Let me say that again. We outnumber them, but we don't outvote them. There are millions of people who share our values, who see the world the way we do, that won't take the time to fill out the ballot.

And what a tragedy that would be if the people that are actually in the minority care more about doing the five-minute thing than our side. Thank you so much. Do you have a thought on that, Drew? Okay, great. Thank you.

I agree. Two more questions. Hi, Drew. I'm really excited to ask you this question because I feel like I'm supposed to hear something from you tonight.

I've never been to one of these. I wrote a book and was speaking, and God this year put a stop to that. He told me to rest, and I obeyed, and I've been doing that. I think it was because I wasn't glorifying Him. And He's put on my heart to do another one, but I'm kind of doing what you did with the letter to Princess Diana, maybe. I'm scared to not be resting in this place because I don't want my eating disorder to happen again. It kind of took me out when I was really busy with it.

I don't know. I just am wondering if you have struggled with maintaining your relationship with the Lord as you're doing speaking and writing your books and how you make sure that you're following His guidance and you're doing all that. Well, it actually took me 10 years to write this book. You don't want to rush into anything, right? But I see now why God did.

His timing is always perfect. And I started out by journaling. I didn't start by writing a book. And what I realized when I journaled is in my mind, I thought I had forgiven, but I really hadn't totally forgiven. So I'd go back and read the journal, and I was just digging that knife in just a little. You know how that goes. And then as it was a process of forgiveness, because I think forgiveness is the tool for everything.

Every heart has been hammered. And if you don't forgive, you live your life of bitterness. And I think we see that in this country today.

Is there so in the world? You know, if you don't forgive, it will hurt you. It doesn't hurt the other person. And then when I was journaling, I started seeing the miracles that God was actually doing for me during the divorce. I mean, I was gray. I weighed 90 pounds. My hair fell out.

I was a disaster. But as I wrote, God started healing me, and I actually volunteered at the Dream Center for 10 years and worked with women out of human trafficking. And when I would go, I wanted to stop when I was when I hit rock bottom. And God said, You're not stopping.

And I would go there. And they actually became my healing. It was like Joe when the minute he decided to start praying for his enemies, the people who pretended to be his friends.

That's when God restored all. So what I would say to you is, is I would keep writing, I would put it down. But I realized now that it took me 10 years because God has brought my family full circle. You know, our family has been hammered all over the world in the press, and God has now brought that full circle. So you're gonna know God's timing.

But if you're not getting rest and you have no peace, not writing, keep writing. God bless you. Thank you. Last question. I just want to know how we can protect our children in school. Yeah, that's that's a great it's a really good question. First, if you're able, thankfully, with Arizona's new law, you have mobility with your kids to not send them to government school.

You can send them to Dream City Christian Attorney Point Academy, which I highly recommend. And I will say this as plainly as possible. I've been very distracted. So I wasn't able to get involved this much in the Scottsdale Unified School District elections.

I would have liked this last one, but we will do that in the future. There's other elections that are a little more important right now. But I will say this, I would we will not send our kids to any government run school. That is not going to happen. We will not send them to Scottsdale Unified.

We will not send them to Scottsdale Unified. And if you do that, that's fine. I do not trust our children in the hands of potential very dangerous zealots that look at our children as their children.

It's not going to happen. And so you can make your own decision when it comes to that. The good news of Arizona's law is that it's less and less of a financial hurdle to get your kid into a really solid school. And so just have the courage and the faith to pull your kid out of a bad government run school and find one Dream City Christian Academy.

There's a lot of other really good options around here that I that I would highly recommend. And then finally, for people that are out of state or watching nationally, if you are able to homeschool your kids, you should do that. But again, we have Dream City Christian, which is an amazing school and changing people's lives. And your kids will not be taught this transgender nonsense. They'll be protected. They'll be able to flourish.

They'll be able to grow. And you as a mother, it's one of the most important things that God has charged you with here on this earth, which is stewarding and shepherding your children. The current environment, the current environment wants to take the innocence away from your children. They want to teach them terrible values. They want to poison them. They want to make them doubt God's word and God's teaching.

And our education system should be the exact opposite of that. So God bless you. Thank you so much. Drew, thank you so much. How can people find the book?

On Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Amazing. Thank you so much. Give it up for Drew, everybody.

Drew Hammer and God bless. See you next month. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Thanks so much for listening. And God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to Charlie Kirk dot com.
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