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Bart and Horvat Win/Loss the Packers schedule

The Bart Winkler Show / Bart Winkler
The Truth Network Radio
May 18, 2023 6:00 am

Bart and Horvat Win/Loss the Packers schedule

The Bart Winkler Show / Bart Winkler

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May 18, 2023 6:00 am

The podcast you've been waiting for is here, Bart and Horvat go through and win/loss the Packers 2023 schedule! 

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Call 414-732-2542. Dan Schaney dot com. Ryan Horvat's here. Hey, bud. What's up, dude? Hey, check this out. Let's do a math equation.

Ready? Let's say Fatty McGee over here, me, doesn't drink for two and a half weeks. Exercises goes from about two thousand measly steps a day to seven, eight thousand.

Yeah. Eats a little bit better. How much weight do you think I can lose in two and a half weeks? How much weight do you think I've lost in two and a half weeks? Probably you've gained three pounds. I've gained a half a pound. That happens to some people.

I'm fucking pissed. Yeah, everybody's body is different. You just got to stick with it. Well, hold on. So what's your diet consist of?

It's a little bit better. Oh, well, if you really want to lose weight, you should just do what I did. And that's just grill barbecue chicken like every single night and then eat some potatoes and a vegetable.

I lost like 20 pounds in like three weeks. No joke. I think diet soda has got a big problem. I actually just had to get rid of that.

Yeah. So I'm I do I can't I'm not like doing any alcohol or anything either, because when I messed up my hip or when I found out my hip was messed up, they put me on. And this is a good message for anybody out there of why you should look for the more. Natural ways of medicine, herbal, I would say, because the pills are bad for you. They mess up your gut and you could think, OK, I'm only going to be on this steroid for two to three weeks because that's what happened to me just to help me walk and like get back. Right now, my gut health's all messed up and I may have like a small ulcer. So I have to go 14 days on this like antibiotic.

More medicine, I know, and suck. So no alcohol. And it's Mother's Day on Sunday. And we're going out to dinner. I'm not even going to be able to have any wine.

That sucks. Yeah, I'm trying to not do all of May and I got my birthday coming up, which I mean, I treat every day like my birthday. I go to the casino whenever I want.

I drink whenever I want a fat, lazy piece of shit whenever I want. I almost feel like on my birthday I should like. Maybe I should go volunteer my time. Maybe I should go give back. On your birthday, because all 364 days a year on my birthday.

I should spend one day like my birthday. I was I was I was that's a rap line. And I know I'm familiar with rap from my head down to my shoes.

I'm 22. Shit. My baby mama. Oh, man, I forgot about that was the big timers. That was that was a little Wayne when he was like 12 years old. He already had like eight kids. God bless him.

We are here to do what we do every year. When lost the Packers schedule and talk a little way and talk a little Wayne, who's a Packers fan, as is now Simone Biles with her husband, Jonathan Owens signing with the team. Oh, yeah. Hey, really quick, though, is a little Wayne.

F him. Great mixtapes was never a huge Lil Wayne studio. He turned on Rogers, didn't he? Yeah, but I don't even care about that. Do you think he's going to still roll, though?

Like, let's say that it's a six and 10 season five or six and 10 six and 11 season. I'm still gonna roll I got my Jordan love jersey and rolling since 96. The Super Bowl is in New Orleans. Well, you he I you know what? He raps about the saints all the time.

I feel like when they were on their run. He was a saints fan. Hey, you gotta go where the money is. I'm just asking a question.

Like, I feel like a lot of the band would be disappointed if Lil Wayne leaves us like it's Anthony Davis and Harry Styles and all these other dudes that they're gonna still come to the games and Melissa Melissa Melissa after ages she's looking to perform come to my window at halftime in a in a Rogers jersey. And is Simone Biles a big enough celebrity to root for the Packers because most Wisconsinites know her as Hey, one day damn chick that didn't play them gymnastics for our country because she said her brain didn't feel good. Hold on. Get this. Okay, I got a a joke. I got a kicker for you. All right. Get this.

All right. Simone bills. You remember her? She does the fencing and the Olympics, right?

Simone bills. Remember she she was one of those. Oh, look at me. I'm young. I need attention. I can't show up to work because of mental health which Joe I've never believed in any way.

Simone builds her boyfriend, Anthony Edwards, heading over to the Packers. I don't really watch gymnastics. You know, I do like to lose though.

I'll be I'll be sucking swamp water one of those things. In the reason in ninja. The reason I like it doesn't have anything to do with the women. Okay, like I you know, I watched the WNBA game once or twice, you know, hey, what were your what were your boys like trying to try and not your boys, but what were those guys in Wisconsin trying to accomplish with their stupid sexist Twitter posts that they're getting destroyed for like who still believes that it's 1972 with their I tried to spoof them and then I got in trouble. See I well I didn't know the context you got to remember that like you have a bigger following than you know, cigar dinner land.

You got to remember now you're doing national stuff. So when you post stuff like that, I was even going to text you like, what's up with you? It's Mother's Day weekend. Call your mother's by the way.

Do we have any do we have any reads for anybody like doing flowers or like is it like get your mom edibles or anything? Well again, this is being posted after Mother's Day. Oh, see, let's let it Okay, sorry. Sorry. Oops, I let the people in the kitchen and let them know it's in the sauce. It don't matter. It's still going to be fire time at earliest.

This is posted Monday. I've I've went and got but it's never too early to think of Mother's Day 2024 load up on your Happy Place hemp. Happy Place hemp calm promo code is Bart. Who wants a dozen roses when you get a dozen gummies? Your mom's gotten roses.

60 straight years. Why don't you give her some gummies and let her see the roses? Yeah, or maybe give her some gummies. Say, Hey, Siri play rose by Oh, no, no, not really though. But no copyright. Copyright. Hey, stop.

They used to you know what I thought about it like that was really seal no wonder Heidi Klum dumped them. Like when you think about it, it's really only kissed by a rose and we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy which to be fair to goddamn like gems I made was overrated. I'm actually Yeah, kind of maybe not though. But he's like a two hit wonder. I can't think I'm not like Oh shit, it's Friday.

Let's fly like an eagle. That even. Oh shit. I thought that was Lenny Kravitz.

I thought it was our Kelly. Hey, you know what I did for you? I Oh no, no, nevermind. But I power rated all my NFL teams and I got projections for every Packers and every other team that you want. Point spread and total all season long because I've been sick with the stomach flu. So when the schedule release came out, and everybody else was drinking beers touching dicks, your boy over here was projecting all totals and point spread. So I'm ready to win loss this bad boy but also let you know it's probably going to happen and be realistic for the first time ever because I always go 1314 15 wins.

I think this season I'm going to give an actual projection. Well, don't don't overcompensate. Don't be too hard. Well, you know, so Oh, by the way, I want to throw this out there.

As you know, I was a big far guy, which, man, like, holy shit, can't believe that's when you're gonna miss for us. Can't believe that's the guy that got me that I would say that I dropped the lawsuit against McAfee says we both just want to talk football, and then goes on Eric Boiling show and talks about fucking Fox News. And again, dude, like I honestly, I have good friends that are Republican, Democrat, I really don't care.

I don't like love talking politics with them. But there are just certain people out there that are just so goofy and far has become one of them. And you know, who else remember Charlie from WWE? And frickin ESPN?

Oh, my God, I had to unfollow an outkick now. Here's the thing. Like I got buddies that are huge Trump guys. That's cool.

I still have beers with them. Like I don't care. To be honest. I don't like hate like I hated that. Like people start liking each other because of politics during the problem Horvat is that when like, like a Michelle Tafoya, like when they go into the right wing media. And I want to say this on a way that I would say this on the air.

Yeah, like I'm not trying to offend anybody. But when they go on right when they go on right wing media, which I'm not being offensive by saying there's a right wing media. What happens is they try to like, they're like me when I worked a Friday night in college and got home at 1030. And everyone else was hammered.

I need to catch up. So they go on every show they can throw at every point that they can rip on transgender here, rip on bathrooms here. Celebrate CRT here. See you see I am one of us. They say I I agree. Yeah, I just feel like while all that on the radio, but I feel like it's like, it's just like we're gonna beat you over the fucking head with this now.

Like with with everything. It's like, okay, like we get your stance. It's like kind of like, even if you like, or just like talking with people in the gym, now that you're working out, you would know this.

And I'm just taking walks. And they just start like talking Yeah, like about like transgenders and sports and stuff. And you're like, Hey, man, like, I don't know you like this. Well, so like, yes, I think the Knicks may cover the six points, which I wouldn't think that because they suck. But it's like five days ago. Well, right, right, right, right, right.

There's seasons over. But anyway, the zombie heat live on. But anyway, yeah, that's all I gotta say.

But um, oh, here's my point. So I'm a loyalist. I'm a loyal guy. And I was loyal Darren Rogers, and I still will always be. And I'm going to root for the Jets. But I'm actually all in on Jordan loving the Packers. I've come around. I'm excited for the rebuild. I think that this is what's best kind of like when my parents got divorced.

Sure. Like it was cool having like one Christmas and a family that lived together and not being from a broken home. But what was cool is like my mom and dad are still around.

And I get more shit during Christmas. So I'll root for Aaron, because like he didn't want to be in Green Bay. And he fucking like tank last is great having two teams. I have the books and the Warriors. I've had five NBA championships.

You can even like I'm I'm glad Rogers is gone for like the sake of anybody in that building's mental health. Now I'm not a good guy because I think he treats the old guys like shit and I'm team old guy, which is why I'm rooting for LeBron over your warriors. Fuck your warriors. Go team old guy. But I'm all in on Jordan love.

I thought that he handled that press conference really well. And I've I've always been like a fan of Jordan love. I'm not this Jordan love hater. I just preferred him to go to like Indianapolis or somewhere else. Rather than sitting for you're not a fan of all you ever did was shit on his college tape.

Yeah, dude. Well, yeah, I thought he was a project just like I think Anthony Richardson's a project but Anthony Richardson could be Patrick Mahone's was a fucking project dude. Look at those draft grades.

People were giving it a D plus an F. He even says I couldn't read an NFL defense. Right. Like I didn't I didn't know how to identify the mic like he says that all the time. Certain dudes it's just like talent takes over. I hope Jordan loves that guy.

It isn't I shit all over him. Like the team kept paying Aaron Rodgers even though he was a pain in the ass because they weren't sold out on the guys that evaluate him every single day. So I don't want to hear I'm the bad guy when met with floor and Brian good against the guy that fucking moved up in the draft over T Higgins he drafted him.

He wasn't sold on him until he was like alright Rodgers is too weird. Maybe Jordan love sucks. But we're gonna check this out because I can't go fucking try to locate this guy in a cave every offseason to see if he's coming back to do his job.

You know, what does he do work for entercom one of these guys that never shows up for work anyway. But so I'm I'm I'm rooting I'm rooting for Pat the Packers. I'm rooting for Jordan love. I don't want to hear I'm a Jordan love hater.

Here's what I'm saying though. I kind of wish now that they've moved on from Rodgers dude, like we were going into this season with like the corpse of Matt Ryan or just some bum ass scrap quarterback and you know why? Because Caleb Williams like if the Packers if it's rebuild, I would rather go one and fucking 16 and take Caleb Williams. Hopefully Jordan loves good but he's already 25 Caleb Williams is gonna be like 23 and the comps are Patrick Mahomes. I don't think he's gonna be that good. But I do think he'll be a if I had to predict today, three time league MVP Caleb Williams. That's all I'm gonna say.

All right, boom. If I had to predict today, David bakhtiari gets traded before the start of the season. They should just move him. He doesn't want to be there. He's like, he's fighting does not want to be here at all. I don't know that I really want him here. I don't want him here. I feel like he's bad for the rebuild. And I feel like he's too worried like about like what fucking Elon and like Tucker.

Yeah. And again, I'm not trying to go out political but it's like, all right, you want to you want to go place play fucking sword fights with Aaron Rodgers go do that in New York and they need a tackle. And hey, give us more shit.

You know, like give us more picks in case Jordan love does suck. We're driven by the search for better. But when it comes to hiring, the best way to search for a candidate isn't to search at all. Don't search match with indeed. Indeed is your matching and hiring platform with over 350 million global monthly visitors according to indeed data and a matching engine that helps you find quality candidates fast leveraging over 140 million qualifications and preferences every day. Indeed's matching engine is constantly learning from your preferences. Join more than 3.5 million businesses worldwide that use indeed to hire great talent fast and listeners of this show will get a $75 sponsored job credit to get your jobs more visibility at slash blue wire.

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Investing involves risk. 3% match requires gold for one year from first match. Must keep IRA for five years. Robinhood financial LLC member SIPC. Before I win lost this, it looks like the options for my trip were at Denver October 22 at Pittsburgh, November 12.

Those are all great options. We are probably going to do at Vegas October 9th. The problem is yes, it is.

That's how I knew it. It's expensive as fuck. So everyone got gung ho about Vegas. Now I think people are getting second thoughts because tickets are expensive playing out there, got jacked up.

It's just more money. You got to win when you get out there. I could have the opportunity and there's a London game that morning on Sunday. I want to sit in a sports book the entire day on Sunday.

I want to go to Vegas. So I don't know if that's still what we're doing, but well, if you don't, if you guys don't, I'm going to go for my birthday. I, I'm, I looked at the schedule a billion times, but I didn't even look at the dates.

I didn't, that's my birthday. It's a primetime game against the Raiders. Could be one of the night. It could be one of the only games they win this year. Oh, and also I want to say that them starting to flex out Monday night games is fucking stupid. And when they do Thursday, that's going to be fucking stupider. Agree.

All right. Week one against the bears. They're going to lose that football game and it's going to be fucking awful. Why I just, I don't have a good feeling about it because either, either we do the, Hey, the deed got transferred from Rogers, the love, or Justin Fields is the greatest goddamn quarterback ever, which I still think he'll be good, but I'm worried that Jordan love loses that game.

Oh yeah. The hot take artists will be out after this one, probably including myself, either Justin Fields is going to look like the king of the North, or it's going to be Jordan love. It's going to be like when Marcus Mariota played against Jamis Winston in their first rookie games and Marietta beat him.

We're like, see, I told you he's the real deal. And both are, you know, scrubs. So it's a two and a half point spread. Now I got it closing at one. The bears only one point favorites in this game.

The total I have at 43 and a half. I would take the over and I'm going to take the Packers. I think the Packers are actually going to win this game 21 to 17 and scores. What's that you're going to do. You're going to give me scores. Actually, I'm going to go, I'm sorry. 24, 22 is what I'm going to go here. I'm gonna get a little weird. Yeah. 24, 22 Packers.

Get it done. Jordan love two touchdown passes because here's the thing. Like the bears defense is shit. The bears could end up winning the NFC North, but they're a work in progress as well. The Packers, even though it's a rebuild year, as long as is it a rebuild or a revamp or is it a redo or is it a redo? Anybody with a fucking brain like knows what they're doing here.

Right? Like you're in Capel, you moved on from Aaron Rogers. So it's a rebuild, but also like you have your guy that you moved up for a first round pick that's been sitting for three years.

It's good. It's the same fucking thing that they did when farve left, right? That wasn't a shitty team. The Packers can't afford to be shitty, right?

Teams that could afford to do a point. And we got to a point, I'm sorry to cut you off, but I need to bitch about the media. We got to a point where there's newspapers and there's radio stations in Milwaukee.

Yeah. Andy Herman, who does a podcast and Peter Bukowski, who does a podcast had a conversation on Twitter and suddenly Schneiderman's writing about it. Radio stations are talking like normally it's the podcasters that are supposed to be like, Hey, they said this instead they're taking info from us.

I listened to you and Herman and Sparky driving home the other day and curtain long. I don't know that I get outside of you and I, that kind of breakdown on the Packers anywhere on the dial for the next eight months, including the flagship station and like Wayne Larrabee trying to pretend like it's 19 fucking all right. But then this is the thing. It's like, people don't know what to do with themselves because I told everybody this and they're like, fuck Rogers. How about Rogers gone?

Now they don't know what to talk about. Like you have this shiny new toy and Jordan love who could be the next Aaron Rogers or he could be the next you know, Mitch Trubisky like bust, but we don't know yet. And that's the beautiful thing, you know, is, is like the unknown is kind of that I'm actually excited man, because I want the jets to be good and win the super bowl.

I'd rather have the Packers when the super bowl, I just feel like those are unrealistic expectations. This isn't me being a Jordan love hater. This is me being a huge Joe Berry and anybody on that fucking defense hater.

Because last year I said top five, top five on every radio hit. And again, they're the worst defense in the league and you and I, so like, yeah, me thinking that they're not going to be good. Doesn't I think Jordan love to put up Rogers type numbers like 25 touchdown passes, maybe 12, 13 picks, 4,000 yards.

That seems doable. He's not a rookie. Right.

And there's still weapons. Christian Watson, Romeo Dobbs should be better this year without Rogers tearing down his confidence. All these tight ends. I'm actually excited about the tight end room for the first time since you're Michael Finley, decent offensive line, but it's just like too many unknowns, but anybody with half of a brain, isn't arguing about this on social media.

They're instead talking about like, like here's some fucking questions, dude. Have we seen the real Matt Leflore offense or did we see like Aaron Rogers version of the Matt Leflore offense? Does the floor want to run the ball or is he really just the dipshit? Jordan, from what you've seen of Leflore's offense, how similar do you think things will be this year with you under center than last year?

Instead it's, I just want to know that did Aaron give you any advice about, uh, about how to, how to yeah. Yeah. Brian, uh, Brian, is this a rebuild, a retool, a revamp? Is this like scream where you don't go full rebuild? Like you just bring back some old cast mates and like, shut the fuck up. What they're doing now. Should I be, should I be jerking off to Aaron Rogers memories of my left hand or my right hand?

But here's what, here's what I'm saying. Like fucking a sofa, you know, teams that go through full rebuild are the fucking Texans or like big market teams. Like the giants could afford to suck for a couple of years because they're in New York, right? The Packers can't afford to suck, right? They need people to go to games.

And I think that I wasn't around for the eighties, thank Christ. But I don't know if people, I mean, I would assume people are still going to go to the games. It's the Lambo experience. People go to Wrigley field. I'm a cup fan. I can tell you the Cubs have sucked. I'm 36. The Cubs have sucked for 34 years of my life and still every fucking day I'm there watching or going to Wrigley if I'm home.

So people will still probably show up. But like what good teams or organizations I should say, do like look at the chiefs. They went to the playoffs and then got rid of Alex Smith and were like, okay, we're going to go onto my homes. That didn't mean like, let's sign a bunch of guys, the shitty contracts or just keep losing every single year trying to tank like the Texans, right? For the number one overall pick. The Packers aren't going to do that because that's, that's not how like Goot learned. He learned from Ted. So yeah, it's time for Rogers to go. He's old balls. He's nuts.

You know, we don't know of whatever. The Jets Twitter bio right now just says Aaron Rogers. Yeah, I love this. I'm so glad that he's finally getting this love. In fact, hold on.

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Horvat showed us the Aaron Rogers, a fat head that he has. That's tremendous. Fuck yeah. I was going to actually unbox my new shirts, but like I would have to get it.

That would just take too long and see if I have my fat head. Hey, well you do that though. So, okay. So what the Packers are doing is actually genius. I'll give Goot some credit here is like, let's say that this Jordan love sucks. This team sucks. Well then you get early draft picks and I know you probably don't suck bad enough for Caleb Williams next year, but maybe you suck bad enough for the guy in two to three years. Maybe you suck bad enough for arch Manning. Maybe you suck bad enough for a, I heard you say they're not going to be that bad. They're not, but I'm rooting bar. I either want this team to win 11 games or I want them to win one because I either want that.

I either want like Jordan love to show like he's the dude or I want Jordan love to throw like 5,000 yards, 30 touchdowns. Right. But I either want them to be a shit show or I want them to be like relevant because I either want Caleb Williams or I want to go to the playoffs. All right.

Well I've got them at Owen one right now. Okay. Yeah. I think they beat the bears. I think that one point spread is going to tell me that they're actually going to pull off the mini upset.

I think the Packers surprised everybody start wanting to know a game two week two. I'll just throw it out there. They're on the road at Atlanta and I have them right now is two point dogs with the total at 42. So you, you handicapped all this? Yeah, I power.

I have every team, every spread. Wow. That's my job. So I figure it I'm solo tonight I believe. So I figure I might as well have some shit to talk about. Well I'm going to take them to win this game and right now I'm just going to pencil in every NFC South game they will win.

Okay. I actually have this as a loss. I think Atlanta wins by at least 10. I know I haven't beaten the bears, but what could Atlanta do? They have a bunch of speed.

They have pits. Packers can't fucking stop any tight end. Right. And they have Drake London and they have all those running backs now, including Bijan. The Packers are the worst tackling team in the league. As we talked about with Andy Herman on the curtain long podcast.

Check that out, please. As well, dude. I mean, Devondre Campbell regressed a gyre since the shoulder injury doesn't want to step up and make a tackle. I don't necessarily know or like any of the safeties. So we'll see about quiet and those guys. So I think Atlanta wins and I think they score a bunch of points. I like Atlanta and I like the over a week to read Desmond Ritter.

Yeah, I don't think it'll matter. Do Jimmy Garoppolo beat an Aaron Rogers led team and he threw the ball eight times. The Packers until they proved to me they could stop tight end.

Again, Kyle pits or run game. Al's year fucking Patterson who's 90 years old, but gets better. Somehow every year defies age and a Bijan who I think is like Barry Sanders. I think is AP, which is crazy because a lot of teams didn't even have Bijan as the number one running back on their draft board, including possibly the Packers. A lot of guys, including Detroit really liked Gibbs better.

He's just a different type of back, but I think Bijan is going to be the real deal. So I think this is a loss to Atlanta. I think Atlanta is going to be all right. Week three, they play the saints and I've already penciled that in as a win. The saints come here. This would be the Packers home opener on the 24th of September. So you would think this would be, this is going to be like a pick. Maybe the Packers are only one and a half, two point dogs in this game.

Surprisingly. I think people think the saints like I did last year might be like a 10 11 win team because of Derek Carr, but Derek Carr always gets off the slow starts. I think they probably get upset or lose. I should say the saints week one.

So I don't know how the market's going to view them. I do think they beat the Packers though. Uh, you also have to remember the reason that spread is where it's at is no Camara. Uh, the first four games of the season, even though he got suspended two years ago for that fight, he has to serve those four games this year. I do still like the saints even without him. I think the Packers probably start wanting to. So so far we don't agree on a single game.

No. Um, I've got the Packers going two and one and you have them going one and two Detroit Thursday night football. Uh, I'm going to give them a loss here. One and a half point dogs at Lambo to the lions is really weird to see prime time game. I think it's going to be a really competitive game, but I got the Packers, uh, losing probably by at least a touchdown total in the game.

One of the higher of the week, 45 and a half. So that's a, I think Jordan level have the offense humming, but I just, I think they lose in the shootout. So give me the lions.

I think they're the best team in the division. Well, Oh, you are going to take the lines to win. Yeah. Lions win. Okay. So we do agree.

Yeah, dude. Couldn't beat them last year. Not beating them this year. I'm going to leave that into my hot take. Okay. The reason the lions are going to win that game is because that will be the fourth straight win of their six and Oh, start. Yep.

Totally agree. First bet I made this NFL season. Oh, I got to, uh, really quick. If you could get to these, cause the numbers are going to be gone. One of them's already gone. Lions open to seven point dogs. That's down to six and a half now. So you're not getting that shit. Detroit is winning that fucking game.

All right. So I love that Detroit plus seven and then I loved the jets plus three, but now that's down to one and a half. This is divisional home game. Rogers is going to be the bills. Everybody thinks the jets are going to suck.

Rogers is pissed. He's not going to suck, but they will. We'll win loss them in a minute. Okay, good.

I got all that too. Raiders week five. This is the game we're talking about the season for the lions at Kansas city home against Seattle home against Atlanta at green Bay, Carolina, and then at Tampa, their first loss of the year will be October 22nd at Baltimore.

Otherwise the lions will be starting six and out and they will win the NFC north. Dude, that a week two game against Seattle is going to be absolutely epic. I really like Seattle this year.

I like them to win the west. That total 52 and a half, uh, Vegas. They'll be on the road. So there'll be one and a half point dogs here. I think the Packers win this game.

The total 42 and a half. I want to go to this game not only because it's in Vegas. I think this is the game that they're guaranteed to win. I think the Raiders are going to suck. I think Jimmy Garoppolo is going to suck. And, uh, I like the Packers to actually get a, get a victory. I think it's a walk off field goal. I don't know who kicks up at somebody does, uh, Oh, Carlson's brother.

Oh yeah, that's right. They're going to lose this game because I'm going and I'll probably be drunk enough to want to get in a fight afterwards. So at the bar, you've got them at two and three. I've got them at two and three.

All right. Uh, now coming off the buy, you already know Matt will floor won't have anybody fucking prepared. There'll be do busy getting his eyebrows waxed and crying. Three point dogs against Denver. Russell Wilson just puts out an absolute show.

The total is 40 and a half. Denver wins this game 20 to three. And this is where people, if we had a call in, this is like where people are calling in Jordan. Love fucking sucks. What were we thinking? Not because he does suck because he's going against that defense.

Fucking off the buy on the road. And Sean Payton's the coach now, not, you know, Joey lump lump. So I like Denver pretty big here. I think Denver is going to be bad, but gives me the heebie heebie jeebies. This green Bay game is going to be sandwiched in between. They got Kansas city, green Bay and Kansas city Denver does.

Yeah. Uh, Sean Payton is not going to lose. He's going to, Sean Payton is going to put a fucking clinic. I'm at LaFleur's ass.

All right. We move on week eight against Minnesota. I think they're actually going to be favored in this game. I think the Vikings are going to suck dude.

Total 45 and a half. I like the Packers to get the win here. That will be their first NFC north wind of the year for me. That'll be their second for you. I also liked them to get the win here. I think that the Vikings are going to be predicted around nine and eight.

We'll probably end up being around seven and something. I think what they should do is trade Kirk cousins for Trey Lance immediately. I think both teams went there week nine against the Rams. They're going to be favored.

I got them as one and a half point favorites, the total of 40 and a half, like all of the floors, buddies shove them in lockers. As we always talk about Robert Sala, uh, Kyle Shanahan, I think will floor is the cuck of his group. Uh, they steal his quarterback. They steal his playoff wins. They just beat the shit out of them.

But one guy he has figured out though is Sean McVay. And so I think that the Packers get a win here somehow. I think they beat them. They ever come in and I think man staff are coming back to the NC north. It's going to be a big play. I know they got Jordan love and I, you know, I like Jordan love.

I like him on tape, but I just, I had trust our guys. And also we drafted, who do we draft? We drafted out could get some reps in this game. They didn't draft anybody. They don't have any draft picks for like the next 10 fucking years. This team's going to get your boy Stetsi. Actually dude, they're either going to suck or it's going to be like Stafford, the cup and Aaron Donald's still there. And they still got, you know, I think the Packers, all right, so I got the Packers winning that game.

So through November 5th, we're taking different routes to get there, but we've got them at four and four. I think that there's going to be a very surprising, um, player that does very well this year. And his name is going to be Kenny Pickett. And I think Kenny Pickett and the Pittsburgh Steelers are going to beat the Packers in this game.

So same here. Um, and the Packers are actually, this is going to surprise people. Four and a half point dogs.

This could get on the Horvat book. What you're not, but you found that somewhere else or that's just you. Well, this is like, this is what it's going to be. If you like know how to do anything, if you power rate your teams and if you're looking at last year's numbers and then you're looking at home field advantage, like this is, I mean, this is, it could be off, but I mean, I'm pretty, I mean, we could go back to this and I'm pretty sure we're going to be four and a half point dogs on the open question, not doubting.

They could be six point dogs with a total that's 40. And I just, I think they're really going to struggle to move the football against Pittsburgh. And I I'm with you. I like the Steelers. I can't pick them to win the division because they didn't have a losing record last year with Kenny picket. They ain't going to have a losing record this year with Kenny picket. I can't pick them to win the division, but I do think they probably win like 10 games and go to the playoffs.

So I'd go over on their wind total reason. I can't take them to win the division. I think the bangles may bust this year. Finally, they've been way too healthy.

The last couple of Jackson is 8,000 yards. The Ravens are going to be the real fucking deal. Lamar has real car knows cocking off to him for being a running back was an absolute mistake. And that dipshit Greg Roman isn't calling the plays anymore and that defense, I think, and dude, the last two years or three years, two years when Lamar has got hurt, they've been leading the division and one year we're the best team in the AFC. Remember then he got hurt and that was the year it was two years ago when the bangles went to the super bowl. That's why we got stuck with the fucking Titans is the one seed because Lamar got hurt.

All that to say though, you're right. Pittsburgh wins. Here's the game. I'm excited to talk about week 11 chargers. They're going to be only a three point dogs because it's at Lambeau.

So you get three points of value for anybody that doesn't know if they were to play in Los Angeles, they'd be six to six and a half point dogs. But here at Lambeau, three to two and a half with a total of 43 to 44 and a half. And I think the chargers, I think they may make a movie about this and they're going to call it the fucking thing because I think the chargers are going to beat them 42 to three because I think the chargers are going to be the best team in the national football league and they are my super bowl pick. Gone is the dumb fuck Joe Lombardi in is the dumb fuck Kellen Moore, who's dumb, but he's at least smart enough to know you let Justin Herbert with his rocket arm, throw the ball down the field. Now the problem is, uh, the two mr glasses, uh, Keenan Williams and uh, no, no Keenan Keenan, uh, Jesus and Mike Williams. They can't stay on the field, but now you have an actual China more sturdy than those two fucks.

Yeah. You got wide receivers. They, I like what they did in the draft. I think the chargers are the best team in the league.

They finally live up to the hype. Even with that idiot as a head coach, Brandon Staley Keenan Williams, I said, isn't that, uh, Keenan and Cal Keenan Thompson. I'm turning into bill Michaels right in front of our eyes. Uh, and J let me tell you who I like out of Murray state, Jay Moran. I've been watching this junior.

What I never thought about. He said that he was watching John Moran or he was paying attention to him in high school. No fucking chance. Joe was a one star recruit.

That's why he went to Murray state. All this to say chargers by 40. Boom.

The fucking thing. All right, so we're both at four and six each and we have taken the last cause I agree with you. We've taken the last five in a row, the same. Now they play Detroit again. Detroit under this scenario came to green Bay and beat him earlier in the season on a Thursday. Packers get their Thanksgiving revenge.

Jordan loves eating a Turkey leg. Oh God, no dude. Detroit is a four and a half point favorite for a reason. They probably close as a touchdown favorite total 45 and a half. Same story. Just too much.

Just offensive firepower. Gibbs is going to be making everybody just like, Oh God, it's, it's going to be bad. And like they'll be fully there because all their dudes that were gambling, uh, we'll be, we'll be back in Detroit. I like the lions here. What about, Oh God, uh, I forgot about this one. Kansas city, Sunday night football, six and a half point dogs.

Hear me out. 45 and a half is the total Packers win this game. We never win this game.

Jordan loves revenge. Kansas city is going to lose some weird ass games is here. Still be fine. Still make the playoffs still maybe win the super bowl, but they're going to lose us some fucking questionable ass games, including Jordan love where his girlfriend and his mom this time will not have worst seats in the stadium.

They actually make them sit on a fucking blimp and look down. They'll have even worse seats than they did last time. Packers win this game. Absolutely.

All right, dude. So I'm glad that you're with me here because let's talk really just really quickly about the AFC West. Anybody out there looking for a good gambling opportunity, even if you don't believe in the chargers, let me look, who's the chiefs and it doesn't matter cause they have Patrick Mahomes, but, uh, they lose some guys and who's their number one wide receiver.

Is it MVS or is it Kadarius Tony or is it sky more either way? I just like, yeah. If you look at a juju's and yeah, if you look at all the teams though and you just like look at talent, the chargers, if Cleo Mac, and I know that's a big F and Joey Bosa and JC Jackson stay healthy. I mean dude, like that's, that team's, that's like an all star team.

Again, they all have to stay healthy and actually live up to expectations. They're plus 400 to win the division. I think the chiefs are like a 10 11 win team shit. They could win the super bowl, but I just, I don't think they're going to be this dominant team and I wouldn't bet my homes to win MVP this year. Um, again, I think they're like a 10 11 win team.

And last year everybody picked them to miss the playoffs. I said they were going to win the super bowl. So I'm not a hater or anything, but uh, the chargers are plus 400 to win that division. I do think that the Packers, I think they win this game.

I think that it will be like plus three 50 on the money line and I'm going to play it. Jordan love revenge game at home Sunday night football prime time. He gets the win and you know what else he does next week on the road against the giants Monday night football is two point dogs. He wins that game too.

He's a better quarterback than Daniel Jones. Giants come back down to earth. I love Brian Dabel and Mike Kafka, but like they didn't really do anything that I love this off season. You know what I'm saying? So I, I, I like the Packers to win back to back games and you know what? I got a hot take for you, but you go on. No, I've got them winning Detroit. I've got them winning Kansas city. They're going to win against Tampa. I'm not taking them to lose any games against the NFC south. So they're going to win against Tampa Bay or giants. It's Detroit, Kansas city giants, then Tampa and then Caroline on Christmas Eve. So I'm going to jump ahead a little bit.

I've got them at nine and six on Christmas day. So I have them beating Kansas city. I have them beating the giants. I have them beating Tampa. They're actually going to be three point favorites. That's the biggest. Yeah, man, that's going to be there right now.

Two and a half. That'll be the biggest game they're favored. So if anybody out there is like, I really want to see a Packers when you want to go to week 15 against Tampa, they're two and a half point favorites with a total that's only going to be 39 and a half to the bucks. They're starting fucking Baker Mayfield and behind them is Kyle Trask. If Jordan love can't beat those two bombs, I burned my Jordan love Jersey and I'm all in on Caleb Williams.

I trade Jair for the number one overall pick the next week against Carolina. They're going to be slight dogs. I think they win that game. I think they leave eight and seven.

Yeah. I got them losing the Minnesota though. And I got them losing the Chicago two and a half point dogs against Minnesota on the road. Two point favorites right now against the bears at Lambeau. I have them losing both of those games and slightly missing the playoffs, but you're going to go eight and nine.

I'm going to go lost to Minnesota win against Chicago. So I'm going to go nine and eight. No, I'm going to go 10 and seven. Oh fuck.

What have I done? 10 and seven shit. That's the Rogers Superbowl here then. Hold on division winners.

I want to go through those with you real quick. Yeah. AFC east. It will be the Buffalo bills. You'll take the jets. I'm sure.

If we're talking gambling though, do you have the odds? No, I didn't want you to think who's going to win the division. I'm going to say the dolphins.

Really? I'm going to say dolphins jets bills in that order. And the bills missed the playoffs.

There could be some regression there. AFC north. They're like the Ravens to win the division.

That's my favorite bet on the board. I hope they win the Superbowl. If the jets don't, I love Lamar Jackson.

Fuck anybody that slandered them. If you've ever called them a running back, I hope you get diarrhea Jacksonville to win the south. And I've got $10 to turn into 200.

It says Trevor Lawrence wins the MVP. Yeah, dude, I got like 2 billion. If the Jags don't win the division, you may never see me again.

And really quickly. I also, as we talk about these teams, I already gave out the lions. I bet some week one games cause I'm a degenerate. I bet the money line against the Colts. I know they can never beat the Colts, but they're on the road and they're minus one 85 only on the money line. Jags are winning week one. So I like the Jags to win the division, but I also really liked them week one. I have a huge bet on them. I like in the west.

Do it. I guess I just still like the chiefs. Now like the chargers.

Oh God, I fucking love them. And I love them week one at home against the dolphins minus one 35 on the money line. Dolphins are going to be good too though. Don't sleep on the dolphins. We just need to, uh, my only hesitation with them is fucking to, uh, you know, his brains. Yeah, they are scrambled eggs, dolphins fault.

And it's the East will be the Eagles. Oh, I'm going to pick, I'm going to pick the commanders cause you're there. No, I think they're going to be fucking good.

No, no, no, no. What's the only thing that commanders have been missing the last couple of years. I like Sam how I liked them a couple of years ago.

He fell in the draft cause he's small and he played in a North Carolina offense that made Trubisky look good. In fact, uh, mark this down. There's my hot take. I, I think that the commanders win the division and I think that Sam how's a pro bowler. I I'm not going to say I'm the fucking P but he's a pro bowler, Terry McLaurin, all those weapons.

You saying all this kind of discredits everything else you've said so far. I feel like, well, I always pick, like I always have to go with the super bowl hangover and the Eagles just seemed too perfect and they stayed so healthy last year. And look at what happened when Jalen got hurt. And I'm not, I don't predict injuries.

I'm just saying if something did happen to Jalen, he's 90% of that offense. Remember everybody was like Gardner Minshew fights his dad in the parking lot. He's one of us.

He's fucking American Bush light. And then Minshew went out there and like shit the bed and they got destroyed. He is that offense they've redone that. And do they lose their OC? I mean, I know, I love what they did in the draft, bringing in all those guys from Georgia. They're going to be around for the next five, six years, just, they stayed healthy. And I want a hot take. I think the commanders Cowboys should be good, but you got McCarthy calling the plays now when he wants to run the ball and they didn't get Gibbs or Bijan. And I think the giants suck this year. Yeah.

Commanders for sure. Love it. I'm going to bet that actually I've talked myself into it.

Toby will be happy. We went to a Nat's game a couple of weeks ago. I got absolutely destroyed. Yeah.

You called me after you remember? Yeah. Lions are in the North. I'm going to take the bears next year. I mean, I bet the bears if I'm picking smart lions, but I don't know if Justin Fields is, and I see, I hate Justin Fields being a bear because I like him and I know he tested the ball, but if they put them in the right offense, I think he could be really good.

I think he could be, he could be Russell Wilson. So I'm going to go bears, but I'll lions saints in the South. You probably take Atlanta. No, I'm gonna take the saints.

I'm with you there. Seahawks win the West. And if it's not the Eagles, they're going to the super bowl.

I'm going to take the 49ers, but I'm with you on the Seahawks. Love, love them a lot. Jet schedule. Do you have it up? Cause I'm just going to rip through it real quick. I do.

You know, I do. They're going to beat Buffalo at home. They're going to lose the McCarthy. They're going to lose to new England. They're going to lose to the chiefs. They're going to beat Denver, lose to the Eagles, beat the giants, beat the chargers, beat the Raiders, lose to Buffalo, beat the dolphins, beat Atlanta, beat Houston, beat Miami, beat Washington.

Fuck. They're going to, they're going to win 11 games. They got a tough schedule. Listen to this really quick.

Right? So Buffalo, that's all the way down to one and a half right now. They may close as actually that's going to close as a pick. I think they beat Buffalo. I think they beat Dallas on the road as one point dogs.

I think Rogers will always beat McCarthy. I think they beat new England. They're five and a half point favorites.

Don't know if they cover. I think they beat the chiefs as two point dogs on Sunday night football. They may lose the Denver on the road. They're one point favorites.

Who knows against Philly. They're one point favorites because it's a home game. Then they get the bi-week they're three point favorites on the road against the giants. They're two point favorites against the chargers. They're three point favorites against the Raiders.

I can't wait to see that week 10 Rogers against Devante for the first time. There are three and a half point dogs against Buffalo on the road. That's probably a loss on black Friday against Miami. They're two and a half point favorites against Atlanta, five and a half point favorites.

Yeah, you're right, man. Against Houston, nine point favorites week 14 their dogs against Miami. I have them week 15. I think Miami is going to be good Washington. They're seven point favorites, even though that's your division winner. And then against Cleveland, there's slight dogs.

And then against new England, they're two and a half point favorites. Do you think Cleveland's are all your lines? I want to double say, yeah, but if, okay, so if week one and week two, the lines that are available, if everything stands pat and again, it's the NFL.

So injuries you have to remember too. But if, if these teams were healthy, these will be the actual point spreads for what week one, week two are telling us with the power ratings and what home field advantage means that each team, it wouldn't be too far off. And if it was, then I'd be a millionaire cause I'd be like, these are mine now, but like your horse money yet college football though. I'll, I'll bury a fucking spread or a total. I'll take a team as 24 point dogs and they'll close as like 13 point dogs. I did it last year.

Uh, no, not yet. I got that. I got my Joel Embiid MVP money. I got my Malcolm Brogdon six man money. I got Celtics to win the title Celtics to rep the East and I have a Yokech finals MVP 10 to one, which is now like plus 200.

I think, I think the nuggets win the championship. I think they beat the Boston cells that way. Unfortunately. Yeah. I mean, who would you root for? I hate it. Miami.

Who would I root for nuggets and Celtics? No. Like, Oh, well you're a warriors guy. Yeah. I hate, I hate yoga.

I hate, I hate, I'm rooting for Bron. Well, again, we're posting this after that series happens. No, trust me. Well, yeah. Oh yeah. Okay. I did put 10 on them to win the West one 75 who the Lakers a month ago.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I just, I would like to see a little, do I really want to see that Lakers too? I probably a guess as a basketball fan that doesn't want to watch blowouts.

I guess I want to see, I was kind of rooting for Philly. I know everybody hate, I like him being a lot more than I like any of those pricks and boss. Well, I like Tatum and I like Brown, I guess, but I hate watching Marcus smart play basketball. Fuck Al Horford.

You know what I mean? I think Joe Mazzuah sucks. I, I was rooting for Philly. I like harden too. Is that a, do we still, does everybody in Milwaukee?

Cause the hardened and Yanis thing, we don't care about hard anymore. I think he's a good dude off the court too. I just think he's kind of like weird. He's like Rogers. He's like maybe a little bit different. What would he, I don't know.

I think he does some really good stuff and anybody that just wants to spend all their money and time at the strip clubs. Cool. In my book. All right, let's pick our, uh, our Superbowl matchup and league MVP though, before we get off Trevor Lawrence. Fuck, we got this. Okay. I'll go Justin Herbert again.

Uh, fuck ratings and Seahawks. All right. I like it. I can mess with it.

I'm going to go, uh, chargers over 49ers, uh, 24 17 Superbowl MVP, Justin Herbert. Now for YouTube, I have five things that I want to see. What is the most worthless piece of shit that I have?

Is it my college ID? Great hair. Who is that guy? I had such great hair back then, dude. You look like a, you could be in like taking back Sunday. You look like you're on Paul Lemmick's band is the backup vocalist. My U S cellular Samsung flip.

Uh, the red one I had after I got two phones, one for the plug and one for the hose. Like a Kevin Gates. Oh, I thought I had anybody, any Kevin Gates fans out there. How about this piece of shit? He doesn't get tired.

Kind of unlike myself. What is that? Your wedding ring? I thought that was your wedding ring. I was like, Jesus, I'm mother's day weekend.

Hey, I got a hot cake. Did you, did you guys have to buy that? We didn't have to, but I did because I saw my dad and I was like, I can't wait to show my son one day.

Well, I've been thinking about fucking selling this for the $20 of gold I can get. Yeah. I told everybody in high school from Justin's and I went on the scheme. Fuck.

And I went to, I went to, um, I went to, um, uh, Catholic school, Bob Huggins. Fuck you. Just kidding.

I don't care. But, uh, I mean, I do, but, uh, so like everything was like in shout out, of course, you know, my high school, my, you know, my family loves it, but I was like, why would you guys actually spend money? I had a buddy, not a buddy because I didn't like this kid, but I had somebody in my home room that like his parents told them that if he wanted a class ring, I wanted to like pay for it for the kid that like he had to use his own money. So this dude was like, yeah, you know, I didn't really want to get a job this summer because he was like in the arts and he's like, and I'm going away to college early, but I'm going to work for a month and a half to buy my class rate. And I'm like, why? Like, just to say, Hey, like get that shit college.

I completely understand. Nobody cares or remembers high school. The only people like, that's what everybody in my hometown does. Every time I go home, it's like, dude, remember fucking junior year. The biggest shock of my life was going to college and no one caring about height. Like I was like, yeah, well in high school, they'd be like, shut the fuck up. It's like the dude in the movie, uh, trip McNeely. It's always at the party. Still Jerry O'Connell. Those guys really exist though.

I'll see. My grandfather will still like send me the police blotter and it's like people I grew up with and they're like getting arrested and they got like 19 year olds in the car. It's like fucker. Some people doing with their lives, man. Nobody cares about high school except for losers. That said high school was the shit though. Um, I'd love to do it over. Me too. If I could do it all over again, I'd be such a bully.

I wouldn't try harder in school and get really good grades so I could go to a real school in that Western Illinois and I'd probably be like a fucking accountant or something or like anything with any worth, like a firefighter or a police officer. You know, half the time I'm like, I throw out these bets. I win like 35 grand, but I see like only like seven people fucking care and it's like, ah, you know, not really saving anybody's lives. You ever feel like that? Like your whole life has just been like a big waste. You ever wonder what the meaning of life really is? Should I go on a podcast with Aaron Rogers?

Do you think the bucks are going to hire? This is, I'm just preparing you for what it's like to have a nine year old. My kid, the last year, the last three days, dude, we had stomach flu. I just got him back to school.

He literally, that's how his brain works. He'll be talking about the Titanic into the Cubs into daddy. When are we leaving for Disney? And I didn't really want to go to Disney. I actually wanted to go to Lego land.

Don't tell mom after I just fucking spent four G's on that shit. One last time you're going to Disney. Anybody that actually enjoys going to Disney. Oh, Paul was talking about this. He, he, he wants me to go to Disney so bad that he will plan out my trip for me. Will he pay for it?

Cause that's the problem though. All right. I need to go. Uh, my kid's got soccer tonight for the first time.

I need to get ready. Oh, Hey, really quick story. So I was, my kid played a food stall in Wisconsin.

Is it indoor or outdoor? He's just running around some fucking park tonight. Well like luckily like, you know, but this is my kid was young and I like get them out there.

Right. And uh, opening kickoff, swear on my grandmother's life. This is a true story, dude. And I'm sitting there. I'm all excited to watch him because he was in baseball, you know, but like I wanted to see him in soccer and I'm there with my wife and my mom came into town for it and opening kickoff.

I may have even told this story ball, just fucking drills them right in the nose, just boom. And I look at them and I'm thinking in my head, dude, in the stands, you know, and I'm like, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, buddy, be tough. And he looks right up at me and a teardrops and I like me of all people I like run down and like console them. But uh, just like imagine that you're like as a dad, as a parent, you're thinking like, all right, I hope he just like, you know, like has fun. Hopefully you hope he's good.

He scores a couple of goals, maybe a couple of assists, but I guess really you just kind of hope that they don't break their fucking notes, but that's what happened first game opening kickoff. I was like, just his law. Anyway, Horvat, I love you, bud. All right. Shout out a Bart Winkler show. Fuck locked on Packers for life. Horvat nation.
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