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You need Indeed. Good morning everybody. My name is Bart Winkler and this is the Bart Winkler show.
It is July 10th of 2023. The 4th of July holiday week has come and gone. It was a fun week. Did a lot of filling in.
I did on CBS Sports Radio. We'll be on writer than you again on Tuesday ladies and gentlemen. Stick around for that.
Our complete home run derby breakdown all-star game preview edition. Me and Tom will be bringing that to you all over the country. So check it out. Also did a lot of work at Summerfest. Oh boy. Yeah.
Getting kind of old for this. The standing around part. It was really great to see a lot of people. I did meet a lot of people that listen to the show. People that have interacted here in this space.
People that never have. And that was very good. Because truth be told, I was just going to never come back from my 4th of July break and just kind of quit. But then all the people that said they liked the podcast, you kept me motivated to go. I kid, I kid. I'll be doing this until I get hired somewhere else.
So I'll be doing this for a while yet. But Summerfest was fun. It was great to see a lot of people that we ran into. Passing out stuff from Milwaukee Pro Soccer. Talking to some kids. Talking to the families. Talking to the fans that are excited.
And selling some of the merch. I was on my feet a long time. That was hard. The PF is still working overdrive. So that's been kind of difficult for me.
But trying to do what I can to make it better. I got some new shoes coming. So excited about that. This new soccer team that's coming, it's like, it's coming in 2025. And you can go drive and see where it's going to be. 6th and Michigan area.
Iron District. And there were like, basically it was having the same conversation a bunch of different times. But different, like three different conversations.
One would be, hey, is this, I don't know much about this, but I've kind of heard, is this going to be what I think it is? Absolutely. Then there were the people that were supercharged up for it. Then there were the people that were, that will never ever care about this team. Don't care about sports probably.
Might not even be sure the Bucks won the finals. You know, you can walk around this town and see who some of these people are. There's a lot of them at the festivals. And they come up to you at 5.30. They slam their glass down. And they say, all right, I'll bite. What's going on with this pro soccer team?
Is it MSL? Are you guys, are you guys the Wave? Constantly that all fucking day. But hey, we did good. And I'm proud to be wearing a name tag that says Bart Winkler brand ambassador. The Milwaukee Brewers had a big weekend. I am very eager to see how the second half plays out. I would like to amend something that I've been saying throughout the season. And that's that like, I'm not as into this season as I was in the past. I realized that that means I'm not covering the team. So I went from like speaking Spanish and living in Spain.
Okay. And talking Spanish all day long to coming back Stateside and keeping up on Spanish a little bit. That's essentially what I did from being someone who covered the team at the stadium and talked about the team and watched every game with the intent of being a fan, but also doing a show on the team to a guy who does talk about the Brewers on a podcast, but has other things that come up and other job opportunities that come up while the games are on. The Brewers were essentially my job. Now they're just a team I root for. So I think I was kind of shell shocked in that. Like, I I'm not as into the team because I don't know 100% of everything.
Like I thought I did. I am as into the team. I very much want this team to be good. I'm very much rooting for them and watching them, you know, when I can let's see Thursday, I, well, Friday, Friday, I watched some as at home Saturday. I couldn't.
And Sunday I watched some while I was doing the show. It's just that I can't like break down every at bat. Like maybe I thought I could. And I think that was hard for me to realize the Brewers did take two or three from the Reds. Reds do go into the break a game up and they are going to be a force to deal with. I think that is a good baseball team. And they've got a good, a lot of good young players and LA de la Cruz might be worth, you know, a win here or there by himself.
So that guy is certainly the next big thing and deservedly. So of course, his stealing of second, third and home on Saturday, Corbin burns, decent enough outing lowers his ERA to three nine four with a win on Friday. Good enough to be an all star.
Okay. He replaces the guy that dropped out. Devin Williams gets the save there. Devin Williams is not going to participate in the all star festivities. He gets another save a big save on Sunday.
The Brewers win one nothing in that one game only goes two hours and four minutes. Wade Miley is terrific. Wade Miley.
I mean, Wade Miley is a more deserving also than Corbin burns. I know he was hurt for a month, but I don't know who do we do the, like, should we do the, who do you trust more in game one of a series is Wade Miley, our ACE, uh, Colin Ray kind of got touched up a little bit on Saturday. Good to see Abner Uribe in there. You know, at the time when I remember I had a Javick Blake on from the Shuckers about a month ago, Uribe was on the Shuckers when I talked to Javick and then he got quickly in the AAA and then quickly up at the big league level when two innings struck out to gave up a run. So the Brewers take two or three from the Reds and they do finish with a 49 42 record for the first half of the season. They are a game behind the Reds and just on the outside of the wild card if we start looking at that, but I think where they're at seven games over 500, it got a little touch and go there, but I, uh, I think things worked out for them.
I think, I think we're on the, the up and up. The Brewers also made a draft pick on Sunday night at number 18, they take a third baseman, Brock Wilkin. He is six foot four and he can hit bombs. He hit three 45 this spring, 15 doubles, 31 homers for wake forest.
He has a plus throwing arm at third base. I don't know how long it's going to take this guy to go through the system, but just by reading that alone, I think Brock Wilkin, uh, that, that pick is going to get the, the kudos marks, uh, for me, for sure. Do you want to talk a little bit about the bucks and, uh, this Packers all farve and Rogers team also I'm burying the lead here. Grant bills is going to join us for a quickie. We are going to settle the up north discussion once and for all today.
We're tired of seeing it online. There is a correct answer to what up north is, and we're going to explain that and hopefully end the debate once and for all, but there is a correct answer on what up north is, and we're going to settle that happy place hemp do want to thank you guys for continuing to use the promo code B a R T get you 25% off the now discounted products at happy place hemp. What happened was they were making a lot of products and they were getting a lot of orders and they realized that they could make the products for a little bit less because of how many orders they were getting. And they decided to pass the savings that they found that way on to you. They're passing the savings on to you and the promo code stays 25%. So they've essentially cut their prices 25%. And then the promo code, you get another 25% by using Bart at happy place, hemp.com, the CBD gummies, CBD CBNs for the nine eyes, uh, the THC ones.
And they do have one that they upped a little bit on there as well. And I'm also going to start using more because I said the lotion really helped with my sunburn. And if you want to get real deep in the weeds here, I'm going to use it on my feet. I was talking to Chris over there and I guess there's some guy who the balm, the CBD balm, like he swears it up and down for his plantar fasciitis. And so I'm going to give that a world too.
And that's the kind of stuff that like this stuff helps and that's why people like it. So happy place, hemp.com. The promo code is Bart, 25% off your order. We'll come back.
We'll talk some bucks, some Packers, and we'll get the grant coming up. We're driven by the search for better, but when it comes to hiring, the best way to search for a candidate isn't to search at all. Don't search match with indeed. Indeed is your matching and hiring platform with over 350 million global monthly visitors, according to indeed data and a matching engine that helps you find quality candidates fast leveraging over 140 million qualifications and preferences every day. Indeed's matching engine is constantly learning from your preferences. Join more than 3.5 million businesses worldwide that use indeed to hire great talent fast and listeners of this show will get a $75 sponsored job credit to get your jobs more visibility at indeed.com slash blue wire. Just go to indeed.com slash blue wire right now and support our show by saying you heard about indeed on this podcast indeed.com slash blue wire terms and conditions apply need to hire you need indeed for the ones who work hard to ensure their crew can always go the extra mile and the ones who get in early so everyone can go home on time. There's Granger offering professional grade supplies backed by product experts so you can quickly and easily find what you need. Plus, you can count on access to a committed team ready to go the extra mile for you.
Call click Granger calm or just stop by Granger for the ones who get it done. A couple of things that I talked about on CBS Sports Radio that I can mention here the NBA cup that was announced the Bucks have their group. It's like the Knicks and they this thing's gonna be stupid. The only way it's gonna be cool is if a shitty team wins or like the Bucks win with a bunch of scrubs or something like that.
I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt but I'm also kind of not. Although if this is the Bucks podcast for like live, I mean there's plenty of great Bucks podcasts. I mean look what the lockdown Bucks guys did.
Name and Kane and Frank, Justin, I'm bummed I wasn't able to get down there that night at broken bat but there's plenty of places to get good Bucks content but we like to go live and so we're gonna be oh yeah. I'm gonna say this now this NBA regular season tournament is gonna be stupid but for the podcast I will go all out with the coverage okay. So I'm gonna try to make up the audience that I should have had during the playoffs in which the Bucks screwed us all from good times and I'm gonna go pedal to the metal with the NBA cup coming up later. I talked about Bob Huggins wanting his job back the guy you can't why doesn't he just retire he's 69 let's go away and Northwestern is fucked what are they doing?
Pat Fitzgerald is the reason that he didn't want to take a job the last 20 years because he loves Northwestern or he didn't want some of this stuff to come out that was going on there. When hazing happens in your program you can't tell me a college coach doesn't know these guys are the most detail obsessed guys on earth and why are we still doing naked hazing in 2023 like the Brewers they send their rookies out to get coffee at Wrigley Field at Starbucks and even that's a little like this is weird but they're not making people like take center quarterback snaps naked. What are we doing? What is with some of these teams they get in the shower get in the shower get clean man some of these guys in the shower like I've been in locker room showers some of these guys like I go in go out some of these guys in high school used to like hold court swing their just get out why are we gonna be naked all the time? Why we gotta make other people be naked?
Stop doing that it's ridiculous so they're gonna get the book thrown at them I think I think they're gonna be in some deep shit. Pat Fitzgerald good job man beat Milwaukee Bucks at a couple of Summer League games and they won them both then Milwaukee Bucks hey who's the threats in the West the Nuggets and the Suns beat them both. Marjan Bochamp is the story I think 9 of 18 23 points in the win over Denver 20 points against the Suns in a comeback effort and he had the alley oop to himself off the glass Eric Name asked Marjan a question that I want to play the Bucks Twitter account tweeted this out I also just wanted to mention Eric Name because he tweeted that the Andre Jackson junior contract was officially official and I text Eric and I said I hate when people say officially official and then he gave me a thumbs down and then I said let's watch a World Cup game together and he said okay here it is I feel like it's gonna make a big jump in our regular Bucks team if we bring in the energy on the defensive side and like we came back from 10 points you know and it was the defense and the energy and the intensity and being physical and yeah man just playing like man I love the way Coach Griffin coaches man and I feel like something special is going to happen. Oh okay so as this auto plays that is great to see I'm getting tired like the Bucks so there's a lot of questions about their roster yet they've got 14 guys they still need to back a point guard where does this leave to Nasus honestly real question and then who's going to be this other point guy that they're going to have and are they going to get Collin Sexton is this stupid NBA Twitter account who I'm just not into keep saying that they're going to get Collin Sexton and now here's the hang up okay all right I mean basically you're Evan Massey without a name behind you but I don't I mean we've been saying for a while like I don't want Marjan Bochamp in any of these trades and like did I mean are you watching this guy he is playing like Victor Webignano should be playing Victor will be fine but he looks like a man amongst boys right now Marjan and so let's get him some minutes this year absolutely get him in that starting unit even this guy's tailor-made to play next to Giannis and I can't wait to watch that what's going to be interesting is if the Bucks do make a trade there are two events I noticed on July 20th a Thursday Pat Connaughton has a camp for young women and Bobby Portis is making an appearance at the forward Madison game will one of them not be a buck by that time we'll see also Pat Connaughton's got some beautiful apartments going up in Shorewood the Bucks are just going to trade him away from those beautiful apartments that he owns called the Atwater which is also the name of a school and a park and a beach and now an apartment complex little redundant I would have named it the Patwater people are like how come you're only doing a podcast in your basement saying this funny shit all the time I'm like fuck if I know man fuck if I know so I am happy about the Bucks Summer League their next game is not until Tuesday Tuesday night I will be live after the All-Star game and we can do Bucks there too because they play the Nets at five and that'll just I'll go live after the All-Star game assuming people like care or watch but we'll go live on Tuesday night after the MLB All-Star game that will be the next live and then I don't know what we're gonna do for lives coming up gonna talk to Andy Herman this week gonna talk to Tim Shea as always do the the Grant Paul trio but we gotta find we gotta find some reasons to go live Women's World Cup 2 a.m. games anybody we could we could work that out if you want speaking on the Packers there was an article that Zach Cruz put out and Zach's been doing a lot of research on this about trying to figure out who the all-time team is for Packers wire in the Farben Rogers era so basically what's the Packers all-time team from 1992 to 2022 and it's incredibly well researched and thought out Packers wire.usatoday.com and when you start to read it so of course it's Farben Rogers and then Matt Hasselbeck gets to be the backup okay the running backs are Amman Green Aaron Jones Dorsey Levins all right fullback William Henderson receivers look at this core Devante Sterling Jordan Jordan Nelson Donald driver Antonio Freeman Greg Jennings tight ends Jermichael Bubba Chewie then when I got to the offensive line this started to stop being like a fun article and then I stopped and got pissed David Bakhtiari Chad Clifton Josh Sittin Marco Rivera Corey Lindsley by the way Bakhtiari with some movie recommendations uh guy's got his head on the shoulders absolutely Brian Gulaga Mark Tauscher Elton Jenkins Mike Wall Frank Winters this is at the point where I started getting mad like that's a it's a good that's a good 30 years of offensive linemen Kenny Clark Gilbert Brown BJ Raji Mike Daniels Santana Dodson Reggie White Clay Matthews KGB Aaron Campman Nick Barnett AJ Hawk Devondra Campbell made it over my guy George Koontz but the point of this is the Packers have had some incredible teams in the last 30 years and I do think that the conversation about should Packer fans be happy with two Super Bowls or should we like understand that we should have won at least one more we absolutely should have won at least one more are you kidding me the Packers have been the Packers have been on third base for 30 years and they only scored twice and a lot of times they got picked off at home they were in a Super Bowl that they lost favored by 14 they were in countless NFC Championship games they blew I blew a 12-point lead with five minutes to go in one which I'm not sure the organization is still recovered from they absolutely should have another Super Bowl yes like if you look at any fan base and you say oh you should be happy with two in 30 years I think anybody right now even even like the Chiefs or whoever if you say you're guaranteed two in 30 years yes or no you can play and try to win more or you win left I think every every fan base would say yes two Super Bowls in 30 years are you kidding me yes I get two in the next yes but when you're as good as the Packers like New England's got six imagine if they only had two with how good they were people be saying would people be saying oh you should be happy for the two you say you wasted Tom Brady's career man so nuance right and people struggle with that especially on Twitter or on threads people struggle with that but dude we should have another Super Bowl at least one no questions asked grant bills is gonna answer a question coming up you can also watch this video on the Dan Cheney YouTube stream and you'll want to see it because I pull out a prop I pull up a hundred-year-old map that I have framed in my basement so that's pretty sexy Dan Cheney calm Dan s ch a n i.com you can check him out he'll help you on your home auto work business whatever you need for insurance he's your guy where does up north end where does it begin grant bills let's do it this is the Bart Winkler show and if I'm gonna talk about up north I have to do it with grant bills not just because you're a true Wisconsin ite but you've actually like lived in the area near where up north would be so DMZ yeah em Z yeah what what is what is a problem because this I'm not the first to bring this up I'm not the first to try to make content out of it but I want to be the last because there is a definitive there is a definitive answer to the question what is up north and I think the first thing that I want to get out there and doing this is you saying I'm going up north can mean one of two things it can be we are traveling to a place on the map that is more north than I am at right now that's lowercase up north we're going up north that's a verb yes but up north capitalized is an actual place and I would like to hear your thoughts on where up north this magical mystical land actually stops and starts in Wisconsin well it's not it's not my it's not my thought it's what's correct and this is what annoys me about this topic is everyone's always opening it up for debate this isn't a debate like you can say wrong answers in Travis Wilson's you know Twitter mentions like you can throw around that doesn't make right it's highway 8 that's what it is that's it's been decided and I this makes me more mad than any sports topic I will be I and I have to stop myself from being a dick on Twitter because I kind of I was being a little bit of I this I gatekeep this I get really mad and well I think so highway 8 is a period that runs from we're talking like Forest Lake Cameron Bradley I mean Pembine Rhinelander we're talking we're talking up there I mean up north I think there's two ways to look at this exactly one is that when you travel somewhere for instance there's a great lake called Pearl Lake and it is like heaven and I have a buddy who has a cabin there he actually has to travel south from where he lives to get there if you just open your eyes one day and we woke up you'd say well I must be up north no fam you're 20 miles from Oshkosh that doesn't also if you look at the state highway 8 is like the first highway that actually is above Minneapolis yeah has to have some consideration you can't be somewhere in Wisconsin and be up north if you are further south than the Twin Cities well that's and that's a point I've never made when you look outside of the context of our borders when you look outside the lakefront in the riverfront you need to consider other landmarks around so the Minneapolis that's a point that I never thought of 100% and part the the Pearl Lake you said it feel it you would think you were up north that's just a testament to our state and the Great Lakes we have so many right like there's plenty of great there's killer lakes around lacrosse and I'm sure there's Great Lakes down around Beloit you know there's we have wonderful beautiful places around Beloit that look up northy I've traveled down to the Algonquin area in Illinois and you would think you are up north because there's like weird-ass bars on rivers and it's just like oh this is but it's it's it's not you can get the up north experience outside of a camp bar in real life you know Wisconsin and just because you're from Chicago and going to Lake Geneva or you're from Milwaukee and going you know to Watoma or you're from Oshkosh and going to you know like outside Swamico you're going north but you're not up north let me take the camera off if I may you know the problem there is a problem with this and that is that the that is that the what is that us highway 8 was formed in 1926 okay but the map that I have here is a highway map built in 1924 is when it was commissioned okay so none of this area anything under let's start at Lake Winnebago the top of Lake Winnebago mm-hmm across the state anything under that has to automatically be considered out of the running then you would even go up further I mean you can't be level with Green Bay and be up north no get you over to like what's up tremolo and and then we're still south of Eau Claire Eau Claire has to be up north a lot of people want to say highway 29 but that's Wausau is not up north so highway 8 is the definitive answer and on this highway on this map I think it's listed as highway 14 but you got to be in like Hayward or Spooner yeah or what else Gordon Eagle or Rhineland Springs yeah my dog Barnes and let me tell you something as well regarding up north the UP is considered up north yeah the UP is considered so we think it's a Wisconsin thing but the UP has just I mean that is that is up north and it may even have more terrain than Wisconsin does there is a definitive answer to this and that's really all that we're here to accomplish I know you might have a cool cabin outside of Wisconsin Rapids or I'm sure it's beautiful I'm sure it's a beautiful we live in a beautiful state but up north it's not like a state of mind it is an actual place with borders and boundaries and it is highway 8 the Mississippi Lake Superior and then Lake Michigan and Green Bay that's it that's the boundary it is a place the direction lowercase but it is an actual place and I just think that once people just settle this argument and realize what they're arguing they're arguing they're trying to say whoa what is Wisconsin to you it's with it's the borders of the state this is literally the same thing it is it's a state within a state and I know a lot of people who live in Madison or Milwaukee or like Oshkosh or Appleton and they're like well I have a cabin outside of Wisconsin Rapids that's up north it's it but and it's not these people's fault you do north and go to a place that looks like a postcard of some of these places at the top of our state but it is not within the boundary of what up north is and I understand not everyone has been to Gordon or been all the way up there and that's you but don't speak about what you don't know don't be on Twitter saying well anything north Milwaukee or Madison that's basically fucking up north me except you know I've lived in Brookfield my whole life okay well then you're I don't need your opinion on this I don't need to hear you speak on this and this does matter Bart there is a there is a Madison Milwaukee exceptionalism and when we let this up north casual talk go unchecked it infects other conversations like today someone tweeted at me like they were mad about the closing of the concessions in the Brewer game because it only went a little over two hours and this guy who's a good caller to my show and if he calls this week I'll talk to him about it he's basically like if they keep closing concessions this early in a short they're gonna lose Madison people we're not gonna come to games it's like oh you poor poor people that live you know an hour and five minutes from the ballpark but when they when they're allowed to think when those people are to think up north is Wausau and we are in Madison and we can't close concessions early we we just lose scope of the state as a whole yeah for all the shows that think they're statewide because everyone thinks they're statewide now it's it's on those folks to understand this and so many people don't sorry no like Merrill Medford Anago Tomahawk Chatek don't cut it I love Chatek I have friends and families count I spent a lot of time at Chatek but it's not it's we're driving north about an hour to have a fun weekend that's not up north up north is like you go outside at night and you're like I'm kind of scared because I it's silent and the pines look different and it is it's different it's and Chatek is great again northerly direction but Chatek is not up north and I'll tell you the because we're radio guys uh-huh the way that you can tell if you ever want to test if you don't have a map and want to test am I up north get a radio because you will be able to on your radio find three stations tops right statewide includes the whole state you know you can't go up to Appleton and consider yourself a statewide show you got to be across the state so on a normal weekend you'll be able to get three stations whatever rinky-dink station up there has the Brewers affiliate you'll be able to get a swap shop if you're not getting a swap shop well like a buy sell trade where people buy sell their wares you're not up north and then the other one is there's one station that plays music and it's either called the wolf or the bear or the or the eagle or something like that and that's it that's that's all the three stations that you get you get like that's your compass if you ever don't know where you you get your farm reports in the morning corn prices up beef is down however many sense and I grew I didn't grow up up north I grew up about a little a little over an hour south of Bryce Lake so I was within spitting distance if you're driving but I had farm report like even you get close up north I love the farm reports in the morning or beefs down a couple bucks corns down if the line for Bill Michaels is shorter than the line for Pam Yanke you are you are up north yeah you are up north I want to go to the the golf thing in Rice Lake with Bill I would love to I love Rice Lake it's like anytime you there's you're you're up in the middle of nowhere Rice Lake's not that big but it feels big because that's the hub for everyone and everything so the hospitals are on steroids the grocery stores are on steroids the malls that's another calling card about north there's any town worth you know more than 10,000 people it's gonna feel like it's way bigger just because everyone's coming from an hour or two around to you know get their things you need to be there needs to be a place that sells live bait but it's the only one within 30 minutes yeah you can't be like oh I don't want to go get bait here I'll get it at the BP station or the shell no these places this is not there's a there's a finite place where up north is and I'm I'm glad that we're in agreement of this and I hope that this is sadly it won't be the end but I hope it's the beginning of what is a realization of of that this is an actual real-life place it's a reckoning is what it should be because so many people are very wrong and I just I don't know it's this isn't a debate and yet we need to treat it like one to cater to the dump that you know the people who don't know the truth hold my tongue a lot of people arguing on this topic have never been to lack to flambeau have never been up this far in the state and you should be disqualified right away where did where was your up north that I mean you're in Fondy so you're on the other side of the state of where I grew up but where would you go up north what's the first town that comes to mind I would think of Minocqua where my aunt and uncle lived for a while I mean that was up north I've been to a cabin in lack to flambeau and I've been to one just over you know I think once you get like Escanaba area we're talking upper Michigan now yeah yeah I remember right across from early strip club up there my mom was born in a town and I forget the name of it Stoughton maybe Stoughton was in the UP the town she was born in doesn't exist anymore not Houghton not Houghton not Houghton where there was a fire I was gonna say Houghton's one of the biggies there's those Houghton and there's Marquette on to noggin no it wasn't Stoughton that's a place outside of Madison I was gonna say unless it's another bad from the record Tim can edit that out in post yeah no there was Stoughton in upper Michigan anyway I'll have to double check on that I'll probably just edit that out is there a guest if I wanted to fill time with this this week because I gotta do six hours a day by myself is there a guest like a geographer who would I even feel like there's got to be an expert on such things that I can like a Wisconsin map expert yeah I would look at the UW schools and the programs and one has cartography and then I'd look at their staff page I would look at the DNR offices oh that's that would be good I might do that and then we'll pull it back and then I'll I'll steal your content and play it on my show that's excuse me that's something that's gonna live on my show four to six might be a little bit of a reach when I'm filling in on other programs I live on my show heads off to you for golf hat by the way for golf apparel.com promo code bar 10% off I don't know if you're telling the story by the way on the pod so if you're not you can edit this out but it was nice to see you this weekend you came in and met another podcast listener in Madison after you left the Steve which by the way are we calling it that now I think I call it the Steve it rules I like that a lot I think that's funny yeah I got to see Grant it was nice and someone else yeah I don't know if we're permissed to say who he can bring it up if he wants that's true he can call and contribute all right see you buddy see you Bart thank you for being right on this my thing's to grant and that's it that's the definitive answer we have settled the discussion about where up north is that's it it's over it's highway eight it's highway eight and it is Mississippi and the lake and then the UP and then no it doesn't even go down to Green Bay it would just be the UP that's where it is there's an answer so the next time you see a content creator put that out for easy likes as I am trying to do you say the Simpsons already did it Barton Grant got it covered that's what you say got some voicemails from the last week or so let's hear those on the Carl's place voicemail line Carl of et.com Carl of et.com backslash Bart makes you to a beautiful website where you can pick out one or build your own golf simulator you've got that I've been talking about these for a while I know you have that space where you could put it or your father does or your brother I know you know a space where you can put a golf simulator Carl's place the place to do it four oh two nine one five b a r t is the number to call this one's from Doug who Doug and Racine called I did the DA show last week Doug was like hey what the fuck is this I'll call in so that was good here's Doug in Racine talking a little balls and strikes you know I can't stand it it's just awful how bad you know watching the game and I'm watching the game and how bad these umpires are and they can't just freaking go to this robo umpire it's just awesome makes me cringe as a just a basic brewer fan I just can't stand baseball because of these wrong calls years ago tennis went to Cyclops to get it right that was 20 years ago they were using Cyclops on tennis and now here I sit and watch umpire after umpire after umpire gets the call absolutely horribly wrong the other night there was a guy one pitch straight the other guy gets up ball same exact pitch in two different teams the umpire gets thrown in the dirt just no wonder why casual fans hate baseball because we can see how bad the umpires are calling these games it's just ridiculous sorry I had a match but this is ridiculous get these umpires out of this game bye I love Doug I do not love the take I don't think everything needs to be perfect I am not someone who longs for a day where balls and strikes are called perfect I appreciate that some of these guys interpret the strike zone a different way look the strike zone I know that these tv networks give us a box but it's like the knees to the you know the chest the name plate and every player is different and so the strike zone is going to change I don't know I just the players have errors and so I think the umpire should have errors antiquated take I know I know I know I'm an old man but that's where I've always landed on this one this is from the Sean O'Connell was talking Jeopardy and how Aaron Rodgers sucked at it on I think one of the writer than you shows oh yeah and I was talking about gambling Paul Horning the Green Bay Packers no one who had won an MVP was suspended for gambling on games in the 60s and that was it and he had been an MVP he was a very big star also Alex Carus was suspended at the same time their initial suspensions were indefinite and then it turned out to be for a single season but it really shook up the NFL because at the time they were trying to build their brand and they did not want any kind of integrity issues to go along with that and especially at that time in the 60s boxing was still a king it was the biggest sport but to look at boxing there is there's always been an integrity of the results question no matter what when you saw boxing you could always kind of think well it is adjacent to organized crime and it only takes one person one participant to fake it to fix it you only need one boxer to go in there and take a dive if some conspirators get to him so that is probably why they do not want any kind of smoke in regards to that because you can look in japan sumo is a huge sport for betting and in the early 2000s they found out an awful lot of those matches were fixed and the whole thing crumbled it went away and again the NFL probably does not want that kind of smoke and the other thing you had mentioned was incentives people meeting their incentives well what's the difference if tom brady is feeding gronk to get his receptions for an incentive well the difference is you and i also know what gronk's contract looks like we can make that prop bet with a reasonable expectation that it's a good bet it's a safe bet whereas you know with uh uh the gentleman with the colts he was seen some things in practice and you know perhaps a particular player was going to be heavily featured in the game plan of the upcoming game so he changed his bets from 25 to 50 to a thousand so that that is it is a little bit of a different thing i don't like gambling it's not my thing but when i hear you guys talk about it the only thing that i worry about is the integrity of results and that's the biggest thing i think is the nfl's concern all right thanks so uh the uh the jeopardy thing i think that was a tweet i was thinking of that sean got to me but we were the sean o'connell i should say but we were talking uh gambling and the the situation i bring up all the time is gronk there was a game he needed seven catches for a million dollars for a season incentive and i'm trying to think like what's the difference between that and doing an over under on six and a half catches for gronk what's the difference if he does that i understand that you probably probably shouldn't bet on your own team you should never bet on your team to lose huge red flag you're trying to have your your team is trying to win anyway so if i throw money down i'm betting on myself where it's you know like if jordan love if we're wondering if he's gonna a bad example because everyone assumes he's bad but if the chiefs one day think that they're telling everybody that patrick mahomes isn't gonna play and then they all bet on the chiefs all the chiefs bet on the chiefs because they know patrick mahomes is gonna play well then yeah that's fucked up you can't do that the nfl doesn't want players betting on their own games or nfl games that's fine i think i think i can agree on that i still look at some of the gray area with the ground thing and player incentives but for these guys that like be on the toilet betting on a fucking basketball game and the team facility and that's illegal that's that's stupid all right uh bucky boy has an email i would recommend you don't hear this until you need to fill airtime in a down week or something this summer but um let me just check the time here no let's keep this one in something about your july fourth week podcast linear podcast that week where um you were doing a live post game about the brewers cup series one of one of the games where you play your drink outside of a port-a-john um in a public place during a sporting event where the two teams i would say are one of the staunchest rivals of one another in the country for this particular sport you would just leave your drink outside of a port-a-john um in an environment that you cannot control because you're inside the port-a-john without your drink um you would just set it outside you know what kind of utopian perfect world do you live in where you would expect said drink to be in the state with which you left it before you enter the port-a-john even if it wasn't a rivalry game why would you even leave it outside the port-a-john that is disgusting somebody could walk past it smoking a cigarette and acid fall into it or somebody's spitting and they spit in the direction of the can somebody spit falls in the can that is absolutely disgusting it just feels like austin essentially hands the ball over to the cup finish and said here do what you want with this um just bring the freaking cannon out of the port-a-john uh and drink it while you take a piss i mean you even said that you were taking a piss um no i don't want any beef with austin i'm just saying like the the common sense in this scenario is a little questionable i just i don't understand what he was just bringing it with you so it can be an environment where you control what is happening with your drink um just be in public and set your drink down as if nothing would happen to it especially in this scenario it's just insanely bizarre to me i don't get it but don't be peace and love all right and i'll wait austin's response uh on him setting a drink down outside the port-a-potty or the port-a-john or whatever the hell we're calling them do we have a definitive answer on that is that a brand name i don't know does anyone want to go see the barbie movie with me for serious i am uh the the marketing got me i i need to see this movie uh and i need to see it very quickly um i really want to see the movie i do very very curious it's got me absolutely all right fam that's all for me up north is over highway eight i will be talking some packers this week we will do a live show tuesday night hope everybody had a good safe fourth if you have any fireworks that you are choosing to let off in the next couple of weeks save them for next year don't be a dick and peace out my dudes
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