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Michigan beat Washington in the CFP Championship

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold
The Truth Network Radio
January 9, 2024 3:42 pm

Michigan beat Washington in the CFP Championship

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold

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January 9, 2024 3:42 pm

Michael Felder, CFB Analyst, on the Michigan win over Washington in the college football playoffs championship.

Did Michael's assumptions of how this game would go from yesterday's show come true? What was his overall takeaway from last night’s game and where Washington struggled? What happened that eventually lead to Michigan coming away with a big win? Was it just “one of those days” for Washington or was it something else?

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Sign up now at I was of the mind that we were about to watch a Washington coronation winning the national championship. I wasn't alone. There were other people smart, way smarter than me, that also thought that Washington was going to win the national championship. So why didn't it happen? Michael Felder, my man.

Check out the sub stack. It's Felder. He was on last night. He's probably been on all day today.

He joins us on the Adam Gold show. Did this come down ultimately to two things? Michigan's tackling, which was spectacular and their defensive tackles where that ultimately destroyed the pocket for Michael Pennix. Yeah. I mean, I think that's a great way to put it. I think it also comes down to Donovan Edwards is a monster. Yeah.

Like we can, like we can point that core. I'm having more yards overall and getting more carries overall. But when one guy has six carries for 104 yards and the other guy has 21 carries for 134 yards, one guy average 17 yards of carry.

I have the same amount of touchdowns to each. I think I know which guy I like more. Right. Yeah. But one guy one guy looks like a xenomorph. The other guy looks like Bill Paxton.

Like, what are we doing? Wow. Bill Paxton.

We went there. I kind of like him. He's an alien. I kind of like Bill Paxton.

It's might have been. I love Bill Paxton. But I'm saying one guy looks like the guy that when you even if you hurt him, he's going to still hurt you because he's going to his blood is acid.

And the other guy is like, it's game over, man. Donovan Edwards was great. The two touchdown runs on his first two carries.

But with all of that. Yeah. And even though I think the final score is indicative, I thought of the difference between the way the two teams played because I think Michigan was significantly better. Even even into the fourth quarter, the game was there for Washington one score, right? It was a one score game. And part of that is Washington's defense showed up after it was 17 three, right?

It finally did show up. But part of it also was I don't I don't think Michigan was pushed for their offense to need to do when they needed to make a play. They managed to make it. They got out of trouble with the JJ McCarthy scramble on third and long. They completed a couple of big passes to the tight end and a Roman Wilson. But for some reason, Washington's offense was just off. Was that about Michigan's defense and the pressure? Or was Washington it wasn't just one of those days.

It's both. I mean, it's just I mean, it was it's true. Pennix was hurt, obviously limping around. Pennix was limping around.

Dylan Johnson was living around. There's that. But there's also the fact that Michigan was really good. Like they brought pressure up the gut and they really made you have to make a decision.

And this is the thing I thought about the most. And I don't know if people realize this, but Michigan really worked hard on making Pennix not be able to roll to his right. Right. Because Pennix rolling to his right is the most that's the most dangerous thing in college football this year because he can roll to his right and he sticks his right foot in the ground.

He could throw the ball back to the middle, which is what right-handed quarterbacks can't do when he's a lefty. Right. So that's important.

And then the other part for me was, I mean, drops like the drops that they had were insane. And the fact that you win a national championship, like, I don't like, if you're, let me ask you this gold, if you're a Michigan fan and you win a national championship and your quarterback threw for a hundred and forty yards and no touchdowns, right? You're super proud of that with a quarterback guru and Jim Harbaugh.

That's what you're proud of. That's all they really needed though. They, they, they only needed occasional plays.

There was a sentiment that they shouldn't have thrown the ball at all, which I could certainly get behind. That's yeah. But that's like saying like your kid, like doesn't have to know how to read.

They can still pick out the shapes. I understand. I, we, we, we wanted the whole package, but the, the ultimate goal is simply to win the game and Michigan's best avenue to do that was probably just to hand it off. You just said it, but you said it perfectly. The ultimate goal was to just to win the game. And for me, when I watch football, when I look at football, the way I view football, the way I view football, the reason I was upset with Georgia two years ago, the reason I was upset with Alabama five years ago is you're not maximizing what you have, right?

And if doing a minimum is the answer, they absolutely did it. And I will say this though, and I told you this yesterday, who was the best player in that football game? My favorite stuff. Oh yeah. Without a doubt. It was the best player in that day.

He was the best player in that dang game. Mike Saylor still, he maximize what he got the rest of this team, the rest of Michigan. I want them to be better.

Let me ask you this. You think that Michigan, if they were like, you know what we're doing a plus one, which team do you want to play? Do you think they're picking Georgia on that list?

Oh, I don't. Yeah. Georgia is probably the best team, right? They're probably the best team. I'm not upset about them winning. I love that they won.

I love that they got over the hump. I love the horrible guy, his championship, and that he's probably gonna go to the NFL. I love that Mike Samer still got a title, but J doing McCarthy, I feel like he's so much better than what, what we, what we've seen this season. And that's the part that's frustrating to me. Um, that's why I'm, I feel super conflicted about this championship win because they got it and they did and they got it, but man, do it.

You guys should be better. So this is, this is the beauty of you, Mike Felder. It really is. Um, that it's, it's more than just wins and losses to you.

It's the art, right? So when, when you look at football, this, I, this is what may be my favorite conversation now. Uh, the fact that you're looking at this, it's sort of like how a lot of people look at soccer, the beautiful game.

So they see some people just, you know, being too direct or whatnot, and they're just, uh, it's not beautiful. It's not what Barcelona does. It's not what Manchester city does. It's not beautiful passes and buildup and all of that. It's like, Oh wait, they scored a goal and they won.

That's really, which is the only goal. So they wrestle you down to the ground. And again, I said this yesterday. The key for them is to wrestle you down to their level and then beat you with experience. It is Ryan here.

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So don't wait, start having the most fun ever at Chumba That's what it is. But even as a defensive guy, even as a defensive geek, can't you marvel in how beautiful the tackling was for Michigan? I don't know if there were any yards after, after catch. It was the tackling was amazing.

And I loved watching them tackle. Like I was like, don't, don't get me wrong. I don't, I'm not trying to dump on Michigan. I am saying they could be even better like this game with the way it was played with the injuries, with the false starts, with all those things, the drops, this should have been 55 to 13 or 55 to nothing. It should have been more. I want more like, I want to see you go out there and massacre someone when it, when this, when you're not that evenly matched.

And that's what I want. I want them to win by more, but no, the tackling was amazing because Washington lives on comebacks. They run you past the sticks and Michigan fat sticks nonstop. They sat sticks. So they, for folks that don't know. So when it was second and 12 or it was third and 13, Michigan was one yard in front.

No problem. Love that you're ready. And then Washington runs you one yard pass and comes back on that comeback. They're expecting you to miss that tackle so they can go. And then the other guy tackles you, but you've already got the first down. They sat stance hard, and then they made that tackle behind the sticks. And that was beautiful football.

I love that. Like I have no qualms with Michigan's defense, but you don't get to tell me that you're a quarterback guru, that you're a great offensive man. And then this is what you give me. There was more to give offensively. There's no question. So are you throwing shade on Jim Harbaugh as a coach? Yeah, him and Lincoln Riley, they can, they can both kick rocks. I am not team Lincoln Riley. I do think that Jim Harbaugh is an elite coach though. Why?

Cause he, cause he, he, he gets teams to win and that's the job of the head coach. I mean, if you put my man from Wyoming, or you give me Chris Kleiman, let's go. All right. But we're, we're, we're talking about two different things. I, I understand where you're coming from.

And again, I think the best way to look at it is you're looking at it as an art form, as an art form. Right? So he's Adam, Adam, no time out, Nick Saban, right.

To change who he was. Right. Between Manziel between right. Even Steven Garcia, Bo Wallace and, and, and, and Chad Kelly.

And you throw in, obviously the Sean Watson. Yeah. And that's what it was changed. He changed who he was. He was like, I want to win the way, the way that Michigan won this national title. That's how Alabama was going through things. Right. I was upset with that.

Kirby smart, same thing. Guess what? Toa gets into the game and all of a sudden, Oh, we got a problem. And Georgia can't keep up. You don't, I just want them to be better. It used to be that Alabama had like one receiver every year. Now they've got a bunch. Yeah, they do.

All right. But, well, I think what we're, then what I think you're saying is that there wasn't enough of a challenge for Michigan to force them. Cause if, cause when we saw them get, we've seen them be forced in the last two years or two years prior. Yeah. And guess what?

When they got forced, what happened? Didn't work. Right.

PC, TCU. Are you kidding me? Right. Oh, maybe they weren't good enough. Maybe they weren't good enough last year. Um, and, and maybe that's not the way Jim Harbaugh wants to play.

Although we don't have to go back. He is a run first coach. Is he really a quarterback? I don't know that he's a quarterback guru. He was a quarterback. I don't know that I've ever, I would ever call him a quarterback guru.

He did, I think, design an offense with Colin Kaepernick that put the best he could have used with JJ McCarthy. That would have been pretty cool. Yeah.

And then he didn't do it. Yeah. They did not when it was there though. They, when it, when it was needed, JJ McCarthy got on his horse and proved to be pretty good.

Right back. I loved it. I loved it. I wanted more of it. And I talked to Roddy Jones.

I talked to Roddy Jones and I'm not dumping on again. I'm not done with you. You won a national championship. This is fantastic.

It's great. Let me ask you something though. I know we got to go. Let me ask you in the last 20 years, is this the team and let's, let's, let's do this. Let's go winners and losers.

Where would you put this team? And you know what, let's do 20 years is long. Cause you got it. You're gonna have to Google that last five years, winners and losers. Oh, it's not that impressive because again, I don't, I don't think like you're judged against the field, right? You're judged against your available field. We've probably had teams that, well, not probably.

We've definitely had teams that lost national championship games that were better than this Michigan team. Bingo. Right. That's, that's what I'm saying. Okay.

I understand that. They should be better. They should be better. I love it.

They should be back. I love it. You are such an artist. I don't care.

I don't care what you say. You're an artist. I'm a plumber, man. No, you're not. You're an artist. Don't even try it. Don't even try it.

It's Felder. I show up. I got a trip charge and I'm ready to rock and roll, man. I appreciate your time, bro.

Talk to you soon. Yeah, man. And you see the weather out there. I'm about to go run a mile.

Are you serious? At least one. I might, I might try to put two in. I'd get a kayak.

It's wet, baby. I just get a kayak. Do that. All right, man. Good luck. Stay safe.

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