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BREAKING: FBI Seized Privileged Documents in Trump Raid

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Truth Network Radio
August 15, 2022 3:30 pm

BREAKING: FBI Seized Privileged Documents in Trump Raid

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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August 15, 2022 3:30 pm

In last week's raid of President Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence, the FBI seized documents protected by attorney-client privilege. Jay, Jordan, and the Sekulow team discuss the most recent twist in the latest Deep State saga — the FBI's Mar-a-Lago raid. This and more on today's broadcast.

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Breaking news today on Sekulow as we now know the FBI has seized attorney-client privilege documents in the raid at Mar-a-Lago. We'll talk about that, the implications, take your calls all today on Sekulow. Keeping you informed and engaged now more than ever this is Sekulow. We want to hear from you.

Share and post your comments or call 1-800-684-3110. And now your host Jordan Sekulow. All right welcome to Sekulow. So we know now in boxes labeled A14, A26, A43, A13, A33 and once labeled as a set of documents that they contained information covered by attorney-client privilege. This is President Trump's attorney-client privilege. So did they give those documents back immediately? No. Did they set up someone to be an in-between and go between between their the FBI agents and and you know who is actually doing the sources on looking at the classified information?

No they did not do that either. They are setting up what they're calling quote a filter team to look through the document. They will be burning it. So it is the FBI running its own document review over which documents they should even be reviewing and which they should be excluding. So you're going to trust this FBI to say oh you know this was on Mueller but you know we didn't have any right to these documents but we'll put that right over here in this section and I think again what it shows you is by the FBI not trying to put any safety guards in place here all these documents can end up in Washington DC at any moment.

All over the place. Here's what's totally outrageous about all of this and let's be clear on this. Number one if you take if the FBI engages in an unprecedented act which they did when they made the decision to execute a search warrant on the former President of the United States principal residence.

Unprecedented in US history. Then in the process of them gathering this information that they had they come across what? They come across documents that are clearly attorney-client communications between the President and his lawyers. Those are privileged. They take them anyways. Now what would normally happen then is once notified you would then ask for a special master. A special master works with the judge not with the justice department to review these documents so that they're not used by the department of justice to engage in activities that can be problematic like reviewing attorney-client information. But no the department of justice says no we will set up a filter team. Let me tell you what a filter team is. We had I mean I had this with them when we were doing the Mueller probe and you remember this Jordan. A filter team is the department of justice. It is the FBI reviewing or the department of justice lawyers with the FBI reviewing the documents saying this is covered this isn't and then they send it to what's called a taint team and a taint team said well maybe this document should go back. But does anybody believe for a minute that at that point these documents haven't been thoroughly reviewed by the federal bureau of investigation and the agents that are involved in this case? Does anybody out there believe that this is a coincidence? Well let me give you a couple other coincidences while we're talking. Coincidence during the Mueller probe when it was issues about Strzok the FBI agent special agent that was the counterintelligence expert when they needed his phone because the inspector general was concerned about communications between him and FBI lawyer Lisa Page.

Oh it was scrubbed when it was turned in. We don't have access to it. They didn't preserve the evidence. You want me to go through the list of the FBI filing with the court a false email changing the language of an email to get a FISA warrant on an American citizen? So all this just happens it's just happenstance and don't worry Jordan just trust the FBI they'll handle it.

Yeah that's right no problems with the FBI no issue to see here nothing to see here folks. We are taking your phone calls 1-800-684-3112. We want to continue to take your questions. There's no bad questions about this too and I think every time I've said this throughout every time someone asks a question you're helping somebody who's listening to this broadcast understand something can get very complicated very quick especially the further we get into this so 1-800-684-3110. Let me encourage you to support the work of the ACLJ at We have a matching challenge right now you can double the impact of our donation that's at that's and so I encourage you go there today. Also if you're watching on any of our social media applications we've got a special report coming up next during the break you're not going to want to miss. Share this feed with your friends right now you know how to do that whether you're on rumble, youtube, facebook, wherever you might be viewing at

Back with more in a moment. All right welcome back to Secula. We are taking your phone calls to 1-800-684-3110. That's 1-800- 684-3110.

We also if you're watching on rumble now you're watching facebook we're re-putting up that feed there we had some audio issues there but with other feeds of facebook, youtube that's all working. Of course talking to a lot of you on radio and Sirius XM. Let's go to the phones 1-800-684-3110.

That's 1-800-684-3110. Let's start with Jason in New York on line three. Hey Jason.

Hey how's it going today? Great. Yeah I'd like to know how the American people can unite and get rid of the FBI. So I mean the simple way to do these things which is likely you're going to have some kind of iteration of this law enforcement agency right. So you have the CIA handling covert. You have then you need the FBI to handle federal law enforcement but does it have to be called the FBI? Do you have to the same leadership structure?

No. You have to elect leaders first in congress then ultimately the white house who are bold enough to say we're scrapping this. We're going to restart this. We're going to start fresh. I think it would take some serious time but I think like the IRS we believe that this could these entities could be streamlined in a much more modern way for 2022 that would benefit people working there and benefit the American people by actually focusing it on keeping us safe and their law enforcement actions which again should you know focusing it on terrorism focusing it on the cartels instead of focusing it on American politicians.

But let's review here. They've always had a problem with the FBI but it is on it is on full display right now. Yeah well the FBI you know FBI lawyers and FBI agents were able to get a foreign intelligence surveillance court FISA court to issue a FISA warrant against an American citizen based on information they submitted to the court that was fraudulent. Where they changed an email that was in the FBI then the FBI now goes down to President Trump's home executes a warrant that they get from a magistrate a magistrate who recused himself from a civil case involving Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. That case he refused himself for he gets out of that case okay says I'm not going to handle that case that's not right I'm conflicted. Gets out of that case and then what does he do? He turns around though and signs a criminal search warrant.

I mean so just let's think let's put all this in perspective and think about what we're really dealing with here. Now the FBI goes in they find documents that are attorney-client material and what do they do? What is it they decide to do with the attorney-client material? Send it to a taint team inside the FBI rather than a special master that works with the judge to handle the former President of the United States documents. That tells you why there is so much concern on this Jordan. Why are the is the FBI and Department of Justice not trying to at least be smart with the way they're handling this but they're not so they're they're creating their own sense of frustration and tension. Yeah exactly right I think that again the the amount of outrage at this agency the questions about their legitimacy they deserve all of it folks they deserve every bit of your outrage and every bit of your questions and every bit of your questioning their legitimacy as I said when you're dealing with these agencies now you assume the worst assume the worst if the IRS sends you a letter assume the worst if you get contact by the FBI because the politics has seeped into every part from the agent level on down the top to their to their leadership and I get that people are defensive about the the line workers or the front line of the FBI and I know that there's people who are doing good work there I think they're few and far between now I think they're the minority and we used to be able to think that that was the majority that the majority was so untainted by politics but we heard it from the letters from Jim Jordan they said all those people are gone they've been purged out forced out it's like the mass departure we've seen in law enforcement a local level where they've just quit in these departments where it was impossible to be a police officer anymore back to the phones we go 1-800-684-3110 there are a couple lines open if you want to get on this also share the broadcast with your friends and family as we continue to kind of answer all these questions so that you understand more about where this process is let's go to Tim in California on line one hey Tim thank you for taking my call is it legal for the FBI to go in and take documents that are should not be taken because it's between the lawyer and President Trump right no those documents should be are and they've been by the way they're not they're the ones the FBI saying hey we got in our when we went in for the search warrant we got documents that are clearly attorney client confidence attorney client communication and this is what's so ridiculous here rather than going to a special master to determine what can be done with those and the FBI has now already reviewed it now they'll say it's the filter team or a taint team but but the FBI agents had to send it to the taint team when they thought hey this may be attorney client so you think maybe they looked at it to make the determination to send it to a taint team but I've got to play this sound from Joe Scarborough with of all people Peter Strzok the FBI agent that white had his had had the text against Trump on his phone and then when they went to get it the inspector general wanted their phones they were amazingly wiped clean under Bob Mueller's watch I might add take a listen to this the FBI makes mistakes the church makes mistakes people make mistakes they screw up should this be any reason for Americans not trust that what the FBI and the DOJ are doing now is in pursuit of protecting classified documents well Joe absolutely the American public should trust what the FBI is doing this is coming from Peter Strzok I mean think about this for a moment who Bob Mueller had to get off his team this is the FBI that had a lawyer submit a false document to a Pfizer court to get a Pfizer warrant and that's who msnbc by the way has as their experts I mean you you want to think you're living in a parallel universe here and there's something else going on that we're missing here's what we're not missing they are not first of all I think the whole search warrant was ridiculous in the nature of what I know now I don't know everything so you know I mean I know what I'm reading but just my experience in dealing with the department of justice for say intensely for the last you know during a four-year period when I was representing the former President here's what I don't understand why would they not want to hold themselves above reproach so they don't get caught again with their hands in the cookie jar but instead Jordan they do the exact opposite that's what's so frustrating here yes I mean this is again this is a bad actress at the FBI going on TV to defend bad actors at the FBI this is it shows you a lot if that's who they can find the only people they can find are Andrew McCabe who's still trying to fight in court to get his pension back because he got fired for what leaking classified information to reporters oh by the way James Comey too oh at least he disappears though for the most part he's not trying to be a full-on commentator and then Peter Strzok who had to be fired from the special counsel's team this is the guy who's got the insurance plan is this the insurance plan is this a continuation let it happen yeah I mean so again these are the only people they can find to go on TV to defend the FBI's actions yeah because no because these are very defensible these are not defensible positions Jordan I mean this is and you did this case with me this is this is we know what we're dealing with here the problem is it's like the IRS they are coming institutionally in case why would they not say you know we'll agree to a special master this is after all the former President of the United States but instead they take the opposite view no we're not going to do it and Merrick Garland says none of this happened without his watch well that's impressive take another call I think what you've got is just a bunch of political actors who play law enforcement but they're political actors 1-800-684-3110 let's go to Stacey in Texas online for hey Stacey okay thank you for taking my call my understanding was President Snup was cooperating with them on the investigation so why would they do a raid like that and then also what's going to protect the person the conservative personnel here in the world against this government it's ridiculous we are the ACLJ because we're the ones that sued the IRS when they overstepped their bounds and we've got already I mean I don't even know how many cases we have against the Biden administration and our our government oversight project at the ACLJ probably a dozen you asked the question were they in discussions apparently from what we've read they were in discussions something must have transpired that happened but also realize this when you get within 90 days of a general election or a midterm election like we're about to generally the FBI does not engage in doing anything that would be adversely impact the election of course James Comey made comments that were negative towards Hillary Clinton for a week and a half before the general election for President some democrats blame uh James Comey for her losing but the fact of the matter is that by the way whether ever side you're on republican or democrat that wasn't right what he did that violated their own internal policies but they're not following policies they're not following the manual they're making this up as they go and the problem is when they make it up as they go it's very dangerous that's what's happening yeah all right 1-800-684-3110 we'll continue to take your phone calls when we come back in the next segment of the broadcast yeah share this with your friends and family uh and again folks I want you to understand we we need your support of the ACLJ that's at where you can double the impact your donation we have a matching challenge this month that means a group of donors are ready to match your donation when it comes through until the end of the month so again if you donate $25 they will match that $25 but that's all you're charged on your card so a $25 donation is like $50 for us at the ACLJ it's a great time to support our work that's on our website too there's a new piece up by Mike Pompeo on the Mar-a-Lago raid so check it out you have former uh Trump uh cabinet officials weighing in on these issues right at so a lot to share with your friends and family there and a great way to be able to support our work in just a couple minutes you can make that online donation double the impact of that donation by supporting our work online at we come back for your questions for your calls all right welcome back to secular we are taking your phone calls too if you got questions comments on this 1-800-684-3110 so you know about the raid of course of Mar-a-Lago what we now know is that their attorney client privilege documents that would be documents that Donald Trump has the privilege for on uh that were taken and the FBI has been open about this in fact they've late they've actually said here they are it's in boxes A14, A26, A43, A13, A33 that's five boxes of attorney client privilege documentation plus another set of documents that's on the final page of the FBI's property receipt that contained information covered by attorney client privilege did the FBI give these back no did the FBI say okay we're going to put someone in between we're going to point someone like a court appointed person who will sift through this before it gets to our agents called a special master when they do that no they did not they are internally deciding what they should and shouldn't have access to these are people we said you can't trust now I don't know if there's a legal action that can be filed immediately you can file a motion for a special master so the lawyers for the President could go into court immediately I'm surprised they haven't and and demand a special master be appointed because here's the problem with these filter teams Jordan as you said and the taint team so you this is not guessing whether there's attorney client information the FBI said there's attorney client communications in here we don't know what the nature of those are so what the FBI saying is well we're going to internally review it with a separate group of FBI agents and they will determine if they are attorney client privilege and then or at least filter it out to see if they are and then send it to a taint team and the taint team will say oh do you think we can use this or do you think we can't now meanwhile three sets of FBI agents eyes have already been on these documents by the time that process goes forward so let's take a poll at 1-800-684-3110 does anybody trust that process the answer is no especially when you're dealing with the former President and his attorney client communications so what should happen a judge should appoint a special master who acts as a judge basically to review the documents in camera in chambers and negotiate you know through argument that you actually get to make there's no one arguing inside the justice department for the former President now they would if he had a special master it's a proceeding jordan just like court yeah but they don't have that is this they don't want to have that these individuals got a search warrant on august 5th they're saying in there that was things that were so important to our national security they need to do a raid they didn't go into the bar log on august 5th in most situations when it's a national security issue they would go in the moment they got the warrant yes with whatever problems they got to deal with when they show up now they are dealing with a former President here but i mean they didn't have to wait three days that in fact that hurts their case in fact it wasn't just three days or three months because in june they said oh yeah maybe put the lock on this did they go get a warrant the next day that should have been a signal to the lawyers something was up when the subpoena came and then they want the lock and then they want videotapes i mean the whole idea that it's top secret really important documents is undercut by the fact that the fbi has taken took no action on this starting in june but what is clear is there are this makes me wonder whether this has anything to do with these documents jordan or is it something to do with january 6th is it something to do with russia and muller i mean who knows who's you know we're thinking communications between the President and his lawyers previously well two of his lawyers are sitting here so now we don't represent him in this currently he's got lawyers in florida they need to be filing a motion for a special master here so i i don't understand this and i don't understand the reluctance of the department of justice to not take the here's what i don't understand you know you're under intense scrutiny why would you not take every single precaution you can to avoid a problem and they will not do it we're taking your calls about this at 800-684-3110 that's 1-800-684-3110 let's go ahead and take another call yeah back to the folks over here let's go to robert indiana indiana online five hi robert hey guys uh i'm not the legal expert but it seems like the fbi had stepped over their bounds are they aware of it and uh is there anything well yeah they're aware of it i mean they're the ones who notified the trump lawyers that the documents included attorney client communication i got to be clear on that that's not something that the that the trump lawyers asserted the fbi department of justice said hey by the way when we grabbed those documents it included communications mr former President that you had with your lawyers we're not saying here you can have them back so yeah they knew what i mean and there'll be multiple eyes put on this robert that is the problem that's why a special master should be appointed but this whole process like you said jordan the way they waited i mean there was rumors over the weekend remember there was nuclear code material there so if that was the case you think they would have waited five days or three days after they got the warrant to go in if it was that significant of course not so we don't even know what they were looking for but we do know what they found we do know at least they found attorney we don't know what attorney client material they found but they found some right i mean we know that it's in multiple boxes again five boxes and a separate set of documents so you got six different indications of attorney client privileged documents the privilege would be held by the President trump and the fbi is sniffing through this on their own one hundred six eight four thirty one to talk to us on the air that's one eight hundred six eight four three one one zero uh we'll continue to take your phone calls uh right now uh let's go to warren in idaho on line six hey warren hey thanks for taking my call guys sure my question would be with with everything that they're doing and they're getting away with it and they know they are how much does that embolden them to come after us the regular citizens well listen i i i'd say operate if you get contacted by these agencies now with a real caution get a lawyer i mean i would be very cautious in dealing with these agencies now but if you're the former President who can get lawyers and has lawyers they need to be taking some i think you know some aggressive act not aggressive uh tactical uh moves here and that tactical first move would be a uh a special master being appointed but i i want to i want to play what senator grassley had to say about all this and the fbi take a listen i think the credibility is hurt as a result of this a warrant being issued three or four days before the raid actually took place if there was a nuclear espionage sort of thing involved you would think friday they get the warrant friday they immediately go to the President's home i mean that is what we were saying is that if it's truly national security truly national security then you're in there the moment you get the warrant yes you got to deal with some different things here because you got secret service so you contact them you're there within an hour but instead they wait the weekend which is such typical washington uh of course when it comes to these fbi agents they're it's such a national security matter that uh i got things scheduled to forget friday saturday sunday we'll come back to it maybe the nuclear codes right so it's not and if it is it wasn't relevant because they didn't go in and get it so not only did they wait from june to august which they did but then when they got their search warrant they didn't use it immediately and they're telling us that this is like documents that at any moment could put our national security at risk so there's no explanation there except for i'll explain it it's a horrible agency full of horrible people who can't be trusted that's why joe scarborough a pretty horrible person himself can't find anybody to talk about it but peter struck who's a horrible person cheat on his wife i had to get kicked off the muller team with another person who got kicked off the muller team by the way and this is who they can find on msnbc to even talk about this and stay should we trust the fbi i mean we know we can't trust you peter not you your lover lisa can't trust either of you and your email and your phones are wiped clean yeah we can't trust you guys but should we trust the agency as a whole no because it's a bunch of peter strokes that's the whole agency including a lawyer who gave false documents to the fiza court yeah so these are the kind of people that are running this right now so no the trust level should be at zero and they should have taken extra precautions and refused to we got a lot more head we're just taking a one minute break we're going to be back with more support the work of the aclj at share this feed with your friends back with more in a moment at the american center for law and justice we're engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for a limited time you can participate in the aclj's matching challenge for every dollar you donate it will be matched a ten dollar gift becomes twenty dollars a fifty dollar gift becomes one hundred you can make a difference in the work we do protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms that are most important to you and your family give a gift today online at sekulow keeping you informed and engaged now more than ever this is sekulow and now your host jordan sekulow by the way you know that you know donald trump for saying you know he calls for violence against the political opponents his political opponents right now including the former cia director mike hayden are calling for donald trump to be put to the electric chair i mean they tweet this out this is the day that merrick garland puts his uh horrible press release his horrible press conference not press conference makes a statement because he didn't take any questions and he was obviously very nervous and then he said you know our filings speak for themselves of course if that was true he wouldn't have to be making a statement and they wouldn't have to be constantly explaining their actions because their filings look ridiculous absurd but then it leaked two hours later of course because their filings speak for themselves no leaks that doj at fbi uh then it's somehow involved nuclear so you get mike hayden former cia director weighing in willy nilly uh because someone wrote in you know the rosenbergs were convicted of giving u.s nuclear secrets to moscow and got executed june 1953 he writes sounds sounds about right as a direct relation to President trump this is the craziness that is taken over i said trump derangement syndrome is a real real syndrome i think one day we might actually be able to say you know they say like these pop culture items and items like this can become real where people lose their mind and then you realize even if they're political opponents of donald trump uh you're not selling that any of these documents the people who got executed were were executed for being the actual spies delivering documents to a foreign adversary what we're talking about here is where should we store it where as rick ronell pointed out there were a lot of the trump staff around him is paid for by the u.s government so he's got federal government employees suing federal government employees over how they're handling the documents because the ga say did it wrong which is the government service administration who doesn't get a lot right anyways that's another agency talking about bureaucracy on bureaucracy it's like the ultimate it's the bureaucracy for the bureaucracy let's go back to the phones 1-800-684-3110 linda in texas online one hey linda hi uh thanks for having me on and uh my question is don't they have standards and or laws or bylaws that they have to abide by and if they have broken their own standards shouldn't they be held accountable from them all the way up to the judge who issued the warrant so let's retrace it so they have a department of justice has a manual like the irs that's called the doj manual that lays out what you should and should not do now this is an extraordinary case so let's start back with the actual the fbi and working with the justice department felt that they had enough evidence a probable cause that a crime had been committed and then they listed espionage obstruction of justice so forth Presidential records act that a and evidently communication must have broken down or something that a search warrant should be obtained and executed they go to a magistrate judge which is how these work now what's really important to understand here is the magistrate judge they get recused himself just six weeks ago from a case involving hillary clinton it was donald trump versus hillary clinton he said i've got to recuse myself i'm not going to be viewed as impartial but that same judge then signs a search warrant in a criminal case so that's number one then the fbi goes in this is a number two here so the fbi goes in the fbi goes in and they find hey there are documents here that may well be and are attorney client privilege they don't say hey former President trump we're going to send these back to you they say no we're going to send him to a filter team within the department of justice now eyes have already seen him the fbi agency got him and doj now they send it to this other team who then sends it to another team if they think they are in fact attorney client information and that's called a taint team so you have three sets of fbi reviewing this do you think this something's not right here a lot's not we're gonna get more into this when you come back from the break folks your support of the aclj is critical you know we're able to give you this kind of analysis five days a week because of your support to the aclj we're in a matching challenge campaign jordan's gonna let you know what to do you go to you donate today your donation will be matched we have a group of donors throughout the entire month of august that will match your donation to aclj you donate 50 bucks right now at that's like 100 bucks for us because the donors are going to also donate and match that with 50 so again it takes your action to trigger the match so it's a really important month for us because we double double the impact of each donation that's welcome back to secular we're taking your phone calls to 1-800-684-3110 questions comments no bad questions on this i think everybody's asking a question you're helping everybody listen to the broadcast i said this last week because this is gets highly technical the further you get into it i'll be talking about privilege you know people just throw this stuff out privileges and the boxes of you know how many boxes of privilege documents what does that mean what should it mean we're taking your calls on that 1-800-684-3110. Interesting question came in on facebook from cats it says what exactly are privileged documents and we're throwing around terms here that people may not be familiar with if your lawyer's communicating with you to the attorney to the client on strategy or legal matters related to the case those documents are called privileged what does privilege mean it means they're not you can't use those documents other people can't get them you don't have to discuss them they can't be used in court against you now here the fbi has acknowledged in fact that there are privileged documents they've made that acknowledgement but instead of it going to a judge to make the determination as to what's going to happen here they said no we're going to do it internally ourselves that's the danger in all of this and that's the problem you want to take a call yeah we'll go back to the phones 1-800-684-3110 let's go to jesse in california online six hey jesse hi val thank you so much for taking the call and thank you for the work that you do i kind of have a comment and a question everyone's been after donald trump since 2016 very heavily on very many issues i'm just questioning as to what these documents really are because if they are of such importance don't you think that the President or the former President of the united states would have known that they would have been coming after him that's the first question and the second is if he was even thinking that way why wouldn't he have duplicated them left the originals there unless the originals have something against other people in the government let me jump in michelle if the first of all if the documents were classified and and the classification hadn't been declassified the President has the authority to declassify copy him doesn't address the issue so the you know i don't know what's in the document so we have the we don't have the affidavit from the case what we do have is the warrant the warrant is very vague we do know there's attorney client communications we don't know if it's attorney client communications from this case on the documents if it's on january 6 issues if it's related to bob muller or ukraine or impeachment we have no idea what those are and the department of justice as far as i know hasn't given a detailed list to the uh trump people as to what was taken or what wasn't there now maybe they had a list before the the trump folks had a list before it went in i don't know but it should be handled by a team not a team a special master they want to do it internally so i'd be five of trump's lawyers i'd be in court now saying judge appoint a special master now maybe it's happened today it didn't happen friday that much i know yeah i mean the question now is we actually know these documents are there where they are they've labeled the boxes it's five different boxes they put out those boxes are plus a set of documents so it's not like they don't know where these are they've already noted them as attorney client privilege so the fbi has already rifled through all this regardless of who gets it next they've got it if they've made copies copies have been made it's floating around uh we'll go to michelle in ohio online too hey michelle hi thanks for taking my call um i just had a question regarding these privileged documents um President trump has current lawsuits like against hillary clinton and i think still against some of the tech companies and now the doj has these privileged documents so how does that impact these lawsuits uh so you're talking about the the non-private lawsuits or the civil world it shouldn't technically impact the question is how long can washington hold any of these documents before they start leaking i'm not not not the ones they actually want to keep private but the ones that maybe there's executive privilege on maybe there's attorney client privilege on but again you get this into the fbi you might not get the documents leak look jim komi the substance of the documents ends up leaking jim komi released his notes from a conversation he had with the President of the united states to a reporter with the new york times that was the head of the fbi took his notes on a form 302 that's supposed to be within the file and kept within confidentiality and and released it we haven't what are you saying well i'm sorry oh and he admits he does it listen to this i asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons but i asked him to because i thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel and so i asked a close friend of mine to do it who was that a good friend of mine who's a professor at columbia law school now think about this for a moment the fbi director goes to a friend who's a professor of columbia law school and leaks it to a report of the new york times for the purpose of getting a special counsel which lo and behold a special counsel was appointed who came up with zero after spending about 55 million dollars but they created all kind of havoc not just the struck page havoc the the fiza court havoc put that whole court by the way in jeopardy foreign intelligence surveillance court so you know there are really serious consequences with all of this these questions that everybody are asking by the way are great we'll take more of those at 1-800-684-3110 1-800-684-3110 if you're watching on any of our social media applications rumble youtube facebook share it with your friends right now yeah that's a good question becky and florida online one hey becky uh yes hi um my question was uh does trump's legal team get to know um what was in the affidavit that they took to the judge to get the warrant in the first place no they don't and usually a affidavit as part of the search warrant is not unsealed until indictments come down and what you have to worry about here as a criminal defense lawyer is a search warrant means they thought they had probable cause that a crime has been committed you understand that i mean they think there's probable cause that a federal crime has been committed they've talked about obstruction of justice uh national security issues and these kind of things and Presidential records act so that's what they think's at stake here so they felt probable cause and a judge found there to be probable cause so this is the problem with all of this right now the trump lawyers need to be going in and getting a special master that's on the attorney client information but you don't get the uh you don't get the affidavit no and so again that would not happen until someone gets indicted or if if anyone gets indicted i mean that that's the big question too you know what's interesting too here is this is the first time i think that we've seen this political where President trump has acknowledged that the fbi has lit a fire in the country and it's their move next but he you know it's even being reported saying that he said how do i calm this down because i think he's seen the outrage level from his supporters is at a fever pitch and yet they you know and again for good for good reason if you're a supporter of President trump's but this whole idea too that he's trying to stoke something he's actually doing the opposite right now but it feels like they are all constantly trying to stoke they want another january 6th moment they want something else they can blame trump supporters for a mass kind of the hearings were over and done and didn't really because they were so partisan and boring so you had really boring people from the doj now you know by the way all of them should have been laughed at because if they were still there they would know this was going on uh so a lot of high and mighty people you never heard of and will never hear of again names that will not be in history or in washington and then she's already talking about another oversight of course yeah take a listen folks i have asked for along with chairman maloney a damage assessment by the intelligence community and a briefing to congress will you get one have you heard from the director of national intelligence i have not heard back yet but i'm confident we will get one and i'm confident the intelligence community will do a damage assessment that is i think fairly routine when there has been the potential risk of disclosure of national security information or classified information look if this is as serious as adam shifts acting like it is well that's for sure and second by the way soon we can get rid of adam shift's power let's make sure that happens by the way i mean remember even when we take back the house in november with the election don't take back until january these guys are going to do everything they can they're on they are on a like a tear they're in kill mode it's like how do we take them out as much as possible because when i you know betting wise i'm losing all my power in three months so what can i do to try to destroy donald trump between now and then well i think look i think the fact of the matter is you said it i mean i they call it kill shots and i hate using that term but that's what it is they have been looking for that against donald trump for five years yeah so now they did they have upped the ante this is more than a special counsel investigating you know the russia collusion this is the execution of a search warrant meaning they found probable cause that crimes have been committed and that the evidence of those crimes weren't more or longer the President's primary residence in florida and they went to a judge who disqualified himself from a civil case involving donald trump and hillary clinton but then signed a search warrant that was just six weeks ago but signed a search warrant in a criminal case involving donald trump i mean folks as we go to break think about that for a minute how could that possibly be the case we'll take your calls at 1-800-684-3110 we have an update on a couple other cases of the aclj we come back from the break but 1-800-684-3110 share this with your friends yeah folks we encourage you to support the work of the aclj that's at where you double the impact of your donation that's do a matching challenge through the month of august so we've got a group of donors who will match that donation that comes through you take the initial action they match what else will you find there on the home page you're going to find a brand new piece by a former secretary of state former ci director mike papayo about the dangers of the mar-a-lago raid you won't find that piece anywhere else that's up at donate today if you can we'll be right back welcome back to secular final segment we're taking your calls at 1-800-684-3110 let's go to paula in new york on line one hey paula hello hey you're on the air my fault sure thanks for taking my call um so what i'm hearing from the intelligence community really is the issue that he has sensitive or classified or top secret information um and ultimately my impression is that the status of information is determined ultimately by the President while in office i don't know if that can apply after he left office and then the procedures for declassifying information is really um determined by the President as well through executive order correct so well it's a bit more complicated than that so agencies can determine that information that they have that they're generating whether it's going to the President or elsewhere is classified and what level the classification is where you are correct the President as under his authority as commander in chief has the authority to declassify any document any document the President could say this is i no longer deem this classified and it's not classified now the former President has made statements or at least issued statements saying these documents from some of his his folks have said these documents were declassified here's the issue though the issue is the department of justice thought they had probable cause that a crime had been committed we now know what those crimes are obstruction of justice classified documents Presidential records acts i mean okay but they go to a judge who recuses himself on a previous case involving the President and hillary clinton but he's willing to sign a search warrant then they execute the search warrant and they lo and behold get attorney client communications they tell the the former President's team hey we've got we've got these attorney client communications here and uh we're not giving them back to you what we're going to do and we're not getting them to a special master we're going to give them to a taint team to review that's another set of fbi's eyes on it that may then a filter team that goes to a taint team so you'll get a three sets of fbi's eyes on it does anybody believe cc house or senior counselor the aclj that these information is not being reviewed by the fbi this attorney client information does anybody believe that no because it's it has to have been reviewed one when they picked it up that's the first time because they had to say okay this is something we're going to see and go through it put it in the box they took it so you have one set of eyes on it and then they probably had to look through it again and say oh well maybe we need to send this to the filter team or the the taint team and so then someone there's looking at it and then they're going to send it back to another set of eyes probably at that point so yes they have seen it multiple times so why not have a special master appointed why not when the trump people said let's get a special master to look at this they didn't do it explain that to me because with all the issues that the fbi's been dealing with with this President with this former President while he was President all of the irregularities i'm being kind when i say that they don't follow the rules what it has to do with him because like they can't figure out how to follow the rules they get so ahead of themselves i think so hyper this drum beat for him to be arrested and you know usually that would have been you know coincided with a lot of this and the fact that they get caught off their feet and what are you actually looking for you've got all these privileged documents the truth is what we all have to be i think notice right now is that you have a doj led by a guy who's feeling most of the pressure from the left and he's taking he's making decisions based off political pressure and that's mayor garland clearly wasn't prepared for this when he did his press conference seemed scared to death that he you know someone might shout out a question that he wasn't going to answer the President went into hiding you know it's the whole thing the steps are very obvious about what's happening let me take your next phone call though 1-800-684-31 today let's go to frank on line two hey frank hey guys thanks for taking my call uh i have a question if the judge had recused himself why hasn't trump's lawyers already you know declared it as invalid well what they would do is they would file a motion to quash the search warrant and then argue that the documents obtained were the fruit of the poisonous tree there's a supreme court precedent on that this is this is textbook law that if you get evidence from an illegal search it cannot be used in a subsequent proceeding why they haven't filed it i have no idea maybe they did and just it hasn't made the news but but that's normally what you would do is you would try to quash the evidence that was illegally overseas once you have a court order saying that the search warrant was improperly obtained that's what you have to do first and i think they they actually can could file that because here this magistrate recused himself saying that he could not be impartial or he would he would be basically um partial and biased and so you know in this then warrant afterwards he doesn't recuse himself so i think they have a a solid argument yes but every day that goes by that they're not doing it doesn't matter i mean this is the problem they this should have been filed when was this warrant executed thursday uh the the 11th 11th monday last monday i mean it's a week now maybe they filed them we just don't know but my goodness i would have been in court on this the next day pounding the table yeah i mean let's go to chris in texas online five hi chris hey guys the secular man of the day thanks for taking my call i have the question i have the question it's kind of um that i had in the back of my head so all these classified documents that were unclassified by donald trump they say that only 60 of them will really have made it to the public eye maybe these are documents that he's declassified it's never made into the public and now that they have an active investigation into it that means that if they call chris ferre or anybody else in front of it to say we can't talk about matters that are pending investigation are are matters that are under criminal that's what they're gonna that's what they have to say when they've got a matter that it's pending in a criminal case they will say that that's not a that's not an if chris they will now you're asking the question about the declassification and go ahead i think if they have to get into that argument the fbi already lost the fbi is lost because there's nothing clear on this except for the fact that the President can declassify as easy as when you're President you could walk up to a podium anywhere in the world and just start reading the most highly level secrets of the united states out and at that moment you've declassified them correct so the fbi making that argument in court it's pretty tough to say what's what that's why President trump said you know i we assume we made broad declassifications rick rinnell was part of some of those as well i mean came in to say this remember rick's other broadcast over and over when they came in stuff's overly classified to the point no one can get the info they need including we're going to do broad declassification not page by page but literally everything involving hillary clinton russia was declassified that means any document in there that has hillary clinton russia wasn't classified under the understanding of President trump now if the fbi starts taking that stuff to court against that penny you realize it it's not nuclear coats and it's and again who are they protecting here i have a feeling who they're protecting is hillary clinton peter strock lisa page that group and that whole crossfire hurricane thing yes which was the beginning of the investigation yeah because that i think has been declassified yeah i think they're doing washington's bidding they're trying to go in there explain what that is to people because i think there's probably documents in their position that don't shed good light on the fbi the doj hillary clinton that's it's just speculation but why on earth it's like they're treating it very seriously but not seriously enough to actually execute the word the day you get the search uh you get the grant to do it in fact not the next day or the next day but then the next day because you know god forbid they work on the weekend these law enforcement agents they didn't want to go i guess do a raid on saturday in palm beach they spend the weekend in palm beach and then we'll execute our raid on on monday but you've realized when they talk about it's such national security risk you wouldn't wait one minute before you had the vehicles good you're getting ready but they did because it's incompetent it's it is an infested organization of politicians playing law enforcement officials i don't think it gets any more dangerous than that because they got guns you know and the ability to arrest you and put you behind bars and take your documents and raid your house but it is politicians playing law enforcement and that's very scary support to work with aclj at touch the bar
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