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God’s Handiwork

Our Daily Bread Ministries / Various Hosts
The Truth Network Radio
May 15, 2024 8:00 pm

God’s Handiwork

Our Daily Bread Ministries / Various Hosts

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May 15, 2024 8:00 pm

On July 12, 2022, scientists awaited the first images of deepest space from the new James Webb Space Telescope. The state-of-the-art telescope can look farther into the universe than mankind has ever looked before. Suddenly a breathtaking image emerges: a color space-scape of the Carina Nebula, never before seen like this. One NASA astronomer quoted Carl Sagan, a noted atheist: “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting.”

Sometimes people can look God in the eye and not see Him. But the psalmist David looked into the sky and knew exactly what he was seeing: “You have set your glory in the heavens” (Psalm 8:1). Sagan was right that “something incredible is waiting,” but he failed to acknowledge what David clearly perceived: “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them” (vv. 3-4).

When we see images of deepest space, we are amazed, not so much because of technology, but because we’re witnessing the handiwork of God. We marvel because in the vastness of creation God has made us “rulers over the works of [his] hands” (v. 8:6).  Indeed something “incredible is waiting”—God, waiting to bring believers in Jesus to Him. That’s the most breathtaking image of all.

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Welcome to today's encouragement from Our Daily Bread.

The reading for today titled God's Handiwork was written by Kenneth Peterson. On July 12, 2022, scientists awaited the first images of deepest space from the new James Webb Space Telescope. The state-of-the-art telescope can look farther into the universe than mankind has ever looked before.

Suddenly, a breathtaking image emerges, a color space scape of the Carina Nebula never before seen like this. One NASA astronomer quoted Carl Sagan, a noted atheist, somewhere something incredible is waiting. Sometimes people can look God in the eye and not see him, but the psalmist David looked into the sky and knew exactly what he was seeing.

You have set your glory in the heavens, he said in Psalm 8. Sagan was right in saying that something incredible is waiting, but he failed to acknowledge what David clearly perceived. When I consider your heavens, David says, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them? When we see images of deepest space, we're amazed not so much because of technology, but because we're witnessing the handiwork of God.

We marvel because in the vastness of creation, God has made us rulers over the works of his hands. Indeed, something incredible is waiting. God, waiting to bring believers in Jesus to him when he returns. And that's the most breathtaking image of all. Today's Our Daily Bread devotional scripture reading is Psalm 8. What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands.

You put everything under their feet, all flocks and herds and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth. Let's pray. Creator God, we are amazed at the glory of the heavens and the beauty of your handiwork. Thank you so much for caring for us in the midst of your wondrous creation. And it's in Jesus' name that we pray. Amen. Thanks so much for listening today. My name is Wes Ward, and today's encouragement was provided by Our Daily Bread Ministries.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-05-15 21:31:10 / 2024-05-15 21:32:38 / 1

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