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Of Prayer and Dust and Stars

Our Daily Bread Ministries / Various Hosts
The Truth Network Radio
July 24, 2021 8:00 pm

Of Prayer and Dust and Stars

Our Daily Bread Ministries / Various Hosts

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July 24, 2021 8:00 pm

Lara and Dave desperately wanted a baby, but their physician told them they were unable to have one. Lara confided to a friend: “I found myself having some very honest talks with God.” But it was after one of those “talks” that she and Dave spoke to their pastor, who told them about an adoption ministry at their church. A year later they were blessed with an adopted baby boy.

In Genesis 15, the Bible tells of another honest conversation—this one between Abram and God. God had told him, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am . . . your very great reward” (v. 1). But Abram, uncertain of God’s promises about his future, answered candidly: “Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless?” (vv. 2–3).

Earlier God had promised Abram, “I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth” (13:16). Now Abram—in a very human moment—reminded God of that. But note God’s response: He assured Abram by telling him to look up and “count the stars—if indeed you can,” indicating his descendants would be beyond numbering (15:5).

How good is God, not only to allow such candid prayer but also to gently reassure Abram. Later, God would change his name to Abraham (“father of many”). Like Abraham, you and I can openly share our hearts with Him and know that we can trust Him to do what’s best for us and others.


Hey friend, welcome to today's encouragement from Our Daily Bread.

The devotional for today is titled, Of Prayer and Dust and Stars, and it was written by James Banks. Laura and Dave desperately wanted a baby, but their physician told them they were unable to have one. Laura confided to a friend, I found myself having some very honest talks with God. But it was after one of those talks that she and Dave spoke to their pastor, who told them about an adoption ministry at their church.

A year later, they were blessed with an adopted baby boy. In Genesis 15, the Bible tells of another honest adoption, this one between Abram and God. God had told him, Do not be afraid, Abram.

I am your very great reward. But Abram, uncertain of God's promises about his future, answered candidly, Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless? Earlier God had promised Abram, I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth. Now Abram, in a very human moment, reminded God of that. But note God's response.

He assured Abram by telling him to look up and count the stars, if indeed you can, indicating his descendants would be beyond numbering. How good is God, not only to allow such candid prayer, but also to gently reassure Abram. Later, God would change his name to Abraham, which means father of many. Like Abraham, you and I can openly share our hearts with him and know that we can trust him to do what's best for us and others.

Today's Our Daily Bread devotional scripture reading is from Genesis chapter 15, verses 1-6. After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision. Do not be afraid, Abram.

I am your shield, your very great reward. But Abram said, Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless? And the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus. And Abram said, You have given me no children, so a servant in my household will be my heir. Then the word of the Lord came to him. This man will not be your heir, but a son who is your own flesh and blood will be your heir. He took him outside and said, Look up at the sky and count the stars, if indeed you can count them. Then he said to him, So shall your offspring be.

Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness. Now let's pray. Heavenly Father, thank you for caring about even the most intimate details of our life. Thank you also for allowing us to speak openly and honestly to you about our fears and doubts and for reminding us of your promise to care for our every need. Thank you, Lord. It's in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Today's encouragement was provided by Our Daily Bread Ministries.
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