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MS Top 6 Season 4 #7

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
April 19, 2023 5:00 am

MS Top 6 Season 4 #7

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick

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April 19, 2023 5:00 am

Matt gets calls on Biblical Theology. Matt has answers on Biblical Theology. The sound bites are from Roy Rogers "Happy Trails To You," "I've Had The Time Of My Life" by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes, "Had The Time Of Your Life," by Green Day, "Goodbye," by Nylons, and "Goodbye My Friend," by Linda Rondstadt. The questions come from people all over the world.  We've compiled the six most memorable of the week. Number 6 to #1! 

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This is the Truth Network. In those times when Adam and Eve, Adam was creative and woman was creative Eve, who was documenting this? You know, if it's just, it's, you know, obviously God was there and Adam and Eve were there. So what Adam and Eve could have done was passed down the words, the dialogue to their descendants. Because I mean, you think about it, they fall, they're outside the garden, they have children and the children say, Mom, Dad, what was God like? And they'll sit down, I'll tell you, because we walked with them.

We saw him. I mean, that's what they could have said. I'm sure they did have conversations like that, even though it's not recorded.

I'm sure that occurred. And that the words of dialogue that were there were recorded by people as they heard them being passed down. At some point, Moses had access to those writings, those records. And we don't know to what kind of access he had. Was it simply oral or was it written or was it a combo? Was it some other sources we don't know about?

We just don't know. We do know this, that Jesus himself attributed the Pentateuch to Moses. So Moses, at the very least, compiled some previous information and put it together. And it is the authentic truth because God worked through him to do that. When Adam and Eve were in the garden, they saw what kind of form would he have been in order for them to see him?

Yeah, that would have been most probably what we call an anthropomorphic form, Christophany. The Bible teaches us that the God the Father can't be seen, John 1 18, 1 Timothy 6, 16, John 6, 46. And yet they saw God in the Old Testament in many places, Genesis 17, 1, 18, 1, Exodus 6, 2 and 3, Exodus 24, 9 to 11, Numbers 12, 6 through 8, and here. So when it says that Adam and Eve, you know, they walked with God, I don't think it says they saw, but we can certainly assume that.

He was in the garden with them walking. Now who was that? It was the pre-incarnate Christ. Jesus did not exist until 2000 years ago. Now Jesus is by definition the person with two natures, divine and human. The pre-incarnate Christ, the second person of the Trinity, is eternal. But that eternal person was joined to a human nature 2000 years ago, and we call that joining the person who has the two natures, we call that person Jesus.

So when people say it was Jesus' New Old Testament, I understand what they mean, but technically they're not correct because the union of the incarnation had not yet happened there. But they're just talking of the pre-incarnate Christ, and that's why I say the pre-incarnate Christ. All right, so it was probably an anthropomorphic form as a human being, a manifestation, not an incarnation. There's a difference between a manifestation and an incarnation. An angel can manifest in human form as can God, and then they can walk around a corner and dissolve. But an incarnation is what Jesus is, and that's permanent.

And so it was a manifestation, most probably the pre-incarnate Christ in the garden that they saw and interacted with. My grandfather was a deacon of a church, and he worked every day of his life until he retired. He was just an upstanding kind of guy.

There was nothing good in any of us except God, but if there was something good, he would be the epitome of it. After my grandma died, he kind of lost a little bit now. He's suffering with Alzheimer's and dementia. He hasn't spoke to any of us in years. He's blessed. We did see him. He hasn't been in church in years.

He cusses everybody out. I know that we can't lose our salvation, but how would God deal with something like that? Is it just lose possibly some of the rewards that we might have stored up in heaven? What you're reminding me of is the thing of revenge, and I've been thinking about the idea of revenge and why God says, revenge is mine. Let me be the judge.

And I was thinking, why is that? It's because only God knows all the circumstances and all the conditions of the heart. He is the one who will judge rightly. God knows all the conditions. If this man's brain is just frying and he's saying things and doing stuff that he normally would not, certainly God knows. And this is the effect of sin.

You can have the effect of sin be in glaucoma and people go blind, or you can have it in Alzheimer's and other things. And God is the one who just works it. And he's the righteous judge. He will work all of it together, and it'll be the best, whatever the outcome is that God decides on that day of judgment. So both my parents are gone, but if one of them was in that condition and was just foul, I would say to myself, that's not him or her. That's the decay of sin, an effect on the body doing this, and that person will be freed from it soon.

That's how I would look at it. We hope you've enjoyed this episode of Matt's Slick Stop Six. For more on Matt and his live syndicated call-in radio show, go to Got a question? Matt Slick has your answer. This is the Truth Network.
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