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MS Top 6 #37

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
June 9, 2021 5:00 am

MS Top 6 #37

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick

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June 9, 2021 5:00 am

Matt gets calls on Biblical Theology. Matt has answers on Biblical Theology. The questions come from people all over the world.  We've compiled the six most memorable of the week. Number 6 to #1! 

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Matt Slick

This is the Truth Network. Monday through Friday, Matt takes calls from all around the world on his radio show. We've compiled this week's best, Matt Slick's Top Six.

Number six. What does inspired mean by God? How it works out is that everything that is recorded in the Bible is accurate. So, if it records a murder, it's accurately recorded.

If it records that someone lied, that too. If Paul is giving his opinion, it's that opinion from God. He was called by Jesus, performed miracles, and was ordained by God to write scripture. So, even his opinion as he is writing is under inspiration.

Number five. There's an ancient document suggesting that Joseph had children prior to Mary. I had never heard that before. What are your thoughts on that, please? Yeah, I've heard that, that he had children prior. One of the reasons inside the scriptures that they hold to that is that Joseph isn't mentioned later on. So, when Jesus was 12, he was around.

But after that, there's no mention of him. So, some think, as was often the custom out there, that an older man would marry a younger woman. Then he would die off and neither would remarry or be taken care of by the family and things like that. So, that's just cultural support of evidence for that, but we don't know if that was the case. The Roman Catholic Church, of course, will teach that Mary remained a virgin.

I deny that. I believe she had other children with Joseph. She obeyed the command of scripture to multiply and fill the earth. There's nothing sinful about husband and wife having relations in marriage to produce children.

Number four. Why should you have to pay to hear God's word? No, you don't have to pay to hear God's word. You should never have to pay at a church service to hear God's word. A lot of these churches want you to pay the person that was there. The pastor is worthy of the wages that comes to him.

Now, in 1 Timothy 5, 17 and 18, the elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching. The scripture says, You shall not muzzle the ox while he is threshing, but the laborer is worthy of his wages. So that's really interesting that the word wages is used in the context of preaching and teaching. So we have the right to earn from the work that we do, the living from that work. To me, I work 50, 60 hour weeks every week and I make a living off of what I do. Nothing wrong with that.

Number three. Since the Catholic Church is the apostate church. It is. How is it that ecumenism is so widespread? We actually saw a Baptist Church that had a banner out front saying it was the Lenten season and wanting the Baptist to do the sacrifice of Lent. How is it that we've gotten off track like that and the Protestants are following the Catholics? They don't trust the Bible. They don't believe the Bible. They don't take the Bible seriously. And when you take the Bible seriously, you don't do Lent. You don't do the mass. You don't do praying to Mary. You don't pray to the saints. You don't add works to salvation. The only Catholic Church is apostate and the Protestant Church is slowly moving in that direction as well.

Number two. As a Christian, I work at a secular business and a lot of my co-workers use a lot of folder language squares. I worked at Hewlett-Packard as a contractor fixing computers and there were like 40, 50 guys on the team. And we had a special room we could go into and only by a pass key and things like that because we had a lot of tech stuff in there. And so once they got behind that door in this closed room, they became foul. I never said anything.

I never said don't talk like that. And when they would say bad jokes or whatever, I would just politely walk away and then they came to me. And this happened when I moved up to Boise, Idaho, too, the same thing. After about three months, they clued in. They said, look, we've noticed you don't cuss, you don't do this, you don't tell bad jokes. And I just said, well, because I'm a Christian. To my surprise, they started changing their behavior around me and I never asked them to.

Number one. So I heard a sermon the other day and a pastor was talking about the punishment that was bestowed upon Eve and Adam in the garden in addition to being thrown out. His theory was that in addition to eating of the fruit, that Eve actually had relations with Satan for a child, which was Cain. And he used a verse in 1 John to collaborate that. And he said that's why Eve was sentenced to painful birth. He was saying that your seed, first of all, he said you and Satan will be enemies because they had the relations.

And you will want the man I originally gave for you, which was Adam, and he will rule over you. That pastor should step down and never speak again because he does not know what the scriptures teach. He does not know what the truth is. He's teaching false doctrine. The guy couldn't argue his way to have a wet paper bag. If the opening was there, a neon light was pointing the way out.

He had a rope with people pulling, okay? You guys give up or you're thirsty for more? He's a very strange man.

He's an idiot. This is the end, beautiful friend. You're still here? It's over.

Go home. I always trust a guy named Matt Slick on the radio. We hope you've enjoyed this episode of Matt Slick's Top 6. For more on Matt and his live syndicated call-in radio show, go to Got a question? Matt Slick has your answer. This is the Truth Network.
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