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MS Top 6 #28

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
April 7, 2021 5:00 am

MS Top 6 #28

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick

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April 7, 2021 5:00 am

Matt gets calls on Biblical Theology. Matt has answers on Biblical Theology. The questions come from people all over the world.  We've compiled the six most memorable of the week. Number 6 to #1! 

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Matt Slick's Top 6. Well, that's just what happened. You know, I mean, I don't know any of the attributable stuff on that. What I'm thinking about is Josephus.

You may have heard something and wrote something down, but other than that I wouldn't know. No 5. Will God hold us responsible for not working to save souls? Yes, if He's called you to do it and you don't. No, if He's not called you to do it and you don't do it. Generically speaking, we're all called to do this, to share the Gospel one way or another. and for the most part most every Christian does but there are going to be circumstances where you know say a mom is at home and and just has what we have in San Diego the moms group which was all Christian moms and you know you don't really kind of get out of that circle for two three four years and so you don't really share the gospel because you're already with me so is that excusable of course it is but normatively speaking we're all supposed to share the gospel and if we can great if we can't we understand you know legitimate reasons we can't you know number four Biden I think approve of abortion and homosexuality thing I mean are we like Sodom and Gomorrah yes we go to Romans 1 the last couple of verses and read 28 29 30 32 just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer God gave them over to a depraved mind to do those things which are not proper being filled with unrighteousness wickedness eat greed evil full of envy murder strife deceit malice their gossip slanderers haters of God insolent arrogant boastful inventors of evil I mean that's right there you know how many genders are there you know vendors of evil disobedient to parents without understanding untrustworthy unloving unmerciful and verse 32 and although they know the ordinance of God that those who practice such things are worthy of death they not only do the same but also give hearty approval to those who practice them and this is what's happening now number three I know your article says that believers can baptize each other and I just wanted to confirm the validity it's called the priesthood of all believers this is one of the things that the cults don't like and Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy don't like the priesthood of all believers means we all can act in a priestly sense in the sense that we can bring others to know who Christ is we can intercede for them in prayer and other things because we have that authority we have that in Jesus so a truck driver if he's Christian love the Lord walk away the Lord he can baptize your husband no problem nothing in Scripture says you must have it be done by a pastor or an elder or anything like that nothing in Scripture says that's the case number two is sorrow required for like a true repentance I I ask because I I know personally my own own life I've been struggling in that way like I I know what's wrong and I you know it's telling me that I can't feel sorrow okay so people are different you know for example I have Asperger's been diagnosed professionally so I've Asperger's last burgers people tend to not feel as much connection with a lot of people they're not as emotionally needy as a lot of people are so when I go to pray about something there's a lot of times I don't have any sorrow you know for a particular sin except to say well Lord I'm sorry I'm doing this and I know it's wrong please help me and so with me for example it's more intellectual but for a lot of people it's far more heartfelt well which one is the right one I would say both are because we're different the Bible says in Romans 12 to and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so God wants us to think understand these things just preach the Word of God is all I'm saying I'm sick and tired of walking around here like I have a third eye and a third head it's very simple this isn't a medical issue this isn't a political issue this is a spiritual warfare they made that very clear when they said that churches had to be closed and yet we dispensaries and strip clubs were open this has been a target on the church since day one and we have to pray that this demonic deception leaves the church we have to stand up and be the salt of the earth in the light of the world what are we doing sitting in the corner praying the reason why I started evangelizing was because you said pray and go we need more men like you that will speak the truth you know JB Hall I heard of sermon of his he said that we are not to empathize we're to sympathize because sympathizing makes you do things so starting today all the believers up there if you truly take care about your communities your family and you know the truth don't send any further by sitting on the truth just to appease your brothers and sisters that don't understand what's going on be the light be the leadership that you want there to be in Jesus name we hope you've enjoyed this episode of Matt slicks top six for more on Matt and his live syndicated call-in radio show go to truth Network calm got a question Matt slick as your answer this is the truth Network
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