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MS Top 6 #22

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
February 24, 2021 5:00 am

MS Top 6 #22

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick

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February 24, 2021 5:00 am

Matt gets calls on Biblical Theology. Matt has answers on Biblical Theology. The questions come from people all over the world.  We've compiled the six most memorable of the week. Number 6 to #1! 


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This is the Truth Network. Monday through Friday, Matt takes calls from all around the world on his radio show.

We've compiled this week's best, Matt Slick's Top Six. Number six. The issue about Mark and Elijah is they did ascend, did they not?

Yes, they did. So the heaven that Jesus is talking about is the presence of the dwelling place of God, and that's John 3-13. In Jewish cosmology, there are three heavens. The first heaven is where the air is, the birds. The second heaven, where the sun is, the stars and the moon are. The third heaven is the dwelling place of God. So when it says Elijah and Enoch were taken up into heaven, it's talking about the first level.

It doesn't mean they went to the dwelling place of God. Number five. How do you know when a conversation is just over? It's just, it's an art. I've debated different levels with people before and just said, look, I'm done talking to you because you refuse to believe the truth. So we're done. And I've had people say, what, are you quitting? Are you a coward? No, it's just, I've just talked to you so many times about this that, you know, you're just not listening. I've had others where I've wanted to further it because people are listening and I want to expose the person's illogic, unscriptural position and use it as a teaching opportunity. And so sometimes I'll go beyond what I normally would have quit at.

You know, it just kind of depends what you want to accomplish and how you're feeling that day. And you ask the Lord and, and I'll do that during debates. Lord, just give me words, you know, just give me words, not my words, your words, Lord.

Number four. I was recently having a conversation with a guy and he looked under the assumption that only the children of believers would go to heaven. As far as someone saying that children of believers can go to heaven, but not the unbelievers. I understand that because what they're talking about is covenantalism and covenantalism is very biblical, but does it necessitate that conclusion?

No, it doesn't. So people could say that and that could be their opinion and they could raise some verses to support that because the sanctification of a married person, children are sanctified in the marriage if one of them is a believer. So from that they could make the case, well, we will conclude that they go to heaven and the ones who are not sanctified in the believing parent don't. But the Bible doesn't say that. You can't say that any clearer than saying all children, one, neither one is definitive, I guess. That's right.

It's not definitive. Number three. You know, I love theology. I'm a big theology fan, but we, we, we must remember the most important thing is applying the teachings of Christ, which means loving your neighbors, respecting your neighbors, not lying, not stealing, not cheating, you know, just applying the teachings as opposed to trying to learn as much theology as we can, which is, I love theology. I'm a big fan of yours, but I think sometimes that gets lost in the Christian faith. You know, we get caught up on knowing so many isms and so many terminologies that we don't apply the basic teachings of Christ, which this world needs to see right now.

I agree with you. That's why I tell people, oh, absolutely. I tell people that you behave based on what you believe. So we need to study doctrine and know these things and then we need to carry it out. If you just got a bunch of head knowledge, you're not doing anything, you're not, you're not learning. You're not doing what's right.

That's right. Number two. Why do you believe the Bible to be the word of God? I feel like a lot of Christians, they know that the Bible is the word of God, but when posed that question, they're not really sure how to answer it. So I just wanted to see like what your answer to that question would be if somebody who was not a Christian asked it.

Well, what I'll do when a non-believer asks me the question, I'll say, I believe the Bible is the word of God because God in his great mercy through the Holy Spirit has opened my heart to trust in the incarnate word as well as the written word. Then I go to John 10 27, you know, my sheep hear my voice and I know that when they follow me, I'll give eternal life to them. So it's the issue of us knowing the voice of Christ. And I say, you know, the Bible says in John 1 29 that God grants that we believe.

And Jesus said in John 10 27 that his sheep hear his voice and follow him in the Bible is the voice of God. So this is how we know. Number one.

I pray that the Lord God through because of and through and in the name only of the Lord Jesus Christ and because of the Holy Spirit and the precious priceless powerful blood of the lamb that he would bend me and break me and shatter me into numberless pieces until my heart is left as nothing but a volcanic fire burning with passionate love for the Lord Jesus Christ that extends through my whole entire being for the glory of God alone. Wow. I wish you were my neighbor. We hope you've enjoyed this episode of Matt Slick's top six. For more on Matt and his live syndicated call-in radio show, go to Got a question?

Matt Slick has your answer. This is the Truth Network. One of our generous sponsors here at the Truth Network has come under fire, fire from the enemy, fire for standing up for family values.

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