The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network Podcast.
I hope that you make a good strong effort to vote and if you want to call up and talk about candidates, I'll be glad to and in politics and things like that, I have no problem. Okay, so now I just got back a week ago from 19 days on the Footsteps of Paul tour, went to Turkey and went to Greece and then went to Italy and it was a great trip and I talked to Eric Johnson today. Eric Johnson, he's the guy who puts these trips together and we just do it with him. He does a good job. He delivers.
He's good. He called me today and he said he's working on another trip. A year from now, a year from this month, to Jordan. It's already filling up. Now Jordan's interesting. It has Petra there and some other stuff and it's really good. We'll get some more information out about that but if you're excited about that, I'm just getting the word out.
He's probably going, that's too soon. Well, okay. If you want to give me a call, as always, the number is 877-207-2276 and if you want to email me, that's easy to do as well. Just direct your email to info at
In the subject line, put in radio comment or radio question and that should be fine right there. Alright, so there you go. Alright, now let's see. I'm doing a little adjustment on the camera here.
This is a slight thing. It should be really good, right? Let's see if it works.
If it's not working, it should work. Well, that's okay. If you want to watch the show, not that it's any big deal, but you can just watch me sit here in the office and do this. All you have to do is go to forward slash matchslicklive or you can also go to YouTube and just type in matchslicklive. I think it's a live thing. I think it's on YouTube.
I think if you just go to YouTube, matchslicklive, all one word, you'll find the show. That's okay. No, I'm not muted in Clubhouse. Don't know what's going on there. Everything should be working. I'll check. We have little technical problems every now and then. It should be working fine.
Everything's looking good. I'm not sure what we'll have a problem with, but unless someone undid something I don't know about, it should be working. Let me try this right there. That's not how it's supposed to be. Then I'll go back to that.
That's how it's supposed to work. There you go. We have comments coming in. If you want, you can also watch on Twitter.
That's right. I forgot about that. What's the address for Twitter?
Maybe Laura can tell me. We're working on that. I'm still fighting the cough, so I'm hitting the cough button frequently. All right.
We have nobody waiting. I suspect it is because people are out voting. They're more concerned about that than calling in, which is fine. Which is fine because I can teach on all kinds of things. Maybe what I'll do is get to the radio questions.
I'll do some of those right now because I think that might be a good idea. Let's see. That's right. It reminds me. I saw an email just reading and it reminded me of something that happened in Greece. About three weeks ago, three and a half weeks ago it was in Greece. We were going to go see a canal built between two bodies of water.
I didn't see it. Everybody else went on this bridge and looked over. I was talking to two Jehovah's Witnesses. They spoke Greek, of course. One of them spoke English half and half. So I'm trying to witness to them and trying to convey the truth of Christianity and the falsity of the Jehovah's Witness organization.
It was very difficult to do. What was interesting was I asked them a couple of times to look in their Bible. I'll show them the verse about something.
We were talking about 20 minutes. I wasn't expecting it and I should have been, but it was in Greek. Of course it's going to be in Greek. I was able to look at the verse and read some of the stuff in the Greek. I could tell the stupid Jehovah's Witness organization alters the Bible even in the Greek. It does that.
It's just bad. I told the guy that's not what it's supposed to say. It's not what it is in the Greek. He goes, just right here. I said, no, no, no.
The watchtower changes it in the Greek. He goes, go check. He's frowning. I said, no, go look. Go research. I said, but here's something to think about.
What I did was I did focus on something and this seemed to carry some weight with them. It was the false prophecies of the Jehovah's Witness organization. I told him that there were false prophecies and I got my phone. My phone is really cool because it folds open. It's one of those folding phones. Not a flip phone, but it's actually a folding phone. I use tech a lot.
I use it a great deal. So right there's a good example that I was able to open up the false prophecies on my website. I was showing it to him and he was looking at it. I kept quiet and he's trying to understand.
I could tell he was going to look confused. So I helped him out and I said, look what it says right here. This is for anybody thinking about Jehovah's Witnesses. There's proof, absolute proof that they're false. It's from their own writings. It says in April 1st, 1972, page 197, so does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come.
These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is this prophet? This prophet was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footsteps, followers of Jesus Christ known at that time as international Bible students. Today, they're known as Jehovah's Christian Witnesses. Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a prophet of God. It's another thing to prove it. So I showed this to him and we went through that quote and I said, see, the Watchtower claims to be the prophet of God.
And he got that. Well, check this out. We didn't have time to go through all of these, but we went through one or two and it shook him up. I could tell because we went through some of this stuff, but I'm going to just go through them because nobody's waiting right now.
It's going to be a slow day because it's election day. I think about might as well just do this about the Jehovah's Witnesses false prophecies to show and prove that this is a false organization. Because it says in 1897, they said, our Lord, the appointed King is now present since October of 1874. So Jesus was present.
Present where? Well, some say the earth, some say the heavenly kingdom, whatever. In 1899, the Battle of the Great Day of God Almighty, which will end in AD 1914 with a complete overthrow of Earth's present rulership, has already commenced. So the Great Day of God Almighty, which was to end in 1914, the great day of the battle.
It didn't happen. In 1916, it says the Bible chronology here in presented shows that the 6,000 year days beginning with Adam are ended and that the great seventh day, the thousand year reign of Christ began in 1873. A lot of people don't know this, but there was a movement and out of the movement there, Jehovah's Witnesses formed.
I think Christian Science was influenced by it as well. And it was the group called the Millerites and some others around that area in that time. And they were talking about 1260 days out of Daniel and from a certain marking point. And anyway, they were making these prophecies about Jesus coming back to the kingdom in the mid 1800s.
And of course, it failed. And the Jehovah's Witnesses were part of that. A lot of people don't know that, but they were.
So here, check this out. In 1918, they said this millions now living will never die, page 89. Therefore, we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the apostle at Hebrews 11 to the condition of human perfection. So the prophecy is that 1925, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the faithful prophets will return.
That's what it says in 1918. In 1922, they said in Watchtower, September 1st, 1922, page 262, the date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the scriptures than 1914. And 1923, our thought is that 1925 is definitely settled by the scriptures as to Noah. The Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith than Noah had upon which to base his faith in the coming deluge. So, I mean, Noah, he heard the voice of God, but the Jehovah's Witnesses have even more evidence and reason to believe than that.
So, that's what they're saying. 1925 comes along. The year 1925 is here. With great expectation, Christians have looked forward to this year. Many have confidently expected that all members of the body of Christ will be changed to heavenly glory during this year. This may be accomplished, it may not be.
In his own due time, God will accomplish his purposes concerning his people. Christians should not be so deeply concerned about what may transpire this year. So, the Watchtower just spent one, two, three years, 1918, 1922, 1923, saying that 1925 is definite, it's going to happen. And then they said, you should be too concerned about it.
Well, that's interesting. And then 1925, again, they said it is to be expected that Satan will try to inject into the minds of the consecrated the thought that 1925 should see an end to the work. That's September 1925, Watchtower, page 262. You know, this reminds me of the Ministry of Truth in the novel 1984. If you have not read that, you really need to read it. I've got to warn you, there's a little bit of nakedness and some fornication in there because Aldous Huxley was an atheist. But aside from that, you really must read this.
It's one of those books, the top 100 books that you must read, that's one of them. And the reason is because something happened in the Ministry of Truth. The same kind of thing that happens in 1925 in the Watchtower organization and the same kind of thing is happening with the news media today. The Ministry of Truth, what they did was they would say, there were two nations that were warring and they said nation, it was A and B. I forgot the exact names, but one nation was the bad nation and that they were the enemy.
And this is how it was for years and years and years. So in the Ministry of Truth, they switched it so that the first group was now the enemy and the other one that was the enemy was now the friends. Except that what they were saying is that this was what was always taught. And this is clever. And in the book Ministry of Truth, people were brainwashed enough to believe whatever the media in that situation told them. And they just believed it.
Same thing happens in the cult mind. Hey, there's the music. No, I'm not out of here yet.
We've got a break. Give me a call. 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show.
I'm going to finish up on the J-Dub stuff and then we'll get to Rusty from South Carolina. We also have three open lines if you want to call me. 877-207-2276. I want to hear from you. You can give me a call. It is easy. Also, you can give me an email. To do that, all you have to do is send it to info at and put in the subject line radio comment, radio question. If you want to watch on X, it's at, C-A-R-M-O-R-G. C-A-R-M dot org, but there's no dot in it. That's how you find it.
Let me finish with the J-Dub stuff. Then in 1926, it said some anticipated that the work would end in 1925, but the Lord did not state so. The difficulty was that the Friends inflated their imaginations beyond reason. You can understand something about the cult mind. I've been studying cults for over 40 years, and in the cult mind, they can believe one thing and believe something contradictory and justify it. When the cult mind refuses to take responsibility for its own beliefs, the person doesn't do the homework, will believe whatever media is told to them. This media here in this sense is the watchtower organization's magazines and books. We have the media on TV.
It includes Fox and CNN and ABC and MSNBC. We need to make sure that what they're telling us is true. Don't just believe what they say. Do a lot of research. There's lots of ways to do that. To that end, I'm going to recommend something here. This is something I've been using for years, and I've recommended it before. I might as well do it again. There is an app that I use called Conservative News Pro.
You can get a free version and a paid version that's not very much, like five or ten bucks. It puts a lot of conservative news outlets in one place, so you can get a lot of information. It's really interesting because the media is dominated by the left. The reason I'm kind of segueing into that is because of what I've seen in cult mentalities I see in adherence to political parties and in sports games and things like that. The same kind of a thing being given over and giving yourself over to something and then other opposing views are automatically dismissed and not valid. This is dangerous because it means that you will adopt whatever you've already said is the truth provider. If you believe that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is the truth, then whatever it says is true. If you believe that MSNBC or Fox are the truth, then you believe whatever they tell you. That's not how it should be. You are responsible for checking things out on your own.
Let me go on here. In 1931, the Watchtower said there was a measure of disappointment on the part of Jehovah's faithful ones on earth concerning the years 1914, 1918, 1925, which disappointment lasted for a time. They also learned to quit fixing dates. Don't fix dates anymore. Yet, in 1968, they said, why are you looking forward to 1975?
It goes on. The thing is that liars contradict facts. They contradict themselves. Then they justify it with inane persoflage.
Inane persoflage is just kind of an illogical, almost logical, but not really logical bunch of verbiage that is phrased to try and get you to be persuaded. It's cult stuff. I read it a lot in cult magazines, particularly the Jehovah's Witness Organization magazines. I used to read them regularly.
It was pretty obvious how bad they were. Cult mind. It's there. It's alive and well. Hey, if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276, let's get to Rusty from South Carolina.
Rusty, you're on the air. Hey, how are you doing? Oh, I'm hanging in there just fighting a cold.
But other than that, I'm doing okay. Yes, yes. That's good. Okay, so when we die, are we going to be judged right then or will we be judged after everyone has lived on earth for a thousand years? The judgment occurs later. Now, it's not a judgment for salvation for the Christians because the Christians have passed out of judgment. 1 Corinthians 8, 1, I believe it is, or is it Romans 8, 1? Romans 9, 1.
All these verses in my head. Yeah, there's no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8, 1. So we as Christians don't face that judgment of damnation. However, our works will be judged. That is a fact.
Our works are going to be judged. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. Okay.
Yep. So what that said is, from my understanding, when we be judged by that, it depends on how we will live in heaven on earth. Well, we don't know. So we know we're going to heaven. If you've trusted in Christ, for example, and you love the Lord, and you're not perfect, okay? I'm not perfect.
That's just how that is. But we're trying, okay? So you and I both will go to heaven. And we're both going to face the judgment seat. He's going to say things like, I don't know if it's going to be exact words.
I don't know how it's going to work, but let me just kind of represent it in human terms. We're going to be facing a judgment, and he might say to you and me, I gave you guys gifts. What did you do with them?
What did you do with them? Now, me, I'm gifted. My wife is very gifted in being obnoxious and irritating. So, hey, I just play that gift for my wife all the time.
She rubs her forehead a lot. Now, I'm a teacher, and so I teach, and I hope I'm teaching right, which is why I'm always open to being corrected. Now, someone else might not have that gift. Their gift might be prayer. Their gift might be just helping people.
It doesn't matter what the gift is. Imagine what you're doing with what God has given you to do. Amen.
Amen. So how will I know what my gift is? Is there a way to find out how? Yes, absolutely. What you do is very simple. It's simple, but it's not.
It's simple, and what you're supposed to do is not so easy to do it. First thing to do is you get on your knees or stand up or drive, whatever it is, and you ask the Lord to reveal to you the gifting that he's given you and what he wants you to do with it. You pray this on a regular basis. Hallelujah. You just ask him. Hallelujah. Ask him.
That's right. And then what happens is things in life, let's say you want to try, I'm just going to make this up because I knew a guy who did this. You want to try a canned drive at the church for homeless people, let's just say. I knew a guy who did that, and it was bad. It didn't work out very well, and he was really bothered by it, and I said, No, don't be bothered by that. You tried to serve God, and it just didn't work out. What else are you going to do in your service of God? Because a lot of times what happens is we'll do something that finds out it's not right for us or the situation. That's okay. God's showing us what we are supposed to be doing by also showing us what we're not supposed to be doing.
But even what we're not supposed to be doing, he teaches us in that as well. Now hold on, buddy. Amen. We've got a break. Hold on, man.
We've got a break. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey, everybody, welcome to the show. Welcome back.
It's at the bottom of the hour. If you want to call me, the number is 877-207-2276. Let's get back on with Rusty. Are you still there, buddy? Yes.
Yes, I am. Okay. So that's what you do, all right? That's what you've got to do. You've got to try. You've got to try.
And I've got to say one more thing. Listen to the inclination of your heart. Now the heart's desperately wicked and deceitful, Jeremiah 17, 9. But what I mean is do you get fed in your heart, warmed in your heart by serving someone, by changing someone's tire, by tithing, by praying for them, by teaching on the radio, by writing a book, by whatever it is, helping at a church, setting up chairs, take them down, because God, he will reward in your spirit with peace and a desire for the thing that you want to do. That's why you have to experiment with trying different things to see what works. Okay?
Yes. I'm in school for, I'm taking up theology because I'm learning things I didn't know and it's giving me more knowledge and wisdom that I can teach to my kids. And I notice that they enjoy it too, but I don't want, but sometimes I come to, I guess, being shy when I try to say it or tell someone else. That's all right. And then, and one more question, like how do I know when the enemy is being, like, since I've been doing this, I've been having so many distractions and I know that's not God. Well, you never know. God could often distract you for a reason. He could actually be the one distracting you, that there could be a reason for it. But generally we want to say that the devil is the one getting in the way, stopping you from doing something.
You've got to remember, the Holy Spirit forbid Paul from going into a certain area to preach and teach. So we've got to be careful. We don't always want to assume everything from the devil that seems to be negative because God's going to test us. So what you've got to do is you've got to prepare in prayer and then just trust and go. And you'll gradually figure it out. You'll just gradually figure it out. It takes a while. And if you make a lot of mistakes, like say you call me up in a couple of months and you say, hey man, I took your advice and man, did I make some mistakes?
I'm going to laugh and say praise God. Because that's what you have to do to find out what you're good at. Just like in sports. Right. What can you do?
You've got to try stuff. Oh, I'm good at that. Right. Right.
That's true. Okay. Okay. All right. Thank you. You're welcome, brother. God bless.
Keep studying. You too. All right. Yes sir.
All right. Let's get on with Chris from Ohio. Chris, welcome. You're on the air. Hey. Hey. Hey. I just wanted to call and thank you.
Okay. So probably about six months ago I called and I was like, hey, I'm an atheist that married a Catholic and went to Catholic schools and I found this reformed Baptist church and I've been going there for three years and what do I do? And your advice was let them hug you.
They didn't pressure me at all. And I wanted to share with you my come to Jesus moment was when I was reading, I think it's in Galatians where Paul was in Arabia for three years and I was at that church for three years and I was like, he had to turn around his thought. He was the 8th day Benjaminite and he persecuted the Jews and he had to go out in the desert and think about how I'm going to change my life after the way I've lived and reading that and then justifying what the acts because it was like Barnabas just took Paul but he didn't take him that quickly and I was like, it took me three years to say, you know what, you can't live this way anymore, Chris. And he told me, just be patient, let them hug me and I did and I got baptized and I wanted to tell you thank you. Wow. Well, praise God. Now, I've got some questions I've got to ask you though, okay?
I mean, I don't want to make light of that, man. It is awesome that you were an atheist now, you know, with Christ. That's awesome. Now, I've got to ask you some questions, okay, because the pastor in me, okay, got to ask some stuff. Is it okay if I kind of quiz you a little bit?
Just a little, nothing big. Yeah, well, now you can quiz me, yes. All right.
Okay. So, what church is it you're baptized in? What church? Yeah. Was it a Catholic church or a different one?
It was, no, it was a Southern Baptist fundamentalist church. Good. Okay.
Good, good, good, good. As long as it wasn't Catholic. That's what I... You want to hear something funny and I don't mean to interrupt?
No, go ahead. My wife's Catholic, one of the Catholic priests, he came to the baptism and is black. Wow.
It was a big deal. Maybe he can get saved. Really, I'm serious, because Roman Catholicism... I think he might have been.
You never know. But Roman Catholicism is not Christian. It's a false religion. There's a lot of bad stuff in it. Oh, I know, but we're dating public schools, we're so bad that I had to get pulled out and put in a Catholic school.
We had to pay a lot of money and just keep from getting beat up. I went to the Catholics, but I was like, nah, I mean, I know all the problems with the Catholic religion. Well, good, brother. I wanted to hear what you wanted to say about his three years in Arabia. I'm reminded of Moses, 40 years of learning he was somebody in Egypt, then 40 years in a desert being reminded that he wasn't anybody, and then 40 years after being used as nobody. God often puts a desert in someone's path and to discipline them, to prune them, to hone them. Jesus was in the desert for 40 days. Paul had to go to the desert, too.
It's a time of purification, and the analogy I use is actually a desert. If you're going to go through a desert, say it's a 50-mile journey, it's just you. You're getting all ready. You've got a backpack, you've got a trailer pulled behind you, solar panels, you've got a portable jacuzzi, whatever you've got, all the stuff you're going to need. You're going along, the sun's coming up, you put your umbrella up, this isn't that bad. About the third or fourth day, you're going, this is bad, I don't need to carry this anymore. I don't need that, I don't need this, I don't want anymore. Because it becomes an adventure in finding out the minimum of what it is you need to have for a proper relationship with Christ. By the time you get out of that desert, you've got nothing left.
That's what it is. I was in a five-year desert myself, a five-year desert, where I would pray, oh, I'm serious. I would pray, and as far as I was concerned, my prayers weren't being heard. I didn't feel God, didn't feel his presence, nothing for five years. I remember going through it, and I didn't lose my faith or anything, I wasn't challenged, but what was purified was one thing. Do I believe in Jesus Christ, God in flesh, died on the cross, rose from the dead for three days, and were saved by faith in what he did, or do I not? That was the thing that it came down to, and of course I do, but it needed to be purified even more than what it was, and once I got to that place, the oasis was then there again. Everybody's got to go through it, it seems.
The clear water flowing. Yes, and you'll probably have it, you'll probably have it, because you're a slimy atheist and now God's got to fix you, that kind of thing. Well yeah, I was more than slimy, but the beautiful thing is that people are like, well they're fundamentally Baptist, and they never asked me once, like, when are you going to get baptized, they didn't pressure me at all, all they did was love me and love me and love me, and I was just rock bottom, because I was like, well what do I believe in, and it's like, you've got to pick a side, you've got to choose, dude, you're an adult. That was your desert, yeah.
That was my desert. That's a little one, you may have a couple more for you to go through, but there you go. Yeah, well, anyways, I know you have other callers, and I just want to say thank you because I asked you what to do, and you said let them hug you, and that's what they did, and I'm saved. Well, praise God, brother. Praise God. You know, I'm just, I'm joyful to know that God has called you, and that you've trusted in Christ. Now, like I said, at the risk of tooting my own horn, go to Carm and learn theology, learn who Jesus is and stuff in the Christian doctrine section, and just get grounded, you don't need it. Praise God.
I have, I'm reading City of God right now, I just, I can't get enough, I don't have enough, I'm 54 and I don't have enough time in my life to do everything I want to do now, but I'm so excited to explore it. Praise God. There's the music, we've got to go, but call back in a few days or a week and let's talk some more, okay? Let me know what you're doing, all right, brother?
Okay, thank you so much. All right, man, God bless. God bless.
Oh, wow, that's awesome. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages, praise God. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, man, welcome back to the show. Let's get on there with Courtney from Ohio.
Courtney, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt, how are you? Hanging in there. Hanging in there. That was a very sweet caller.
Yes. That was really sweet hearing that. It was so nice. That was nice. It was so nice. It was great. You could hear the joy in his voice. That was really good.
Amen, praise God. The reason, yeah, the reason why I was calling, usually I'm calling to pick your brain and then you teach me or tell me something. This time I'm just calling because I was just wondering if you've ever heard what I'm about to say, it's something I read in a book called God's Final Warning to America and there's a section, there's a chapter about abortion and in the chapter it references Proverbs 16 25 where it says, you know, when a man thinks something is the right thing to do but its end is the way of death. I read that when a woman has an abortion that her chance of breast cancer increases by 50% and if any abortion thereafter that also increases it and I had never heard that or read, like all the rhetoric that you hear about abortion, I just wonder if women knew that. Have you heard that before?
Yes, there's an increased rate of cancer among women whose hormones have gone into producing for the child and their body and then when that is cut off the body, it's the processes of not being taken care of properly naturally as God designed and there's problems that result and yeah, the risk of cancer increases quite a bit. I've known that for a long time. I've never heard that and honestly, I just, why? Because the leftist... Because people don't want them to know that?
They don't want it, no, because the enemy wants to kill, he's a destroyer and that's why. Well that makes sense. But I just wondered if that knowledge was not stifled, like that's why I was calling, I was wondering if you knew that and then for it to maybe be shared because I think women, they think that they're stopping a pregnancy and that's the end of it and there's no consequence and there is a huge consequence to their own body. So that's why I wanted to share that, I was like, wow, I've never heard that before and it makes so much sense. Yes, and there's also the emotional damage that is done for women. I can't relate to the idea of having a baby in my own body that your body produces and nourishes and gives life to and then kill it. It's incomprehensible, what does it do to women? If women are not injured by that emotionally, it just tells you that their hearts are dead. It's horrible and they need Jesus, you know, they just need Jesus to be reawakened and forgiven. A lot of people don't know this, but the men, also there's a report of men's emotional difficulties when they're on that side of things.
Well sure because they didn't stop it, that would be hard too. And you need, trust me, you need the cross at that point. Absolutely.
Absolutely. I was just hoping, even if you had heard it, if you hadn't, just maybe if anybody was listening, that might be a good piece of information for them. And also, I just don't want to put, most of the time you're always hearing about women and abortion and as a mom, I just, if there's anybody under the sound of my voice at all, as a mom, when I had my daughter in my belly, I mean, it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. And then, once they're born, I mean, I think that the enemy is really trying to put out there, you know, that they're a hassle, that kids are a hassle, or too much money, and God says kids are a blessing and they are. I mean, my daughter, oh, she's wonderful, I mean, she is the epitome of Psalm 127. You know, she is a blessing, she is wonderful, and when you pour all your love into this person, and then they start loving you back, you're showing it, I mean, you know, starting to learn to talk and tell you that they love you, and they're hugging you.
I mean, I just want women to know, don't forfeit that. You know, God is putting someone in your life to love you, so that's all. And to love, I think women are gifted, better gifted than men, to be nurturers and the givers of that kind of love.
I think it's there, and it needs to be supported and encouraged instead of insulted. Yes, and made fun of because you stay at home, or you're in the kitchen, or whatever, but yeah, I just, I thank God for my daughter. She's wonderful. Praise God. Praise God.
And I thank God for my daughters as well. I know you do. I hear you. Yeah.
Even though they're not safe. Okay, well. But, you know. Well, we'll have to pray. Yeah, this is going to take a lot of prayer for my daughters. They're well entrenched in. Well, sometimes they have to hear it from somebody else.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, that's right. You know, because your dad, maybe they have to hear it from somebody else. But I'm saying it with a smile, my eldest daughter is famous for all the wrong reasons.
All the wrong reasons. Wow. Oh yeah, she's well known in her circle of things. It would take an act of God, the way he knocked Paul off the horse, it would take that for her. And it would be a tremendous blessing. But I don't know what God's going to do with her because she has absolutely turned her back on God. Absolutely.
And doing the most horrendous stuff with the money. So anyway, and you know what the funny thing is about turning it back to what you said? Even then, even there, you're still joy and loving your child and caring for them. It's just worth it. Children are such a blessing.
And I've got to say this one last time. They are. Oh, they're such a blessing.
No, I raised three daughters and I just fell in love with the age of two, two to three. They're so stinkin' cute. They're just adorable. I know.
Oh, I couldn't take it. They're just wonderful. And so when I see little two or three-year-old girls in the store, you know, they just smile because they're just so cute.
Okay, let me tell you this real fast. When my daughter was that age, we took her to the doctor and they gave her a shot. So when the doctor was sitting there, she was just standing in the room, you know, we didn't think of anything.
She was just standing on the other side of the room. All of a sudden she runs over to the doctor and bites him in the leg. Whoa. Wow.
Like, I know this guy and he's giving me shots. And so that was it. Yeah. So she was protected. We cracked up. Well, you know, I was in a store with all my daughters once and they're all nice looking. And my wife's really good looking. And so this man, just a stranger, he comes up and he says, your daughters, wow, they're all really nice looking. I says, yeah. And he said, they got all the good looks from you. I'm like, what? Because I look like a bag of rocks. I'm like, what are you talking about? He says, because you got none left.
And oh man, he totally got me. I was laughing, but I never forgot that. But at any rate, yeah, the children are a blessing. They are.
Well, I will be praying for your daughters. Thank you. Yeah. Appreciate it. You're welcome. Talk to you soon. All right. Okay. God bless. Okay. Bye bye. All right.
Actually, you know what? I just thought of something. I have another daughter and I'm going to make a request for you to pray for her. I can't say details, but let's just say she's going through a very, very, very difficult time and another daughter, God knows who that is, and that God would use this to reach into her heart.
Just ask the Lord to bind the evil one and speak into her heart so that she would trust in Christ, definitely. It's a huge request because it's a huge need. All right. Let's get to Jamal from Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Jamal. Welcome, man. You're on the air. Hi, master. Thank you for taking my call, as usual. Hey, brother. I like it when you call, man. You're good.
What do you got, man? Thank you. Appreciate it.
I got that name my day. Well, you opened up the floor to talk about voting day and politics, so I figured, well, I might as well go ahead and take that opportunity. Okay.
Go ahead. I heard her earlier on Truth Talk Live, a show that comes out a little bit before yours, and you're probably aware, but for those that don't, it's a call-in show, so Roger Gilmore, the Christian car guy, he was asking people who they were voting for, and he asked some people that were voting for Harris, and they said, well, I'm voting for Harris because he has a good demeanor about her, how she carries herself well. He's all about love, and other guy, he's so mean, and I don't sense love from him, and I'm like, we're not electing a guy to run the points out here. I don't know why we have such emotionalism over evangelism, over Christian biblical values.
That's right. This guy's going to be in charge of the economy, he's going to be head of command and chief of the military, he's going to be meeting with foreign dignitaries. I don't need a guy that's just going to be all ooey gooey and talking about love and emotionalism and all that, so when I heard that on a Christian radio station for people that are claiming to be Christians, you know, I got rather perturbed, so I'm just calling you guys to say, hey, look guys, that's the radio audience, don't go for emotionalism. Emotionalism is a paper tiger, it's empty, it's hollow. You can't run the economy on emotionalism, that's a number of the facts, and Trump did it, and not only did he do it well, but he did it to also profess in the Bible, you know, promoting and supporting Christian values.
Hey, I could have said it better. You're right, I'm astounded people vote for Harris. She's incompetent, she's a buffoon. She's the one who was in support of defunding the police. She's the one who, I forgot what city it was, wrote a bill so that people could be, they could steal and not be prosecuted. She is the one, as the borders are, that got invaded from the borders, and from the left, she hasn't stopped it, and we know why, so they get more votes, they can make it illegal. So the left can't be trusted, and she's the leader of the left right now, and so I'm just blown away that she has any chance at all, but this is how bad America is right now.
It's anemic and sick, that's right. Yeah, and the list goes on. You got her VP pick, which is almost even more left than she is, putting tampons in boy's bathrooms, and from what I heard, her wife was saying, her wife, his wife, was saying, well, this might raise test scores if we put tampons in boy's bathrooms, because it's going to be kind of emotional distance, or emotional learning, and I said, you guys cannot be serious.
You guys cannot be operating on that, you can't have all your paws in a litter box. That's right, oh man, we're out of time, dang. You got to call back tomorrow, we got to talk, because it'll be interesting to see what happens when we talk tomorrow about it, and Mike from North Carolina, Mike's got a good question.
How will God punish America for being unfaithful? That we got to talk about tomorrow as well. Hey, God bless. Talk to you later, Jamal, and also Mike, and that's it. We're out of here. May the Lord bless you, by his grace, back tomorrow. Talk to you then. This is another program powered by the Truth Network.
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