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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
December 6, 2023 4:45 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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December 6, 2023 4:45 pm

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE--Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST.-- -Topics Include- 05- Witnessing to Roman Catholics.-20- Once saved always saved, can you lose your salvation-41- Abortion clinic named after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Jr.'s mom.-46- Is Jesus still a man---55- Do you need to be a member of a church to take communion---37- Assurance of Salvation.

Faith And Finance
Rob West
Grace To You
John MacArthur
Faith And Finance
Rob West

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. If you want to give me a call, the number is 877-207-2276.

Today's date is December 5, 2023. I want to hear from you. We're getting close to Christmas. If you want, give me a call. We can talk about all kinds of stuff, whatever you want to talk about.

I want to hear from you. Please, you can do that. Also, just to let you know, you can email me at info at if you have a comment or a question.

You can email me at info at if you have a comment or a question. Radio question, radio comment. Can we move to the air? Let's get to Alan from Virginia. Alan, welcome. You're on the air.

Hey, Matt. How's it going today? It's going. Busy day. Busy day, but a good day.

What do you got, man? Well, I just wanted to thank you in God's grace for the opportunity to witness, or recently for a while to someone. I'm a little confused. You're praising God for your ability to witness. You had an opportunity to witness? Yes, but I'm also thanking you for helping to teach me so that I was able to utilize it. Oh, well, good. Well, praise God. What was it you learned, or what was it that helped?

Well, let's see. What was it I learned? I learned that, well, from this person, because it was like a four or five hour conversation, so I had to think about that. There's a lot of stuff you cover then, but that's okay.

I don't want to put you on the spot there. So the radio show helped you, I guess, you learned some stuff. Is that it? Yeah, that in your church. So that helped a good bit. I basically used up like 90% of my apologetics knowledge in that conversation. Good. And then you probably found out some things you need to study because that's just always how it is. You know, it still happens to me.

Oh yeah. They used to be a Roman Catholic, but in Ireland, but apparently the Catholic Church, at least they went to, did stuff a little bit differently than what I've heard Roman Catholics do. So that's interesting. Well, there are different divisions within Catholicism. People don't know that. And different countries have different traditions. And so Catholicism in Latin America is very idolatrous, very superstitious.

You know, with Mary and you got to do all this stuff about Mary. It's just, she's a goddess to them. And in France, for example, not so much, but then their indulgences are welcomed and things like this. So there's different emphasis in different cultures, different countries.

So there's different, yeah. One of the things that he mentioned was that there's, because my understanding from researching this a little bit is that, so Catholicism does faith plus works, but the reason, so for their position to be air quote accurate, they have to deny what they're doing is works. So yeah, that's the one thing I'm starting to understand from their position. But one of the things that their reasonings and why it was not works is there was something like, because I told them that the reason I don't agree with Roman Catholics, like one of them is that they put faith plus works because they don't agree with the sufficiency of the atonement for the, for the send debt from Jesus, the sacrifice on the cross. So they have to add to it.

They have to add to it. But his, his response was that they believe his death allows them to basically like Arminianism kind of stuff where it's like, they allow his death allows them to be able to come to God or something like, something like weird, weird mumbo jumbo with that. And I'm just like, I look at, I forget what verse it was, but I look at the verse with the send debt and it's like, does anywhere in here give show that it gives like clarity to anyone about that and not just talk about the send debt forgiveness. Sorry, did I explain that in like.

Yeah. Last one kind of lost me there, but the first one, the first part you're right. They do good works are necessary, but they don't call them good works. They call them things that they do because they love God and he gives them the grace to do stuff, but it's not saved by their works.

And so it's double talk. And paragraph 2068 says you obtain salvation through faith, baptism, and the observance of the commandments. And then paragraph 2036 says that keeping the natural laws necessary for salvation and 2070 says a natural law is represented in the 10 commandments. So keep the 10 commandments as necessary for salvation. So what they do is they add works to salvation while they say they don't.

And it's just hypocrisy and it's dishonesty. So Titus three, five is important. He saved us not on the basis of deeds, which we have done in righteousness. That's what they say in their righteousness.

It comes from God. They do good works that contributes and maintain certain position with God, but it's only by God's grace. So it's really saved by grace. So it's just a lie from the devil is all it is.

Yep. When they say that the, you have to follow the commandments, are they referring strictly to the 10 commandments plus ignoring the Sabbath or the 613? Well, they, there's three divisions of the law, the priestly and the judicial are basically done away with. They go with the moral law. And then what they'll do is they'll say works of charity. You have to keep works of charity. And, uh, I love that because they'll say, well, that's not works. It's not, um, charity is not works of the law.

They don't like living your neighbor and, and helping them and things like that. And that's what you have to do. Those are the kinds of deeds you're supposed to do.

And so I trick them and I say, really, really. So what do you say works of charity are like feeding the poor and helping the poor and, and giving to charity and, you know, helping each other out and, you know, being honest when you're buying and selling and things like that. And they go, yeah, those are works of charity. So good, because all those are in the Old Testament. I have a paragraph that I will read to them, you know, feeding the poor Leviticus 25, helping the poor Leviticus or Deuteronomy 15, not oppressing the stranger XS 23.

And I go on and on and on. I say, what works at charity are Old Testament laws. Don't tell me that it's just charity. Yeah. Yeah.

It's a, it's a very slick deception. The Roman Catholic church is, the devil's working well through it. What were, what were some verses that basically, um, say that we, we don't need, we don't need to look at the law for salvation. Romans 3.28, we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. Romans 5.1 says having therefore been justified by faith. Romans 4.5, which says to the one who does not work, but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith, his credit is right.

Those are the three that I go to a lot. You can go to Galatians 2.16 also, which says, uh, that's good. Yeah. And I, but Romans 4.5 is particularly powerful because of what it actually says. And, uh, I say, I use logic with them, uh, but to the one who does not work, but believes in him, who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness. I'll say, look, you have two things, faith and works and works is removed. So that's faith alone, isn't it?

And they don't like that, but it's true. If you have two things and one's removed, it is by itself. Okay. So I see that that's faith alone to the one who does not work, but believes no works necessary. Well, this works of the law.

Really? What works of the law is it talking about? And show me from the context that that's what it's talking about. And then, because there's all they want to do, all the Catholics want to do, all the ones that I encounter who want to debate me on this, all they want to do is bow to the Catholic church, bow to the Pope, bow to Mary, bow to the magisterium, bow to their sacred tradition, bow to the authority of their church. Their church has replaced Jesus. You can't go straight to Jesus. You got to go to the Catholic church.

The authority is not just in Jesus. It's in the Catholic church. And then that's why I listen to the radio Catholic radio locally here and they'll come home to the church. Not come to Christ. It's come home to the church.

And Jesus says in Matthew 1234, he says, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Well, they speak about their church. They're ecclesialitrists.

Ecclesia is the Greek word for church. And so ecclesialitrists are church worshipers. They worship their church. They serve their church. They bow to their church. They are ecclesialitrists. And I call them idolaters frequently in their doctrines of Mary. And it's just ridiculous.

Yeah. I wonder how they would feel if they had leprosy in older times and they were pushed away from towns and they couldn't go to their church, how they would feel if they were saved or not. Well, they would say that God, you know, he's merciful, he's gracious, but the normal ways of the means of grace, sacerdotal means, is the authority of the priesthood found in the Roman Catholic church that has access to the treasury of grace earned by Jesus, Mary, and the saints. Mary's up there with earning the grace.

And it's a treasury. It's like a vat of gold coins, gold grace coins up there. And God, through the church, the authority of the church divvies them out to you. So you have to go to the authority of the Roman Catholic church, paganism, pagan, the Catholic church is pagan with the idolatry of Mary. It's superstitions.

It's medallions that have powers in them that protect them from evil spirits, say repetitious prayers in order to get people hopefully in the rosary to get, get their sins forgiven or, or, um, uh, through the indulgences and various things that they do to have punishment reduced. It's just, it's just pagan. It's just paganism. Yeah.

It's just so much paganism and Catholicism. I remember hearing about, yeah, I don't like you either. I, uh, I remember hearing, uh, for my friend years back about how they were going to get there. They were giving a, uh, some kind of some kind of Bishop blessed medal to one of their Catholic friends or whatever as a gift.

And I was like, Oh, okay. But at the time I didn't know, you know, I call it, I call it a talisman. A talisman is in the occult and witchcraft and, and things like this, where you have a certain object that has had a ceremony done over it and upon it. And it then is something you carry with you to protect you from evil and or open up doors and things like this spiritual thought, the talisman. So what they do is they have the priests bless objects.

Then you take the objects out and you do stuff like that. Well, they'll say, when I bring it up, I say, it's idolatry. That's, that's, that's, um, a talisman.

It's all called practice. And they'll say, well, no, no, no. They had handkerchiefs that were sent out.

And I said, no, no, no. Don't you don't understand the handkerchiefs were those that belong to the apostles. And they were just, you know, they were, because the apostles had power, they had authority and it was even those handkerchiefs it helped in the shadows helped. Well then it's not the same thing as what the apostles called by God did. And when you guys taking objects and then you bow before them, like you do in the monstrance and you bow before statues and you bow before you wear these objects, they help you protect your evil spirits. It's not the same thing. And, uh, it's just paganism, paganism.

Catholicism is so full of paganism. Hey buddy, there's the music. We got to go. Got people waiting.

All right, man. Hey folks, we have one open line. Give me a call and we'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody. Welcome to the show. And before you give me a call, we've got to wake up.

Uh, no open lines right now. Let's get to Jamal from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Jamal, welcome. You're on the air. Hey Matt, what are we doing, Will, sir? By God's grace, I am. Man, I'm so blessed. I'm so blessed.

So what do you got, man? I thought it's going to be, I'm so blessed. It's going to be kind of follow up behind that. Oh, there was, I was just saying, I thought of saying until I look in the mirror, but you know, what are you going to do? You know?

And then I'm like, Ooh, man. Yeah. So, all right. What do you got, man? You know, uh, I disagree, man. I think you have a face for radio. Um, you know, man, you missed it by one second.

I was taking a sip of coffee. You almost, you almost got me to spit it out. So, uh, that's good.

You disagree. Oh, you got a face for radio. That's good. Thanks a lot, brother. Appreciate it. Good stuff. All right, man. Um, I do have one gripe to, one gripe to give you before I get to my questions. Um, I listened to your show yesterday and you had half a show. And I'm sitting here, cause I try to listen to you as much as I can.

It's like going to church with half a sermon, you know, I was like, wait a minute. Um, well, it's, it's because, but I want to pull from it. Well, I hate, you know, uh, it turns out is I I'm doing a doctorate program, which I keep saying, I don't know if I'm going to continue in it. I'm really close to just dropping out now, but it just depends on how this paper I got to write goes.

If I feel like it or not, I really don't feel like it. So I just, you know, it's four years of this. I'm probably going to bail, but, uh, that's why. So I had to leave a half hour early and then they didn't have the class because the teacher was recovering from surgery.

So I just worked on other stuff. That's what it is. That's what it is.

So you don't want to be called Dr. Slick. Wouldn't that be a good thing? Oh, I do. I think it'd be great, but it's four years and I'll be 67 next week.

So we're talking, you know, I'll be 71 by the time I get a degree. Is it really worth it? So I don't know.

I just don't know if it's worth it. I don't know. Well, uh, one last thing and I became a question. Happy birthday.

Happy early birthday to you, sir. You're quite welcome. Um, I had a, uh, little discussion, uh, with a friend of mine a while ago, and I think I brought this question to you before. Uh, a friend of mine said that, um, once they've always saved and I said, well, I don't know about that. Uh, if you reject Christ after getting saved, won't that kind of negate, you know, you being saved in the first place, because it also says that if you reject me before, before my father, something like that, then I will reject you.

I just wanted to bring that by you one more time. Yeah. And, uh, I believe you cannot lose your salvation. Okay. And, uh, I can tell you why, from what Jesus said in my opinion.

All right. They'll give you a scripture and a logical necessity for it. So Jesus says in John 10, 27, 28, my sheep, hear my voice. I know them.

They follow me. I give eternal life to them and they shall never perish. And notice that Jesus relates eternal life and never perishing. And no one will stash them out of my father's hand.

Okay. So now we go to John six, 37, all of the father gives me will come to me. It doesn't say all who come to me, the father will give the one who, who the father gives to the son. They're going to come. That means there's a group given by the father to the son to save.

Okay. Because he says that all of the father gives me will come to me. The one who comes to me, I certainly will not cast out for I've come down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me. This is the will of him who sent me that all that he's given me, I lose nothing. The will of the father is that Jesus not lose any. Can Jesus lose any? No.

Okay. And he goes on in verse 40, this is the will of my father, that everyone who beholds his son and believes in him will have eternal life. And I myself will raise him up on the last day. So notice that in verse 39 and 40, eternal life and not being lost are also equated. You see my goodness. John six, John three 16.

Okay. What does it say? It says, God's love the world. He gave his only begotten son that whoever would believe would, uh, have everlasting life and never perish.

And he does again, he says, never lasting life and never perishing are together. Now here's one more thing. Okay. This is where I mess people up. Now Jesus.

Okay. Our sin is breaking the law of God. First John three, four sin is lawlessness. You have sinned. I have sinned. Sin is a legal problem among other issues, but not only a legal problem, but it's a legal problem.

Okay. So sin, Jesus says, uh, our father of heart in heaven, how would be thy name in Matthew six, 12, he says, forgive us our debts. And the parallel Luke 11, four, he says, forgive us our sins. So Jesus equates sin with legal debt. That's what Jesus does.

All right. In first Peter two 24, it says that he bore our sin in his body on the cross. So that means our sin was transferred to him. Now here's the question. Was all of our sin transferred or just part of it?

Well, all of it. Absolutely. Now, absolutely. Now I'm gonna read, uh, Colossians two 13 and 14. When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, he made you alive together with him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us.

He's taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Now there's some logical issues here. Cause I say to people, what's the certificate of debt? And they say, well, it's a sin debt. I go, you're right.

I agree. And it says, having canceled the certificate of debt, it's gone. When's it canceled? When you believe, when you get baptized, but read it, I'll see the text again and then see if you can answer the question according to the text, when's it canceled? Having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us. He's taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.

So when is a certificate of debt canceled? On the cross. On the cross. Not when you believe. Oh my goodness. What does this mean now? Well, that's right.

There's no to it, but here comes, here comes an answer to the rescue. Jesus says in John 15, I think it's John. Oh, excuse me, John 10, 15. Uh, he says, I lay my life down for the sheep. That's who he lays his life down for. In verse 11, I'm the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. But he says to the Jews, to the Jews, he says, you're not of my sheep.

He said, you're not my sheep. So if, yeah. Oh, a lot of people do. Now, if Jesus bore our sin, your sin and my sin, which is future to the cross, then all of your sin and all of my sin is paid for. Because it can't be, for example, let's say Bob, hypothetically becomes a Christian at 40 and loses his faith at 60.

Let's just say that. So 2000 years ago, Jesus bore all of his sin or part of his sin. Because if the sin that's canceled, you can't be held responsible for it. It's gone. People say, well, you're going to exploit yourself.

No, the application does not depend on you. It's canceled at the cross. What Jesus did made it real, not what you do. We've got a break coming up.

I'll continue with this to show you the logical necessity out of it, which also logically means we can't lose our salvation. I'll show you why. So please hold on. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right. Let's see. Jamali, are you still here, buddy? Yes, sir, I'm still here. All right. So you're ready for the coup de gras? You're ready? I'm ready.

All right. So there's a man every month, he goes to the bank on the first Monday of every month and he pays his mortgage. He loves doing it.

It's his ritual. And this one day on the way to the bank, he gets in a car accident. He's in a coma for two months.

During that period of time, a philanthropist goes and pays off his debt at the bank. It's canceled. Now here's the question. Is the debt actually canceled? No. Yes, it is. The philanthropist paid it.

It's paid, right? Okay. Got you. Right. So it is actually canceled, right? Yes.

Okay. And the man doesn't even know about it. So the man, miraculous recovery, he wakes up, Hey, I got to pay my mortgage. He rushes to the bank and says, here, you know, I was in a coma for two months. Here's my check. And they said, sorry, it's been paid.

We can't take your money. He says, I don't accept that. Well, so that has no bearing on what happened previously. The person's belief and application has no bearing on what actually happened. The Christians belief doesn't activate the work of Christ. This is the arrogance of modern theology today is arrogance. I have to believe I have to decide I have to apply to myself. Then the work of God in flesh on the cross becomes effective.

It's up to me to apply it. So it's the arrogance of modern theology today, but no, it says it's canceled at the cross. Who did he cancel it for? He canceled it for the ones given to him by God, the father. Okay.

So he can't lose it. All right. Well, that makes a lot of sense.

It does. Now, did he cancel for everybody who ever lived? Because if he did, then nobody could go to hell because all their sin is gone. Well, you're going to apply it to yourself. Nothing in scripture says that. So it's humanist philosophy that's been woven into pulpits all across America that are teaching bad theology.

So there you go. It doesn't seem like it. And, you know, it's clearly stamped out, not stamped out, but it's clearly written in the Bible. Then it kind of makes people wonder why is it not being taught or they just put some kind of humanistic spin on it. It seems like it does.

It seems like it is. Yes, because, in my opinion, it's because they don't study biblical theology and they've developed their own theology out of intuition. And they'll say, God would never do something like that. God would never choose someone for salvation, which is what it says in 2 Thessalonians 2, 13. It would never be that he predestines people, which is exactly what it says in Romans 28, 29. It would never be that he appoints people to eternal life, which is what Acts 13, 48 says. So, no, they want God to be fair. And this is what most Christians want. They judge God based on their own intuition and their own idea. They're idolaters in that sense. It doesn't mean they're not Christians.

It just means that, hey, they don't realize what they're doing. Oh, God would never do that. I know what God would and would not do.

How do I know? Because I just know. I know that God loves everybody equally and it's up to everybody's individual choice and free will. That's how it works. And that's right out of the book of 2nd Moronicals.

It is not found in Scripture. Right before I do the reckoning, right? All right.

Next, I do the reckoning and second opinions. And so the thing is, it's just I teach this to people and it upsets them. And the reason it does is because they're following the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian surfer Jesus dressed in a woman's nightgown, standing at the door of your heart, asking permission for you to let him in.

That's not the sovereign king. And if you go, check this out. Check this out.

Okay. This is biblical theology I'm giving people. This is what people need to believe. It's right there in the Scriptures. Just as He chose us in Him.

That's Ephesians 1, 4. He, the Father, chose us, the elect, in Him, Christ, before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless. He chose us for holiness. Because He's the Father is the one who chose the elect and gives them to the Son.

The Son redeems them. That's why Jesus says in John 6, 37, all that the Father gives me will come to me. And he who comes to me, I will not cast out. It's right there in Scripture. And I show people this stuff and they react.

They do not like it. And I tell people, don't react. Listen to the Word of God.

Well, wait a minute. He wants everyone to be saved. 2 Peter 3, 9. I go, yeah, don't forget, also, 1 Timothy 2, 4 wants all people to be saved, right? If that's the case, and you think it means every individual who ever lived, then why does Jesus speak in parables?

Mark 4, 10 through 12 says so they will not be saved. You have to harmonize all of Scripture. Don't just stop at one verse and say, this is what it means. I've decided that's what the entire biblical theological perspective is on that point. Because that's what it says right there. In John 3, 16, for example, God to love the world, that means every individual. And I say, where does it say every individual there?

It doesn't. What's what it means? How do you know what it means?

And I test them. I say, was Jesus sent to the whole world? And they say, of course he was. I said, no, he wasn't. And they go, yes, he was.

There you go. Your stupid theology, Matt. And I say, I just quoted Matthew 15, 24, where Jesus says, I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

He wasn't sent to the whole world. And I'd say, and plus, you know, God to love the world. He gave his only begotten son that whoever would believe the word, whoever is his hosts in the Greek, it's a rough breathing mark, Omega Sigma, like an OS, but it's not there in the Greek. What is there is all the believing one. There's so much that Christians, they just swallow hook, line and sinker, because I don't believe the pastors, a large majority, not a large majority, a lot of them, I should say, are not teaching biblical theology.

In fact, you know, the stuff about two men in the field, one is taken, one is left. That's the rapture. Everybody says, no, it's not the rapture. There's nothing to do with the rapture.

Read the context. And then today I'm just going off a little tirade. Today I responded to somebody who on a Facebook chat thing says a pre-tribulation rapture is true. And the reason is because God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation and the tribulation is a wrath of God.

And I said, you just took it out of context. Wrath is juxtaposed with salvation. It's not appointed us for wrath, but salvation. Not escaping pre-tribulation rapture and then salvation contrasted. No, it's how the Jews did this. It's not good or bad.

It's not left and it's right. It's not wrath but salvation. The word wrath means damnation, not escaping the rapture, I mean the tribulation. This is what gets me about so many Christians. They don't study the theology. They don't study it.

And then they condemn seminaries. Oh, I just got so tired of it. There. That was my little rant.

That's my rant. Okay. Always glad to hear it.

Always glad to hear it. Well, one last thing. I'm going to try to send you an email if you still want to have you talk to our guys at Bob Sturdick. Sure. You probably heard of it. It's called Wednesday in the Word. I'll drop the tape.

Hopefully he doesn't get mad. It's one of two episodes groups. I was lucky enough to get involved with it. So we're still trying to work that out.

He's a very great guy. If you see an email from Jamal about Wednesday in the Word, that's me. Okay.

I'll look. Send it out quickly and I'll check it into the show and I'll call you back and blah, blah, blah or whatever it is. If you want me to help you out in Bible study, I can do a lot of serious damage pretty quickly and it'll take you months to clean it up.

It'll be great for you. Yes, sir. Thank you, Mr. Slick and God bless. God bless, Jamal. We'll see you. All right.

That was Jamal. Now let's just jump over to, let's see if Mike's still on. Been on for 33 minutes. Mike, sorry. Hey buddy, you're on the air. Yeah, I'm still here.

I'm so old. I'm very patient. I've learned to be patient. And I love your rant by the way.

I thought it was great. Yeah, we call them that's rants. Yeah. This is a question and a kind of a heads up. Have you heard about the satanic temple, uh, abortion clinic where they perform abortions? These are with pills though, from what I understand, uh, from what I read in the article, it's in, it's in, it's explained in, in, in cosmopolitan, uh, magazine, I think it's in their Instagram page.

Um, but they actually have an abortion, a satanic abortion clinic that they named after justice Alito's mother, believe it or not. Well, I didn't even hear about it until I saw your note that the producer put in there. And so during the break I went and looked up three articles and I'm looking at the article and it has a red phone with a pentagram on it.

And then I scroll down and it has a, uh, uh, by TST accounting and all the T's are upside down crosses that move vertical. So yeah, thanks for pointing it out. I'm going to look at it, look into it, maybe write an article, do a video on it. Um, and this is, uh, helping out for something else you don't even know about, but, uh, yeah. Satanism is alive and well in America and it's, it's in the government. People don't know that, but it is.

And it's in some higher level of companies. Yep. Oh yeah. There's a break.

I will hardly believe that. Okay. All right, man. God bless. All right, man. God bless buddy.

All right. Hey folks, we'll be right back after these messages. We'll get to Mike from Durham, North Carolina. We'll be right back. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Welcome back to the show. Boy, let's get the mic. If you still want, it's a long wait, 38 minutes, but are you still there? I'm still here. Sorry about that, but that's a long wait. All right, man.

What do you got? Yeah. Um, the other night in one of the after shows you were talking to Ernie about vetting people and you came up with a couple questions. One of them was I think something along the lines of God's human. And then he moves on. Oh, Jesus is still a man. Jesus.

I'm sorry. Yes. Is Jesus still a man? Um, and I thought about it. I'm like, well, you know, the word was made flesh.

So I, is he like, am I missing something? No, he is still a man. And, um, so I'll give you several reasons why. For one, if you go to 1st Corinthians 15, 35 through 45, in that pericope, it talks about the resurrection of the body and that that which is sown is that which is raised. So my body, when I die, will eventually be raised to glory. It'll be the same body.

I don't know how it's going to work, but it's going to happen. Jesus prophesied his own resurrection in John 2 19 through 21. He said, destroy this temple three days.

I will raise it up. Speaking of the temple of his body after his resurrection, he appeared to Thomas and he said, John 20, 25 through 28, he says, put your hand into my side and your finger into my hand. So we had, he retained the crucifixion wounds according to the resurrected body. Furthermore, Jesus was baptized not to identify with sinners because John the Baptist baptism was a baptism of repentance. Well, Jesus had nothing to repent of. So he was baptized, as Jesus says, to fulfill all righteousness, to fulfill deals with the old Testament. And I'll just get to the chase really quickly here in Leviticus eight, numbers four.

Yeah. Numbers four, Leviticus eight and access 29. In those three chapters, you'll find what a man needed to do and, and be in order to enter into the priesthood.

He had to be 30 years of age. Jesus was 30 anointed with oil. Jesus was annoying with the Holy spirit came down on him. Verbal blessing given.

Okay. My beloved son, whom I'm well pleased and believe it or not, had to be sprinkled with water. That was the law sprinkled. Jesus was, I believe was sprinkled according to the law because he entered into the priesthood. He has three offices, prophet, priest, and King. So if you go to, uh, all you gotta do is read Hebrews, uh, five, six, and seven, and you'll see that he's the high priest out of the order of Melchizedek. So Hebrews, uh, six, 20 and seven 48 says that he lives. He's a high priest out of the order of Melchizedek and he lives forever to make intercession for us.

Why is all this important? Because if he is not a man right now, he can't be a high priest. You gotta be a man to be a high priest. And if he's not a high priest, we don't have an intercessor. So it's a critical and essential doctrine of the Christian faith that Jesus is a man right now. He has two distinct natures, divine and human.

We call that the hypostatic union, but he's one person and he will forever be in this humbled and humiliated state, so to speak for us, for every depth of work, that's who Jesus is right now on the throne of God. Okay. Okay.

I had, uh, kind of what I thought. What, why do you use that as a question for a litmus test? Because it's basic doctrine and we want people who are going to write for Carm, but I have to ask them basic questions because they may inadvertently give an answer that's not based on theological truth if they don't know things like that. So the kind of questions I ask people when I interview them, once they get to me, they're vetted by people before me in the ministry and then they get to me and I ask them, is he's a man right now? If they say yes, I get God's scriptures for that. And so just top your head, you know, generic, because I don't expect people to know what I know and then, you know, I've been doing this for decades, you know, all these little meticulous verses here and there. I don't expect that, but I want to know what the general idea, they can misquote it kind of, they're getting it right.

You know, I go, that's good enough. But I ask them about justification, sanctification, imputation, propitiation, predestination, election. What's the Trinity? Define the Trinity.

How many natures does Jesus have? Can you lose our salvation? What must you do if you say you lose it? What must you do to keep it? Well, you got to be good.

You got to keep the law. Then you're out. You know, you're not a Christian. False gospel. Well, they may be Christian.

False gospel. They don't know yet. So I have to ask them these things. And then if they pass that, I say, I want you to write an article from memory. Don't look at anything. I'm not going to judge you.

If you don't get this verse exactly quoted right, don't worry about that. I say, just write me an article explaining what the Trinity is in relationship to Jesus. Just do your best. Make it one page and then make it grammarly correct. Make it very quick with punctuation. I want to see how you write.

And then if you pass, you can write for Carm. That kind of thing. That's what we do. Yeah, that's out of my league. But I know a lot of things that are not Christian and I just don't have the time sometimes to get as good at learning Christianity as I do on things that work or hobbies. Well, that's okay. Because sometimes what we have, we also have people who are not experts in multiple subjects. Me, I'm the guy who knows a lot about a lot of things. But we have individuals who are really good at one or two things and then we'll have them write about those one or two things.

And then that's what they study. That's fine. That's fine. I'm different. I'm different.

You know, so that's it. If we have someone who's an expert in covenant theology. Oh, covenant theology questions. Or an expert in Christadelphianism. Maybe someone was a Christadelphian and came out and they could write about it left and right better than I could. And then we have people who read their stuff. And then it sounds intimidating, but it's not really.

And we even have one lady, Laura, she'll actually point out my mistakes in grammar and stuff. But it was perfect. What do you mean? There's an error. Because you can't read your own stuff. You know, you can't do your own stuff. So it's okay. It actually sounds more intimidating than it is.

But that's what it is. All right? Yeah, it sounds great. I appreciate it.

And I'll do a shameless plug. You're doing the match donations? Yes. This month? All right.

Yes, we are. Everybody should donate. Well, thanks. I'll use that as a nice segue to tell people about it. But thank you. Appreciate it. No problem.

I'll see you. Thank you. Bye. All right.

Okay, bye. Yeah, folks, really quickly, then we'll get to Buskman. So we are having a matching funds drive. Please consider supporting us. If you put in $10, it'll be doubled.

And under $10 will be matched. And we really do need that. Because it's just we have missionaries in Turkey, Colombia, Brazil, and Malawi. And now we're a new one we're supporting. We're getting more and more support for him in Nigeria. And we're going to use one of his stories lately. And some of the stuff that's happening with him. It's really good stuff. And what he's doing. But anyway, hey, if you like what you hear on the air, you like the website, you enjoy the repartee sometimes in a radio and you want to see or hear it continue, I should say, well, please consider supporting us.

It doesn't take much. And just go to, C-A-R-M dot O-R-G, forward slash donate. And everything you need is right there. Let's get to Buskman.

Welcome. You're on the air. Real quick, Matt, because we only got five minutes on the air. I'm in between churches. I visited church. The pastor before giving communion said, if you're not part of a local body, you cannot take communion at this church. This is a Protestant church. Biblical or not biblical, Matt? It's not biblical.

Thank you, sir. Nothing in Scripture says you have to be a part of a local church in order to. What it says is, it's for the believers and he gives it to his disciples. And if you're in between churches, then, okay, what if you have a two month job that's out of state and you want to go to church and you find a church? It's not your church. Could you take communion there? According to this guy, no, you can't.

Sorry. So what he's doing now is saying that eligibility to take communion depends on church membership. Show me that in the Bible. I say, show it to me.

That's right. That's exactly what I said to Matt. I said, sir, where is that in scripture in both the Matthew account and the Clinton account? And he could not tell me, but he listed how I have to be under a body of eldership, that I have to be under someone's teaching and someone's leadership and things like this. And I said, I am under the good shepherd, Jesus Christ.

And I just would have kept going. Show me where it says that's a requirement for a communion. Because if you're not, if you're putting a restriction on it, that's not biblical. What's that say about your ability to communicate God's word?

I've told pastors that I've asked them, I direct, they don't like it when someone challenges them like that, generally speaking, but it's the truth. Correct. Show me it. Show it to me in scripture.

And if you can't find it, why are you requiring it of people? Okay. All right. I even quoted Martin Luther when he went up against Erasmus in the Roman Catholic church. I said, pastor, scripture, scripture, scripture. That's what Martin Luther said.

That's right. Scripture, scripture, scripture. Where does it say that? Show it to me. Not your implication. Show it to me. Otherwise don't require it.

You're being legalistic unnecessarily. Okay. Awesome. Thanks, Matt. You're welcome. All right, buddy. God bless.

God bless you, my friend. Bye-bye. Okay. Bye.

All right. Let's get quickly over to Clarice from North Carolina. Clarice, welcome. You're on the air, but welcome.

Hey, Matt. I don't know how long I have. What, two minutes, maybe three?

About two. This is, I may have to call back tomorrow, but this is a follow-up on what you were speaking earlier about the security of the believer. I got in on the tail end of that, but I was sitting in a Sunday school class this past Sunday that I've just been visiting, and a lady in there was saying, you know, she was talking with someone, and you can lose your salvation, and she said, well, what if I kill somebody or not?

I'm sorry. She said that the woman believed in the security of a believer, believing that you can't lose your salvation. She said, well, what if you killed somebody and died? And I'm listening to this person, and I'm like, oh my goodness, because they come out with some, that's just a small thing of what they say. So I just said to them, okay, may I say something, please?

And the teacher's very gracious. She usually wants me to say something. I said, well, in Revelation, Jesus, when you're standing before the Lord, people are, and he's saying, all liars, whoremongers, and murderers will be cast into the lake of fire. I said, so Jesus looks at sin, be it a lie, a murder, or whoremongers, he looks at sin of sin. So which sin do you think is greater?

Like, which one causes you to lose your salvation? And she couldn't give an answer and had to walk out. Well, good.

I mean, had to walk out for another reason. But I'm just saying, this drives me nuts with people that just come out with this stuff, and you deal with this all the time. I don't.

Yes, I do. But I'm in a local church, we just started going, and a lot of churches do not preach doctrines. They don't preach and teach doctrines, and that's what's wrong with really true Christians. They're not grounded in doctrines, and they really don't know what they believe.

Or if they do, they believe something, they believe it because somebody told them and they haven't researched it. And it drives me crazy. I'm with you. I get that all the time. I say it all the time. We got to go because there's, call back tomorrow and we can talk some more.

But there's the music, okay? Well, God bless, sister. Really appreciate it. All right. Hey, folks, by his grace, we'll be back on there tomorrow. Hopefully you'll be listening to that if you want. Call me then. May the Lord bless you this evening. Have a great night, everybody. God bless. Talk to you later.
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