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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
July 8, 2022 5:00 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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July 8, 2022 5:00 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Matt discusses how the secular concept of relative truth is infiltrating the church, particularly in the phrase -The Lord told me...---2- Can a person be an apostle without having seen Christ---3- Matt talks about the similarities between the control methods of cults and of the government.--4- Matt talks about the power of the gospel.--5- How do you know if you have true faith---6- Should we say Yeshua rather than Jesus---7- Why is Matthew 25-14 different in the KJV-

Matt Slick Live!
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The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network Podcast. I like tables. I like to develop information that you can see things very quickly, very easily, you can understand. That's what I like to do.

Make it quick and slick as I like to say. Anyway, so here's the thing. There is a movement that's occurring in our culture and stuff like that where truth is, well, basically just a commodity. You don't have to believe the truth. There's no absolutes.

Let's put it that way. And I've noticed that in the Christian church, one of the ways that that is manifesting is in something as simple as someone saying, the Lord told me. Now, I've heard people tell me, I remember I was discussing something with a woman a few weeks ago online and I was telling her something biblically, what the scripture said and she goes, well, I don't agree because the Lord told me blah, blah, blah.

And it was really stunning to hear that. She's supposed to be a Christian and she just said, no, the Lord told me and the spirit bears witness that I'm telling you is the truth. And it was about experience and it wasn't about the truth of God's word.

Anyway, that's a good representative point about it. And you know, so maybe you go to a church where people say, you know, the Lord told me. The Lord told me this, the Lord told me that.

All right. Is that possible? Well, you know, it's possible. I think that God could certainly communicate with us. But is it subject to scripture? What kind of church do you go to? Do you go to a church where that happens?

If you do, call me up and let's talk about it. You know, tell me what you think. Tell me if you think that's legit. The Lord told me. And how would you know it's from the Lord? Real simple, real basic question.

And I am curious about it. Also, then you call me at 877-207-2276. What was I going to say?

I just lost my train of thought. You know, I hate it when I do that. It's all right.

Probably never happened to anybody out there listening to me, but it happens to me every now and then. That's all right. Four open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. Let's get to Rudolph from Raleigh, North Carolina.

Rudolph, welcome around here. Yes, sir. My question is, I know one day I called you and you told me that apostles can be sent ones. So my question is, can't a person be an apostle without having seen Christ? I'm not sure because I'm going through in memory issues in the New Testament where people are called apostles and there are seven kinds of apostles in the Bible. Let's see if I can find it. Seven apostles. Seven types of apostles that I found by looking at the word apostolo in the Greek. I'm trying to find it.

I can't find it on my own website. How about that? But it's there. And Jesus can be called an apostle because it says he's an apostle. And Paul claimed to be an apostle and he verified his apostolic succession or authority by saying in Romans, in 1 Corinthians 9 and 1, have I not seen the risen Lord and his defense of the apostles. So in light of that, I'm thinking to be an apostle of that sort, you have to have seen the risen Lord. But what I'm curious about is to know if every individual called an apostle has seen the risen Lord. And I'm trying to review that in my mind and I can't think of anything like that. So let me do something here really fast. This is going to my Bible program and looking up the word of apostolo or apostolos actually. And it occurs 79 times. And so the apostles are with the Lord.

And then let's go into some later stuff. The apostles and the brethren. The apostles and the elders. So all are not apostles are they? All are not prophets. So anyway, it's a good question.

And one of the things I want to do is finish my section on New Apostolic Reformation and that very question is one of the questions I need to research and answer. I've gone through, actually let me see if I can find it. I've got a lot of stuff I haven't released yet.

I've gone through and I found, I did an examination of every single instance of the word apostle and the verb form as well as the noun form. And I've got them. I don't think I've released them yet. Let's see. N-A-R. There we go. And I can find those and see what I concluded with it. So anyway, there we go.

So let's see. We're studying on apostles. And you have apostles of Christ and it only occurs apostleship. Interesting.

Why is that like that? Anyway, I've got some studying to do. But here we go. So 651 is a number and you can have it as apostle. It is from Jesus.

A generic reference. Peter's apostleship is to the Jews and the replacement of Judas. Now that has to do with apostleship out of number 651. And number 652, which is apostle, we have false apostles and they are sent for the equipping of the saints.

We have generic apostles. And that's what I would look at to see how it's being used. So I'm just rambling out loud here and not really able to answer your question very well right now on top of my head.

I hope my notes would help me out. I just want to tell you this before I go because I was talking to my friend Travis like sometime last month and I heard you mention what I said to him because I told him that I'm not sure but I think between the months of September and November they may try to pull something off. Because I believe like you that I think they're too far along with trying to do things that I don't think they're going to let things change.

When it comes to globalism, people like Biden and all the stuff that's going on in the world. You had said that you thought they might do something with November. They might do something with the negative change, political, and I was saying to him that I can't keep his eyes open because they might try to do something to stop the change of things because globalists like the fact the way things are going right now, they get a lot of control going on. They might try to pull something off. They might try to pull something off before November.

I'm not saying they aren't, but it just seems to me. Well, let's just say that I've heard, I won't give sources and stuff, that there's ruminations of something major coming that will have a major effect on America. Biden mentioned also a second pandemic is coming. How would he know? I heard that from Bill Gates. So if that's the case, now if Biden said you can't really trust him, he's not mentally all there.

That's not being disrespectful. Obviously, he's got some aphasia problems. But if Bill Gates also says that there's an issue, they may know something that we don't know. And here's the thing I'm concerned about is that when the wicked get in power, they never want to give it up.

There is no way. And so I wouldn't be surprised if there's another pandemic and all of a sudden when voting comes up, you have to, you can't go to meeting places. You got to go to ballot boxes because with the ballot boxes, you can stuff them and you can put all kinds of stuff in there. And then the second question is, how can we trust the counting of the ballots? So you just never know. I don't know. I mean, these are just questions and I don't have answers to them.

So I wouldn't be surprised if they try something. I don't know. Maybe not. Well, I agree with you, Bill. Thank you for your help and have a good day and God bless you. Okay. You're welcome, man. God bless you. All right.

Five open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. These kinds of statements that I make like that, that I believe that the people who don't like what I say in regards to that will try and turn me in to the powers that be at YouTube and other places trying to get me kicked off. Because they don't like the idea.

Many people don't like the idea of saying, well, I don't know if I trust the elections anymore. That's just my opinion. I don't know if I do or don't. I really don't think I do. I don't know. I just don't trust them that much. That's just me.

Maybe I'm way off base. I don't know. I don't trust the Democrats and I don't trust the Republicans. So, am I a conspirator? Stop. I don't know. I just wouldn't put it past people to just have another crisis that comes up and all of a sudden we have to submit to the requirements and restrictions of another crisis.

You know, it worked once and we lost a lot of rights and privileges. In fact, I went to a hospital today. Take my wife there. Oh, you've got to wear a mask when you go in there. And it makes me mad because you never had to wear masks before COVID. Now you've got to wear masks. And each time I go into a hospital I say, why wear these? They're only 50% effective. These particular kinds that they put out.

Only 50%. Which means if you touch them on the outside, they're contaminated. And I said to this lady, and she gleefully said to me, I've been wearing mine for two years and I haven't gotten sick.

There's 1984 again, or Brave New World. It's big brother's taking care of us. I'm like, oh man. I'm not saying that hospitals can't say don't wear a mask or wear a mask.

They can do what they want. But it's like, you know, it just makes me wonder. Just, you know, what's going on?

How come we didn't have to wear them before? And now all of a sudden we do? I don't know.

I get too suspicious about stuff like that. Maybe it's because of things like this out of Matthew 24. And they asked Jesus, what will be the sign of your coming, of your return? And Jesus says that many will come in his name saying he is the Christ and they'll mislead people. And it's going to be wars and rumors of wars.

I'm reading through, I'm citing what I'm scanning as I'm reading through Matthew 24 while I'm talking. Wars and rumors of wars. Nation will rise against nation and there'll be famines and earthquakes. There'll be people delivered to tribulation. They'll be killed for their faith. Many will fall away. They'll be false prophets. Lawlessness will increase. Now, man, that's certainly occurring.

You know, when you hear stuff like this, what Jesus said and you wonder, I don't know. What do you think? Anyway, give me a call and we can talk about whatever you want to talk about. 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Why would they say that? Why would they say there is another one? What do they know? Do they know something? Is it all said? I don't know. But I'll tell you. You know, it just makes me suspicious.

And the thing is, here's why. You see, I believe, having studied the cults for so long, you know, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, criticism, unity, and stuff like that. And I've studied these groups and I've studied the people in them. I've talked to thousands and thousands of people in those groups. And they have the same kind of mentality for respective groups.

The same kind of obedience training that they have to follow. And it's not that everything's biblical, but that you're supposed to follow what that particular group says is the right thing to do. And for Mormonism, for example, you're not supposed to really wear beards, even though their early pioneers did. And so it's just generally not accepted that you wear a beard. And so you can tell, you know, Mormons generally don't wear beards. The same with Jehovah's Witnesses. And there's certain dress codes. There's certain haircut styles that they prefer.

You know, nice and neat and not too long, not too shabby, if you're going to be respected within that. So, okay, let's see. Anyway, so when I see the stuff that the government is doing to us, trying to get us to do what it says, that makes me nervous. Maybe it's just my rebellious heart having studied the cults so long that I see that kind of a thing.

I've got a knee jerk reaction to it. That's certainly possible. So someone in the chat said that Medicare requires her on the yearly checkup to wear a mask in her own home. I guess when they come.

Which is ridiculous. In your own home, you've got to wear a mask. It's like, when are we going to stop? You can just stay outside. I'll put my arm outside. You can take my blood pressure outside.

I've got to wear a mask. You know, it's just stupid. And yet people are just buying into it, like the frog in the hot water.

Little by little, the temperature is raised up and they don't realize what's going on. Oh, let's see. Okay. My brother is texting me. There we go.

I didn't tell him, by the way, I'm on the air. So anyway, interesting conversations, but nevertheless. So here's what it says. Jesus starts saying this.

Lawlessness is increased. Most people's love will grow cold and the one in dearest of the end will be saved. Now notice this. He says this.

This is what's really good. He says the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations. And then the end will come.

Now that's an encouraging statement. That's Matthew 24, 14. Because Jesus said the gospel of that kingdom will be preached in the whole world.

Now what's interesting is this is before his crucifixion and resurrection. Now that gospel of the kingdom is the good news of who Jesus is and what he's done. And it's going to be preached to the whole world.

And you know what? It is being preached to the whole world. It's being preached over the Internet. It's being preached over radio. There are ministries where if you pay like $15 or donate something like $20, it gets used to buy a solar powered radio with a little bit of battery in it so they can listen and the sun goes down. Isn't that cool? So that people are using them for ministry and they have them preset to some gospel stations in respective countries like in Africa and make a list of other stations too.

But they're being given out and the idea is to listen to Christian radio. And that's awesome. It's awesome. The web is incredible. I'm telling you. The Internet is just such an incredible thing.

And the gospel is going out. I remember I've got emails from all over the world. And I mean all over the world. One of my favorites is, I forgot where it was. It was some island chain out in the middle of nowhere. And I mean, I had to look it up.

I hadn't even heard of it. And I had to zoom in on the maps online. And there's this dot in the middle of, I think it was in the Atlantic someplace, if I remember correctly. And they said, yeah, we've got your stuff here. We're listening on the Internet. Like wow. And so praise God. The Internet is such a great opportunity for Christians to be able to witness.

And it is. It's such a great, great thing to do. And so if you like what we do here and you want to support other ministries that reach out on the Internet, you might want to consider supporting them because it's something very useful.

And we need to be supportive of the Internet, of those on the Internet. There are many, not just me, but others as well, who work hard at spreading that gospel. And there's all kinds of really good stuff that's going on.

There's a lot of really good movements going on. And I'm going to tell you that the gospel is not going to be stopped by the enemy. It's going to go forth because that's the nature of that gospel. It is powerful.

And it just turns out that the more people try and stop it, the more it tends to increase. I like that. That's an encouraging thing.

It's one of the reasons I continue to preach and teach because I want that gospel message to go out to the whole world as much as possible. So there you go. Okay. Now we have nobody waiting. Why don't you give me a call?

877-207-2276. All right. Now something I've been thinking about, I might as well just kind of fill you in on something. There's a lot going on. One is I'm thinking about converting lessons into videos. That takes a lot of work.

I've got to teach myself a lot of new things to do that. And I was thinking about working on apologetics from two specific directions. One from the Christian perspective and another from the non-Christian perspective. And I've been thinking about this. And from the Christian perspective, you assume the truth of the Christian Trinitarian God and you work from there. And from the non-Christian perspective, you simply ask them to provide the conditions which must be in place in order for their beliefs to be true.

Real simple. And I have been experimenting with that linguistically, logically, experimenting with unbelievers, asking it in varying ways where we have our discussions. And I'm going to tell you, it has been incredibly profitable. It's very valuable.

So I've been thinking about working up a lesson on this and going through various things. See, and it's a way to prove God's existence. And that's by the impossibility of the contrary.

Let me give you something here. We have two possibilities when we say God or not God. We have a or not a. We have the thing and the negation of the thing. There's no third option when you have something like that.

It's either God exists or God does not exist, the Christian God, of course. And I can get back to this after the break and talk more about it and I'll explain some stuff. Hey, why don't you give me a call? 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. Please stay tuned.

Hey, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, we have four open lines. 877-207-2276.

Are you talking about anything you want to talk about? Give me a call. Let's get on the line with Laura from Utah. Laura, welcome. You're on the air. Hi, Matt.

Hi. I had an interesting question. Well, between visiting with the missionaries yesterday and talking about faith and then I was talking with somebody else today who wanted to know how to know if they had true faith. I was reading in John 15 and it was just a good question and I did the best I could to explain it, but how do we know if we have true faith? We know we have true faith when we have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who's described in the scriptures.

Mormons say they have true faith, but their Jesus is the brother of the devil begotten through relations between God and his goddess wife who came from another planet. So that's not true faith. Faith is only as good as who you put it in.

The scriptures tell us that there's only one God in all existence, all place and all time, and that he was never a man on another planet, etc. So the way to know if you have true faith is to know if it's consistent with what God has revealed. Now some people will say they have true faith when they believe it's something false, but they'll say God revealed it to them or their prophets or their whatever organization. But that saying that the scriptures aren't sufficient in themselves but need something else, so then they're open to deception. When we know about people who are self-deceived, we can find internal inconsistencies in our belief system, such as the case with Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and things like that. When you want to find an external problem that's more broader, you can find external facts that contradict things. You can find that in Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses, Criticized Unity. You can find things historically that don't match up with what they teach, what they say, what they want to say.

So there's ways to find out. But people want to find out if they have true faith, then they need to do some homework and do some examination. But they will never be able to know that ultimately unless they believe in the truth and inspiration of the scriptures, the old New Testament. Not with the Apocrypha, not the Book of Mormon, not the Pearl of Great Price, not Doctrine and Covenants, not the Apocryphal Books of the Catholic Church, not Science and Health of the Key to the Scriptures, not the Quran or the Hadith, but the scriptures, the Word of God, not the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of the Jehovah's Witnesses. All false religions have extra biblical revelation or extra prophets that tells them what the real truth really is. And so people will believe these lies unless they believe scripture.

For example, I know I'm rambling a little bit, but one of the things I do, for example, with Mormons, when I meet them, and I try not to be mean, I just want to tell them the truth quickly. And one of the things I say is if you believe 1 Timothy 6, 16, it'll change everything. Here's a good example of something, because it's talking about the Father and the Son, and it says who, the Sovereign, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light. Now that's not Jesus, obviously, because we've seen Jesus. And so, who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, who no man has seen or can see. That's the Father being spoken of there.

So, it's as simple as this. When people say, do they have true faith, I'll test them. Let's see if you have true faith. Does your true faith agree with scripture? And I've shown this to, for example, Mormons, and say, this means that the Father could not be seen, therefore, Joseph Smith could not have had the first vision upon which Mormonism is based.

He could not have seen the Father as he said he did, because the scripture says he can't. And I've had Mormons, for example, look straight in my eyes and say, I don't care what the Bible says, I know he saw him. And so, they can't, no they don't, they have true faith, because they don't care what facts are.

They care about feelings. If people want true faith, and to know they have it, they have to rely on what God has revealed, not what they feel or think God has revealed. And that's how you know. And then you go to the scriptures and you find out who God really is, and then you believe in the true and living God. The scriptures and abiding in Jesus and in his word.

Yeah. And you'll find, unfortunately, that most people, outside of Christianity, of course, most people don't want to do that. They don't believe in the truth of scripture.

They believe in the truth of their prophet, or the truth of their church. In fact, on one of my Facebook accounts, which I have, that I run, it's titled, Is Roman Catholicism True? And that's a good example of having false faith as well. And this one woman is telling me that I need to come home to the Catholic Church.

And I point out, I say, you're just being idolatrous. I say, because we're supposed to come to Christ, not to a church. Jesus says, come to me. He doesn't say, come to the true church. And that's one of the things that all false religions I've studied will say. Hey, look, we have the true church. We have the true organization. And salvation is found in our church, in our organization. And, you know, that's the case. It's idolatry, yeah. And when that's the case, you'll never know what the truth is.

Because you don't trust God's will and you trust what the group or organization says. Yep. Well, that was a great answer. That was, yes. And hopefully she's listening, so she heard. Oh, okay.

Well, hopefully. Yeah. I know a lot of Mormons listen to me.

That will help in my next conversation. Yeah, I think they do too. Yeah, they do. I know they do. Just like they listen to Bill McKeever in the mornings. And Bill's a friend of mine, for those who know Bill and know who I am.

But, you know, I always try and speak to what I think is necessary. In fact, it reminds me, I'm watching a series on Hulu, Under the Banner of Heaven. Oh, my goodness. Very interesting. I've got to warn you, there's a little scene in the shower.

Just fast forward through it. But it's very interesting. Well, what's interesting about that, Matt, is because when I was growing up, the daughter of one of the men, one of the men, actually, I had been to his house.

And while they were on vacation, watered their plants and their dogs. And the actually where the woman was executed in the baby was where that house was. Oh, absolutely. It is. It is absolutely real. I met them.

I. Yeah. Yeah, it's real. And I've watched it.

I watched the series and it just it just grossed me out because it is so. And where I grew up in in the community that I grew up in, where one of the brothers lived, the Mormonism was just like what you're seeing in the show, how it was treated. Actually, one of my old bishops married one of the wives after he went to prison. Wow. So, yeah, that was right here in my community. And I knew one of the daughters and she is gone now. She left after this happened and disappeared, which I don't blame her. Well, I started watching it.

I thought it was fascinating and I thought it was fiction. But if you're telling me it's true, I didn't know. I must have missed that part based on a true story. But what I thought it is and what they've done, because I looked it up and they said that they have actually changed some of the names for legal reasons. Right.

That makes sense. What I thought was interesting is they mentioned the Mountain Meadows Massacre, which people don't know happened on 9-11, 1859. And for real. And that was up to the Oklahoma City bombing. It was the largest domestic terrorist occurrence, mass killing in American history.

I'm not talking about war, but you know, because the Mormon, they killed 120 to 125 men, women and children in Mountain Meadows because of blood. Yes. And it's other stuff. Yeah.

Yeah. You'll see in the show that they actually do not shed good light on Joseph Smith. They will reveal truth in it. And at one point they actually show the red book with which, if you know what it is, one of the brothers had is Sandra Tanner's book, The Shadow of Mormonism. I mean, they had Sandra's book? In the show, the brother, yes. Because he was, you'll see, I'm not going to reveal it, but the book that they're showing in the show is literally, they don't mention what it says, but it is literally Sandra Tanner's book. And since the show has been revealed, her book has been sold out.

Wow. Well, you know, Bill works there with Sandra. I know Sandra, we did Israel together and I helped her out a lot. So maybe I'll contact Bill and see what he says about all this, because it's interesting.

And they've talked to Sandra too. Okay. All right.

Thanks a lot, Maura. Thank you. Okay.

Thanks a lot. Wow. Interesting.

Very interesting. May the Lord bless you. Hey, we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. Welcome back to the last segment of the show. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. Let's get to Janet from Raleigh, North Carolina. Welcome, you're on the air. Thank you. I have a quick question.

I guess it's quick. Anyway, I want to ask you if you were in a debate with a person who says that the name of Yeshua was the true name versus the name of Jesus. How would you defend the faith with that? I just say, show me that in Bible. Well, isn't there some kind of history with the name of Yeshua? Isn't that a Hebrew name or Jewish name or something?

It might be. I just say, show it to me in the Bible. Show me where Jesus is called Yeshua.

And I would just camp out on that question. Can you please show me where it says that in the Bible? Please show me. Please show me. In Hebrew originally, show me where it's written in the Bible.

Okay. They don't have it. Because this is what it says in Matthew 1-21. She will bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus, Yesuah. That's the name that God had written in the Greek New Testament. If it's supposed to be Yeshua, then why is it not pronounced or written in such a way that's equivalent to Yeshua in the Greek?

Because you can get pretty close to that with Greek letters, but it's not there. Where do you think they're getting that from? I think it's called crackerjack theology. Okay, fortune cookie theology. I've talked to people, sacred name cult and things like that. They get it out of people who say, this is what it's supposed to be because the... I've recently talked to someone who said that all of the New Testament documents were originally written in Hebrew and they were all converted to Greek. And I said, okay, so where's the evidence for that?

Where is it? Well, it was all lost. Okay, so you're just saying it's all lost means it's all lost and therefore it's true?

So give me something more than that. Well, Matthew was written in Hebrew. How do you know? Maybe it was. A church father might say that Matthew was quoted in Hebrew. Let's just say that. Or originally written in Hebrew.

Let's just say they have something like that. Okay, what about Paul's writings? Writing to Ephesus. They're not Jews there. They're Greek speaking. I've been to Ephesus, too.

It's great. But he's going to write in Greek, in the national language. And he would mention Jesus' name. So, you know, they don't really think through these things.

They get to these ideas that, oh, this has to be this way. And if you don't say it the right way, you're in trouble. I mean, Ephesians 1 and 1. Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, by the will of God. So was Paul writing to Ephesus in Hebrew?

No. Ephesus is in Turkey. And Alexander the Great had come through the Mediterranean area and he brought Greek as the national language. And the Jews retained Hebrew in Israel. But Israel geographically was very important because if you wanted to go from, say, Italy to Egypt, you could take a boat. But it was very expensive and sometimes quite dangerous because the storms would come up unexpectedly and people died. So it was safer to just take a wagon train of a group that would take months to go around. Well, you had to go through Israel. Israel was a strategic place. The reason I'm bringing this up is it's strategic geographically.

It's strategic in war. It's strategic for the Roman Empire. Everybody would go through that land to go north, south, east, west, up, down, left, and right. And so Greek would have been spoken in Israel along with the Hebrew as long with most probably Latin and probably other languages because it was just a hub of all kinds of traffic and all kinds of people going right there. They would not put them there so that when the gospel would be going forth they would know languages and it could be spread out all over the Mediterranean area. So anyway, all this to say, what, they only spoke Hebrew right there? Paul, he obviously knew Greek and so he would write in Greek and he writes the word Jesus. And so why would Paul write the word Jesus, as a quick example, if his real name, real name is supposed to be Yeshua? I've heard him say, well, no, he wrote it in Hebrew to the Ephesians.

You know, it's just like, okay, you know, how much of this have I got to put up with? You know, it's just like aye, aye, aye. And then if I were to go to Revelation, for example, and think in Jesus, all right, let's see, does the word occur?

Yes, it does. What do you know? Revelation 1, 1, the revelation of Jesus Christ, Jesus in Greek, okay, or Yeshua. Where is that coming from, the Old Testament?

Hebrew. They want to say that Jesus' real name is Yeshua and you have to say Yeshua and if you don't say Yeshua, you're not worshiping Yeshua Christ. Right. It's stupid. Right. It's stupid. Okay.

Stupid. So let's just say that, you know, I'm in a car accident and rolled down a hill and for some stinking reason, all my identification's lost and they don't know who I am and my fingertips are burned off for a bit, right, and I'm in a coma. And they say, that guy's John Doe. Does it mean they're not really talking about me? Because my name is Matt, not John, John Doe, right?

No. The name, it means what it means in reference to the individual you're assigning it. And, you know, if you had people who lost their memories of a new name and things like that because they don't know, I mean, this has happened. Oh, I'm sorry. As a real person, use a different name.

It is the same person. So it's the kind of lame thinking that people often offer in the cults and I just get tired of it. In fact, here's something, I'm just going to say this.

I'm going to say this. I have trouble with sound and thick accents because of my hearing. It's not very good in some areas. I mean, I'm talking to a guy last night online and his accent from India was so heavy, I couldn't understand him. And I repeatedly said, I can't understand you. Can someone else tell me what you're saying? And I said, look, and then he said, you're just in it because you're a racist.

You don't like other people in India. I'm like, what? It got, it made me mad. And, you know, it's like people, they don't think. They react. And this, it's so, it's an endemic problem. The pandemic is bad thinking.

It happens all over. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I appreciate that because I get challenged with that and I always wanted to know how I should address it.

I'm like, I don't know that much about, that's what she was. So I was like, oh, that's mad. Show me in the New Testament. Here's my basic rules. Ask somebody, where does this say it in the Bible? Just show it to me. And if they quote a verse, can we go look at it?

Just do that. Okay. And you'll find most of the time it doesn't say what they say, just like it's in Princess Bride. I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Oh, that's a good way to handle situations. It really is. Yeah, it is. Show me in the Word. I'll have to put that in the Word. Yeah. Show me in the Word and look in the Word.

And also define your terms. You do that, you'll just be flying high. You'll be doing great. I'm going to talk to my gang. I'm going to apologize in the Word. That's right. Wow, thanks so much, Matt.

I always enjoy it. All right. Well, God bless.

Thanks for calling, Janet. Yeah. Okay. Have a good one. You too. Bye.

I always like it when she calls. It just uplifts my spirit. All right. Let's get to Nelson from Bakersfield. Nelson, welcome.

You're on the air. God bless, Matt. God bless. I know that we've got a little bit of time left. Yeah. I'm just going through this parable, a little bit of background.

I have a friend. He's a good brother in the Lord. And I was just checking it out because he's really kind of like, what's the word, really strong on the King James Version. And I just noticed right now in that parable, in Matthew 24, beginning in verse 14 and the end of verse 30, the big section, it talks about the talent. But I checked it out on the King James, it says kingdom, and then on the new living, I'm sorry, in the new American standard parable, it doesn't say kingdom. What verse? The kingdom of God is life. What verse? Verse 14.

Of what chapter? 25. No, I'm sorry. 24. Yeah, 25. So Matthew 24, 25? No.

Okay. Matthew 25, verse 14. Matthew 25, 14. Well, that says it's just like a man about to go on a journey who called his own slaves and trusted his possessions to them. Yeah, and then in the King James, it says it's like the kingdom of a man going away in the journey. The King James says kingdom, and the new American doesn't. All right, well let me take a look. Yeah, I don't see the word kingdom in Greek, so come on, get in here.

That's a huge difference there. Yeah, so let's see, Matthew 25, 14, the ESV, yeah, I think he's quoting the wrong verse or something. It just doesn't say that. No, no, he's quoting it because he's big about the kingdom, and then because in verse 30, it talks about the person with one talent, and then it says right there, he was thrown out into utter darkness with his gnashing, weeping and gnashing of feet, and then I see the connection after that, it talks about the separation from the goats and the sheep. Oh, okay, so it says for the kingdom of heaven is as a man.

Yeah, the kingdom of heaven is not in the Greek. It's just, it's implied. Oh, okay, okay, okay. In verse 30, the way I see it, verse 30, every time it says, from what I see in the word of God, when it says weeping and gnashing of teeth, that refers to hell. Yeah, punishment, absolutely. Exactly, and then it follows on about the separation from the goats and the sheep, and so, okay, I see that.

Okay. So what was his point? What was he trying to say? That, well, basically, it's a view that I don't agree with him, that meaning that in the millennium, thousand rain, there'll be believers, so he says, and he's written into the text, that there will be in fire being, what is it, the word... Punished?

Well, find out what he says, find out what he says, and then, you know, call back. Purified, purified for a thousand years in fire. Yeah, that's not good. No, no, no, no, not purified by fire. No, that's a Catholic doctrine, purgatory and stuff like that. That's what I thought, that sounds like purgatory.

Yeah, yeah, get purified by your own sufferings, not purified by the blood of Christ, but by your own sufferings. Yeah, that's a problem, yeah. Okay, well, thank you, Matt, I just wanted to see your views on that.

All right, well, great, man. Talk to you later, buddy. Hey, Dave from North Carolina, I know you're waiting, and we only have like 10 or 15 seconds left in the show, and the prick-a-pee you want to talk about, I think, would be very interesting if you were to call back tomorrow, we could talk about that. 1 Timothy 4, and I want to hear from you about that if you want to give me a call. We are out of time. May the Lord bless you all, and by his grace, we'll be back on the air tomorrow, and hopefully we'll talk to you then. God bless you, buddy.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-26 19:36:41 / 2023-03-26 19:54:13 / 18

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