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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
September 24, 2021 4:00 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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September 24, 2021 4:00 am

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Questions include---1- The caller from last week who wanted to debate the Trinity called again. He says he goes to a church that he can't say the name of over the air.--2- Why does China have so few Covid cases when it started there---3- Is Jesus really going to return to earth or will we just meet him after death---4- A caller wanted to discuss left wing authoritarianism and the idea that man can be improved.--5- What exactly is the last trumpet mentioned in Revelation---6- Why do we only pray to God when things are hard---7- What does Matthew 5-22 mean- Does it have to do with eternal security---8- What's the best way to speak to those in the Hebrew roots movement---9- Where did all the people come from in early Genesis when it was just Adam's family---10- Why was Jesus' name changed-


The following program is recorded content created live.

she couldn't believe it. So hey, it's good stuff. Yesterday, I told you that Biden was in our area, a lot of protesters for that. And there you go. So look, okay, let's just get right on to things. Hey, if you are wanting to give me a call, talk about theology, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Unity Baha'i, Islam. Let's see, what else? Eastern Orthodoxy. We can talk about all kinds of stuff.

Eschatology, and the Soteriology, Hematology, a lot of ologies, and istics, and isms. Please feel free to give me a call. All right, and we have four open lines, 877-207-2276. Let's get to Jerry.

I had to break for a station break, which I probably didn't. Hey, Jerry. And I'd just like to talk with you more about that cult. Yes, sir. Hey, Jerry.

You're on the air, Jerry. Yes, sir. It's all right, buddy. Okay. That's all right. You said I belong to a cult, and would you please elaborate further?

Well, I don't know what church you could go to. What? I've got to remember. I'm not allowed to say that over the air. Well, then tell Keith.

He'll type it in my text. I can see it. Okay.

So I don't know what it is. I can't recall. Well, you said it involved the question concerning Matthew 28, 19, as opposed to Acts 2, 38. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You deny the Trinity. You're a oneness Pentecostal guy, right? Yes, sir. Yeah, that's a cult. Yeah, non-Christian cult. Uh-huh.

Yep. You want to know why? How do you draw that conclusion? Because you deny the true God, you deny the true Christ, and you deny the true gospel.

Let me explain each one. You deny the true God because God is a Trinity, and you deny that. So that's denying the true God.

And because you deny the true God, you deny the true Christ. Now, the thing is that a lot of oneness people will say that Jesus Christ is God in flesh. But what they are actually teaching is a form of what's called Nestorianism, not the hypostatic union.

And you don't know what those are, but I'll explain. The hypostatic union is one person. Jesus is one person with two natures, one person. Nestorianism is the idea that in the body of Christ are two persons, the divine person and a human person. And we get this from the oneness Pentecostal false religion repeatedly when they say that Jesus in his flesh was praying to God as a spirit. And that's a division of Nestorian heresy inside of that view. Furthermore, when it comes to doctrine of salvation, you guys add works to salvation. You add the necessity of being baptized by immersion in a formula in the name of Jesus in order to be saved. And so you add a ceremony to salvation. So if you were to die inside of oneness Pentecostal, and you go face God, you will be facing eternal damnation.

Okay. There is no scripture nowhere concerning that answer. There is nobody ever recorded as being baptized. Matthew 28, 19. They were all baptized.

I think Acts 19, Ephesians, Acts 10, the Gentiles, and I think Philip at Samaria, Peter at Antioch. Yeah, they're baptized in Jesus' name. Right. What does it mean when it says they're baptized in Jesus' name? You know what it means?

Jesus' name is that the angel came unto Mary and said, you should bear a child and you shall call his name Jesus. Okay. Wait.

No, no, no, no, no, no. I asked you, what does it mean to be baptized in the name of somebody? In the name of somebody you belong to them. Okay. So the phrase... Same thing.

If I write a check, I'm responsible for that check. Okay. So this is the problem with the oneness Pentecostal, and anybody's listening to me and hearing oneness Pentecostal, the non-Christian cult of oneness Pentecostalism.

It's a problem, the brainwashing. Now, I'm going to read you something. This is Acts chapter four, verse five. I'm going to read three verses. Okay. Well, four verses.

Four, five. On the next day, the rulers and elders and scribes were gathered together in Jerusalem, and Annas, the high priest, was there, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and all who were of high priestly descent. When they had placed them in the center, they began to inquire, by what power or in what name have you done this? Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said rulers and elders of Israel, if we are on trial today for a benefit done to a sick man as to how this man has been made well, let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by this name, this man stands here before you in good health. They asked, in what name are you doing this? And he says, by the name of Christ. What authority, in what name are you doing this? It's like a phrase, stop in the name of the law.

It deals with the authority that's behind that name. It's not the baptism formula. Why did the apostles use it?

You don't understand. They did not use the phrase, in the name of Jesus. They baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

In the culture, to be baptized in the name of Jesus was meant to be baptized by the name or in the authority of. I'm not following you. You're adding to scripture. It's not a formula. I'm going to say this.

I want you to get this straight. In the name of Jesus is not a baptismal formula. It's not a baptismal formula.

I'll say it one more time. It is not a baptismal formula. When you read it in the scriptures, you mistakenly are told by the cult that you're in that it's a baptismal formula.

It's not. It's the designation of their baptizing by the name of Jesus, the authority that's in the name of Christ. That's what is spoken of in Acts chapter 4 verses 5 through 10. I just read that to you.

Now, I'm going to show you something. I do not put hardly any credence at all in what the church fathers say. However, there is a document called the Didache. It was written around 65 A.D. 65 to 80 A.D. It's called the teaching of the 12 apostles. That means that many of the original apostles of Jesus were still alive at this time when this was written. It's the only document.

I'll go, hey, this is interesting. What does it say? And this is within the first century and in chapter 7 verse 1. But concerning baptism, thus baptize ye, having first recited all these precepts, baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in running water.

That's what it says. If you don't have running water, baptize in other water. If you cannot baptize in cold, in warm water. But if you have neither, pour water three times on the head in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But before the baptism, let he who baptized and him who is baptized fast previously and any others shall also be, if they're able.

This is within the first century before the year 80. The disciples are still alive and the instruction here is recorded in this document in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now, it's not scripture, but I'm just telling you. That's what it's saying.

It's a very old document. So in the name of Jesus is a phrase designating the authority. So this is what happens. When I do baptisms and I say, look, I'm now going to baptize in the name of Jesus. Are you ready?

Here it goes. I baptize you now in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It's by the authority that is in the name of Jesus because of who Jesus is. Then you baptize how he commanded Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That's what Jesus commanded.

You guys disobey the words of Christ. Are you there? Or are you there?

I guess he's not. Let's get to Fred from Winston-Salem. Hey, Fred, welcome.

You're on the air, buddy. Yeah, I just wanted to give you my intake on COVID. And what I see it as is I see it as a biological war that we lost to China. Because if you look at the death toll in China, I believe it's at 150,000.

And we're at over 270. And I think for the most part, they're going to bring another disease into our country and kill off more because their population is so much more than ours. It's not going to hurt nothing for us.

I mean, for them, it's going to hurt us. Maybe. So I just want to get your intake on that. I'll hang up and let you talk, okay? Sure, if you want. Okay. Folks, if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. So I'm looking at a source file of information.

Let me see. So the total cases that China has had, wow, is 95,128 cases. And their population is 1.4 billion.

And that means 66 people per 1 million. Interesting. Yeah, that's right. That's right.

That's right. Look at that. So I'm looking at that source of information, and it's from Yeah, it is kind of interesting that China has so few.

I don't know why, but that's just how it is. But China, it's a very interesting statistic. So what I've been doing today is, and I'll release the article pretty soon, is I've been comparing the number of sicknesses per million along with the number of vaccinations per population and comparing them across 200 nations. And I'm extracting about 20.

I'm extracting about 20. And it'll be interesting. And Humboldt Clay is right. You don't want to believe China's numbers anyway. It's a communist organization. And like a lot of false religious systems and secular systems based in things other than truth, it's not a matter of what the stats really are, what the facts really are. It's the agenda that has to be promoted. And you twist facts and information in order to promote your agenda. And the reason I specifically said that is because that's what the left does.

And some people on the far right do too. And you've got to be very careful about statistics. You've heard that saying 80% of the statistics are right 70% of the time or something like that.

It's a joke. You can do almost anything with statistics. I've been very careful about what I've been finding about this article today or tomorrow. And it'll be really interesting to see what has to do with the effectiveness of the vaccines.

You'd be surprised. We have five open lines. If you want to give me a call, folks, 877-207-2276.

I want you to give me a call if you would like. And we can blab about all kinds of stuff. The reason the vaccine stuff's coming up, people are asking a lot. I just decided to do a lot of research. And I've got a lot of research I've been going through.

And books and articles and all kinds of stuff. I've got so much more to go through. But nevertheless, once you give me a call, there's a break. 877-207-2276. Give me a call.

Talk to you later. It's Matt Slick live, taking a call at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Welcome back, everybody. Let's get on the air with Juan from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Welcome.

You're on the air. Oh, yes. I have a question, a doubt that's been burning inside of me for quite some time. Regarding, you know, I've seen this and I've heard this message for such a long time about, you know, when Jesus comes back, right. And, you know, the doubt that I have is, you know, we as Christians believe this.

However, you know, you may, I may pass away soon. You know, I know my grandmother was also a very strong, faithful woman. And she believed in this wholeheartedly, right.

And she passed away, right. So this, this, this idea, not idea, but this promise. Yeah, this, this promise of, you know, Jesus Christ coming back to us in our lifetime, didn't really happen during her lifetime. And I don't know if it'll ever happen in my lifetime. But one thing that I am sure is that, you know, I'll get to meet him when I move on. Right. So that promise I am sure about. But what about this promise that the Bible talks about Jesus coming back to life and, you know, right into the cloud and all that stuff? Yeah, it hasn't happened yet.

So what do you have? It hasn't happened yet. It has not happened yet. There's been a lot of people who have set dates not to do that. The Bible says don't do it. And no man knows the dinner or the hour. And that's an interesting scripture. But there are a lot of date setters.

And so there's problems. I just don't do it. I know. I used to think that Christ might come back in my lifetime. Now I doubt it, you know, in my sixties. So I don't know when Christ is going to come back. But it's getting closer and it's always getting closer.

It's logically as necessary. It's getting closer. Right. So could it be that, you know, what the scriptures talks about is that we will definitely meet him when we pass away, when we move on. At that point, you know, that'll be his coming, right? That's when we see Jesus Christ coming to us again.

No, no, no. The coming of Christ is his. It's called the parousia. That is the manifestation of Christ at his return, period. He's going to return to earth. That's it. That's what it means. His coming. That's it.

All right. So when we go to meet him, that's not the coming of Christ to us. That's a misuse of that phrase in the eschatological sense.

We'll go to be with him. And so that just says, you know, do you have something for the bodies to be home with the Lord? So that's all.

So the second coming of Christ has not yet happened. Right. Right. That's all. No big deal.

Okay. Yeah, that's what I've asked many people, you know, and, you know, and just this ongoing thing that I have, you know, within my spirit, you know, that's, you know, what is it? What should I believe? You know, should I believe this?

Or should I, where should I go? You know, what should I expect? And then, you know, trying to be faithful. Well, let me tell you that. Let me tell you is that when we die, if we die before Jesus returns in the clouds and returns, we'll go be with him. That's it.

But we might be alive long enough, who knows, for him to actually return. And then all kinds of stuff's going to hit the fan, you know, before that. So that's it. Yeah, that's no big deal. Okay. Okay.

That was my question. Okay. There you go. Thank you very much. You're welcome. All right. All right.

Let's get to, let's see. Yeah. That would be Chuck from Burlington, North Carolina.

Welcome. You're on the air. Chuck, you're there. Oh, Chuck. Oh, yeah. What's up, Chuck?

Matt? Yeah. Huh? Hey, brother. Thank you. I was just switching from my earbuds to my iPhone and they're kind of different. Yeah, that's all right.

Okay. I was reading Ben Shapiro's book, the moment of the, oh, the authoritarian moment. And I got, you know, some way through, but there's one thing that stuck out about me. He talks about right-wing authoritarianism and left-wing authoritarianism. And the big difference was left-wing authoritarianism, which is like communism, and that believes that man kind is, man is changeable. Man's state is changeable. And I don't mean biologically, you know, and I'm just being. Yeah.

The left teaches that man's basically good and can be improved through manipulation, through guidance, through propaganda, through correct education. That's, that's what they teach. Uh-huh. Yeah. Boy, and that's where we're at, ain't it?

Yes, it is. And that's why they, and that's the drive to being authoritarianism is because, you know, when they do that, they're doing it for the, you know, as Warren Burger said, Jesuit logic, uh, uh, uh, uh, and justifies the means whenever they have to. See, they think that, uh, that, that since man is improvable and the people who are in power are obviously the ones who know better, then they have the right and the obligation to improve society as a whole. And they will then alter society and move society where they want it to go, because they're the ones in, uh, in charge. And they're on the far left.

Yeah, they're, they're new at it. Right. And so they do it.

Right. And so that's why you get people in schools, uh, the teachers in schools trying to indoctrinate the children. It's part of the Marxist system, believe it or not, is the idea that the problem is society, not people. It is not the people the problem and the sinfulness, but society, which is why Marxism is atheistic. It's not theological. It's atheistic. And so that's why it resists atheism.

I mean, it resists Christianity because Christianity says, no, it's the human nature that's the problem. And you had to change the system, uh, to accommodate the fallenness of, of man. That's why the United States has three forms of government, the three branches of government to have a balance because they understood depravity. Right. And the founding right, right.

Amen. Uh huh. And then in a, in a far left system, you only need one authoritarian system because they, they don't assume the problems of man.

They assume the benefit of man, the goodness of man, and you just need one party to control it. That's it. This is why they work that way. Okay. Yeah. Yeah.

Very good. Good point. Yeah. That, that's what struck me. And I think that's the big difference.

I don't know what, what we're doing is stepping up an independent Baptist church, but you're breaking up. So I can say that. Okay. Yeah. Okay.

All right, Matt. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Appreciate your program. All right, man. Well, thanks. God bless.

Appreciate it. Wait, I can't hear you. You're breaking up a little bit. Say it again. I don't know. I can't, I'm having trouble understanding you. Sorry. Sorry. Okay.

I'll try another time, Matt. Okay. Okay. You hear me now? Just call back.

Get another connection. Okay. I'm having trouble hearing you. All right, buddy. Okay. All right. Okay.

All right. Hey, three open lines. If you want to give me a call 877-207-2276. Let's get to Orlando.

And tell you what, Orlando, hold on. I got a break there. Sorry about that.

There's a timing. We'll be right back, folks. After these messages, please stay tuned. All right. Welcome back to the show.

Let's see. Let's get to Orlando from Greensboro, North Carolina. Hey, Orlando.

Welcome. You're on the air. Hello?

Yes. How are you doing? Hello? Yes, I can hear you. Can you hear me? Hello?

Yes, I can hear you now. Yeah. My question has got to deal with the Feast of the Lord.

Tomorrow they start, they celebrate what is called Yom Kippur. Okay. Did you know the term tekiagado, what that means? No. Is it like the last trumpet? Okay.

Like, see, the Jewish people start blowing their shofar a month, a month of Elul, the whole month before Rosh Hashanah. And then 10 days after that. Yeah. So what's your question? The 10th day.

What's your question, though? Do you know if tekiagado is the last trumpet? Because they call it the last trumpet. Because right after that trumpet, Yom Kippur starts.

Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Yes, sir. So you asked me, is it the last trumpet? They call it the last trumpet, so it makes sense to say it's the last trumpet. Okay. But is it the same trumpet that appears in Revelation, in Thessalonians, in all over the place?

That I don't know. One of the things I want to do when I get this amazing thing called spare time is I want to relate all of the feasts to all of the events. So for example, Yom Kippur, when the high priest would go into the temple and go to the Holy Holies and sprinkle blood on the mercy seat, I want to know what else occurred on that day of the year. It looks like, you know, that's when Jesus, I mean, Moses came down from the mountain and stuff like that. So I need to find, I'll find a way to do all this.

Just a bit of research I haven't done yet because I've got so many other hundreds of things I'm doing, but that's one of the things I want to do. But anyway, that's it. The last trumpet, it looks like it's the last trumpet. So, and if it is... Yeah, but I was always, you know, I was always, you know, in my mind and they call it like that and that's what it means. Will that be the last trumpet that John's talking about? No, you got to understand, it could, they could have five trumpets and then they do, the fifth one could be called the last trumpet of those five or if it was just three, but what if there's seven?

So we have to know what it means by the last trumpet in any particular context, because if it has to do with all the trumpets... That's the last trumpet that will sound on the mound when, when they were like, they were, they had to... I don't think you understand what I'm saying. I don't think you understand what I'm saying. Yes, I understand what you're saying. Okay, so I don't know what the answer is because I haven't done the study on that.

It would take weeks to unlock all of it, but I've just not done that study. It just happened. Okay? Okay, okay, I'm just thinking about the, the feedback, like he died on Passover, burial on lemon bread, you know, uh, first fruits he resurrected, came in as a spirit in Shavuah on Pentecost. That's right, they're related. So, you know, they're all matching up, they're all matching up. Yeah.

And nobody talks about these things. And there's people who have, but in Genesis 22, when Isaac was offered, it's probable, I bet you it was on the day, same day of the year that Jesus was offered. I would bet you. Oh yeah, that, that was on Passover. Yeah. So I would say so. And you know, the, it's really interesting because you have to go on a 360 day cycle, not 365, but 360.

Yeah, the calendar changes. Right. But I haven't done that yet. Okay, buddy.

So just to have a dinner. All right. Thank you, Matt. All right, man. God bless. All right. Let's get to Paul from Virginia.

Paul, welcome. You're on the air. Hello there. Yes. I have a few questions. Sure.

Um, first of all, I want to, uh, thank you for taking the call. And then I want to ask if, uh, you have ever heard, like, for example, the famous writer, Shakespeare, that there were possibly a letter writer. Yeah. There was possibly from what I read recently, um, that there were possibly 87 other possible writers of Shakespeare.

I've heard there's others, but yes. But what, so what's, what's your question about the biblical? Well, my question is, is, um, with, um, yes.

Also too, I want to say that I called in on the 8th September and I'm about 29 minutes into the broadcast. And I went back and looked at that video later on YouTube and I don't appreciate the woman who typed in the guy wants to argue unfortunately. Okay. You have a question? Just ask me your question.

Somebody from calm videos did it. Okay. So I'm going to get control of this guy.

Uh, so he seems to be here just to complain. So Paul, I'm going to give you one more chance. Please just ask your question. Okay.

So let people speak. Okay. Okay. We're done. So, uh, let's see, let's move on to, let's get to Alberto from Georgia.

Alberta. Welcome. You're on the air. Yes.

Good evening, Matt slick. Um, that question, you know, the 37 verse 13, what God talks about the God lasted at the nations and put them in derision. Okay. So why people, why do people always want to cry out to God only when tragedy happens to them, but they're not crying out to God because they said repentance of their sin and breaking God. Because that's how we are. We're sinful.

We get comfortable. We don't need to talk to God. When things get rough, then we talk to God, which is why I assume that persecution is going to come to the Christians here in the United States.

So they will cry out to God. He'll raise up. So, so God, so God being, um, kind of how to say, God could get back up to him, you know, making him job and say, says, do you want to talk to me before then? What would they want to talk to me when tragedy happens to him?

God can say, talk to the hand, talk to the hand, talk to the hand, talk to the hand, you know, talk to the hand. Okay. Okay. Okay. I gotcha. Okay.

Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Okay. Let's look. Um, so people I'd gave you the answer to that question.

That's, you know, it's a common issue and that's how that is. So do you, do you, do you have another question? That was, that was it. But may want, that was the main question I was asking the guy again, that you want to choke on that too. That's my whole point. Okay. I could flip the joke. I'm there. So now when they give me meanwhile, ah, so, you know, God can say, well, you know, now you need me. Well, okay.

Well, he's working in the country and stuff. Okay. All right.

Okay. All right, man. All right.

Thank you. All right. Okay. All right. Let's get to, uh, Sean from Naples, Florida.

Sean. Welcome. You're on the air. All right, man. Thank you for taking my question. Um, I have a, I have a question about, uh, Matthew five 22 in regards to eternal security.

Okay. Cause I, I got thrown off by the part where it says, but whosoever shall say, they'll fool to be in danger of hell fire. So it kind of threw me off cause this was during the whole sermon on the mountains and he's talking to his disciples and it, you know, it, it goes, you know, it takes it, it takes like the 10 commandments a step further, you know, whosoever is angry with his brother. So my question is like that part of verse 22, where it, where it says they'll, you know, whosoever shall say, they'll fool shall be in danger of hell fire. Is that blasphemy of the Holy ghost? No, it's not.

No, no, no, no. It's not blasphemy of the Holy spirit that, that is saying that Jesus did his miracles by the power of the evil one, Matthew 12, 22 through 32. So, um, what he says in verse 21 of Matthew five is you have heard it said that the ancients said, uh, you shall not commit murder. So he's talking to the Jewish people there.

Okay. He's quoting the Old Testament. And, uh, and then he goes, and then the verse after you're the one you're talking about, therefore, if you're presenting your offering at the altar and then remember that your brother has something against you. So he's talking to Jews, the people who are on our Jewish system, not to all Christians, right?

Context is very important. So if you're as a Jew, you're going along and you're going to court and all this stuff, uh, uh, excuse me, you're going along and you're calling people, all these names, you're good for nothing. You're complaining. You're guilty. You're all this stuff. You're going, you know, it's, it's judging people and righteously, and you can't do that.

And so he's saying to these Jews, you're going to be guilty, you know, and he's just talking to the Jews. He's not talking to the Christians because we can say that someone is foolish. We can say that, and people are foolish.

All right. So that, um, in fact, the word occurs, uh, you know, Matthew, excuse me, Romans 1 21, Paul says, uh, they became futile in their speculations and their foolish heart was darkened. Uh, it occurs in Romans 2 20.

It goes on and on. I could find all kinds of verses where that, that word occurs. But, uh, you know, the word of the cross is foolishness to those who were perishing. And, uh, you know, so, uh, yeah.

And then he even says the foolishness. Yeah. That's all that's going on. Yeah.

It's all about the context. Yeah. And then one other question, uh, it was in, uh, act 22. This is an argument that I think some people, uh, can you hold cause we had a break and then we'll get back to it. Okay. What verse, what particular verse X 22 what?

X 22. Uh, okay. We'll hold on. Okay. We'll be right back folks.

After these messages, we have two open lines, 8 7 7 2 0 7 2 2 7 6. We'll be right back. Welcome back to the show. Let's get back to Sean from Naples, Florida. Sean, you're back on the air. Okay. Great.

Thank you for holding. Um, uh, it's, it's a Hebrew roots movement argument that is used once in a while, but, um, I'm kind of confused at what angle they're coming out with it. What they'll say is that, um, they'll say, well, why did God choose Ananias? You know, a devout Jew, you know, with the good report amongst the Jews, how would he choose Ananias to restore Paul's sight? Uh, you know, something along those lines.

Um, because God chose to. I mean, I just, yeah, that's right. I guess Paul's a Jew is going to be made to see by the hands of, of him, but yeah. Yeah. I just assumed that.

I don't know if you want to go ahead. Yeah. Cause I'm thinking the way I look at that is Ananias was afraid of, of Paul. He was, you know, he was afraid that Paul or Saul at the time was going to, was going to kill him, you know? Right. And, and so that's why God chose Ananias and he, and he just happened to be a Jew.

I don't know. I just, I feel like they, like they're really grasping at straws with that argument. Well, they do, uh, what the black Hebrews or lights are known for is taking things out of context. They are incredibly bad at looking at things in context.

What they want to do apparently is simply make scripture fit, whatever they want, because they have an agenda. Okay. Yeah.

That's it. There's that word again, agenda. Oh, they have an agenda. And, uh, yeah, they, they're horrible at, uh, at exegesis and, um, uh, yeah, I've had encounters with them and it's very, very difficult to, uh, have them even see anything rationally. You point something out to them. They basically just ignore it. It doesn't matter what you say because white people basically are, are the devil. And so if you give them information, they just dismiss it. It's called a genetic fallacy. And so they're brainwashed.

They have a lot of problems. I've been called a white devil before by, uh, by some, but some of the black Hebrews are going to kick out of it too. Yeah. Especially when Jesus probably was a middle Eastern, uh, uh, complexion.

Yeah. He was, uh, he was most probably not black, but I wouldn't say he's typical Caucasian either. So who knows?

Um, I think he'd probably look more like an Arab as we see, but that's just my opinion. I'm not an expert on that, but, um, you know, whatever, but yeah, the black Hebrews are like group is just a racist organization. It is like BLM. And I noticed that they interpret, use old scripture, old Testament scripture to interpret new Testament. And that's another common mistake in hermeneutics. That's right. It is.

That's right. Very good. All right. Thank you so much. And God bless brother. All right, man. God bless.

All right. Let's get to Clement from Utah. Clement.

Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. This is Clement here. Thanks for taking my call.

Oh yeah. I, I have a little problem or a certain job problem. The genealogy thing is that, um, Matt, um, Genesis three, let's say 14 to 17, where, um, clean was sort of banished from, from, because I got cut all the way because they kill him. But he said that, um, the, the, um, sentence was too hard for him and anybody who could catch him would kill him and go, no, no, no, no. If anybody, you put a mark on him and if anybody killed, you know, take revenge on him. I couldn't see where from Genesis one to three where it had a genealogy of any other nation or people.

I don't know if there are books to help us there. If, if, if even his brother had family. Wait, you mean where did the people come from in the other cities? Yeah. In Genesis five, four, the days of Adam, after he became the father of Seth were 800 years, and he had other sons and daughters. So when Adam and Eve had children, um, they had lots of children.

Okay. Lots of children. And they, the children would marry each other when they had lots of, uh, of offspring. It wasn't until later that God said no more interbreeding.

And he put a stop to that. The genetic line was being affected. Remember it's pure genetics when Adam and Eve were, uh, were there. And so they're children. Um, can you imagine what, uh, you know, Cain and Abel, what, what Adam was like, he was probably highly intelligent, extremely, uh, fit, uh, and things have just gotten worse and worse since then.

Genetic entropy and other problems. What I, what I couldn't understand, you know, because, um, they couldn't, they didn't give any genealogy. They just gave Cain, Abel and Seth. So you have to, so we could just imagine that Cain probably was an older guy when he actually killed his brother.

Maybe. I don't, I don't know which one came first. Uh, I think it was Cain killed Abel.

Um, that's a good question actually. But, uh, the thing is that they had lots of other children, but they did. They just had other sons and daughters. And so that's it. They were actually living their lives.

I mean, before, uh, everywhere living their lives. And then Cain just... I can't hear, you're a little muffled. I can't understand you very well. So say it again.

Go ahead. I said, so Cain had to be a full grown man with, um, we didn't have a family yet because they said he went to some place and got a wife. Yes.

He, he, he, those two guys probably didn't have families, but the other, other siblings had family. That's what they say. Well, yeah. Yeah.

That's the idea. Uh, but, uh, we don't know when they were, um, born. There's a lot of discussion about what's the order of births and how many were born.

What was it? Was Cain and Abel born first and second, or were they born, born 50th or 60th or what? They don't know. So the writer of, the writer of Genesis just extracted out of all of those people, the ones that were important and related them in the case of what was going on.

That's all. So there have been, uh, population studies that when you have, um, so you can get, you know, you have babies by a woman can have babies, uh, mid teens. So let's just say she had 20, she's having a baby every other year. Let's just say, well, for 10 years, 15 years, she could have, uh, you know, say 10 children, right? Well, if those 10 are doing the same thing in another 20 years, all of a sudden you've got hundreds of people inside of like less than a hundred years or 150 years or something. And then another 150 years, you've got thousands. It's very quick. So it would not take long.

So if they lived 800 years and maybe they had Cain and Abel at 250 years of age, well then there'd be lots of people around and they could have gone out. So that kind of thing, that principle. Okay. Thank you.

Yeah, sure. My, my, my, my understanding was there's, they had these two sons and then she had another son. I, my understanding was not like when they were all always producing, producing, but this was what they wanted us to know about these two brothers.

I don't understand. Yeah. It was extracted, right?

They would extract certain information from a genealogy to make a point. That's how it was often done. Okay. Okay. All right, man. Okay. All right. Let's get back to Paul from earlier.

Paul, you got hung up on accidentally. What's up buddy. Okay. I'm there. I'm here.

You there? Yeah. Okay. So what I was going to ask is Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, was that their actual name and why was the name Yeshua changed to Jesus? Okay. So you're asking two questions at the same time.

Which question do you want me to tackle first? Oh, let's say while Yeshua was changed to Jesus. So where does it say that Jesus name was changed? Yeshua was changed to Jesus. Can you show me any evidence where Jesus was called Yeshua?

Well, no, I, that's why I was going to ask you because I figured if anyone would know, you would know. Okay. I figured you were one of the groups.

I have heard repeatedly the name Yeshua and that they changed it to Jesus because something, this is going to sound very bizarre or something about there not being a Y in Latin. Okay. Now I'm with you.

I thought you were one of the, sorry, one of the groups, this antagonistic story about that. Here's the thing. Matthew 1 21, it says you shall call his name Jesus. Actually in the Greek, Jesus is how it's pronounced, but they don't have a J and, and we just say Jesus and it's not a big deal.

Uh, and, um, so what we do in languages is we transliterate sometimes, or we kind of get the general pronunciation moved over and we keep pronunciations and modify their pronunciations. Uh, that's all that's going on there and it's not a big deal. And when people start saying that, um, that, uh, the name was changed.

No, that's not the case. So my name is Matthew, right? Well, in Greek, when it says they saw a man named, uh, called Matthew and that's in Matthew, uh, nine, nine, the literal pronunciation is my say on, and it comes from, uh, the Greek Mathias. Well, we don't say Mathias. We say, just say Matthew. And so what, but some groups they'll say, no, it's called the sacred name movement. And you have to have the right name of Jesus. You got to pronounce it right. Cause you don't pronounce it right.

Then you're going to hell. And they're the ones who have the correct pronunciation. And they'll say Jesus was originally called Yeshua. And they'll say that Yeshua. And, uh, because the Hebrew, cause he was a Hebrew. And I'll say, well, okay, let's just say, that's the case.

Let's say, not that it is, let's just say it is. Then why are all the new Testament documents written in, in Greek and why is the name Jesus in Greek? I just ask them and you don't really have a good answer except to say sometimes that the, all the manuscripts have been, um, have been, uh, altered and corrupted. And so the word Jesus, which is Jesus name pronounced in Greek occurs 914 times in the new Testament, 914 times.

That would have to mean that, that they erased all the, it doesn't work because, but, um, Yeshua is a, uh, Hebrew pronunciation and, uh, it's not a Jesus is the Greek. It's that's it. Okay. Okay. Thank you very much. You're welcome. All right. God bless. Okay. Let's get to Nelson from Bakersfield. Nelson. Welcome. You're on the air. Hey Matt, I know we got a, I know we got a few minutes, so I want to get this quick.

Uh, first John three 15, a friend of mine says that that verse shows that you can lose your salvation. Can you please everyone who hates his brother? Sure. Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer.

No murderer has eternal life abiding in him. So, uh, okay. Ask your buddy. Have you ever hated somebody?

Just ask him. So yeah. Okay. You can go to hell next. He'll say, no, no, no.

Well, guess what it says. You're quoting it to say that you can lose your salvation if you hate somebody, right? Have you ever hated anybody? If he says, no, really? You've never been unrighteously angry with anybody in your heart.

Of course he has. Well then, then you don't have eternal life abiding in you. So how do you get your eternal life back?

You have to stop hating someone, right? So by loving them, the opposite, you gain eternal life. You see the problem here that they don't understand the text. What he's talking about in John first, John three is the issue of those who are unregenerate. They are haters. They don't have eternal life abiding in them.

That's what's going on. Not that you can lose your salvation. Okay, buddy. What a time. Okay. All right. Hey, Erica from Iowa called back tomorrow by Genesis three 20 and the Lord bless all of you. And by his grace, we're back on here tomorrow and we'll talk to you then have a great day, everyone. God bless. Bye. Another program powered by the truth network.
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