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Business Ministries

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
September 28, 2024 2:25 pm

Business Ministries

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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September 28, 2024 2:25 pm

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This is the Truth Network. Good morning and welcome to Kingdom Pursuits. I'm Jerry Mathis, Raised Body Shop and Wrecker Service filling in for Robbie this morning. He is at a, I think at a car show in Georgia and so I just hope and pray that they're safe and this morning just a lot of prayers lifted up for when you sit there and turn the TV on and saw the devastation for the hurricane that went through.

I mean from, I mean it's just from Florida all the way up into Tennessee even where you know it's just, man there's a lot of people hurting today and I hope there's a lot of prayers lifted up for them. This morning is a call-in show at 866-348-7884 and also I'll tell you what, I've really been looking forward to this show. This past week I just kind of was thinking about what I wanted, the subject I wanted to kind of touch base with and I kept coming back to one thing that's kind of close to my heart and stuff where guys are in their profession, their line of work, in their business is running it as a Christian and stuff and that's kind of in a way in the society we live in today, it's not, you almost have to know how to be bold but yet do it in compassion and with love and also when you make decisions sometimes in business-wise, I'm looking at two guys that own a business, you have to make decisions sometimes that generally speaking is not a great financial decision where you'll say, you know what, these are my principles, this is my belief, my biblical belief, my belief as a Christian and I'm just not going to do that and you make those decisions and it's going to cost you short term, I think in long term benefits are huge. So this morning I'm going to let Kevin, Jerry and Tracy introduce themselves and kind of tell a little bit of what they do and then we're going to kind of kick it around a little bit on different aspects of it and stuff and we're going to start with Kevin. Alright, good morning, my name is Kevin Altman, I'm an attorney here in Winston-Salem, North Carolina mostly what you call a general practice attorney which in the legal world is, if I had to compare to like the medical world, I'm kind of a family doctor, ER doctor, kind of see a lot first line of defense with just about anything and so sometimes I can help people and sometimes I have to refer them to a specialist but I've been here since 2006 and started my own practice in 2007. Alright, we're going to get back into that because you say first thing people listen and so on.

On a Christian radio show we've got a lawyer, what's the deal here? So we're going to go ahead and we're going to hit that head on here in just a moment, Jerry. My name is Jerry Dorsett, I spent a career with state government working on conservation programs and the last 12 years I made a big change, I try to instill what I know to 18 to 24 year olds as a professor at Elon University and AG and environmental science and those type programs. I get a lot of students from this country of course but about half in recent years have been students from Europe which has been really, really interesting to bring in perspectives but it's all about going in, trying to build a relationship, trying to instill some know-how and some knowledge that they'll carry with them for the rest of their life and then hopefully work in there some Christian concepts.

Absolutely. Well good morning, my name is Tracy Golding and I'm one of the owners of Northside Bowling Lanes here in Winston-Salem over on Patterson Avenue. Before going into and buying a bowling center I was a police officer here in Winston-Salem for the Winston-Salem Police Department for about 21 years. Had a wonderful career, saw a lot of the good in people, saw a little of the bad in people.

So along with a family friend and my family members we purchased Northside Lanes from the original owner in 2006 and we're in our 18th year of operation. We've had some ups and downs, COVID was a very trying time but on the other side of COVID business is booming and I fully believe that it's simply God's hand of favor and blessing for doing things the right way for the right reason. Yeah and I think and as I said early on as part of the decisions you make I know for me and my business there's a lot of opportunities you have to do things which would be financially beneficial that you just have to say you know what that isn't who I am, that's not who my company, I want it to be representative. So there's times you make decisions and as I'm standing here and I know that there's also times where you think you know am I being too pushy on my faith and how do you kind of mitigate that and make it where it's you know what as Jerry mentioned you know he's talked about teaching kids and stuff but also along the way hope they see something in him that's going to make a difference and I know when I say that my daughter's a teacher in Davie County. Jerry's wife is a retired educator and teacher and you're always here you know one thing we need in the public schools is Christian teachers and stuff and that goes back to the same thing what we're going to talk about now is how do you do that because you can't really go in there and teach them a Bible lesson unless you want to get really get slammed and stuff but I think you have the opportunities that Taylor will tell you that every kid in her class knows she's a Christian because every opportunity she'll relate it to something with her faith and stuff and I think Ellen would say the same thing it's a matter of knowing how to navigate that and I think when we're in business we also kind of learn that also and I know that Kevin when people come to you and one thing I've always heard and if I'm wrong is Kevin's a guy that really when I go in there it's not like talking to a lawyer it's almost like talking to a friend and then his perspective is different from most lawyers and I think that is because of where our faith comes from and that's your take on that Well you know I think being a lawyer is very much like being a plumber or a police officer or a radio host you know you can bring your faith to the table or you can not bring your faith to the table and I read something by a journalist one time who talked about the importance in being a good journalist is the goal is to show don't tell and my goal as a believer is to show people what a Christian is not to tell them what a Christian is and again maybe some days I do okay at that maybe some days I don't but my interaction with other people I have to approach it well my faith tells me I have to approach it from a perspective that is beyond what my vocational skill requires and that's what I try to do I mean before I came here I had a doctor's appointment actually and that doctor had a similar perspective which I just kind of found out by accident his point to me was you're a person first before you are a medical issue and so you know on my best days I try to treat people the way the Lord would treat people on my worst days I don't I guess but yeah I think if you start with you know we did a Bible study a couple years ago about identity and so that's my biggest challenge is do I identify as a believer first or as a litigator or a counselor or whatever and so I hope that at the end of the day more people will say that I showed them what a Christian was than I told them what a Christian was Oh absolutely and Jerry your take on that I mean like I said in higher education especially I can imagine you have a room full of people that know it all They do it's interesting when I walk in with a group of young people I know the first thing they look at me and they see a 60 some year old person and they're thinking oh my goodness an old boomer and so my goal first thing is Kevin says to go in and build a relationship and I tell them I said look I'm three times older than anyone in here and I said we're going to develop a relationship in here and see what we can do and we do a lot of hands-on learning and we were at a farm yesterday I took them to a place specifically that I knew would talk about some Christian concepts and they helped to get the message You have to fix and go to a break and again if you have a question I'd like to ask the lawyer or educator about bowling and stuff give us a call 866-348-7884 Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits and as we left Jerry was kind of giving us he was standing in front of his class and we're going to pick up from there So yeah it's really interesting with students from all over the world there's a lot of perspectives that walk into the classroom each time in a different group and one thing I try to make certain that they know is without pounding them is that I'm a Christian I mentioned the church we go to other things sometimes about creation and whatnot and what that does the students that aren't tuned into that or maybe don't know Christ for them it's not a big deal but for the rest of them it tells them at least this classroom is a safe place because I know in America today that most universities and most colleges are very very liberal very progressive and I know students walk into rooms and they're afraid to identify themselves because they get so much pressure put on them Yeah absolutely Tracy same thing I mean how were you able to make where somebody walks through the door all they came in here to do is just bowl why are they going to know it's different walking through Northside Lanes One of the I'll say interesting or different concepts about our business or our business operation is that Northside Lanes since the day it opened in 1960 we are the only alcohol free bowling center in the area and actually in the triad if you think about your TV shows your movies or even your own personal experiences almost every bowling center bowling alley you go into they have a place for food and drinks and things of that nature and almost without exception there's a huge push a huge drive for alcohol sales and alcohol is a big money making business It goes back to what I was talking about earlier sometimes you make decisions in a business that reflects your belief system more than that reflects on the books Absolutely it does Northside Lanes has had a standard from the previous founders the Ingram family that they weren't going to serve alcohol and when myself and my business partner Rocky Cass Stevens bought it from them in 2006 that was something that we agreed we were going to honor because of our beliefs and our stance on that and there's nothing inherently wrong with alcohol there's nothing inherently wrong with the consumption of alcohol it's like anything else you can overdo it so when people overdo it their inhibitions get lowered and sometimes behavior is not what you want especially inside of a business that we're promoting as family friendly we want to be a family friendly atmosphere so we've made that hard line that we're not going to not only not serve alcohol but we don't allow it on the property one of the first signs you come in contact when you come in either interest way is there's no alcohol allowed on the property and that has rubbed some people the wrong way we explained it to them that that's a business decision and it's based upon our core belief system that we believe you can come in here with your family with your girlfriend with your wife with your buddies from work you can have a good time throwing a bowling ball we've got really good food not always the best for you but we've got really good food and you can have a wonderful experience and you don't have to consume alcohol and we've found the community has been faithful the community has been amazingly supportive of that we do a lot of work with Christian schools we do a lot of work with Sunday school classes and family reunions and time and time and time again they say we're here because of the stance you take for not serving alcohol so while there's money to be made in the short term I believe God's blessed us and we've had some amazing times in the last 18 years that we've been owners and it kind of goes back to something I talk about a lot I think we became a society that has got away from the family structure doing things as a family and I think Jerry probably sees that in the world of education and you probably see that with the families are blown apart and stuff but when you sit there there's just not as many opportunities I think and I don't think a lot of people take advantage of it where you can go and put your phones up, your tablets up and go into the north side lanes it's going to be a safe environment, it's going to be a family environment and just have a good time as a family and too many times I think we as a family the society today just doesn't take advantage of that I mean I know that when my daughter was younger we made sure that there was things we did together and stuff and the hour before on Christian Car Guy radio had Mark Flanning here from Pulliams and I can go back to those stories when I was a kid we'd load up the station wagon, go to Pulliams hot dogs and sit out there on the stumps and eat hot dogs and drink chair wine from a bottle back then I was like knee high but chair wine now but it was just doing it as a family and stuff we just don't see that as much anymore there's very seldom you see families just going out and just doing just activities and I think it's just so important to build that unity and build that bond in a family because Mark will tell you every time I go up there somebody walks through the doors and says you know what I'm up here because I wanted to bring my son or my grandson up here because when I was growing up my mom and dad brought me up here same thing with that, when you walk in those doors you know it's a safe environment It is, this is something we promote being family friendly we do a lot of work with schools we're partners with the Forsyth County School System and also the Davidson County School System and they now schedule and bring their PE classes every other week so they're busing their high school students over to our bowling center they're bowling a game, they're getting food to eat the coaches are interacting with kids not in a structured classroom setting but you actually can see the PE coaches instead of just counting laps as kids are running in a gym or seeing who made the basketball shot and who didn't there's interacting in an environment that instructors or coaches don't have a lot of experience in but it gives the student athlete an opportunity to see their coach or the person responsible for them more as just an educator more as just an authoritarian hey this is another human being this is someone that actually genuinely cares for me and we try to make sure we provide that type of environment where just come in here and have fun and just enjoy this section of time of life that you have Yeah absolutely, well I'm sending, I'm going to throw out a couple of questions and y'all just jump in and answer it as you feel what is the, probably the, in your line of work what's your biggest obstacle that you face every day and I know that's kind of a deep question and so I'm going to give you a chance and I will say now, I'll get it started for me it's just dealing with people that are in a crisis and trying to make sure we understand you know, how to get to where, to make them feel comfortable and stuff and that's always, you know, part of that is our faith and one thing that I'm sitting here this morning I've got three guys on the other side of the table from me that I go to church with so as I say that I think a lot of my customers come through the door because somebody told them about us I mean we've been in business for over 60 years and so, and as Tracy knows he grew up in that or was down in that neighborhood for quite a while patrolled that area and stuff we've been there a while so we've always had we have families that build up that you know what they come and tell me about Ray working on their dad's car and stuff and when they first came and stuff so it's kind of that sort of we're part of the neighborhood in other words, in that community but really when you sit there and think about it just making sure that we stay to that same level that we don't try to get bigger than our britches or something maybe be the best way to put it but to understand, just be humble and understand where people are at Any thoughts? Well I'll, since you said something that I think is probably my biggest obstacle I'll go ahead and chime in here expectations are the hardest thing for me because in my world it's not like a painter or someone mowing your grass there's always opposition on the other side and I can't control the outcome of what I do if you hire me to paint your room I can go buy the paint and I can paint your room and I don't have someone else trying to unpaint it or keep me from painting it so the biggest challenge for me is people are coming to me and maybe crisis is not the right word but a tough situation and they have to spend money and they want to know just like if I bring my car to you and it's got a banged up fender I want to know if I give you X dollars you're going to fix the fender and so my biggest challenge is I can't always promise that they're going to get what they want or achieve the goal in their situation and so there's just like my friend here with the bowling alley there's a lot of money to be made in alcohol sales and he's chosen to forego that in my industry or career or vocation there's a lot of money to be made in false expectations and so I just really try as best I can to as much a business philosophy as anything if I can create a sober expectation and then exceed that I think that's better than creating a false expectation even though it might be achievable if I create a false expectation and then the outcome is less it's just not even outside of the spiritual implications of honesty and dishonesty it's just bad it's just not smart and so I think there's a lot of utility in the gospel so that's my biggest obstacle is expectations trying to be optimistic but also honest and have to tell people I can't guarantee you anything but that I'll just do my best Absolutely From my perspective as a teacher what I see at Elon with young people is an emphasis of something I call DDD it's digital distraction burnout and what it means is that we've gotten so tied to things that are not a true foundation my foundation in life is God, my family and of course our church and what I see in these generations is it's phones, it's digital, it's computer things that are not dependable things that are not going to even they can count on a half hour from now Absolutely.

Be back in just a moment Kington Pursues once again is a calling show 866-348-7884 You're listening to The Truth Network and Alright welcome back Kington Pursuits and as we left see that's how I know we're about ready to go to a break Jerry Dorsey starts talking and it's time for a break so Jerry got anything to finish up there? So to wrap that up I see a lot in our society of dependency on phones and computers and digital things that really a battery goes out or electricity goes out and it doesn't work anymore it's not a good foundation and I know that when young people walk into the classroom today because they're so worried about speed and expedition of things that they're going to be tied into all that and I have that, it's a constant but in the classroom it's not allowed and I've even been told by students that said they'd like me they said you're really old fashioned Mr. Dorsett I don't allow them to turn things in digitally we go back to the basics they have to turn in paper hard copies they actually have to speak I have them do interviews for projects where they actually have to talk to someone and of course they're fear and trembling on all these things that's new to them but when it's all said and done they said I really like that, I learned a lot so my idea is not only with my basics but to try to get them to step back and think about what's really important in life to show that to them that's pretty cool talking about that, I mean it's I know that in my business when somebody comes in it is amazing that somebody under 30 years old how many don't even know how to sign a check I mean it's just, this is a foreign concept to them and writing stuff out handwritten stuff wow, it's just, I think we have shifted away from that digital world which I'm not I'm not too fond of but do you ever get those that walk in and think it's okay to be talking on the phone and trying to talk to you as well I feel kind of stupid because they're talking and I'm answering and then look at me like I'm talking on the phone yeah it's a whole different, I mean what's acceptable is a whole different world now and I'm sure you see it every day I do and it ties right in with what Jerry was saying is you'll have we'll use a family unit come in, a parent and one or two kids and they'll walk in and if it's not the child that asks it's the adult that's with them hey do you guys have Wi-Fi here and I look at them kind of crazy I know where the question's going, I look at them I say well you don't need Wi-Fi to throw a bowling ball I said it's automatic I said I'll even teach you how to put your name in on the tablet but I bet you know how to use a tablet no no no, I just need to know if y'all have Wi-Fi, I said again you don't need Wi-Fi to throw a bowling ball and what they're getting to is exactly what Jerry's talking about, they're looking for something on their phones or on their tablets to occupy their time when it's not their turn to bowl and it's amazing, you'll see kids, they'll throw their shot and they'll come right off the lanes, run to a table and grab the phone or even worse, they'll take the phone with them, the phone's in one hand a twelve, thirteen, fourteen pound bowling ball's in the other and you're just waiting, well here's a rectus getting ready to happen, what happens if they get really excited and they let go with both hands I've got a bowling ball and a phone gonna meet somewhere cause gravity still works inside the building but yeah, it's I need to be distracted, I've gotta have that phone, that's my lifeline that's how I exist but yeah, the Wi-Fi the distraction, the electronic I gotta have it, I gotta have it right now, we have lost the ability to do what we're doing right now, which is sitting down looking somebody eye to eye and have a conversation and we can't even articulate our agreements and when we wanna disagree with another individual, oh it's ugly what happens on social media you know, we've lost the art of having discussions, we've lost the art of how to discuss differences and as men and women and men of faith you know, we've gotta help teach that to this younger generation it's okay to have a disagreement but you don't have to blast them and everything on their social media let's talk to people, let's talk to each other instead of about each other cause I know for me you go into a restaurant and you'll see a family sitting at a table together and everybody's got their texts, they're doing they're on the phones you go, I mean it's an opportunity to be with your family and enjoy your family and build and bond with them but you're too busy worrying about social media and stuff and I think we've drifted from that and as I'm sitting here and I'm thinking about this, I wonder just how many times you have to sit down Kevin and talk to somebody and you're thinking you know what, if these parties would have just talked to each other, we wouldn't be at this point but by not talking to each other you get to that point Yeah, and that's one of the things that I try to guide myself by the it's kind of a unrealistic goal sometimes but what I tell myself is if I'm a really good lawyer I don't have to go to court, so I, one of the things I try to do is I listen to what my client says and take them at their word about what they say and then I say, well what would the other person say, not whether you believe it or not, but what would they say and a lot of times in what I do is you know, if my client is a circle and the opposing party is a circle, a lot of times there's some overlap so if you can get your client to see what the other person sees as acceptable, you don't have to go to court, and that would be my goal in every case, to never have to go to court I mean, I think I don't have any statistics on me, but you know, I think most cases are settled without litigation and so it's just always preferable, but yeah, if they could have done that before coming to see me, they wouldn't have to spend any money to do what they got to do anyway so, yeah just being able to just talk to people is a lost art that can result in not having as good a time at the bowling alley or learning as much in a class or having a problem that's got to be fought about Yeah, absolutely, and I'm just going to take a moment a couple of things I want to just mention kind of get off the path just a little bit, but Fonda Bryant this past month, well September is suicide prevention month Fonda Bryant is a good friend of mine she is a trainer and stuff, and she will be having a free online suicide prevention training October the 19th and I'm going to give her information, you can just type in on word search Fonda Bryant F-O-N-D-A Bryant B-R-Y-A-N-T or you can do and that will give you information for the free online training also if you have a civic organization, school, church or something have her come in for live training it's a great opportunity, I mean it will it will help everyone, I can't tell you how much, I just think it's just a great program if you're looking to donate somewhere, she also has a non-profit which is the Wellness Action Recovery $5 that allows her to continue to do that free online training, we never know who she may be that that's talking, that she's training on that free online training that may save one or two, three, four who knows how many lives of people that are in their spirit of contact and stuff that they may see something it's just a great program, Jesus' Labor of Love, a program we do here where we assist with cars and car repair for it started out for single moms but now it's kind of expanded, but it's a great ministry, you can go on to Christian Car Guy Radio or Christian Car Guy website and see the link for Jesus' Labor of Love, you can put in Jesus' Labor of Love, it also gets you there it's a great ministry, love to have people join us and assist with helping people that really does make a difference in automobile we don't realize how important transportation is in this day and time, used to be, I mean I grew up in a family, we had one car and you made it happen now if you don't have, everybody who has a driver's license needs a car, I mean almost and stuff Tracy, one thing I want to mention because of you mentioned a snack bar because I do like to eat and I do like to eat bad food, but as I was sitting there at your website I saw it brings back a lot of memories, all that bowling alley food and I can and I used to go to a bowling alley that wasn't one of them, it was Parkway Lanes and it was you never knew what you was running into down on that neck of the woods sometimes, but I always would go down there and eat too when we had a bowling and stuff and that's brought back a lot of memories, so the restaurants, I mean you don't have to come bowling to come to the restaurant right? No you don't it's a unique unique atmosphere, our grill or our little restaurant area does amazing business of its own, we have several several people that have been clients or customers for 20 years and have never thrown a bowling ball and probably never will, but they love the jumbo cheeseburger Alrighty, you had time to see if we missed I threw it off, I had Tracy finish up be back in just a moment, Kingdom Pursuits Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, what a great morning, I tell you what I can't tell you how much I've just enjoyed sitting around the table sort of, I like to use this reference, sometimes I like it where I feel like I'm just pulling up to the kitchen table and we're just sitting around just talking that's part of what we've been talking about is how that is a lost art and so many times, and I think you know, you see it in the legal as a lawyer, you see it where that's just became a lost art, talking about it in bowling and also in education and stuff just that communication and stuff and I think part of that is also go back to what we do all of us at this table do like I said, we all go to Pinedale Christian Church and that's, I love it when I have references or people will refer me and it's people that are sitting in a church somewhere, my Sunday school teacher from a church I never heard of told me that I needed to talk to you about it and it may be something we don't even, as you talked about the restaurant your main business is bowling but really the restaurant is something that you don't even think about and how many people come in also and we're just asked advice and stuff so we don't really know, it may not be a client but at least if somebody knows that, told you that they can trust, they can trust come and talk to me at Ray's Body Shop about a situation, even if it's something I'm not even going to do where a car may be totaled, they just don't know how to deal with the insurance company, people take time and do that and I think that's part of, that's an opportunity to also share our faith and stuff and because people say, why do you do that? I say, because that's the right thing to do, that's the and I'll kind of talk, you know what, and especially when they tell me from somebody at their church referred us, I think that's pretty pretty important and I sit there and we sit there and I think as I said, we talked about what our biggest hurdle is real quick, won't have much time but what is the probability, that thing that brings you the most gratification in your just quick spurt out and there's not much thought on it but what is the thing that, you know what, I get up every day because of this OK Kev, we're going to go with you Well, I've got two examples that I think of there are some cases that make me glad that I entered this line of work one was a guy I came into my office and man he was not a young guy he and his wife had been married a while I mean, this guy was in his 60's and they were in a trouble spot in their marriage and he wanted me to help him get a divorce but as I spent that time just talking to him as a person, not so much as a lawyer, I could tell that's not what he wanted and so I said, man, you love your wife, don't you? And he said, yeah I said, you don't want a divorce do you?

He said, no but she does and I said, well man because that's not what you want I can see that this would not be good for you and I'm just not going to do it and it caused him to pursue other options he and his wife got back together and he emailed me and he said, you saved my life and that was very rewarding, you know, I didn't go to court I didn't have an article written about me in Lawyer's Weekly or anything like that but just very recently, I mean within the last few weeks I was able to help a single mother avoid foreclosure because I just helped her buy some time and I started out by telling her I can't make any guarantees but I'll do my best and things just happen to work out they don't always do but I felt really good about that and so there are plenty of instances on the other side of the equation but those are two that made me feel good about what I do well, they ought to, yeah Jerry? So with students it's like a room full of guns when they walk in each semester, I don't know what I'm going to be dealing with until we get going and what I find is that the young people, as I mentioned earlier when they first come into the classroom they're looking at me thinking, oh my an old person, but the first one is when I can build a relationship and pretty successful with that I've talked for 13 years and what I didn't realize is that when you teach, if your classroom doesn't have a certain number of students it doesn't make and you're unemployed that semester every semester this class has filled up for that many years and we do a lot of hands-on things which really are unusual in this society today with our young people most of them have never participated in what we did growing up where they played in the yard, they've gone out into the woods and I actually take them out and we go do these things I've had some kids that have panicked, you go into the woods and they think something's actually going to kill them they can't tell you what but they're certain something's going to get them so they actually get into some experiences where they actually get back to the basics and they find out that you can split a persimmon seed up and you can see that inside there's a little indicator in there of a seed embryo that looks like something might be a spoon, fork or knife that the old timers used to use for prediction we'll do that Monday and when they get through with that experience they'll look at that and say people really did this, this is really real I've read it in a book, it didn't seem but this is so exciting Mr. Dorsett this is so exciting, I'm going to go home and tell people about this we do things like I have them call their family members and come up with three old weather sayings and a lot of them when they come back they say we've never talked about this in my life and my family is so excited that I ask my parents a question which tells me at home they're on their phone they're not talking so actually it may not last but at least in this experience they've walked away with some things that's going to impact them for the rest of their life. Tracy quickly, just like our church where we go to, kids come first we have a huge youth program at Northside Lanes and to see these young people come in and get excited and bowl and we're teaching life lessons through the game of bowling we've had 13 student athletes get a full college ride for just throwing a bowling ball.

So there's something to be said about get out here and try something different you may just get your education paid for. Where's Northside Lanes at? Northside Lanes located at 3550 North Patterson Avenue right off Akron Drive and 52. Okay, Kevin how do we want to get in touch with you? Alright, also he's in Winston-Salem 301 North Main Street.
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