Hello, this is Matt Slick from the Matt Slick Live Podcast, where I defend the Christian faith and lay out our foundations of the truth of God's Word. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. Kingdom Pursuits, where you hear from ordinary people instilled with an extraordinary passion.
Together we explore the stories of men and women who take what they love and let God turn their passion into kingdom pursuits. Now live from the Truth Booth, your host, Robbie Dilmore. Oh, how fun it is going to be today because we have such, such cool guests. I know because in both cases I've had the guests on before, but I've never had one of the guests' sons on before. So we have, uh, if you were listening a couple of weeks ago, we had Shane Flemons on with us and he was the gentleman you might recall that had the fish stories and the book Conviction and, and how he went away on a fishing trip to Alaska and the Baltimore.
What is it? The, what they call that sea up there, the Bering Sea, and you came back how many years later, eight ish eight ish. And the son that he left behind that we talked about is Jaden and Jaden you're with us today. Welcome Jaden. So Jaden had met on the phone, on the radio a whole lot. So he's a little nerve wracking, isn't it? It's a little different to be behind the mic than it is to listen.
Yeah, a little, yeah, you will. So we're so glad you're here today. And also with us today, we have another author, Steve Hines, and we had him back on, I think it was in September. Wasn't it Steve? He's the author of salt and light kids, salt light and kids. Yep.
And back in September. And so when he was on, we didn't get into some depth of his book that I really wanted to explore. He's got some chapters that are particularly intriguing to me.
And so I thought that you guys would enjoy, you know, a revisit with both these guys, because it's just, you know, tremendous stuff. So you know me, right? I have my good friend Grayson helping me out today. So yeah, there you go. Oh, yes, it is. And speaking of salt, right, so you know, we got my background joke music so I can, you know, make myself there you go, Grayson, always feel so much better when I hear that. So listen carefully, Grayson.
Listen carefully, Shane and Jaden and Steve. So the salt said, so nice to see you the pepper. No, excuse me, the paprika said, How do you do? The nutmeg said, What's up? The garlic said, Yo, the pepper said, Hi.
The oregano said, Hola. What do you think Grayson is happening here? Okay, especially happens around Christmas or Thanksgiving. What do you think is happening?
Shane got any ideas? Oh, no, sir. It's your first time Jaden. What do you think is happening?
Go ahead, Jaden. Am I trying to figure out this question? Yeah, what are these?
What are these guys doing salt and pepper and garlic? You got any idea there? Steve?
I do not so far. I thought it is it's it's season's greetings. Come on, you're supposed to laugh louder than this.
There's a big laugh sign going on right now. You know, it's this is funny stuff. All right.
So here's a little easier one for you. Grayson, in which state is the Great Salt Lake? In which state is the Great Salt Lake?
Have you wondered about that? Yeah, you probably know this because you didn't grow up too far from there, right? For some reason, Utah is coming to my mind. Yeah, you would be right as far as the actual state of North Carolina.
But you got any idea, Grayson? What state is the Great Salt Lake? Is it Ohio? Close. It's actually the liquid state. It's in the state of liquid.
All right, so we're batting two for two as far as Robbie's winning this game. What do you call a gun? This is an old one, but it's helpful. What I call a gun that shoots salt. You know, you should know that. What? You got it. An assault rifle, right? A salt. Yeah, a salt gun rifle. It works. Yeah.
Yeah. You knew that one. My personal favorite on the list and the one I'll end with before we get the actual Bible riddle. If ponies like salt licks, then what do pirate ponies like? If ponies like salt licks, what do you think, Grayson? What do pirate ponies like? Would it be gold? They do like gold.
I never met a pony that didn't like gold, but the pirate ponies, they have a particular affinity for gold. And when they see a salt lick, they prefer like the gar lick. You got to say that just right, Grayson.
Gar lick. That's just fun to tell, anyway. So at the end of those shenanigans, you knew I would actually have a Bible riddle for you to call in and win today. And so if you can answer this Bible riddle, you can win a prize. And so here you go. Who was the most assaulted, speaking of an assault rifle, who was the most assaulted person in the Bible?
Of all the people that were assaulted, who was the most assaulted person in the Bible? If you know that, you call us at 866-don't give it away. Don't give it away. 866-348-7884.
866-34-TRUTH. And if they guessed that, Grayson, tell them what they'll win. Oh, Robbie, they'll win a prize out of our prize vault today.
Yes, the very special Kingdom Pursuits prize vault, which includes, if you prefer, a book called Salt and Light for Kids. We have one of those. And we also have Conviction, Shane's book. And so take your pick.
If you can just tell us who was the most assaulted, assaulted person in the Bible. And there is more than one answer, by the way. And so you might have that.
866-348-7884. And so, Steve, one of the challenging—like, I saw that you had this chapter in your book that I thought was worth discussing. It's called Boyfriends and Girls. It's called Boyfriends and Girlfriends. Not exactly the topic that most parents are just ready to dive into, but you just went ahead and threw a whole chapter out there. Oh, yeah.
So what about that? What did God give you when it came to salt and light on that subject of boys and girlfriends? You know, Robbie, like, I think you know my history. My kids are grown now, 32-year-old daughter and almost 30-year-old son. So I've been through that whole challenging time. And I think the thing the Lord gave me as I was writing the book to really make sure to convey to parents is to be involved in the dating process. Because we as parents, a lot of times are, you know, real involved up until our kids turn 15 or 16. And then we kind of, you know, back out of some of their life decisions. And I just think it's important to have the relationship with your kids going into that time where you can be a sounding board and an influence on them for good. The dating life of both my kids did not go perfect.
But I stayed involved and my wife stayed involved in it. We actually might help make some changes in some of their decisions. And so it's a critical time because if you think about it, that, you know, they're finding who they're going to marry and it'll affect them for the rest of their life. Oh, absolutely.
Absolutely. And so we actually have a son here with us, you know, since Shane. How old is your son? He's 22. He's 22.
And so, and you guys got reconnected. How old was he? 17.
I was thinking 16, but it could have been 17. Yeah. So at that point he was like, but you guys have got this phenomenal relationship now.
It's like the Lord provided what the obviously locusts had eaten. And I would imagine that you're involved in those things now. But when you first started, when you guys got back together after, you know, all that we talked about in the previous show, and you hadn't seen your son for 11 years, did he let you in on much like that? And how did you get there? How did you get to where you are? I'm very curious. How did, I mean, you guys, I've never seen one of you without the other. And so when we come back, we're going to hear from that. We got Rod is in Ohio. Steve is in North Carolina and Gerald.
I haven't seen where he's from yet, but all you guys have answers for my riddle. And so I ask you, I beg you, stay on, even if you hear what you were going to say, because we have stuff for you. We want to talk to you. Rod, Steve, Gerald, we have them all when we come back.
Plus, Shane's got plenty of time to come up with his answer. We'll be right back. This is the Truth Network. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And wow, do we have poster children for that today.
We have Steve Hines. He's the author of Salt and Light Kids, which is an amazing book that we all could use that we all could use, whether we're parents, grandparents, or going to be parents or grandparents. Right, Jaden, as the case may be. And then we have Shane and his son, Jaden Flemons, his book Conviction.
And really cool to hear. And when we get back, we're going to hear, in a minute, we're going to hear more on the story of, you know, when they got reconciled. But first, we got this wonderful riddle, who's the first and most assaulted, not the first, who was the most assaulted person in the Bible. And so we got Rod, we got Steve, we got Gerald, I want you all three to stay on with me, because I want to speak to all of you if I can. So Rod, you are here first. And so Rod, who do you think was the most assaulted person in the Bible?
Well, I think you got to go with a lot. At least that's where my mind goes. Now, he was his poor wife that ended up as the pillar of salt. But when you think about it, you're exactly right. Because, you know, it's one thing to be made a pillar of salt, but it's another thing to watch the love of your life be made into a pillar of salt. And so he was shot at and hit. And, you know, what a horrible thing, man. And not to mention, everybody he knew, you know, got the whole soul for treatment.
Yeah, well, if the two are one and she went to be salt, then he's probably not far behind. Yeah, it's a strange story. What about that story speaks to you, Rod? It's just, I think the gradual falling of Lot down through the years, you know, he cast his eyes over towards Sodom. And then before long, he was camped near Sodom.
And then not long after that, he was in Sodom. And, you know, it's just how the devil can just gradually just take over in your life. I resemble that remark.
Yeah, he could do it in such subtle ways or something, you know, like, you know, you can be watching episodes of TV that are absolutely rated PG and all that. And boy, it doesn't take long. And you find yourself sitting at the gate, right? Just along with me and Lot. Well, you know, one of the things that's talked about in 1 John is the lust of the eyes. And it started with Lot with the eyes.
He looked in the direction of Sodom. And, you know, be careful, little eyes, what we see. And there's a lot of truth to that. Oh, yeah, there is. Thank you so much for calling in today. Where in Ohio are you at?
Near Dayton. Very cool. Well, thank you so much for listening to Truth. We're so grateful for you guys. God bless. God bless you guys. All right. So we got Steve is in North Carolina.
Steve, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. Good morning. Good morning. How's everybody doing this morning?
We're doing good. I'm curious your answer to the most assaulted person in the Bible. Okay, well, my answer would have to be the first king before Judah and Israel split, which would be King Saul, which means salt. And I think he was the most assaulted because he turned from God, of course, and did not follow God's order. So he was constantly assaulted by the enemy and lived a very, very horrible life of confusion. And just, you know, didn't have peace his whole life, you know, resulting in the very end of his life, you know, die. It was brutal.
And it was brutal and went and consulted with the witch and all that stuff. I mean, he did not have a very happy life because he didn't follow God's orders. So, you know, I think because his name is Saul, that's my answer.
That is world class, by the way. Like, what a great, great answer, Steve. Don't you think, like, we need to send him maybe a double up or something, Lord Grace, and we'll get because that is such, I mean, that is just, that is really cool.
And by the way, I had never given any thought to the fact that Saul's name means salt, but oh, yes, it does. I mean, you can hear it. Yeah. And I have, if you allow me, I have a joke that I made up. Oh, you, if there's anybody that would allow you to tell a joke, you've called him the right radio show.
Okay. Now this is a Bible joke, and I made this up one day because I lead worship over at a local church in Charlotte, and I made this up. And this older lady in our church just lost it. She thought it was the funniest thing of all time.
It's very corny. So, all right. So here's the joke. Why were the Moabites so cruel? Why were the Moabites, meaning Ruth's family? Correct.
So, and, and again, talking about law and his, his great, great, great, great, great game kids. Why were they so, why were they so cruel? Yes. Yes.
Okay. The answer, because they were ruthless. That's pretty good. Yes, they were. That was the only good thing that came out of the Moabites was Ruth. Yeah, but after she left, they were ruthless. You know, before she was there, they were fine.
But then when she left, everything went downhill and it was bad. All right. Well, there's the corny joke. Oh, there you go. That was worth it. Oh, man.
We're going to really enjoy sending you all that stuff. Steve, thank you so much for calling in. God bless you. Bye-bye. God bless you. Thank you guys.
Thank you so much. Bye-bye. So I will point out that there is another answer that I might even go on record as saying is like an amazing answer that I will point out. Yeah, that Jaden came up with. And so if you still have an answer out there like Gerald or somebody, you feel free. I'm not going to let Jaden do it because he could win your own. But now he can't go ahead. But I might by the end of this, if nobody else comes up with his answer, then then, OK, eight, six, six, three, four, eight, seven, eight, eight, four. If you have another answer, and I would say that Jaden's answer is also excellent.
Not the one that originally came into mind when I thought about it. But eight, six, six, three, four, eight, seven, eight, eight, four. And we lost Steve somehow. But we're going to get him back. But meanwhile, when we left our hero, Shane, he was going to explain how he feels like God reconciled his relationship with Jaden after all those years at sea. And and see in so many different ways. I hadn't seen Jaden in seven years.
Right. Talked to him three or four times throughout that. And God took me years later, and I wasn't doing all the right things. I assure you, in prison, there's things that are not very nice. And anyways, I get out and the officials told my sister some things to have me stay in Alaska, which it broke the rules and what they taught. Basically, all my support and everything was in Washington and I should have been able to go home.
Anyways, they held me in Alaska for another year. So I'm getting ready to leave to go see him for the first time in seven years because I was stuck. Well, anyways, I start having this stomach pain and I go to the hospital and they said, you're not going to go. And I told the doctor, I was like, I'm going to go. He goes, you're going to die if you go. And I'm like, what? He goes, you have to have emergency surgery. So I'm crushed. I'm like, I haven't seen none of my family in years. And all of a sudden I'm having emergency surgery. I'm like, what? So anyways, did you have a appendicitis? I had a hernia that was right, right, right.
I get it. And I didn't know. And I just knew I was, I, for days and days, I was having a hard time. And I was like, man, this is not very fun.
So anyways, I go in to have it checked and he told me straight up, you're going to die. And I'm like, he goes, you can make one phone call. I'm like, what? He goes, you got one phone call.
We're taking you in. So I'm, I'm crushed. I'm like, ah. So I call and as I call my mom and I was like, mom, I can't come home. She goes, what, what do you mean? I go, well, they're taking me emergency surgery and there's nothing I can do. And she's like, oh God. So I hung up the phone and I get a tear in my eye. I'm like, okay, well, this is great.
Anyways, they do whatever. I wake up and I'm hurt. And he hands me, you know, pain pills. And I was like, I'm not going to take them because my sister, right.
Anyway, that's a whole nother story. He goes, you're not going to do good if you don't take them. I was like, I'm not going to do good if I take them. So I, I go, I need to go home. He goes, you're not going. So anyways, we fought a little bit and I won and I didn't take the pills. And I got on a plane and I headed home and I seen him for the first time in years. And yeah, we cried and we got to go fishing and I held the pain inside. So wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
I kind of get the other side of this story. So Shay, I mean, Jaden, you haven't seen your dad and all of a sudden they're telling me he's got to be in emergency surgery. And the reason you haven't seen him is essentially fishing. And the reason you haven't seen him is essentially fishing.
Yes, sir. So I'm curious, why did you go? Was that your choice to go fishing or was that something your dad wanted to do?
How did, how did you guys end up going fishing after all that? He, he had a friend that, uh, I'm kind of nervous. I understand he had a friend.
Yeah. He had a friend that used to, that was in town. His name was Abe and he used to take me fishing when he was gone.
He was the only friend that would do it. And yeah, that's. And so you like, and you too like to fish.
Yeah. Cause he used to go to Alaska with Abe. They used to do things over there. I know that it was all about fishing, but when he was the only one that took us fishing when he was gone. Cause I didn't have a dad.
And so that was kind of a cool thing for your dad to take your fish in now as this particular time. And so what was your feeling like as, as you know, what were you sensing from your dad? Like you haven't seen him in all this time.
Um, how did, how did God come after your heart with that? When he left, I always loved him. We always hang out.
We'd play games together. They came in, they broke in the door, not breaking the door, but he got him out. I was crying when he left.
I was six years old. After that, he just left and he said he was going to be back 13 weeks, but it actually took a lot longer than I expected. Oh yeah. When we come back, we'll have more answers.
Hopefully we'll get Steve back with us. But if you've got another answer to who was the most assaulted person in the Bible, we'd love to know if you have the same answer as Jayden. Jayden's pointing to himself. I have it. I have it. 866-348-7884. He does have it.
866-348-7884. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and he uses it to build the kingdom. And today we have Steve Hines, but we lost him for a time, but maybe Grayson can get him back. And we also have Shane, and Steve Hines is the author of Salt and Light Kids, and we have Shane Flemons and his son Jayden.
And so we've been talking with them about how God, after all these years, and if you missed the previous Kingdom Pursuits where we had Shane on, and to give you a little backstory there, he was sort of wrongfully convicted. There was a lot of stuff that went on on board this boat, and he was a professional fisherman, like you would see in the Big Kid's Catch and all that kind of stuff. He did crabs. He did swordfish, tuna, all that stuff. And he also played an occasional game show with a little music malfunction there.
But anyway, I didn't know you were on The Price is Right. But anyway, and so something went on with the boat. Some people had some high-powered friends. Next thing you know, he's got 220 years in prison, looking at nothing, and all sorts of craziness goes on. And he was sharing during the break. I wish everybody might go on Facebook or YouTube to see.
You can look at it, because it'll save. As he shares, like man, how difficult that was. When his son was six, he was so emotional he couldn't even speak. And so poor Jayden didn't know. His dad's heart was broken.
All he knew, his dad wouldn't talk when he finally got him on the phone, and he'd been missing him like crazy. But then God provided, like he often does, another father, by the name of Abe, who would take Jayden fishing. And that sounded like an amazing thing.
And obviously, from what I've heard, you also have an amazing mother. Yes, sir. And she's still up there working hard.
Yes, sir, every day. And at some point in time, she said OK to you coming down here, which had to be really, really hard on her. She cheered up.
Yeah, I would think. It was a benefit for both of us. You know what I mean? I didn't want to stay over there not much longer, but. I understand. And then you love your dad, and God has given this back. And so what I had asked Shane originally, and I'm still one of those people.
I like to get an answer eventually, no matter how many times I get asked a question. And maybe I hadn't really thought a lot about it, that God, like there aren't many people. In fact, I have a son that I didn't see for that period of time. And we get along, like it's not unusual for me to text him, or him to text me, or whatever. We have a relationship, but we don't have this. We don't have what you and Jayden have. And so there's a lot of us out there would like to know, clearly God gave you great favor with your son, either through the way his mother continued to talk to you about after the fact.
I don't know how it worked, but from your standpoint, how did it work? I don't know. She had a big family, and long before Jayden, I adopted his brother. I don't like saying adopted, because he's mine, no matter what. And so what's your brother's name, Jayden? Jordan. Oh, that's a Jay family.
Oh, it is. All J's. Yeah, like Jesus. His name starts with Jay. Yes, sir. Okay.
And if you're still wondering about the other answer to the most assaulted person in the Bible, you know, we're giving hints like crazy here, but go ahead. So I raised him, and she had a sister, and then her brother. So she was going to college, and she was taking care of her handicapped brother, her brother's kids. And so it's too long gone now, but she would go to college, and I would watch the kids. She was still getting paid, so I was, I would go fishing. I would come home with a lot of money, and she can go to school, and I just hang with the kids, and I fell in love with those little buggers. So he's got cousins that I helped raise, and it was just one of those things that was a, I love the boys and the girls, and we played, and when mom was away, we would play, and we played ball, and we played soccer, and we, Frisbee, I mean, you named it. We would build forts, and when mom would come home, everything would be cleaned up.
We'd be pretending like to be sleeping on the couch, and that's just the way the story went. You know, I did a show this week on the power of play. I did, and there was a quote, I can't tell you who said it, but it was a beautiful quote, and it talked about that you are never more alive and more yourself than when you're at play, and then my friend, Aaron, he asked this question that I thought was very interesting, a very deep question. He said, when you think about your favorite moments with your own dad, like, think about your favorite moments with your dad, or maybe your father figure, maybe Abe, I'll bet you anything that your favorite moments with them was when they were playing, right?
Because when they were at work, you know, they got on the game face and all those different things that's going on, and that ain't such a pretty thing. But when you're playing, and then this man called in that had, his father was a neighborhood dad, he played basketball with him, and you can imagine his father's completely like, you're yourself when you're fishing, right? Like, you gotta be on your toes. Not, well, you're talking about fishing, and professional fishing. I'm talking about you're taking Jayden fishing out there, bass fishing this afternoon, you're out on the lake, you guys are kidding around, right? You're having fun, right?
Well, the joy of the Lord is your strength. And so we got Steve back, I'm so glad. So when you hear that, Steve, that obviously one of the giant, huge things about parenting is you got to have fun with your kids or man, they want to know part of this action, right? 100%, I say, Robbie, I mean, you got to be a parent first. But also, anything you can do relative to developing and deepening that relationship with them is so important. And, you know, playing sports with them, or like you said, fishing, and in those type of things are so important, but it can't come before your responsibility as a parent, for sure, right, because you're the only parent they got, they got have lots of playmates. But at some point, you know, they need somebody to say, Hey, you know, there's there's certain responsibilities that come with driving that you may not have considered, I need you to think about this with me a minute. And, and but again, that that's relationships ships based on those times you had fun together with them, whatever.
And and so, if you don't have a relationship, you know, a lot of other stuff just doesn't work. Well, Jayden, you being the 22 year old, what does this bring up in your own mind? About this kid and son thing?
Yeah, but the son that thing? Yeah, yeah, it's fun. It's cool. We play ball, I guess once a week. Still go straight to where Yeah, man, we play ball. What kind of ball Do you play basketball, baseball, baseball? I played basketball my own time, because I'm actually not that bad.
But as tall as you are, I always think you're an animal. But anyway, so your dad plays baseball with you. Yes, sir.
So you got to admit and all that stuff. You guys are throwing the ball or you we went and bought that stuff. He wanted to play. So we go down to the field down there and gay lax and see who can hit farther. Really? Do you pitch to one another?
How does that work? Yeah, he's got a little buddy that he goes hangs out with. I call him stretch. But he's Wait a minute. He's little but you call him stretch.
He's a small guy, but he's actually 40. I met him over here when I moved in. Okay, well, yeah, he's a great guy. I like him. I got him to go to church too.
He's Really? Yes, sir. That's so that's so awesome.
So getting back to you, Steve. In your book, like if it had you considered like, some of the foundational things that you that you feel like help that relationship between a father and a son or a mother and a daughter, however, that works. I mean, yeah, absolutely. It's such a complex relationship, you know, and I know, you know, Shane and Jayden could attest to that.
And my son and I, and my daughter and I, though, on different wavelengths, both had, you know, it took a lot of work in and still does even though they're, you know, 32 and almost 30 to keep our relationship, first of all, get to a place of friendship, but also respect your parents, you know, with us being your parent, and then also, you know, as they've gotten older, really, I mean, they're two of my best friends now. So it's, it's, it can be a great thing. All right, we got one more little segment that for you to call in and tell us who the most assaulted person in the Bible was at 866-348-7884. And when we come back, we got more with Shane and Jayden and Steve.
We'll be right back. Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom. And today we're so blessed to have with us Steve Hines. He's the author of Salt and Light Kids. And that discussion that we have with Shane Flemons and his son, Jayden, about their relationship that has been reconciled.
And I thought you guys would really enjoy seeing and hearing from these guys, as we all try to write a better relationships within our own families. But meanwhile, I got Carrie is in Virginia. Carrie, you're on Kingdom Pursuits. How excited.
I'm so glad you called in. What you got for us? Hey, I talked to you a couple weeks ago. Yeah. Yeah. Welcome back.
Yeah. I wanted to tell you, I mean, I have an answer for your question, but I wanted to tell you that when I called in a couple weeks ago and you prayed for me, it was amazing. I was kind of, I wasn't losing my face, but I was having a hard time, you know, with everything that I'm going through. And I was, you know, with the cancer metastasizing, I was having a hard time handling that and staying optimistic and, you know, climbing into my face 100%. And you praying over me like that.
It changed everything. And I just wanted to tell you that you, you, you helped me so much. And thank you. Well, Carrie, number one, obviously, maybe not, obviously, it's God. But you know, what's so cool about that story, Carrie, is there was a man that when I had cancer, right, he heard from God that there was somebody in this dealership that needed to be healed. And he healed. And he listened to God came into where I was working, had no idea who was in there that need to be here, healed, asked the sales manager, is there somebody in here needs to be healed.
And they sent him back to my office. And he prayed over me. And I got the same feeling that you're describing when he prayed. And, and I, I thought about that afterwards, you know, you know, after your show was over and everything. And I thought about that. And I thought that, that God had directed me to call in and to, you know, I had no idea what the answer was that question, I really literally just came to my mind, and I just said it, and it was right.
And but he directed me to call you, he directed me to listen to your broadcast. And it changed my whole outlook, you know. And it brought my faith back 100%. I mean, I'm not saying I ever lost faith in God because I haven't. But it's hard when you have news, you know, bad news to not worry and to give up that control, you know, and to give that completely over to God.
That's hard to do. Well, let's just follow up with that real quick. And thank you. So Jesus, thank you for my friend Carrie, and I thank you for, wow, reconnecting her with Shane. And, and thank you that you reassure us and you send people into our life, you know, like Abe that came into Jayden's life and so many different ways that you're directing us.
Lord, you are the ultimate father. And we just thank you and adore you for all those that are listening right now and remember a time that you, that you clearly did that. And we pray that you would encourage us all, as you always do. As you always do in Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
Amen. So now here's the big question. Who is the most assaulted person in the Bible?
I'm going to say Jesus. Oh, you have the same, you have the same answer as Jayden. You know, the second I came out with it, he said, Jesus, I thought never even had crossed my mind. I went, Oh, that could be the better answer.
You know, like he was by all means the most assaulted person in the history of the world, better yet the Bible. And yeah, that's what first came to my mind. Yay, Jayden, you and I are on the same page. And Shane's looking at us like, why, why, why did that?
Why they beat me on that one? It just happens, man. And so it's, it's good. Well, thank you again. God bless you, Carrie, and, and keep up the great work out there. I know you're really, it's, it's your chance now to pray that same thing that man prayed over me over somebody else, you know? I agree.
I agree. Thank you, Robbie. God bless you. God bless you. Bye-bye.
Oh, how encouraging is that? And we got Steve back with us and we better get him back on. So, um, I don't know how he got put in the queue like that, but I want to get him back on because I want him to have a chance to, there you go, Steve, uh, with the last couple minutes we got left, I wanted you to be able to, uh, actually, as I'm looking at the clock, um, Grayson, is that clock right? Yeah. So anyway, Steve, go ahead and finish us out with your thoughts. Thoughts. Which thoughts would you like me to, the ones that you wanted to share today and you haven't had a chance to?
Yeah, no, that's, that's good. I I'd like to end some of these things. I do just, uh, praying a blessing over my host. So I'd love to do that for you if that's okay. Oh, please do. Please do.
Yeah. Well, Lord, thank you for Robbie and what he does to spread the message of the kingdom and help all of us to have as a burden on our hearts, tell people about Jesus. The world needs it so much. Thanks for Shane and Jayden and the reconciliation they've had. And I pray a blessing over their family. We pray for the leaders of our country.
We pray for guidance and, uh, them to have you and their heart. And we're just so thankful for your son. Oh man, what timing, Steve. God bless you. Thank you so much. Thank you for being with us, Shane. Thank you for Jayden. You guys are so much fun. I'm so grateful for what God's doing in all y'all's life. And those listening right now, I'm so grateful for you. You guys are the power of the truth network. And certainly you should be excited because encouraging prayer with James Banks is up next. He's amazing. And then it's followed by the masculine journey starts here now and Nikita Koloff, the Russian nightmare. It's time to man up or it'll give you the Russian sickle like Nikita. He'll be right with you. Stay tuned. This is the truth network.
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