This is Stu Epperson from the Truth Talk Podcast, connecting current events, pop culture, and theology, and we're so grateful for you that you've chosen the Truth Podcast Network.
It's about to start in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, and please share it around with all your friends. Thanks for listening, and thanks for choosing the Truth Podcast Network.
This is the Truth Network. We're just so glad that you joined us today, because we have a real treat in store for you. We have some new friends with us here from Portsmouth, Virginia. It is Rod and Jan Spratley, and they are real estate and marriage teachers.
And again, a lot of times we teach as a result of experience, which is a way to learn, right? And so welcome Rod and Jan. Welcome Rod. Well, thank you.
Thank you so much. We're very, very excited to be here. Very excited, very happy that we could come on and share this time and opportunity. Right.
And so, I think it's neat that not only do you have the real estate aspect, which they actually have a YouTube channel. We're going to talk a lot about that and all sorts of interesting things, but they also talk about their marriage, because how long have you guys been married? We've actually been married for 23 years. We've been together for 24, dated for a year.
But yeah, 23 wonderful years. It's actually been very, very good for us. And so you noticed as people, and again, to be around them, obviously you guys work together, something that most couples would struggle with. Yeah, I'll let Jan speak to that.
Go ahead, Jan. Oh my goodness. We actually have had a great marriage and we do work together. We play together, we work together. We spend a lot of time together, Robbie, but you know what? That's what we feel like the Lord has called us to do, really.
And I think a strong marriage comes from spending time together, building together, having a vision together, focusing on what God has called us to do. And so we've learned how to do that. And we've had our bumps in the road, because this is our second time. But we've learned a lot and we wouldn't have it any other way because we're best friends. So for both of you, it's your second marriage? Yeah, absolutely. Yes, we both were married before. Yeah.
Tammy and I, we're married 35 and same deal. It's our second, you know, wow. But to be around these guys, the joy is just really spectacular. And you think about it, if we're going to be the bride of Christ, you know, that is like, I do hope we're working together. You know, we don't want to do this alone. Absolutely.
100%. And the word says it's a good thing for a man to have a wife, to have a mate. And so we embrace that fully. I mean, we know that people can be single and be, you know, be fulfilled.
But actually, the best way is to have a mate. And so we enjoy being married. And you know, and Jen mentioned, it's something, you know, working together, sometimes there's been strains that it creates a little strain, but we just, we take a little break. She'll go do something, I'll go do something.
And we'll come back later. If you hung around Tammy and I for any moment of time, you know, like at home, like, the idea of helpmate is like, Oh, my goodness, she knows that I'll forget to turn off the stove. She knows.
Absolutely. She knows that I can stand there in the refrigerator and go, where's the ketchup? Where's the ketchup?
It's right there in the know, she has to literally come over. I don't have whatever eyes to see, you know, and actually, it works like that with our kids. You know, it works like that with our finances, like there's all sorts of things that I can't see.
Like the ketchup in the refrigerator, if it weren't for Tammy. So I love, love, love that you guys do that. But I also love that God blessed you with this real estate thing. And you saw a way that you could help move the kingdom forward by helping people understand that, that, that really things can be prosperous. I mean, absolutely.
I mean, for us, we have four kids to four adult children, and I call them children still. But the thing that we knew early on when we got together, Robbie was, you know, financially, you know, we needed to and me as kind of head of house, so I wanted to make sure there's provisions, you know, for the family, for my kids when they get ready to go to school and college and just just some generational things. So, you know, was blessed to be able to be in the industry where I worked, you know, construction, which was pretty much, you know, on the construction company and a real estate brokerage. But, you know, I've worked that industry for a long time. And I've worked for a lot of people early on that I was watching what they were doing, you know, I worked for some investors and and some fairly affluent folks that were in the real estate space, I would renovate buildings for them and renovate houses and build buildings.
And, you know, so always asking questions and I'm like, you know, this is a great space. And you know, so just that business component of always thinking business and then obviously seeing some long term stuff, we got together and when we really got together, that's when it kind of exploded. And Jen having, you know, corporate background and real estate background, we, we just married the two. And we started really just going out and looking for property and investing together and just learning, you know, so you might imagine that it is Kingdom Pursuits and and Christian's been waiting on this. So speaking of real estate, you know, we're gonna have to, you know, hit your little real estate action. Yes, it is.
I've been so excited to share these with you. So we're wait, there's there's the music I gotta have it. All right. Christian, did you know that the famous English detective Sherlock, he actually retired and went into real estate?
I did not know that. Yeah. Just think, can you guess the name of his agency? I've got an idea. Should I say it?
Go for it. Sherlock Holmes. Correct.
That's the first time you've ever done it in the history. It's Sherlock Holmes. Yes. That's cool. I like that. I like that one. I'm gonna use that. Yeah. So what does a British real estate agent care most about?
Don't ask me. I mean, once you got Sherlock, you know, he's thinking about real estate, you know, what does he care most about a proper good English like like Sherlock Holmes would be, you know, he cares most about his proper tea. I like these. That's a good one.
I really enjoy that. So when it comes to board games about buying real estate, what does Hasbro have? It has a life.
It does. It has a life. But even bigger than that, when it comes to real estate, what does Hasbro have? It also has a monopoly. Yeah, there you go.
They have a monopoly. You're on a roll today like never before. Actually what you don't know if you're listening that you may have never experienced is that Christian is in the same room with me. We had a little trouble with our studio. As a matter of fact, we had trouble at the beginning of this. Thank goodness.
Christian was very fast with his fingers to get us back on the air. But nonetheless, it's nice to have you answer better when you're not looking me in the eye right across the table. All right. So you know, at the end of those shenanigans that we would actually have a riddle for you to call in and win. I'm very tickled about my riddle today.
It tickled me anyway. So, you know, here we go. So you can call in and win if you can answer this. What kind of real estate flood insurance, what kind of real estate flood insurance does Jesus go into great detail about at the end of the Sermon on the Mount? In other words, if you read the last little part of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus talks about real estate flood insurance. Okay. And if you know what that is, you can win today on Kingdom Pursuits.
Just call us at 866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH. And if they can answer that difficult question, Christian, tell them what they can win. They're going to win one of the fabulous prizes from our Kingdom Pursuits prize vault.
Yes. We are loaded for bear in the Kingdom Pursuits tribe. That too, Kingdom Pursuits and the Tresuits.
We've never had Tresuits before. But anyway, we have t-shirts. We have you know, and you could ask Christian for this. I have the Share the Gospel back scratcher.
It's got all the beads, you know, red, orange. I have all that, you know, and I have books. Oh my goodness.
All you have to do is call us. 866-348-7884 tells what kind of real estate flood insurance did Jesus mention at the end of the Sermon on the Mount? And we got so much more. We're going to actually find out how to do real estate to riches or at least get hooked up with the resources to get to real estate for riches right there with their YouTube channel, et cetera. So much cool. I mean, because you can see God's mixed throughout this very, very much because true prosperity is what the Kingdom moved forward.
We'll be right back. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the Kingdom and how fun today we have Rod and Jens Bradley, and they are real estate and marriage YouTube channelers.
You've never heard that before, but that's there. And by the way, all that is at If you go to, you can click on their YouTube channel and subscribe and benefit from all that they have on both the ideas of real estate and of course their marriage information, which is just really, really wonderful. I had a chance to sample some of that, and they're actually even talking about possibly doing a radio show here with the Truth Network. We're excited about that.
But also, don't forget to call in to win. We got big gifts here, and we need to know very important question. What kind of flood insurance did Jesus mention at the end of the Sermon on the Mount?
And don't you find it fascinating that here's the greatest sermon ever spoken that I would think most people would agree. Why did he end it with flood insurance? I don't know.
It's a real estate thing. You would probably know. Right, Rod? Now, so far, I'm thinking and thinking, but it hasn't actually hit me. I'm stumped. I haven't got it yet. It might come. I'm waiting. All right, all right, all right. 866 if you've got it.
348-7884. So, you guys saw this opportunity that a lot of people could, in other words, this wasn't a dog-eat-dog kind of thing. I'm the one making the money here, so I'm going to hire people so that I can make more money. No, you guys are sharing the wealth, so to speak, by hopefully creating more of the model that God gave you, right, in order to prosper, essentially. Absolutely. I mean, one of the things for us is, and we knew actually years ago that the Lord really wanted us to move this direction, which was to help other people to realize that there are great ways with assets, with purchasing an asset like real estate, to just build generational wealth, passive income, to help them with their taxes.
And actually, what we decided to do was just, when we learned the process the way that we did, and we simplified it to just make it a system that's easier for people to get in, so that, you know, take away anxiety, you know, because a lot of people feel like, oh, it's too difficult to get in. My original thing, right, Jen, is, I don't have that kind of money. I can't go buy a apartment complex.
What would you say to me? It's so interesting you should say that, because Rod didn't mention it. A lot of it is fear and anxiety around the asset of real estate. I think most people know that it's a profitable way to go. Most people know that you can build generational wealth with real estate, but they don't know how to go about doing it. And so, in our course, we hold your hand and we teach you how to start small and start local. So when you say start small, how small?
Well, let's see. You could actually start with a tiny two-bedroom single-family house, a little ranch-style single-family house, which is how we started. We actually started with a condo. Yeah, a condo, a townhouse.
So you don't have to think so long. Okay, well, take us back to that condo experience. Was that, was that was the two of you with a condo? It was the two of us. It was a very interesting, and we knew nothing. And this is your second marriage, right?
So like, all right, I'll get this picture. And we knew nothing about real estate investing. We just knew that it was a way to build wealth. And so we taught ourselves as much as we could. And we stumbled a bit because we didn't have a coach.
We didn't have a mentor, like what we're offering to people to help them, you know, over bypass those hurdles. And so we actually went to an auction. Back then they had auctions in hotel rooms, like in big hotel spaces. And so Rod and I said, you know what, let's go.
Maybe we'll learn something. And so we went to this auction and we sat in the back and people were raising their hands left and right. And we're like, Oh, my goodness, what do we do now? And so this condo came up on the screen. And the auctioneer was doing his thing. You know how they do. And so we've raised our hand.
We're like, we want that. And we won. Yeah, how much for how much was it? How much was it? It was 17,000.
Oh, my goodness. So I can hear the auctioneer going at 69, 70. So did anybody bid against you? Yeah, I think a couple people bid it, but they were going so fast.
It actually scared us first when we got it. Because they said, oh, you know, they see, I was in the car business for many years. And I can't tell you how many auctions I stood there and I just learned. My father told me and I wonder if it's the same in the real estate business. But he said, you can't put too much money in a good car. And you can't put too little much money, too little money in a bad car. Yeah. Is that true in real estate? Well, absolutely.
It probably would apply as well. I think the thing for us that gave us the comfort was I was in the construction business. So I wasn't fearful.
I couldn't fix anything. But we did want to know, well, we don't want to overspend fixing it. But that deal turned out to be super nice for us. Sweet.
$17,000 at an auction. Okay, we're going to hear a lot more about that. But first, I want to find out about the flood insurance because we got Brian. I want to hear that too.
Brian is in Gastonia, North Carolina. You got a little bit of hurricane action down there, right, Brian? It wasn't too bad.
Oh, good, good, good. But I don't know why, but there was a line of whatever, a high pressure, like nothing went above Greensboro. And everything was staying out around you guys. And I was like, man. So Brian, you know, being that you just came through this hurricane, obviously flood insurance probably crossed your mind.
Right? So you're familiar with the Sermon on the Mountain, how Jesus finished that? Yeah, I think the insurance was to build the house on the rock. That's exactly right. That's good. That's good. Good job.
There's nothing worse than that Sandy Foundation, right? That's right. Yeah. Great answer, Brian.
You are a winner. And so do you think, what do you think the rock might be, Brian? Jesus Christ.
The stone the builders rejected. Oh, I see. Very good. Well, thank you, Brian. I appreciate.
And I'm guessing you have that flood insurance? I do. Thank you so much for calling in today.
Nothing better. Yeah, really, really. God bless. Thank you for calling in today. Thank you guys. Great show. Well, that's fun.
Always. So when we left our heroes, they bought this condo for 17,000. And then you're like, now what? So I'm trying to picture myself at this auction. And we had to have in the car business, you didn't go to the auction if you didn't have a line of credit or something that they were like, whatever you bought, you better be prepared to pay for it right this second.
If you're going to go to an auction, you got to have the cash on a barrel head kind of thing. And so how did that work? Well, the interesting thing was when we came in, everyone had to put in, you had to put in $17,000 in order to go in and be able to bid, you had to place that on deposit. And we did that on a credit card. So we did that on a credit card. And then we had, I think, three days from the time that we want to, you know, rest of the funds. So we did the credit card went up, we got excited. And of course, we did all that immediately and went out and went to the unit because we want to see it and see the inside and like, what did we buy?
Okay. Am I understanding you put all $17,000 on a credit card? We did. We did. We actually came back and put the miles or anything. So the interesting thing was we came back for the second portion of it and we did put the rest on a credit card. A matter of fact, on American Express. So that's what we used. Don't leave home without it. That's right. So, but when we purchased, and a great thing was when we got into the building and really looked at it, the unit was really, it was good.
It was not in bad shape at all. So we painted carpet. You guys did that together? We did.
How fun. We did. And got that. And here's the most interesting part of that story. So then we said, well, how do we sell it? Because we were going to flip this one so we can go do another one. Right, right, right. And so we did all that.
Jen did all the research. We got it all set up. We staged it a little bit and we actually realized we were right up the street from the Metro stop that goes into Washington, DC.
Because this was up in Northern Virginia. Oh, jing. And so we said, well, yeah. So we said, well, this is a place where there's a lot of people every day at this Metro stop waiting to catch. Crazy. If you've ever been to one of those Metro stops in Washington, DC. So guess what? We sold it at the Metro stop.
We've made flyers and we put them on the wall and we actually got a phone call and the guy purchased it right there. We were like, woohoo. So that was that story. Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Backup. How much did he pay for this $17,000 condo? We sold it for $37,000. Ka-ching. Yeah.
So more than double your money. We did. We did. But, but, but, but, but now. Yeah. Now you got taxes.
No, no, no. Now we are a wiser, a lot smarter than we were back then. And we teach our students don't sell if you don't have to, because I'm telling you, if we had kept that condo, Oh, it's probably worth $400,000 now.
It's worth at least $400,000 right now. If we had kept it. Now we're wiser. So we know how, because we've gone before. If you had that 69 Dodge Charger.
That's right. If you still had that 69 Dodge Charger. Or Chevy Chevelle, which I used to own, I had a 69 Chevy Chevelle. And I, and I don't even want to tell you a story on that. We'll wait for the car show. I'll come back. I'm still hurt by what happened.
I sold it. So wow. Yeah. I hadn't even thought about that. But at that point in time, you think about what God had you on, you use that seed money, Rob, obviously to further what you needed to do, because you didn't have the money at that point in time really to hold. No. We were building.
Listen to this. So there's a scripture that God says to dress it and keep it. We're going back to Genesis, right? Cause you know, there's land. That was what you're supposed to do in the garden, right?
So you painted, you dressed and all that. We just didn't keep it. But the word talks about real estate all throughout from Genesis, all the way through the word of God. And in Acts 4 34, that's one of our favorite scriptures. Cause it says that those that owned houses and land took care of the poor.
There were no poor among them because of that. So they were able to sell their houses and land and take care of the poor or the needy is what it says in Acts 4 34. I believe it is real estate's extremely powerful asset.
And the thing that we love about that Robbie too, is that Jen and I were studying one day and I said, you noticed, he said they had houses and land plural. And, and he didn't say sell all of your land. So if they sold, they sold some of what they had invested in and were able to bless the kingdom with it and still have it right.
And other, other that they were still making an income to continue to bless the kingdom. Wow. I'd never even thought about that. It takes real estate people to understand real estate.
You know what I'm saying? They were gifted to do this. So, wow. We've had so much fun on Kingdom Pursuits. We hope you'll stay tuned.
If you have a question, like how to go from real estate to riches, you can call us 866-348-7884. We'd love to hear from you. We've got so much more with this amazing couple. Stay tuned.
You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits where we hear how God takes your passion in this case today it's real estate and uses it to build the kingdom in so many different ways. I love these stories. I love what God has done with this couple and I love their transparency that they, you know, we talk about marriage, but we've both been married one before.
I mean, how cool is that? And you know, the thing about that is you, you took, obviously both of you had an opportunity as I did to learn from your mistakes, right? Like no doubt, no doubt that, that like, wow, how can I, you know, leverage what I learned about myself in this, in the, to, to make a better marriage the second go round. And so, you know, I'm interested in how God kind of pointed that out. Jen, you're looking at me like, yeah, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I do know exactly what you're talking about. You know, I think a lot of it, Robbie comes with experience and maturity. Um, because you know, the statistics say the first marriage, I think there's a 50% chance that you'll stay married or 50% chance that you'll get a divorce.
The second one is even worse. I think 70% chance that you'll get a divorce. So you have to work even harder that second time around, right.
If you want it to work. And, um, and so we worked really hard and still do every day. Our marriage is extremely important to us because if we're going to leave generational wealth and we're going to do all the other things that the Lord is telling us to do in the word as it relates to family is very, very important to the Lord. And so we had to fight to make certain that we're doing it right. Um, and so we have, we have something that we like to share with listeners that come onto our YouTube channel or anyone that we come across that wants to know, how did you guys do it?
Like how do you stay married? Um, so we use the word Christ, right? So I want to give you some acronyms, some words that we use. So the C stands for commitment and communication. So we have to be committed to one another no matter what we're committed and we have to keep strong lines of communication. So we talk a lot. I mean, it'll be in the middle of the night and we'll sit up in the bed and just talk things out and talk things through. Then there's the H for Christ and that's help one another and honor one another.
So I'm his help me. I'm going to help him do what God has called him to do no matter what I'm helping him do that. And I'm going to honor her all the days of my life. You know, and that, that, that is actually a gigantic, unbelievably huge issue. The honor has to do with respect as well. And just to have a person listen to you, right?
And if there were, here's, here's the mistake of Robbie. Okay. Just like I get focused and my wife has been talking for three minutes and she's looking at me and she's saying, do you hear what I'm saying? And then I usually, well, well, you just said so-and-so and she does nice try. We're guilty.
We're guilty. A lot of men do that. And it's, it's fascinating to me as, as a challenge is almost like, you know, God is almost knocking on me at the same time saying, yeah, Robbie, you know, I just talked to you for 10 minutes too. And you heard about the same amount that you hurt because you, you know, it's just an interesting thing that God is showing me through my wife that I really struggle with focusing on my favorite person. You know, unfortunately it's just, it's a very selfish thing that we don't honor our wives by truly listening and really valuing what it is that they want to share. And I'm telling you, you're looking at the chief offender right here happened last night.
And we have to understand with that Robbie too, though, that see, that's where that help part comes in though. You said your wife will come right to the refrigerator and say, there's the ketchup Robbie. Well, I've got one too. I'm like, honey, I can't find my keys. I can't find my glasses.
Uh, they're on your hat. But I'm just, you know, it's always, they're kind of pointing, directing and helping. And we got to, you know, have that listening ear and sometimes we get busy, we get focused on stuff. We tend to do that, but you know, it's important.
And here's the thing. We're so much more capable than helping you find the ketchup and whatever else you're looking for. We're capable of helping you run business and show you things that you may not have seen. Rod and I do that all the time. So you have to realize that the Lord sent us here to help you.
So we're not behind. Let me just, here's, here's perfect example. Okay. My wife, she's great. She's, but I, you know, if they send a bit, you know, it's, it's, it's the man is supposed to pay the check. Like, you know, we're going to buy everybody's dinner or whatever we're doing. Right.
And they think, you know, I take it, you know, the quick glance at that thing, right? Like, yeah, that's fine. My wife, like much, much better, much more effective for the kingdom. If I send that check through my wife first, because she's like, this kid's meal was supposed to have a free tea. Like you, you know, and then my waitress doesn't mind, you know, my wife does it very lovingly, but it's just not right. And so, you know, it's amazing. Here I am. And I know there's a thousand wives out there right this minute. They got their husband and his ribs are getting black.
Probably. But it's amazing, right? That we just don't.
And part of honoring her is realizing she has a gift. I don't have that. I can't look at that bill and see that I don't, that, that those things don't cross my mind. Right. We go to the Walmart, right. And you know, who's going to go through the receipt.
It ain't going to be Robbie. It's not usually rod either, but it may be the other way around in your family. It may be that the husband that does those things, but 100% that honor, you got me right there. Like, man, I really need Proverbs 31 woman. It says that her husband does safely trust in her.
Like he can go and do whatever he needs to do, but he knows that she's taking care of everything else. She was sharp. I mean, she, she bought land. She bought very fine clothing. She bought organic food. She made certain that whatever came into that house was healthy for her family. She didn't waste money. And he trusted that whatever she was in charge of, that it was going to be done right.
And he didn't have to worry about it. And you know, and I don't know if you've ever thought about this, but it's an unbelievably gigantic challenge that every human being is supposed to be a Proverbs 31 women because we're all the bride of Christ. That's good. So I'm supposed to be doing all those things for the poor. I'm supposed to be buying lands and a field and all those things that, you know, I'm supposed to be doing all that stuff because we're all the bride of Christ. And I've thought about it many times that Solomon was, you know, throwing you a little bit of a curve ball here. Like, yeah, this is a Proverbs 31 woman. I get that.
But you know, if you've said yes to the dress, I'm just saying, all right. But I mean, we all do have the responsibility to carry out the things that God has placed a force in the word. And those things are for both.
They're for men and women. Every parable, every story, everything is for all of us. So yeah, there's absolutely something we should get out of it. And to include getting the understanding of who they are as a helpmate, which doesn't mean like a servant or something, or, you know, they're going to go and cook dinner every day. But you know, that help is across the board. It's in everything. And Jen mentioned that that's why we are successful, I think, in business, because she has strong areas that I don't have.
I don't even try to go in there. And she does it. And I have things that I do. And she knows that. And I'm super strong in that. And we put ours together. And then we cross check, you know, what do you think about this? And what do you think about that? And she'll add something, I'll use it, or I'll add something. And we know that makes us exponentially so much better at the stuff that we do.
Because if I did it by myself, I probably would miss some stuff. And he really respects my opinion. I can see, believe me, I have noticed that throughout the time I spent with him. So I'm dying to know and I know everybody, you know, I always feel like I put the I in Christ. Just kidding. But I'm dying to know what does the I stand for? What do you miss the R? Oh, I don't know how to spell. That's my other fault. Tammy would tell you.
Robbie does not know how to spell. People will call in. We had this before. You got to make sure you get all of them. We talked about respect, right? But then there's romance. Oh, baby. You want respect and romance.
That's right. You want respect and you want the romance. Gotta have some romance in there. You absolutely do. So what's the story that you guys might share about, you know, Romance?
Yeah. Well, we still date. Yeah, we have date. We have date night. We love, we had, from the time that we got married, and we established this with the kids, even when they were really young, this is our night. Because we had family night too. We had kid night. But this is our night. We were going on a date.
No, you're not going. Okay. And even when we came back home, we would tell them we're still on date night. Leave us alone.
So we, that was one of the things we've always done is just hang out with just us. Oh, I got one for you. When we come back, I'm going to tell you my romantic, you know, for one brief shining moment, there was Camelot. When we come back, stay tuned. Or call us with your question.
866-348-7884. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Kingdom Pursuits, where we hear how God takes your passion and uses it to build the kingdom.
Today, we have really some wonderful, wonderful poster children for that idea, as far as I'm concerned. Rod and Jen Spratley, who have not only a real estate business and actually coaching and teaching YouTube channel, which I've been corrected on, that that means that they're YouTubers, not YouTube channelers. But they also have this whole thing that goes so long with it with like hand in glove about marriage. And so again, you can go to and you know, find the Rod and Jen where you can subscribe to that channel. And if we don't get to the whole rest of this acronym, C-H-R-I-S-T et cetera. Did I spell it right that time? Okay.
Then you can go to their YouTube channel and get it. But when we left our hero Robbie, I was going to tell you about my one moment of romance. So on our 20th anniversary, Tammy and I, I had watched, I think it's called The Parent Trap, right? And the kids in the second Parent Trap movie, what they did for their parents was they recreated their honeymoon scene on the boat, right?
And so I recruited my kids who at the time were about 10 and 12, whatever they were, Robbie and Tess. And so they dressed up like they were on a boat, right? And then I had the whole house decorated because we went on a cruise on our honeymoon and it was the SS Emerald Seas.
Okay. So everything when my wife walked in that day was the SS Emerald Seas, right? So she, and we had lobs, everything that we had had the first night on our honeymoon, right? And the kids were there and the whole house was, and it was romantic.
And it was not only romantic for Tammy and I, which we both will always remember that. But I think that part of being a good parent is to show your kids how much you really love your wife or how much she really loves you because I've noticed how much my kids love marriage. In other words, all three of my kids are now married. And I love that because unfortunately I see so many folks out there that just don't understand the value of marriage.
And when you think about this creating assets and all for the next generation and all that goes with that, what would that be without a family that you don't have? And so, so true. Romance is a beautiful thing, not just from my standpoint for you and your wife, but for everybody who's watching. It's true because especially when you get to be a geezer like I am now, right? And people go, he still treats his wife like, you know, they still are that much in love. Actually, I'm sure you're experiencing the same thing. It really gets better and better.
It does. We still hold hands. I love holding her hand. I just love holding her hand.
I'm like a high school kid. I see her and she's with me. I just want to grab her hand. I just want to touch her.
And my wife will remind me sometimes, like, you don't want to hold my hand? You think I'm kidding? No, no.
Robbie's mind is just not good. So, R is for romance. Now we get to the, I put the I in Christ.
Okay. So you want the I? I want the I. I has to do with improvement.
Oh, no. Self-improvement. We have to work on ourselves every day to improve 100%.
That's what keeps the marriage interesting, right? And so there's so many areas that we're in. And that's all areas too, because that's spiritually also. That's improvement across the board. And because we grow spiritually, we get better. And so we got to improve. And the only way we improve that, we read, we study our word, we spend time with God, we pray. We do all these things. And we get better every year.
We elevate. Yeah. I think that in my own case, and Tambi would tell you this, the operating idea here is room for improvement. Like I got so much of that. Oh, yeah.
We all do. 100%. But honestly, you can't fill a vessel that's full. That's right. That's right.
That's true. And so like, man, and learning about Tambi and those kinds of things. Well, I hate that we're getting down to a minute, but we, you know, you guys obviously, I wanted you to be able to share something that you felt like you want to make sure you got shared today on the show.
Jen? Well, yeah. You know, we've been talking about real estate and generational wealth and God has given us the tool of real estate in order to do that with and he's also charged us to help other people to understand the asset to train and teach. And so we do we do a workshop, we try to do it as many Saturdays in a month that we can and you can reach that workshop by going to real estate mastery and sign up.
It's only $7. We come on for 90 minutes and we give you a very strong overview of how to invest in real estate. And then if you like what you hear, we can tell you more about what would happen next. We have a five day workshop that we do and then we go into our one year coaching program if that's something that people are interested in. But certainly it starts with that real estate to mastery works. Well, I'm sorry, real estate mastery is where you go and sign up for $7 on a Saturday morning for 90 minutes. Real estate Real estate mastery workshop. Oh.
But hey, if you forget all that. Mastery workshop. Just reach out to our email or go to our YouTube channel. Yeah, the YouTube channel is there at Kingdom Pursuits.
Again, it's Rod and Jen and Rod and Jen Spratly, S-P-R-A-T-L-E-Y. It's right there on YouTube. So thank you so much, guys. It was really, really, really fun.
It was, thanks a lot. And of course, our listeners make the show. Like you, listing means so much to us. It's Truth Network. And now you've got so much truth coming at you.
I got a very encouraging prayer episode with James Banks, followed by The Masculine Journey Starts Here at 12. Oh, my goodness. That show is going to be a blast. And then after that, you got man up with Nikita Kolov, the Russian nightmare. He's going to have fun. Might put you in the sleeper hole. Nope, not today. Stay tuned.
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