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Katie Woo, The Athletic St. Louis Cardinals Reporter

JR Sports Brief / JR
The Truth Network Radio
June 20, 2024 6:36 pm

Katie Woo, The Athletic St. Louis Cardinals Reporter

JR Sports Brief / JR

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June 20, 2024 6:36 pm

Katie Woo joined JR to discuss MLB playing at Rickwood Field and how they plan to honor the passing of Willie Mays. 


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Go to or download the TuneIn app to start listening. Katie, thank you for taking the time. Thanks so much for having me. It's a wonderful experience being here.

No, absolutely. Well, please tell us about the experience. I wish I was right down the road with you, but what is taking place so far? Yeah, you know, when Major League Baseball announced this event, I immediately identified it as a can't miss experience. And it has just been one big party out in Birmingham. Celebration, it's a three day celebration, started Tuesday with a minor league game, a celebrity softball game yesterday, and of course, the main event, Giants Cardinals in just over an hour is set to take off. I think the purpose of this game, obviously, is to celebrate the Negro leagues and and introduce maybe those who aren't familiar with the Negro leagues. Just how much the players that played on this very field, that redwood field impacted Major League Baseball and beyond. And I think it's long overdue that Major League Baseball is an event like this, but it is worth the wait simply because of just how well done everything is around here. Katie Wu was joining us from the athletic.

Well, Katie, we know that you cover the cards. What is what makes the stadium so special? Have you had a chance to walk around? I know they renovated it, fixed it up a little bit.

What's that look like? Yeah, I actually just did a lap yesterday and I did one more today. They have the original wall still up. You know, there's the Cardinals and Giants will have a makeshift wall out to 400 feet. But dead center at Rickwood Field actually goes to 478, which is wild to think about. So I walked that actual back wall, got to go see, you know, where some great such as Willie Mays played.

And that was really interesting. The actual box offices for tickets from 1910 are still intact. To sit in the stands, the press box is a makeshift press box out in the stands. And I think that's actually probably the best way to watch a game, especially if you're going to watch one at Rickwood Field. So the history that's in this ballpark is what makes it so special. Well, Katie, outside of the field, I know Birmingham has done a lot that was already planned to honor Willie Mays and the Negro Leagues and all the attention that was going to be in Birmingham. Have there been any additional activations that that kind of highlighted the city and its history when it comes to baseball? Yes, both the Cardinals and Giants, their coaching staff and members of their front office, went to the Negro Southern Museum today in Birmingham for a special lunch and got to tour the museum with some of the still living current Negro League players. And that, you know, talking to Cardinals manager, Ollie Marmol was something he really enjoyed. Ollie Marmol also went out with Mason Wynn, Jordan Hicks from the Giants, Kyle Gibson, and went to a charity event in the morning with the Boys and Girls Club out in Birmingham here.

So lots of things to do, lots of events. I think this has been great for the city of Birmingham and just a great experience for everyone here overall. Katie Wu is joining us from the Athletic. We know that the intent to honor the Negro Leagues, the Barons and Willie Mays, that all changed with his passing earlier this week. Have there been any additions, changes to honor him or things pretty much been on schedule in the same?

We'll have to see. The pregame ceremony is scheduled to take place in around 30, 45 minutes. And, you know, I think this is designed to celebrate players like Willie Mays, like Hank Aaron. You know, Reverend Bill Griesen, a Birmingham, Alabama native, will be throwing out the first pitch.

He is a spry 99 years old, the oldest living Negro League player. And that will be something very exciting for fans to see. So a lot of special things going on. Well, Katie, with you following the cards right now, they're at about the 500 mark. They're up, they're down.

It's win, it's loss. What does the rest of the season look like for them? It's going to depend on injuries. I mean, injuries are always going to be something that pops up for every club, but the Cardinals really got the toward end of the stick in that regard. They've been without starting catcher Wilson Contreras for the last six weeks. He fractured his arm in early May.

Starting center fielder Tommy Edmond has not played one game this season. He's rehabbing from oxygen risk surgery that took much longer than anyone expected. A lot of new bars on the injured list. Even Matt had another setback in his rehab.

He's going to be sent back down again. So it's all about getting guys healthy. The good news for the Cardinals is they managed to stay afloat without a lot of other key guys. And Wilson Contreras could be back as early as this weekend. So the NL Central, the National League in general really is pretty weak this year.

If you can stay around 500 until the trade deadline and make some moves, you might be able to launch yourself into contention. And I think that's what the Cardinals plan on doing. Well, Katie, you talk about some of the players who've been able to get outside, outside of the game. Have you had a chance to chat it up with any of the folks from the Giants, the significance of this game for them being a little closely more attached to Willie Mays? You know, there's been, I think everyone has a Willie Mays story and that's what makes Willie Mays, you know, the greatest of all time. I was talking to Cece Sabathia yesterday and he was a prominent figure in making sure this game took place.

And he said it perfectly. You know, he said, you think of Willie Mays being from San Francisco and Cece obviously from the Bay Area. Adam Jones is another one talking to him yesterday where he said, you know, obviously, some people are sad that he's passed, but this should be a celebration of his life. And hopefully this game can go out and do what Willie Mays did, which was play hard and hopefully entertain the crowd.

And I thought that was a perfect tribute. Katie Wu is here with us from the athletic, the JR Sportbreeze Show Coast to Coast. You talk about Cece Sabathia. I've seen photos and videos of so many more prominent athletes, especially from Alabama, whether it's Terrell Owens. I saw Derek Jeter and A-Rod there. Who are some other faces that have been milling around in support of this event? Yeah, brought out all the stars. Barry Bonds is here.

Derek Jeter. We saw Ryan Howard. It's very clearly a must-attend event for so many of these people. Hunter Pence was here earlier.

Just anywhere you go, you're looking at somebody like, oh, wow, it's great to see you here. Our pools was there. Dexter Fowler. So again, it's a celebration, right? And we should be celebrating the Negro Leagues and the accomplishments, the contributions they made to the game. We should be more aware of this for baseball history, for baseball fans in general.

So to see so many prominent players, former coming back and treating this like the celebration that it is, I mean, I don't think baseball could have asked for a better turnout. Well, Katie, have you heard anything about having this, I don't want to say annually? Could we see future events like this?

Any word on that? Not yet, but I certainly think based on how well received this one, there'll be something that they would revisit. You know, I think Major League Baseball is doing a nice job in expanding things in general.

We know about the London games they're playing in Mexico, plans to play in Paris next year. This is certainly something that's been long overdue. And, you know, the amount of effort and time that took for the city of Birmingham, I think they should be commended for it because they really, you know, this is a big, big event in this town. Certainly would like to see more games at this time here, but also a good start already with number one.

Absolutely. And with the renovation of Rickwood Field, have they expressed any future usage? Not necessarily for Major League Baseball.

I assume the community is going to be able to take full advantage of it. Yeah, and what's cool about Rickwood Field is even with all this prestigious history, it still uses an active ballpark. Some high school teams will play specialty games here. The SEC will use it every now and then.

Minor League Baseball occasionally will play. So it's certainly a very functional field. It looks gorgeous today. I'm sure most of the grandeur, if you will, will come down when the event ends.

But in terms of field functionality, it's in great shape. Awesome. Well, Katie, thank you so much. I know it's a busy afternoon, a busy day, a busy bunch of days, a busy evening. I wish I was out there. Where can people follow you as you follow the cards, but then also attend this amazing event? I'm on Twitter at Katie J. Wu and also on the athletics. We all have tons of coverage from various reporters throughout the week. Katie, thank you so much.

Enjoy it. OK, thanks so much, guys. Tune in is the audio platform with something for everyone. News in order to secure convictions in a court of law. It is essential that we conclusively sports clock at four.

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