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That's betterhelp.com slash positive. I'm Atlanta, Georgia, hanging out here with you on a Wednesday night into Thursday morning. I can't believe it. Like we're already pulling up into Thursday.
Thanksgiving was a damn week ago, but what are we going to do? I can't go back in time. I can't. I have no DeLorean.
It's not going to work. Anyway, I'm going to be here with you for the next two hours. It's a four hour show. I get started at 10 p.m. Eastern, 7 Pacific. Thank you to everybody who's been tuned in and locked in to the first two hours of the show. You can always listen on the free Odyssey app.
Your local CBS Sports Radio affiliate, Sirius XM Channel 158, and if you got a smart speaker, just ask it to play CBS Sports Radio. Here's a deal. A busy night. We talked about the NBA end season tournament, how you feel about it. Has it made you want to tune into more basketball or has the idea been, you know, a put off for you? I think most people have enjoyed it. It's something new.
Nothing wrong with something new. We talked about Aaron Rodgers and his return. He's on the 21 day practice window before he comes off of injured reserve. That's if he comes off of injured reserve. He would be eligible to play against Washington on Christmas Eve. We talked about the game that is going to take place tomorrow night, Thursday night, between Seattle, the Seahawks and the Dallas Cowboys. These two teams played on Thanksgiving, not against each other.
But it's just a crazy reminder how fast time has gone. And then in a few minutes, I'm going to give you a top six list because that's what I do every Wednesday night into Thursday morning. And tonight will be no different. And tonight's list is going to piggyback off of the man that we talked about prior to the break. And that's Aaron Rodgers, because Rob Salah pretty much told everybody today that Aaron Rodgers. Well, he wants to be back out on the field with his teammates.
Listen to what head coach Rob Salah had to say about Rodgers. He loves this organization. He wants to be with his teammates. He wants to be here. I think he's sacrificed so much already for the organization and himself and his teammates. And he's doing it again. I think it's a testament to who he is as a human.
All right. Well, he's superhuman if this is the case. The fastest return from a torn Achilles in the NFL up until now was Cam Akers at five months.
If Aaron Rodgers is to really return, it would have been or will be three and a half months. Quite impressive for someone who's going to turn 40 years old one Saturday, one of the best quarterbacks I've ever seen, someone who's real into himself, very vocal about his thoughts, his feelings, how he views and sees the world. It's quite admirable what he's been able to do. If I'm the New York Jets, though, yeah, they got no choice but to let him do what he wants to do. But I mean, it's a team that's going nowhere this year. Man, hold his ass for next year. But it's Aaron.
It's Aaron Rodgers world in the New York Jets are just living in it. And so let's see what happens. And so for tonight's top six list, I want to take a look at at other athletes that have just defied father time.
I want to look at other athletes who are just seemingly invincible. And so I'm going to share that top six list with you momentarily. But let's go ahead first and go to South Carolina and talk to John, who's been waiting patiently through the break. Hey, John, you're on CBS Sports Radio.
What's up? Well, I did show like 98% of the time. Hey, my Aaron Rodgers, those perfect. But Aaron Rodgers, man, everybody, of course, knows the publicity hog.
But what was you going to use? But the Jets got to be loving what he's doing now, too, because look at all the publicity they're getting. They're going to let him play it out and they're going to take him off and let him be on the team.
Send somebody down for two weeks. That's all it would be, right? And then it's going to come down to what he's always said in part of these conversations.
You know, part of the equation is, are we in it? And when he gets down to it, he'll be medically cleared and he'll be out there on that last game and he'll dance around and show that he could play. But, yeah, putting him in a game, that would just be, and he always bailed, he gave himself a bail-out clause. He's not stupid.
He said, you know, it also depends on our record. Hey, but Aaron Rodgers has got such an ego. He's going to be one of the first people that has himself, you know, bio-frozen.
And not to be, you know, saved from whatever his problem was, he's going to want to be one of the first people cloned off those frozen bodies so he can come back again and be in the news another time as that guy. Hey, man, have a good one. Hey, and you know what? You talked about... Well, thank you. Thank you, John, for calling from South Carolina. Appreciate you. Yeah, he got me with the frozen bodies and I'm like, we're going to talk about Ted Williams again?
Let Ted Williams rest in peace somewhere. Talking about frozen bodies being cloned? Okay.
Alright, well, thank you. I don't want to know what that man sits around and reads all day, but good for him. It's the JR Sport Preshow here with you on CBS Sports Radio. Yeah, maybe if you could clone a few of these athletes, we'd have indestructible athletes. We would have athletes that would just go out there and play forever. Now, having said that, thank you, Aaron Rodgers, for inspiring tonight's top six list. We're going to take a look at some of the most successful athletes with longevity.
They basically seem invincible. Let's hit the music. Six, five, four, three, two, one. It's time to get JR's latest top six list only on the JR Sport Brief.
It is the JR Sport Preshow here with you on CBS Sports Radio. Time for a new top six list. It's real simple tonight.
We're looking at just let's call it for what it is. The top six invincible athletes. These people have played forever. They have done it at a ridiculously high level and not too much explaining. So let's get the list started with this number six at number six.
This is real simple, right? I got to go to the world of golf. I got to take a look at someone who has, I don't know, more majors than anyone who has ever played the game. This is the man that Tiger Woods.
I can't even say Tiger Woods is chasing him because Tiger Woods is basically cooked. It's Jack Nicklaus. This man turned pro in nineteen sixty one.
He hung him up in 2005. He was sixty five years old. That is almost a forty five year career.
I told you about those 18 majors. A matter of fact, he's won his sixth Masters at forty six years old. Never too late, Tiger Woods.
Never too late. Jack Nicklaus sitting down and with some great life advice just for anybody. He was asked about being a champion and how do you be one? Listen to a great. The biggest thing in being able to be a champion is to understand yourself. And if you understand what you can do and what your abilities are and what your limits are and what you need to work on. And and and you have to be able to do it.
Do it by yourself. To me, I get I get very upset when I see these guys out there with a swing coach, a diet diet dietitian, fitness strength coach, a psych coach, you know, I mean, they're all out there. What do they do for themselves? Who's going to win this golf tournament? Well, I mean, he must really hate what's going on today.
People got old staffs out there helping them out, getting them ready to play. Jack Nicklaus invincible. I got him number six here on the list. Who's another invincible athlete? What's the next number?
Number five. Well, damn. This man has a record that will never be broken. You know, I never say never.
I don't think anybody going to break it in my life. It's Cal Ripken Junior. Two thousand six hundred thirty two straight games. This streak started in nineteen eighty two and ended in nineteen ninety eight. Cal Ripken broke Lou Gehrig's record, which stood for fifty six years. He broke it in nineteen ninety five. Cal Ripken. You think about him in comparison to some of the players today?
Come on. Brian Cashman was just destroying Giancarlo Stanton, saying, yeah, yeah, yeah. We expect him to get hurt.
It's just just who he is. Not with Cal Ripken. He played every single day. Kind of nuts when you look at baseball and how it's played today. He did speak. Cal Ripken. He spoke to Forbes and he was asked about, you know, what, what words of advice did you receive from your dad to do this? And this is what Cal Ripken Junior had to say.
I would always say, you know, you have a responsibility to the team. You can't replay yesterday's game because it's gone. You can learn from it.
But you can't play tomorrow's game until I guess here. So we might as well focus on this one. Yeah.
So my approach was let's focus on this one. And you wanted to be counted on. There was a term in baseball that was called gamer, you know, and my dad, you know, his stories about, you know, playing through some injuries and being out there for the team and all that kind of stuff. I think he was referred to as a gamer. And so when somebody looks at gamer, all that means is that you're willing to come show up and try to meet whatever challenge it is today.
We don't have gamers no more. Cal Ripken Junior should go ahead and do like a whole. I don't want to say a seminar. You should just go talk to NBA players. Damn it. He should talk to baseball players, too. These guys sit down a lot as well. Dudes are falling apart at the seams. You want to talk about an invincible athlete?
Come on now. Cal Ripken Junior. Who the hell is going to play in like 14 consecutive years?
It's that's just nutty. Forget 14 1982 to 98. Damn.
Shout outs to Cal Ripken. Invincible. I got him at five. Who's the next guy on the list? What's the number?
Number four. This guy finally quit. Took him long enough. It's Tom Brady.
It's simple. What do I got Tom Brady in front of Cal Ripken? Cal Ripken wasn't getting tackled every day.
Not every day. I don't need to sit here and detail out to you Tom Brady's accomplishments. But I do want to highlight what Tom Brady feels got him into this space. And we know he tore his ACL.
He's not all that invincible. He got suspended for cheating. What does that have to do with his physical health? Tom Brady will tell you what he eats really makes the difference. Tom Brady will tell you don't eat that strawberry. Too much sugar. Tom Brady will tell you, hey, man, put that potato down. It came from the ground. Nightshades are not good for you. So what does Tom Brady eat? I don't know. You're going to have to pay for the TV TV TV 12 diet.
Is that what it is? Anyway, Tom Brady has a commercial for the TV 12 diet on his YouTube channel. And listen to Tom Brady tell you how you too can be healthy like Tom Brady. The principles behind my eating habits are pretty simple. Eat a nutrient rich diet consisting of mostly plant based foods. You don't have to be vegan or vegetarian. A healthy diet is a balanced one. Too much of a bad thing is bad for you, but too much of a good thing isn't that good either. Changing a nutritional regimen isn't easy. It's as hard as your workouts. And that's OK.
It's a step by step process. We each have one body, one life, and we should treat it with respect. Tell Tom Brady, give me money so I could eat like him. I know Tom Brady eats vegetables that taste like meat. Tell him to give me some of that. Too much of a good thing isn't good for you either.
I can't believe he said that. I know life is all about balance, but I don't want to eat like Tom Brady. It's the same guy who got wasted off of was it avocado tequila he was drinking at that parade. He was twisted off his ass, almost threw the Vince Lombardi trophy into the bay. I'm not following advice from that guy.
Getting drunk just like everybody else. No, thank you, Tom Brady. God bless him for playing forever, though.
Super Bowls don't hurt either. Top six invincible athletes. I got Tom Brady at number four. What's the next number?
Number three. This dude is like the Energizer Bunny. Keeps going and going and going and going and going. Every time he steps out onto the court, it's now a record. It's LeBron James. Now he's played more minutes than any human being in NBA history. He passed Kareem for that. He's like Kareem, in February, I'll pass you in points.
In November, I'll pass you for minutes play. This guy, he's invincible for a dude who plays as physical as he does. And yeah, the NBA is different than when he came in. LeBron James really went from the beat you up era to let's all take threes era. And LeBron James is still going to the basket and dudes are still bouncing off of him.
Makes no sense. Even one of his former teammates, somebody who LeBron helped win a championship. Kyrie Irving. He talks about LeBron and how ridiculous his accomplishments are. Listen to this.
Definitely saw this when we were playing together. His ability to prepare himself mentally, spiritually, emotionally, game to game, day to day. Been quoted as saying it's hard to be LeBron James or any superstar in any entertainment sport, athletic or business industry.
Because all eyes are on you. But he's handled extremely well. We gave the keys to the whole entire business to 18 year old kid and now he's 38 years old and he's still dominating. I don't think we should be surprised. I think we should congratulate him and celebrate him as much as possible. Continue to enjoy the shows that he put on because it's not going to be for too much longer. You know, whenever he decides to play.
But it's nutty. What was expected of him? This is going to be the next big thing. LeBron James, you could say he has lived up to, if not surpassed the expectations and the hype. It's wild. And he is 38 years old and he's not done.
And I mean, damn it, I will lose my mind if I see this dude on a basketball court with any one of his kids. And it may never happen. It's new trade. Still going. Nothing outlasts the energizer. They keep going and going. He got a battery in his back.
Ain't pull it out yet. I know his kid is dealing with the issue with his ticker and the other kid is still a kid. But damn, what a story his career has been.
Just period. Forget about what team he played for and how you feel about where he went. It is mind boggling. He is a modern marvel. What he's been able to do. Run into that basket all these damn years since 2003.
It's about to be 2024. I'm tired. Top six invincible athletes. I got LeBron ahead of Brady. Tom Brady. I mean, yeah, he's crazy, too.
But I mean, they protected his ass kind of wild there. What's the next number after LeBron at three? Number two. This also makes no sense.
They don't make them like this anymore. And number two, invincible athletes. How about Nolan Ryan as a pitcher?
Let's really think about this here. Nolan Ryan pitched for twenty seven seasons. His career started in 1966.
It finished when he blew out his elbow. In nineteen ninety three. And this ain't no let's go out there and pitch five quality innings.
None of that New Age garbage that they got now. Nolan Ryan was like, I got 300 innings for you. Three hundred. Nolan Ryan was like, I got heat for you.
One hundred. Seven no hitters, eight all stars. Up the New York Mets win the World Series. Nolan Ryan was throwing the heat. When he wasn't punching young Robin Ventura in the head. And even Nolan Ryan.
Man. It's hard to see to believe I was allowed to see him as a kid. That's how long the dude was pitching. ESPN talked about it in nineteen ninety three when he blew out that elbow. Finally, Nolan Ryan threw literally blistering heat in the early days. He had to stoke his tender fingers and pickle Brian throughout his career. He shouted warnings to batters when he lost his grip on his release. Even so, he hit 158 batsmen. He walked more of them than anyone in his wild youth. Ryan was universally feared at the end of his twenty seven season run. He was feared and universally respected. I think Nolan Ryan.
If you went out and saw him today, even in his way, you got to be in his mid to late 70s now, he would still whoop your ass. Nolan Ryan is his arm. I don't know what they made his arm out of, but he's invincible for what we see for pitchers now couldn't hold a candle.
It's the J.R. sport we show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. I'm giving you a top six list of invincible athletes. Jack Nicklaus at six. Cal Ripken, Cal Ripken at five. Tom Brady at four. LeBron James at three.
Nolan Ryan at two. When we come back from break, I'm going to share with you number one. Don't move. It's the J.R. sport brief show on CBS Sports Radio. Nothing outlasts the energizer. They keep going and going. You're listening to the J.R. sport brief on CBS Sports Radio. You're listening to the J.R. sport brief on CBS Sports Radio. I even got my wife into listening to you, man. You know, like when I come home at night, she already have you on like walking out. I'm getting out the car and you know, I mean, I'm walking in the house and I'm still hearing you, man. Call in now at eight five five two one two four CBS.
That's right. It's the J.R. sport brief show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. Talking about invincible athletes, I'm giving you a top six list of invincible athletes. We know about what Aaron Rodgers is trying to accomplish, what he's trying to come back from. I wanted to share with you a list of athletes who have just performed at a ridiculously high level for a ridiculously long time. And I'm about to share with you number one on the list. But let me give you a quick recap unless you've been M.I.A. or just tune it in.
And if you are just tune it in and you missed it last segment, you can hit rewind on the free Odyssey app. And number six, I gave you Jack Nicklaus, this man in his 18 majors. Well, he did that over what was ultimately, damn it, a 45 year career. And yet it's golf. I certainly understand that.
But that's that's kind of nutty. Go ask Tiger Woods. And number five, I gave you Cal Ripken Junior. This man played baseball from 1982 to 1998. And ain't miss a game.
I think that's a record that will not be broken. And then before I gave you Tom Brady and yet Tom Brady invincible and a little bit played forever, right? Blew out his ACL, won all these damn Super Bowls.
And he will tell you his longevity can be attributed to avoiding tomatoes. Yes, that is the great Tom Brady. And number three, I gave you LeBron James. Yeah, I got LeBron in front of Tom Brady. Well, yeah, Tom Brady blew out that leg.
But then Tom Brady, even though he played more of a contact sport, a vicious, violent sport in football, like Tom Brady was protected. I find it almost equally, if not more impressive, what LeBron James is doing right now, because how the hell has he played this long and how is he not blown out in ACL? How the hell is he running past everybody? How the hell at 38 is he still the best player on the Lakers? My legs get tired. My knees get tired thinking about all the running that this dude has done up and down a court, running, flying, jumping.
It's nuts. And number two, Nolan Ryan. Nolan Ryan would probably punch some of these pitchers now. Five and six quality innings.
That ain't nothing. Who's Robin Ventura these days? Is he in Chicago?
I don't know. Oh, he's punching him. I hope Nolan Ryan's not punching him anymore.
Giving him noogies. Nolan Ryan went until he was 46 years old, flame throwing. So appropriate that he went out and he blew out his elbow and that was the end of his career.
Twenty seven seasons throwing gas. Seven no hitters, eight time All-Star right out of the gate with the New York Mets winning the World Series, helping them in relief. Nolan Ryan badass on the mound until he was 46 years old. So if I got Nolan Ryan here at two throwing baseballs and and you ain't supposed to throw your arm and elbow like that. Look at Max Scherzer. He's already cooked. All these dudes get done.
Nolan Ryan, too. So where does that leave us, Shep? Number one. If I got to think about an athlete. Damn near invincible.
Played forever at a ridiculously high level. I got to go to hockey. You want to talk about contact? Got that. Talk about athleticism?
Got that. It's Gordie Howe. How the hell do you play this damn long? How the hell do you play into your 50s? How the hell do you play in your 50s?
Play 80 games and have 41 points. Oh, yeah. And by the way, you came back to play with your sons.
This is nuts. Gordie Howe played for 33 years at the professional level, 25 years with the Red Wings. The man then went to the World Hockey Association. And then he said, I'll come back to the NHL, play for the Whalers and go out there and play with my boy. How?
It's nutty. And oh, yeah, by the way, all the records that Wayne Gretzky ultimately snatched, I don't want to say snatched, but gained, they were from Gordie Howe. Whether you want to take a look at points, assists, goals, Gordie Howe had all those records. And then Wayne Gretzky came along. The NHL, because this is the NHL, they pretty much documented and talked about this on the NHL network about Mr. Gordie Howe, Mr. Hockey in his five decade career.
Listen to this. Howe retired in 1971 after 25 seasons in Detroit. However, two years later, he resumed his hockey career in the World Hockey Association. And for the 1979-80 season at age 51, he returned to the NHL as a member of the Hartford Whalers, playing alongside his sons, Mark and Marty. With the All-Star game being held in Detroit that year, Howe was selected to the team. He thought he was just kind of an add-on, but it was such a highlight for all of Detroit and all of us that were such fans. Representing all the hockey with great distinction for five decades, number nine. Man, LeBron James is trying to be like Gordie Howe.
Like, damn it, I want to play with both of my boys, too. Absolutely ridiculous. And if you want to talk about contact, ain't nothing, not a damn thing soft about hockey and the fact that he was still able to go out there and be competitive at 50, 50 plus.
I don't even know where to start. There's certain things that I don't think we will see again, or maybe you see it once in a lifetime. I don't think we'll see another Gordie Howe.
I don't think so. It's the JR Sport Brief Show here with you on CBS Sports Radio. I just gave you a top six list of invincible athletes. At number six, Jack Nicklaus. At number five, Cal Ripken. At number four, Tom Brady. Number three, LeBron James. Number two, Nolan Ryan. And number one, Gordie Howe.
Of course, there are more than six. I mean, I could have sat here and told you about Yami or Yager. Of course, I could have sat here and given you more football players. I can pick out boxers.
We can go on forever. I wanted to select a representative pretty much from each sport. And we got two baseball players here. I got you a pitcher and a hitter.
Nolan Ryan and Cal Ripken Jr. I wanted to go ahead and diversify this list. Come on, I could have said that Kareem was invincible. I could have put here that George Foreman is invincible.
At least he was big, fat, and strong when he came back. The fact of the matter is there's more than six athletes who have just displayed ridiculous longevity. These are the individuals that I decided to put here at the top. Phone lines are open. That's 855-212-4CBS. That's 855-212-4CBS.
When you think about an athlete, damn near invincible. Played forever. Got the job done.
And please don't tell me about that kickin' George Bland about away. Call me up. That's 855-212-4CBS.
That's 855-212-4CBS. I say invincible. You say who? I'll get to your calls on the other side of the break. You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio.
You're listening to the JR Sport Brief on CBS Sports Radio. Hey, JR. How are you, buddy? I really appreciate your show. You know, night in and night out, I agree with the last caller. Once again, from Seattle, you do a good common sense approach to the show. Thank you for having me on.
Call in now at 855-212-4CBS. It is the JR Sport Brief Show on CBS Sports Radio. I just gave you a top six list of invincible athletes. Ridiculous accomplishments, ridiculous longevity.
If you missed the full explanations, you can go ahead and hit rewind on the free Odyssey app, A-U-D-A-C-Y. Give you a quick recap. At number six, I gave you Jack Nicklaus. At number five, Cal Ripken Jr. At number four, Tom Brady. At number three, LeBron James. At number two, Nolan Ryan. At number one, Gordie Howe. Out here playing at 50, 51 years old. Still playing like a damn all-star. How? In hockey, no less. Check this man one time, it's curtains.
855-212-4CBS, that's 855-212-4CBS. I wanted to add athletes here. I wanted to have as many sports represented. You know, I could sit down here and do this list and just throw a bunch of hockey players on one list and baseball players on another list. I could throw Ricky Henderson on here, Yamir Yager. I mean, we can go on and on.
But I wanted to try to be representative of just everybody, the best I could. Sure, two baseball players, one pitcher, one hitter. That's why I got Nolan Ryan here at two.
They don't make him like him no more. Nowadays, you got to babysit the dude's arm from when he gets into the league. 855-212-4CBS, that's 855-212-4CBS. Let's start off with Mitchell. He's calling from New Orleans. You're on CBS Sports Radio. Go ahead, Mitchell.
Hey, man, how are you? I just wanted to add Floyd Mayweather to that list. In my opinion, he's top three longevity-wise, 46 years old, fighting his last professional fight. I think that's incredible longevity, never beating top three boxers ever.
You ain't talking about it. He's basically done. Let's not include these stupid bouts that he's just making money on now. Let's not be serious about that. You're not counting those now, are you?
No, I'm not. I'm going from his last recorded professional fight, which was in 2017, against Conor McGregor, and he was 46 years old when he retired at the end of that. I think that's incredible longevity. He's 46 now, so let's get the idea of those fights out the way. Conor McGregor was a sham fight. I agree with you. Floyd Mayweather Jr., and thank you so much for calling up from New Orleans.
But this is the reality. Floyd Mayweather Jr., yes, he is. He's one of the best boxers that you will ever see in your life.
And I would typically have no issue and no problem here by having him on the list. But he was smart in his career. He fought dudes when he wanted to fight them. There was no, let's fight Manny Pacquiao in his prime.
Like, they dragged that out. Like, it was genius. Business-wise, what he did. How he built him, genius.
Absolute genius. But, man, boxing is a sideshow. And I'm not going to take away from the sweet science. I ain't getting in the ring and getting punched in the face. Call me a punk, that's fine. I ain't doing it. But there's something about just kind of cherry-picking your way through things that make me go, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, undefeated. Your last fight fight was against Conor McGregor, who ain't a boxer.
I mean, it's just, yeah, I like Floyd the boxer. But I'm not putting him on here. 855-212-4CBS. That's 855-212-4CBS. John is calling from Rochester.
You're on CBS Sports Radio. Go ahead, John. Hey, Jay.
How are you? I can't argue with any of them. And my guy is Frank Gore. I think he's one of the best backs ever as far as, you know, longevity yards. I was about to say, yeah. And I think he's the first valid Hall of Famer.
What do you think? I think he is going to get into the Hall of Fame. And I think it's going to be solely on his longevity and how long he's been out there. I mean, if he only had, quote, unquote, like a 10-year career, I don't think anybody would look at him and go, oh, let's put him in the Hall of Fame. But based on how long that he went out and played, yeah, I would have to say so.
Absolutely. He's third all-time in rushing yards. And there's no weakness in how long he played. These teams, they hired him. They paid him.
They needed him. And it's all legit. You know, people say, well, you know, he only had 500 yards in a season. Well, you know, I mean, he's totally legit, man. I love Frank Gore. And thank you, John, for calling up from Rochester.
I appreciate you. I know he had that. It must have been only one season up in western New York with the Buffalo Bills. But there was nothing, like, flashy about Frank Gore. Like, he just got the job done. Right.
Third down and two, he got the first down. He was golden, man. He's a huge fan favorite here. Just in a short time, you know?
Yeah, one year. Well, thank you, John. Good night, okay? All right, Jared. Thanks.
Good night. All right, thank you for calling from Rochester. 855-212-4CBS. That's 855-212-4CBS.
Let's go ahead and go right here to Georgia. Let's talk to Eddie. Eddie, you're on CBS Sports Radio. What's up, man? How are you?
I'm good, JR. Man, how you doing, man? I love your show. I love how you present your truth. And you know how you come across on that radio.
I ain't have much. I'm a truck driver, so sometimes I come across you, and I just kind of stay with it as long as I can. Sometimes I get out of the house, and I'm just sitting down here for a little 20 minutes listening to you, but love your show, man.
Thank you. But, you know, I'm just saying, how you gonna get Serena in there, man? She retired at 40, was beaten up on Young Wings when she was still 38. You know, come on. This thing, you know, got to give her that, man.
She got to be in there somewhere, man. Come on. Yeah. It's six, though? Six?
And then it's, I know, I know this is going to sound crazy. I got Jack Nicklaus here, and I put him here because the man played for almost 50 years. Right. But it's tennis, man. And I know tennis is brutal. I know.
My knees, my knees suck right now because I played basketball and tennis. I understand. But it's tennis, and I'm just putting that in comparison to everybody I put here on the list, you know? Yeah, I see what you're saying, but you got to understand not only that it's tennis, but look how long she did it at such an age, man, as a female. You see what I'm saying?
She was paying up to, what, she was 41, and still was dominating? Let me ask you this, then. Who on my list, my list, you could have yours, who on my list would you take off and put Serena on for? Ooh. Ooh, that's a good one. Okay, uh-huh, yeah.
Yeah, you got me. You taking Kyle Ripken off and putting Serena there? No.
Nah, nah, nah, nah. You moving Tom Brady for Serena? Yeah, Tom Brady played for a minute.
Even though they skewed a game in the game. I didn't ask you that. Are you moving Brady for Serena? You moving LeBron? What about Nolan Ryan?
Nah, Nolan Ryan, that man was a beast, man. You right, you got him. But you know, honorable mention, how's that?
Well, yeah, plenty of honorable mentions, but there's only six. You didn't throw her out there, you see what I'm saying? I can only say, but so many people, that's why I open up the phones for people like you, Eddie. Drive safe, okay? What part of Georgia you in? I'm out here in Stone Mountain, Metro, you know, outside of Metro Atlanta, one of the Metro Atlanta. Oh, listen, man, I know, listen, I know Sunneville and 125, listen, man, you don't got to explain. Oh, yeah, you right in there, man, you know where I'm at. I'm right behind the mountain right here.
I looked at the trees when they lighted up for Christmas. Yeah, I know, they make all the money there. Well, drive safe, okay? All right, man, you take it yourself.
Good luck, man. All right, it's the JR Sport Reshow here with you on CBS Sports Radio. We're talking about invincible athletes. I got Gordie Howe at number one. Dave Sheppard, invincible producer here.
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