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Kamala’s Debt, DEI’s Demise, and Alec Baldwin’s Cable News Rant

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch
The Truth Network Radio
December 24, 2024 3:00 pm

Kamala’s Debt, DEI’s Demise, and Alec Baldwin’s Cable News Rant

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch

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December 24, 2024 3:00 pm

Kamala Harris is telling her allies to keep her political options open. A Texas father who tried for years to stop his ex-wife from allowing his pre-teen child, who now identifies as 'Luna,' to be chemically castrated has been dealt a blow in California court. Dana explains how the US is setting their military up for failure including outdated technology, low morale and high costs due to too much government bureaucracy. Major companies including Walmart, Ford and John Deere announce they are ENDING their DEI policies. Dana still isn’t over Jaguar’s new woke ad and pink EV car. Kamala Harris’ Campaign is $20 Million in debt. Comcast will spin-off its news networks like MSNBC due to lack of viewership. Alec Bladwin says Americans are “uninformed about reality” because they don’t watch cable news. Do people still celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas?

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