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Absurd Truth: Liberal White Woman Zoom Call

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch
The Truth Network Radio
July 29, 2024 12:21 pm

Absurd Truth: Liberal White Woman Zoom Call

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch

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July 29, 2024 12:21 pm

 The left has resorted to just calling J.D. Vance, “weird”. White liberal women joined a Zoom call to fawn over Kamala Harris while discussing their white privilege. Chelsea Handler has a complete meltdown over J.D. Vance's cat lady comments.

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Dana Lashes of Sir Truth Podcast, sponsored by Kel-Tec. It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man.

So where to even start? Let's see, there was a Florida Man who was accused of stealing cheese and bug spray in a $400 Walmart heist. Cheese and bug spray.

Yeah, 41 year old Matthew Ferris. He's charged with petty theft. Bomb was set at $2,500.

That's a lot. He was had a black backpack and a duffel bag and he was transferring items according to the affidavit between the bags. Walmart loss prevention officer contacted the police. He stole a range jacket, a range jacket, a stove stand, chicken, cheese and bug spray. $376. Some change was the amount of stolen merchandise.

He's still in jail. Goodness. I am. I mean, you can judge people, you know, by what they buy. Do you ever do that? Like you're in the grocery store and you see people buying stuff. Like if you see people buying like, you know, bought like, somebody buying, you know, some wine and like a frozen TV dinner. You're like, oh, that's awesome. You know what I mean? Like one of those things.

You're buying buying bug spray and cheese. It's kind of weird, right? Just saying, it's a little weird. A couple of others here.

Let's see this. Well, I got another story about somebody who was trying to drunkenly flee on a golf cart. That's apparently a big thing. There was a kid who got stabbed in the chest by a catfish. A Florida kid, airlifted to the hospital. It was a Florida little Florida kid.

Pasco County Fire Rescue had responded. It was a catfish barb that was lodged like an inch in. That's holy cow. They don't know how it happened. They just said it was odd. You know, they said you might hear of a fisherman being cut by a barb like on a leg or something but never something like this. And catfish carry poison in the spines and other back and siphons but not in their whiskers. And they can sting.

I think growing up with catfish, I did not know until I was almost an adult. What the people who conceived the idea and put it on our partners that help bring you free radio, it's the folks that are over at Kel-Tec. And Kel-Tec makes a lot of really good stuff. I'm so excited that I can finally go back to talking to you about the P-15 because it's one of my absolute. The P-15 is just like your go everywhere. It's your go everywhere gun. The P-15, which is I actually think I carry this last week. It's called the Fire Pistol. It's Kel-Tec's P-15.

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And of course everything's quality made right here in the U.S. of A. Florida to be exact. Learn more about the P-15. One of my favorites by visiting That's Bring the P-15 to the range today. Tell them Dana sent you. Thank you. I think it's weird for a guy who banged a Chinese spy to call anybody else weird and creepy. Eric Swalwell. I mean, this was the guy who one time asked to speak to my boss because he assumed that I as a female had to have a male superior. At which point I had to drop him and tell him that I am the boss. So come speak to me son. I can't stand this guy because he's all like high on his own supply. Welcome back to the program. Dana Lash with you. You can listen coast to coast. you can stream the radio program channel 347 direct TV find us on rumble and x i'm not an eric swabble a fan he's just like a guy would never get along with you know you meet some people and you're like i would never get along with you i don't know if i would ever get along with jd vans but i think this these comments about him are so weird that's what's weird i mean you guys the democrats hired a you guys remember the suitcase stealing nuclear twink that they had right the sam brinkman guy the guy who didn't have like a security clip well he had to have some level of security clearance he had a security clearance and he's he he was the guy who went around stealing all of the these ladies luggage and remember he stole this one woman's luggage and because i know that identity politics are very important to the left she was a black woman a black female designer clothing designer and jewelry designer and he stole her original works and was wearing them wrongly all around town like to different events and stuff like that and she was like that's my stuff and he was able to kind of skirt consequences he stole so many suitcases over the years if you and he had a security pass and he was working in you know with our nuclear stash that's what's weird i mean have you seen like the deputy director of health and human services it's a dude that wants to be a woman and wants to lecture everyone else about their health i you guys don't get to sit why is jd vans weird because he drinks diet dude he would say he drank diet mountain dew he was at an event and he pointed out that there was diet mountain dew on the table and the insufferable ridiculous left was like oh my gosh he drinks diet mountain dew and they lost their minds and by the way his remarks on ivf he actually never said anything about ivf and it doesn't matter because trump is already have has a position on ivf so what does it matter if trump is for ivf i mean that's they just want to bring this back to abortion so bad so badly that's all they want to do and it's just it's just so stupid stop this but they're mad at them and they're trying to create this use this as an apparatus by which they can further chip away at the white suburban women's vote which oh my gosh white leftist women annoy the hell out of me sometimes they really do not all of them but there's some of them that do and i just i don't get it i was i they've been um they got together and it was like a kamala harris event where's this at oh my gosh i can't i gotta play this and then we're gonna get to the cat lady so yeah audio somebody 24 okay so let me set this up this was a bunch of white progressive women who got together over a zoom call to talk about kamala harris and discussing white privilege these are the this is the subset of ladies that are very upset i guess over jd vans and they're trying to and this is the subset of women that democrats are trying to rile all up go ahead and play this because this is hysterical this is not a parody i feel like i'm watching like a skit a la the californians on snl go ahead as white women we need to use our privilege to make positive changes if you find yourself talking over or speaking for bipoc individuals or god forbid correcting them just take a beat and instead we can put our listening ears on what the hell am i watching do learn from and amplify the voices of those who have been historically marginalized and use the privilege you have in order to push for a systemic change as white people we have a lot to learn and unlearn so do check your blind spots you are responsible for your algorithm believe it or not is that what if you ever wanted to see what chardonnay looked like in bipedal forum it's that sponsored by lulu lemon chardonnay and home goods that's what that whole zoom call was about so that chick apparently was like the the kamala karen leader and i loved the whole era like there was like choreography and stuff with it i what in the world i thank heavens that white progressive women exist or black women would never get ahead in life because they're apparently too dumb without their white white lady saviors that's what they do you realize how unbelievably racist that is a bunch of these i they i western society has achieved so much that these broads apparently think that there's nothing else left to accomplish or or in life or to that all the other problems are solved so they have to create problems that they can also pretend to solve and so they are so high on themselves they actually think that their greatness their self-perceived greatness victimizes other people that's really ultimately when you distill all of this down that's what they're saying that they're so great and like so awesome they have to check your privilege like what privilege are you talking about princesses what privilege i mean if i examine my own life i don't know the privilege of being a statistic of coming from a single parent household you know that kind of privilege the privilege of growing up broker than barack obama ever could dream of that then kamala harris could ever dream of i'm just curious like what privilege you know the privilege of of being told that i'm a domestic terrorist by sitting members of my own government simply because i as a female want to make sure that i can protect myself because statistically women are great are more greatly victimized than men like that kind of that privilege i mean what the hell are you talking about privilege this is so stupid these women are just creating problems that they hurt and rescue that then they're going to pretend to be the fixers of and and how condescending is that to lecture other people and act as though women of color are so helpless and stupid that they can't figure out that black women can't figure out life unless they have white women to help them oh my gosh you know how unbelievably racist that actually is it's like the dave shapel skit where he's like a klansman but he's black and he's blind and he doesn't realize that nobody has the heart to tell him our partners over at hillsdale this is such a great educational institution if you're unfamiliar with hillsdale it was uh founded in 1844 it is a small christian classical liberal arts college in southern michigan and they were founded to really preserve liberty i mean it's all about the pursuit of truth and defense of liberty and you don't have to be on their campus to take advantage of the insight that they have to offer so for instance if you love documentaries and if you love deep dives and historical you know issues things like that they have a video up at dana for and it's on thomas jefferson as he is later in his life he's reflecting on the declaration of independence and the creation of the republic we know exactly what he thought because he was a prolific letter writer and it comes directly from a letter that he was writing his correspondence to different colleagues and friends about all of this and that's so this insight comes from his own words and you can watch it at hillsdale dana for f-o-r very inspiring video and when you're there you can get a free commemorative copy of the declaration of independence from hillsdale keep it or pass it on to somebody you know it's a limited time offer so don't delay watch that awesome video about jefferson later in his life reflecting on the declaration and get your commemorative copy at dana for f-o-r and now all of the news you would probably miss it's time for dana's quick five per campus reform columbia university is apparently partnered with a non-profit that said that if you that terrorist is like a slur a racial slur and they've defended hamas it's called slow factory it's an education initiative that brings together stupid stuff and blah blah blah and defends hamas and all that i mean really that's all you need to know the slow factory is aptly named that's all i'm gonna say uh let's see here oregon wildfire explodes to half the size of rhode island this is wild yeah that's this you know i mean it is summer and it's hot and it's dry wind and lightning strikes have sparked and fanned wildfires across the pacific northwest including the largest one in the u.s uh near six speeding near the oregon idaho border the derky fire near hunting huntington oregon 600 square miles have been scorched it's actually it's pretty crazy so people be safe and i'm glad and just i don't know i don't have any other words for it that's kind of scary because i mean what are you gonna do that's it i mean it's just gonna burn you just no amount of water is gonna really put that out that's kind of scary that's terrifying a woman orders an air fryer from amazon but she got a lizard in the box a lizard in a box instead so this was in uh columbia sofia serrano she ordered an air fryer they sent her a live reptile what do you have to order to get like a dog out of curiosity like another one just curious like what do you have to do she shared a picture of it and she's and it's gone viral they pop up amazon apologized and they have no idea how she got a lizard in a box and it's kind of sad because it's like a lizard in a box like that didn't you know not even properly boxed up like i why would you send it i don't know uh there was an another incident like this in india we're an amazon customer and it's all like confirmed uh opened her box to find that it contained a venomous snake she thought she bought uh like a controller but upon opening it it was a speckled cobra and it was stuck to the tape of the box otherwise it probably would have bitten her face off i'm imagining that's terrifying oh let's see here a missing henry the eighth portrait was spied was spotted on x by an eagle-eyed art historian this is a very interesting imagine knowing your work that much they identified this portrait after spotting it on social media this guy was idly scrolling x and he you know saw that it was uh this he saw this portrait in the background identified it then you had chelsea handler who i feel like is the blonde version of kathy griffin who's the female version of carrot top but carrot top is funny and sometimes no norm mcdonald jokes here audio sound by 25 this as they're still going back to the jd vance cat lady well his interview that he gave like some years ago listen to this this is stupid hey as you might have heard donald trump's running mate and future star of his own dateline episode jd vance is ruffling quite a few feathers this week we're effectively run in this country by a bunch of childless cat ladies who look at kamala harris the entire future of the democrats is controlled by people without children listen up you wingnut elegy this country is still controlled by men in systems that were set up by men that are carefully crafted to continue to benefit men so to put it in women hating terms you'll understand you're being hysterical but let's be clear there's no correlation between childless people and the presidency for example our very first united states president mr george washington didn't have children in fact he had two step children that's right just like someone else i know and to your point about kamala not being fit because she's not a mother i'd like to remind you that no president in the history of the united states has ever been a mother but maybe if she had five kids with three different men and a scandalous affair with a porn star and was convicted felon that would be more palatable to republican men i mean my god are we tired you sad diet mountain dude drinking couch humping dolphin porn aficionado all of us childless cat and dog ladies are going to go from childless and crushing it to childless and crushing you in november you know what gets me are all the women who don't have kids are so damn obsessed with telling you how happy that miserably happy they are not having kids right who was that dude uh chelsea handler oh got it i mean it's not even funny i mean it's funny like in a ridicule type of way but it's not even funny in some ways i feel sad for i mean i i know people that don't have kids and they're not obsessed with telling everyone else how happy they are without kids but these broads apparently are obsessed with telling making sure that everybody knows they're happy we don't have kids i'm so happy i no one asked you they hear one comment that isn't even really directed at them but oh my gosh they're gonna break their damn legs trying to get out the door to insist that it is about them because they need that kind of affirmation i need everyone to know that i'm very happy that i don't have kids i'm so happy how dare you so that's what it's like that's what they do i just he made a he made an off you know i don't you say whatever you want about jd vans i need y'all to explain to me how you're a super empowered female president was able to subsist on a ticket for four years with a guy that she called a pedo racist i'm just curious i mean everybody remembers the stuff that kamala harris said about joe biden so unless you guys can sit here and reconcile that i really don't care what you think about jd vance's offhand remark on something a couple of years ago i don't know the guy i've never met the guy but i have seen enough of these broads to know who annoys me more and i typically don't like to agree or find any kind of allyship with the people who annoy me more right i want to be annoyed less by my government and people in my government and so having these hysterical bitches scream and moan and whine and thrash and writhe about how hot stop chill calm down just take it down a notch you know what i mean just take it down a little bit save some drama for the rest of us okay golly it's just i i'm i don't understand why immediately everyone thinks that it's about them i don't know i mean kane there was nothing his remark was and i mean so right i don't get it yeah i don't get it either i don't understand there is a point to be made about the priorities of people looking at policy that maybe have kids and those who don't have kids and i think that's completely legitimate to bring up and if you don't think it is then we don't come from the same place and we're never going to see eye to eye so save your breath because you're not going to persuade me but that's a completely legitimate conversation to have but to say that and then try to take it back to ivf which he actually hasn't really said anything on and trump supports ivf so i don't know why people are mad uh and then they bring up the i don't even know what the other stuff that they're talking about it's just goofy it's creepy that's what's creepy i don't know isn't lorraine says that chelsea handler's been very open about her abortions too so she filmed some guilt i don't know like i don't know her package is it that's not my circus not my monkeys man it's it's kind of it's my whole thing you know what i'm saying like it's not it's not my dancing bears not any of it not any of it so i don't i don't know i um people are i think they're trying to weirdify jd vance and make him somehow unsuitable for the ticket i don't think that's going to work and i the reason i say that that's not going to work kane again have we seen some of the didn't they have a guy who was in a dress like go and do like all these videos for kamal harris they literally had a pride parade celebrate easter celebration or something on one of the lawns of the white house where uh this trans this dude who had breast implants went topless so good luck trying to convince anyone else that anybody else other than you is the weird one here that was right around the first cocaine discovery yeah i mean you've got yeah you got hunter bite leaving all this you know snort when he's not snorting blow off hooker's backsides he's leaving it in the white house cubby i mean you have democrats that literally made a sex tape in the senate chamber and yet jd vance is weird because he pointed to a table that had some diet mountain dew sitting on it do you see how stupid this is the hell's wrong with you people you need to be recalibrated but he said cat lady though yeah he said cat lady i don't like cats i'm actually super allergic to cats i've never been able to be around cats i'm legitimately you know like allergen blood tested actually i didn't even have to get a blood test because my skin woke up so bad when i did a skin test i'm so allergic to cats and they're just weird i've never held them i have never been able to be around them so i have like no experience with them at all totally fine with dogs you know i told you about our rescue pup that we just got last week uh but i don't know why people take that to be so you know usually when i come across opinions that i don't like about 90 percent of the time believe it or not i go on with my life every now and then i say something because there's a lot of stupid people out there and i don't know why it is that these like leftist broads can't do the same thing somebody said something that you don't agree with kill her go on with your life okay go get your virginia slims go get your chardonnay and leave the rest of us the hell alone can we not all right we got more on the way i just i i can't believe what our politics are right now thanks for tuning in to today's edition of dana lashes absurd truth podcast if you haven't already make sure to hit make sure to hit that subscribe button on apple podcast spotify or wherever you get your podcasts
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