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Absurd Truth: I Don't Feel Nowadays Tired

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch
The Truth Network Radio
January 8, 2024 3:52 pm

Absurd Truth: I Don't Feel Nowadays Tired

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch

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January 8, 2024 3:52 pm

Biden panders when speaking at a Black church in Charleston. Meanwhile, Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin has been hospitalized and no one was aware.

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Dana Loesch

Dana Lashes of Sir Truth Podcast sponsored by Kel-Tec. It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man. It's time for Florida Man. It's time for Florida Man. It's time for Florida Man. It's time for Florida Man. It's time for Florida Man. It's time for Florida Man. It's time for Florida Man. 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predominantly minority neighborhoods and it affected predominantly minority businesses so you had minority businesses and minority neighborhoods that were utterly destroyed by a movement that claimed to somehow advocate on their behalf that doesn't make any sense it doesn't make any sense at all it was a violent i mean we had rolling violent riots but i wish the office of the executive actually would have stopped i don't know why in the hell we had a you know republicans in the white house and republicans in the house and yet this was allowed to happen and then there was a portion when all of us were told to stay in our homes and everything else and yet these riots and everything i mean they tried to burn down a church but if you want to ask questions about it now you're told that you know just shut up and just get in line we live in a monarchy and pledge fealty yeah i got questions so do a lot of other people how many every night we saw riots on tv every night something was on fire every damn night entire neighborhoods entire neighborhoods people were assaulted and attacked a kid was killed in portland i was just this was crazy and it was it was all sanctioned not only was it sanctioned by this administration but kamala harris promoted the bail fund that was the insurrection if you want to have a discussion about an insurrection that was the insurrection was those riots you don't get justice with injustice no justice has ever been achieved by promoting injustice ever so you can't claim that this was a movement about justice it was a movement about injustice good heavens yeah mostly peaceful good grief and then he did this thing where he pandered again i want to know why in the world democrats always go and they default to this what is it this it's this reverend james cleveland who made this he had this uh originally hillary clinton became famous for now you've got you got joe biden who's speaking to this church and i guess he realized i'm in a black church i guess i then he decided to pander them one of the most like bigoted ways listen so ridiculous my fellow americans this is a time of choosing so let us choose the truth let us choose america i know i know we can do it together and it's the gospel song saying we've come too far from where we started here he goes nobody told me the road would be easy i don't believe he brought me this far to leave me my fellow americans i don't think the good lord brought us this far to leave us behind you know heaven forbid joe biden quote like frederick douglas or somebody but if you asked him who frederick douglas was he probably wouldn't know remember when hillary clinton did it remember yeah listen remember this one voice i don't feel no way he's tired tired oh my gosh you remember that from where i started from nobody told me that the road would be easy i don't believe he brought me this far don't you leave me oh my gosh they always go to that quote every time they always go to that quote i mean you know you could it'd be cool if they like i don't know quoted thomas soul even you know they probably don't know who he is either just thinking out loud that's but they always go back i mean there's all of them all the democrats they always quote that they always quote james cleveland they always go back and quote that what was this point of like mentioning this i don't know i don't know i don't know if you like what was his whole thing of going into that he said he's he's fear-mongering and race hustling by going to the church because he otherwise he he's exploiting the tragedy and trying to use a tragedy that was created by bad leadership and i would say i mean all of these agencies that are supposed to run these these systems they all say that oh no you don't need guns these agencies are going to keep you safe then the agencies allow killers to actually buy firearms uh because of the uh clerical errors regardless of whether or not you like the system that's not the question the question is these are the people who said no no we got to have these things in place to keep you safe except you know when we don't actually make them work they don't tell you about that part good heavens but then they'll use their errors as a way to argue to make you more vulnerable so he's where's he isn't he going to go to he's like doing a tragedy tour isn't he yeah where's he going after this oh name the tragedy no i mean did he do the valley forge thing already where he was trying to yeah so what's he's like doing something else after this yeah i'll look at the list but there there's a uh there's a whole campaign it all blends together because it's all the same message of hate and republicans are racist and i know it's tarred and all that i don't know it's the same geez it's the same cali i can't deal and we're gonna have cali how many unless he decides to drop out which is not gonna happen i think the only way he drops out is if if uh if it's not trump as the republican nominee if trump isn't republican nominee then i think biden will drop out because he's the only person that he's competitive against don't get mad at me i'm just citing the polls i mean we can ignore all of the data that's out there and i can just you know blow smoke over everybody's backside if it makes us all easier to sleep at night but i'm just being honest with you that's the way it is the way it is and democrats are perfectly fine with allowing that to happen because you all know he's not making these decisions in the white house you all know this it's not him cali have you seen where's the other soundbite that he has here the one where he couldn't even i don't know what he was saying here i think our friend larry sent us our vegas larry sent this to us i don't know what what was he even saying and and it was just a bunch of stutter he wouldn't even stuttering he was not even getting his words right he they like to try to advertise his inability to make one coherent sentence as stutter and it's that's not what a stutter is listen those pushing the big lie have a conspiracy theory among conspiracy theories it outweighs them all that there's what and but here's the fact there's where we don't have facts their whole theory has no facts has no proof has no evidence what i think he lost track when he was reading the teleprompter does he have a teller yeah i'm sure he has a teleprompter out there i don't see giant letters good heavens so a couple of other things speaking of fbi and errors did you guys see this from nbc you know the perry school the uh trans militant murderer another trans activist murdering school kids so uh the iowa killer was active on discord and the fbi was aware they said that they had flagged the the flat rate the chat room had been flagged to the fbi in november and an agent had reached out and asked for more information and a lot of people like told the fbi exactly what was happening they sent screenshots and they never heard back no one ever followed up you know how they should they should have told them that maybe they were we heard that they walked past the capital on january 6th if you want to get them to do something they walk past the capital on january 6th i had a friend of mine who was like now you know to be fair i'm sure they get a lot of tips and few are probably legitimate but you know it's easy in hindsight to say that they should have done something that's not what the argument is though the argument isn't well they get a lot of tips the argument has been you deserve fewer rights because these agencies can keep you safe that's what the argument is you deserve fewer rights because these agencies can keep you safe well if you get too many damn tips to follow up on isn't that like more of a reason for people to be armed and able to protect themselves that's the way i look at it heavens on earth and now all of the news you would probably miss it's time for dana's quick five all right so a couple of things here first up the snowstorm that's hitting what 60 million people in the northwestern us this weekend what do they say it's gonna frigid temperatures i'm hearing all kinds of stuff well you would live in the northeast why is this a big shocking thing am i being like mean you all know how to deal with snow y'all know how to do a cold hell home is in like the the thumb and the mitten of michigan right or the tip of the index finger of michigan y'all don't even have ac in your houses i know this y'all used to the cold so they said it's a big the first big snowstorm a big one they said it'll be the biggest in two years is impacting the interior mid-atlantic and much of new england again it's like saying there's going to be some heat in texas guys let's get ready okay some dry heat new york girls high school basketball game was canceled after anti-semitic slurs were hurled at players via the new york post this was in yonkers they said it was canceled uh this week when players on the home team were screaming anti-semitic slurs at their jewish opponents who needed security guards to escort them off the court to safety i'm gonna tell you something if you're a parent and you didn't go down there to whoop the ass of your kid on the court who was doing it then you suck as a parent i had i don't know i personally think that you're scum of the earth and your stupid brat kid is too so screw y'all and blank your kids right okay honestly if i saw one of my kids do that oh man there would not be enough flip-flops in the world there wouldn't be i would be on that court i wouldn't just be beating my kid i'd be beating all your kids and any parent that came down to stop me i'd beat you too so yeah they were screaming blank uh blank you jew i support hamas that's literally what and they're on tape saying this we can't play any of it because they're yeah literally saying they support hamas that's a terror group you stupid inbred brat that's a terror group good grief i just you know i have no at all whatsoever sympathy or courtesy for these people sometimes rough hands are needed uh let's see jody foster says that generation z can be really annoying to work with really i mean we are not shocked she says that she plays a lot of games she says that she finds gen z really annoying but she hopes that uh people can find their own path to help them learn how to relax and she says that she goes they're annoying in the workplace she joked they're like now i'm not feeling it today i'm gonna come in at 10 30 or in emails she says i'll tell them this is all grammatically incorrect did you not check your spelling and they're like why would we do that isn't that limiting like you can't even proofread your stuff like what does it matter with you my gosh i'd never send anything in and had i not done oh my gosh she's right though she's absolutely right uh let's see msn i feel like if you have to be a real estate broker then your first job isn't a rapper texas rapper and real estate broker was arrested for allegedly kidnapping a pregnant woman and locking her in his garage for years 52 year old lee carter aka viper was formally charged thursday after houston police responded to his home on a report of a kidnapping uh they said they found the woman who told them she'd been trapped inside according to documents she had been abducted about four or five years prior while pregnant and panhandling on the street the man approached her to give her a dollar and then returned to ask her if she needed help and then told her to get in the car so yeah they were able to that's crazy i also feel like don't get in the car with weirdo people uh and carnivorous invasive frogs are breeding in georgia say biologist i don't like that carnivorous don't they eat bugs in that anyway that's like meat right stick with us we got more in store i was reading back into his history under lloyd austin's history and you know that he's not considered like this great talent like he's he was formerly at sencom there was a lot of uh criticism as to how he ran his job when he was at how he did his job at sencom all this stuff so i'm just you know he's been out for you know a little bit now they had no idea biden had no idea although they're trying to i feel like they're trying to retcon that they released just a statement where they came out and said well actually you know we we knew we we were talking about it was he though he was in st croix he was on vacation and we were told that whenever he goes on vacation that he's essentially working the whole time right that he's working the whole time and so that's we really didn't it was it's not a big deal if you take so many vacations but apparently i guess no one i don't know no one told him because other people are saying that nobody knew that he was hospitalized for days like dude was taken back to icu for post-operative pain i mean he's and in fact here's the thing that even that blows my mind even more so his deputy and this is cnn that reported this you know that bastion of super conservatism cnn yeah yeah yeah no because the left is always like we don't like your sources and the right proc we don't like your sources the deputy defense secretary wasn't even told that he had been hospitalized she was kathleen hicks she's number two at pentagon she was pretty much captured in the dark by all of this and wasn't told that he was hospitalized and she he's what eighth i can't remember his how far away he is from the office of the executive but dude's in line right i mean the dude's in line she didn't even know that he was hospitalized that he had had a medical procedure when he was on leave and they didn't actually say what it was they said it was an elective medical procedure or something to that effect but then he had post operative pain he went back he began experiencing severe pain on the evening of january 1st and they took him via ambulance so it was serious enough for him to be transported via ambulance to walter ree right and they said that the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff was notified on january 2nd that he'd been hospitalized the day before so apparently chairman of joint chiefs of staff general cq brown wasn't even notified until the day after all of this that that that austin had been hospitalized and then apparently all the people in the chain of command the military service secretaries etc they weren't even notified till four days after he was checked back into the hospital that's kind of crazy not even the number two even knew not even she knew that he had been that he had been hospitalized she was just assuming his duties she had no idea she was kept in the dark until three days after he checked back into the hospital for post-operative complications and the president according to cnn he was unaware that lloyd austin was even hospitalized until three days into his hospitalization so i've got a lot of questions about this and the the i mean i think it's interesting that the left is reporting on this the way they are apparently i don't think they like him from the beginning but there's a reason why this is a top story for actually several reasons why this is a top story because we have right now we've got back and forth with the iranian proxies the houthis in the red sea we've got troops actually abroad we've got everything happening with uh israel versus hamas the chinese saber rattling north and south korea i mean we can go on and on the deluge at the border and the national security threat that that presents and our secretary of defense legit disappeared for a week plus he was gone hospitalized nobody had any idea which brings me back full circle to my original question do we need one do we need this guy if we he we didn't even know i mean apparently we we can still operate while joe biden takes how many days of vacation has he taken almost it's been over half of his presidency that he's been on vacation i'm not exaggerating that's like legit how often he's been on vacation so i i mean i guess maybe lloyd austin got jealous i don't know so he takes the time up does nobody here's the other thing i i was kind of throwing back and forth in my head i don't know how the biden administration runs things because when you look at what's happening in the red scene we talked a little bit about this last week you know you have the uh canal over there that's a huge huge hole in the red sea that's a huge huge means of of shipping that's a major major issue oil and gas you know etc etc they have briefings every single day they have national security briefings every single day did no one think well where's lloyd austin so we can ask him a question about this did no one stop and go you know we got these drone attacks happening and we just you know now we're responding to the hoothey attack by attacking hoothey an iranian proxy group that's an escalation should we bring on should we bring in the secretary of defense on this the actual secretary of defense should we bring that bring this guy in do you see where i'm going with this it's weird how is this guy how does he stay in his job after this now he released a statement let me find this statement well his people did could be because he was it basically let me just i don't need to read the whole thing it was basically my bad i don't even i don't even need to sit here and go nbc was reported i read this a couple hours ago he was it was basically all oh my bad he says quote i'm very glad to be on the men and look forward to returning the pentagon soon i also understand the media concerns about transparency and i recognize i could have done a better job ensuring the public was appropriately informed i commit to doing better but this is important to say this was my medical procedure and i take full responsibility for my decisions about disclosure so basically he just told you to shut the hell up that last sentence he was basically saying this was my procedure and it's my medical procedure and i'm not going to do it and it's my up to my discretion whether or not i tell you or anybody about it the dude has not been able to perform his duty since new year's now they said that he resumed his full duties just this past uh friday evening but he was in the hospital saturday still wasn't he so oh and by the way guess what guess where his deputy was when she was told that she had to assume his duties but she didn't know what was going on guess where she was no not guess where she was uh-uh one last guess no she was on vacation in puerto rico she wasn't even in dc she wasn't even there she wasn't even anywhere near so she just that's how last minute it was they didn't even tell the girl she was in puerto rico on vacation living her best life and they're like hey by the way kathleen guess what you're now the interim temp sec def have fun she's in puerto rico just saying she had no even no i no idea pentagon officials haven't described his condition or anything else again while he was in the hospital we went at this dude remember we had the strike this is uh pulled this out this is nbc a u.s airstrike kills the leader of iranian-backed militia in baghdad that took place while he was in the hospital totally not even assuming his duties okay we had bases with americans on them attacked six times by iranian-backed militias we've been considering how to strike the hoothes because they keep going at ships in the red sea we got two carrier strike groups in the mediterranean right now because of the everything going on in gaza and then speaking of you know the the hoothes they're based in yemen they've been attacking all those container ships coming out of the red sea we had the destroyer that shot down two hootie missiles that was on december 30th this was all while this dude has been in the hospital not able to do his job and you had number two out in puerto rico so again i go back to do we need a sec def because apparently we don't thanks for tuning in to today's edition of dana lashes absurd truth podcast if you haven't already make sure to hit that subscribe button on apple podcast spotify or wherever you get your podcasts
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