Dana Lashes of Sir Truth Podcast sponsored by Kel-Tec.
It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man. All right, so first up here. I don't know how this keeps happening, y'all. I mean, I've been warning you about bodies of water, puddles, creek, streams, droplets. Everywhere. This story over at ESPN, they literally I don't care about the stupid reporter's life.
Get to the story that you buried four graphs down, learn how to write a lead and then get rehired. A 20 year old, Marissa Carr, was bit in the head at Alexander Springs, north of Orlando. She was snorkeling, and a gator came out and bit her in the head.
They say that her full face snorkel mask probably saved her life, because they took her to the hospital and she was left literally with only scratches. But her friend says he looked up and saw her head legit in the gator's mouth. Florida Fish and Wildlife had to come along, they had to trap it. And they said this is the second incident in less than a week with the same gator.
So where when I'm in the gator's house of what's happening? I'm just saying good heavens. Let's see here this. Oh, boy.
Nope, not that as much as I would like to this. No fight in these school drop off line. But we had the No, no, no, I can't do that one either.
I will say though. This I don't even know what this is. A Florida man hits a haunted house host with a BB gun, because he thought he was a statue. So over Halloween, some people, you know, they just went home and went to bed like normal people, but not 20 year old Angus Shusser. Okay, he was in an FBI jacket, body armor and carrying an airsoft gun. And he went into a 47 year old man's home because the guy was hosting a free haunted house event.
And it was advertised, are you brave enough to make it through the manor and get some treats? The front lawn was decorated like a cemetery. So they said that Shusser, who is 6'4", 210 went around the corner to where the victim was standing. He was wearing a costume but not acting as a scary player. And then after seeing him, Shusser reportedly grabbed his airsoft and then struck him in the eye with the gun's handle causing significant injury. He told him he thought he was a statue per police report. And he said that after realizing he hit a person, not a human, a decoration, he allegedly began laughing and was not apologetic, says the complaint. So the victim bled, they followed Shusser who ran outside, they were trying to keep him from leaving.
They took his airsoft, he's booked into local jail, they released him on $15,000 bond. Okay, make this make sense. Why would you go into somebody's house and be like, I'm going to break their belongings in the first place? Secondly, who in this day and age would have such an event?
I'm not saying that like as a way to, you know, to lessen the guilt of the guilty party. But why would you? Why? Because you cannot trust a single fool in this world. Why would you open your house up like that? I don't understand.
Doesn't make any sense to me. So I don't know, man. Let's see. A little league, two little league coaches got into an argument over kids who were acting like they were smoking candy cigarettes and drinking water that looked like beer for Halloween. Oh boy, all these stories are coming out now.
Here we go. They said that tensions were flaring. It was that in Florida, as parents and coaches at a little league game got into an argument in Palm Coast. They were mad over some of the Halloween costumes because some of the opponents wore costumes or characters from the Bad News Bears movie, where they used candy cigarettes and cans of water called liquid death.
So they got into an argument about it because some people are tight wads or tied up about it and it ended up police getting involved. Golly, it's a great film from the studio that brought you The Sound of Freedom and The Chosen. It's after death. It's an unprecedented deep dive into the phenomena of near death experiences. Now it explores the ultimate mystery of what happens after what happens after people die, like from the perspective of people who have gone through this. And they came back and they have had what they said is an experience with the realm beyond. Now, what makes this different, the film After Death, which is rated PG-13, is that it incorporates first person accounts.
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Do you do you think that he was successful? Well, I don't know. I mean, we had the whole he mentioned Haley's daughter. We played that soundbite. And can I can I just hear that again? Can I just I'm sorry. Can I hear? Can I hear audio somebody? I'm gonna get into we got a ton of other stuff.
I'm just fascinated with this. Can I just for just for me one more time? Well, I want to laugh at why Nikki Haley didn't answer your question, which is about looking at families in the eye. In the last debate, she made fun of me for actually joining her own daughter was actually using the app for a long time.
So you might Oh, man, easy answer. I mean, the Santa's in the middle. Do you see his expression? I was a riot. We were all that in that moment. We're like, what? So, so Lorraine says, hold up, hold up, Lorraine says that his her daughter's 25 her son's 22. Okay.
Can I ask why people have been sick? First off, I was expecting as Kane was like some kind of Jada Pinkett Smith thing to happen. Number two, where did the whole keep my person's name out of your mouth or out of your voice come from? What is that? Like, why is that always the thing? You know, where I come from, where we just say, you know what, I see a view.
That's what we say. I don't know. It's just I just that struck me as being weird.
I don't know. It just seemed all it. So yeah, I think he was unhinged last night. I don't think it helped him.
Look, if you're going to be aggressive, you got to go up to the point of still being considered what's the word I'm sort of like a influential authoritative still in a way that is respectful like you haven't debased yourself to the extent of having to do that. And I don't think he succeeded at keeping up that expectation. I just don't think that he that was his best.
That was like one of the worst performances I've seen from him. I don't dislike him as a person. I want to let you know this like I don't like Nikki Haley. I can't stand her foreign policy. I don't dislike any of these people as persons.
But with politicians, it's about me, the voter like you. And so I just thought that was lame. That was that was bad. He and then he just like kept going on and on and on.
He had some very interesting stuff. Like, what is the other thing he said? Oh, he did say this.
Where do I want? What do I want audio somebody to this is kind of interesting. He got a lot of heat for this.
Listen. Nazi in its ranks, the comedian in cargo pants, a man called Zelensky doing it in their own ranks. That is not democratic. So he basically said he's a Nazi. Now, I think when you're calling somebody a Nazi, I feel like Charlie Day when you're calling somebody a Nazi. I mean, the first question you should ask yourself is, are they a Nazi like an actual like because the Nazis, you know, we all know the Nazi Nazis, right? The Nazis, they hate Jewish people and they kill Jewish people and they hate they hated gypsies and they hated Christians and they hated anybody that was not like them.
And even people who were they just hated everybody, but particularly one group more than any other. Is he completely corrupt? Zelensky? Oh, hell yes. Is he a thug? Yes.
Just because he was a comedian doesn't make him less so. Do I think he do I think Zelensky is shady as all get out? Yes, I do. Is he a Nazi though?
I just think especially right now with everything happening. Do we want to be careful about throwing that around? Maybe. Because some people might, you know, think that you were very serious in your campaign strategy there. I don't know. It was just a weird thing from him. It was a weird thing last night. I just, I don't know. Can I can I touch on one other thing that I kept seeing that was going on and on.
And I saw that Rama Swami and some others were doing this. They were going off on Rana Romney McDaniel as the chair of the RNC. While they were also stumping for one of the other candidates who wasn't there at the debate last night. Let's not forget that Rana Romney McDaniel.
I'm going to be very straight. You might get mad at me, but that's just the way it is. She didn't she would not got in the seat if Trump hadn't put her there.
That was his handpicked candidate. I mean, I could sit here regalia with all the stories and the screenshots and everything else. I'm not going to do that because but I'm just going to say it just that's why I was like I don't feel like you're being forthright with this stuff when he gets out there and does this.
How are you going to sit here and slam this and then slam other people but then not acknowledge that the guy that you compliment the most that I think you're a stalking horse for. The reason that she's there is because she was put there and everybody knows it. Let's not let's not play around.
Everybody knows this. She responded to that, by the way. Audio sent by 23 because people were asking for her to resign. Listen, I'm going to focus on beating Joe Biden. And I wish that's what all the candidates did. I'm not running for president. I'm very proud of the fact that under my tenure, we won back the House. We now are getting investigations into the Biden's. I also as Michigan chair for the first time in 30 years, want to stay in the state that Democrats hadn't been in.
I'm very proud of the fact that we're going to have staff in 15 states heading into 2024. But you know, I'll leave other people to attack Republicans. I'm going to focus on Democrats. I will say this. We can't attack each other.
Okay, well, then if you're going to focus on them, why was the advice for some of these other Democrat candidates two and a half times the Republicans, especially in winnable races? I mean, we got we got problems with Ronna. I don't dislike her as a person. We've always gotten along.
She's been very gracious with her time. But that's not what this is about, right? This is about business of the country. I mean, you guys, I've said this all the time. You guys know this.
It's Caltech, great Florida company. They make some very awesome freedom sticks. We'll just refer to it like that.
Yeah, freedom sticks. We let's go with that. The Caltech Sub 2k.
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I have one. I love my Sub 2k. You can go to CaltechWeapons.com learn everything about it as well. And like I said, all the way until March of 2024 they got that 100 it's $100 rebate program. And then you just submit it. It's super easy, super easy to do. And the Sub 2k got the ballistic advantage, you got distance accuracy, 16 inch barrel, and it's easily disassembled for cleaning. inspection, you know, without tools, intuitive sites, adjustable stocks, super easy to field strip. You got it really is.
Like I said, it does it all really. To learn more about the Sub 2k and that $100 rebate program visit CaltechWeapons.com. That's KeltechWeapons.com. Tell them that Dana sent you. And now all of the news you would probably miss.
It's time for Dana's quick five. I got a question for you guys coming up about that. That's news.
That's news. Hackers have targeted Las Vegas plastic surgeons and posted patient information naked photos online. How did they get their naked photos?
Oh, well, that makes sense. I mean, not that they got hacked and they okay, because I was like, how did I get what what are they doing there? The FBI is investigating how cyber criminals obtained medical records and naked patient photos from a Las Vegas plastic surgery office posted them online for ransom. They included like their names, their social security numbers. Okay, yeah, the before and after photos of them the court documents that they said that it the hack predates the other stuff in Vegas, including the cyber attack on MGM resorts.
Wow. And it shows their like boobage. And it contains apparently patients faces.
A dozen women have filed lawsuit against the office Hankins and some plastic surgery and associates. They said that they didn't do that. And so they they targeted them. And they put the post that that has to be horrible.
Golly got all your bits and bobs out there. That's just now I when I first saw this headline, I read Hitler brought home a snake to show kids. It's a hiker hiker brought home a snake to show kids and ended up in the hospital. Well, probably because it was a super poisonous snake. It was an Australia.
So that's where the first mistake was made. And it was they thought it was a harmless diamond Python. No, it was actually a broad headed snake, which looks just like a diamond Python, but it's not because it'll kill you. And they said that he was hiking, he was bitten. He didn't think of anything anything of it until he got home and got uber sick. And so yeah, he vomited. It was horrible.
His whole hands swelled up. I mean, just stop grabbing weird stuff in nature, especially if you're in Australia. Stop it. Leave it there. Don't be doing that kind of stuff. Just no. A confused deer broke into a Lansing lingerie shop and it was like a bull in a China shop but very, very different.
And a Texas southern band member punched a heckler into the in the stands and then marching band continued playing like a boss at Texas Southern University. Stick with us. The Institute of Physics. So I told you was this Monday that we had the story of Magellan.
The Magellanic cloud or whatever that you only have to cancel that name. So the Institute of Physics. Which advertises itself as the professional body and learn society for physics in the UK and Ireland has an active role in promoting cooperation in physics around the world, celebrating inclusion and diversity. So they announced this is a dude.
They announced a dude as the new Institute of Physics, inclusion and diversity representative. It's a man. Totally. Wait. I got it.
Okay, I got a question. Their argument came is that they need more diversity. And what they mean is they need fewer white men.
Right. So they bring on a white man who's dressed up as a woman and they go diversity. Is them is a man is a man. That's a dude. Gender schizophrenia is a mental illness.
Do you realize that? I don't know if it's clever or stupid. Here's why. Again, they they wanted fewer white dudes and they that's why they created a diversity office. So they literally hired a white dude dressed up as a woman to be the head of their diversity office. I am so confused. I mean, you know, because men are so underrepresented in STEM, apparently. I can't I'm trying to really, really understand this.
I can't. Right. They think that there's an over representation of white men in science and tech.
So they got a white man dressed as a chick. I still establish this. See, like, I don't know if it's clever or stupid because you're like, it's fixed.
Problem solved. Because then I fixed it. So it's like the the duct tape version actually duct tape works.
It doesn't have a penis. But it's like, you know, the that version of this. I don't know.
I just just trying to get around this idea. I what's happening here. Right. That is a dude.
That's that. No one thinks it's a woman. I don't even have to see anything else. I don't even have to see the neck. I know. Okay, I know. That STEM student has a stem.
No, they're putting the stem in stem. I'm hashtagging that. Let's see how fast they get kicked off Twitter. Because YouTube's already been coming for me. They by the way, YouTube responded to me. And they told what did they tell me?
Gosh, they're so such passive aggressive little kid. Can't say they wrote, wanted to make sure you saw our update. And they said that we really appreciate your understanding. But that, you know, unfortunately, they said that our policy team confirmed that the beds are not going to be reinstated.
Really? And I like what you put you put understanding would would come from your articulation of this specific lies or misinformation. Now they're just lies. Well, what specifically lies? Can you give us this lies? Where lies?
Can you tell us? They started. Okay. Okay, so all right. Our sponsor Yes, someone said our sponsor Pfizer has denied your petition for reinstatement. Thanks for tuning in to today's edition of Dana lashes absurd truth podcast. If you haven't already made sure to hit that subscribe button on Apple podcast, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast.
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