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Job Chapter 33:ALL

Cross the Bridge / David McGee
The Truth Network Radio
December 4, 2021 12:00 am

Job Chapter 33:ALL

Cross the Bridge / David McGee

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Welcome to Cross the Bridge with David McGee, Weekend Edition. Pastor David McGee is internationally recognized for his unique conversational verse-by-verse and chapter-by-chapter teaching through the Word of God. We have hundreds of his teachings through the many books of the Bible and encourage you to visit to study the scriptures along with Pastor David. But right now, open your Bible to the Old Testament Book of Job and follow along for today's teaching. Pastor David has been teaching practical lessons from the life of Job. We are finding out that what needed to be learned back then still needs to be learned today. I think you'll find that to be true today and tomorrow as we take a closer look at chapter 33.

Now, here's Pastor David. Job chapter 33. We're getting into longer chapters, so we'll be going one chapter at a time. We went to two chapters when they were shortened for a season.

I think all of us were getting a little tired of hearing these guys whine so much. And I think that's part of the intent. You know, here we've got Job that's 42 chapters. And if you were a book editor, there's a lot of stuff in the middle there where these guys are just going on and on and on.

They're not really bringing anything new to the table, so to speak. But I really believe that we were intended to be kind of irritated by these guys as they went on and on and were slamming Job when he had already been through so much. So, and you know what happens in your heart and your mind?

You get locked in. You don't want to be those guys. You do not want to be one of Job's comforters. Amen? I don't know of any better way to bring that home than a verse by verse, chapter by chapter study of the book of Job. Amen?

I mean, coming back at it and coming back at it and coming back at it. You know, it's interesting, as I was talking about the verse in that verse, Hebrews 10, 25, that word exhortation, it says, not forsaking the assembly of ourselves as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another, even more so as the day approaches. Where it says exhorting one another, exhorting there is parakletis, exhorting one another, parakletis one another. Now, some of you that know a little Greek or know some words know that's used to describe the Holy Spirit. Sometimes that when we fellowship, we exhort one another, we parakletis one another, we encourage one another. We play the encouraging role of the Holy Spirit to each other.

But if you're not here, you don't get to experience that. And it's interesting that the verse in Hebrews, even more so as the day approaches. Looking at Job chapter 33, and now what's happened dynamically, if you go back to the end of chapter 31, Job 31, verse 40, then let the thistles grow instead of wheat and the wheat instead of barley. The words of Job are ended. So these three men ceased answering Job because he was righteous in his own eyes. So the three men had quit talking.

Job had quit talking. And then comes this new guy, Elihu. And to kind of set the stage, it seems like these guys are talking.

And in different parts of this, there's a crowd gathered, and these people are listening. Elihu, who is a young man, sits and doesn't say anything, which the Bible seems to indicate is it can be wisdom not to say anything. But then he begins to speak. And indeed, he is a wise man, a very wise man, a man of God. Let's listen to what he says.

Chapter 33 of Job. But please, Job, hear my speech and listen to all my words. Now I open my mouth. My tongue speaks in my mouth. My words come from my upright heart. My lips utter pure knowledge. The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

It's a great confession right there, isn't it? The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. When we were traveling around the U.S. minister and the folks and music and teaching, one time we were up in Colorado, and we went up into the Rockies.

And we were at like 12,000 feet elevation, just beautiful, snow-capped mountains and stuff. And I just began to worship, you know? God, thank you. That's so beautiful. Thank you for making that. And then I thought, you know what, there's people that come up here that they don't have any idea how this got here, or at least they're pretending they don't know.

And many people went to that peak, I think it was Pikes Peak, and didn't give thanks, because they're not sure God created it. You know, when you're sitting on your laptop and you're doing stuff, and you're using wireless, and there's a lot of information coming into your computer, can you see that information coming into your computer? Please say no. The answer is yes.

Stay after. No, you can't see it. But is it there?

Yeah. How do you know? There's evidence of it. All sorts of information.

Well, it just comes out of nowhere. No way. That much information? It's got to be a source, right? Or do you think just letters were floating around in the sky and kind of got together and formed Sun Tzu's The Art of War? Well, odds are that.

Letters just got together and did go on with the wind. You're saying, no, no, no, no, no. What's the point? Well, we're walking around on this Earth, and there is so much information. We can't duplicate the complexities of the human eye, and we haven't even started to talk about it DNA strength. And yet modern man who says he's really intelligent says he either came from nothing or from an ape, or now they're saying that maybe they were seeded, but it was from an outside source, aka an alien. It's okay to be created just by an alien. You can't be created by God. We're going to go through some interesting things here in just a moment. What's amazing about science.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-07-14 11:21:40 / 2023-07-14 11:24:30 / 3

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