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Wednesday, December 4th | Hunter Biden Pardoned

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
December 4, 2024 6:00 am

Wednesday, December 4th | Hunter Biden Pardoned

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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December 4, 2024 6:00 am

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In this episode, Dr. Shah discusses recent events and why they should matter to us.

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What's going on guys? It's David here, the world's best radio engineer and the most humble, and I'm just here to let you know that today's episode of Clearie Today Show and today's secret word is brought to you by Lebleu Ultra Pure Water. Unlike other bottled waters, Lebleu's Ultra Pure filtration system provides water that's free from contaminants and infused with only the essentials your body needs. Make the smart choice today and experience the difference of Lebleu Ultra Pure Water.

You can order online at Lebleu, that's and when you check out, use the promo code today, that's T-O-D-A-Y to get 10% off your next order. It'll save you money and it supports us here at the Clearie Today Show. Today's word of the day is oliferous. That means producing oil and today's word of the day, nope. Today's secret word is oliferous and that means producing oil and today's secret word contestant is Ryan Hill. You're listening to Clear View Today with Dr. Abbadan Shah. Wait a minute, Wednesday December the 4th?

Yes. This is going tomorrow? This is going for tomorrow. Okay, okay, sorry.

This is for Wednesday December the 4th. You're listening to Clear View Today with Dr. Abbadan Shah, a daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm Ryan Hill.

I'm John Galantis. You can find us online at or if you have any questions for Dr. Shah or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028. You can also email us at contact at That's right and you can help us keep the conversation moving forward by supporting the show. You can share it online with your friends and family.

Leave us a good five star review on iTunes or Spotify, anywhere you get your podcasting content from. We're going to leave a couple of links right there in the description so you can do just that. You just blew up the description box.

No, dude. It took me two weeks to build a description box. We're here today in the Clear View Today studio with Dr. Abbadan Shah, who's a PhD and New Testament textual criticism professor at Carolina University. Author, full-time pastor, the host of today's show and soon-to-be millionaire. Oh, it's Million Dollar Month.

Oh, it's not Million Dollar Monday, but it's time for another million dollars, Dr. Shah. We've got a great question for you. This one comes to us from Nathan D. Right here in North Carolina. He may be closer than you think. He's closer than you think. Does he even know that?

Did he even say that question? Yes, this question was sent in to us by Nathan D. What do you think the D stands for? Well, I think it's a hyphenated last name. I think it's Dewey Decimal. Nathan of the Dewey Decimal family wants to know.

Dr. Shah, you get $1 million, but you lose three fingers of your choice. Nope. No? No. Instantly no? No, absolutely not. They don't cut them out.

It's not going to be painful. They just poof. They just vanish. No. Wow.

Really? For a million dollars. For a million. Three fingers gone. Three fingers.

You can choose which one. No. Never.

Not interested at all. I mean, somebody else's fingers. Yeah, do you have to lose them off of your hand or can you lose them from someone else's hand? I would assume. That's a good clarification. You know, I didn't even think to ask about that loophole, but I would like to lose three of Nicholas's fingers.

Yeah. David would do it. I was going to say for that, I suppose I'd take one finger per person. David, which finger would you go with?

Which finger would you sacrifice? For me? For me? For you? Well, for you, I would give my, my pinky, my ring finger. Now left ring. That's, that's an important finger.

That's true. I'm not using it. I'm not using it. You will. You might.

I'll plan on it. All right. Probably my thumb. Well, you need, you need that because it's so important.

The thumb is showing my sacrifice. Okay. Be smart.

Be smart. This is what you're working with. I'm going to need you to like grab me. I'm like about to fall over. How are you going to do that with that?

It's like, I'm sorry, man. I got no thumb. All I got is these right here. These are the fingers. I can't do it. You give me some fingers. When I was 16, I, I stabbed myself and I was going to say I got stabbed, but then I decided to tell the truth. I stabbed myself in the hand. I was cutting pipe and, and I still, you can still see the scar.

I've still got it. They had to sew it up, but they said, you're going to have limited use of your left hand because there was so much nerve damage. And I was like, I play guitar, so I need that to not be the case.

So I didn't, I can still use it. I've lost all my feeling in this finger, but I can still use it. But so when Nate, when, when Nate D sent that question, the first thing I thought of was, can I still play guitar? So I was thinking if I lose these three, I can still hold the pick and I can, I still have full use.

Now I can't do anything. And this is my right hand, but I can, I can do that. I would like Mr. Krabs, pinch Ryan to death. I think I would take probably, probably the pinkies. I think I could go without the pinkies. Both pinkies. Yeah. I think I'd go without both pinkies and then maybe right.

Maybe right ring finger. Maybe those, those, those three, you look like a tally from, um, from mass effect. Yeah. I that's not me. Not, not doing that at all. You would do it. I think I do it for a minute. I think I would do it. Okay. We're, we're $2 million. I'm working hard eating right.

Avoiding sugar as much as I can. So I would not lose my, and you go give me a million dollars to do just that. Nope. Okay. No, thank you very much. Sacrificing.

No, very, very cool. Well, Nate D there's your answer. Thank you for writing into the show. There you go. Don't you ever ask a question. Oh my gosh. I just see that.

Cut that out of the show. I just spilled coffee. Coffee. Did you drink on the side of your mouth? No, I went to take a sip. He made me laugh and I, my lip came in. So it just poured down my throat. Sorry. Just, if you'll cut that from the show, I don't want people.

Just spill coffee on Nate D piping hot right on his lap. The verse of the day today is coming to us from first Corinthians chapter 12, verse three. Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the spirit of God caused Jesus accursed.

And no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. That verse, how do I say this, is really eye opening and helpful, especially when you want to make somebody lost.

Wow. Good point. Because we all want to make someone lost, you know, because how they behave, the things they've done, it's like, no way he is saved. Well, if they claim Jesus Christ as Lord, right, is through the Holy Spirit, they can truly do that. That's true. Well, even demons do that. No, demons can call him God. It's quite different.

The tone there is different. Right. They're not submitting to his authority.

No, there's a submission. Yeah. So in that sense, you have to go, yeah, I may not like it, but may I see them in heaven. That's true. I may not want them there, but I don't have a choice in that matter. Only God gets to decide. And if that person truly claims Jesus Christ is Lord, then it's through the Holy Spirit and they cannot do that unless they have the Holy Spirit. Very true.

Very true. Daily encouragement to you brought to you by the word of the day. The verse of the day, I should say.

Scripture is so amazing. The more you dig into it, it's like an aliferous vein. The more you dig into it.

No, you're not getting away with that. What in the world was that? The more you drill down deep, the more oil there is to get from it. I feel like you could have made that work.

What is the definition of aliferous that produces oil? Oh, so an aliferous vein, you drill into it. You should have waited. Cause we got a, we got the whole discussion is political today. You probably could have, you might not have got that in. I don't know if I could have done that. I just, I just had to go for broke. I was like, here it is. Whatever happens, happens. I'm with you. Well, kudos, kudos. The more you drill down deep into scripture, it was what I was trying to say.

The more you get in return, you constantly are learning more about God's work. I think it was the speed. It's like an aliferous vein.

It always is the speed. Trying to rush through that. Trying to get it in there.

Snug that in. We got a great show playing for you guys today. Don't go anywhere. We're going to take a quick break and we'll be right back with more Clear Read Today. Hey, Clear Read Today listeners. We want to take a quick moment to thank you for tuning in. As you can imagine, producing a show like this takes a lot of time, effort, and resources. And we're grateful for the Truth Network for giving us a platform to syndicate our show. But the vast majority of our support comes from listeners just like you. If you enjoy these talks with Dr. Shaw and you want to see Clear View today continue to grow, consider making a donation today because your contributions help us deliver fun, relevant, and biblical content right to your phone every single day.

That's right. Every single donation, big or small, goes directly to the production of this show. It helps us keep the lights on in the studio.

It helps keep the mics hot and running. So if these conversations are making a difference in your day, or if you just want to help us keep the gospel of Jesus Christ in the airwaves, we would appreciate your support. You can give by visiting our website. That's and just click on that button that says Give Today. And remember, your support truly makes a difference in our show.

Thank you for being part of this community. Now let's get back to the show. Welcome back to Clear View Today with Dr. Abbadon Shaw, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You can visit us online at, or if you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text at 252-582-5028. That's right. Dr. Shaw, we look to our Heavenly Father in times of trouble. But sometimes you can look to your earthly father. Sometimes you can run to Daddy with open arms and say, Daddy, I messed up. Save me. I have goofed up. I have well and truly goofed up.

And if there's one thing I love more than you, Daddy, it's your power and your money. Dr. Shaw, Hunter Biden, everybody's talking about it. Yeah, he's in the news.

Yep. Because he did an uh-oh. More than just an uh-oh.

He did an oopsie and committed several felonies with overseas money. But he did it on mistake. As my son would say, I did it on mistake. When he says, now it's time to get the wooden spoon. He said, don't, don't. I'll listen. I'll listen.

That's brought to you by my oldest son. There was a, I would say a campaign for about a year that was aimed at Donald Trump, kind of undermining him and his alleged whatever he's going to subvert authority. Not me, not the Biden administration. And people were asking, are you going to pardon your son?

And then, who is this, Corrine Jean-Pierre or Jean-Pierre kept saying this, this is a montage that we found. Is there any possibility that the president would end up pardoning his son? No. And I was very clear and I said, no. It's still a no. It's still a no. It will always be a no. It's still a no. It will be a no. It is a no.

And I don't have anything else to add. Will he pardon his son? No. I've been very clear. The president's been very clear when we've been asked this question.

His son, Hunter, is also up for being sentenced next month. Does the president have any intention of pardoning him? We've been asked that question multiple times. Our answer stands, which is no. She's fed up. They've been asked multiple times.

Our answer stands, which is no. I think she is fed up for lying. She knows the whole time I'm lying. She's tired of the lie. They've been so adamant. He's not going to pardon his son.

Quit asking us. Wouldn't it be just a goof if we went ahead and pardoned him anyway? And Dr. Shah, what do you think happened just yesterday, wasn't it? Or two days ago?

Yeah, two days ago. Well, let's just kind of focus on what all were the crimes, you know, because it's not just a tax evasion or just a minor infraction, like tons of parking tickets or speeding tickets. I mean, there's more happening there.

Sex trafficking, money laundering, operating as an unregistered foreign agent, peddling influence overseas from Ukraine to China. Like these are big O's. Yeah, I'm quoting from the Federalists. OK, let's see. And I mean, I know all this list, but I'm using their language. It's kind of funny the way they put it. But he only pled guilty to tax charges with a maximum sentence of 17 years and was convicted of gun charges with a maximum sentence of 25 years.

Gun charges in the sense, I think it's like trying to get a gun permit and apparently using illicit drugs and something. Yeah. And it came through. There was, I remember I I was not as up to date on this whole thing as I should have been back in 2020. But I remember when the Washington, the New York Post, I should say, published that story about his laptop and all the incriminating emails on the laptop. And I remember the Biden administration really, really denying that that laptop ever existed. And then I think it's very fitting that we're ending his presidency with him pardoning his son for all the incriminating evidence that was found on the laptop that never existed. Yeah. I mean, it's it's bad. And on one hand, I think what he's appealing to, which, you know, there are astute politicians years and years, decades and decades of experience on how to flip flop.

So he's like, hey, this is a daddy. Right. And this is unfair. What's happened? Well, who's going to try to prove it now? It's gone.

It's over. People are like, just turn the page. And I hope people will fight for this and go, no, right is right. Wrong is wrong. Right.

That's what makes the West different. It's not just that. Hey, turn the page. Forget it. Let's move on.

But I hope somebody will stand their ground and say justice matters. Right. You can't just do that. Yeah. Did you say he was an unregistered foreign agent for China? Isn't that treason?

Isn't that just a fancy way of saying treason? I mean, there are a lot of things that went on and that laptop was a big discussion. And most people today don't even know about that.

Yeah, that's true. Because nobody talks about it in the past, what, five, six, seven years, you know, much has been said. I mean, this here and there, you hear it, but it's not the main topic of discussion.

The media has been very biased in that aspect. Do you remember when posts in 2020, when the conversation was happening, do you remember when posts were getting removed from social media? Yeah. It was like, this is false news, fake news gone. And you're like, okay.

That's an incredible, blatant example of media bias. Yeah. Right. And today we're bringing that up.

And if people are like, what do you mean by laptop? Well, that was a big discussion. Right.

That was the discussion. Don't you remember all the emails like, I don't know. And pictures of him, all kind of weird pictures. You're like, what in the world is he doing?

What's he on? But anyways, the whole point is, he kind of reminds me of the mother in Judges chapter 17. Do you remember that? I preached on this. Oh yes. Yes. With him, with the stolen silver.

Yes. The son Micah steals 1100 shekels of silver from his mother and his mother pronounced the curse on it. Now in this situation, you know, the mother probably knew, but did not lead on that she knew about her son Micah stalling all this money.

But here in this situation, I'm quite sure Biden knew. How much is 1100 shekels worth today? I mean, you're talking about over a hundred years of a laborer's wages. Wow. That's a lot of money. Close to a million dollars? A lot more than that.

Wow. I mean, keep in mind that later on, those who are familiar with the Judges 17, 18 story, Micah pays only 10 shekels to the Levite, this hired hand, who was not supposed to be a priest, but he hired him to be a priest to take care of the shrine in his home. He paid him only 10 shekels a year.

A year. So 1100 shekels is a staggering amount of money to be seen. Oh yeah. And this young man stole it. And then he heard his mother's curse, whether it's a sudden burst of conscience or a sudden burst of fear, whatever it is, he comes and confesses his sin, his wrongdoing to his mother.

And his mother's like, bless you, my son. Everything is okay. Because you returned all the millions you stole. It's all good. Wipe it away. It's okay.

We'll take care of it. We all make mistakes. So what President Biden just did is not much different than what this mother did. And in the case of this mother in Judges 17, 18, Micah not only builds a shrine to this ephod, this carved image that his mother used that same money and commissioned an artist to build this carved image and ephod and all these household gods. And then Micah built a shrine in his home and hired this wandering Levite who was just a charlatan. He was just a guy. He's just a guy.

Yeah. He hires him. And in the process, he leads the entire tribe of Dan. If you read the story, it's quite amusing. And it's like, wow.

An entire tribe lost their inheritance in the end of times. Yeah. That's how seriously God took this. Isn't that crazy? Like this story that nobody really ever hears about.

Like in Judges 17 and 18, before this sermon that you preached, I had not heard that story of Micah in Judges 17, but God took it so seriously. He wiped Dan out forever. Yeah. A whole tribe gone. We've been to Tel Dan in Israel. That was really cool. Yes.

Yes. It's a beautiful part of the country. It's Northern Israel, Northern Galilee. If you know where Galilee is, the Sea of Galilee, the Lake of Galilee. It's through the northern part is the Hula Valley. There's a Lake Hula and then there's a Hula Valley. So that's where Tel Dan is right at the tip of the Hula Valley, northern tip. On the east side are the Golan Heights bordering Syria. And towards the northeast is Mount Hermon, beautifully snow covered Mount Hermon.

The waters come down, the melting ice kind of brings a pure crystal clear water. And then to the west is Lebanon, two to three miles. You can stand in Dan and see the Lebanese border.

You can see Lebanon. Yeah. Wow. That's insane. Yeah. Beautiful country.

And yet one of the worst things they could have ever done. They not only like worship false gods, but they built a shrine. And later on King Jeroboam at the same spot, he instituted the worship of Baal or the calf. In that spot. Same spot.

Same, same area. Yeah. The golden calf. And of course he did that in two places to the south and then to the north.

But the northern place was the most prominent one. And it was to sabotage God's plan to send his King, right? Through the line of King David coming from the tribe of Judah. This was the plan of the tribe of Dan to sabotage God's plan of sending his Messiah. And all that destruction, all that chaos, all that wickedness originally stemmed from a parent not letting their son, not letting their kids face the consequences of their actions.

The consequences found in I think Leviticus chapter six, where if somebody stole something like that, okay, I get it. If it's a few bucks, you know, mom tells you to go to town, buy groceries or pick up some oil or toothpaste or whatever, and you come home and you don't return the change. Yeah.

I mean, all of us have done that. Of course. And mom has to say, hey, where's the change? There wasn't any change. There wasn't any change.

Or they raised the price on the mill. Where's the receipt? I'll get it for you later.

I don't know. When I first moved out, I went to college, I remember coming home and asking my mom like, hey, I need like a little bit of money. I'm running short. And I remember her being like, go bring me your dad's wallet.

She would take money out of his wallet and give it to me. Yeah, I remember that. I have a hundred percent done the like, oh, there wasn't any change. Oh yeah.

Nothing left. Yeah. I mean, we're not just talking about just a tax evasion or something very, I mean, it's important, right? Right. But that's what they're making out with. That's what he pled guilty. Right. But the list of crimes are much longer. Exactly. Okay. Nobody's talking about that.

They're just saying like basically two things. I mean, the buying gun and with a false claim, you know, he's a person who is an unlawful user or addicted to a controlled substance. I mean, okay, now who hasn't done that?

I mean, he made an honest mistake. Right. Tax evasion.

Oh, let me tell you something. There are people out there who are evading taxes much worse and they're making a big deal out of him. You know why?

Because he's the president's son. Right. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. This is not some kid at a frat house. This is a 54 year old criminal. It's not just those two things. Right. It's also, that's what he pled guilty to. Right. There's a whole list of other things, but they didn't just pluck out of a hat.

I see. I've seen a lot of people on the left over these past couple of days calling this out. But I've also seen people like Rachel Maddow did on her show where she was like, well, what would you do if it was your son?

Like it was some like it was like it was some frat boy getting caught underage drinking. Rachel Maddow, I'm sorry to say she has no business doing anything up there. Play the video and see what it is. Because listen to this. It is true that President Biden had said he wouldn't pardon his son and it may or may not be related. But would it change your mind at all if after you made a pledge like that, the incoming next president that announced that he planned to remove the director of the FBI and install in his place someone who has literally published a hit list of people he wants to go after once Trump is back in power? There are 60 names on this. Let's pause that for a second. This is not just a a hit list. This is a list of people who are criminals.

Yes. Hey, and Rachel, Rachel, come in one second. Come here. Let me talk to you.

Lean in real close. You know what the FBI does, Rachel? You know who they go after, Rachel? They go after criminals. You know how they know what criminals to go after, Rachel? You know what they got? What they got on the desk. It's the FBI's most wanted what?

List. Uh oh. Uh oh. Now suddenly that's Trump's fault. Yeah.

So many shows on TV on just the FBI's most wanted list. How many of you know that? That's what they do. Yeah.

What are you talking about? Now that Trump is installing someone else to do it. Now it's a sign of a dictator.

He had no choice but to pardon his criminal son. But notice how she said it made it sound mean. Yeah. Yeah. Hit list.

Yeah. Hit list. How about most wanted list?

Right list. This guy published it as an appendix, as appendix B to one of his recent books, not his series of books that describe Trump as King Donald. No, those are his three books for kids.

By the way, it's not just a book, a trilogy for kids. It's supposed to be like satire. This is supposed to be a list, a book, a narrative for adults to know that, hey, this is what's going on.

This is how bad crime has become in America. Right. Wrong is right and right is wrong. Right. That's right. That's what this man is doing. So yeah, come on. He's going to go get in Trump's name once Trump is back in power.

That's a book he wrote presumably for adults. So what would you do? What would you do if after you made that pledge to not pardon your son?

That's what the next president said he was going to do. Is he holding his hand? No, his hand is up. No, he's holding somebody's hand.

What is reasonable to demand of a man? Look at the pictures they even put. Yeah.

It's like a sardoring daddy. Yeah. This would make sense if it was like a frat boy who got caught underage drinking. Right. Like, okay, give him a slap on the wrist. Yeah.

It's like, hey, come on. All right. I'm not going to make my son lose his life. But this is a 54 year old convicted felon who was in sex trafficking embezzling hundreds of million dollars.

He was a foreign spy for like a foreign agent for China. That's not a what would you do if that was my son? I don't even know what I would do. But I don't think I'd pardon him.

I don't think I'd let him loose in the world. Yeah, it's a lot. And that's why people have brought it up. Where there is smoke, there is fire. And that's what's happening here. And so don't and right now there is an awakening in America where even those on the Democrat side are realizing we cannot hide on this. That's true.

Yeah. We cannot be absent on this issue. We have to speak up and we cannot keep lying.

What are you going to win? What's at stake if we don't speak up? Right. Well, you may not get elected again because people in America are standing up and they're claiming this is wrong and something needs to change. By the way, things are changing in America. That's true. And positively.

There have been much more than I can ever remember people talking across party lines, like people who are famously liberal, who have been supporters of the Democratic Party for years, saying things like this. We can't go along with this anymore. And you know what? You know what? Good on you for saying that.

I know we crack a lot of jokes and we make jokes and we make fun of some of this stuff because it's so absurd. But if you're if you're left leaning or on the left and you're saying, look, this is going too far, we got to speak up. I'd say good on you for that. And hopefully our prayer is you would come in line.

The older you get and the more experienced you get, you you start to come in line and see that what we're talking about here is not based on parties, based on values, especially biblical values. And Dr. Shah, I'm grateful that you're becoming a leading voice in those values. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate you guys, because, you know, discussing these things requires people who are willing to study them, willing to understand them and then discuss them. And I just talk about trends and music and social media.

I mean, this is life is much more than that. And you guys do such a great job. Thank you so much. I'm grateful to you guys. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. This is this is great because on a smaller scale as individuals, it helps us examine like as a parent, how would you handle your kid getting in trouble? And how would you handle, you know, punishing your kid for something they deserve to be punished for?

But on a much larger scale, it shows kind of how things are shifting and changing how the climate is altering in America. And even those principles, what happens when you don't discipline your kids? Like even then, like, yeah, I don't want to discipline my kid just for putting his hand in the cookie jar. But what but principally, what happens if I don't? What happens if I let that go?

Yeah, you start to see that pattern, whether it's with Hunter Biden, or whether, like you said, Dr. Schatz in the book of judges, not disciplining your kids leads to terrible, terrible. It's not only for your family, but for the community at large. That's right. That's right. 100%. Make sure you guys join us tomorrow.

Same time, same station. We're going to be diving into another great topic right here on the Clearview Today show. I want to say a big thank you to Le Blue Ultra Pure Water for sponsoring today's episode. Thirst quenching delight. It's got two ingredients, hydrogen and oxygen. I wish I'd written that.

That's one of the greatest taglines I've ever read in my life. It's got two ingredients, hydrogen and oxygen. Yeah, that's perfect.

Hydrogen monoxide. And don't forget, you can support us by subscribing to the show on iTunes if you want to re-listen to any of the episodes or share them with your friends. That's a great chance for you to do that. You can always support us financially at John, anything you want to plug as the show ends today? Yes.

One new big plug that I want to mention. We are going to be going live on our prayer vigil in January 3rd. 24 hour prayer vigil at Clearview Church is basically this.

Our church building is open 24 hours from Friday to Saturday, noon on both days. People from the community will come in here and they'll pray over our community, pray over our church. But what we're going to be doing this time on January 3rd is we're going to be going live that evening from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. We'll be here on the Clearview Today show. You can call in 2525825028 and we will pray with you right here on the air. We'll be streaming it.

We'll be talking about lots and lots of good stuff. So make sure you join us on January 3rd for our live prayer vigil. Also want to let you know about Dr. Sean Nicole's book, 30 Days of Praying Through America, Daily Devotions to Heal Our Nation on Amazon, and our debut album, Heaven Here and Now on Spotify, iTunes, anywhere digital music is sold, distributed or streamed. Did you say praying through America? Praying for America.

That would be kind of a cool concept though. Like you're on a tour across country and you stop at different locations. Yeah, you go to every state and pray in that state.

Praying through America. If someone out there wants to do that, I'm not going to do it first. Just give us the patent credit and we'll be good. Yeah, yeah. Just sign us when you get there. Yeah, there you go. Just write us a check. That's right. Make sure you guys tune in. We love you guys. We'll see you tomorrow on Clearview today.
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