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Tuesday, November 12th | The 4B Movement

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
November 12, 2024 6:00 am

Tuesday, November 12th | The 4B Movement

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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November 12, 2024 6:00 am

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In this episode, Dr. Shah talks about a new movement that some Americans are adopting from South Korea, in light of the election results.

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Where's my Mountain Dew? This is for Tuesday, November the 12th. You're listening to Clear View Today with Dr. Abaddon Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm Ryan Hill. I'm John Galantis. You can find us online at Or if you have any questions for Dr. Shah or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028, or you can visit us online or you can email us online at contact at

That's right. We want you guys to help us keep the conversation moving forward. You can do that by supporting the show. You can share it online with your friends and family. Leave us a very, very good review on iTunes or Spotify anywhere you get your podcasting content from.

We're going to leave you guys a couple of links in the description so you can do just that. Ryan, it is great to see you today, man. It's great to be seen. It's a great show for our listeners today.

We got a great show. We're going to be talking about some important things. We're going to be talking about some justice, social justice and just regular justice, things happening in the world.

Leagues and leagues of justice. I think I might be a criminal. I think I might be a vigilante. I hate that for you.

I hate that for all of us, really. I committed a crime, and I want to talk about it on the show. Should you maybe fest up to that on public radio? Or maybe- Well, I'm going to leave some- Talk about that in a different medium. I'm going to leave some details out so that I don't get in trouble for this. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. The name of the restaurant, I will change to give it some anonymity. I'll change the name of the restaurant.

It's Nick Donald's. It's called Pete's. It's a drive-through place.

It's also a gas station, and they serve food there. So I'm in line, and Ellie's like, hey, don't use the car. Just use cash. So I say, okay, I took some cash, got it in my hand.

From a person? Or no, that wasn't the crime. Yeah, no, I robbed an old lady.

No, no, no. Ellie gave me some cash. I was sitting in line, and so I'm just kind of on my phone.

Pete's has a real bad problem about their lines just take forever. So I'm sitting there, and they opened the door. They opened the little window. They gave me the food that I ordered, and they said, thank you, sir. Have a nice day.

I said, thank you, you too. Drove off. Halfway home, I realized I still got the cash in my hand.

I didn't pay. So here's my question. What do you do?

What do you do? Do you go back? I think there was a receipt there. Do I go back, wait in that long line again, and say, hey, I didn't pay for this. Here's the money. Or do I just say the universe has done me a favor because they didn't ask for it. I didn't even think about it.

What would you do? How much was the total? Like $40. It was food for me, my wife, and the two kids. It was like 40 bucks.

It was like maybe 38 to 40 bucks. What do you do? I don't know. I don't know. I mean, the right thing to do would be like go back and wait in line.

But realistically, am I going to drive all the way back out there? What time of day was this? This was like 11 at night. Oh, no. Absolutely not.

This was maybe a couple weeks ago when we were still getting ready for the new building, the new sanctuary, and we were doing a late work night. No, I would not. If it's the middle of the day, I might consider it.

Like, hey, I'm so sorry. I drove off. I didn't pay for this. Here's the receipt. Now, have the money. Please let me pay for this. But if it's the middle of the night, nope, sorry. You should ask for the money. Now, here's the thing. Here's the thing.

Let's say a police officer listens to this, and we do have some law enforcement that goes to our church that listens to this. Is it illegal if they don't ask for it? If they don't say, sir, it's time to pay for that, it'll be $40. I mean, I think technically you are taking goods without paying for them.

But if the person is like, okay, here's your food. Have a good one, and closes the window, I mean... That's what it was. They handed you the... I would do the same thing. I'd forget about it. I'd be like, oh, okay, cool.

Sounds good. Yeah, it's just muscle memory at that point. It's just muscle memory. So, I took it, and I was like, thanks. Have a nice day. And I literally got halfway home before I realized the cash was still in my hand. So, I was like, I don't know what to do. I probably would not go back. Not if it was late. Certainly not if it was late. Yeah, but it wasn't like, oh, heck no, I'm not going back.

It was like, I genuinely, I'm not sure what to do in this situation. I'm not a scumbag. I don't want to steal. Right. Well, you didn't say give me that food or else.

You're like, oops, I forgot to pay. I want to run this by Dr. Shah, and maybe we can run it by him, and then maybe call some of our law enforcement friends on the show and see what they say. Because I feel like that would be, that might get us one step closer to like, maybe I need to write this wrong. Maybe I need to go back to Pete's. I wonder if anybody's cracked the code and we're going to get a call from our local Pete's.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I don't want them to know that they got robbed $40. Yeah, sorry about that, Pete's.

Sorry. Write it and let us know if that's ever happened to you. I would imagine that you're not the only person this has happened to you. I think this has happened to other people. I've seen it happen with moms a lot, and moms will make that trip to, like a lot of women I know, they'll make that trip back to the store. It depends. If it's a store that's right around the corner from me and it's like the middle of the day, yeah, I'd go back.

But if it's some driving distance and it's like getting close to the middle of the night, mm-mm. Yeah, let's put out a poll and see what people say. 2-5-2-5-8-2-5-0-2-8, or you can visit us online at The secret word of the day, Ryan, today's your day. Extricate. Extricate. To extricate. To remove? Yeah.

Well, to extricate something or someone is to free or remove that person or thing from an entanglement or difficulty, such as a trap or difficult conversation. So if I see you, we work in a church, sometimes people just talk your head off, right? Yeah. And so the countdown's going, you got to be on stage, but someone's like, can I tell you about something that my daughter Gloria told me? She wanted me to tell you.

And I see that they're talking to you. I'm going to extricate you from that situation. That's extricate. Extricate. Like, can you extricate yourself? Like, I'm just going to extricate myself from this situation. Maybe, maybe. Extricate.

She hasn't been able to extricate herself from legal problems. I think that was going to be kind of tough to get by Dr. Shah, but the whole point of the secret word, we're trying to sneak that into the conversation we're going to have with Dr. Shah this afternoon. Okay, stay tuned. We'll be back after this. Hello Clearview family. I'm Nicole.

And I'm David. And we want to talk to you today about the Clearview app. You know, there are so many churches out there that put their sermons on YouTube and their announcements on Facebook and their prayer list on Periscope.

I didn't even know Periscope was still functional. Oh, it's not. And that's why nobody can find their church's prayer list and nobody's prayers be getting answered. But here at Clearview, we believe in making our content as accessible as possible. That's right. Clearview produces so much content every single week, including Dr. Shah's sermons, original music, a full online store, weekly prayer gatherings and so much more. Not to mention the number one best selling Christian talk show of all time. I don't know if that's accurate.

Well, maybe not yet. But that's why we want people to download the app. If you're listening from the triangle area, we encourage you to check out Clearview Church in person. But if not, you can still follow all of our content on the Clearview app.

It's 100% free on the Apple Store and Google Play Store. And best of all, all of our content is right there in one convenient spot. Make sure you download the Clearview app today and let's get back to the show. Welcome back to Clearview today with Dr. Abbadon Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can visit us online at

If you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028. That's right. We're here once again live in the Clearview Today studio with Dr. Abbadon Shah, who's a PhD in New Testament textual criticism. Dr. Shah, I want you to imagine this for me. I want you to imagine that you're at your favorite fast food establishment, right? You're ready to go and they hand you the bag of food and you just drive off. You're halfway home.

It's late at night. But uh-oh, you realize the cash is still in your hand. They didn't even ask for you to pay. You just drove off and didn't pay. Do you continue on home or do you drive back and be like, hey, I didn't pay for this here. Cause that happened to me.

Did it really? Yeah, it happened to me. At a restaurant, it's going to remain nameless because I don't want them to come after me looking for their money. Right. But we'll give it the name Pete's to protect their identity.

Yeah. I was in the drive through at Pete's. They also sell gas at Pete's, but I didn't get gas. I just got food. But if it were you, if you drove home and realized, oh, shucks, I didn't pay for my food. And you're like halfway home. Do you just chalk it up to bad luck or no, I'll, I'll, I'll have to go back.

It depends on how little it is and how far gone I am. Yeah. Like you find it's like a couple of dollars and I'm like, no, this is like dinner for four. It's like $40. And this is like in town, like somewhere here in town.

Yeah. I'll have to pay for it. You got to go back. Even if it's not in town, if it's in, it's like what I'm thinking is five exits back on highway 85. I am already down the road. No, I'm not turning back because now I have to turn back and then drive two hours and wait in the line again.

And by the time it'll be closed or whatever, it'll be, it's not worth it. So that I may think twice about. Okay. That's, that's, that was my point earlier was the time of day is going to determine that for me and the distance to my house. If it's, if it's in the middle of the day and I haven't gone very far, or even if it's in the middle of the day and it's in town, I'm going to turn around and go back. But it's late at night and I'm almost home or I'm like five exits down the road. Nope, not going back. You should ask me for payment.

Sorry. And, and if it personally, if, and if I realize like three hours later for me, I will probably go, Oh shucks, I didn't pay for that. They didn't charge me. Now, if it's like a fry or a burger, no, that's like, well, this was like a $40 meal, but they didn't, they didn't like say, it wasn't like, Hey sir, that'll be $40. And I was like, give me the food. And they just were like, here you go. And I was like, Oh, thanks. Halfway home.

It's like 1130 at night, halfway home. I was like, Oh, I didn't, I've still got the money. Like I'm driving in my hands on the steering wheel and I'm like, Oh, why is the cash still here?

But yeah, some of those I'll have to go back. It happened to my brother years ago when we were little kids and he went to this, this, not a roadside vendor, but it's like this, this, this, it's almost like a food truck, but it's like at the front of this restaurant. So it's hard to imagine unless you lived overseas what it's like. And this is like world famous or whatever this thing is. And they were like 15 hands with money trying to get this and get this and get that. And he ended up getting like three different orders in his bag and they never took the money.

Wow. So we ate all the, he didn't turn back and go pay happy. This was like he, this was at like, this is a restaurant. This is a place where you have to like literally fight to get to the person, given the money, get your food and go. This is not like get in line or okay, the next customer please is no, no, no.

It doesn't work like that. I feel like places like that just kind of hope for the best by the end of the day. Cause they know it's chaotic.

It is chaotic. Hopefully like, hopefully we've gotten everybody's money and it all kind of evens out at the end of the day. If he even went back and said, Hey, here's the money that I had. They'd be like, okay.

And then they drop in there and they'll move on. Right. It won't not even be counted or like, thank you so much for bringing it back. Let me pull up that order real quick. Let me look at the receipt. There is no order.

There is no receipt. Nothing. It's just great.

Sounds good. It's cash. All cash. Yeah. Wow.

Very cool. We ate on that stuff for, for like three days. Was it good?

Oh yeah. It was great and free. It tastes great.

Cause it's free. I was going to say that's what made it taste great. The verse of the day today is coming from Deuteronomy chapter 11, verse 12, a land for which the Lord, your God cares. The eyes of the Lord, your God are always on it from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year. I'm glad it wasn't about stealing, but I think that there's something to that. You know, this land that we love, we've been talking a lot about the election. We've been talking a lot about the election results and people's reactions to it. And we'll, we'll kind of dive into that a little bit more today, but I think it's all born. And Dr. Sean, maybe you can speak on this too, is that it's all born from this place that it's like, man, I just love this nation. I love this land that God has given to us. And that's why we care so much about how it's run.

I have said it before in the past couple of shows, and I'll say it again. Americans have been under some immense stress over the past five some years. It began in the 2019 somewhere there.

And then of course the pandemic years and the riots and all that, that went on. And then the election and the past two years have been very stressful and just to have that burden lifted and to feel God's blessing flowing again. It's great. It's wonderful. And I know there are people out there who may have a different viewpoint and I'll sit down and talk to you one-on-one.

If I had time, I would, I probably won't, but it's, you need to really understand that we have been through some stress. Yes, true. I have certainly noticed that since the, since the election results came out. You know, the people around me, at least those who, who voted for Trump have kind of had that sense of relief. And it's also a little shocking to read some of the comments like, hold on now. It's going to get rough.

It's going to get hard. All your freedoms are getting taken away. I'm like, what, what world are you living in? I've been feeling the same thing. Like I don't understand where all this very apocalyptic it's, it's, it's pure imagination.

And I don't even mean that as a pun, like, like a Gene Wilder thing. Like which, which, which freedom is taken away? Oh, of course. You know, abortion.

Were you planning on getting one? It's like, no, but I mean, I think it's a woman's right. And I think it should. So it's like, why are you so stressed about social issues that don't apply to you in this immediate context? Maybe one day do, but you're hinging your next four years on these social issues when you can't even afford to eat. You can't afford to buy groceries.

And this is what's causing you the most stress. I don't know. You know, that kind of leads us into today's Clearview Current. You want to hit your script? I would be happy to.

Go for it, man. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the Clearview Current, where we cut through the chaos of today's headlines with a clear Christian perspective. We're here to keep you up to date on what's going on in the world, big or small. Talking about people who are not reacting well to recent American developments. Dr. Shah, there is a new social trend that's going on among, I want to say radical feminists, although I don't know that they would classify themselves as that.

But I mean, I think we're just going to call a spade a spade. It's called the 4B movement. Have you ever heard of it?

No. So it's big on TikTok right now. And when I say big, I mean like almost every single video in my algorithm is just 4B. It's trending hard.

I've not seen like, I think since like the bear versus man thing, I don't think I've seen anything trend this hard. Yeah, this says that, you know, Google searches related to 4B surged in the hours following the U.S. election results. 4B is a movement, it's a radical feminist movement that started in South Korea. And it's basically, in short, it's a vow to just completely swear off men. We're done with men. And when I say swear them off, I don't, I mean like litigatively, I think it's four like no's, which is no sex with men, no marrying men, no dating men.

What is the fourth one? No having children. No having children, none of that.

And so you're basically swearing yourself to a life of singleness and celibacy. It's apparently big in South Korea. And in the wake of Donald Trump's victory, it's becoming, people are calling for it here in America. Yeah. Is this real? It's for real.

It's for real. People are crying for this, this attempt to, what is this? It says extricate yourself from the patriarchy, this move away from men. It's, you know, a response to the election results, but I feel like it's a much deeper issue than that. That's kind of been brewing.

You know, we heard things like the Me Too movement. We heard things like, uh, feminist arguments for, uh, for or against various things. But this is kind of the latest iteration of that.

Latest what? Iteration. So he said the secret word, but it wasn't iteration. It was extricate. But he did say, I miss extricate. I thought you, I thought you saw it cause I was looking at you and you were looking at him. It was extricate. I thought you saw it.

So you're trying to trick me with that iteration? That's funny. But, but it is, it's, it's kind of crazy. It started in 2017 and now it's starting to gain more attention in 2019 in the, in the wake of Me Too. And then I think it died a little bit and now it's coming overseas to where... So what's with the women in Korea?

What are they, what are they want? So I haven't seen, I haven't gone through it in Korea. I don't know if you have. Yeah. So it's began, it says in 2010 in South Korea.

And it's a radical feminist movement that would, like we said, swears off men. And this kind of was birthed... Is it North or South? South. Okay. That does make sense. It's hard. Yes. It's hard to gauge how widespread it is because on TikTok it's everywhere. But just like we've talked about... Really? Is it everywhere?

Right now it is. But you say that it has not shown up on my algorithm at all. That's all I'm seeing. So that's what I'm saying.

I don't, it's hard to gauge all different women, all different women. And, and it's hard to gauge what's out there versus just what's being fed to me. Because of the, because the day that Trump won, I was seeing maybe this might turn into a conversation about like how social media is not representative of reality. But the day after Trump won, I was getting videos of like liberals reacting to it and stuff like that. And so then this morning I had nothing but 4B. All like I couldn't, I didn't even have ads. I just had like 4B people, like 4B women talking about...

I would like to see that. See, see one of them and see how they talk or what they talk or how they're saying it. Because it's, it's ridiculous. It's like, you know, like Gandhi put himself on fast, right? I'm fasting, nonviolent movement to get rid of the British. I get that. Okay. I'm not going to eat until this happens this way. So is this like a nonviolent fast of a different kind?

I think so. I think there's elements of like, we're going to control the population in this regard. Like, because we're not having children anymore. And this is, I mean, there are some married women who are saying, I'm not going to have children with my husband because of this. And some of them are saying like, we're going, I'm listening to this one.

I want to make sure that doesn't have any foul language in it. But a lot of it is don't let them reproduce because the more men that are on the planet, the more it's hard to, it's hard to do that. The more men that are on the planet, the more oppressors we're creating as women. So we're going to stop. Some extreme, some even extreme examples have women divorcing their husbands, leaving their marriages in an effort to say we are behind it.

Just mantling the family. So one of them, some of the, some of the lesser extreme ones that I've seen are like, Hey, look, if you're out with a guy or you're, you're seeing guys stop talking to him until you know, for a fact that he respects you and likes you. And then you, and so a lot of them are going down that road. And so then there's, it's crazy cause there's a lot of conservative women who are saying, Hey guys, Hey, that's what we've been telling you all along. You've become so spitefully liberal that you're circling around and circling around to become conservative.

It's almost like one of those things you ever been on the playground and swinging in a swing set and you swing too high in the swing loops around like the pendulum has swung so far left that it's begun to loop back around and go. It's so left it's right. Right. Yeah.

Golly. I mean, it's crazy and it's the, I know we're laughing about it, but the enemy is behind this. Yeah. Yeah.

It's born, it's born out of spite and it's born out of resentment. And I think it's, it's I understand the whole women have problems and men aren't listening. I get that. And I get the frustration behind it, but at the same time, there's a, there's a vindictiveness that I think, I don't want to say they can't overcome it, but maybe you can word it better, that it's, it's the, it's how the enemy uses women. It's a distraction. Yeah.

Yeah. It's a distraction. It's, it's, um, it's keeping people focused on something so negative and, and yes, there are men out there who are bad. Not for a moment will I say all men are just great, wonderful people. No, there's some bad people out there. There are people who are married who are not acting right and behaving right in their marriages.

I totally agree. But to go to this extent to somehow punish them right by punishing yourself, it seems like that's sort of what it is. And they maybe they're not looking at it as a punishment for self, but it's hard for me to wrap my head around that when it's very much painting with the broad strokes that all men are bad. All men are this way. All men are oppressors. All men are predators.

So we've got to, we've got to stick it to them where we can. And I'm like that we can't afford to paint with broad strokes. You wouldn't want those same standards applied to you women. You wouldn't want us to just all women are naggers. All women are, you know, that would immediately be shut down. So why is it okay to say all men are evil, predatory, hateful, dismissive of women? Yeah, yeah.

This is a continued, this isn't a new thing. Like this was all over TikTok like last year with the whole, would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a man? And almost a hundred percent of women say I'd rather be alone with a bear cause I don't know what the man will do to me. And it was a very widespread conversation. We didn't talk about it on the show, I don't believe, because I didn't feel like by the time we got into it, it was already kind of passing, but it's the same conversation. And I think it's this age old problem. Maybe we should have had Nicole on the show. We could do like a part two to this about the conflict between men and women.

And I don't know if it's just super, super, super worse now, or if it's just super, super, super visible now, if that makes sense. It does make sense. I think what is needed is for church, for the church and for Christian families to teach what it truly means to be a man after God's own heart, a woman after God's own heart. We need to do that in church.

We need to do that in our homes. And I know we're not always perfect as a father, as a husband, as a man. I know I haven't always been perfect. So I know the enemy will remind you and say, hey, you lost your temper there.

What are you talking about? Self-control. So we'll have to overcome that and understand our weakness and our failure and still lean upon Christ, because it's not our righteousness, it's His righteousness. It's also learning to be humble and repent and seek God's forgiveness and healing and fullness of the Holy Spirit. And in that power, we begin to live the Christian life we're supposed to live.

So we'll have to overcome what the enemy will tell us and accuse us and still teach our children and one another and people in the body of Christ what it means to be a godly man. So I think the pressure is on us. Yeah.

Yeah. And I think one of the things that we saw, especially during this election cycle, was I think the American people, mostly on the right, but also a good bit on the left, are starting to see that the sexual immorality is getting too far. It's going way too far. Like it's gotten to a place where I think even people who are moderately liberal are like, we're losing control of this very quickly. Where you've got transvestites and you've got cross dressers actually interacting with our children. I think we're seeing this almost, like I know I said that as a joke earlier, but this almost seems like an overcorrection to get, I don't want to call it sexual purity, because it's celibacy out of spite, but you know what I'm saying? I don't, I wouldn't even put these women who are, and I'm assuming they're all just women.

For me as a female. You might get some like white knights men and they're trying to play the good guy. But I think it can only fill the role of an ally. Even then those women would swear off that man too.

Yeah. I wouldn't put them in a conservative camp. I don't think they're biblical.

I think they're completely off their rocker. It's to me, it's again, and I know there's somebody out there who's going to say, oh, you know, you Bible thumping fundamentalist. Well, that's fine. I mean, if you want to say that, but that's not who I am. I am Bible believing Christian. And I believe that God said, be fruitful and multiply. And he meant that we are to do that.

Whether the multiply is one kids or two or two kids or three or four or 15 that's between you and your spouse and God. We can't tell you that, but this again is a strategy of the enemy to, to, to attack the family, to attack the home. That's just the latest creative tactic in a whole roundabout way. In the same fight, in the same battle that the enemy has against the family, God's institution. And my heart goes out to any woman out there who is oppressed or hurt or been mistreated. I hate that. I'm so sorry that happens to you or has happened to you. That part, I totally want to be very empathetic and sympathetic with that. And hopefully you'll be able to find help, but for those who are going one step further and using this as the new invoke movement, you, you, you need to realize your actions have consequences and God is the one you have to answer to.

This behavior that you're doing, again, being very empathetic, sympathetic towards those who are hurting or in a relationship where you're feeling this, maybe marriage, though your husband is not the man who's supposed to be totally, my heart goes out to you. Having said that, taking this route is not the answer. It's not. And I think I like how you said that it's going to have consequences. And I think what they're, the mis, the misguidedness of a movement like this is they, they believe these women to believe that the consequences are going to be on men, like the patriarchy, the oppressors, when really the, the consequences are going to be on yourself primarily and then society as a whole, you know, we're in this movement even lasts.

I don't, maybe I'm, I'm not the one really to call movements, but I don't see it lasting a year, if that. Yeah. This, I mean, Satan, Satan has found very, and again, pray for me when I talk about the enemy, pray for yourself when you talk about the enemy, but he's found creative ways to attacking men and women. Yeah. True. That's a great point. And I never considered that when you said that this is an attack on the family. It's just, it's just a little bit further out.

He's pushing the can out a little bit. And I love what you said. The burden is on us as the church to reclaim God's design for the family, to reclaim God's design for marriage.

And to put that forth as the option, the best option for our young people. May God call you to be celibate. Let that be from God. Don't let a disappointment or a hurt or somebody's rejected you. Don't let that stop you from having the best life.

I've gone through breakups before and just one time, but it was, it was not fun, but Hey, thank goodness. I didn't stop and say, you know what? Done with, that's it. Down with love. What was the other movie is that? Down with love.

Let me look it up real quick. Down with love. Yeah. I forgot the name of that movie, but anyway, it was all down with love.

Uh, but, uh, I think it's just called down with love. That's a movie. Yeah. It was a 2003 movie.

We're in a Zellweger. Peyton Reed. Oh, directed by Peyton Reed. Yeah. That's even McGregor. Yeah.

Oh, we won himself. There he is. Yeah.

Down with love. Wow. And so, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. Yes.

It's, it's, um, I bet these women went and watched that movie. Yeah. It's like set up in the fifties type deal. Yep. That's the one. Yeah.

That's like down with love. That's it. Nicole likes that movie because in the end it doesn't work. Right. Right. In the end it doesn't work. She ends up falling in love with the guy. Yeah.

That's not how God designed us. Girls, ladies, we're down with love kind of thing. And in the end she got down with love. Yeah. Well, yeah. I didn't mean that in a sexual way. I meant like, hold on, hold on, hold on. I meant like, I meant like she, like, I'm down with it. I'm cool with this. Yeah. I don't think anybody would take it that way.

Just say, say lay. I wouldn't be opposed to keeping it. Okay. Let's keep it. All right, let's keep it. All right, cool. Here, you start us off.

Okay. So helpful for us and understanding these issues and how we as the church as believers need to respond. If you guys enjoyed today's episode, write in and let us know, 252-582-5028. Or you can visit us online at Don't forget, you can partner with us financially on that same website. Scroll to the bottom, click that donate button and let us know what's coming from our Cree Read Today show family.

John, what did we plug in as the episode ends today? Plug in Dr. Sean and Nicole's book, 30 Days of Praying for America, Daily Devotions to Heal Our Nation. You can get it on Amazon right now. Great, great book, As Our Nation Begins to Heal. You can also get our debut album, Heaven Here and Now by Clearview Worship. It's on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, anywhere you get digital music. We're going to get some of those resources like court charts, lyric charts available for your church ministries in the coming weeks.

That's right. Lots of great content coming your way. The rest of this week, make sure you guys tune in. We love you guys. We'll see you tomorrow on Clear Be Today.
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