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Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
August 24, 2023 10:37 am


Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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August 24, 2023 10:37 am


Hello. Praise the Lord. Hello.

Praise the Lord. Testing one two. Testing one two. Testing one two.

Testing one two. I am talking. Can you hear me? I am talking. Can you hear me?

I don't think they can hear me. There we go. Hallelujah. Hello children. I bring you love and greetings from America. Can you wave and say hello world? And can you tell everyone that Jesus loves them?

Say Jesus loves you. Let me see a show of hands. How many of you know that God loves you? And how many of you have asked Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life? Praise the Lord.

I am so excited to see all of your wonderful hands in the air. When I was a young boy, I didn't know about Jesus the way that I know about Jesus today. I had been taken to a church by my mom, but I didn't really understand God the way that I do now. And so by the time that I was 13 years old, I was facing a personal crisis in my life.

Did you not hear me? I said by the time that I was 13 years old, I was facing a personal crisis in my life. I had come to believe that I was unloved and I was a problem.

I believed and had a feeling that was very hopeless. And my mom went to a retreat, which is a place where number of ladies gathered to hear about Jesus. And she shared a story about her childhood. She had grown up as a little girl in a country called Czechoslovakia. Can you ask them to say Czechoslovakia? Czechoslovakia is a little country in Eastern Europe. And Czechoslovakia was taken over by some very evil people back in those days. A man by the name of Adolf Hitler took over Czechoslovakia.

Hang on one second, hang on a second, what are you doing? Let's see, there we go, now, why are we not finding the map? So can you see that map? Okay so that little green area right there, that is Czechoslovakia. And why can't I find that on a map? Unbelievable. What are you doing?

Let's try that. There we go, Czechoslovakia. Okay, and so there's Czechoslovakia and there's Germany.

And there was a very evil man that took over Germany and he invaded Czechoslovakia and captured that country. And so our friend Hansi was an orphan in Czechoslovakia. And she had been taken in by some relatives. But she studied really hard and she got the attention of some government officials. And so they took her from her relatives and put her in a government school and in government housing. And at that school they didn't teach her about God or about being a Christian. And so she grew up in that school believing a lot of lies.

And those lies made her feel very empty. At the end of the war that was going on, which we refer to as World War II, she had to run away and she came into an encounter with American soldiers. And those American soldiers gave her blankets and a Bible. And she got introduced to the God of the Bible and Jesus Christ. And she was told that God had a plan for her life.

I want you to recognize that this lady right here has a similar life experience to your life experience. She also is an orphan. But none of us are orphans in the eyes of God because we are children of God. And God used this orphan to help me know that I had value when I was little. And she introduced me to Jesus Christ. And so I made Jesus Christ the Lord of my life.

And the message that I want to share with you tonight is that God loves you very much. And that the decision that you have made to make Jesus the Lord of your life is the most important decision you'll make. I know that when you are very young and when you are very little, some of these ideas seem very big. But the most important thing you can know is that God has a plan for your life.

That you remember that God made you for a purpose. Sometimes when we're little, we know exactly what that purpose is. Like maybe we like to draw or we like to write. And so we know that God has given us a desire to be creative.

Or maybe He's given us a gift when it comes to a certain skill. Sometimes we don't know what that thing is that God has planned or purposed for us yet. And I want you to take comfort in knowing that wherever you are in that journey, you will be able to understand that with God, all things are possible.

Hallelujah. And I want you to know that you are in a community tonight that loves you. And we value the opportunity to be able to be a blessing in your life.

So I want to encourage you to study hard. I want to encourage you to get into the habit of reading your Bible. I want you to know that God wants to have a close personal relationship with you. And that the Bible is the book that teaches us about who He is. And that as you read your Bible, you'll learn who He is and you'll learn who He's created you to be. An example of Him telling you about how valuable you are is found in Psalm 139. Psalm 139 says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. That means that just like a painting God took great care in every stroke as He made you.

Let me read a little bit about what God's Word says to you in this Psalm and I'm going to ask that those that are taking care of you would take some time over the next week or so to read this with you. It says, O Lord, you have searched me thoroughly and have known me. That means that He understands the questions that you're having in your mind. He's involved in your imagination.

He's with you when you're asleep and He's with you when you're awake. The next verse says you know when I sit down and when I rise up my entire life and everything I do. You understand my thoughts from afar off. And you examine my path and my lying down. You are intimately acquainted with all my ways. And He even knows the words that we're going to say before they even leave our mouth.

In another place the Word says that He's actually counted the hairs on our head. That's how important you are to your Heavenly Father. So I want you to know that you're never alone, God is always with you. I want you to repeat these two things with me. I am loved, I am never alone. I want you to say that with me again.

I am loved and I am never alone. Now let me pray for you. Heavenly Father I thank you for these precious children. I ask you Heavenly Father to wrap your arms around them and to go through the natural barrier and to enter in and let them feel your presence.

Let them feel the warmth of your love in their very, very inner being. Fill them with your Holy Spirit. And I ask Father God that you would keep them on a course towards you. I pray protection over them right now in the name of Jesus Christ. And I also pray provision over them in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray also for provision and blessing over those that are housing and taking care of each of them. And I thank you Father God for each one of them. I pray Father that as they receive the clothing and the things that we have for them tonight, I ask God that you would cause these things to last supernaturally long. And I pray your blessing on those that have sown the seed and given for these orphans to have these things. Thank you Father God for the love you're pouring out upon them tonight and let them remain reminded that they are loved and they are not alone. Now fill them with your Holy Spirit presence in the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Now we will pray for Pastor Chicana and for his family and their human history and all the ministry that he has been doing with us. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray that you would cause these things to last supernaturally long. And I pray that you would cause these things to last supernaturally long. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

And I pray that you would cause these things to last supernaturally long. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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Whisper: medium.en / 2023-08-24 12:31:44 / 2023-08-24 12:39:27 / 8

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